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For New Nationalistic Congruities among the Powers of the Iraqi Society
A Theoretical Document Presented to the Third Congress of The Iraqi National Coalition Conference Polarization forced on Iraq, the Arab and the South countries, sundry challenges, like, on the top of them, facing the American singularity and the increasing tendencies for dominating the world and trifling with the destinies of peoples and their social and economic choices. In the frame of these tendencies, stark fascistic and hostile policies against the rights and dreams of (non-American) peoples around the world, have been increasing within the successive American administrations since the collapse of the former Soviet Union. In this context, globalization seems to mean, in a certain way, a manner of Americanizing the world; and its mottoes have been used to pass ideas, programs and … [read more]
Burning Punjab - Post Mortem of Khalistani period
By Harsh ThakorThe following is a description of the people´s movement during the Khalistani period. It narrates how the State uses communalism and how only democratic forces can combat it. To democratic forces the world over the period of the Khalistani movement and the secular democratic resistance is a lesson.The Khalistani movement marked a historic epic in the history of post-Independent India. This reactionary communal fascist movement advocated the liberation of Sikhs and a separate state to be carved out for the Sikh people. Khalistani ideology advocated a separate theocratic state based on all the tenets of Sikhism.Jagjit Singh Chauhan was the founder of this movement in the late 60´s abroad. Natively from Punjab he had settled abroad and in Britain formed Sikh religious groups … [read more]
National Reconcilement and democracy: Our Way to Resist and Defeat the American Aggression
Press ReleaseThe Iraqi National Coalition has ended its third conference held in Paris in the period between the seventh and the ninth of February 2003, under the motto " National Reconcilement and democracy: Our Way to Resist and Defeat the American Aggression". Two hundred and thirty agents from the national Iraqi opposition parties, organizations, powers and figures, and a great number of representatives of Arab political parties and figures from Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Tunis, Algeria and Morocco have attended the conference. Moreover, many foreign political figures from Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Italy, Britain and France have attended the conference as well. During the conference, several foreign and Arab political figures talked and commended the … [read more]
Visit of the Delegation of The Iraqi National Coalition to Baghdad and its Talks with the Iraqi Offi
StatementThe delegation of The Iraqi National Coalition, headed by Mr. Abdel Jabbaar Al-Kubeisi, the president of the Coalition, and accompanied by the members: Aouni Al-Qalamchi, the Coalition´s official spokesman; Fadhil Al-Rubaiee, the media spokesman; Dr. Muhamad Jawad Faris; Labied Abdel Aziz; and Amir Al-Tharb, visited Baghdad after receiving an official invitation from the political leadership. During the period from 11-11-2002 to 18-12-2002, the delegation discussed several issues with high-ranked officials in Baghdad, concerning the national political work, democracy, and diverse-political-life regulating rules. The American-Zionist threats, of a devastating war against our country and people, and what one may need to resist these threats and enforce the national unity, headed … [read more]
Palestinian female detainees harassed and threatened
by Addameer, 6 February 2003On Thursday 30 January 2003, after an 8-day hunger strike in protest of their conditions of detention, Palestinian female detainees `Abla Sa`adat and Iman Abu Farah were transferred to Ramleh Prison within Israel`s 1948 borders. The transfer took place after the judicial review of their administrative detention orders, and it was understood that they would be transferred to a section of Ramleh Prison specifically for female political detainees.However, on Tuesday 4 February 2003, when Addameer`s lawyer Mahmoud Hassan attempted to visit the two women, he was not only harassed by the prison authorities, but also discovered that the women were in fact being held in a section of Ramleh Prison with Israeli female criminal prisoners. Advocate Hassan was searched … [read more]
"Democracy will help us to stand commonly against US aggression"
Congress of the Iraqi National CoalitionOn February 8 and 9 the congress of the Iraqi National Coalition will take place in Paris. About two hundred delegates are expected to represent the following components of this patriotic opposition:1. opposition wing of the Arab Baath Socialist Party, 2. Socialist Unity Party (of Nasserite orientation), 3. Arab Labour Party (Arab Nationalist - Marxist), 4. Arab Socialist Movement (remainder of the Arab Nationalists` Movement, mostly inclined to Marxism), 5. Kurdish Islamic Army, 6. Kurdistan Peace Party (an elite of Kurdish intellectuals and journalists), 7. patriotic current in the Iraqi Communist Party, 8. independent political and intellectual figuresIn a statement released on February 3 Abd al-Jabbar al-Kubaysi, the leader of the coalition, … [read more]
Peruvian left on the streets in support of Iraq
Anti-imperialist Co-ordination against the War formedOn January 30 several hundred protesters marched through down town Lima condemning the US war drive against Iraq. The newly formed "Anti-imperialist Co-ordination against the War" consisting of Movimiento Nueva Izquierda, Juventud Popular, PST, Unià³n Obrera Socialista, PRT, Unios, Comite Malpica, Alfa y Omega and Raà­z directed its mobilisations also against the regime of Toledo and the bourgeois opposition who both subserviently support the US in their aggression. The attempt of the government to use the "anti-terrorist war" to impose a new constitution providing the legal framework for the ongoing suppression of the popular struggles has been denounced equally. The final rally was closed with the slogan "all together on the side … [read more]
Hungary to ban anti-war demonstration
NATO member suppresses voices of oppositionThe demonstration against the impending war on Iraq scheduled in Budapest in the frame of the international day of action on February 15 has been banned by the authorities. Although the official reason was that the protest march would be an obstacle for the traffic a political background is obvious. In Hungary the US is using NATO facilities to train Iraqi mercenaries to participate in the war against the country. The organisers have announced to take the matter to court.Peter Szekely, Left Front, Hungary … [read more]
Solidarity with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Call for an international demonstration in CaracasThe situation in Venezuela gets tenser and tenser day by day. The reactionary opposition organised in the "Democratic Co-ordination" tries to step up the economic sabotage. In their strike against the oil industry they can count on the support of the trans-national corporations like Exxon. Those refuse to transport Venezuelan oil violating treaties in force. With their strike medium and big business is also trying to create food shortage. Simultaneously a destabilisation strategy of "low intensity intervention" is applied. With proposals for "mediation" and "crisis resolution" the opposition should be provided with international legitimacy weakening the elected government of Hugo Chavez and the constitutional order. Facing this danger … [read more]
Letter from Ahmad Sa`adat General Secretary of the PFLP from Jericho Prison
Issued Jan 14, 2003 Our Palestinian and Arab Masses, A year has passed on my arrest along with my comrades, and militant brother Fou`ad Shobaki. Without the need to expand on the ways, reasons, and the repercussions that resulted from the siege (siege of the Ramallah Compound), or the Palestinian and Arab efforts to end my imprisonment, this confinement that harms the Palestinian internal relationships in a time where six militants are in prison due to resisting the occupation!! Also the blatant violation of the Palestinian law resulted in having the three of us confined illegally, after the Palestinian higher justice court had ruled in two separate decisions to release brother Fouad Showbaki and my self, along with the ending of the court sentence against comrade Ah`ed Abu Ghoulma (a … [read more]
Addameer Representative to World Social Forum Detained by Israeli Authorities
23 January 2002Addameer Prisoners Support and Human Rights Association is concerned for the well being of Mrs. Abla Sa`adat, who is currently being detained by the Israeli authorities in an isolation cell at the Beit El military detention center, north of the West Bank city of Ramallah. Mrs. Sa`adat was detained at the Karamah Crossing (Allenby Bridge) to Jordan whilst on her way to catch a flight to Porto Alegre, Brazil to represent Addameer at the World Social Forum, being held from 24-28 January 2003.Mrs. Sa`adat left her home in Ramallah at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday 21 January 2003 to travel to the Karamah Border Crossing. The last contact with her family in Ramallah was at noon on Tuesday, when she called to inform them that she was still waiting to cross through the Israeli side of the … [read more]
Shin Bet confirms arrest of wife of PFLP leader
by News AgenciesSources in the Shin Bet security service confirmed Wednesday evening that it has arrested Abla Saadat, the wife of Ahmad Saadat, the head of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Abla Saadat, 44, was first reported missing earlier Wednesday. Family friends said Saadat was on her way to Jordan on Tuesday to fly to Brazil for a conference but had neither crossed the Allenby Bridge to Jordan nor returned home. They said she was last seen at an Israeli inspection area at the bridge terminal and believe she was arrested by the Israeli authorities. Some reports quoted a Palestinian as saying he saw her Tuesday afternoon on the Israeli side of the bridge terminal and she told him she was being arrested. Ahmad Saadat is in a Palestinian Authority prison in Jericho … [read more]
200,000 Anti-War Protesters fill Streets of San Francisco - 500,000 protest in Washington, D.C.
Report from Jan. 18, 2003, by the International Action CenterIn the largest anti-war protest since the Vietnam era, 200,000 protesters filled Market Street from Embarcadero St. to Civic Center in San Francisco to say "No War Against Iraq." It took four hours for the entire march to traverse the 1.7 miles from Justin Herman Plaza to Civic Center.A national demonstration held in Washington, D.C. drew a half million people. Sponsored by the International A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War & End Racism) Coalition, the protests were endorsed by thousands of organizations. Similar demonstrations were held in at least 30 other countries.Jan. 18 was a day of global protest against a U.S. war on Iraq. Simultaneous demonstrations were held in more than 30 countries, including Japan, Ireland, Egypt, … [read more]
Remove Prof. Jose Maria Sison (Philippines) from the Eu´s List of …'Terrorists´
International appeal by Committee DEFENDOn 28 October 2002, the Council of the European Union added Jose Maria Sison and the New People´s Army (NPA) of the Philippines to its list of …‘terrorist´ persons, groups and entities. This decision was taken by written procedure, without discussion or due process, without motivation whatsoever. Measures to be taken against the organizations and individuals on the list include "the freezing of funds and other financial assets or economic resources, as well as police and judicial cooperation". With this decision, the European Union toes the line of the United States. On 9 August 2002, the US State Department listed the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and the New People´s Army as …‘foreign terrorist organizations´, asking other … [read more]
End imperialist Globalisation, Fundamentalism and War
Statement of the People´s Movement encounters at the Asian Social ForumWe, the people´s movements of Asia have come together in Hyderabad from 3-7 January at the People´s Movements Encounters at the Asian Social Forum. This encounter testifies to the increasing resistance of people against imperialist globalisation and that a New World is evolving. We are 35 movements representing Dalits, peasants, workers, women, Adivasis, indigenous people, fisherfolks, urban poor and the physically and mentally challenged.Imperialist globalisation led by the G8 and the transnational corporations (TNCs), facilitated by the WTO and international financial institutions and supported by national elites, has devastated our lives; resources and the environment. As a result we are losing our … [read more]
Vortrag über die derzeitige Situation im Irak
23. Jänner, InnsbruckZwei Teilnehmer, welche den Irak im Rahmen einer Solidaritätsdelegation zum heurigen Jahreswechsel bereisten, werden über die jetzige Situation im Irak berichten:23. Jänner 2003, 19:00 mit Wilfried Bader und Karin Oberkofler im ÖGB Haus, großer Saal, 7. Stock, Innsbruck Südtirolerplatz gebracht. … [read more]
Pak`s bye elections to rock political boat
FBI implicated in house raids Today by day`s end or early tomorrow will be able to pass the result of bye elections to 29 seats in national and provincial assemblies. These seats [10 national and 19 provincial assemblies] were vacated by winning candidates of various political parties who had won on more than one seat during the general elections held last October 10.These participating political parties include different political shades. Some are subserviently following the dictates of Washington, like the ruling Pakistan Muslim League (Q) [PML (Q)] and allies. On the other extreme is the coaoition of six religio-political parties, Mutahidda Majlis-e-Amal [United Council for Action (MMA)] who feel Pakistan`s support to the US war on terrorism is seriously damaging her national … [read more]
Anti War Committee Pakistan formed
by: Farooq Tariq, memberSeveral civil and political organizations have decided to form an Anti War Committee Pakistan. The committee will organize the movement against American imperialism planed attacks on Iraq.The decision was taken at a meeting attended by over 40 activists from different range of organizations at Education Foundation office on 23rd December. An 18 member committee was elected to organize the committee activities. The meeting also decided to organize a demonstration in front of American Consulate on 18th January 2003. The Asian Peace Forum had issued an appeal to organize a day of action.The view at the meeting was that the religious fundamentalist have been in the forefront of organizing movement against the Americans aggression although they hand have been tied up … [read more]
Defend Iraq, confront global US dictatorship
Declaration of the Anti-imperialist Solidarity Delegation to IraqAbout forty anti-war activists from Italy, Austria, Germany, Turkey, Palestine, England, Switzerland, Japan and Sardinia travelled to Iraq in order to protest the impending attack and the ongoing embargo and to express their solidarity with the Iraqi people against the US aggression. In August of last year, about one hundred anti-imperialist organisations from around the world participating in the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi had decided to organise this solidarity delegation (oppure a solidarity delegation to face US escalating aggressive intentions against Iraq)The activities of the delegation culminated in a demonstration of about two hundred activists in front of the UN head quarter in Baghdad. The demonstration, … [read more]
Daily demonstration against war on Iraq in Pakistan
by: Yousaf BaluchMass Rally on 18th JanuaryAnti War Committee decided today on 8th January to organize daily demonstrations in Lahore till 18th January. On 18th January, a mass rally is been planned to end at American Consulate. Speakers at seminar organized today on 8th January by AWCP, discussed strategy and political program for the movement. Over 150 activists from 27 organization participated in the seminar.AWCP is an umbrella organization of 27 progressive political, social, professional and trade unions organization. It brings together all the Left groups and parties in Lahore to unite against the American imperialism possible war on Iraq.Speakers from different political parties agreed on an anti imperialism agenda linked with anti capitalist globalization. They agreed not to … [read more]