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"Tear Down the Walls"
Solidarity Conference with Political Prisoners in the USThe Organization of Solidarity of the Peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America (OSPAAAL) has the pleasure to invite you to attend the International Conference in Solidarity with the political prisoners in the United States, "Tear Down the Walls"that will be held in Havana, Cuba, from March 27th-29th 2002 in Palacio de las Convenciones.This important conference would be an international meeting on winning freedom for U.S. political prisoners, sponsored by a broad coalition of U.S. based groups and activists.Aware of the solidarity that you has always shown with just causes of this similar nature, the Executive Secretariat of OSPAAAL request the honor of your affirmative response to the present invitation before March 10th.Following … [read more]
Preliminary Programme of the Anti-imperialist Camp 2002
Assisi, Italy, August 3 - August 10, 2002Saturday, August 3, 2002 21.30: Presentation and Concert_________________________________________Sunday, August 4, 2002 10.00 Plenary Session: Inquiry on Porto Alegre Anti-globalisation and the World Social Forum: left liberalism vs. anti-imperialismJ. Peirero, Professor, BrasilMoreno Pasquinelli, Spokesman of the Anti-imperialist CampLeonardo Mazzei, Confederation of Communists, Italy16.00 Workshops: 1. Build an anti-imperialist pole in the anti-globalisation movement – towards Saloniki 2003Dimitrios Pavlidis, Anti-imperialist Committee Saloniki, Greece Gheorgios Xilouris, Student movement of Athens, Greece Stelios Agkoutoglou, Communist Party of Greece (ML)2. Empire and ImperialismConstanzo Preve, Professor and Philosopher, Italy3. ATTAC, … [read more]
Hands off the world!
Call for the Anti-imperialist Camp 2002Assisi, Italy, August 3-10, 2002Since their most sacred symbols – immeasurable wealth, military omnipotence and invulnerable despotism – have come under attack at their very centre, the USA has launched a hysterical military campaign in order to reinforce their supremacy over the world instead of making a step backwards. Bush has made it clear that the aggression against Afghanistan, carried out after the attack on Yugoslavia, was only the beginning. The next victim of his imperialist megalomania will be Iraq, a country which has already been severely hit and devastated by a cruel embargo. And who will be next? On the Emperor´s black list there are North Korea, Iran, Somalia, Cuba and Colombia. Any country that is not willing to submit to the … [read more]
Wiro Petro, Indonesia : Detained Workers
Urgent Appeal for SolidarityOn October 2001 PT. Wirapetro Plastindo, one of FNPBI held demonstration. Action begun with marched from Pasar Mangkang to Factory. Protestor yields their slogan enthusiastic. However only Bambang Suhardi (HRD) met this protestor. Finally workers delegates , Manpower department, assisted by police agree to negotiate. Workers ask the assistances from FNPBI regional organizer but manpower department did not allow them to do it. Police intimidate negotiation by limiting time and forces to fulfilled only normative rights . Negotiation ended at 12.00 and employers insist to limit negotiation on normative rights. At 15.00 Mass action continue to strike all the reported was chased away from factory. 11 October 2001Mass action marched to District level House … [read more]
If Bush is having `visions`, America must need Arab support for another war
By Robert Fisk, Middle East CorrespondentIt is the "vision" thing again. When President George Bush wanted Arab support for the US bombing of Afghanistan in September, he suddenly announced he had a "vision" of a Palestinian state. Then it disappeared off his radar screen. Yet now it`s back in a watered-down, US-framed UN resolution that affirms "a vision of a region where two states, Israel and Palestine, live side by side..." Could it be that Mr Bush has another war in mind for the region, that perhaps Vice-President Dick Cheney, now touring the Arab world and Israel, wants Arab support for an attack on Iraq? UN resolutions don`t disappear as fast as presidential "visions" and the world now has the idea …­ and it`s only an idea …­ embedded in a serious UN document. Indeed, it`s … [read more]
The Peres - Qurei meeting is against the will of our people and gives a political cover for Sharon`s
PFLP Press Release Ramallah: The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine has commented about the meeting between Israeli Foreign Minister, Shimon Peres, and Speaker of the Palestinian Parliament, Ahmad Qurei. The Popular Front stated that this meeting constitutes a departure from the will of the Palestinian people and provides a political cover for the crimes, the massacres, and the mass butchery of the government of Zionist unity and for its decision to continue and intensify these crimes against our people, as it also circumvents the option of resistance struggle that has brought Sharon`s military program to a real impasse after the qualitative blows of the resistance demonstrated the failure of this program in its confrontation with the intifada and resistance. The Popular Front … [read more]
By Teresa Gutierrez, Mexico CityMore than 600 participants representing dozens of countries around the world on March 4 and 5 took part here in the Second International Encounter in Solidarity and for Peace in Colombia and Latin America.This historic conference reflects the growing worldwide movement against U.S. intervention in Colombia, specifically against the menacing Pentagon "Plan Colombia." It also reflects the deepening solidarity of the progressive and revolutionary movements in Latin America and the Caribbean that each day is growing stronger and bolder.The Second Encounter had significant support from a broad and prominent sector of anti-war, peace and progressive elements. Conveners included Nobel Peace Prize winner Adolfo Perez Esquivel; Ahmed Ben Bella, former president of … [read more]
Jordanian Regime Suppresses a Pro-Intifada Protest: A Field Report
Amman, Jordan, March 9, 2002At noon sharp on Saturday 9, 2002, a human chain suddenly formed on the sidewalk between the First and Second Circle in Amman, Jordan. Every few yards a sign was raised: "Support the Intifada, No to Defeatist Initiatives"; "Lift the Official Arab Siege on Iraq"; "Palestine is ARAB"; "Sharon and Bush are Partners in Crime"; "NO to the Aggression on Iraq and the Palestinian People"; etc.. Each sign was repeated dozens of times in one sequence as if to make the point clear to whomever it may concern, and to passers-by who started gathering around like the clouds before the rain. A line of dedicated activists and citizens stood SILENTLY steadfast beneath those signs to underscore the point: WE CANT WATCH WHAT´S GOING ON IN PALESTINE AND IRAQ IN SILENCE … [read more]
100,000 demonstrate for Palestine´s self-determination and against Zionist occupation
Rome, March 9, 2002Despite heavy rain and the boycott by the big mass media as well as by a big part of the pacifist left, 100,000 people demonstrated yesterday, March 9, in Rome in solidarity with the Palestinian Intifada. This was, in fact, the biggest demonstration in support of the Palestinian cause ever in Italy. Moreover, there is no doubt that this was also the biggest mass manifestation in support of Intifada that has ever taken place in a western country. The idea to hold this demonstration was launched in October last year by the Forum for Palestine. Thanks to the efforts of a united basis committee (part of which was the Italian section of the Anti-imperialist Camp) this idea could become reality. The call for this demonstration included five points: withdrawal of the Israeli … [read more]
An open appeal to all those...
...concerned with the future of democracy in IndiaFriends, In a few days from now India´s parliamentary system of democracy will face one of its gravest challenges. Not by an attack on Parliament from the outside, but ironically from the very people who presently preside over it by virtue of an opportunistically cobbled together alliance that seems devoid of any coherent programmes and principles, save one, sticking to power at all costs. In fact many of its constituents, including the Samata Party, the BJP-Sena alliance, the DMK, the TMC, the Akali Dal etc have lost elections at the state level after assuming power in Delhi. Most recently in fact, the leading party in this alliance, the BJP, has been defeated in the elections in UP, even though the party had made its … [read more]
Strong show of suppport to peasants facing evictions
by: Communist Mazdoor Kissan PartyOn Wednesday, 13th February 2002, in Lahore (Pakistan), a press conference and a large procession was organized by the Communist Workers Peasants Party (CMKP) and ASR Resource Center in collaboration with other progressive organizations. The venue for this event was the Lahore Press Club. The press conference and protest has been held at a critical moment, when the peasants of Pakistan are fighting tooth and nail against the oppression and violence perpetrated on them by the state and feudal lords. On the one hand, the poor peasants of Charsada (Hashtnagar, NWFP) are warding-off a brutal act of forceful evictions from their lands. On the other hand, the military, in alliance with (MNCs), IMF and WTO, is imposing its imperialist-dictated agenda on the poor … [read more]
Milosevic scored 1:0 against NATO in the Hague
Statement by the Anti-imperialist CampThe corporate media does not know how to cope with Milosevic´s accuse against NATO. In order to avoid a collapse of the amalgam of lies, which have been proven to be fakes by the ex president´s arguments, these very same lies are being once again inflated and endlessly repeated, for example:The picture from Trnopolje, which suggests a Serbian concentration camp by showing an emaciated man behind a barbwire is displayed again and again on all the TV screens of the world – despite the fact that the photograph was taken from inside the fence. A fact which actually should be known to the journalists.The alleged massacre of Racak, which was used as the pretext to legitimate the NATO attack, has been refuted by both Dr. Helena Ranta, head of the … [read more]
Colombia: Pastrana breaks off negotiation with FARC
Statement by the Anti-imperialist CampColombia: Pacification will never bring peace for the peopleThe Colombian oligarchy breaks off the peace process with the FARC after not having succeeded in imposing its "peace" without structural changes.On Wednesday, February 20, Colombian president Pastrana announced the definitive breaking off of the peace process with the FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejercito del Pueblo – Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-Peoples Army) and gave orders for the immediate entering of troupes into the demilitarised zone of San Vicente Caguán. The pretext for this breaking off of negotiations, which had already been announced by the "anti-terrorist" crusade of US-imperialism, was the alleged kidnapping of senator Jorge Eduardo Gechem … [read more]
Is it possible to put a human face on globalization and war?
by Brasilian Trade Unionists Open Letter to the Trade Unionists and Activists Participating in the World Social Forum 2002 in Porto Alegre, Brazil Dear Brothers and Sisters,We, the undersigned Brazilian trade unionists, want to open a dialogue with you. We are living through a terrible situation the world over. The U.S. government, under the cover of the United Nations, is using the heinous terrorist attacks of September 11 to intensify a political agenda of "full-scale, protracted war" -- as Bush himself has stated. It is a war that started with the bombing of Afghanistan and is far from over.In neighboring Argentina, the people -- after years of governments that had submitted to the dictates of the IMF and applied the politics of privatization, destruction of workers` rights, and … [read more]
Let`s go to Guantanamo - Shut "Camp X-Ray" Down!
by "Stop The War Brigade"Call for an international Delegation to converge on Guantanamo to protest and expose The USA`s hypocritical and criminal posture vid-a-vis the treatment of prisoners, adherence to international treaties and the right to self-determination among Peoples and Nations.Let`s go to Guantanamo - Shut "Camp X-ray" down ! !"For the past few days the US Military has been transporting suspected members of the Taliban & Al Queada from a military prison in Kandahar Afghanistan to another prison on the island of Cuba at the US Naval base at Guantanamo Bay.(That) was leased to the US Government by the new Cuban Government installed after the war between the US & Spain in 1898 which ended hundreds of years Spanish colonial rule in the Caribbean & South Pacific(Guam & the … [read more]
Let`s go to Guantanamo - Shut "Camp X-Ray" down !
Vietnam Veterans gegen die US-Kriegspolitik "In den letzten Tagen hat das US-Militär mutmaßliche Mitglieder der Taliban und Al Quaida aus einem Militärgefängnis in Kandahar in ein anderes Gefängnis auf der Insel Kuba, in die US Marine Basis in Guantanamo Bay, verlegt. Guantanamo Bay war 1898 der USA von der neu installierten Regierung überlassen worden, nach dem Ende des Krieges zwischen der USA und Spanien, der hunderte von Jahren spanischer Kolonialherrschaft in der Karibik und dem Südpazifik (Guam und die Philippinen im besonderen) beendete und Spanien verlor seine gestohlenen Schätze. Ich habe im Fernsehen gesehen wie die Militärwachen ihre Gefangenen vor den Fernsehkameras in Kandahar Parade laufen ließen und offen damit prahlten, dass sie wie Tiere gefesselt und … [read more]
Stop the oppression of poor peasants!!
Salutations to the struggle of the brave peasants of Hashtnagar!!The oppression faced by the poor peasants of Pakistan has reached ghastly proportions. On the one hand, the poor peasants of Charsada (Hashtnagar, NWFP) are facing a brutal act of forceful evictions from their lands. On the other hand, the military, in alliance with the multi-national corporations (MNCs), IMF and WTO, is imposing its agenda on the small farmers and poor tenants of Okkara, Khanewal, Sargodha and various other areas of the Punjab, so as to deprive them of their right to own the land that they till with their immense hard work. Their very survival and livelihood is under threat. WHAT A SHAME! The ones who feed the people are themselves living on an empty stomach in this country.However, in spite of all the … [read more]
Hunger strike in Kragujevac
by: Information Department of PRSince 04.02.2002. in city Kragujevac, Serbia, 250 workers from `Partizan` factory which try to defend their factory and their jobs are at hunger strike! Send your protest to nearest Yugoslavian embassy, to Serbian government, or directly to strikers at More information`s, addresses and other information`s will … [read more]
Stop the war mongering against Iraq!
Call for an anti-imperialist solidarity delegationIn their so-called "war on terror" the US has declared all forces opposing their global dictatorship as enemies due to be smashed, crushed and routed out by military violence regardless of whether they might be states, popular movements or political organisations.Iraq and its people is one of those forces mounting tenacious resistance against the tyrannous US world order which has been erected by the war of the "Holy Alliance" against it in 1991. This war and the ongoing aggression by steady aerial attacks and the vicious embargo – which have led to more than two million deaths and have forced a formerly rich nation into abject misery and starvation – is the very evidence of the terrorist character of this "New World Order". It does … [read more]
Statement of conscience on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
by South Africans of Jewish descent; October 2001We the undersigned are compelled to express ourselves on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict as a matter of conscience and concern for the safety and well being of the Israeli and Palestinian Peoples and for world peace.1. The Fundamental Causes of the ConflictWe assert that the fundamental causes of the current conflict are Israel`s suppression of the Palestinian struggle for national self-determination and its continued occupation of Palestinian lands.We do not dispute that certain sectors of the Palestinian population have resorted to terror and we condemn innocent killings of civilians from whatever quarter. Yet this is not the root cause of the problem.The state of Israel was founded as a homeland for the persecuted Jews of Europe. It … [read more]