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International Conference against the War on Iraq in Cairo
Call for demonstrations around january 18The Anti-imperialist Camp declares its support for the international call of action against the war on Iraq and in solidarity with the resistence of the people in Palestina and Irak against agression issued by the international conference of Cairo.We will organize local and natioanl demonstrations in all countries where our organisations are present and call to all fraternal antiimperialist and revolutionary organisations to organise anti-war protests around the 18th of january.Anti-imperialist Camp, 1st of January 2003Report about the Cairo ConferenceAn international conference of over 400 representatives of popular organizations from 20 countries met in Cairo, Egypt, from Dec. 18-19 and resolved to take action in solidarity with the people of … [read more]
The loneliness of Bolivar
Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp on the situation in VenezuelaThe president of Venezuela facing a nation split into poor and richSince one month the those political and social forces that had failed in their reactionary coup d´à©tat in April, have been mobilizing again to bring down the elected government of Hugo Chavez. In the streets of Caracas and other mayor cities there is a united front of the bourgeoisie and the oligarchy of the country represented by the traditional parties AD and COPEI, a big part of the middle classes, the workers aristocracy from the petrol sector, some elements of the old state bureaucracy and the military hierarchy that fear for their privileges and, last but not least, the mass media. Imperialism seems to be still waiting for the right moment to … [read more]
Declaration of the international symposium against isolation
19 to 22 of december declared international days of actionDuring the Symposium against Isolation, which was held in the Netherlands from 19-21 December 2002, and joined by 55 representatives from Turkey, the Basque Country, Palestine, Spain, Italy, Germany, Greece, Belgium, Lebanon, Marocco, Peru, France, Austria, Columbia, Portugal, Denmark and the Netherlands, the following decisions were taken:Declaration against isolation in the prisonsDecember 19-22 were the days when in the year 2000, 28 prisoners in Turkey were killed in the struggle against isolation.As almost everywhere else in the world, the political prisoners in Turkey should be totally isolated in order to break and destroy them.This prisoners lead an exemplary fight for more than 2 years with a death fast, the longest hunger … [read more]
Common protest rally of solidarity delegations in Iraq in front of the UN-Headquarters
Petition handed out: No war, no sanctions!About two hundred participants form international solidarity delegations gathered today in front of the UN-Headquarters in Baghdad in order to protest against the coming war and against the sanctions against Iraq. The protest rally, with big resonance in the media, called upon the UNO not to provide any pretext to the US to unleash their war of aggression.The protest meeting was organized by the "Spanish State Campaign for Lifting the Sanctions on Iraq" and the "Solidarity Delegation of the Anti-Imperialist Camp" with participants from Italy, Germany, Austria, Turkey, Palestine, Belgium, England, Switzerland and Sardinia.The following petition was handed out to representatives of the UN-mission, who however were not ready to receive the … [read more]
People`s Movement Against US Military in South Korea
by base21(2002.12.21)In the 4 weeks immediately following the acquittal of two American GIs found innocent of any wrongdoing in the deaths of two Korean middleschool girls that were crushed to death by a U.S. military vehicle, a potent anti-U.S. movement has arisen. In the beginning there were only perhaps one hundred protesters, but only short while later the numbers of movement swelled to Thousands, demanding a direct apology from U.S. president Bush to be issued to the Korean public. The protesters are also demanding real justice in the case of the killings, which appears to them to be a clear cut case implicating guilt of the Gis involved.On Saturday, December 7, after a large rally downtown Seoul, thousands took to the street and overturned one riot after another. In the end, around … [read more]
Press conference: Solidarity delegation against war and embargo in Iraq
Demonstration in Baghdad against UN producing a pretext for US warAn international solidarity delegation of about 50 persons will be in Iraq from December 29, 2002 to January 3, 2003.The delegation is aiming to investigate with their own eyes how the embargo affected and worsened Iraqi people´s life. By going to Iraq on the eve of war the participants coming from various European countries want to express their opposition against the war driven by the US and their allies.The delegation is due to visit especially those areas and sites like Basra and the poor quarters of Baghdad, who have been most heavily struck by war and embargo.On January 2, 2003 an int´l demonstration against the submissiveness of the United Nations to be used by the US to legitimate their impending aggression will … [read more]
Cairo Conference supports solidarity with Iraq and Palestine
Calls for Demonstrations from January 18 to February 15 to stop U.S. War DriveAn international conference of over 400 representatives of popular organizations from 20 countries met in Cairo, Egypt, from Dec. 18-19 and resolved to take action in solidarity with the people of Iraq against threatened U.S. aggression and in solidarity with the Palestinian movement for self-determination.The conference called the International Campaign Against U.S. Aggression on Iraq (ICAA) created a steering committee whose first order of business will be to mobilize worldwide for mass demonstrations, first on January 18, 2003, against U.S. war plans. This is simultaneous with national anti-war demonstrations already underway in the United States in Washington and San Francisco and with many other actions … [read more]
Building an anti-capitalist movement
Consideration on the role of anti-imperialists in the British anti-war movement by David YaffeJust days after the 9 November anti-war demonstration of more than 500,000 activists in Florence during the four-day meeting of the European Social Forum (ESF), the Italian police arrested 20 militant activists from the anti-globalisation and anti-war movement in Italy. They are charged with attempting to form a subversive organisation with the intention of toppling the current constitutional order. This is a serious warning to the growing anti-war movement that such developments will not be tolerated and action will be taken to neutralise what the ruling class sees as …‘subversive elements´. The arrests came after some 60,000 people had gathered in Florence in an uneasy coalition of … [read more]
Iraqi Patriotic opposition ready to return and defend country
Interview in with Abd al-Jabbar al-KubaysiMr. Abd al-Jabbar al-Kubaysi, could you please introduce yourself and tell us how you became an oppositionist? Al-Kubaysi: My name is Abd al-Jabbar al-Kubaysi. I graduated in civil engineering from the American University in Beirut in 1967. I remember that the last test I took that year took place on the 5th of June - the day of the great set back. I had joined the Arab Socialist Baath Party in 1958 at the age of 15. I was arrested in 1959 in the days of Abd al-Karim Qasim, and again in 1960 because of my student activism. In 1961 I went to Beirut and came back to Iraq after obtaining my university degree. When I came back, I was required to perform my military service. I entered the reserve officers` school and graduated at the head of my class. … [read more]
Jordan: Pro-Palestinian and Pro-Iraq activist arrested
Dr. Hisham Bustani struggle for democratic rightsDr. Hisham Bustani Arrested for an Article Exposing Jweideh Prison ConditionsDr. Hisham Bustani, a human rights activist and a dentist by profession, was called in for interrogation yesterday morning concerning an article that he has published in the most recent issue of the Lebanese Bi-monthly al Adab that tackled the horrendous conditions of detainees in al Jweideh prison on the outskirts of Amman. A few months ago, Dr. Bustani had spent five days at al Jweideh prison along with activist Shadi Mdanat when the two were picked up outside the Union of Professional Associations (now under an onslaught by the government) for showcasing samples of empty EXPIRED gas canisters that Jordanian security troops had used on pro-Intifada demonstrators … [read more]
Extradition of Jaime Yovanovic Prieto turned down
Victory of solidarity campaignOn December 9 the South African ministry of Justice has finally refused the demand of a Chilean military court to extradite Mr Yovanovic known as Professor Jota. Jota has been arrested during the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi, August 2002, despite the fact that he applied for political asylum in Italy as a political refugee still persecuted for his struggle against the Pinochet dictatorship. He immediately was expelled to South Africa from where he had proceeded to the gathering. In South Africa he was once again arrested for two months and then freed on bail. Starting right from the Anti-imperialist Camp an international campaign against Jota´s extradition gathered the support of democratic and revolutionary forces all over the world. We asked: "How is it … [read more]
Historic leader of Mexican guerrilla exhumed and buried
Lucio Cabanas, leader of the Party of the Poor, who was killed in the early 70ies was exhumed in a village in the mountains of Guerrero. In a large procession of thousands of his followers his remains were carried to Chilpancingo, the capital of Guererro, were he was buried without official authorisation. Among the organisers there have been former members of the guerrilla, long term political prisoners, local peasant organisations as well as national political organisations like IDP (Popular Democratic Left which forms part of the Anti-imperialist … [read more]
International Symposium against Isolation Torture
by the INITIATIVE FOR AN INTERNATIONAL PLATFORM AGAINST ISOLATION.We invite all organisations and individuals, who oppose solitary confinements and want to find a solution, to participate in a symposium that will be held from 19-21 December in Noordwijk (Holland). This meeting is being organised by the INITIATIVE FOR AN INTERNATIONAL PLATFORM AGAINST ISOLATION. Among others former political prisoners from Turkey, Ireland, Spain, the Basque Country, Germany and Italy, as well as relatives and lawyers, are invited to this meeting. The aim of the symposium is to deal with the urgent and necessary problem of solitary confinements from a political, juridical and medical aspect and to find a collective solution. The date was selected consciously because it is the second anniversary of one of … [read more]
Sison now also on the EU list of …'terrorists´!
Europe marches along in Bush´s war Bert De Belder, Solidaire, Workers´ Party of Belgium On 28 October, the Council of the European Union decided to put the Philippine revolutionary leader Jose Maria Sison and the New People´s Army (NPA) on the European list of …‘terrorists´. (1) This comes in the wake of a similar decision by the US government, and on the explicit demand of the US. Europe may, for the time being, voice some protest regarding Bush´s planned military aggression against Iraq, but when it concerns the elimination of revolutionary movements, Europe and the US speak the same language.Outlawing a guerrilla movement and a revolutionary leader didn´t take the European Union too long. The Council, composed of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, took the decision by written … [read more]
Remove Prof. José Maria Sison (Philippines) form the EU`s List of "Terrorists"
International appealOn 28 October 2002, the Council of the European Union added Jose Maria Sison and the New People´s Army (NPA) of the Philippines to its list of …‘terrorist´ persons, groups and entities, through Council Common Position 2002/847/CFSP "on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism" and of the Council Decision 2002/848/EC "on specific restrictive measures directed against certain persons and entities with a view of combating terrorism". The new Common Position refers to the earlier position adopted on 27 December 2001, which uses a very broad definition of …‘persons, groups and entities involved in terrorist acts´ and of …‘terrorist act´. Based on these, and without any further or specific motivation, the EU establishes a mere list of … [read more]
Fresh repressive attack on Italian No-Global
Let´s defend them all! This morning news agencies spread a short dispatch on the arrests ordered by the Procura (prosecuting authorities) of Genoa. According to these news 23 comrades of the anti-globalisation movement have been arrested on the charge of "destruction, pillage, arson; resistance to and violence against public officers; for having manufactured, carried and possessed explosive material; for having carried and possessed improper arms". The facts occurred during the Social Forum demonstration in Genoa and are related to the specific events of Piazza Alimonda where Carlo Giuliani was murdered.The Procura of Genoa, unlike the one of Cosenza, does not charge our comrades for illegal association. Nonetheless, we consider this one a much more dangerous attack because it is based, … [read more]
Thessalonica: anti-imperialist demo against EU summit
From November 29 to December 1 an international meeting to prepare an anti-imperialist block against the summit of the European Union scheduled for June 18 to 20 took place in Greece. It was convened by numerous Greek anti-imperialist forces not participating in the Greek Social Forum. Several international delegation were present among them Palestinians, Colombians as well as a representative of the Anti-imperialist Camp.In the frame of three days about 1000 people participated in the meeting taking place in the university of Thessalonica. The discussions revolved around the international situation after September 11 and the terror war unleashed by the US, imperialism and Negri´s thesis on the Empire as well as the project of an joint international anti-imperialist mobilisation against … [read more]
Russia: Kuzbass worker´s leader persecuted
By Anatolii Pizhov of Zaschita TrudaThe bourgeois authorities of Russia are engaged in an unprecedented campaign of repression against Vladimir Borovyov, one of the Co-Chairmen of the Interregional Association of Workers Unions of Russia ("Zaschita Truda").Vladimir Borovyov became one of the unquestionable leaders of the proletariat in Kuzbass already in the 90´s, during the campaign of struggle of the oppressed masses called the "railway war". The "railway war" was motivated by the extreme oppression exerted by the ruling bourgeoisie. Over the last few years his authority as a fighter for the interests of the oppressed masses is acknowledged in Russia and has surpassed the borders of our country.On August 20th of this year Vladimir Borovyov was arrested by the police in front of a … [read more]
Basque anti-imperialists persecuted
Solidarity call by Euskal Herriko KomunistakWe call upon all to support our dear comrade Josà© Antonio Egido, Takolo, and his organisation of Basque Communists who have been forming part of the Anti-imperialist Camp since the very beginning. Josà© always has been in the first line in the struggle against imperialism defending the Yugoslav, the Palestinians, the Iraqi, the Afghan, the Colombians people against the Western aggression. He was also engaged in the struggle against the EU´ notorious black list of liberation organisations which he is no victim of.Send solidarity messages, call for protest action on front of Spanish embassies!***Call by Euskal Herriko Komunistak:Solidarity with TakoloOn November 21 the fascist judge Baltasar Garzà³n issued an order accusing various Basque … [read more]
Demonstrations, strikes and attackes against the U.S. military presence in South Korea
by base21Since last Thursday, nearly daily protests have taken place in front of U.S. military bases all over South Korea in response to the recent acquittal of two U.S. soldiers involved in the deaths of two South Korean schoolgirls last June. The soldiers were tried in a U.S. military court, prompting calls for the removal of the United States Forces in Korea (USFK), who`s 37,000 soldiers post a dangerous threat to the peoples of both Koreas. The source of this new wave of anti-U.S. protests is a tragic accident on June 13th in Hyochon Village near Camp Red Cloud, 15 miles north of Seoul. Shin Hyo-soon and Shim Mi-sun were walking to a friend`s birthday party when they were struck and killed by a 45-ton armoured U.S. military vehicle. The extremely bloody pictures of the scene were … [read more]