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Anti-imperialist Space
in the 4th European Social Forum of AthensEditor's note: We publish following statement to document the debate on how to form a coalition of anti-imperialist forces. As Anti-imperialist Camp, however, we strongly believe that it is the wrong choice to remain within the frame of the Social Forum as its leadership and its structures is organically linked to a a modern version of reformism. In substance they what to mitigate the contradictions of the imperialist system and not use them to destroy it. We believe that the anti-imperialist forces must organize independently outside the Social Forum. Only in this way they can conduct a fruitful dialogue with the forces within ready to co-operate on an anti-imperialist ground. Therefore the Anti-imperialist Camp supports and participates in the … [read more]
First Founding Conference of the Resistant Arab People's Alliance
Closing Statement The World is in a crisis...It is the crisis of the global counter-revolution manifested by the US neo-fascism that has swept the world in the name of the American "values" and for spreading the fake American "democracy"; it is the war that is characterized by paranoia, the worship of "force", enslaving people and the take-over of their resources. A war waged by the US Empire that has dug its grave in Iraq which turned into a swamp where the Imperialist authority has deteriorated and where the Arab people have risen in defense of their rights and existence. It is the counter-revolution that aims at making the Zionist entity a regional axis of hegemony and the deletion of the Arab history, identity and future. Thus it has moved to eliminate the resistance in Lebanon, … [read more]
Chad: opposition condemns French military intervention
The Action of the Chad for the Unity and Socialism ( ACTUS) condemns the French military intervention which saves the dictatorial regime of the President I. Dà©by.The Action of the Chad for the Unity and Socialism ( ACTUS) condemns with force the intervention of the French Army beside governmental forces to fight the forces of the opposition armed with the SCUD and with the RPJ. In a press release of March 22, the leader of the SCUD YAYA DILLO DJERROU accuses frankly the French air forces for having transported on the battleground " all the military material and the troops " governmental Chadian whereas " planes of surveillance " French followed " directly the movements of the troops of Scud ". Always according to this communiquà©, Idriss Dà©by " prepared the offensive from start … [read more]
Noam Chomsky and the Pro-Israel Lobby: Fourteen Erroneous Theses
by James Petras"…Reflexes that ordinarily spring automatically to the defense of open debate and free enquiry shut down - at least among much of America's political elite - once the subject turns to Israel, and above all the pro-Israel lobby's role in shaping US foreign policy…Moral blackmail - the fear that any criticism of Israeli policy and US support for it will lead to charges of anti-Semitism - is a powerful disincentive to publish dissenting views. It is also leading to the silencing of policy debate on American university campuses, partly as the result of targeted campaigns against the dissenters…Nothing, moreover, is more damaging to US interests than the inability to have a proper debate about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict…Bullying Americans into consensus on … [read more]
Anti-imperialists cannot stay within the Social Forum
The reasons why we participate in the International Anti-imperialist, Anti-capitalist Meeting in Athens (May 4-7 2006), by Manolis Arkolakis, ILPSIn early May, in Athens, the International Anti-imperialist, Anti-capitalist Meeting and the session of the European Social Forum will take place. These two parallel and politically antithetical international events raise again the issue on whether the anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist left forces should participate or not in the European Social Forum, if this participation is useful and significant. This discussion, and many times the dispute, particularly the recent past years has taken international dimension and concerns seriously many social and political movements. The Mumbai-Resistance 2004, the RESISTANBUL 2004 and other similar … [read more]
Austria: Iraqi resistance emerges from isolation
Anti-democratic campaign of pro-U.S. forces against al Kubaysi failedAll seats were taken at the two public meetings with Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi in Vienna on March 24th and 25th. On both days, about 200 people came to hear about the situation in Iraq and the perspectives of the resistance from the point of view of someone who is involved.Al-Kubaysi is one of the figureheads in the project to create a political front of the Iraqi resistance to unite all the different currents and organisations who fight against the occupation in various ways. From September 2004 to December 2005, al-Kubaysi had been a political prisoner of the U.S. occupation forces in Iraq. Now he has been touring Europe to speak at political meetings in Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Austria, and other countries.The … [read more]
Programme Anti-imperialist Anti-capitalist meeting
Athens May 4-7 2006Thursday 4/5/2006Main Panels18:00 Assault on democratic rights. Terrorist hysteria, Guantanamo, kidnappings, terrorist laws, black lists, white cells.Participants1. Naime Kara - TAYAD, Turkey2. Kostoula Kandilioti - lawyer, Greece3. Marina Meintani - journalist, Greece4. Dan Enriquez - Revolutionary Council of Trade Unions, Philippines5. Sandra Bakutz - journalist, Austria6. Thodoros Koutsoumpos - journalist, Greece7. Antonia Legaki - Committee for Constitutional Rights of Lawyers' Association of Athens8. Aliyah Brunner - ATIK, Turkey9. Dimitris Belantis - lawyer, Greece10. Kostas Avramidis - member of the Association Against State Terrorism, Greece11. Bertell Olman - Professor of Political Sciences N.Y., USA19:00 The imperialist … [read more]
Venezuela: Zamorra reclaims Caracas
Peasant march against corruption, bureaucracy, reformism - implement the contractsCommuniquà© of the National Peasant Front Ezequiel ZamoraWe, the peasant movement, take to the streets of Caracas coming from different federal states in order to get the contracts implemented which we have achieved by our struggles. We demand:1. Representation of the peasant movement within the institutional framework. Election of the functionaries. Compensation of the victims of violence by the big landowners. Appointment of special prosecutors and a special parliamentary commission to persecute the perpetrators of crimes against the peasants within the armed forces and the police.2. Implementation of the decisions of the Miraflores workshop: The results of this meeting between the peasant … [read more]
Illegal surveillance of Norwegian political supporters of the Iraqi resistance
by Free Iraq Committee NorwayThe Norwegian Committee for a Free Iraq has strong reason to believe that illegal surveillance of six of its members has taken place from October 2004 and further on for 15 months. The Committee demands to know if this presumption is correct and expects an apology.The Norwegian parliament's (Stortinget) supervisory committee for intelligence, surveillance and security agencies (the EOS committee) has recently published their yearly report for 2005. Among other things the report reads that the Police Security agency (PST) in 2004 registered 6 persons in their working registers on basis of "statements to the media encouraging giving support to oppositional groups that also used violent means and terrorist actions in their resistance to the regime in a state".It … [read more]
Because another world is not possible through the centre-left
International Anti-imperialist Anti-Capitalist Meeting Athens 4-7 MayBecause we live in a multiform crisis period of the system and the totality of gains and rights, the very life of workers and peoples across the planet have been targeted by an increasingly fierce assault from imperialism and capital. Because "another world is not possible" through the "centre-left" scenarios and the reformist concepts, prevailing in the various Forums. We - the organizers of the International Anti-imperialist - Anti-capitalist Meeting, Athens 4-7 May 2006 - INVITE:Every class conscious toiler and young activist, social and political organization, trade union and local entity, commission and association, in national and international scale, to coordinate our efforts in order to consolidate the mass … [read more]
Why we hold an independent Anticapitalist Antiimperialist Meeting In Athens in parallel to the ESF
by New Left Current Greece (NAR)For An International Anticapitalist- Antiimperialist Meeting In Athens On Spring 2006On the 4-7 May of 2006, Athens will be host to the European Social Forum. The conducts of Forums constitute international political events that affect not only the movements of the later years (movement against globalization and anti-war movement), but also the future of the international left movements. They give rise to several conversations and initiatives of all currents associated to these movements. Moreover, these events affect the political balances of every country, by strengthening several viewpoints or undermining others concerning the left and especially the revolutionary left and its perspective.We believe that it is necessary to underline our view in the … [read more]
Popular Campaign for the Support of Resistance in Palestine and Iraq and Against Globalization
Final Declaration of the Cairo Conference 2006The fourth Cairo Conference is taking place at the time of important and dangerous developments in the struggle against Imperialism and Zionism. In Iraq the armed resistance is continuing to spread against The American and British occupation and their agents, and the puppet government is becoming more and more paralyzed and isolated. But at the same time the occupation is persistently trying to instigate tensions between Sunnis and Shiites in an attempt to weaken the resistance, change its course and damage its image.In Palestine and despite the da ily killing and blockade by the Zionist army, the Palestinian people have again proved in the last elections that their choice is that of struggle and resistance. The Hamas victory was not only a … [read more]
Haj Ali: "Not accept status of victim, resist occupation!"
Symbol of unnamed torture victims in Abu Gharib visits TurkeyHaj Ali-al-Kaysi, the man behind the hood, visited Turkey in the name of solidarity against occupationHaj Ali-al-Kaysi who has become symbol of the unnamed torture victims of Iraq, after having been photographed while being tortured by electricity, hooded and wired at Abu Gharib Prison, visited Turkey for a "Solidarity for Iraq Meeting" last week. Al-Kaysi also visited some Islamic human rights and political organizations as well as Free Thoughts and Educational Rights Association- Ozgur-Der in solidarity and to exchange opinions.Haj Ali-al-Kaysi visited Ozgur-Der, central office 23th of March, Friday. Al-Kaysi met with Hulya Sekerci, Secretary General of Ozgur-Der and with Muslim writers, activists and intellectuals. Here … [read more]
Day of the anti-globalist resistance in Russia
Police repress protestsThis year it was mostly devoted to the memory of Slobodan Milosevic. Muscovites and St.Petersburgers also wanted to blame the USA imperialism for its crimes in Yugoslavia (bombardments in 1999 and riots in Kosovo in 2004), in Iraq and Afghanistan. We also wanted to support a little independent country Transnistria (Pridnestrovie) that does not want to enter the pro-western Moldova and now it suffers from economic blockade. And of course -to congratulate Lukashenko, who coped with the "velvet revolution" inspired by imperialists. Yet the meeting was forbidden - without reasons. In this situation Muscovites invited the Deputy of Duma - they have rights to organise a little meeting without preliminary admissions. When we gathered and began to prepare portraits of … [read more]
Not just one hooded man, but hundreds
Interview with Haj Ali on the Pentagon's imposture allegationsWhat is your reaction to the allegations in several newspapers based on US military sources, that you are not the man on the photos that became the symbol of abuse and torture in Abu Ghraib?Haj Ali: The truth to this is that I was not the only one who was tortured in this barbaric fashion. Almost all prisoners in the part of the prison that I was familiar with were tortured in this way. That doesn't change the fact that I was one of those who had to stand on that cardboard box, with a black hood placed over my head and electrical wires attached to my hands. As an Iraqi person who has gone through Abu Ghraib, I represent all those tormented people.What is the reason for this campaign to discredit you?Haj Ali: First they denied … [read more]
Bangladesh mobilisations against the occupation of Iraq
On the third anniversary of the US aggression on Iraq people agitated on the streets in Dhaka, Bangladesh for consecutive 2nd day against the ongoing occupation in Iraq today. The participants along with chanting slogans against war crimes committed in Iraq and Afghanistan demanded immediate and unconditional withdrawal of occupying forces from there. WE THE PEOPLE UNITED (WTPU) Bangladesh, a non-partisan citizens coalition along with Anti-War Movement (AWM) Bangladesh jointly organized the two-day events as part of the Global Days of Action declared by the antiwar activists worldwide.On the first day of action (March 19) a rally was held in the Muktangon (speakers' corner) of Dhaka.Representatives of seven organizations including the sponsor two addressed the rally. Echoing the call of … [read more]
Women in Israeli prisons
Newsletter March 2006 There are about 120 women political prisoners at present in Israeli jails: in Hasharon Prison (Tel Mond) about 107, in Neve Tirza Prison (Ramle) six, and several more in detention centers. 'Etaf 'Alyan, 42 years old, administrative detainee, from Ramallah, mother of a 16 months old baby. On 22 December 2005 she was taken from her house in Ramallah by the Israeli army to Hashron Prison (Tel Mond). Following an appeal, her six months' administrative detention order was reduced to four months. On 20 February 2006 'Etaf went on a hunger strike protesting her detention and demanding to have her baby with her. The prison authorities refused. Three days after she began the hunger strike the prison authorities transferred her, as a punishment, to Neve Tirza Prison (Ramle), … [read more]
Budapest: Demonstration against the war and occupation of Iraq
by the Hungarian Left FrontOn 18th of March 2006 an anti-war-demonstration took place in Budapest for the 3rd time. About 100 person participated in this demonstration which was organized by the Civil for Peace NGO. Some organizations joined this demonstration, like Attac Hungary, Alba Circle, János Kádár Friend Association, Hungarian Social Forum as well as the Hungarian Left Front.The demonstration started from the Liszt Ferenc Square and on the West Square we made a street theatre. At the Parliament we handed over a petition to the Prime Minister, Ferenc Gyurcsány. We would have liked to hand over a petition to the Embassy of the Unites States of America, but they as usual they did not accept it.At the Square of Freedom some speakers addressed the crowd, for example Pà©ter … [read more]
Italy: Al Kubaysi addresses Rome's anti-occupation march
Movement split over Prodi's governmental ticketOn the third anniversary of the US aggression on Iraq some 50.000 people demonstrated in Rome against the ongoing occupation in which Italy is implicated as the most important non Anglo-Saxon ally of Washington.Since the very beginning of the occupation the main divide within the movement runs between those who support the centre left coalition longing to seize governmental office on one hand and the anti-imperialist forces refusing to lend support of whatever side of the pi-polar regime on the other hand. Although the centre left led by the former president of the EU's commission, Romano Prodi, has promised to withdraw the Italian troops from Iraq they try to proceed without endangering the relations to the big brother in Washington. … [read more]
Vienna: al Kubaysi to speak out on the Iraqi resistance
Public meeting with Member of European Parliament and Social Forum's leaderAbduljabbar al Kubaysi, secretary general of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance (IPA), is scheduled to address the Austrian public on March 24 in Vienna. For a Arab community a separated meeting is planned for March 25. Kubaysi has been invited by the Anti-imperialist Camp.Al Kubaysi is mentor and spearhead of a common political front to be built by the forces of the Iraqi resistance and opposition to the US occupation. He was arrested by the US occupation forces in 2004 and kept as a political prisoner in the high profile detention centre at Baghdad's airport. In an attempt to relax the situation around the elections of December 15 as well as to woo parts of the Sunni-based resistance some dozen of high ranking … [read more]