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Orthodox Rabbi meets with Palestinian Minister Adwan in Stockholm
Press release by the Free Iraq Committee of Malmö, SwedenToday the Chief Rabbi of the Orthodox Antizionist Jewish Community of Vienna, Austria, Mr Moshe Arya Friedman, will arrive in Stockholm exclusively to meet with the Palestinian Minister of Refugees, Dr Atef Adwan, currently visiting Europe. A joint press conference will take place at The Palestinian Delegation in Stockholm, at 6 pm. Rabbi Friedman has travelled from New York exclusively to meet with the Palestinian Minister.According to earlier plans a similar meeting was to take place in Vienna, organized by the Anti-imperialist Camp. However, the Palestinian Minister have recently decided to cancel his visit to Austria, after the Austrian authorities on a direct request have stated that they do not want the Palestinian Minister … [read more]
Police Brutality in Mexico
By John Gibler San Salvador Atenco, Mexico - At 7 AM this past Wednesday, May 3rd, state police blocked 60 flower vendors from setting up their stands at the Texcoco local market in the State of Mexico, about 20 miles east of Mexico City. The police beat and arrested those who resisted. The flower vendors called to the residents of neighboring San Salvador Atenco for help and the Atenco residents blocked the highway that borders their town and leads to Texcoco. The police response was overwhelming: hundreds of state and federal police, most clad in riot gear, arrived to lift the blockade. Atenco resisted, with machetes, clubs, Molotov cocktails and bottle rockets. The police tried to lift the blockade five times throughout the day, and five times they were repelled. The violence … [read more]
Frankrike nekar inresevisum - rundtur med Hamas inställd
Pressmeddelande av Irakkommittà©n i Malmö, Palestinska föreningen och Arabiska husetDet tidigare utlysta mötet i Malmö den 16 maj med Salah Mohammed Al-Bardawil, talesman för Hamas-blocket i det folkvalda palestinska parlamentet, är inställt pॠgrund av att Al-Bardawil har förvägrats inresevisum till EU av de franska myndigheterna. Besöket i Malmö var en del av en planerad rundresa i Europa, som skulle ha börjat i Frankrike.I Malmö undersöker vi nu dock möjligheten att Al-Bardawil söker visum för ett enskilt möte här, som i sॠfall kommer att hà¥llas vid ett senare tillfälle.De franska myndigheternas beslut, som dessutom har fördröjts flera gà¥nger, är ytterligare ett exempel pॠatt EU varken respekterar det palestinska folkets vid valurnorna … [read more]
France: blocus total contre les répresentants palestiniens
Lettre Ouverte aux Organisations et Associations par MSRPPMilitants du Mouvement de Soutien à  la Rà©sistance du Peuple Palestinien (MSRPP) et d'autre organisations, nous avons pris l'initiative d'organiser un meeting à  Ivry le 30 avril 2006 afin de donner la parole aux reprà©sentants du Peuple palestinien.Nous avons prà©vu la venue à  Ivry de Salah Bardawil, porte parole du Hamas au Conseil Là©gislatif Palestinien, de Rabah Mhanna, membre du bureau politique du Front Populaire de Libà©ration de la Palestine (FPLP) ainsi que l'intervention d'un membre des brigades des martyrs d'Al Aqsa.Nous refusons le boycott des à©lus palestiniens et des reprà©sentants de la rà©sistance.Avec nos propres moyens trà¨s limità©s nous avons donc conà§u, organisà© et financà© … [read more]
The Bolivarian revolution must go on -- 10 million votes for Chavez
Bolivarian congress in Europe to send solidarity delegation to VenezuelaIn forthcoming December 2006 the Venezuelan people will be called to the polls to decide over a renewed mandate for president Hugo Chavez. Since 1998 a huge majority especially among the poor classes has been confirming the Bolivarian transformation in seven elections or referendums.Seven years of Bolivarian revolution has changed the face of Venezuela: The old economic and political elites have been ousted from power. The oil resources have been recuperated by the nation. Significant socials reforms are being undertaken in the fields of education, health, labour and housing for the poor.The Bolivarian revolution is generating a strong international echo which already caused a change of relationship of forces in Latin … [read more]
From Caracas to Vienna
Representatives of antiimperialist popular movements calling for Bolivarian and antiimperialist unity on the occasion of the EU-Latin American summit in ViennaFrom May 10 to 13, European and Latin American forces critical to globalisation will hold the alternative summit "Enlazando Alternativas" in parallel to the official meeting of the European Union with Latinamerican heads of states due to take place during the Austrian EU presidency. Already at the World Social Forum in Caracas, Venezuelas's President Hugo Chavez had invited popular movements to form an antiimperialist movement able to act in practice. His criticism was explicitly directed against the anti-globalisation fora of the last years due to their incapacity to act. This had become obvious since important antiimperialist … [read more]
Stop the US-European isolation of the new Palestinian Authorities
Call to support the tour of a delegation of the Palestinian Authority in EuropeThe Palestinian people are facing a cohorted international pressure against the democratic will and choice of Hamas as the political representatives of the citizens and refugees living in the West Bank and Gaza. One of the most obvious proofs that the US obstruct democracy in the Middle East is the economical extortion campaign to force the government elected in the Palestinian elections 25th of January to kneel. The campaign is even worse considering that the US every year supports the occupant state Israel with huge sums. When the European governments now choose to stand behind the US extortion they once again show that they are fully on the side of the brutal occupation of Palestine.The US and European … [read more]
EU continues to negates visa for Hamas representatives
But they can subdue the resistance nor impede dialogueSalah Bardawil, spokesman of Hamas, and Mohamed Rantisi, brother of the killed leader of Hamas, were scheduled for a European tour including France, Italy, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Austria.But despite promising signals at the beginning France denied to grant visa. Doing so they just applied an European policy decision to isolate the elected representation of the Palestinian people. The EU is therefore liable for and implicated in the U.S.-Zionist crimes against the starving Palestinian people. This episode shows once and again that Europe is nothing but a slave of U.S. imperialism forming a section of the U.S. empire.The important news is, however, that Norway, which had already dropped the Black List, signalled readiness … [read more]
Egyptian judges protest
Dozens detained in clashes between police and demonstratorsDespite the presence of dozens of thugs and members of the police, hundreds of demonstrators in support of the judges managed to gather in front of the judges syndicate at 10.30 this morning. They were quickly cordonned off by police and surrounded by riot police carrying truncheons, as police was gearing up to sweep away the demonstrators.Downtown Cairo was since the early hours of this morning transformed into a chase between hundreds of demonstrators and Mubarak's henchmen. Nonetheless, hundreds of demonstrators managed to gather in front of the Ministry of Justice around the judges' march. The most significant was a protest by about 10 people which soon turned into hundreds, in front of the Ministry. Those gathered were … [read more]
Låt oss förbereda oss på att det kommer att bli värre
Campo Antiimperialista Italien om Romano Prodis segernederlagMitten-vänstern har vunnit valet, eller rättare sagt folkomröstningen om Berlusconi med en hà¥rsmà¥n. Men detta bekräftades inte förrän kejsare Bush till slut ringde till Prodi och pॠsॠsätt gjorde hans insättande i ämbetet verkligt.I och med att det nationella självbestämmandet har tagit slut, har även politiken dött av och allt som à¥terstà¥r är att fördela positioner och allmänna medel. Enligt Massimo D'Alema, president för Vänsterdemokraterna (Partito Democratico della Sinistra), är vallöftena vaga och det som verkligen räknas är vem som fà¥r vilket uppdrag. Padoa Schioppa, en välkänd, högt uppsatt bankdirektör har utsetts till ekonomiminister och Fausto Bertinotti, ledare för … [read more]
Danish association Oproer ('Rebellion') granted permission to appeal to Supreme Court
The Board of Appeal has granted spokesperson of the Danish association 'Oproer' (Rebellion), Patrick Mac Manus, permission to appeal the confiscation of the association's international appeal to the Supreme Court.'Rebellion's' international appeal was removed from the association's homepage by order of the Copenhagen Magistrate's Court on 12 August 2005. This injunction was upheld 14 October 2005 by the High Court. In May 2005, 'Rebellion' addressed an international appeal, in both English and Spanish, to almost 300 European democracy and solidarity movements, urging them to counter the threat to political and civil liberties posed by anti-terrorism legislation, and, in particular, to challenge the 'terrorist list' of the European Union by mobilising material support for resistance … [read more]
Let's prepare for worse to come
Italy's Anti-imperialist Camp on the victory-defeat of ProdiThe centre left has won the elections or better the referendum on Berlusconi by a hairbreadth. But the confirmation was given only after the imperator Bush eventually called Prodi thus making his investiture effective.With the end of national sovereignty also politics died away and their remains only the distribution of seats as well as of the public resources. According to D'Alema, president of DS, electoral promises are vague, what really counts is the assignment of offices. Padoa Schioppa, a well-known senior bank manager, is designated minister of economy and Bertinotti, chief of Communist Refoundation, will become president of the chamber of deputies. These are signals emitted in different directions which, however, well … [read more]
The Navigators
Dienstag, 2. Mai 2006, 19 UhrEngland 2001Regie: Ken LoachDrehbuch: Rob DawberLänge: 95 MinutenSprache: Deutsche FassungDienstag, 2. Mai 2006Beginn: 19 UhrOKAZ, Gußhausstrasse 14/3, 1040 Wien THE NAVIGATORS, angesiedelt in einem Eisenbahndepot im südlichen Yorkshire Mitte der 1990er Jahre, zeigt die Privatisierung des britischen Eisenbahnsystems von innen heraus, aus der Sicht der unmittelbar betroffenen Arbeiter, just zu dem Zeitpunkt als der Zusammenbruch von Railtrack im realen Leben stattfand und so die katastrophalen Konsequenzen der neoliberalen Privatisierung (wie zum Beispiel folgenschwere Unfälle wegen zu geringer Wartung) sichtbar machte. THE NAVIGATORS ist die Geschichte kampfbereiter Arbeiter, die sich gegen die herrschenden sozialen und ökonomischen … [read more]
Appeal to Stop the Most Heinous Kind of Displacement of Tribal People in Chhattisgarh, India
Honourable President,Since the past 10 months from June 2005 the Chhattisgarh government under Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Raipur, actively aided by the Congress-led UPA government in Delhi, had unleashed a brutal military campaign under the smokescreen of peace campaign or salwa judum. In this short period, around 670 adivasi (tribal) villages and hamlets were either completely or partially burnt, or their inhabitants completely evacuated in Dantewara district alone. A band of hooligans and gangsters have been propped up by the politicians and officials to carry out most heinous activities on the people particularly adivasis. Over 150 adivasis were murdered in cold blood by the security forces and salwa judum gangsters. Crores of rupees worth of property of the poor adivasis was … [read more]
Final blow to the Nepalese monarchy
Call by the CPN (Maoist) for a general strikeCommunist Party of Nepal (Maoist)Central CommitteePress Statement1.The countrywide mass movement launched according to the understanding reached on November 22, 2005 and March 19, 2006 between the CPN (Maoist) and the seven political parties is heading for victory with unprecedented mass participation, people's resistance and the sense of sacrifice. Thwarting all kinds of repressions including the fascist curfew and prohibition order against the general strike, disobedience movement and huge mass demonstrations particularly after April 6, 2006, the active and encouraging participation witnessed on the part of lakhs and crores of the masses of all levels and strata including peasants, workers, students, women, dalits, ethnic people, teachers, … [read more]
Withdrawal: between announcement and reality
First reaction of the Free Iraq Committees after the Italian electionsThe elections have passed with a quite different result then expected. But on Iraq, on the withdrawal of the occupation troops, the electoral campaign said close to nothing. We are faced with a bi-partite silence which corresponds to an identical policy of both the left as well as the right. The line which has unified the two poles is to withdraw the Italian contingent within 2006 but by reconfirming the servile alliance with the U.S. This means a new presence in Iraq painted in civil colours.For the new centre left government with it's extremely weak majority one of the most important and awaited decisions will be the one on Iraq.A month ago Piero Fassino, the secretary of the Democratic Left, has given the line: … [read more]
Tillbakadragandet av italienska ockupationstrupperna?
En första reaktion frà¥n Italiens Irakkommittà©er efter det italienska valetValet har lett till ett helt annat resultat än det som förväntades. Men i frà¥gan om Irak, om tillbakadragandet av ockupationstrupperna, sades nästan ingenting under valkampanjen. Vi stà¥r inför en tystnad frà¥n bà¥da sidor som stämmer överens med den uppfattning som vänster och höger har gemensam. Det ställningstagande som har förenat bà¥da sidor är att dra tillbaka den italienska truppkontingenten i à¥r, men pॠett sätt som bekräftar Italiens servila allians med USA. Det betyder att Italien ska vara kvar i Irak, men i civila kläder.För den nya center-vänsterregeringen, med dess extremt bräckliga majoritet, är beslutet om Irak ett av de viktigaste och mest emotsedda.För en … [read more]
France: Hamas, Pflp speak out
Meeting of solidarity with the Palestinian people's resistanceIncreasing colonisation and discrimination against the Palestinians accelerated by the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, blockade and shelling of Gaza, killing and house destruction in the West Bank, arbitrary detention and the torture of prisoners … the day-to-day situation in occupied Palestine confirms the constant will of the successive Zionist governments, i.e., to colonise Palestine, expel a maximum number of Palestinians from their land and consequently repress ferociously all forms of resistance.Each passing day, the state of Israel further violates the basic rights of the Palestinian people. Still, however, it is not against this intolerable situation that the international powers, the European Community … [read more]
Participants Anti-imperialist Anti-capitalist Meeting
Athens 4-7 May 2006International ParticipationsInternational League of People's Struggle (ILPS)ILPS Turkish SectionATIK - Confederation of Workers from Turkey in EuropeATIF - Federation of Workers from Turkey in GermanyATIGF - Federation of Workers and Youth from Turkey in AustriaITIF - Federation of Workers from Turkey in EnglandFITIF - Federation of Workers from Turkey in FranceATIK-DG-NDY - New Democrat Youth - TurkeyATIK-Yeni Kadin - ATIK-New Woman - TurkeyFront for Rights (HOC) - TurkeyAssociation of Families of Political Prisoners (TAYAD) - TurkeyLegal Office of the Peoples (HHB) - TurkeyFederation of Youth Associations (TSDF) - TurkeyCampo Antiimperialista Marxist Leninist Party of UkraineWorkers' Communist Party of Norway (AKP) Free Iraq Committee - NorwayFree Iraq Committee - … [read more]
France : Hamas, FPLP prennent la parole
Meeting de soutien à  la rà©sistance du peuple palestinien le 30 avril 2006 à  Ivry-sur-SeinePour faire entendre la voix de la rà©sistance, nous organisons une rà©union publique :Le 30 avril 2006, à  partir de 14H30, Espace Robespierre à  Ivry à  la sortie du Mà©tro Mairie d…?Ivry - ligne n°7Avec notamment les interventions de :- SALAH BARDAWIL, à©lu du Conseil Là©gislatif Palestinien, porte parole du groupe parlementaire du HAMAS.- RABAH MHANNA, membre du Bureau politique du Front Populaire de Libà©ration de la Palestine (FPLP)- Un membre des Brigades des Martyrs d'AL AQSAParce qu'il n'est pas de soutien và©ritable sans respect des choix palestiniens dans leur expression politique et dans leurs formes de rà©sistance, le MSRPP appelle tous les acteurs … [read more]