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NO STEP BACK – solidarity with the Palestinian Resistance and the peoples fighting against imperialism

Event: 2/5/2025
Despite the cruel genocide, Israel lost the Battle of Gaza. The victory achieved by the Palestinian Resistance will remain engraved in the history of humanity. However, the War will continue, as shown by the Zionist policy of colonization of the West Bank, and because of the Trump administration’s open support for Israel. Trump and the White House seem to press ahead with the attempt to make peace with Russia. This is only possible because Russia resisted successfully to the imperialist pressure. Meanwhile the European Union is continuing their war drive against Russia, embarking on an incredible hubris which is destined to implode. The more and the longer they continue, the deeper will be the fall. This eventually can tear down the entire European Union opening up new … [read more]

The West can no longer deny Russia's successes, but the warmongers of World War III are not stopping

Interview with Wilhelm Langthaler, spokesperson of the Anti-imperialist Camp, in the exiled Ukrainian opposition media outlet   Recently, more and more publications have appeared in the Western media, which contain the opinions of politicians and high-ranking NATO generals that the military conflict in Ukraine is moving towards Kiev's defeat. How can you explain the increase in the number of such materials? # The reason is very clearly connected with the results on the battle field. Nobody can deny anymore that Russia is advancing and that that the Ukrainian army is exhausted. Nevertheless Western media is continuing is warmongering campaign against Russia asking for further escalation.   Is public opinion really changing not in favor of … [read more]

Now more than ever resistance

Statement of the “Stop World War 3 - International Initiative for Peace” on the escalating wars in Palestine and Ukraine The past few months have been enormously consequential for the anti-imperialist Resistances. Beginning with the telecommunications sabotage, the Zionist regime unleashed a brutal war on the people of Lebanon, first by air and sea, followed by an ongoing ground invasion. After a year of genocide, the Zionist regime shows no sign of stopping their war on the Palestinian people. There has only been an intensification of the war coupled with a denial of the most basic humanitarian assistance for the people in Gaza. The recent assassinations of Ismail Haniyeh, Hassan Nasrallah, and Yahya Sinwar have shown the depth of the struggle against Zionism and the sacrifice … [read more]

Final Declaration of the “What Future for Palestine”

Forum held in Rome 20/21 April 2024
The October 7th operation and the battles which have followed have proved that the Palestinian resistance has strengthened its military capacity and achieved broad political unity. All armed groups are now cooperating together from a common base of resistance. The resistance struggles against the Zionist regime which is armed and funded by the United States and other Western countries. Outnumbered and outgunned, the Palestinian resistance has inflicted serious loses to the enemy. The Zionists have been forced to continue operations in Gaza for more than 6 months without achieving their initial or intermediate goals. The Zionist regime has left behind more than 40,000 dead or missing persons, including 14,000 children with over 80,000 seriously wounded. Civilian infrastructure in Gaza … [read more]

Peace Conference: what future for the Palestinian people

Rome Intl Forum, 20 and April 21
Guests from: Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Libya, Morocco,Tunisia, Turkey, Greece, Russia, Georgia, China, United States,Germany, Austria, Ireland,Great Britain, South Africa…
Rome Forum Future of Palestine
Last October a major international conference took place in Rome entitled "For a true and just peace, stopping the third world war". Delegates from forty anti-imperialist organizations from 25 countries and every continent participated. The Conference concluded by unanimously … [read more]

On the Genocide of Palestinian People and its Powerful Resistance

8/1/2024 · Stop World War 3 International Peace Initiative
Israel is committing a casebook crime of genocide in Gaza. To be precise, it is continuing and hardening the colonial genocide it had been committing in Palestine for 75 years.
In our era, this crime is comparable only with the systematic extermination of the Iraqi and Afghani people that the U.S. and its allies committed. Genocide is never self-defense. And no legal right of self-defense exists for the imperialist conquerors. The concept is … [read more]

Austria curbs basic democratic rights to lash out against Palestine solidarity movement

A series of unprecedented political bans of demonstrations and arrests dismantle historic achievements
13/11/2023 · Wilhelm Langthaler
Austria has been a country known for both: social peace on one side and democratic and social rights on the other being interconnected. That combined with a foreign policy based on the constitutional neutrality which since the accession to the EU has been reduced to a formal remnant (however, with a huge political importance).
Against demonstration bans
Neo-liberalism and its relentless attacks have been undermining this compromise dating back to the 70ies. All phenomena of decomposition of the existing political systems experienced across Western Europe could be observed also in Austria, though maybe with more moderation. The … [read more]

Stop the Third World War

International Conference
Event: 27/10/2023
The clash between Russia and Ukraine, due to the direct involvement of NATO, threatens to unleash a third world war. The Euro-Atlantist elites justify their direct support for the puppet regime in Kiev as »necessary to repel Russian aggression«.
For a true and just peace - stop the third world war
Actually, the real aggressor is the US-NATO-EU coalition, which took advantage of the Soviet Union’s dissolution to economically and politically subdue all of Eastern Europe in order to encircle and defeat Russia. The final step in this strategy would be the definitive … [read more]

GN Saibaba again on hunger strike

He demands the CCTV to be removed from his prison cell
27/5/2022 · Committee for the defense and release of prof. GN Saibaba
Immediately resolve the hunger strike Demands of Dr. G.N. Saibaba and save his life in the jail
GN Saibaba
26 May 2022 Dr. G.N. Saibaba, a 90% physically disabled person languishing in Nagpur central Jail started a hunger strike for the second time from Saturday 21st May 2022 seeking immediate resolution of his demands. Dr. G.N. Saibaba, also sat on hunger strike one and half years … [read more]

Is Navalny a real danger for Putin?

Online debate with Alexej Sakhnin
Event: 1/3/2021
Analysis of the current protest movement and the position of the anti-imperialist and democratic forces in Russia
Alexej Sakhnin
Online debate with Alexej Sakhnin, co-ordinator of the Left Front and a leader of the protest movement in 2011-13. He authored the famous article in Jacobin “How a Russian Nationalist Named Alexei Navalny Became a Liberal Hero”. The debate will be held in Russian with … [read more]

Sanctions against Belarus hit Latvia, Lithuania

EU drives Minsk towards Moscow
31/10/2020 · Poligraf_Red – a Marxist group from Minsk
Foreign comrades are asking us to make some comments on the situation with the sanctions imposed by the European Union against Belarus. Here is our answer.
Belarus rail
Different sanctions against Belarus and individual representatives of the Belarusian regime by the EU and the United States are nothing new. In fact, they are being introduced, partially cancelled and reintroduced since the dissolution of the parliament and the adoption of the … [read more]

For Karabakh’s self-determination while returning Azery majority territory

A communist view from Moscow
20/10/2020 · Serguei Novikov
"So it would be in the interests of the Azery and Armenian people to recognise the selfdetermination of Karabakh in exchange for some purely Azery territories as well as to guarantee nonaggression and the obligation to act by peaceful means only."
Nagorny Karabakh
The events in Karabakh as well as the anti-Armenian pogroms in the Azery city of Sungait and others -- it was one of the first National conflicts, that broke out yet in the years of Gorbachev's perestroika. The very Karabakh is a territory, that for centuries was populated by … [read more]

Istanbul conference: support Gaza and the Palestinian resistance

Event: 14/1/2024
A range of humanitarian, political and scientific organisations from the Arab and Islamic world are calling for an international conference in Istanbul to forge strategies for the solidarity movements with the Palestinian people.
Mass demonstration in Istanbul for Gaza
Working thesis: the resistance in Gaza against the Israeli genocidal war machine was indeed successful. But to get this reflected in the political sphere remains a huge task ahead. Israel and its Western imperialist backers will do whatever possible to exclude the political … [read more]

Address to the World Anti-imperialist Platform

Pre-written speech Athens 2023
26/11/2023 · Wilhelm Langthaler
Written speech of Wilhelm Langthaler on behalf of the Anti-imperialist Camp at the conference of the World Anti-imperialist Platform (WAP) in Athens, November 18, 2023. The actually delivered speech was different in order to refer to the contributions.
World Anti-imperialist Platform Athens November 2023
A broad alliance against the descent into the 3rd world war waged by the US empire The last two decades have ben characterised by a gradual loss of consensus by the Washington. They proved unable to win wars, the are crippled by a structural economic crisis and resistance … [read more]

Press conference / statement on Rome Peace Conference

14/10/2023 · Fronte del Dissenso
Stop World War III. For a true and just peace, stop NATO INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE
27-28 OCTOBER 2023 ROME, Hotel Universo, Via Principe Amedeo, 5/b   PRESS CONFERENCE Thursday 26 October, 5pm, at the Hotel Universo, Via Principe Amedeo, 5/b * * * The Appeal, launched by the Fronte del Dissenso together with other European and international … [read more]

Ceasefire with security guarantees

Odessa opposition leader Albu
Alexey Albu was member of the Ukrainian leftist organisation Borotba and member of the regional parliament of the Odessa oblast before the ultranationalist coup d’état in 2014.
Ceasefire with conditions
He was victim of the Maidanist massacre against the Odessa union building on May 2, 2014, when Nazis killed more than 150 democratic activists with support of the new authorities. He survived wounded and could flee to Lugansk as a political refugee of the civil war. We asked him … [read more]

Release Dr. GN Saibaba Immediately!

Press Conference demanding the immediate release of wheelchair-bound Delhi University professor Dr. GN Saibaba who has contracted COVID-19 in Nagpur Central Jail
Press Invitation March 9th 2021 To Editors and Correspondents, Subject:  After almost seven years in jail and rapidly deteriorating health in judicial custody, on February 13th 2021, Vasantha, Dr. GN Saibaba’s wife, received a call from the Nagpur Central Jail … [read more]

Babri Masjid demolition a criminal act

CBI Court verdict must be challenged
1/11/2020 · National Alliance of People's Movements (NAPM)
NAPM Condemns the criminal neglect of the prosecution in the case and complete denial of the findings of the Liberhan Commission
NAPM is shocked and dismayed at the verdict of the CBI Special Court in acquitting all 32 persons accused of being responsible for the demolition of Babri masjid on December 6, 1992. For reasons best known to it, the CBI led a weak prosecution based upon defective … [read more]

Indian leftist leader G N Saibaba on hunger strike

neglect and continuous denial of adequate treatment by the jail authorities
20/10/2020 · Committee for the Defence and Release of Dr. G. N. Saibaba
Condemnable treatment of Dr. G. N. Saibaba forcing him to go on Hunger Strike in Nagpur Central Jail!
release GN Saibaba
The Committee for the Defence and Release of Dr. G. N. Saibaba appeals to the Nagpur Central Jail authorities to provide Dr. G. N. Saibaba with adequate medical care, books and letters immediately!  The Committee for the Defence and Release of Dr. G. N. Saibaba is pained … [read more]

A Belarus Maidan?

Interview with Paul Cabana, representative of Poligraf Red, a Marxist group from Minsk
1/9/2020 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
When militia brutality stopped (mostly as a result of the workers’ protests), the number of workers actively supporting the opposition dwindled a lot.
What do you think of the current street movement in Belarus trying to bring down Lukashenko? The current street movement is the largest we have ever seen in recent history of Belarus. Most of the people involved have no clear understanding of what they really want to achieve, … [read more]

NO STEP BACK – solidarity with the Palestinian Resistance and the peoples fighting against imperialism

Event: 2/5/2025
Despite the cruel genocide, Israel lost the Battle of Gaza. The victory achieved by the Palestinian Resistance will remain engraved in the history of humanity. However, the War will continue, as shown by the Zionist policy of colonization of the West Bank, and because of the Trump administration’s open support for Israel. Trump and the White House seem to press ahead with the attempt to make peace with Russia. This is only possible because Russia resisted successfully to the imperialist pressure. Meanwhile the European Union is continuing their war drive against Russia, embarking on an incredible hubris which is destined to implode. The more and the longer they continue, the deeper will be the fall. This eventually can tear down the entire European Union opening up new … [read more]

The West can no longer deny Russia's successes, but the warmongers of World War III are not stopping

Interview with Wilhelm Langthaler, spokesperson of the Anti-imperialist Camp, in the exiled Ukrainian opposition media outlet   Recently, more and more publications have appeared in the Western media, which contain the opinions of politicians and high-ranking NATO generals that the military conflict in Ukraine is moving towards Kiev's defeat. How can you explain the increase in the number of such materials? # The reason is very clearly connected with the results on the battle field. Nobody can deny anymore that Russia is advancing and that that the Ukrainian army is exhausted. Nevertheless Western media is continuing is warmongering campaign against Russia asking for further escalation.   Is public opinion really changing not in favor of … [read more]

Now more than ever resistance

Statement of the “Stop World War 3 - International Initiative for Peace” on the escalating wars in Palestine and Ukraine The past few months have been enormously consequential for the anti-imperialist Resistances. Beginning with the telecommunications sabotage, the Zionist regime unleashed a brutal war on the people of Lebanon, first by air and sea, followed by an ongoing ground invasion. After a year of genocide, the Zionist regime shows no sign of stopping their war on the Palestinian people. There has only been an intensification of the war coupled with a denial of the most basic humanitarian assistance for the people in Gaza. The recent assassinations of Ismail Haniyeh, Hassan Nasrallah, and Yahya Sinwar have shown the depth of the struggle against Zionism and the sacrifice … [read more]

Final Declaration of the “What Future for Palestine”

Forum held in Rome 20/21 April 2024
The October 7th operation and the battles which have followed have proved that the Palestinian resistance has strengthened its military capacity and achieved broad political unity. All armed groups are now cooperating together from a common base of resistance. The resistance struggles against the Zionist regime which is armed and funded by the United States and other Western countries. Outnumbered and outgunned, the Palestinian resistance has inflicted serious loses to the enemy. The Zionists have been forced to continue operations in Gaza for more than 6 months without achieving their initial or intermediate goals. The Zionist regime has left behind more than 40,000 dead or missing persons, including 14,000 children with over 80,000 seriously wounded. Civilian infrastructure in Gaza … [read more]

Peace Conference: what future for the Palestinian people

Rome Intl Forum, 20 and April 21
Guests from: Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Libya, Morocco,Tunisia, Turkey, Greece, Russia, Georgia, China, United States,Germany, Austria, Ireland,Great Britain, South Africa…
Rome Forum Future of Palestine
Last October a major international conference took place in Rome entitled "For a true and just peace, stopping the third world war". Delegates from forty anti-imperialist organizations from 25 countries and every continent participated. The Conference concluded by unanimously approving a Resolution translated into multiple languages   which you can read here: was born an international coordination called “STOP THE THIRD WORLD WAR - International Peace Initiative” (STOPWW3) and which in various countries is engaging in solidarity with the Palestinian Resistance and to stop the strategic aggression of the US-NATO bloc EU to Russia and in the future to China. The Conference was long prepared and organized by the FRONTE del DISSENSO, a … [read more]

Istanbul conference: support Gaza and the Palestinian resistance

Event: 14/1/2024
A range of humanitarian, political and scientific organisations from the Arab and Islamic world are calling for an international conference in Istanbul to forge strategies for the solidarity movements with the Palestinian people.
Mass demonstration in Istanbul for Gaza
Working thesis: the resistance in Gaza against the Israeli genocidal war machine was indeed successful. But to get this reflected in the political sphere remains a huge task ahead. Israel and its Western imperialist backers will do whatever possible to exclude the political representation of the resisting Palestinian people by calling it terrorist etc. And they will continue to ghettoize the Palestinian, keep life impossible and impede reconstruction. The struggle for “political legitimacy will be the central knot of the post-war period”, as the political document of the conference states. Attached the call as well as the programme To contact the convenor: … [read more]

On the Genocide of Palestinian People and its Powerful Resistance

8/1/2024 · Stop World War 3 International Peace Initiative
Israel is committing a casebook crime of genocide in Gaza. To be precise, it is continuing and hardening the colonial genocide it had been committing in Palestine for 75 years.
In our era, this crime is comparable only with the systematic extermination of the Iraqi and Afghani people that the U.S. and its allies committed. Genocide is never self-defense. And no legal right of self-defense exists for the imperialist conquerors. The concept is meaningless. The “STOP WW3 Peace Initiative” supports the struggle of the Palestinians against the illegal, neocolonial Israeli entity. Palestine has the right to exist, to be the home of all Palestinians. Palestinians have the right to live in their own country, to be free to move anywhere in it, and to choose their own leadership. Palestinians have the right to resist, to fight against the conquerors of their land. Among the conquerors, no distinction is possible between army personnel and settlers who … [read more]

Address to the World Anti-imperialist Platform

Pre-written speech Athens 2023
26/11/2023 · Wilhelm Langthaler
Written speech of Wilhelm Langthaler on behalf of the Anti-imperialist Camp at the conference of the World Anti-imperialist Platform (WAP) in Athens, November 18, 2023. The actually delivered speech was different in order to refer to the contributions.
World Anti-imperialist Platform Athens November 2023
A broad alliance against the descent into the 3rd world war waged by the US empire The last two decades have ben characterised by a gradual loss of consensus by the Washington. They proved unable to win wars, the are crippled by a structural economic crisis and resistance movements and state powers striving for escape their rule across the globe are gaining traction. The once so powerful and all-encompassing neo-liberal globalisation is drawing to a close. In order to keep their supremacy embodied in the monopolar world order Washington embarked on war drive, a kind of revival of aborted neo-con attempts. They pre-emptively unleash war against forces showing signs of insubordination also to teach the others and to avoid a chain reaction. Therefore they have been encircling Russia as … [read more]

Austria curbs basic democratic rights to lash out against Palestine solidarity movement

A series of unprecedented political bans of demonstrations and arrests dismantle historic achievements
13/11/2023 · Wilhelm Langthaler
Austria has been a country known for both: social peace on one side and democratic and social rights on the other being interconnected. That combined with a foreign policy based on the constitutional neutrality which since the accession to the EU has been reduced to a formal remnant (however, with a huge political importance).
Against demonstration bans
Neo-liberalism and its relentless attacks have been undermining this compromise dating back to the 70ies. All phenomena of decomposition of the existing political systems experienced across Western Europe could be observed also in Austria, though maybe with more moderation. The more economic liberalism took a left-liberal cultural face, social opposition assumed right populist forms also employing Islamophobia. The authoritarian Corona regime, supported by the historic left, produced a significant and unprecedented opposition also on the streets. With NATO’s war on Russia the formally neutral country chose to fully take side with the West in flagrant violation of the constitution. A good part of the population opposes this ostensible subordination – a defiance which is being … [read more]

Press conference / statement on Rome Peace Conference

14/10/2023 · Fronte del Dissenso
Stop World War III. For a true and just peace, stop NATO INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE
27-28 OCTOBER 2023 ROME, Hotel Universo, Via Principe Amedeo, 5/b   PRESS CONFERENCE Thursday 26 October, 5pm, at the Hotel Universo, Via Principe Amedeo, 5/b * * * The Appeal, launched by the Fronte del Dissenso together with other European and international movements, as well as thousands of citizens, dozens of political organizations and social movements from different countries and continents have signed: from Germany to Russia, from Greece to Ukraine, from Afghanistan to the USA, from India to South Korea, from China to Palestine, from Venezuela to Australia. Official delegations from these countries will therefore be present at the Conference. The appeal was shared among other Italian personalities by general Fabio Mini, physicist Carlo Rovelli, former Italian … [read more]

Stop the Third World War

International Conference
Event: 27/10/2023
The clash between Russia and Ukraine, due to the direct involvement of NATO, threatens to unleash a third world war. The Euro-Atlantist elites justify their direct support for the puppet regime in Kiev as »necessary to repel Russian aggression«.
For a true and just peace - stop the third world war
Actually, the real aggressor is the US-NATO-EU coalition, which took advantage of the Soviet Union’s dissolution to economically and politically subdue all of Eastern Europe in order to encircle and defeat Russia. The final step in this strategy would be the definitive annexation of Ukraine to NATO and the European Union, and thus a regime change in Moscow. Only the foolish and forgetful can believe that the blockade led by the United States of America has triggered this war to defend the principles of democracy and self-determination of peoples. The truth is that this blockade, after supporting the Euromaidan coup, financed and armed the Ukrainian army and neo-Nazi groups to hurl them against the Donbass republics and Russia itself. The truth is that the US-NATO-EU bloc uses the … [read more]

Ceasefire with security guarantees

Odessa opposition leader Albu
Alexey Albu was member of the Ukrainian leftist organisation Borotba and member of the regional parliament of the Odessa oblast before the ultranationalist coup d’état in 2014.
Ceasefire with conditions
He was victim of the Maidanist massacre against the Odessa union building on May 2, 2014, when Nazis killed more than 150 democratic activists with support of the new authorities. He survived wounded and could flee to Lugansk as a political refugee of the civil war. We asked him about his opinion on a ceasefire:   Yes, a ceasefire is a variant of finishing the conflict is possible. I mean to just stop fighting along the frontline. But you should know that nobody will agree with the political status-quo which constitute the roots of the civil war and the military escalation. Because if the Nazi state will survive, it will get new weapons from NATO, new trained fighters, and they will attack us again. So, that means that new war will start but we will be in more difficult … [read more]

GN Saibaba again on hunger strike

He demands the CCTV to be removed from his prison cell
27/5/2022 · Committee for the defense and release of prof. GN Saibaba
Immediately resolve the hunger strike Demands of Dr. G.N. Saibaba and save his life in the jail
GN Saibaba
26 May 2022 Dr. G.N. Saibaba, a 90% physically disabled person languishing in Nagpur central Jail started a hunger strike for the second time from Saturday 21st May 2022 seeking immediate resolution of his demands. Dr. G.N. Saibaba, also sat on hunger strike one and half years ago during lockdown in the jail demanding the immediate handover of medicines supplied by his family members and advocates, supply of books, letters etc. Some of these demands had been accepted. On 10th May 2022, the jail authorities installed a CCTV camera in front of his Anda Cell without providing any valid reason. This 24-hour camera surveillance is a clear violation of his fundamental right to privacy, life, liberty, and bodily integrity. The installed CCTV camera records everything 24X7 including use of … [read more]

Release Dr. GN Saibaba Immediately!

Press Conference demanding the immediate release of wheelchair-bound Delhi University professor Dr. GN Saibaba who has contracted COVID-19 in Nagpur Central Jail
Press Invitation March 9th 2021 To Editors and Correspondents, Subject:  After almost seven years in jail and rapidly deteriorating health in judicial custody, on February 13th 2021, Vasantha, Dr. GN Saibaba’s wife, received a call from the Nagpur Central Jail informing her that her husband has contracted the COVID-19. Dr. Saibaba, a wheelchair-bound person with over 90% disability suffering from over 19 different ailments including muscle atrophy and a clot in his brain, has been denied basic medical care in prison while being imprisoned in the inhumane anda cell. He has not been permitted to meet his family throughout the lockdown and was assured letters from home, a basic right of every prisoner, only after a prolonged hunger strike in jail. With weakened immunity and … [read more]

Is Navalny a real danger for Putin?

Online debate with Alexej Sakhnin
Event: 1/3/2021
Analysis of the current protest movement and the position of the anti-imperialist and democratic forces in Russia
Alexej Sakhnin
Online debate with Alexej Sakhnin, co-ordinator of the Left Front and a leader of the protest movement in 2011-13. He authored the famous article in Jacobin “How a Russian Nationalist Named Alexei Navalny Became a Liberal Hero”. The debate will be held in Russian with German translation, in case this des not work properly, we will switch to English.   Навальный - реальная угроза Путину? Он-лайн дебаты с Алексеем Сахниным Понедельник, 1 марта 2021 г. - 19:00 Алексей Сахнин Анализ современного протестного движения - и позиции … [read more]

Babri Masjid demolition a criminal act

CBI Court verdict must be challenged
1/11/2020 · National Alliance of People's Movements (NAPM)
NAPM Condemns the criminal neglect of the prosecution in the case and complete denial of the findings of the Liberhan Commission
NAPM is shocked and dismayed at the verdict of the CBI Special Court in acquitting all 32 persons accused of being responsible for the demolition of Babri masjid on December 6, 1992. For reasons best known to it, the CBI led a weak prosecution based upon defective evidence, even though the Liberhan Commission after its detailed investigation (1992-2009) pointed to the involvement of senior RSS and BJP leaders, including L K Advani, Murli Manohar Joshi and Uma Bharti. It is indeed sad commentary for  our democracy that active participants in a movement such as this often say one thing inside Court and the exact opposite outside it and yet go scot-free. The Judgement running in to 2,300 pages then goes at length to say that there was no active conspiracy, … [read more]

Sanctions against Belarus hit Latvia, Lithuania

EU drives Minsk towards Moscow
31/10/2020 · Poligraf_Red – a Marxist group from Minsk
Foreign comrades are asking us to make some comments on the situation with the sanctions imposed by the European Union against Belarus. Here is our answer.
Belarus rail
Different sanctions against Belarus and individual representatives of the Belarusian regime by the EU and the United States are nothing new. In fact, they are being introduced, partially cancelled and reintroduced since the dissolution of the parliament and the adoption of the new constitution in 1996. As a rule, these sanctions are not critical either for the Belarusian economy, or for the Belarusian authorities, or for bilateral relations between the countries. And many have long doubted the effectiveness of such an instrument of pressure on the Belarusian government. The latest package of EU sanctions, according to experts, is also quite soft and, so far, does not pose a serious threat to the economy and the local political regime. Although it must be admitted that in the past few … [read more]

Indian leftist leader G N Saibaba on hunger strike

neglect and continuous denial of adequate treatment by the jail authorities
20/10/2020 · Committee for the Defence and Release of Dr. G. N. Saibaba
Condemnable treatment of Dr. G. N. Saibaba forcing him to go on Hunger Strike in Nagpur Central Jail!
release GN Saibaba
The Committee for the Defence and Release of Dr. G. N. Saibaba appeals to the Nagpur Central Jail authorities to provide Dr. G. N. Saibaba with adequate medical care, books and letters immediately!  The Committee for the Defence and Release of Dr. G. N. Saibaba is pained to hear that Dr. G. N. Saibaba will be going on hunger strike to demand the basic rights of every prisoner, access to reading material, letters and medicines, even as his health is deteriorating and the threat of contracting COVID-19 looms large. Dr. G. N. Saibaba has resolved to observe a hunger strike starting from 21st October 2020 in light of the denial of basic medical facilities to him within the Nagpur Central Jail and the denial of books and letters sent to him from family and friends. Unfair … [read more]

For Karabakh’s self-determination while returning Azery majority territory

A communist view from Moscow
20/10/2020 · Serguei Novikov
"So it would be in the interests of the Azery and Armenian people to recognise the selfdetermination of Karabakh in exchange for some purely Azery territories as well as to guarantee nonaggression and the obligation to act by peaceful means only."
Nagorny Karabakh
The events in Karabakh as well as the anti-Armenian pogroms in the Azery city of Sungait and others -- it was one of the first National conflicts, that broke out yet in the years of Gorbachev's perestroika. The very Karabakh is a territory, that for centuries was populated by both Armenians and Azery people. In the Soviet years it had the status of an autonomous district in the territory of Azerbaijan. This conflict, as well as many others, was based on the objective growth of national self-awareness, mostly that of those nations, that had acquired their literacy, national art, literature and started to comprehend their national role in the Soviet history. As the proletarian internationalism in the CPSU policy got weaker in the last decades of the Soviet period, this National … [read more]

A Belarus Maidan?

Interview with Paul Cabana, representative of Poligraf Red, a Marxist group from Minsk
1/9/2020 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
When militia brutality stopped (mostly as a result of the workers’ protests), the number of workers actively supporting the opposition dwindled a lot.
What do you think of the current street movement in Belarus trying to bring down Lukashenko? The current street movement is the largest we have ever seen in recent history of Belarus. Most of the people involved have no clear understanding of what they really want to achieve, and what is the future they are fighting for. Basically, it all boils down to some vague hope that it is enough to bring down Lukashenko – and everything will be all right. Of course, the people most likely to come to power if the movement wins have a very clear understanding of this future. It is clearly a neo-liberal vision with massive privatization of state property, deindustrialization, “optimization” of the healthcare system etc. It goes without saying that, as leftists, we can’t support these aims. … [read more]