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A New Nepal can emerge only by smashing the reactionary state!
Press Release by the Communist Party of India (Maoist) Depositing arms of the PLA under UN supervision would lead to the disarming of the masses!On 5th November the CPN(Maoist) had entered into an agreement with the government of Nepal which stipulated that the PLA would deposit its arms in seven designated cantonments while the government's armed forces too would deposit an equal number of arms. These would be placed under the supervision of a UN monitoring team while the keys of the lockers of PLA arms would be with the Maoist party. It was also agreed by both sides to dissolve the present Parliament and form a new interim Parliament with a share of the seats for the Maoists, to form an interim government with some portfolios for the Maoists, and … [read more]
Krigsmotstånd eller krigskritik?
En kritisk granskning av en skendiskussionav Anders PüschelUSA:s demokratiska parti vann kongressvalet i november pॠmissnöjet med den republikanska Bush-regeringens krig i Irak. Man ska dock inte tro att varesig det demokratiska partiet eller de flesta som röstade pॠdem är principiella motstà¥ndare till den kränkning av Iraks oberoende som ockupationen innebär, och de krigsförbrytelser som den har medfört. De folkliga kraven i USA pॠatt landets trupper ska tas hem bottnar i omsorgen om de amerikanska soldaternas liv och lem mer än i nà¥gra hänsyn till Iraks folk och dess rätt att bestämma själv i sitt eget land. När nu det ena förslaget pॠtrupptillbakadragande efter det andra läggs fram i USA, är de ändॠglädjande som symptom pॠ… [read more]
Long live Africa-Venezuela Solidarity!
Congratulations, HUGO CHAVEZ!From: The Sierra Leone People's Democratic League (PDL).To: His Excellency, Dr. Hugo Chavez,President, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of Venezuela, Caracas.Date: 5th. December, 2006.Your Excellency:The Sierra Leone People's Democratic League (PDL) heartily congratulates Your Excellency on the resounding victory at the just concluded Presidential election, internationally judged as most democratic, peaceful, honest and transparent, especially your election for the third term, to continue the mantle of leadership as President, and Commander In Chief of the Armed Forces of Venezuela. Your Excellency re-election is a victory for continuity of the vision and mission of the great Bolivarian Revolution, for freedom and dignity. It is a testimony to Your … [read more]
Røster fra Irak
Motstand eller borgerkrig?Seminar i Norge pॠlørdag 16. desember 2006, kl 11-17 i Oslo Konserthus, Lille SalToneangivende personer fra den sivile delen av motstanden mot okkupasjonen i Irak kommer til Norge for ॠgi sin versjon av hva som skjer i landet, og om framtidsutsiktene:Shaykh Jawad Al-Khalisi, sønn av lederen for 1920-opprøret mot britene, respektert talsperson bà¥de for sunnier og sjiaerHashem al-Hashimi fra venstrefløyen i al-Sadr-bevegelsenKamal Majid, kurdisk forfatter og intellektuell som er for Iraks enhetHind Al Naemi Kjà¦r fra Iraks Patriotiske AllianseIrakiske kulturinnslagEntre: 50 kronerArr: Det Arabiske Hus, Arabisk Kultursenter og Komiteen for et Fritt IrakSe for mer informasjonSpørsmà¥l og eller … [read more]
A call for help
from the family of a murdered Iraqi prisoner in a US jail We the undersigned, the family of the martyr Jamil Mohayssen al Dalla Ali Al Ani. We beg those in charge, the human rights organization and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and all the Human Rights Organizations all over the world to help us please get the body of our father may the Lord rest him in peace.. Our father whose death announcement ordeal was announced to us in the US Occupation jail at Buca where he was detained.. He was jailed under the number of 300456 and his name is Jamil Mohayssen al Dalla Ali Al Ani. Our father didn't suffer from any disease and we have no idea and we don't know the cause of his death in the US detention camp.. We did go to Buca jail and we were told that he was transferred to … [read more]
Iraqi resistance congratulates Chavez on victory
"looking forward to build the international front against imperialism"The Honourable Excellence Sr. President Hugo Chavez, President of VenezuelaIn the name of the IRAQI RESISTANCE and the National Patriotic Islamic Front (NPIF) we send our warm congratulations for the great victory you have achieved. It is a tremendous and remarkable victory not only for Venezuela, but a success for all the oppressed masses struggling against imperialism all over the world. In Iraq, we are very pleased and we consider your victory as a victory for us and for all the revolutionary people. We assure you that we will continue our resistance against the US savage occupation and we are sure that we will defeat US invaders and liberate our country. Our faithful wishes for Venezuela's people to achieve more … [read more]
Down with the Siniora govt!
A majority within all Lebanese sects against the U.S. puppet regimeIt was predictable that the imperialist stooges in Lebanon would try to counter the advance of the people's resistance movement achieved by defeating the Israeli aggression of last summer.Against the demand of the patriotic an popular coalition led by Hizbollah and the Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) of former general Aoun for a stronger institutional representation, the Hariri-Siniora clique set a tribunal against Syria for the alleged involvement in the killing of former prime minister Rafiq Hariri. In doing so they are being backed by their masters in the West including the U.N. with its respective resolutions.As Hizbollah and its allies where just kicking off their campaign for either new elections or a unity government, … [read more]
Italy: Leaders of Anti-imperialist Camp absolved from membership in terrorist organisation
Trial continues for support to international terrorismOn April 1, 2004, three leaders of the Anti-imperialist Camp together with two Turkish militants of the Revolutionary People's Liberation Front (DHKC) were arrested for alleged membership in a terrorist organisation. The arrest has been accompanied by a powerful media campaign to discredit and criminalize all those supporting the Iraqi resistance which just had sprung up foiling the Euro-American attempts to establish full global control. As the Anti-imperialist Camp was the main promoter of the Iraqi resistance in Italy, it became also the main target.After one month the authorities had to release Maria Grazia, Alessia and Moreno as the amalgam constructed was untenable and an international and national solidarity campaign exerted … [read more]
Kennen Sie Belgien?
Kommentar von Charlotte Malterre Das Flachland, die frittierten Muscheln, der gute König Baudouin, - neben all diesen Klischees gilt auch jenes des demokratischen Staates, welcher die Menschenrechte achtet. Tatsächlich ist Belgien aber ein Land welches seine Bürger und Bürgerinnen wegen der "Verbreitung von Dokumenten" zu Haftstrafen verurteilt. Wüsste man es nicht besser, man würde sagen eine Bananenrepublik, eine ehemalige Sovietrepublik, aber doch kein Mitgliedsstaat der Europäischen Union, oder gar ein europäisches Land… Und dennoch... "Am 7. November 2006 wurde Bahar Kimyongür, ehemaliger Sprecher des Büros für Information der DHKC in Brüssel, zu fünf Jahren Haft verurteilt, eben aufgrund der Tatsache Information aus der Türkei über die Situation in … [read more]
Für ein neues bolivarisches Mandat!
Veranstaltung und Feier, Sonntag, 3. Dezember 2006, OKAZAm 3. Dezember finden in Venezuela Präsidentschaftswahlen statt. Die Wiederwahl von Hugo Chávez gilt nach allen Umfragen als sicher. Wie werden die USA und die venezolanische Opposition reagieren? Das US-Außenministerium gab bereits eine Warnung an US-Staatsbürger in Venezuela heraus, sich für die Tage nach den Wahlen mit Lebensmitteln zu versorgen, für den Fall der Störung der öffentlichen Ordnung. Was wird ein neues Mandat von Präsident Hugo Chávez für Venezuela bedeuten?Die sieben programmatischen Schwerpunkte von Chávez für den Wahlkampf sprechen von einer Vertiefung der sozialistischen Ausrichtung des bolivarianischen Prozesses. Wird es gelingen, neben den erfolgreichen Sozialprogrammen, auch einen grundlegenden … [read more]
Worn-out Palestinian leaders are plotting to get back to power
Interview with Dr Ibrahim HamamiInterview with Dr Ibrahim Hamami on the occasion of a public meeting in Vienna with William Izzara, long-time military companion of Hugo Chavez, the anti-imperialist president of Venezuela.Q: The attempts to build a national unity government in Palestine failed so far. Why and who carries the responsibility?We have two different sceneries, two different ideologies. One of them would like to take part in any sort of negotiations regardless of the outcome. They want us to recognize the right of the occupation to exist in our land, they want us to recognize all the previous agreements and they would like to denounce terrorism which is the legitimate resistance of the Palestinian people against the occupation.The other side is basically saying we are not going … [read more]
Nicaragua: a defeat for the U.S. but no victory for the left
Alejandro Bendana* Did the left lose? Not quite. One might first ask what is the left, what does it mean to be left in 2006, what does it mean to be left in 2006 in Nicaragua, and is the victorious Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) that left? This is not to fall into a post-modernist relativist trap, because indeed there are permanent "indicators", as it where, that throw light on the social and historical significance of the return of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) to State power -- and indeed on the profound transformation that the FSLN has experienced in recent years. Historically, the surest indicator that something was progressive was the knee jerk hostility of the United States Government, more so in its own "backyard". Throughout the electoral campaign, … [read more]
Antiterroristlagstiftning, politiska rättigheter och internationell solidaritet
Deklaration frà¥n den internationella konferensen sammankallad av den danska föreningen Oprør (Uppror) i København den 18-19 november, 2006Det av USA ledda "kriget mot terrorismen" hotar oss alla. Försvara yttrandefriheten, de mänskliga rättigheterna och den internationella solidariteten!Vi uppmanar alla rörelser för demokrati och internationell solidaritet att tillsammans med oss utmana bà¥de enskilda länders och överstatliga organs antiterroristlagstiftning, de internationella "terroristlistorna" och det sॠkallade "globala kriget mot terrorismen".Genom nu gällande antiterroristlagstiftning har olika länder försökt begränsa sina medborgares yttrandefrihet och politiska rättigheter, inklusive rätten att ge moraliskt och materiellt stöd till motstà¥nds- och … [read more]
Ahead of the Venezuelan elections: voices of the Bolivarian revolution in Europe
Bolivarian Venezuela is ready to re-elect president Hugo Chavez, thus confirming the anti-imperialist project and driving it into a socialist direction. The pre-electoral imperialist threats as well as the campaign by the internal opposition against the will of the majority of the Venezuelan people was the motive to organise the "solidarity congress for Bolivarian Venezuela and the re-election of Chavez" which was held in the German city of Duisburg on October 28 and 29.The congress organised amongst others by the Anti-imperialist Camp was attended by important delegations from Venezuela, Latin America in general as well as Europe. Its aims were:1) Inform about the electoral campaign and the perspectives of the popular movement under the conditions of a new mandate to Chavez.2) … [read more]
Solidarity Congress with Bolivarian Venezuela
The solidarity congress held in Duisburg, Germany, on 28/29 October, 2006, expresses its support for the popular movement, the Venezuelan people and its government under the leadership of president Hugo Chavez which has become a focus of the struggle against Yankee empire.The Venezuelan and international representatives as well as the participants of the congress convey their full solidarity to the current campaign for the re-election of Hugo Chavez for the presidency on December 3, 2006. As part of Europe's anti-imperialist movement based on the right to self-determination, national sovereignty and resistance against the US empire, we consider ourselves part of the liberation struggle conducted by the Venezuelan people and its president heading toward an international order without … [read more]
US-led 'war on terror' threatens us all
Declaration of the Copenhagen international conference 'Anti-terrorism legislation'Declaration of the Copenhagen international conference 'Anti-terrorism legislation, political rights and international solidarity', convened by Opror ('Rebellion', Denmark), November 18 - 19, 2006:The US-led 'war on terror' threatens us all. Defend freedom of expression, human rights and international solidarity!We appeal to all movements for democracy and international solidarity to join us in challenging national and supranational anti-terrorist legislation, the international 'terrorist lists', and the so-called 'global war on terror'. Through present anti-terrorist legislation, states have attempted to curb the freedom of expression and the political rights of their citizens, including the right to … [read more]
Referendum in South Ossetia
Anti-imperialists recognize the right to self-determination against NATO ally GeorgiaWe, members of different political organizations from several European countries, support the struggle of the people of South Ossetia to gain its independence. In our opinion this struggle joins into a wide range of anti-imperialistic struggles world-wide. It is directed against the interests of the United States in the Caucasus region and thereby it is an important contribution in the global struggle against US-imperialism. We are convinced of the fact that the referendum is a first, important step toward self-determination. The speculation in some medias, that this struggle for independence is inspired by the Russian imperialism, has no material basis. Because Russia does not have an interest to shift … [read more]
Germany confirms expulsion of Awni al Kalemji
Int'l law and free expression = danger for public safetyIn spring of 2006 Awni al Kalemji, spokesman of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance (IPA), was scheduled for a tour which should have brought him to address conferences in Berlin and Hamburg. He had been invited by the German "Free Iraq Committee" as well as the German section of the Anti-imperialist Camp.The police, however, prevented the tour to take place blocking the venues with massive deployments. Kalemji was arrested and expelled from Germany. The police claimed that he had called for criminal acts referring to his support to the Iraqi resistance.Kalemji took legal action which eventually was turned down confirming the expulsion from which flows the denial of any future entry. The arguments put forward by the German justice shows how … [read more]
Solidarity delegation to Lebanon
The resisting Lebanese people still need our supportThe latest political developments in Lebanon confirm the urgency of a solidarity delegation. It is necessary today to bolster the legitimacy of the resistance alliance including their armed forces against the escalating pressure of the 14-March forces led by the Hariri clan and supported by the USA and their allies.The delegation is intended as a part of a solidarity project with the Lebanese Arab and Islamic resistance against the imperialist and Zionist attempt to control the country..The delegation will leave to Beirut on November 12th and will stay in Lebanon until November 20th.The activities have been planned in coordination with the Lebanese activist group "Nashet" and include:1. Solidarity camp in a boarder village, where … [read more]
Death sentence to US Muslim Gadahn for voicing support for al Qaida
Habeas corpus denied now also to "enemy non-combatants"Adam Gadahn, a 28-year-old US citizen and a member of the Moslem faith believed to be living in Pakistan, was sentenced to death on Oct 11, 2006 by US Deputy Attorney General Paul J. McNulty through a charge of treason. In addition, a one million USD reward for Gadahn's head was advertised by a secretive private NGO located in the United States. In addition to the above actions, Gadahn was placed on the FBI's 10 most wanted list. It would sound like Gadahn is a very dangerous person! In the entire history of the US, charges of treason has only been even alleged about 30 times and the charge has not been used since shortly after World War II. Yet McNulty was quoted in the Washington Post as stating "the government has no information … [read more]