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Memik Horoz must be released immediately
Urgent call from the International League of Peoples´ Struggle (ILPS) Memik Horoz, the deputy chairperson of the International League of Peoples´ Struggle (ILPS), a journalist of many years and his niece Serap Horoz, were arrested on June 18, 2001 in Cemberlitas, Istanbul by the Turkish state security forces. Memik Horoz is currently in detention and has been transferred to the Tokat City Gendarmerie headquarters - a special counter-insurgency unit. It is claimed that a complaint has been filed against him. We call on all participating organizations of the ILPS and all democratic and anti-imperialist forces throughout the world to urgently raise their voice of protest against the Turkish regime and the captivity of an officer of the ILPS. Given the track record of the Turkish state in … [read more]
Organise the international support for the Intifada!
Delegations on the Summer Camp co-ordinate common actionEventually possible activities to increase world-wide support to the Palestinian people´s right to self-determination are being discussed. One proposal is to organise a big international delegation to visit the occupied territories on the first anniversary of the outbreak of the new Intifada, September 28. The delegations commit themselves to co-ordinate common action like demonstrations on the same day in many places of the world. The need for an international co-ordination to carry out the tasks ahead is expressed which should be the result of the … [read more]
A communist party is necessary
Report on the speech by the Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (PCPE)The Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (PCPE) re-iterates the necessity of a communist party after the break-down of the Soviet Union. Regarding the reactionary capitalist Spanish state the PCPE defends the right to self-determination of the different nationalities like Basques, Catalans and others although it will try its best to preserve the unity of the … [read more]
The masses against the US-backed Taliban
Report by the Afghanistan Liberation Organisation (ALO)A lot of attention is dedicated to the speech of the Afghanistan Liberation Organisation (ALO). Their representative who is fighting under extreme conditions affirmed that the brought majority of the Afghan popular masses have turned against the barbarous Taliban regime. Only the fact that they still get massive Pakistani support (that includes American backing) keeps them in power. Although the masses are tired and exhausted after twenty years of civil war ALO will continue its struggle both in Afghanistan and the refugees camps to which millions and millions of their compatriots have been forced to seek … [read more]
Uncovering the imperialist complicity in the genocide in Africa
Dr. Denise Malasi from Congo and Dr Bashir Kurfi from the Nigerian Liberation Movement speak outAddressing the main forum Dr. Denise Malasi, who cooperates closely with the Kabila government, is urging the European public not to believe the lies about the genocide in Africa, which are being spread by the Western press. Actually it has been the Western powers that instigated the genocide in Rwanda in order to take over the control of the region of the big lakes. As they have done in so many other places they created a "humanitarian catastrophe" to justify a political and military intervention. When imperialism realized they were losing control of Congo when Laurant Kabila took over power, the reactionary regimes of Uganda and Rwanda under the command of the US tried to oust Kabila from … [read more]
PCMLE from Ecuador speaks at the camp
Resistance against dollarisation and the American free trade zoneThe representative of the PCMLE (Marxist Leninist Party of Ecuador) held a detailed speech about the total social crisis, which was imposed on the Ecuadorian people by more than 20 years of neoliberalism. This social crisis has deepened in the 90ies: 8 million of the 12 million inhabitants of the country live in poverty, in 1995 the number was 3,7 millions. 80 percent of the working people suffer from unemployment and under employment.The PCMLE is the leading the people in the resistance fights against the recent attacks on its living conditions: dollarisation of the economy und the American free trade zone, which was negotiated at the last summit of American governments in Quebec. Not taking part in mobilisations there, the … [read more]
Report from Afghanistan
by the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)This year for the first time in the history of the Anti-imperialist Summer Camp, delegations from Afghanistan attended the meeting. Among them is the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA), an independent revolutionary women´s organisation.In the forum that RAWA held, the dramatic situation of women in the Taliban-ruled country was reported. Through the help of a video, the participants could witness the unbelievable cruelty of the reactionaries in power. Images of public executions in Afghan sport stadiums were shown, where thousands of people are forced to watch these brutal slaughters every week. Social Centres for WomenBecause films and photographs are forbidden in Afghanistan, the members of … [read more]
Anti-imperialist Camp opened with a minute of silence for Carlo Giuliani
Yesterday, July 28th, the Anti-imperialist camp was inaugurated paying tribute to our comrade Carlo assassinated by imperialism in the mobilisation against the G8 summit in Genoa. About 150 people welcomed 30 delegations and more than 100 organisations support this meeting of the anti-imperialist forces from all around the world are making it a counter summit to G8. For the first time in the eleven year´s of history of this meeting a strong delegation from Africa (Nigeria, Congo, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Chad) is present, the continent most devastated by capitalist globalisation. Special greetings were transmitted to the Palestinian delegation granting the full support to the new and heroic Intifada. Representatives from the struggle from the most diverse countries from Turkey to … [read more]
After Genoa the antiglobalisation movement will change
Message of the communist Party of Greece (ML)Hereby, the P.C.G. (m-l) wishes to Camp Anti-imperialism success with the international meeting that will take place at Assisi in Italy.After the events of Genoa, the existing situation of the movement will change in order to claim from any revolutionary force to stand up for the situations.From one side, the dangers of a deviation through the "militarism" of political action and also from the other side, the dangers of the retire of the movement towards to more legalistic and reformist illusions are distinctive. Against all these dangers, the only reply is an ideological and political clarification and an organizing upgrade of the movement.Especially for us that we live in the area of the Balkans, we have the belief that the war, which keeps … [read more]
Solidarity greetings from Ebrahim- Ranjbaran Party of Iran
Dear Friends,We support varmely the Antiimperialist camp`s effort to defend oppressed peoples right to self- determination, namely Palestinan People`s rightto constitute his independent and sovereign state. Unfortunately we cannot participate at the meeting of the international solidarity coalition for Palestine in Assisi,July 28 to Augusti 5, 2001. We wish plenty of succes for the meeting.Sincerly Yours.Ebrahim- Ranjbaran Party of IranB0x 1047162 12 Vällingby- … [read more]
Migration and Globalization
The Experience of Filipino Migrants in EuropeThe propagandists and implementors of imperialist globalization have promised the world a paradise. But, it is a short-term paradise and is only for the handful monopoly capitalists and their political representatives.For the rest of humanity, imperialist globalization has meant hell -- the loss of jobs, homes, communities, livelihood, poverty, starvation and crises.What we see now is the more rapacious, greedier, more exploitative and oppressive political, economic and social world order that has brought forth violent social tensions, conflicts and wars, since the end of the last capitalist world war.This imperialist scheme has attacked the rights and conditions of the working class, and peoples all over the world, manifested in massive … [read more]
Support the struggle of Russian political prisoners
Letter by RPK to the Anti-imperialist Camp Following we publish a letter to the Anti-imperialist Camp by the Revolutionary Party of Communists, Russia on the situation of Russian political prisoners. We call upon all democratic and anti-imperialist forces to join the solidarity actions in support of the Russian political prisoners stated below.To the International Chairman of the Anti-Imperialist CampRespected comrade!For more than a year there have been kept in FSB (the Federal Service of Security) custody members of the Youth Communist League (Komsomol): Nadezhda Raks (arrested on the 23rd of February 2000), Tatiana Sokolova (arrested on the 3rd of March 2000), Larisa Romanova (arrested on the 6th of March 2000), Andrey Sokolov (arrested on the 20th of June 2000). Yet before non-party … [read more]
How to get to the Anti-imperialist Camp
Assisi, July 28 - August 5The Anti-imperialist Camp is taking place on the camping site Camping Fontemaggio (via Eremo delle Carceri n°8). Assisi can be reached by both car and train: 1 – by train from Rome from Florence from AnconaOnce arrived at the train station in Assisi (located in the village Santa Maria degli Angeli) one can reach the very town Assisi (located on a hill) by one of the freqent public buses. The last stop, where one has to get off, is Piazza Matteotti. To reach the Camping site the indications saying "Monte Subasio" have to be followed. The Camping site is located immediately outside medieval Assisi, ca. 400 metres from the bus stop. 2 – by car:Follow the indications on the map; in Assisi (take the main road which goes up the hill) follow the indications to … [read more]
EU-Institutions to join US suffocation policy on Iraq
By Arab Cause Solidarity Committee, Madrid, 14 July 2001 The draft produced by Emma Nicholson, Vice-president of the Committee, is plagued with falsehoods and distortions concerning the situation in Iraq A preliminary report by the Committee of Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy of the European Parliament backs the most interventionist and aggressive positions of the new Bush Administration against Iraq On 25 June 2001 the preliminary draft (document 2000/2329, INI) of a report commissioned by the British Baroness, Emma Nicholson of Winterbourne, Vice-president of the Committee of Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy of the European Parliament (EP), and member of the Liberal Democratic Party, entitled "On the situation in Iraq … [read more]
by Tayad, TurkeyThe balance sheet of the Resistance: 60 Martyrs, including 5 Tayad members. 60 Living Dead. Hundreds of lives on the brink of death. Sevgi ERDOGAN from the DHKP-C has lost her life today at 15:00 on the 267th day of her Death Fast action. She is a decades long revolutionary and she has proven once again that our beliefs and willpower can never be submitted, she did this by challenging death for 267 days and by becoming immortal. Sevgi Erdogan was born in 1956 in Erzurum, North-East Turkey, and graduated from Istanbul University, department of economy. In 1974 she was married to Ibrahim ERDOGAN. Their daughter Sirvan was born in 1979. She was arrested in 1981 together with her husband and sent to Istanbul Metris prison. Her husband Ibrahim Erdogan was massacred on July 12, … [read more]
Programme of the Anti-imperialist Camp 2001
Assisi, July 28 - Agust 5Saturday, July 28Arrival 21.00: Concert and official inauguration of Camp 2001The following workshop will be held during the whole duration of the Camp: IT-workshop, focussing on a more appropriate usage of the InternetSunday, July 299.30Meetings with the international delegations15.30: Plenary SessionAfter Genoa: The global challenge. The antagonistic forces and the perspectives of the anti-globalisation movement21.00: ForumsForum 1: Political Prisonersa) Methodology of oppression and punishmentb) The cold war´s lootc) Statistics of political prisoners Speakers: Senideak, Bask Country; DHKC and Öztudak, Turkey; Addameer, Palestine; Vera Smith, ex-political prisoner, IDP-national commission for human rights, MexicoForum 2: Exodus and migrantsa) Freedom of … [read more]
Free Memik Horoz!
by B.C. Committee for Human Rights of the PhilippinesGrassroots women and overseas Filipinos in Canada call for the release of Memik Horoz of Turkey!As progressive and democratic organizations in Vancouver, Canada, we stand with the Turkish people and other democratic organizations worldwide in calling for the immediate release of Memik Horoz. We as members and supporters of the newly-founded International League of Peoples` Struggles (ILPS) are enraged by the suspicious arrest, detention, and insidious handling of the ILPS` newly-elected Deputy Chairperson Memik Horoz by the Turkish state.Mr. Horoz is a journalist who has been active in bringing out the just demands of the Turkish workers and people. On 18 June 2001 in Istanbul, Turkey state security forces arrested Mr. Horoz and his … [read more]
Activists harassed and arrested in front of Tel Mond prison, Israel
by The Coalition for Palestinian political prisonersPress release - 6/7/01 About 50 activists gathered in front of Tel Mond Prison today to express solidarity with some 70 Palestinian minors who are in a hunger strike in the prison since July 1. The Palestinian minors are often held together with adult criminal prisoners. Bringing prisoners from the occupied territories to a prison inside Israel is in contravention to international law.The activists held a peaceful vigil in front of the prison, holding slogans in English, Arabic and Hebrew saying "bring the children home" and "no peace without prisoner release". At one point, Itamar Markovitch, a traffic policeman came and began to harass them and make extremely racist anti-Arab statements. One of the activists wrote down his name, and … [read more]
"Turkish Army used Gas against prisoners, paper says"
Report investigates reasons behind December deaths of leftist inmatesATHENS / by Gerd HoehlergA forensic medical report published in Turkey has shed new light on the events which took place when authorities stormed 20 prison facilities on December 19, 2000.The government intended its "Operation Back To Life" to put an end to the hunger strikes being waged by a number of left-wing prisoners.When police and military units finally moved in and stormed the prisons, 26 inmates were killed and a further 103 injured. According to the account provided by Justice Minister Hikmet Sami Turk, the majority of the deaths resulted from self-immolation.However, a forensic report published in the centre-left Istanbul newspaper Radikal concluded that at least six inmates at Istanbul`s Bayrampasa prison … [read more]
On the current situation in Sri Lanka
by Dr Vicramabahu KarunarathnaThe PA (Peoples Alliance) government is struggling under two pressures. On the one hand the pressure of the IMF to carry out the structural reforms promised. It has declared to reduce consumption through higher taxes and limiting wage increases. A drastic drop in the real incomes means lower living standard for the majority of the populaces. However this cannot be achieved except through a massive confrontation with the Trade Unions. On the other hand the pressure of peace makers for a negotiated to carry the burden of the war. Not only the massive expenditure but also the difficulty of improving man power, have be come unbearable LTTE has shown it could continue to fight.Chandrika (President of Sri Lanka) has offered to form a national government with Ranil … [read more]