Despite the cruel genocide, Israel lost the Battle of Gaza. The victory achieved by the Palestinian Resistance will remain engraved in the history of humanity.
However, the War will continue, as shown by the Zionist policy of colonization of the West Bank, and because of the Trump administration’s open support for Israel.
Trump and the White House seem to press ahead with the attempt to make peace with Russia. This is only possible because Russia resisted successfully to the imperialist pressure. Meanwhile the European Union is continuing their war drive against Russia, embarking on an incredible hubris which is destined to implode.
The more and the longer they continue, the deeper will be the fall. This eventually can tear down the entire European Union opening up new possibilities for the struggle of the popular classes. Therefore, we pledge our full support for immediate peace with Russia and the full withdrawal of NATO from Eastern Europe while we need to continue fighting US imperialism.
It is an error to think that the new Stars and Stripes administration will want to adopt an isolationist policy. The White House rather wants globalization to be under its domination, so it will try to block the way for the BRICS and strike at any Anti-Imperialist Resistance.
In a global context in which threats to humanity are destined to increase, it is an absolute priority for popular resistance, democratic and socialist forces to join forces to counter imperialism and build a great global movement for peace.
The Tangier Forum (2-4 May 2025) aims to be another step towards this operational international unity.
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