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PFLP statement
April 29, 2002Political Declarationissued by the Political Bureau of thePopular Front for the Liberation of PalestineTo the masses of our people and our Arab Nation,By its agreement yesterday to the American proposal concerning putting the group of heroes who carried out the operation of executing the criminal Ze`evi under American-British guard, the Palestine Authority, regardless of any excuses that it might make for this agreement, has committed a new offense that is fraught with dangerous meanings and implications. Some of these are:- This agreement represents a new link in a chain of offenses and mistakes that began with the arrest of the General Secretary of thePopular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Comrade Ahmad Saadat, and after that with the arrest of the heroes … [read more]
Leaders of Labour Party Pakistan Arrested
by: Rizwan AttaAlmost 25 members of Labour Party Pakistan have been arrested today on 26th April 2002 at 5:45 p.m., when they were holding a protest rally in front of Lahore Press Club in Lahore against Referendum. Police brutally baton charged all the participants including women, as a result most of them injured.Farooq Tariq Secretary General LPP was also arrested. Other arrested persons include Moeen Nawaz Punno Chairman LPP Lahore, Azra Shad Chairperson Women Workers Help Line, Farah Naz Secretary Women Workers Help Line, Tariq Shehzad member LPP Central Unit, Shahid Mehmood organizer Printing and Graphic Workers Union, Maqbool Kharal Chairman Central Unit and many other activists of LPP.The activists of LPP started gathering in the Lahore Press Club at 5:00 p.m. There were hundreds … [read more]
Communique: The longed for peace has not been defeated
by: FARC-EP1) The rupture of the peace process did not take the FARC-EP by surprise. Since October it had been evident the Pastrana government had already taken that unfortunate and costly decision. The fundamental reason is that the ruling oligarchy, inspired by Washington´s growing support, is not ready for now to come to agreement with the people-in-arms concerning the structural, economic, political and social changes that would make peace viable for all. They only want a peace that would guarantee their privileges and profits. That is why they ran the issue of a cease-fire and cessation of hostilities counter to the discussion on unemployment and the very development of the Common Agenda for Change Toward the New Colombia. Thus, the presidential statement of October 7 was the … [read more]
Why the April 20 protest can be called "historic"
By: Brian Becker, International Action Center The writer is a co-director of the International Action Center and a member of the steering committee of the A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) coalition. April 27, 2002--How will the April 20 mobilization in Washington, D.C., be remembered in the history of the anti-war and anti-imperialist movement in the United States? What are the most important lessons to be learned from this mobilization that drew more than 100,000 people in the biggest protest to date against the Bush administration`s foreign and domestic political program? Since there have been many Washington demonstrations over the years organized by both progressive and reactionary organizations, it requires something special to suggest that a particular … [read more]
Pakistan: left alliance for October elections created
Negotiations underway regarding the inclusion of Labour Party Pakistan in the left alliance for October electionsPakistan National Council (PNC), which at the moment is the largest left alliance in Pakistan, decided in its meeting three months ago to form a broad-based front for participation in the upcoming general elections to be held in October, 2002. Presently, notable parties that constitute the PNC are Pakistan`s People`s Party (Shaheed Bhutto), Communist Mazddor Kissan Party (CMKP), National Workers Party (NWP), Tehrik-e-Istaqlal etc.The governing committee of PNC has been contacting other progressive and left parties for the creation of the election front. In a meeting held on 11th April 2002, Labour Party of Pakistan (LPP), along with many other parties, also requested for … [read more]
Maoist leaders in Nepal arrested
Government forces of Nepal arrested the leader of Maoist in Nepal. Rekha Sharma, President of All Nepal Women`s Association (Revolutionary) and member of Central People`s Government is arrested. She was arrested from Chahabil area of Capital city Kathmandu.And from the same area another leader Krishna Dhoj Khadka was also arrested. He was the former Chairman of All Nepal National Free Student Union (Revolutionary).Before also Central Committee member of Maoist Rabindra Shrestha was arrested from capital who is not made public after the 4 month also. In the emergency period the government has killed the Ajavlal yadav, and Khop Bahadur Kandel two leaders of Maoist. They were killed after arresting. After the emergency by government the terror of government in increasing. At the period of … [read more]
Palestinian and Turkish Partisans express Solidarity with Colombian Rebels
By PFLP/DHKC"Let us unite to express our thirst for justice!" - In a joint declaration released by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and the Turkish revolutionary organization Revolutionary People`s Liberation Front (DHKC) these two organizations link their struggles to the Colombian rebel army FARC.THE USA IS THE BIGGEST TERRORIST(By PFLP/DHKC) Following September 11, the USA has declared war on the entire world. It has compelled all countries, all organisations to prostrate themselves before it, saying that "those who are not with us are against us". The USA is trying to build a world empire. It is trying to sell this world domination by America as "the New World Order" or "globalisation".. This domination is in fact domination by the major monopolies which … [read more]
Venezuela - an U.S.-backed coup
Statement by the International Action CenterApril 12, 2002According to an anti-war organization based in the United States, the U.S. government working with Venezuelan reactionaries, the wealthy classes of that South American country and the international pro-U.S. media, has fomented and carried out a military coup against the popularly elected leader, President Hugo Chavez.Teresa Gutierrez of the International Action Center (IAC) said "the coup has all the markings of a CIA plot, much like the one carried out against the Chilean President Salvador Allende in September 1973." Gutierriez pointed out that the "so-called strike leading up to the coup was really an action by the wealthy owners of the factories, aided by a corrupt sector of the trade union movement representing only the most … [read more]
Yugoslavia: meeting of Yugoslav-Arab Friendship Society
Yesterday, at 18 o`clock on Square of Republic in Belgrade, an meeting of Yugoslav-Arab Friendship Society was held, as sign of protest against Israeli aggression. Around two hundred people attended the meeting among which were the members of communist organisations.Solidarity with people of Palestine were expressed as well as support to peaceful solution of the crises and the termination of the aggression. Although this meeting represents a significant move considering Israeli politics, it passed in the shadow of current political and economical … [read more]
Yugoslavia: demonstration against cooperation with Hague tribunal
In front of Yugoslav Parliament, few hundred antiimperialists gathered to protest against new law on cooperation with Hague tribunal. Demonstrants expressed their anger and paroles against members of proimperialist parties which voted for the law (DOS, DSS, SNP and … [read more]
PFLP: Resistance is a legitimate right
Press release, April 8, 2002In light of the continuous Israeli occupation of Palestine, the PFLP believes that resistance to the occupation through any means is a legitimate right as understood by international convention. The PFLP believes that the goals of the Palestinian people (the right to self-determination, the right to an independent and sovereign Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, and the right of refugees to return), are to be understood as transitional measures on the way to establishing a democratic state in historic Palestine, where all peoples can live as equal citizens, entitled to basic human rights, regardless of race, religion, color, or sex. The PFLP works toward these goals through fostering cooperative efforts among Palestinians, the Arab Nation, and all … [read more]
Invitation to Solidarity Conference with Palestine
by OSPAAAL, CubaCampo Antimperialista, AustriaHavana, March 18, 2002The Organization of Solidarity of the Peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America (OSPAAAL), an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, has the pleasure and honor to invite you to attend the II International Conference of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, that will be held from May 15th to 17th 2002 in Mexico City. This important Conference will be co-sponsored by the Partido del Trabajo de Mà©xico and is supported by other Mexican and Cuban organizations, as well as the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).The conference will give continuity to our solidarity work with the Palestinian people, who is suffering today the increase and inhumane aggression of … [read more]
Ethnic cleansing in Ahmedabad
A preliminary report by a fact finding team to Ahmedabad, 10-11th March 2002 The recent widespread communal violence in Gujarat has shocked the world. The UN Human Rights Commissioner Mary Robinson has also voiced her deep concern. People from all walks of life in India have reacted with shock and dismay. The BJP government of Gujarat, as well as the NDA government at the Centre, have attributed the communal violence which broke out in Ahmedabad and other places on 28th February 2002, to the anger of the Hindus over the gruesome burning of ram sewaks in Godhra in the early morning of 27th February. The spontaneous outburst of the people following the massacre of the VHP activists, they argue, reached such proportions because of the …‘failure´ of the Opposition parties to condemn the … [read more]
I am a Puerto Rican
by Doris TorresI am Puerto Rican, born and raised in NYC.I am against the U.S. Navy bombing in Vieques, Puerto Ricoand regard that to be the act of a bully against a tiny island,that cannot defend itself.I am against the United States sending billions a yearto Israel, so that Israel can commit genocide againstthe Palestinian men, women and children.I am against the previous policies of the countries such as Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala.There are mass graves in those countries,in Nuestra America, whose assasins were trainedin the School of The Assasins, located in Fort Bennington,Georgia.I do not agree with the policy of giving millions tothe Paramilitares in Colombia, whose principal objectiveis to kill as many Colombians peasents as possible,because the peasent, quite … [read more]
Five Days of Rage in Jordan for Palestine
by Dr. Hisham Bustani, Amman, April 2, 2002Five Days of Rage in Jordan for Palestine and the Expulsion of the Zionist Embassy------------------------------------------------------------------- Protests all over Jordan- Police violates the campus of Jordan University- Police causes hundreds of injuries- Demands of the Jordanian Arab massesFor the past five days, the Jordanian Arab people were in continuous, non-stop, in-the-street solidarity with their brothers in Palestine who are facing the severest Zionist attack since the beginning of the Arab-Zionist conflict.Last Friday, the demonstrations began in various locations in Amman. One demonstration started down-town Amman and was quickly attacked by anti-riot police. Another demonstration in Al-Rabia area heading for the Zionist Embassy … [read more]
"We are not afraid of the bombs"
First report by the International Solidarity Delegation from besieged IraqOnly a few days in Iraq are sufficient to give us a clear impression about the people´s opinion. Whether we are talking to people on the streets in Baghdad, Basra or in the Shiite holy cities Kufa, Nadshaf or Kerbela, whether we are interviewing official representatives, the answer is everywhere alike: "They might as well bomb us. We cannot do anything about it. But they won´t get us on our knees."The embargo lasting for more than ten years has had devastating effects on Iraq. Especially in the hospitals and above all in the Southern region around Basra we experienced terrible situations. After the usage of depleted uranium ammunition by the US, the toll of cancer and malformations has incredibly risen. The … [read more]
Sergio Yahni, Co-Director of AIC, detained
Jerusalem, March 19, 2002Sergio Yahni, Co-Diretor of the Alternative Information Center, was sentenced last night to 28 days for refusing to serve reserve duty in the Israeli military.Below is a letter which Sergio composed to the Israeli minister of defence outlining his objections to serving in an organisation which oppresses the Palestinian people and commits war crimes.We are still awaiting final confirmation of the exact military prison to which he wil be transferred. In the meantime, letters of solidarity may be sent to or AIC, POB 31417, Jerusalem. All letters will be taken to Sergio when we are permitted to visit him (in approximately ten days).19 March 2002 To: Minister of Defence Ben EliezerMinistry of DefenceAn officer for whom you are responsible has … [read more]
MARCH ON THE WHITE HOUSE APRIL 20THby the International A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition The Washington Post frontpage headline of March 14 couldn`t be clearer: "U.S. will take action against Iraq, Bush says." Bush made it a central point in his March 13 press conference that the U.S. will do whatever it takes to overthrow the government in Iraq. The U.S. seeks to replace it with a regime that will function as a proxy for U.S. interests in the region.When Vice-President Dick Cheney traveled to England this week he requested a commitment of 25,000 British troops to be part of a larger 250,000-invasion force for war in Iraq (The Independent, March 8, 2002). Some in Blair`s Cabinet may split on the issue. The British and European press are ridiculing Bush`s war plan and more and more public sentiment … [read more]
Four militants of Workers Communist Party of Tunisa emprisoned
Appeal for SolidarityAppeal : Thirty seconds were all it took for the Tunis High Court to deliver a sentence of 11 years and 3 months... On Saturday, 2 February 2002, in conditions of extreme police violence and inside the Tunis High Court, 30 seconds were all it took to sentence Hamma Hammami and Samir Tà¢amallah to 9 years and 3 months in prison. Abdeljabbar Madouri, who was not present, received the same sentence and with 2 additional years tacked on, and for articles of indictment that have not been made public. Ammar Amroussia, who was sentenced in absentia in 1997 to 2 years and 9 months in prison - and who also reemerged on 2 February after 5 years in hiding - was physically attacked by the police upon his exit from the courthouse and then arrested. The International Committee to … [read more]
US Troupes out of the Philippines !
Demonstration in Montreal, CanadaToday March 17, approximately 150 people gathered in the Cote-des-Neiges neiborhood in Montreal to condemn the debarkment of the U.S. troops in the Philippines. They demanded that U.S. troops withdraw from the Philippines right now and condemned the expansion of the U.S. war from Afghanistan to the Philippines, and probably soon to Iraq. The demonstration was organized by the Centre for Philippine Concerns (CPC), a Montreal-based group which supports the national democratic movement in this country.Starting from the McKenzie-King park near the Cote Ste-Catherine metro station, protestors took to the streets and marched in this workers neiborhood where many Filipino are living, chanting slogans both in French, in English and in Tagalog. At different points … [read more]