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Union of Islamic Courts establishes jurisdiction over Mogadishu
U.S. backed warlords defeatedTuesday, June 06, 2006To: United Nations Political Office in Somalia, UNDP Resident Representative, The League of Arab Nations, African Union, Organization of Islamic Countries, IGAD, European Union, Department of State, United States Government, United States Embassy in Nairobi, Italian Embassy, French Embassy, British Embassy, German Embassy, Djibouti Embassy, Norwegian Embassy, Swedish Embassy, South African Embassy, Egyptian Embassy, Nigerian Embassy, Saudi Embassy, Yemen Embassy, Sudan Embassy.Date: June 5, 2006The Union of Islamic Courts in Mogadishu, have decided to break the silence between us and the international community. We made this decision in order to clarify the situation in Mogadishu and to bring the true picture of the conflict in the … [read more]
Awni al Kalemji to address anti-Bush demonstration in Vienna
Pro-zionist left splits mobilisationWar president Bush, scheduled to come to Vienna on June 21, will face protest action also in Austria as in nearly any other place in the world he is coming to. The amplitude and resonance of the mobilisation reflects the widespread popular feeling against the American Empire imposing its rule by the permanent war.The most important element is, however, not quantity but quality. The coalition of forces organising the protests invited Awni al Kalemji, the spokesman of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance, as one of the main speakers. This means that the Iraqi Resistance, in favour of which al Kalemji will speak, has gained a lot of terrain in comparison to the past years. We just want to remember the vicious campaign of isolation and criminalisation not only the … [read more]
Anti US riot in Kabul brutally repressed
by the Left Radicals of AfghanistanThe shocking massacre by US and coalition forces in Kandahar last week is not yet forgotten and the blood of innocent people is not washed away, and the tormented people of Afghanistan are drowned in an ocean of blood by US forces in the north of Kabul once again.On 29 May 8:00 AM, a military convoy of the US coalition forces on the way from Bagram military base to Kabul crushed and demolished more than 30 private vehicles and dozens of people along both sides of the jam-packed road in Khairkhana Kotal. It is worth to mention that due to the concentration of more than three million people in Kabul and outdated traffic system, narrow roads and on the other hand about half of the roads of the middle of the city are being blocked by US embassy, US related … [read more]
Unrest in Garments Sector : Whose Responsibility,Whose Interest?
by Mohammad Basirul Haq Sinha Country has observed the largest garment worker uprising in Bangladesh from 22 to 24 May'06. Although this sector earns 80% of the foreign currency the laborers do not have proper employment contract, standard working hour (8 hours per day), weekend, leisure hour,! break to drink water or pee, proper toilet facilities, medical leave etc. Whether one likes it or not things have turned even nastier and more violent than it was 35 years ago. The well-to-do upper classes' indifference to the growing chaos and suffering of the poor much more noticeable in Bangladesh than what prevailed during the turbulent days of 1966 or 1969. It is shocking and sickening that while the deaths of five students by police firing on February 21, 1952 stirred up the entire … [read more]
After US massacre in Kandahar: withdraw occupation troops!
by "Left Radicals of Afghanistan", JalalabadYes, ISAF is imperialist type cooperation!Last week the US and coalition forces under the name of "ISAF" (Assistance and Cooperation) heavily air attacked civilian in Panjwai district of Kandahar province. The air attacks launched after the armed opposition started their military operation against invader forces led by US in Kandahar. Following the heavy deadly fighting, that imposed numerous casualties to the imperialist forces and local government, made the USA and coalition forces wrathful to take revenge in the area where the attacks were carried out. So, they turned fire on poor villages of Panjwai where according to US and local government resources around one hundred are dead and according to people and witnesses that reported to the … [read more]
5th Inter'l Conference against Disappearances
Final declaration of DiyarbakirThe 5th International Conference Against Disappearances, was gathered in Diyarbakır in between May 16th and 20th, under the main title "War and Occupation: Human Rights Violations, Torture and Disappearances". 300 delegates from the countries; Argentina, Chile, Canada, India, Sri Lanka, Spain, France, Bulgaria, Germany, England, Palestine, Switzerland, Holland, Colombia, Greece, Finland, South Korea, Turkey and Northern Kurdistan attended the Conference. We believe that gathering this conference in Diyarbakır, an opening gate to the Middle East, where war and occupation creates great human rights violations and a city located in the center of Kurdish geography where the people have been suffering disappearances/deaths under arrest, extra judicial … [read more]
Demonstracija za uresniÄ?itev avstrijske državne pogodbe
Že leta izkoriÅ¡Ä?ajo politiki in "domovini zveste/a" skupine/združenja (kaj je boljÅ¡e) situacijo slovenske manjÅ¡ine za izražanje politiÄ?ne moÄ?i. Neredko celo provocirajo državno pravo in prezirajo odloÄ?be ustavnega sodiÅ¡Ä?a. Po avstrijski državni pogodbi naj bi bil Ä?len 7, ki med drugim zagotavlja slovenski manjÅ¡ini dvojeziÄ?ne topografske napise že davno izpoljnen. Prej ali slej si moramo staviti vpraÅ¡anje, Ä?e po temtakem nahujskano prebivalstvo sme odloÄ?ati o izvedbi manjÅ¡inskih pravic.ZAHTEVE KSÅ Å D-ja SO:- postavitev manjkajoÄ?ih dvojeziÄ?nih krajevnih napisov na podlagi spoznanja avtrijskega ustavnega sodiÅ¡Ä?a (2001)- pripoznanje slovenskega jezika kot deželni jezik- izolacija KHD-ja ter KAB-jaDvojeziÄ?ni krajevni … [read more]
Sison takes legal move against "Black list"
Jose Maria Sison versus council of European Union, case t-47/03 about "terrorist listing" before the European court of first instanceOn Tuesday 30 May 2006 from 9 :30 a.m. onward, the Court of First Instance of the European Communities will examine the legality of the antiterrorist list adopted by the Council of the European Union in the case of Filipino professor Jose Maria Sison. Can the Ministers of the 25 European countries qualify a person as a terrorist and exclude him from economic life with neither evidence nor due process? The stake is crucial for all the defenders of fundamental rights in Europe.On 28 October 2002, the Council of the European Union adopted the decision 2002/848/EC by which Mr. Jose Maria SISON as a natural person and the New People's Army (NPA) as a group or … [read more]
Iran Target of Apparent Disinformation Ploy
24/5/2006 · by Jim Lobe, Inter Press Service
The article by a frequent contributor to the Wall Street Journal, Iranian-American Amir Taheri, was initially published in Friday's edition of Canada's National Post, which ran alongside the story a 1935 photograph of a Jewish businessman in Berlin with a yellow, six-pointed star sewn on his overcoat, as required by Nazi legislation at the time. The Post subsequently issued a retraction. Taheri's story, however, was reprinted by the New York Post, which is owned by media baron Rupert Murdoch, and picked up by the Jerusalem Post, which also featured a photo of a yellow star from the Nazi era over a photo of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Another neo-conservative publication, the New York Sun, also noted the story Monday, claiming that the specific report that … [read more]
Anti-imperialist forces consolidate network during meeting in Greece
A first balance sheet of the International Anti-imperialist Anti-capitalist MeetingFrom 4-7 May, 2006 the "International Anti-imperialist Anti-capitalist Meeting" (IAAM) took place in Athens, Greece. It was organised in parallel to the European Social Forum (ESF) intending to propose alternatives to latter's neo-reformism and civilism. From the very beginning of the anti-globalisation movement the Anti-imperialist Camp together with various other fraternal forces have been contesting the movement's paradigm embodied by its former icon Toni Negri: "Globalisation does away with the nation state and also with imperialism. Thus another world is possible within or beyond (which is synonymous) this capitalist world."The American imperial war drive has falsified all these assumptions and Negri … [read more]
Copenhagen conference on anti-terrorism legislation, political rights and intl solidarity
18 November 2006On Saturday, November 18, 2006, the association Oproer ('Rebellion', Denmark) is hosting an international conference in Copenhagen on European anti-terrorist legislation, democratic rights and international solidarity. Our specific intention is to challenge the 'terrorist list' of the European Union, and to defend the principles of internationalism and solidarity which are threatened by the so-called 'global war on terrorism'. The Copenhagen Conference seeks to implement the International Appeal addressed by 'Rebellion' (Denmark) in May 2005 to a large number of international solidarity organisations. In this appeal, we urge the organisations to challenge the increasing erosion of political rights within the European Union. Through present legislation, European states … [read more]
India: Lend Support to the ongoing revolutionary movement in DK!
Condemn the Genocidal Fascist Attacks going on in the name of 'Salwa Judum' in Bastar!International Appeal by Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF), IndiaIn the government action going on in the name of Salwa Judum in Bastar region of Chhathisgarh, India, not only have hundreds been arrested, tortured, murdered, gang-raped, but their entire economic lifelines have been smashed. Through brutal terror the government's aim is to extinguish the sparks of revolution taking place in the very heart of India. Over the last 25 years the people of the region have witnessed a great awakening.Over the past 25 years of struggle the Naxalites, as Maoists in India are known, awakened these tribals to a life of self-respect, smashing the cruel and brutal authority of the state machinery and establishing … [read more]
International Declaration of Athens
Conclusion of the Anti-imperialist Anti-capitalist MeetingWe, the undersigned, mass peoples organizations, students' and trade unions, antiwar and antiimperialist initiatives, parties and collectives, that met in IAAM in Athens from the 4th to the 7th of May and all those that participated in the organized debates and activities and in the great anti-imperialist, antiwar and anti-EU demonstration on Saturday 6 May, marching towards the US Embassy, the EU headquarters in Athens and the Greek Parliament, send our warm militant greetings to all anti-imperialist forces, to all toilers and youth, to the resistance and liberation movements, to the peoples revolutionary movements and to the progressive people all over the planet.We especially send a message of solidarity to the struggling Iraqi … [read more]
Hamas on the path to recognition?
by Lars Akerhaug, Oslo, NorwayRefugee minister Atef Adwan speaks in Oslo amidst a Palestinian political crisis After three days of meetings with politicians and organisations in Norway, the refugee minister of the Palestinian Authority closed his visit to Norway speaking to 200 people in a public meeting in Oslo. The visit comes as a part of a tour that also included Sweden. Adwan was also to go to Germany, Italy and Austria, which he eventually had to cancel. "I wanted to make as much as possible of my visit to Sweden and Norway" the minister explained. During his speech Adwan stressed the contradiction of the EU and USA pushing for the Palestinians to hold democratic elections, while when democratic elections were being held the USA and EU punished the Palestinian people. "They punished … [read more]
Awni al Kalemji in Vienna
Judicial enquiry in Germany turned downAwni al Kalemji, the spokesman of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance (IPA), will hold a public meeting in support of the Iraqi resistance in Vienna on May 19. He has been invited by the Iraq Community with whom the Anti-imperialist Camp has been closely co-operating since the aggression on Iraq in 1991. The trip of Kalemji follows the presence of Abduljabbar al Kubaysi, the secretary general of the IPA, in Vienna in March of this year. In co-operation with the Iraqi Community two meeting in support of the Iraqi resistance could be held with some 500 people participating. The success of the campaign is indicating that the solidarity movement for the Iraqi liberation struggle against the occupation could gain some terrain.The visit of Kalemji also confirms … [read more]
After Nasseria, Kabul
On the shameful decision of Communist Refoundation, Italy, to support the occupationBi-partite Italy these days is quarrelling about governmental positions and their benefices but not about troop deployments. On this matter the centre-left-right is unified more than ever in the common imperialist interest.It has become a kind of hypocritical rite being played after each fallen soldier according to which the Italian troops in Iraq as well as in Afghanistan are there to bring peace and humanitarian aid. The reality of war and occupation, the crimes committed against the people, all this is being systematically covered up.But this is not only hypocrisy, it is also a clear political choice. We have been witnesses of the way the centre left and right agreed on the plan to "withdraw" the … [read more]
Palestinian minister's visit to Sweden, Norway first breach of EU's boycott
Solidarity delegation plannedRecently the minister for refugees of the new Palestinian government, Atef Adwan, visited Sweden and Norway. While in Sweden he met representatives of the parliamentary opposition, in Norway even a meeting with a functionary of the foreign ministry took place.Given the hard-line Zionist position to starve the Palestinian people and to boycott its democratically elected government taken by the European Union on the US coat-tails, the Swedish decision to grant visa to Atef Adwan is already a political success as such. This is being confirmed by the aggressive Israeli reaction against Sweden calling its ambassador into the foreign ministry. Norway already before had dissociated somewhat from the US war drive by abolishing the "Black list of terrorist … [read more]
Their Grieving and Ours
On the Italian soldiers recently killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, by the Italian section of the Anti-Imperialist Camp"HERO": I. In antique civilisations; individuals of a semi-divine nature; endowed with exceptional virtues, authors of legendary feats. II. Extensive: whoever demonstrates extraordinary warrior values or is ready to sacrifice himself courageously for an ideal: to die as a hero, author of or able to undertake exceptional tasks."MERCENARY": I. Adj., one who serves others for pay, mercenary soldiers, who from the end of the Middle Ages and in the Renaissance served whoever gave better pay, fighting without passion and without faith. II. Professional soldier enlisted usually for single operations of warfare. (Grande dizionario della lingua italiana, Great dictionary of the … [read more]
Bahar Kimyongür arrested by the Dutch police
International Platform against Isolation Bahar Kimyongür, spokesman of the DHKC Information Bureau in Brussels and one of the defendants in the political trial in Brugge, was arrested in Holland in the night from 27th to 28th of April.The attempt of criminalization of progressive forces in Europe in collaboration with the Turkish regime, has reached a serious level and Holland has shown another example for this injustice. Bahar Kimyongür was arrested Thursday night, after the Dutch police stopped him in a car together with another person, approximately 40 kilometres from Amsterdam. Kimyongür's Belgian lawyer, Carl Alexandre stated that there wasn't any legal reason for his arrest. Bahar Kimyongür has neither participated in any violent action nor has the trial decision against him in … [read more]
Ortodox rabbin träffar palestinsk minister i Stockholm
Pressmeddelande av Irakkommittà©n i MalmöIdag kommer överrabbinen för den ortodoxa antisionistiska judiska församlingen i Wien, Moshe Arya Friedman till Stockholm särslikt för att träffa Palestinas flyktingminister, Dr Atef Adwan, som just nu besöker Europa. En gemensam presskonferens kommer att hà¥llas vid den Palestinska Delegationen i Stockholm kl 18. Rabbin Friedman har rest frà¥n New York särskilt för att träffa den palestinske ministern.Enligt tidigare planer skulle ett liknande möte hà¥llas i Wien, organiserat av Campo Antiimperialista. Dock beslöt den palestinske ministern nyligen att ställa in sin resa till Österrike, sedan myndigheterna där pॠen direkt förfrà¥gan uttallat att de inte önskar att den palestinske ministern besöker … [read more]