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May Day Press Statement
Irish Republican Socialist Party29 April 2001The Irish Republican Socialist Party`s May Day message has condemned the use of Temporary Employment Agencies and urged workers to resist this slave trade by reclaiming May Day`s hidden past.Speaking on behalf of the IRSP, Ard Comhairle representative John Hogan said, "Since the Chicago tragedy of May 1st 1886, which became known thereafter as international workers day, many workers died while demonstrating for an 8-hour working day. Many years of working class struggle and resistance have followed and we proudly celebrate them on this date."This year, so too must we remember with equal pride the sacrifice given by ten brave young working class men who also gave their lives in 1981, in a principled stand against Britain`s criminalisation policy … [read more]
Afrikan Liberation Day 2001, May 26th 2001
Smash Neocolonialism - No More Coups in Africa-Organize the Masses for One Unified Socialist Africa! To: Revolutionary and Progressive African Organizations and Individuals, National Liberation Movements, Progressive Alliance Organizations, Community Activists and Student Community All African People`s Revolutionary Party Afrikan Liberation Day 2001, May 26th 2001 Our theme this year is "Smash Neocolonialism - No More Coups in Africa-Organize the Masses for One Unified Socialist Africa! " Please join us by participating in this year`s Afrikan Liberation Day 2001 Activities. Afrikan Liberation Day will be held in cities around the globe on: Friday, May 25th (check your local area) Political Symposium Saturday, May 26th, 2001- March and Rally 12noon to 5pm (please wear white as a sign of … [read more]
10 Years after Disintegration of the USSR: Lost Illusions
International Scientific ConferenceOrganized by State Duma of Russian Federation (Committee on Science and Education) And "Alternatives" FoundationMoscow, June 21-24, 2001, Russian State LibraryCall for Papers!Main topics for debates:1. Reasons of Disintegration: internal and external factors2. Consequences of Disintegration: internal and external factors3. "Really existed socialism: what it was?4. World without USSR: more or less stability, equality and democracy? 5. The End of the History? (Perspectives of the Socialism after collapse of the USSR)6. The End of the Planned Economy and global capitalism crisis (Plan or Market: competition is [not] finished?)7. Former USSR republics: who won from the disintegration? 8. Homo Soveticus and Homo economicus 9. Transitional Societies: … [read more]
Free all politicals prisoners !!! Abolish ISA Now !!!
Kommuniquà© by the Central Leadership Committee of People´s Democratic Party, IndonesiaThe detaining and arresting four Malaysian activists of human rights on the 10th of April, 2001 in Kuala Lumpur by Mahatir´s administration had clearly indicate that the government frightened for the rise of people´s consciousness to achieve their rights. On behalf of the ISA (Internal Security Act), Mahatir´s apparatus violated and harassed fundamental civil rights which had been struggled by those activists to fight for freedom in speech and assembly. Implementing the ISA, Mahatir´s administration oppresses civil rights and it´s proven by them in arresting opposition leaders without any trial. Therefore, the ISA must be abolished in order to defend civil´s rights. Because of all the reasons … [read more]
"International War-crimes Tribunal" financed by the United States Government and US Multi-Nationals
by Michel Collon It`s as if Washington itself were to try Milosevic!The "Tribunal" is only interested in putting Milosevic on trial – not Sharon, nor Pinochet nor the Murderer Generals from Turkey: Is it impartial? Financed by the United States government and by American millionaires, it refuses to investigate the war-crimes committed by NATO and by the Albanian terrorists: Is it independent? Its modus-operandi throws overboard numerous principles of law: Is it legal? We have a portrait of a very bizarre "Tribunal"..Should Milosevic go on trial in the Hague? Whatever your opinion of the former President of Yugoslavia (and on the people really responsible for the wars in the Balkans) should he not have the same right as any other man to be tried by a fair and neutral tribunal that … [read more]
Anti-Americanism, Anti-Imperialism, Balkan issue in Greece
by Panos TsonpoulosANTI-AMERICANISM, ANTI-IMPERIALISM, BALKAN ISSUE1. THE FORMATION OF THE MODERN GREEK STATEAfter the liberal bourgeois revolution broke in 1821, the Greeks managed to succeed from Ottoman empire. Contrary to the beliefs of the Greek intellectual Rigas Feraios who favoured the creation of a Balkan federation composed of all the Christian nations. He was struggled in Austrian prisons in 1798. However, the social forces that managed to take the upper hand at the revolution (landlords who prevented a distribution of land (among the biggest landlords was and still is the Greek Orthodox Church)). The new weak state was under the control of the then big powers (the loans given by United Kingdom in 1824-5 was a guarantee for the continuation of the dependence) who imposed the … [read more]
Accommodation Fees of the Camp 2001
Assisi, Italy, July 28 - August 5HotelFull Board* (8 days) Euro 289/ US$** 263Only night`s lodging (8 days) Euro 181 / US$** 164BungalowFull Board* (8 days) Euro 232 / US$** 211Only night`s lodging (8 days) Euro 145 / US$** 131CaravanFull Board* (8 days) Euro 207 / US$** 188Only night`s lodging (8 days) Euro 129 / US$** 117TentFull Board* (8 days) Euro 186 / US$** 169Only night`s lodging (8 days) Euro 83 / US$** 75Tent under 25 yearsOnly night`s lodging (8 days) Euro 52 / US$** 47HostelFull Board* (8 days)Euro 201 / US$** 183Only night`s lodging (8 days) Euro 129 / US$** 117Single meal at the Camping´s Restaurant (3 courses) Euro 9 / US$** 8Sandwiches and snacks will be available at the BarPLEASE NOTE:* Includes lunch and dinner (3 courses). Breakfast is not included** Values are subject … [read more]
Russia and the Anti-imperialist Movement
By Serguei A. NovikovGradual change of the Russian regimeCurrently, the dominant spirits of the Russian masses is anti-American, pro-national and even pro-nationalist to a certain extent. There are some tiny pro-NATO youth movements, that is associated with the so-called Alliance of Right Forces, as well as some circles among scholars and scientists, but in the latest study of public opinion about 70 or 80% of respondents said, that they are not going to leave Russia for any other country. Many former collective farmers and those associated with the National industry have also become very suspicious about the US as their deadly competitor. It is not enough, however, to oppose consistently the new world order. For instance, there is no serious protest against Russia`s joining the WTO. The … [read more]
Death fast of the Political Prisoners in Turkey
Press release by DHKC URGENT ANNOUNCEMENT!Today, the 170th day of the death fast in the prisons of Turkey, Adil Kaplan, member of the TKP(ML) from the 1st death fast team, died.On the 20th of October 2000, the prisoners of the DHKP-C, TKP(ML) and TKÍP started an unlimited hunger strike, which was turned into death fast 30 days later.On the December 19, 2000 military forces and police units raided 20 prisons, where death fast took place. This operation, that in some prisons lasted 4 days, has cost the life of 28 prisoners and two soldiers. The prisoners, who were locked into the f-type prisons after this operation, continued their resistance despite of torture and rape. The number of the prisoners on death fast grow up to nearly 500. Several prisoners were forced to eat and dozens were … [read more]
Slobodan Milosevic is not a war criminal!
By Professor Mihailo MarkovicThe most important Yugoslav living philosopher, professor Mihailo Markovic, member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, member of several international scientific societies and visiting professor in many foreign universities, including in USA, made the following statement on the arrest of president Milosevic:Present Yugoslav authorities know that Slobodan Milosevic is not a war criminal and yet they arrested him and intend to deliver him to the Hague tribunal the partiality of which is quite obvious. Its prosecutor, notorious Carla Del Ponte declared in advance that for his "crimes" Milosevic will get life imprisonment. He is guilty before anything was proven, he is punished before the trial even started. In any truly legal institution this lady would … [read more]
Open Letter to the Socialist Party of Serbia
By Blagovesta DonchevaThe following letter has been sent to the SPS by Ms. Blagovesta Doncheva in response to their official declaration on Milosevic´s voluntary appearance in front of the court. Ms. Doncheva has kindly forwarded this letter to the Anti-imperialist Camp for publication. Friends,I am sorry, but I cannot understand and even less I can justify Mr. Milosevic´s decision to give up.IT IS A WAR and war is not won by negotiations and concessions!The President´s main motive is NOT an acceptable motive! His decision has humiliated his supporters (what about their efforts days on a run and in those two nights there? Haven´t they been turned into a laughing stock? Have they deserved it? But the worse will come when they and the whole Serb people and your friends and supporters … [read more]
The illegal bombing of Yugoslavia
By Walter Rockler, former Nuremberg prosecutorText of video address to the London conference "Kosovo - Day of Truth - New and Dangers for Europe" organised by the Campaign for Justice for the Peoples of Yugoslavia and Christians Against NATO Aggression, 24 February 2001.My remarks will be directed at (1) the legality of NATOs bombing of Yugoslavia as a method of compelling the Yugoslav Government to accept the NATO occupation of Kosovo; (2) the hypocritical pretexts used to justify bombing and occupation; and (3) some "accomplishments" of the bombing and occupation.After the success of the Western Powers, or NATO, in dividing Bosnia into three ethnic enclaves, each unremittingly hostile to the other two, the Powers decided that they had a further duty to regulate Serbian affairs. In … [read more]
People`s Investigation of U.S. War Crimes Against Korea
By International Action Center and Korea Truth CommissionCALL TO ACTION BY INTERNATIONAL ACTION CENTER AND KOREA TRUTH COMMISSION People`s Investigation of U.S. War Crimes Against Korea Grows International Grass Roots Groups Organize for June 23rd, 2001, NYC War Crimes Tribunal DOES YOUR GROUP WANT TO BE LISTED AS AN ENDORSER? 14 Dec 2000 Since September of 1999, evidence of 160 instances of US led military attacks on Korean non-combatants during the Korean war have surfaced. Hundreds of thousands of children, women, and aged people are believed to have been massacred as a result of orders from U.S. military brass. Because of the right wing atmosphere whipped up during the McCarthy era, an anti-war response in the United States never came about, and these horrific crimes never reached … [read more]
Comrade Farooq Tariq is still in prison
Urgent communiquà© by the Labour Party of PakistanDear comrades,Five LPP comrades and some persons from other parties have been released from jail. They were arrested on 23 March` when they were in a rally for the restoration of democracy. But Farooq Tariq is still in jail. Punjab Advocate General deliberately did not present the FIR(first information report) in Lahore High Court. Advocate General said in court that he has no information about the FIR, which is totally false. It is impossible that administration is unable to get the copy of FIR in time. It shows that government is using delaying tactics. On that false report Court postpone the hearing on 27 March. Government banned to meet the arrested persons. Still no one is able to meet Farooq T.LPP will go for press conference on … [read more]
Asia-Pacific People`s Solidarity Conference
Jakarta, 7-10 June, 2001Asia-Pacific People`s Solidarity Conference - "Fighting Neo-Liberalism in the Asia-Pacific"Come to Jakarta in June 2001!Join the struggle to globalise resistance to the neo-liberal offensive! conference will be held between June 7-10, 2001 and will be organised by the Indonesian Centre for Reform and Social Emancipation (INCREASE). The conference will be held in the city of Jakarta. From within Indonesia, the conference will be supported by the affiliates of INCREASE, namely, the National Student League for Democracy (Liga Nasional Mahasiswa untuk Demokrasi, LNMD), the National Peasant Union (Serikat Tani Nasional, STN), the Indonesian National Front for Labour Struggle (Front Nasional Perjuangan … [read more]
Peru: Rebellion in the prisons
Immediate fulfilment of the demands of the Peruvian political prisoners!On the 13th of March the political prisoners of the Peruvian revolutionary organisation MRTA (Movimiento Revolucionario Tupac Amaru) launched a rebellion occupying the high security prison of Yanamayo.Today, the 22nd of March the protest action was ended since the authorities had promised to transmit the prisoners´ demands to the central government.The political prisoners demand their immediate transportation into another prison and the definite closure of the extermination prisons of Yanamayo and Chayapallca. These high security prisons have been built by the Fujimori dictatorship being directed against the Peruvian revolutionary movement. They are located at an altitude of more then 4,000 meters in the Peruvian … [read more]
Political Resolution of the International Conference on the Balkans and the Middle East
Athens, Greece, March 15-19, 2001Political Resolution of the International Conference On the Balkans and the Middle East STOP THE PULVERIZATION OF THE BALKANS! TEN YEARS ARE ENOUGH! WAR AGAINST THE WAR OF IMPERIALISTS!VICTORY TO INTIFADA!FOR SOCIALIST FEDERATIONS IN THE BALKANS AND THE MIDDLE EAST!1. The Balkans and the Middle East are again the focus of all the explosive contradictions of world Capitalism.Two years after NATO´s war of aggression on Kosovo and a few months after the demise of Milosevic, South Serbia and Macedonia are in flames; a new series of wars of extermination threaten to pulverize not only the remnants of former Yugoslavia but all the Balkan countries as well.In the Middle East, the heroic Intifada of the Palestinian people faces the most reactionary Zionist … [read more]
Conference on the Balkans and the Middle East, Athens March 15-19, 2001
Communiquà© by the Balkan Socialist Center "Christian Rakovsky" Communiquà© on the International Seminar and Conference on the Balkans and the Middle East, Athens March 15-19, 2001The Balkan Socialist Center "Christian Rakovsky" held its Second International Conference in Athens. This time the agenda was extended to explore the explosive developments both in the Balkans and the Middle East. A two days International Seminar on March the 15th and 16th, 2001 preceded the Conference that took place on the weekend of March the 17th and 18th. On Monday March 19th a Public Meeting in the Polytechnic University of Athens presented the political results of the four days deliberations. The meetings in public were followed by two hundred people.Delegations from twelve countries participated … [read more]
After Kosovo, Macedonia.
By Michel CollonWhat is left of the explanations of NATO ?A sinister repetition? After the Albanian separatists of the KLA have attacked the villages of the Presevo valley in Serbia, after they have killed 11 Serbian civilians of Kosovo by throwing a bomb in a bus, they are waging now war in neighbouring Macedonia. And again refugees are on the roads. Is there a new escalation in the Balkans? In fact, these events allow to better understand what happened in 1999. In this complex situation (because everything is done to disorientate the public opinion), let us answer clearly to the main questions.Michel Collon1. Is Macedonia a strategic region ?Yes, as we have explained in our book Monopoly by citing the general Jackson, commander of the NATO troops: "We will certainly stay here for a long … [read more]
Report on the Brussels DU Conference "Victims speak" (1st of March)v
by Paddy Colligan (International Action Center)Campaign to ban weapons,Soldiers, doctors testify on effects of DUPaddy ColliganBrussels, BelgiumPeople from a dozen countries attending a March 1-2 conference here grappled with how to organize cooperatively to stop the Pentagon and NATO from using depleted-uranium weapons. The Belgium-based Coalition for the Abolition of Depleted Uranium brought together victims of depleted uranium, anti-war activists and researchers for two days of working meetings and a public presentation to 500 people at the Free University of Brussels.Participants agreed to continue working together to stop DU use. Western Europe`s corporate media have publicized the possibility of danger from DU over the last few months as alarming numbers of young, previously healthy … [read more]