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Al-Rashideen Army to U.S.
Don't walk behind a mirage, we will fight you till the last man fallsThis is an interview with the leader of the Al-Rashideen Army "Adil Al-Zahawi" , published on Haq Agency.Tell us about the beginningAl-Rashdeen Army established at the first days of the occupation and began to collect weapons that were left in Rustamiya [Iraqi regular Army military camp] and the rest of the outskirts of Baghdad, and declared itself militarily, when fighters carried out an attack on the occupation army patrol after nine days of the occupation of Baghdad, and clashed with militants patrol police in the tunnel Karkh side of Baghdad after Friday afternoon prayers on (18/4/2003), we didn't not document these attacks with videos or images, because we didn't adopt this tactic at that time.Al-Rashideen Army … [read more]
With the People of Myanmar
Neither Than Shwe nor San Suu KyiSince mid August Myanmar is being rocked by popular protest.The triggering factor of the mobilisations has been the decision by the military junta to implement the directives of the World Bank and the IMF, i.e. to double fuel prices followed by different goods of basic needs. Having started spontaneously in the capital, these demonstrations have spread and become politicised. The step from demanding reduction of the price hike to demanding the end the hated military dictatorship has not been a wide one.The main opposition force, the National League for Democracy (NLD) of which Nobel laureate San Suu Kyi has been the icon for years, after a first moment of embarrassment, has been trying to channel the movement and to use it as pressure tool to force the … [read more]
Spanish state leashes out against Basque people
Free the 22 arrested Batasuna leadersFollowing a call by the Communist Organisation of Greece (KOE) which we fully support and extend to all democratic and anti-imperialist forces of the world:On October 2 the Spanish State arrested Joseba Alvarez, former MEP and actual International Relations Officer of Batasuna, Ohiane Agirre, spokeswoman of Batasuna, and Asier Tapia, member of the youth movement. The accusations against them, apart from being a mere pretext and clearly unfounded, are hardly hiding the decision of the Spanish State to refuse any substantial dialogue with the Basque People, who has times and again expressed, democratically and persistently, its will to be recognized the right of self-determination. We are now learning that an even more dramatic escalation of the … [read more]
Free Arnaldo Otegi, leader of the Basque liberation movement
Signature campaignThose of us who sign this document raise the necessity to release Arnaldo Otegi for the reasons exposed next:1 - We understand that the political interlocution is the basic instrument to maintain the necessary communication to forward alternatives, as well as to debate and negotiate them between the parts involved, in order to be able to articulate the political agreements with which the Basque Country will reach a scene of peace and freedom.2 - For that reason, we believe that Arnaldo Otegi's imprisonment is a very serious incident, since he is one of the main interlocutors of the Basque pro-Independence Left and, as it is publicly known he has carried out very important work in the search of a democratic solution to the political conflict that suffers the Basque … [read more]
No U.S. military base Dal Molin, Italy
European mobilisation to Vicenza Dec 14-16The Anti-imperialist Camp is supporting this movement and will participate with its own contingent. We will try to link the struggle against the American military bases in Europe with the solidarity and support to the popular resistance movements all over the world an especially in the Middle East against U.S. imperialism and its EU servants. We call upon our friends to join us and the organisers and to send your support messages.Appeal for European mobilization - 14-16th of Dec, 2007From Vicenza to the rest of EuropeDecember 14th, 15th and 16th: 3 days of European mobilization in VicenzaFor more than a year, the men and women of the city of Vicenza have been fighting against the construction of a gargantuan new US military structure which we do … [read more]
Haditha massacre: not murder but negligent homicide
by Frank Friedrich Kling, USAIn a further blow to American military jurisprudence, the Marine corp. squad leader responsible for an assault in Haditha, Iraq that killed 24 innocent men, women, and children will not be tried for murder based on the recommendation handed out today by the Haditha investigating officer, Lt. Col. Paul Ware. Lt. Col. Ware recommended to Lt. Gen. James Mattis, the commanding general overseeing the case, that Staff Sergeant Frank Wuterich previously charged with the murder of 17 Iraqis should instead face prosecution for negligent homicide. A conviction for negligent homocide would result in a maximum sentence of three years prison versus life for murder. Wuterich's attorney, Neal Puckett said, "We're both very pleased and also not surprised given how the other … [read more]
US sniper acquitted in murder of Iraqi civilians
by Frank Friedrich Kling, USAA U.S. military courts marshal has acquitted an army sniper, Jorge G. Sandoval, in the murder of two Iraqi civilians. Instead the military tribunal found Sandoval guilty of a much lesser offense of planting bomb detonation wires on one of the bodies to make it look as if the men were Iraqi insurgents. The soldier faces just 44 days of confinement for the lessor offense. A reasonable person must ask how a court could declare the men killed as innocent civilians, yet the army sniper did not commit murder. Does this not appear as a prima facie contradiction? Sandoval received warm embraces from his military lawyers after the verdicts were announced in a courtroom located on the former grounds of President Saddam Hussein and which is not part of a massive … [read more]
3000 years of prison demanded for 23 people!
Turkey: political trial scheduled for Oct 26Following the fascist Turkish state`s terror and wave of detention on communist and socialist organisations as well as individuals in September 2006, hundreds of communists and revolutionaries had been arrested and 80 of them detained. Many conspiracies against communists detained on September 21 which was the second wave of attacks or later were revealed and a large number of the imprisoned were released. However, the 23 prisoners who had been arrested and detained during the first wave of attacks will be taken to court on October 26 for the first time, 13 months after their detention. The files of the 23 revolutionaries and communists, who had been detained on September 8-12 2006, have not been accessible for 9 months and the charges … [read more]
بالأمس اليهود، واليوم المسلمين
تظاهرتين في فيينا ضد العدوان على إيران ومع حق تقرير المصير العربي الإسلامي تظاهر يومي الجمعة 28 والأحد 30 أيلول (سبتمبر) مئات الناشطين السياسيين في العاصمة النمساوية فيينا ضد العدوان الغربي وضد الاحتلال وتأييدا لحق … [read more]
CP (Maoist) pulls out of Nepal govt
abbreviated press communiquà© 24 September 2007. A World to Win News Service. Warning that "the country is now at the frontier of a big revolutionary possibility and an awful accident", the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) has left the government. In a reversal of policy, it announced a programme of mass street protests to "disrupt all ongoing election plans", namely the Constituent Assembly initially to be held last June and now scheduled for 22 November. In April 2006 a mass upsurge forced the king to bring back the parliament he had suspended. A seize-fire was declared in the ten-year people's war that the CPN(M) had been leading. In November of that year, the party signed a 12-point Comprehensive Political Agreement with the seven parliamentary parties to form an interim government … [read more]
The Hidden Facts
Statement by the 1920 Revolution Brigades, Iraq Free people of the world, we believe it is time to provide you with another updated report on the status of the war as we in the resistance factions perceive. We have several indications from the fields and from within the puppet government in Baghdad that the tactics used by the occupation forces have developed, yet the strategic aims that drive them, remains the same and in order to clarify the nature of such developments we must return to the facts. The invasion of Iraq was based on lies mainly as we all must not forget, that the previous government was stocking weapons of mass destruction and had links to the infamous Al-Qaida. After the initial stages of this war, the world discovered the scale of the White House deception. To avoid … [read more]
Indian democracy as a tool against national liberation
Message to the People from Irengbam Chaoren, President, Revolutionary People's Front (RPF) of Manipur on the occasion of the 29th Rising Day of People's Liberation Army (PLA)My dear Countrymen,First of all, I vow my head in veneration and respect to all my beloved fellow countrymen. Also, I offer revolutionary salute to all the martyrs who led the revolution from the front and sacrificed their lives for the revolution.It has been now 58 years since Manipur has been under the colonial domination of India. But India has so far refused to recognize and admit that Manipur had been an Independent country that was forcibly annexed to her fold. Instead, democracy has been used as a powerful and effective weapon for drawing the people of Manipur in the Election process in an attempt to show that … [read more]
"Only democracy in Mideast": Israel exterminates inner Arab opposition
Abnaa elBalad condemns the Comrade Mohammad Khalaf injustly sentenced to 12 years of imprisonment Tel Aviv, 11/9/2007 - A panel of 3 judges of the Tel Aviv District Court sentenced today comrade Mohammad Khalaf -Abu-Tahreer, (a 56 years old member of "Abnaa elBalad" movement, carpenter & a grandfather & father of 4 children, the youngest of them 10 years old) to 12 years of imprisonment and 3 years suspended incarceration. The state prosecution had requested a sentence "much longer than 10 years" for the charge of "contact with a foreign agent" (namely, wael Zakleh from the west bank, who was employed by our comrade as a worker in his carpentry) and "assisting the enemy at time of war" "making a service to terrorist organization" (allegedly buying for Zakleh fertilizers that can be used … [read more]
Prof. Sison released
Different to earlier statements Jose Maria Sison was released from costudy on Sept 13, 2007We so far have not been informed about the reasons of this turn-around regarding earlier statements (see below). We know only the statement of Sison upon his release:Friends, Warmest greetings! I am deeply pleased and thankful that the Rechtsbank has decided to release me from detention. You cannot imagine how happy I am. It is extremely painful and humiliating to be subjected to solitary confinement and tough interrogation under overheated lamps. The ordeal is acute because I am innocent of the false and politically-motivated charge leveled against me. I have nothing to do with any murder. This is against my moral and political principles. I am a teacher by profession who loves the exchange of … [read more]
Abu Ghraib torture officers eventually acquitted
Aquittals also for perpetrators of Haditha massacreIn response to the November, 2005 Haditha, Iraq massacre of 24 unarmed civilians by U.S. Marines and the Abu Ghraib prison torture episode, Bush administration officials made every assurance that those responsible would be held fully accountable. Originally Pentagon officials reported the deaths of the Haditha civilians due to an improvised explosive device (IED). When this account was determined to be false military officials stated the deaths occurred during cross-fire between Marines and Iraqi insurgents. The true cause was first reported in March 2006 based on accounts from survivors and human rights groups. In retaliation for an IED killing one Marine infantryman, other Marines went on a rampage that first killed five unarmed men … [read more]
Hungarian Communist Workers' Party threatened by political trial
Free speech under attackTwo years of imprisonment threaten the whole Presidium of the Hungarian Communist Workers' Party. On the 21 September 2007, Friday, the City Court of Szekesfehervar (Hungary) in the capacity of the court of first instance will hear the case against the whole Presidium of the Hungarian Communist Workers' Party. President Gyula Thürmer and 6 other members of the Presidium of HCWP are accused "in libel made in public". According to the Criminal Code of Hungary they can be sentenced maximum to 2 years of imprisonment.We ask your solidarity. We ask you to condemn the political process going on against the HCWP. We ask you to organise in September meetings in front of the Hungarian embassy in your country, demanding to stop the process against the communists and to … [read more]
Free Jose Maria Sison!
by Intl Committee DEFENDThe International Committee Defend condemns in the strongest terms the unjust arrest this morning, August 28, of Filipino political exile Prof. Jose Maria Sison, by the Dutch Police, on trumped-up charges, and the simultaneous police raids in Utrecht on several houses of Filipinos, including the NDF International Information Office. The arrest of Professor Sison came after the Philippine Supreme Court dismissed several politically-motivated cases filed against him and several others. The case filed against him by the Dutch police are similarly politically-motivated and must be dismissed immediately.Also, the European Court of the First Instance in Luxemburg on July 11, annulled the inclusion of Professor Sison in the European Council's 'terrorist' listing because … [read more]
ندوة في منتدى الفكر الاشتراكي - عمÙ'ان
اشكاليات المشروع النهضوي العربي ومعوقاتهالثلاثاء 28/8/2007 الساعة 7:00 مساء في مقر رابطة الكتاب - جبل اللويبدةيتشرفمـنتـدى الـفــكـر الاشـــتـراكـيوبالتعاون معالجمعية الفلسفية الاردنية بدعوتكم لحضور ندوة اشكاليات … [read more]
نداء من الـ"النهج الديمقراطي" لمقاطعة الانتخابات
نــــــــــــــــــداء النهج الديمقراطي يدعو الجماهير الشعبية لمقاطعة الانتخابات التشريعية لـ 7 شتنبر [أيلول، سبتمبر] 2007 أيتها الجماهير الشعبية، المغرب خلال هاته الفترة الانتخابات التشريعية وهي المحطة التي … [read more]
رسالة مفتوحة من النهج الديمقراطي - المغرب
حول حرمانه لشبه التام من الحق في الإعلام العمومي، وخاصة الإعلام السمعي - البصري النهج الديمقراطي - المغربالكتابة الوطنيةرسالة مفتوحة الى: السيد الوزير الأول، السيد وزير الاتصال، السيد وزير الداخلية، السيد رئيس … [read more]