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Statement of conscience on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
by South Africans of Jewish descent; October 2001We the undersigned are compelled to express ourselves on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict as a matter of conscience and concern for the safety and well being of the Israeli and Palestinian Peoples and for world peace.1. The Fundamental Causes of the ConflictWe assert that the fundamental causes of the current conflict are Israel`s suppression of the Palestinian struggle for national self-determination and its continued occupation of Palestinian lands.We do not dispute that certain sectors of the Palestinian population have resorted to terror and we condemn innocent killings of civilians from whatever quarter. Yet this is not the root cause of the problem.The state of Israel was founded as a homeland for the persecuted Jews of Europe. It … [read more]
About the Statement of South Africans of Jewish descent
Speech by Ronnie Kasrils1. In just six weeks a statement on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict issued by Max Ozinsky and myself has attracted 220 signatories – from South Africans of Jewish descent.Some of us are fully practising Jews and others like Max and I, not so, but we are all proud of our Jewish origins, and feel compelled to speak out, in the name of justice and as an act of conscience, against Israel´s occupation of the Palestinian territory and cruel suppression of the Palestinian´s struggle for national self-determination – which we cite as the fundamental cause of the conflict.2. Our signatories include veteran activists who fought against Hitler, and who continued to fight for South Africa´s freedom throughout their lives.Our signatories include several generations of … [read more]
Mustafa Barghouti arrested!
Palestine Monitor: Urgent AppealThis morning after giving a press conference at the American Colony Hotel in Jerusalem, Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi was questioned and taken by five or six Israeli plainclothes policemen.After taking his ID the police then demanded he accompany them to the …‘Maskopeya´ Police compound – also know as the …‘Russian Compound´ in West Jerusalem. No one else in the group was asked for ID indicating that the police were aware of whom Dr. Barghouthi was – and they had targeted him in particular.Four and a half hours later he was released - HOWEVER as he was being released from the custody of the Israeli police he was re-detained by the Israeli Military.While talking to foreign delegates at Ar-Ram checkpoint it appears that the Border Police handed him … [read more]
Palestinian women prisoners
by: Women`s Affairs Technical CommitteePalestinian women have played a key role throughout the struggle for independence over the long years of Israeli occupation. As a result, many women have been arrested, for political reasons, held in solitary confinement, forced to give birth in their prison cells, tortured, verbally and sexually abused and threatened. Many are held among Israeli criminal prisoners, as well. They have been subjected to extreme brutal and violent conditions, deprived of basic human needs and prisoner`s rights, contradicting by this major international declarations, agreements and principles.Despite harsh conditions, Palestinian women prisoners have shown strength, perseverance, internal unity and solidarity. Before the outbreak of the current Intifada, the number of … [read more]
A second attack in Armutlu!...
by: TAYAD Families, November 13, 2001 A second attack was carried out in Kucuk Armutlu, that is the centre of our Death Fast resistance outside the prisons, in order to continue the F-type prisons policy. The state concentrated on the neighbourhood grossly with its police, military, special team and armoured vehicles starting from 530 in the morning. They launched the attack at 630 am. They had planned to carry out the massacre without press coverage so that the bloody scenes are not revealed. . The Death Fast resisters; GAMZE TURAN, FERHAT ERTÜRK, ÖZKAN GÜZEL, HÜSEYIN AKPINAR, MADIMAK ÖZEN, and their aids SELMA KUBAT, VEDAT ÇELIK and tens of others that we could not get their names were detained.The state is responding to the demands of our sons and daughters with massacres and … [read more]
Conference against war
by: Devrimci Halk Kurtulu…º Cephesi (Revolutionary People´s Liberation Front - Information Bureau Brussels)November 4, 2001 at 9:00 a.m.De Karavaan, Rue du Poinà§on n°19, 1000 BruxellesThe USA has started a war against the entire people of the world. It is using the actions against America on the 11th of September 2001 as its justification. They aim to turn the whole world into an instrument for the American war effort with the demagogy of "terror, fighting terrorism, the annihilation of terrorism". Let`s have a look at those who were the first to obey these calls of America. Which are they? First is England, who has been blackening the lives of millions of people for hundreds of years in the colonies and neo-colonies. Also there is the fascist regime of Turkey, which has turned … [read more]
Anti-imperialist protest to be staged in Islamabad
Anti-imperialist camp calls for int´l supportIn a communiquà© of today Central Committee member of the Pakistan´s Communist Worker Peasant Party (CMKP), Syed Azeem, announced a protest demonstration in the national capital Islamabad for October 21. The party has been campaigning through-out the national territory for this major mobilisation as a part of the prospect to build an anti-imperialist movement against the imperialist aggression on the Afghan people.The Political Committee of the Anti-imperialist camp is granting it´s full support to the demonstration and calls upon the int´l anti-imperialist movement to send solidarity … [read more]
Satan Why Have You Forsaken Us?
By Ziad Shaker elJishi, 10/11/01Watching as many did last night Frontline air a program on the origins of Islamic fundamentalism was a treat. The treat however was the surprising interviews with the Arab bourgeoisie of Saudi Arabia and Egypt as well as an insight into the Egyptian Islamic Jihad founded by Ayman AlZawaheri now aid to Osama Bin Laden. Finally imperialism must contend with Arab reaction in the aftermath of the collapse of the progressive movement in Russia and East Europe. So last night imperialism having to deal with Arab reaction in the aftermath of September 11, it reigned in its Arab comprador calling them into the principle´s office for a good scolding. The message was simple: how could you export to us Bin Laden and Zawahri? How could you do this to us?Bandar Bin … [read more]
This is a war of conquest!
Statement by DHKC, TurkeyStop Telling Lies and Demagogy! Each bomb that is dropped on Afghanistan is the evidence! THIS IS A WAR OF CONQUEST! After days of propaganda, manoeuvres and demagogy the US war machine started to go to work and bombs were rained upon the Afghan people. They say that this is "for justice", "enduring freedom" and a "war of civilisation", they all are lies. They are all diversionary debates to cover up the essence of this attack. The USA is bringing death and starvation to Asia. The USA`s military action is a clear terror attack against the peoples of the world. This war is a war for making the USA the only power in the world. It is a war for making an empire. That is why Afghanistan is being bombed. That is why entire countries, people and organisations are being … [read more]
The UN in the Grips of Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF)
by Cristophe HakizaberaCotonou (Benin)08.10.99 Hakizabera Christophe. Born in 1949 in Gitarama. Graduated First of the 9th promotion of the Rwanda Officers` School with the rank of 2nd Lieutenant in 1971. Ran away to Uganda in 1973 following the Coup d`à©tat by Major-General Habyarimana. Joined the Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF) in Uganda in 1990. Ran away from the Rwandese Patriotic (RPF) from in 1995. Has been living in exile since then. LETTER ADDRESSED TO THE UN COMMISSION ENTRUSTED WITH INVESTIGATING THE UN RESPONSIBILITY IN THE RWANDESE DRAMA Mr. President of the Commission: It is a great pleasure for me and the entire Rwandese population to learn that the U.N. Secretary General has just set up a commission entrusted with showing the UN role in the Rwandese genocide. As one of … [read more]
The International Character of the War in Ruanda from 1990 to date
by Christopher C. Black September 2001 INTERNATIONAL CHARACTER OF THE WARIN RWANDA FROM 1990 TO DATE 1. Introduction 1.1. In the indictment against the political prisoners held by the International Criminal Tribunal For Rwanda, seated at Arusha, Tanzania, all Hutus, the Prosecutor, Carla Del Ponte, starts with the 1959 Revolution. But she deliberately avoids setting out the causes of the Revolution, its development and the reactions of the Tutsi feudal monarchy in power at the time. She passes in silence over the massacres of Hutus and the tortures of the Hutu leaders, whose only crime was that of fighting for the equality and the human rights for the Hutu people. In the result, the Prosecutor has created, … [read more]
Let the Palestinian Intifada move to victory!
Political Education Seminar and Discussioncome join us in Dallas TEXAS this Friday 9/28th/01.LET THE PALESTINIAN INTIFADA MOVE ON TO VICTORYDetails below please help to forward this message toyour contacts!!"Peace is not merely the absence of tension, It´s the presence of justice."Martin Luther King JRON THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE INTIFADACOME JOIN APOLITICAL EDUCATION SEMINAR AND DISCUSSION ON-US FOREIGN POLICY IN THE ARAB WORLD- CIVIL LIBERTIES IN THE UNITED STATES- "TERRORISM"- A CALL TO ACTIONFRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2001 6 P.M.MARTIN LUTHER KING JR., CENTER2922 MLK BLVD., DALLAS, TEXAS-DIRECTIONS-TAKE 45S, EXIT MLK BLVD. MAKE LFT ON MLK BLVD. BLDGLOCATED ON … [read more]
Women political prisoners fear for their lives
by: The Coalition for Palestinian Political Prisoners, Women for Women Political PrisonersThe Coalition for Palestinian Political Prisoners is deeply concerned-fearful--for the welfare of the women political prisoners in Neve Tirza prison, following the most recent lawyer`s visit in which the women prisoners spoke of unprecedented, cruel abuse by the prison authorities. The situation is extremely serious. We are asking you to either mail or fax (preferable) the prison immediately in order to pressure the wardens to cease their abusive behaviour. We are also calling for a demonstration in front of Neve Tirza on Friday, October 5 at 12:00.The following is a summary of the women`s situation including excerpts from their affidavits given to the Women`s Organization for Political Prisoners … [read more]
Open letter to his excellency Dr. Saddam Hussein
by the Organising Committee of the African Symposium on Iraq Open letter to his excellency Dr. Saddam Hussein, President of the Republic of Iraq, Baghdad.Through : The Permanent Mission of Iraq to the United Nations,New York, N.Y.United States of America.E-Mail : Your Excellency,Africa mourns victims of the holocaust tragedy in Iraq.We wish to express our heartfelt condolences and sadness over the continued destruction and devastation of millions of innocent lives and valuable private and public property throughout the length and breadth of Iraq as a result of the unjust and obnoxious United Nations embargo.We take this opportunity as well to condemn strongly the cruel policy pursued by the governments of the United States and Britain against the Republic of Iraq.With the … [read more]
Monday, 24.9.01 8:30am: A protest against Ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their lands
On Sunday, 16.9.01, only 24 hours after Ta`ayush A Palestinian-Israeli solidarity group had led a convoy of food and water to the Palestinian inhabitants of Sussya, in the South Hebron mountains, the Israeli army arrived, destroying their dwellings and water sources . 118 people were expelled from their lands to Palestinian-controlled areas (area A). This measure not only aims to punish Palestinians who participate in joint protest with Israelis, but is also another step in a long chain of IDF violations against this community over the years, despite High Court orders prohibiting their expulsion. Its political logic is that this area is scheduled for annexation by Israel.Taayush- Arab-Jewish Partnership, Rabbis for Human Rights, and the Committee against House Demolitions have invited all … [read more]
The death fast resister Ibrahim Erler has lost his life on the 335th day of the death fast
by: TAYAD FamiliesWe have lost another life on the 335th day of the death fast. After the attack of the funeral of Ümüs Sahingöz on Saturday, which was followed by an operation attempt in Armutlu Ibrahim Erler from the Tekirdag F Type prison and Hakan Koluacik and Bekir Simsek from the Edirne F Type prison burned and sacrificed themselve at the same day in order to stop the operation. Ibrahim Erler, who was in a very critical situation after the sacrifice action was brought to the Medical Faculty at the Cerrahpasa Hospital. Ibrahim Erler who lost his life yesterday night at the hospital was participating in the 4th team of death fast. He continued death fast for 132 days. During the operation in the prisons between 19-22 December he was transferred from the prison of Ümraniye to … [read more]
World Trade Center Bombings the Real Reasons
By Ziad Shaker elJishi, DallasMost of the US media has sought to offer many Americans the reasons behind the bombing of the World Trade Center (WTC) doing their best to miss the point. Particularly avoiding two words: imperialism and class struggle.Whilst experts are called upon and so many have offered their suspect opinions from reactionary idiots like Fouad Ajami to imbeciles like the Zionist ambassador to the US who was quick to ask the US to bomb Syria!Americans should know the truth now that the World Trade Center bombings have taken place and to place the problem and its solution in the proper place specifically in the two issues of US imperialism and its practice as the foreign policy of the US. We have seen many theories being offered for American public consumption in these … [read more]
Who Is Bin Laden?
by: Michel ChossudovskyPrime suspect in the New York and Washington terrorists attacks, branded by the FBI as an "international terrorist" for his role in the African US embassy bombings, Saudi born Ousmane bin Laden was recruited during the Soviet-Afghan war "ironically under the auspices of the CIA, to fight Soviet invaders". 1 In 1979 "the largest covert operation in the history of the CIA" was launched in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in support of the pro-Communist government of Babrak Kamal.2: With the active encouragement of the CIA and Pakistan`s ISI [Inter Services Intelligence], who wanted to turn the Afghan jihad into a global war waged by all Muslim states against the Soviet Union, some 35,000 Muslim radicals from 40 Islamic countries joined Afghanistan`s … [read more]
Protest and Solidarity Demonstration for the Palestinian People
Cairo, Egypt, September 10, 2001Dear All, This is to announce:A Protest and Solidarity DemonstrationOn MondaySeptember 10, 2001At 01:00 PM The Demonstration will start off at Mogamma`a Al-Tahrir(at Al-Tahrir Sq.,Downtown, Cairo) at 01:00 PM.Then, the gathering shall be heading for the American Embassy in Cairo, Garden City. The Demonstration is organised by the Egyptian People`s Committee for Solidarity with the Palestinian Uprising (EPCSPU). Contact Information of EPCSPU:Address: 1041 Courniche Al-Nil St., Cairo, EgyptTelefax: +(202) 362 5784E-mail: epcspu@gmx.netWeb: hope you can participate in this event (for people from Egypt), and that you forward this message to everyone you think … [read more]
African Symposium on Iraq (A. S. I.)
from January 16 -20, 2002INVITATION TO ATTEND CONFERENCEThe African Symposium on Iraq ( A.S.I.), a non- religious, humanitarian Organization presents its compliments and has the honor to inform you that will be an All-African Support Conference to discuss the appalling humanitarian situation in Iraq, and to map- out strategies aimed at ending the sufferings and hardships meted on the Iraq people as a result of the United Nations embargo. The conference would be held at the Conference hall of 2 February hotel in Lome, Togo - West Africa, starting from 17- 19 January, 2002.The African Symposium on Iraq (A.S.I.) therefore, wishes to invite you to participate in this unique and important gathering of Africans on the continent, the Diaspora and peace-loving peoples of the world. The agenda of … [read more]