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Leila Khaled to address the Brussels demonstration by phone
Leila Khaled, symbol of the Palestinian military resistance of the 70ies and leading member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), grants her full support to the international mobilisation against the EU`s black list scheduled for October 26. Since the inclusion of the PFLP into the notorious "list of terrorist organisation" she is denied access to Europe and de facto declared persona non grata. "So I will address the demonstration by phone", she said today in Amman, … [read more]
International demonstration against the EU´s Black List and the war against Iraq: Brussels, October
program and new supportersProtest against the EU´s Black List and the war against IraqInternational day of action, October 26, 2002, BrusselsEU´s "Black List" to annul democratic rights – Let´s defend them!Let´s put the regimes in the service of imperialism on the black list of the peoples!Cancel the black list!Stop the war drive against Iraq! call 12.00: press conferencehotel Charlemagne, Bd. de Charlemagne 25/27, near the traffic circle SchumanKoldo Gorrostiaga, Basque Country, delegate of Batasuna to the European ParliamentPaul-Emile Dupret, Member of European Parliament PFLP, PalestineDHKP-C, TurkeyDogan Özgüden, editor in chief of the review Info-TürkBelgian Human Rights LeagueMoreno Pasquinelli, spokesman of the Anti-imperialist CampRio Mondelo, Committee to Defend Filipino … [read more]
Jaime Yovanovic free on bail
Last Friday Professor J got free on bail. Professor J had been imprisoned in South Africa on the basis of an international arrest warrant issued by the Chilean military justice after he had participated in the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi, Italy. The reason why Jaime got free is that the Chilean military justice was not able to present the documents demanded by the South African authorities in time. A new hearing will take place within a two-month period. According to his lawyer, Dr. Fulufhelo Ndou, an extradition of Jaime, who had offered resistance against the dictatorship of Pinochet, is very unlikely – also a partial success of the international solidarity campaign, which, nevertheless, has to go on.more … [read more]
Afghan communists to protest against black list of EU, US
Support for int`l demonstration Oct 26 BrusselsLet`s put invader fascist regimeson the black list of the peoples!In the age of cold war between NATO and WARSA, US and other imperialists created fundamentalism as a mental and material force against the development of Soviet Union and growth of democratic and Left movements in the third world specially in Islamic countries. Fundamentalist parties and the basis of Alqaida during resistance war against Soviet Union were established and supported in Afghanistan by the supporters of "anti terrorism campaign". During the resistance war fundamentalist parties rather repressed and undermined the democratic forces and the Left opposition current than any enemy. The Islamists who labeled terrorist just after Sept 11 event, have been terrorist, anti … [read more]
Solidarity with Palestine in Japan
by Revolutionary Communist League JapanDear comrades in the Anti-Imperialist Camp: In response to your call in August, we express our solidarity with the international protest action against the US `war on terrorism` for September 28 on the occasion of the anniversary of the Palestinian Intifada.The Zionist Sharon government, fearing the bold resistance of the Palestinians, has imprisoned Arafat, destroying the chairperson`s office in Ramallah. Now he has denied any existence of the Palestinian government. Burning with anger at the Israeli government and its military controls imposed in the name of `eradication of terrorism`, Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank dared to stage mass demonstrations, breaking the curfew. We fight in solidarity with Palestinians struggling for the … [read more]
Freedom for Jaime Yovanovic Prieto
to the Government of South AfricaWe request that the extradition of Chilean citizen Jaime Yovanovic Prieto be refused, for the following reasons:1. Because the case is political in nature: the death of General Urzúa occurred in the context of the democratic fight of the Chilean people against the dictatorship of General Pinochet, which is agreed upon in global public opinion up to this day.2. Because the death penalty is available in this case against the accused: even though the death penalty was abolished in the civil legislation, it can still be applied by the military tribunals, a fact denounced by the human rights organization Amnesty International.3. Because the case will take place in the Second Military Tribunal in Santiago de Chile and up to this time, as is widely known, … [read more]
Statement by Jaime Yovanovic Prieto
Draft statement by Jaime Yovanovic Prieto compiled from notes made at a consultation for the purpose of informing the minister of justice, Dr. Penuel Maduna, and the director of public prosecutions (wld) and not to be used as evidence in court proceedings.1. I am a Chilean citizen by birth. I was born on 5 January 1948.2. In September 1970 Mr Salvador Allende was democratically elected as the president of Chile.3. I was a student at the time at the Catholic University in Valparaiso, Chile.4. I campaigned for and supported the election of Mr Allende to the presidency and immediately volunteered my services to non-governmental organisations that got together to thwart any attempts by the military to overthrow our democratically elected president Allende.5. I carried out this voluntary work … [read more]
The 2nd anniversary of the Intifada
reports from the European demonstrationsHamburgFrom 11.00 till 17.00 a protest action took place in the inner city with music, culture and political speeches. ViennaSome hundred people gathered in spite of the pouring rain in the inner city for a demonstration leading to the US embassy. The several speeches that were held at the demonstration were mainly held by representatives of the anti-imperialist left, the Palestinian community and anti-fascist fighters which had already offered resistance against the Nazi-regime. Marseille Around 10.000 people gathered on the Place de la Joliette and the demo started at 15h, and walked through the city. More than 100 organisations from everywhere in France, and also from Spain and Italy were there. Around 19h, Ramallah was joined on the phone, and … [read more]
Intifada in numbers
The Palestine Monitor, September 28th, 2002More than 1,914 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli soldiers, settlers or police since September 2000. Also counted among these are those who died as a direct result of the Israeli occupation, i.e. those denied access to life saving medical treatment when ambulances were stopped and turned away at checkpoints, and the unborn babies who died when their mothers could not reach hospital because of closure or curfew:…· 71 Palestinians have died after being prevented access to medial treatment, 21 of those were children, 13 were newborn babies.…· 169 have died in extra judicial assassination attacks, of these 31 were bystanders at the time and 44 were "unintended" victims killed as they were with the victim. 22 were children.…· 22.5% … [read more]
Peace in war - ravaged Sri Lanka
by NSSPNeeded sooner than laterAt long last after a most horrendous 20-year-long war between the Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL) and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), a new peace process has nen set in motion with a 3-day preliminary talks between the two sides that commenced on 16.09.2002. Of course there is just no other way out for the United National Front (UNF) G0vt. led by Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe, UNP leader, who grabbed the hand extended by LTTE leader, Velupillai Pirabakaran, symbolised by the ceasefire unilaterally declared by the latter, effective from December 24, 2001, barely 3 weeks after Wickramasinghe assumed office after the defeat of the People`s Alliance ( PA) led by President Chandrika Kumaratunga in the December 5 General Elections. … [read more]
The war of Aznar and Bush against the Basque People
by KOMUNISTAK InternationalAt the start of 2002, Euskal Herriko Komunistak-The Communists of the Basque Country (EHK) denounced the self-inflicted coup d`etat that the Spanish bourgeoisie was carrying out in order to implant a dictatorship with a democratic mask. The Basque People are beginning to experience this self-inflicted coup: suspension of a representative political force, closure of its offices by the police, arrests of young left-wing patriots followed by denunciations of torture, prohibition of the right to demonstrate.This is only the beginning of an offensive which aims not only to crush the Patriotic Left and prevent it from standing in elections, but also to suspend the autonomy statute that is in force, defeat bourgeois nationalism, silence the voice of the popular sectors … [read more]
Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Association supports Jaime Yovanovic Prieto
Buenos Aires, 30 August 2002Esteemed and Respected Nelson Mandela:I wrote you, to implore that you intercede on behalf of Chilean comrade Jaime Yovanovic Prieto (Professor J), so that he is not extradited.He was arrested in Italy and deported to the Republic of South Africa, and is being held in a Johannesburg prison.Your word and presence will surely provide protection for our friend.Awaiting your invaluable help, receive my regards.Hebe de BonafiniPresident of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Association*****************linked articles: "Thorn in their side" - by Professor J from the prison cell Freedom for Jaime Yovanovic … [read more]
NDFP condemns US "terrorist" tag on the CPP, NPA and Jose Ma. Sison
Statement of the NDFP Executive Committee, September 21, 2002The National Democratic Front of the Philippines vehemently condemns the United States for its designation of the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People`s Army as "foreign terrorist organizations" and of Comrade Jose Maria Sison as "terrorist." This move is part and parcel of the US plan to deepen its military intervention in the country as the armed revolutionary movement for genuine national freedom and democracy resurges.After using the Abu Sayyaf as pretext to directly engage in combat operations, the US now has trained its guns on the revolutionary forces such as the CPP and NPA as well as patriots like Comrade Sison because of their firm opposition to long standing US domination in the country.The US has … [read more]
EU's "Black List" to annul democratic rights
Let´s defend them!Since September 11th the US supported by the EU have been creating a climate of "terror psychosis" with the goal to attack the right of free expression and to get rid of not only the opposition in the "Third World" but also in the metropolises themselves.The US are leading a demagogic campaign against terrorism and the preparations for war against all the people opposing their dominance is in full swing. The aim of the war mongers, who destroyed Afghanistan and have announced a war against Iraq, is to secure their global supremacy and to smash and permanently suppress the forces of resistance.The West used the call for security following September 11 to take severe measures supposedly against "terrorism" but actually used to attack and restrict democratic rights. Three … [read more]
Forum: Human rights and Bush´s war on "terror"
28 September, 13:30-17:30, Amsterdamat BuurtCentrum Lydia, Roelhof Hartplein 2, Amsterdamby: Initiative Committee-DEFENDe-mail: … [read more]
Picket in front of the Dutch Parliament
24. September, 12:00-14:00, AmsterdamPicket in front of the Dutch Parliament against the attacks of US, Dutch and Philippine governments on revolutionary and progressive organizations and individuals, particularly Prof. Jose Maria Sison who is being singled out with the most viscious attacks and cruel actionsby: Initiative Committee-DEFENDe-mail: … [read more]
South Korea: Strikes, raids and mass arresting
by: Base21, 16.9.2002Last Tuesday September 11th 2002, over 3000 anti-riot cops attacked the striking unionists at the Catholic Medical Center (CMC) and the Kyeonghee University Hospital in the early morning hours, beat present striking staff, usually female personnel, out of the buildings and arrested in each case more than 200 persons. One week ago the management of the hospitals closed by strike and the government had already threatened the deployment of the notorious anti-riot units to terminate the strikes. By now the strikes of the employees of several hospitals in Seoul and some other parts of South Korea last 118 days. The striking staff members demanded the payment of the legal minimum wage of about 770 U.S.$ for female workers, better social security and a wage increase of 12%. … [read more]
The case of professor J: Thorn in their side
By Professor J from the prison cellThis case is a hard nut to crack. A bitter swallow which will burn the stomachs not only of the Chilean militaries but also of many others.Between 1986 and 1999 I had been strolling through the most diverse countries like Colombia, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Argentine, Brazil, Spain, England, Germany and Paraguay. Furthermore I presented a testimony against capital punishment in Chile before the European Parliament in 1987. In 1988 with the support of the "Continental Caravan for Peace and Human Rights in Latin America" a campaign was led under my coordination which forced the military government to close down the borders and hinder two groups to enter the county, one from Tacna, Peru, and the other from Mendoza, Argentine. The Chilean media covered the … [read more]
The Real Issue in Kashmir
by Shabir ChoudhryRecently I wrote a series of articles on Kashmir and one article was on Pakistan´s …‘principled stand´ on Kashmir. After reading this article many people contacted me with different comments. Majority of the people appreciated the article and found new issues related to the Kashmir dispute.These are the issues which were not previously brought up by the Pakistani officials or highlighted by pro Pakistani Kashmiri leaders; and even not fully exploited by the pro independent camp. Of course there were some who criticised me for raising these matters at this critical juncture. In view of these people we should focus our attention on criticising India and what they are doing in Kashmir; rather than bringing Pakistan´s role into equation and diverting from the … [read more]
Repression against migrant workers in South Korea
by: Base21On Monday, 2002.09.02, 6.30 in the morning, riot police were storming the accommodation of migrant workers in the Masok area near Seoul, South Korea. They arrested 15 persons from Bangladesh. A while later they released 13 from them after questioning.Two persons, Kabir Uddin and comrade Budhin, activists in the KCTU/ETU-MB (Equal Trade Union ?Migrant´s Branch) were brought to deportation detention center in south Gyeongi-do (province). They´re facing now deportation very soon. During the arresting Budhin was injured because of police brutality. Kabir Uddin and Budhin are active in the migrant workers struggle against deportation and for a equal rights also for migrant workers. With that action, the South Korean govt., show´s his unwillingness to find a satisfying solution for … [read more]