Istana Negara, Jakarta, July 30, 2002, 11 AMOverthrow of Imperialism Puphet`s Mega-Hamzah Gouvernment !Build of Poor´s Gouvernment !PRD´s Action National Day program is immediate task of Indonesian peoples which aim to overthrow of Mega-Hamzah and replace by Poor Gouvernment. Poor´s Gouvernment is the gouvernment which based on coalition or unifying of people movement or democratic blocks since we have to unify all of forces into one body. Students movement, trade unions, peasents movement, urban poor movement, Political Party whose reformation programs, NGO, artist, Police/Military whom doesn´t have record of human´s right abuses and not involving of corruption, women movement, religious movement (Priest, ), National Liberation Movement of Aceh and Papua, and indigineous people must …
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