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All posts of the category: Allgemein EN

Elections, Democracy and the Right of Return of Palestinian Refugees
by Palestinian Committee for the Right of ReturnAppeal to All Palestinians and Supporters of Democratic Rights(Appeal Issued by the Palestinian Committee for the Right of Return - French section)Elections, Democracy and the Right of Return of Palestinian RefugeesOn January 25, 2006, elections to the Palestinian Legislative Council will take place. This Council was created by the Oslo Accords of 1993 with the purpose of establishing a Palestinian Authority.According to these Oslo Accords - as per the will of the occupation force, that is, the state of Israel -- only Palestinians living in the territories occupied since 1967 -- Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem (an estimated 1.8 million people) will have the right to vote for the candidates of their choice in these elections.Prior to the … [read more]
Greetings from Russia to Bolivarian Venezuela
by Anti-Globalist ResistanceDear comrades,We wish you success in the activity of the Bolivarian Camp.Our alliance "Anti-Globalist Resistance" (Russia) looks with hope at the attempts of people of Latin America to pave the way to the better life. The President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez was proclaimed "The Anti-Globalist of Year 2005" by our supporters. Our website translates the news from Latin America into Russian. We hope, our solidarity will do away with "the new world order", with northamerican … [read more]
We do not want to be accomplices of US-crimes!
Vienna: demo on the 15th anniversary of the first attack on IraqNo to war, occupation, genocide, embargos and torture17 January 2006 marks the 15th anniversary of the attack on Iraq by the West in 1991. The resulting embargo led to the worst food crisis, killing around 2 million people according to the United Nations. Despite being a small minority, we demonstrated every year. The recent and illegitimate war in Iraq and the open claim for sole dominance turned the majority against the US-manipulations. Nevertheless the Austrian government keeps siding with Washington.Torture prisons in Poland and Romania, secret air transports of prisoners over Europe - including Austria -, and the rejection to allow Haj Ali, the most prominent torture victim, entry into Austria; the list of the obvious … [read more]
MLKP gathered 'Kurdistan Conference'
Marxist Leninist Communist Party (MLKP) of Turkey and Northern Kurdistan declared that it gathered "Ist Kurdistan Conference". The Conference was done by "MLKP Kurdistan Organization", which is the Kurdistan Section of the party."We will beat colonialism!Worker, oppressed, labourer brothers!MLKP Ist. Kurdistan Conference was done successfully between the 4th and 11th of November. The Conference, which was gathered by MLKP Kurdistan Organization -the Kurdistan Section of our party- began with a commemoration stand for all the martyrs of freedom and socialism of the world. The Conference opened with marches "Ey Raqip" (Kurdish national anthem, tn.) and International. After opening speeches in Kurdish and Turkish, the formation of conference council and the determination of Conference … [read more]
World Federation of Trade Unions confirms stance against US occupation of Iraq
Letter to Anti-imperialist CampWFTU WORLD FEDERATION OF TRADE UNIONS40, ZAN MOREAS STREET117 45 ATHENS GREECE Dear combatants of the Anti-imperialist Camp The World Federation of Trade Unions has a firm position against the United States Government aggression to Irak. In our 15th Congress, recently ended, a Resolution in this sense was adopted. Therefore, we support all those who like us, reject Irak's invasion by the aggressive policy that Bush administration is impelling. Particularly we appreciate the struggles of the forces that inside United States oppose to the violent attitude of its government. We are with you in the struggles you organize to push forward resistance to imperialist wars. We demand that your action is not stopped by the government of the USA and we demand … [read more]
Congrès constitutif de l'Alliance populaire arabe de résistance
Suite à  la rà©union prà©paratoire qui s'est tenue au Caire au mois de mars 2005 et aux dà©bats sur la nà©cessità© de crà©er une structure de coordination pour les activistes et les organisations populaires arabes, fidà¨les aux intà©ràªts de leurs peuples, qui refusent catà©goriquement les thà¨ses dà©faitistes et opportunistes et s'opposent aux projets impà©rialistes et sionistes, nous lanà§ons cette invitation ouverte pour participer au congrà¨s constitutif de l'Alliance populaire arabe de rà©sistance et sur la base des conclusions de la rà©union prà©paratoire.Date et lieu du congrà¨s : le Caire du jeudi 20 avril 2006 au samedi 22 avril 06Appel à  une Alliance populaire arabe de rà©sistance Sur la base de la nature des luttes dans le monde … [read more]
"Several prisoners died under torture"
Interview with Abduljabbar al Kubaysi after his release from US custody in Iraqby Kulu al-Arab *Basra, December 28, 2005 IraqSolidaridad (, January 3, 2006Translation from the Arabic for IraqSolidaridad by Houmad al-Kadiri Translation from the Spanish for the International Action Center by John CatalinottoKulu al-Arab (K al-A.): Can you summarize for us your period of imprisonment?Abdel Jabbar al-Kubaysi (A al-K): I was imprisoned for 16 months in the jail located in Baghdad International Airport at Camp Cropper, which is also the largest U.S. base in the country. At the beginning of my imprisonment, the U.S. interrogators showed folders to me that they said contained information on me starting from 1960. My interrogation lasted six months and, taken overall, was … [read more]
Arab Americans demand release of Sami Al-Arian
Despite being acqitted in a political process he remains imprisonedThe National Council of Arab Americans ("NCA") strongly urges US authorities to respect the verdict and immediately release Dr. Sami Al-Arian who has been rightfully acquitted of the most serious of terrorism-related charges. The NCA notes the jury declared "Not Guilty" eight times and did not return a single guilty verdict on any of the charges after a lengthy trial that included more than 80 witnesses and 400 transcripts of intercepted phone conversations and faxes. The jury verdict, despite a government-imposed adversarial atmosphere, makes it clear that Dr. Al-Arian's speech in support of the legitimate human rights of Palestinians, as reaffirmed by the United Nations and countless international bodies year after year, … [read more]
Danish anti-imperialists face trial for "terror support"
'Rebellion' has been charged on two counts with breach of 114 a (2) of the Danish criminal code by allegedly supporting "groups having the intent of committing terrorist acts".3 January 2006Confiscation and criminal charges against Danish association Update from the association 'Rebellion' (Denmark) 'Rebellion' is charged with the transferral of approximately 14000 Euro to FARC (Colombia) and PFLP (Palestine) in October of last year, whereas the second charge concerns a statement on Danish Radio/TV on 1 August 2005 by a spokesperson for 'Rebellion', announcing that it was in the process of collecting further funds in support of organisations on the EU 'terrorist list', and that it had appealed to democratic and solidarity organisations in the European Union to similarly challenge … [read more]
Anti-imperialists to head an Anti-imperial Front
Greetings to the Freedom Socialist Party USA to its 40th Anniversary Convention scheduled for January 13-16, 2006, in Portland, OregonDear Freedoms Socialists,We highly appreciate your steadfast anti-imperialist position which brings you to the unconditional support of the anti-imperialist struggles against imperialism led by your own country, for example the support to the Iraqi resistance. We know and we have seen that this means to be courageous as the right to express this view within the US is under sever attack.But for us anti-imperialism is not only a basic principle for communists it has become a strategic choice after the big historic defeat the communist movement suffered globally. In a certain sense it is the detour we have to make to reach the proletariat. The Western … [read more]
Boycott of Israeli goods on the rise in Norway
by Lars Akerhaug, International Officer, Red Electoral AllianceThe campaign for Boycott of Israeli Goods reaches new heights in Norway. 15.12.05 the Regional municipality of Sør-Trøndelag, in the mid-north of Norway, decided to boycott Israeli goods. The decision reads "boycott goods from Israel". The decision reads: "Now an international campaign is being set forth to boycott Israel. The Apartheid in South Africa was condemned by a whole world and this helped it come to an end. The Israeli occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and Golan has been condemned in the UN. In addition, the settlements on occupied territories are a violation against international court. The construction of the wall has been sentenced as illegal by the international court in Haag and the refugees are still waiting … [read more]
Life of Indian revolutionary leader saved
Letter of thanks for participating in the campaign for saving the life of comrade Narayan Sanyal alias Bijoy alias Prasad by the Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF)Dear friends,Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF) expresses its gratitude to all those democrats who have assisted in exposing the illegal detention of the Indian Maoist leader comrade Narayan Sanyal (Prasad/ Bijoy) who was detained by Andhra Pradesh police in Raipur, Chattisgarh for seven days.Finally comrade Narayan Sanyal was produced in a court in Kothagudem in Khamam district in Andhra Pradesh at 3 pm on 3rd January 2006 and sent for judicial remand for 15 days to Warangal Central prison. 22 criminal cases have been imposed on him, all of them are false and fabricated, which include Jehanabad Prison (Jail) breaking and … [read more]
International Bolivarian Camp - Anti-imperialist Meeting
Caracas, 23-30 January 2006The bolivarian and anti-imperialist forces meeting in Caracas, Venezuela, on the occasion of the Social Forum of the Americas, invite all revolutionary, anti-imperialist, bolivarian and popular forces as well as individuals to join the internationalist meeting taking place in Caracas in the historical working-class district "23 de Enero". The participating forces will share their experiences of anti-imperialist resistance against the US Empire and , focusing on the bolivarian process in Venezuela, discuss how to build a new socialism of the XXI century. The participant will also work to find ways for common structures for the coordination of activities to counter the imperial strategy of domination and oppression of the USA with an … [read more]
Zhou En Lai's 30th death anniversary
by Harsh Thakor, Mumbai, India On January 8th the Revolutionary world bows in memory of the Great Comrade Zhou En Lai, on his 30th death anniversary. His life story is a legacy in revolutionary history. Today the reactionary revisionist regime on China hypocritically use his name to discredit the Cultural revolution. The Chinese revisionists particularly utilized his name when they were carrying out the 4 modernisations programme.Sadly, today in the Maoist Revolutionary Camp several organizations discredit Comrade Zhou and term him a capitalist roader in Mao's time. The Revolutionary Communist Party of United States of America, is the chief promoter of this and in all their journals on the Cultural Revolution period blame comrade Zhou En Lai for the defeat of the Maoist forces. Similarly … [read more]
Occupation and collaborator forces storm the residence of Ayatollah Ahmad el Baghdadi
by Mohamad AburousOn December 29th, hundreds of occupation and collaborator regime troops stormed the residence and the office of imam Ahmad Hassani Baghdadi, in order to arrest him. Imam Baghdadi was absent and the troops occupied the buildings until January 1st. Baghdadi one of the major Iraqi Shiite references, leading a Shiite religious forum (Hawza) in Najaf.The background of this attempt was the fatwa of Baghdadi issued 10 days earlier concerning the elections in Iraq, calling them "illegitimate", being "held under the presence of a foreign occupation". The elections "will deliver a cover for the occupation forces to disguise there political poisons with nice names and coloured flags". Baghdadi called for a total boycott of the … [read more]
Norway drops EU terror lists!
A step away from EuroAmericaThe Norwegian government has decided to drop their support to the EU terrorist list! I must admit it, because it does not happen very often, but today, I am totally happy with the government's decision. This is of course very important, as the EU terrorist lists are one of the most important tools that are used against progressive and revolutionary forces, a striking example of many others being the case of Jose Maria Sison. This does not come from any kind of mass movement. Probably, the motivation here is that the Norwegian government, also during the last rightwing period, has seen problems in combining it's support for the EU terrorist lists and it's involvement in peace processes, most interesting here probably being the negotiations between the Gloria … [read more]
Condemn the detention of Com. Vijay alias Prasad, CC member CPI (Maoist)
Press Statement by the CPI (Maoist) Central Committee 30-12-2005 Demand the unconditional release immediately!!The Chattisgarh police arrested Com. Vijay alias Prasad on 27th of December night at Raipur City (Chattisgarh state). 48 hours elapsed so far. They are denying his arrest and refusing to produce him before court. The intelligence officials of Chattisgarh are interrogating in an undisclosed location and waiting for the arrival of the notorious and nefarious Special Intelligence Bureau (SIB) officials from AP. Com. Vijay alias Prasad has a glorious history of participating in the revolutionary movement. Following the call of Com. Charu Majumdar, he jumped into Naxalbari movement leaving his bank … [read more]
Condemn the detention of Com. Vijay alias Prasad, CC member CPI (Maoist)
Press Statement by the CPI (Maoist) Central Committee 30-12-2005Demand the unconditional release immediately!!The Chattisgarh police arrested Com. Vijay alias Prasad on 27th of December night at Raipur City (Chattisgarh state). 48 hours elapsed so far. They are denying his arrest and refusing to produce him before court. The intelligence officials of Chattisgarh are interrogating in an undisclosed location and waiting for the arrival of the notorious and nefarious Special Intelligence Bureau (SIB) officials from AP. Com. Vijay alias Prasad has a glorious history of participating in the revolutionary movement. Following the call of Com. Charu Majumdar, he jumped into Naxalbari movement leaving his bank job in West Bengal, and continued his journey till date. He went to Bihar to become part … [read more]
Haló Noviny beschämt DKP und KPÖ
Tschechische KP erlaubt Kritik an Besatzer-KP des IrakAm 21.11.2005 veröffentlichte die Zeitung der Tschechischen KP "Halà³ Noviny" ein Interview mit Ahmed Karim, einem der Exponenten der Patritischen Kommunisten des Irak. Die veröffentlichen Positionen sind durch die Antiimperialisten schon lange bekannt. Neu ist hingegen, dass sich eine "kommunistische Bruderpartei" von der KP Irak, die aufs engste mit den US-Besatzern kollaboriert, abzuwenden beginnt. Zuvor hatte sich bereits die spanische KP von jener des Irak distanziert und das Recht auf Widerstand gegen Besatzung eingestanden. Im Gegensatz dazu halten sowohl DKP als auch KPÖ an ihrer Unterstützung für die Besatzung und ihre Handlanger fest. Erst kürzlich wieder bestätigten sie diese Position in einer … [read more]
Senior leader of CPI (maoist) detained
Urgent Appeal of the Peoples Union For Democratic Rights for the liberation of Bijoy alias PrasadOn the evening of 29 December 2005, we received information from PUCL Chhatisgarh about a CPI (Maoist) leader and Central Committee member, Mr. Bijoy alias Prasad having disappeared from Raipur since the evening of 28.12.2005, where he had gone for medical treatment.   PUDR has recently highlighted the lawlessness with which police and paramilitary forces have been conducting themselves in anti-naxalite operations in Chhatisgarh. Tribals in Bastar are being killed by the security forces and the dead bodies are being disposed off without even a record. Given this context we felt there was an immediate threat to the life of the 67 year old arrested CPI (Maoist) leader. … [read more]