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Everybody’s darling?

Some preliminary thoughts on Rohani’s election
28/6/2013 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
Everybody seems happy with the unexpected outcome of the Iranian presidential elections – with the notorious Israeli exception. Given the explosive regional and global tensions, one is inclined to think that there is something wrong with this apparent harmony, isn’t it?
The establishment First of all it is the supreme leader Chameini who can be happy. The entire system of the Islamic republic displayed flexibility. Not only does the high turnout express political strength but the same holds for allowing a figure into the presidency which does not directly belong to the dominant faction. If there wasn’t the reports of Chameini having lent support to the conservative candidates (who scored all together less votes than Rohani), one would think that Chameini invented and created Rohani. For several reasons his presidency helps to resolve several problems: The system softly and smoothly gets rid of the worn-out and disgraced president Ahmedinejad who during his ascent had attracted the lower classes to the system and still maintains some following. At … [read more]

Peace Delegation Damascus 2013

Delegation: Campell (...), Gabriel, Pissias, Reymann, Vera (...), Bendana, Fanon
In the beginning of June 2013 an international delegation of intellectuals and activists visited Damascus to meet high governmental officials as well as the legal opposition. Already in the months before meetings with the different forces of the opposition outside took place. The aim of the initiative is to help to create the conditions for a political settlement of the conflict heading towards a democratic transformation and opposing any foreign intervention. Statement on the Damascus Delegation Participants of the delegation Political platform of the initiative for a Political Solution Scroll through the more than 1.000 … [read more]

Revolutionaries and Alevis

Addendum on Turkey’s Gezi park movement
23/6/2013 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
The article “Gezi park: between democracy and Kemalism, Chances and dangers for a social revolutionary left” closed with following proposition: “Based purely on the Alevite communal group revolution proved to be impossible.” Uncomprehending reactions invited me to offer a deeper explanation.
Dersim uprising 1938: Alevis captured by Turkish soldiers to be deported
The radical left which during the military dictatorship rose in arms (paying a heavy price) has been alimenting itself mainly from the ranks of the Alevi community. The war waged by the junta against the Kurds with the most dirty of methods including mass eviction and dam projects in East Anatolia evoked a large migration to Western Turkey’s metropolis – in addition to the economic factors which pushes the population in the entire global south into the cities. Millions of uprooted and impoverished Alevis all of a sudden found themselves within an urban environment. The Alevis have been known as social rebels. They staged several insurrections against the Ottoman Sultans leading to bloody crack-downs. They remained heavily oppressed different to other ethnic and sectarian minorities … [read more]

Statement Peace Mission to Syria

The International Peace in Syria Initiative Meets with Government and Opposition in Damascus and Lebanon
Since September 2012 the Peace in Syria Initiative has undertaken consultations inside and outside Syria. Between June 2 and 8, the Peace in Syria Initiative met with high ranking government officials, opposition and religious organizations.
Delegation meets Kadri Shamil (r), vice premier and minister
This international initiative is composed of prominent civil society figures from Europe and Latin America (list attached) representing all those concerned with peace and justice in Syria. Its aim is to contribute to the end of the war and the suffering by helping create favourable conditions for the advancement of the political process through dialogue and negotiations. In order to achieve such an aim, we met with State officials at high levels and various groups and parties of the opposition inside and outside the country, along with religious organizations and international and non-governmental bodies. We have been received, have been informed on the aspects and essence of the conflict, and have been heard. On the basis of the discussions held, the Initiative identified key … [read more]

Gezi park: between democracy and Kemalism

Chances and dangers for a social revolutionary left
15/6/2013 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
The old left had failed facing the AKP challenge – because they read them erroneously as a linear prolongation of the military dictatorship. As the authoritarian and culturally repressive tendencies of Erdogan are coming to the fore, a new chance is being offered to social revolutionary democrats. But there is one condition: not to tap into the trap set by Kemalism which already had seemed moribund.
Hand sign second from left is the one of the Grey Wolves
The starting point of the mass protests, to prevent the destruction of a park in the very heart of Istanbul’s political centre, offered a broad and flexible platform. As the movement is multi-faceted, it can develop in various directions. Where it will go is yet not decided. Here are some thoughts on the character of the events and how to act upon them. The different souls of the protests First of all the mass action is directed against unrestrained capitalism and its reckless megaprojects which do not tolerate objections. People on the street are targeting the new Islamic elite, which had promised to be different to its secular predecessor, but eventually turned out to be very similar. But that does not automatically mean that it is all about an uprising of the poor. Looking at … [read more]

An account from Stuttgart

The German city of Stuttgart could seem a peculiar choice to hold a conference on Palestine and the One-State solution. However the defense of the Palestinian cause by an acclaimed local politician, Evelyn Hecht-Galinski, whose father was president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, seems to give the movement a significant resonance. Over 20 speakers from around the world drew in several hundred participants from across Germany and neighbouring countries. What follows is an account of some of the speakers' interventions.
Ilan Pappe described how the two state solution devised within the United Nations amounts to a Zionist concept and results from the reality that made it unfeasible to ethnically cleans Palestinians in the West Bank & Gaza as was done during the earlier acquisition of Palestinian territory. By giving Palestinians a semblance of authority over a fraction of their original land, the UN in effect voted for an open prison disguised as a project of a state. When asked about the entitlement of 3rd generation Israelis born in Israel, Pappe called for a practical solution: settlers who identify with the invader's politics become invaders themselves. Hence, the land of Palestine should be open to those who acknowledge an equal entitlement of all to the land. Highlighting the counter-productivity … [read more]

Solidarity With the Syrian Struggle for Dignity and Freedom

13/5/2013 · Campaign of Global Solidarity with the Syrian Revolution
As in Tunisia and Egypt also in Syria there is a significant revolutionary democratic camp. While they all share the opposition against foreign intervention, sectarianism and excessive militarism their positions range from pacifism to the support of the armed struggle. Following appeal has been launched by the latter tendency spearheaded by Syrian figures like Salameh Kaileh or Samir Aita and endorsed by personalities like Fawaz Traboulsi, Etiénne Balibar, Elias Khoury, Ilan Pappe, Tariq Ali…
We, the undersigned, stand in solidarity with the millions of Syrians who have been struggling for dignity and freedom since March 2011. We call on people of the world to pressure the Syrian regime to end its oppression of and war on the Syrian people. We demand that Bashar al-Asad leave immediately without excuses so that Syria can begin a speedy recovery towards a democratic future. Since March 2011, Asad’s regime has steadily escalated its violence against the Syrian people, launching Scud missiles, using weapons banned by the Geneva Convention such as cluster bombs and incendiary munitions, and using aerial bombardment. The regime has detained and tortured tens of thousands of people and committed untold massacres. It has refused political settlements that do not include Asad in … [read more]

Activist-scholars tour in Adivasi hotspot, India

Indigenous People's Vision Document on Ethos, Education & Livelihood
Calling All Activists-Scholars with interest in Tribal Rights, Ecology, Conflict Resolution-Peace, Development Studies or Anthropology to join in the unique Bastar Study Tour.
Tour will start in Pakhanjur (Kanker) and move downwards along the south-western border of Chhattisgarh, to Konta (Sukma). Jagargunda onwards the troupe will travel off-roads. **************** As part of facilitation program for 'Indigenous People's Vision Document on Ethos, Education & Livelihood' a joint study tour is proposed so that voices can be heard from those in the tribal community who are on the other side of the divide caused by modern education, religion & industrial development. For, it is also an obligation of the academia to clear the cobwebs of conflicting ideologies & vested interests that often try to smother the voices of the last man and then claim spokesmanship. This tour is also an assertion of anthrophiles' rights to walk and mingle unhindered in the … [read more]

Dissolve the eurozone

Otherwise Berlin will lead us into disaster
7/5/2013 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
The German elites are dictating Europe extreme austerity. The ideology behind that: salvation comes about by emulating the German export-driven wage-deflationary model. Only by means of such drastic treatment the EU periphery could regain competitiveness. In this way these economies are pushed into deep recession with an unknown end. Dozens of millions of people are forced into unprecedented misery which for decades had been considered overcome for capitalist Europe. Eventually Germany itself will be drawn into the vortex of crisis as it is destroying its own markets. The only solution suggesting itself: dissolving the eurozone.
I. Crisis of unequal distribution II. EU under German hegemony III. The only solution: dissolve the eurozone IV. Breaking with casino capitalism   This catastrophic crisis is at the same time a great chance: in some of the most crisis-stricken countries the rule of the EU financial oligarchy might be toppled. Trying to analyse the acute crisis of the last five years and the build-up that preceded it, we suggest a rough separation into two basic levels: a global momentum on one hand and a specific European one on the other hand. The latter is connected to the actual constitution of the EU and the economic predominance of Germany, combined with the political weakness of its elites. This configuration triggers a powerful amplification of the crisis, turning Europe into its centre … [read more]

Dialogue is possible

Results of Düsseldorf’s convention for a political solution to the Syrian conflict
On April 13th 2013 in Düsseldorf, Germany, a meeting of German speaking Syrians took place who originate from all milieus participating in the conflict*. Representatives of the German peace movements provided the frame for the debates. Declared aim was to promote a dialogue of civil society in order to pave the way for political negotiations. On this way a first step was realized in Düsseldorf.
S Abulaban (l), L Gabriel, M Sayegh, C. Haydt
Already at the beginning of the day a large consensus was achieved on the need for such a dialogue in order to diminish the suffering of the Syrian population living in fear within the ruins of Daraa, the outskirts of Damascus and the city of Aleppo. The proposals to promote local cease fires by intensifying the interaction with the local population and to give free access to humanitarian organizations were as much accepted by the defenders of the government and of the opposition as the plan to organize, in the near future a peace conference in Vienna, Austria. The discussions dealt also with the problem of the intensification of the civil war-like circumstances along the lines of religious confessions. The participants underlined that also in this respect negotiation and dialogue … [read more]

Syria: from war to peace

2nd statement of the Initiative for a Political Solution
Instead of waiting until the big and small powers of the region and of the world would find an equilibrium which allows them to generate a cease-fire from the outside, we established contacts with the Syrian political forces who are willing to engage a political dialogue under conditions which eventually could lead to a cease-fire and a political transition acceptable to all people who truly want peace in Syria and in the whole area. We also established contacts with members of the Syrian civil society and people on the ground.
No idea and no ideal however heroic it might be can justify the death of thousands of innocent people. No matter can be so important that it deserves that millions are fleeing their homes just because they want to survive. And no war should continue if it is aimed at the destruction of one’s own country. This is the lesson of nearly every war and this is also the lesson of the war in Syria which already cost the lives of 70 000 Syrians. However the big question remains: How to stop this vicious circle of violence, which dominates the country since almost two years? Syria is situated in a multicultural environment there are many people on both sides of the political spectrum who just want democracy and social justice to be built from the bottom up in their urban and rural … [read more]

Democratic Civil Alliance – DCA

4/3/2013 · Committee of Action emerging from the Syrian International Conference for Democratic Syria and Civilian State on 28-29 January 2013
The Democratic Civil Alliance which consists of Syrian political figures and civil democratic forces considers the coming Syria as a democratic civil State based on citizenship that ensures the individual and collective rights that are approved in the International Bill of Human Rights.
This Alliance seeks to bring together all democratic forces and political parties that are opposed to tyranny and corruption, that reject sectarianism and violence, that rely on the notion, components and execution of the Syrian-based solution, and that accept participation in a political process aimed at ending the Syrian crisis and transition to a democracy through a peaceful political path. The Democratic Civil Alliance sees the necessity for all Syrian parties to participate in creating the solution. The Democratic Civil Alliance does not set preconditions to negotiations with the regime, but maintains that it is necessary for the appropriate climate for this negotiation to be in place, and for this negotiation to have a clear title: to agree on a transitional phase in … [read more]

Italy: Euro supporters defeated

2nd republic drawing to an end
27/2/2013 · Popular Liberation Movement (MPL)
Yes, we want to say it immediately -- for the first time we can enjoy an election result. Let us see why:
1. If we consider also the number of non-voters and the spoiled votes (i.e. all the eligible citizens and not only the actual voters), the three parties (PDL – People of Freedom, PD – Democratic Party, UDC – Union of the Center) that supported for one year the worst government of the Italian republican history, obtained all together less than 50%. A blow that needs no further comment. Already this fact denies the thesis of those, many also near to us, who maintained the insignificance of these elections. On the contrary their result represents a real political earthquake. 2. Merkel’s most loved duo Bersani-Monti just obtained 40% of all valid votes. Before the elections we indicated as a goal to bring them under the threshold of 50%. We were pessimistic! The Italian ballots … [read more]

Damascus shall not become Aleppo

On Moaz al Khatib’s offer for talks
25/2/2013 · by Alfred Klein
The ice-breaking offer for direct negotiations with the Assad government by the leader of the “Syrian National Coalition” indicates a significant shift. Important parts of the population including the Sunni elites want to avoid a further (sectarian) escalation. It is deemed a price too high to be paid. They want to save their capital Damascus from the fate suffered by Homs and Aleppo.
For the time being it as been mainly the Tahrir democrats and left around the “National Co-ordination Boy for Democratic Change” (NCB) which systematically warned of the dangerous dialectics unfolding between militarization and sectarianism. From the very beginning they have been calling for a political solution by negotiations and advocating a defensive, de-escalating strategy facing the regime’s repression (option I). Given the rigidity of the ruling apparatus’s reaction the official opposition – “official” because being recognised by the western rulers of the world – could easily sideline and isolate the NCB as “agents of the regime”. This was possible despite their doubtless credentials having spent decades resisting the regime including long-term … [read more]

Palestinian cartoonist Sabaaneh detained by Israel

Request letter for solidarity by his family
In response to the death of Palestinian detainee Arafat Jaradat, who died in Israeli custody on Saturday, the family of Mohammad have written an open letter, calling on humantiarian organizations to help them visit Mohammed Sabaaneh:
We are the family of Mohammed Abdel Ghani Saba'na, who has been arrested by the Israeli Occupation Army as he was coming back home from Jordan through Al-Karama crossing. And since that day his lawyers was unable to meet him and all their requests were rejected. We – Family of Sabaaneh – and after the death of Arafat Jaradat during investigation by Israeli army, at Aljalameh compound or after that in Majeddo prison, We appeals to all parties especially humanitarian organizations all around the world to interfere fast to help us visiting our son to check on him and his safety we appeal to them to work hard to save our our Son and all prisoners from the Occupation prisons to end their suffering by lifting their case up to international forums to assure their safety and their legal … [read more]

Letter from Palestinian Prisoner Samer al-Issawi

There is no going back because I’m the owner of Right
18/2/2013 · by Samer al-Issawi
I turn with admiration to the masses of our heroic Palestinian people, to our Palestinian leadership, to all forces, parties and national institutions. I salute them for standing by our fight to defend our right to freedom and dignity.
Samer Issawi
I draw my strength from my people, from all the free people in the world, from friends and the families of the prisoners who continue day and night chanting for freedom and an end to the occupation. My health has deteriorated dramatically and I’m hung between life and death. My weak body is collapsing but still able to be patient and continue the confrontation. My message is that I will continue until the end, until the last drop of water in my body, until martyrdom. Martyrdom is an honor for me in this battle. My martyrdom is my remaining bomb in the confrontation with the tyrants and the jailers, in the face of the racist policy of the occupation that humiliates our people and exercises against us all means of oppression and repression. I say to my people: I'm stronger than the … [read more]

Together for One Democratic State

2nd Palestine Solidarity Conference Stuttgart 10-12 May 2013
Event: 3/3/2025
The People Demand a Change of the Political System in Historic Palestine
For the last two years, people in the Arab region have been trying to take things into their own hands. Their main demand is a change in the political system, bringing social justice, democracy, freedom and self-determination. Foreign powers, parts of the political Islamic movement and members of the old structures seek to control these movements for change. People in the whole area of historic Palestine are part of this regional movement. But militarism, racism, apartheid and the denial of rights to the Palestinian majority in historic Palestine characterize the policy of the state of Israel. This is true of parties from the extreme right through to the liberal left. Egregious expulsions and discrimination against Palestinians inside the Green Line, an intensified land grab as part … [read more]

Negotiations at behest of the bourgeoisie?

Position of the Syrian revolutionary left regarding dialogue with the dictatorial regime
14/2/2013 · Revolutionary Left Current in Syria
We witnessed at the beginning of this year, two important events regarding the activities of the Syrian opposition. Firstly, the National Coordination Committee for Democratic Change’s (NCCDC) meeting in Geneva in which this latter returned at its conclusion to reach an understanding with some conditions for a dialogue with the ruling junta regime. The second event was the initiative of Sheikh Maaz Khatib, head of the National Coalition, who also suggested a conditional dialogue with the regime.
No sane person can refuse lightly everything that can stop or ease the suffering of our people and their great sacrifices, but this does not mean, that we have to accept and support any initiative claiming it is seeking to do so. The judgment on such initiatives is subject, from our point of view, to the criteria meeting the following conditions: to provide for the masses the ability to re-establish their fight and struggle to topple the dictatorial regime, that does not provide for the latter to prolong its time or survival, and in particular that allow the space for radical change from below in favor of the popular classes and to serve their direct and general interests. (NCCDC) and Sheikh Moaz initiatives both converge in calling for “change from above”, with the difference … [read more]

Kashmiri hanged after fake trial

Indian judicial system driven by Hindutva
10/2/2013 · Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF), India
We condemn the Indian government in the strongest possible terms for hanging Mohammad Afzal Guru at Tihar Jail in a dastardly manner. The process of his arrest, trial, his sentencing by the lower court and the upholding of the death sentence by the Supreme Court, the rejection of his petition to the president, denial of his right to a judicial review of this rejection, and finally his secret hanging – all point towards the farcical nature of Indian judiciary and the complicity of the entire present political system in persecuting political dissidents.
Death to the System which has hanged Afzal Guru in a dastardly manner! “Let life be dead, but death must not be allowed to live” - Marx Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF) condemns the Indian government in the strongest possible terms for hanging Mohammad Afzal Guru at Tihar Jail this morning in a dastardly manner. The process of his arrest, trial, his sentencing by the lower court and the upholding of the death sentence by the Supreme Court, the rejection of his petition to the president, denial of his right to a judicial review of this rejection, and finally his secret hanging – all point towards the farcical nature of Indian judiciary and the complicity of the entire present political system in persecuting political dissidents. Moreover, we also condemn the arrest of Prof. … [read more]

Geneva declaration on Syria

Conference for a Democratic and Civilian state
Proceeding from a deep belief in the necessity to protect Syria's land and people, and in the face of the risk of the destruction of national unity resulting from a corrupt dictatorial regime over sequential decades, the democratic national figures and organisations at this meeting commit to rescue Syria from a catastrophic situation, and put it on a safe path through the unification of societal forces based on democracy, pluralism and equality, gaining the support of all international and Arab external forces for the righteous demand of the Syrian people in toppling the dictatorial regime, and the establishment of a civil democratic State proceeding from the following tasks:
1. Consider the International Geneva Agreement as a valid basis for implementation, and first and foremost to simultaneously stop the violence. 2. To work on the establishment of a political process though negotiations between the opposition and the regime to implement the International Geneva Agreement, for issuing a constitutional declaration to create on this basis a Government with full power to administrate this stage, and work to bring about fair legislature and Presidential elections, under international supervision. 3. To convene the International Geneva Conference 2, which takes into consideration developments on the ground and requirements on the one hand, with the presence of a binding mechanism on the result of negotiation, from the Security Council under Chapter VI on … [read more]

Everybody’s darling?

Some preliminary thoughts on Rohani’s election
28/6/2013 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
Everybody seems happy with the unexpected outcome of the Iranian presidential elections – with the notorious Israeli exception. Given the explosive regional and global tensions, one is inclined to think that there is something wrong with this apparent harmony, isn’t it?
The establishment First of all it is the supreme leader Chameini who can be happy. The entire system of the Islamic republic displayed flexibility. Not only does the high turnout express political strength but the same holds for allowing a figure into the presidency which does not directly belong to the dominant faction. If there wasn’t the reports of Chameini having lent support to the conservative candidates (who scored all together less votes than Rohani), one would think that Chameini invented and created Rohani. For several reasons his presidency helps to resolve several problems: The system softly and smoothly gets rid of the worn-out and disgraced president Ahmedinejad who during his ascent had attracted the lower classes to the system and still maintains some following. At … [read more]

Peace Delegation Damascus 2013

Delegation: Campell (...), Gabriel, Pissias, Reymann, Vera (...), Bendana, Fanon
In the beginning of June 2013 an international delegation of intellectuals and activists visited Damascus to meet high governmental officials as well as the legal opposition. Already in the months before meetings with the different forces of the opposition outside took place. The aim of the initiative is to help to create the conditions for a political settlement of the conflict heading towards a democratic transformation and opposing any foreign intervention. Statement on the Damascus Delegation Participants of the delegation Political platform of the initiative for a Political Solution Scroll through the more than 1.000 … [read more]

Revolutionaries and Alevis

Addendum on Turkey’s Gezi park movement
23/6/2013 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
The article “Gezi park: between democracy and Kemalism, Chances and dangers for a social revolutionary left” closed with following proposition: “Based purely on the Alevite communal group revolution proved to be impossible.” Uncomprehending reactions invited me to offer a deeper explanation.
Dersim uprising 1938: Alevis captured by Turkish soldiers to be deported
The radical left which during the military dictatorship rose in arms (paying a heavy price) has been alimenting itself mainly from the ranks of the Alevi community. The war waged by the junta against the Kurds with the most dirty of methods including mass eviction and dam projects in East Anatolia evoked a large migration to Western Turkey’s metropolis – in addition to the economic factors which pushes the population in the entire global south into the cities. Millions of uprooted and impoverished Alevis all of a sudden found themselves within an urban environment. The Alevis have been known as social rebels. They staged several insurrections against the Ottoman Sultans leading to bloody crack-downs. They remained heavily oppressed different to other ethnic and sectarian minorities … [read more]

Statement Peace Mission to Syria

The International Peace in Syria Initiative Meets with Government and Opposition in Damascus and Lebanon
Since September 2012 the Peace in Syria Initiative has undertaken consultations inside and outside Syria. Between June 2 and 8, the Peace in Syria Initiative met with high ranking government officials, opposition and religious organizations.
Delegation meets Kadri Shamil (r), vice premier and minister
This international initiative is composed of prominent civil society figures from Europe and Latin America (list attached) representing all those concerned with peace and justice in Syria. Its aim is to contribute to the end of the war and the suffering by helping create favourable conditions for the advancement of the political process through dialogue and negotiations. In order to achieve such an aim, we met with State officials at high levels and various groups and parties of the opposition inside and outside the country, along with religious organizations and international and non-governmental bodies. We have been received, have been informed on the aspects and essence of the conflict, and have been heard. On the basis of the discussions held, the Initiative identified key … [read more]

Gezi park: between democracy and Kemalism

Chances and dangers for a social revolutionary left
15/6/2013 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
The old left had failed facing the AKP challenge – because they read them erroneously as a linear prolongation of the military dictatorship. As the authoritarian and culturally repressive tendencies of Erdogan are coming to the fore, a new chance is being offered to social revolutionary democrats. But there is one condition: not to tap into the trap set by Kemalism which already had seemed moribund.
Hand sign second from left is the one of the Grey Wolves
The starting point of the mass protests, to prevent the destruction of a park in the very heart of Istanbul’s political centre, offered a broad and flexible platform. As the movement is multi-faceted, it can develop in various directions. Where it will go is yet not decided. Here are some thoughts on the character of the events and how to act upon them. The different souls of the protests First of all the mass action is directed against unrestrained capitalism and its reckless megaprojects which do not tolerate objections. People on the street are targeting the new Islamic elite, which had promised to be different to its secular predecessor, but eventually turned out to be very similar. But that does not automatically mean that it is all about an uprising of the poor. Looking at … [read more]

An account from Stuttgart

The German city of Stuttgart could seem a peculiar choice to hold a conference on Palestine and the One-State solution. However the defense of the Palestinian cause by an acclaimed local politician, Evelyn Hecht-Galinski, whose father was president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, seems to give the movement a significant resonance. Over 20 speakers from around the world drew in several hundred participants from across Germany and neighbouring countries. What follows is an account of some of the speakers' interventions.
Ilan Pappe described how the two state solution devised within the United Nations amounts to a Zionist concept and results from the reality that made it unfeasible to ethnically cleans Palestinians in the West Bank & Gaza as was done during the earlier acquisition of Palestinian territory. By giving Palestinians a semblance of authority over a fraction of their original land, the UN in effect voted for an open prison disguised as a project of a state. When asked about the entitlement of 3rd generation Israelis born in Israel, Pappe called for a practical solution: settlers who identify with the invader's politics become invaders themselves. Hence, the land of Palestine should be open to those who acknowledge an equal entitlement of all to the land. Highlighting the counter-productivity … [read more]

Solidarity With the Syrian Struggle for Dignity and Freedom

13/5/2013 · Campaign of Global Solidarity with the Syrian Revolution
As in Tunisia and Egypt also in Syria there is a significant revolutionary democratic camp. While they all share the opposition against foreign intervention, sectarianism and excessive militarism their positions range from pacifism to the support of the armed struggle. Following appeal has been launched by the latter tendency spearheaded by Syrian figures like Salameh Kaileh or Samir Aita and endorsed by personalities like Fawaz Traboulsi, Etiénne Balibar, Elias Khoury, Ilan Pappe, Tariq Ali…
We, the undersigned, stand in solidarity with the millions of Syrians who have been struggling for dignity and freedom since March 2011. We call on people of the world to pressure the Syrian regime to end its oppression of and war on the Syrian people. We demand that Bashar al-Asad leave immediately without excuses so that Syria can begin a speedy recovery towards a democratic future. Since March 2011, Asad’s regime has steadily escalated its violence against the Syrian people, launching Scud missiles, using weapons banned by the Geneva Convention such as cluster bombs and incendiary munitions, and using aerial bombardment. The regime has detained and tortured tens of thousands of people and committed untold massacres. It has refused political settlements that do not include Asad in … [read more]

Activist-scholars tour in Adivasi hotspot, India

Indigenous People's Vision Document on Ethos, Education & Livelihood
Calling All Activists-Scholars with interest in Tribal Rights, Ecology, Conflict Resolution-Peace, Development Studies or Anthropology to join in the unique Bastar Study Tour.
Tour will start in Pakhanjur (Kanker) and move downwards along the south-western border of Chhattisgarh, to Konta (Sukma). Jagargunda onwards the troupe will travel off-roads. **************** As part of facilitation program for 'Indigenous People's Vision Document on Ethos, Education & Livelihood' a joint study tour is proposed so that voices can be heard from those in the tribal community who are on the other side of the divide caused by modern education, religion & industrial development. For, it is also an obligation of the academia to clear the cobwebs of conflicting ideologies & vested interests that often try to smother the voices of the last man and then claim spokesmanship. This tour is also an assertion of anthrophiles' rights to walk and mingle unhindered in the … [read more]

Dissolve the eurozone

Otherwise Berlin will lead us into disaster
7/5/2013 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
The German elites are dictating Europe extreme austerity. The ideology behind that: salvation comes about by emulating the German export-driven wage-deflationary model. Only by means of such drastic treatment the EU periphery could regain competitiveness. In this way these economies are pushed into deep recession with an unknown end. Dozens of millions of people are forced into unprecedented misery which for decades had been considered overcome for capitalist Europe. Eventually Germany itself will be drawn into the vortex of crisis as it is destroying its own markets. The only solution suggesting itself: dissolving the eurozone.
I. Crisis of unequal distribution II. EU under German hegemony III. The only solution: dissolve the eurozone IV. Breaking with casino capitalism   This catastrophic crisis is at the same time a great chance: in some of the most crisis-stricken countries the rule of the EU financial oligarchy might be toppled. Trying to analyse the acute crisis of the last five years and the build-up that preceded it, we suggest a rough separation into two basic levels: a global momentum on one hand and a specific European one on the other hand. The latter is connected to the actual constitution of the EU and the economic predominance of Germany, combined with the political weakness of its elites. This configuration triggers a powerful amplification of the crisis, turning Europe into its centre … [read more]

Dialogue is possible

Results of Düsseldorf’s convention for a political solution to the Syrian conflict
On April 13th 2013 in Düsseldorf, Germany, a meeting of German speaking Syrians took place who originate from all milieus participating in the conflict*. Representatives of the German peace movements provided the frame for the debates. Declared aim was to promote a dialogue of civil society in order to pave the way for political negotiations. On this way a first step was realized in Düsseldorf.
S Abulaban (l), L Gabriel, M Sayegh, C. Haydt
Already at the beginning of the day a large consensus was achieved on the need for such a dialogue in order to diminish the suffering of the Syrian population living in fear within the ruins of Daraa, the outskirts of Damascus and the city of Aleppo. The proposals to promote local cease fires by intensifying the interaction with the local population and to give free access to humanitarian organizations were as much accepted by the defenders of the government and of the opposition as the plan to organize, in the near future a peace conference in Vienna, Austria. The discussions dealt also with the problem of the intensification of the civil war-like circumstances along the lines of religious confessions. The participants underlined that also in this respect negotiation and dialogue … [read more]

Syria: from war to peace

2nd statement of the Initiative for a Political Solution
Instead of waiting until the big and small powers of the region and of the world would find an equilibrium which allows them to generate a cease-fire from the outside, we established contacts with the Syrian political forces who are willing to engage a political dialogue under conditions which eventually could lead to a cease-fire and a political transition acceptable to all people who truly want peace in Syria and in the whole area. We also established contacts with members of the Syrian civil society and people on the ground.
No idea and no ideal however heroic it might be can justify the death of thousands of innocent people. No matter can be so important that it deserves that millions are fleeing their homes just because they want to survive. And no war should continue if it is aimed at the destruction of one’s own country. This is the lesson of nearly every war and this is also the lesson of the war in Syria which already cost the lives of 70 000 Syrians. However the big question remains: How to stop this vicious circle of violence, which dominates the country since almost two years? Syria is situated in a multicultural environment there are many people on both sides of the political spectrum who just want democracy and social justice to be built from the bottom up in their urban and rural … [read more]

Democratic Civil Alliance – DCA

4/3/2013 · Committee of Action emerging from the Syrian International Conference for Democratic Syria and Civilian State on 28-29 January 2013
The Democratic Civil Alliance which consists of Syrian political figures and civil democratic forces considers the coming Syria as a democratic civil State based on citizenship that ensures the individual and collective rights that are approved in the International Bill of Human Rights.
This Alliance seeks to bring together all democratic forces and political parties that are opposed to tyranny and corruption, that reject sectarianism and violence, that rely on the notion, components and execution of the Syrian-based solution, and that accept participation in a political process aimed at ending the Syrian crisis and transition to a democracy through a peaceful political path. The Democratic Civil Alliance sees the necessity for all Syrian parties to participate in creating the solution. The Democratic Civil Alliance does not set preconditions to negotiations with the regime, but maintains that it is necessary for the appropriate climate for this negotiation to be in place, and for this negotiation to have a clear title: to agree on a transitional phase in … [read more]

Italy: Euro supporters defeated

2nd republic drawing to an end
27/2/2013 · Popular Liberation Movement (MPL)
Yes, we want to say it immediately -- for the first time we can enjoy an election result. Let us see why:
1. If we consider also the number of non-voters and the spoiled votes (i.e. all the eligible citizens and not only the actual voters), the three parties (PDL – People of Freedom, PD – Democratic Party, UDC – Union of the Center) that supported for one year the worst government of the Italian republican history, obtained all together less than 50%. A blow that needs no further comment. Already this fact denies the thesis of those, many also near to us, who maintained the insignificance of these elections. On the contrary their result represents a real political earthquake. 2. Merkel’s most loved duo Bersani-Monti just obtained 40% of all valid votes. Before the elections we indicated as a goal to bring them under the threshold of 50%. We were pessimistic! The Italian ballots … [read more]

Damascus shall not become Aleppo

On Moaz al Khatib’s offer for talks
25/2/2013 · by Alfred Klein
The ice-breaking offer for direct negotiations with the Assad government by the leader of the “Syrian National Coalition” indicates a significant shift. Important parts of the population including the Sunni elites want to avoid a further (sectarian) escalation. It is deemed a price too high to be paid. They want to save their capital Damascus from the fate suffered by Homs and Aleppo.
For the time being it as been mainly the Tahrir democrats and left around the “National Co-ordination Boy for Democratic Change” (NCB) which systematically warned of the dangerous dialectics unfolding between militarization and sectarianism. From the very beginning they have been calling for a political solution by negotiations and advocating a defensive, de-escalating strategy facing the regime’s repression (option I). Given the rigidity of the ruling apparatus’s reaction the official opposition – “official” because being recognised by the western rulers of the world – could easily sideline and isolate the NCB as “agents of the regime”. This was possible despite their doubtless credentials having spent decades resisting the regime including long-term … [read more]

Palestinian cartoonist Sabaaneh detained by Israel

Request letter for solidarity by his family
In response to the death of Palestinian detainee Arafat Jaradat, who died in Israeli custody on Saturday, the family of Mohammad have written an open letter, calling on humantiarian organizations to help them visit Mohammed Sabaaneh:
We are the family of Mohammed Abdel Ghani Saba'na, who has been arrested by the Israeli Occupation Army as he was coming back home from Jordan through Al-Karama crossing. And since that day his lawyers was unable to meet him and all their requests were rejected. We – Family of Sabaaneh – and after the death of Arafat Jaradat during investigation by Israeli army, at Aljalameh compound or after that in Majeddo prison, We appeals to all parties especially humanitarian organizations all around the world to interfere fast to help us visiting our son to check on him and his safety we appeal to them to work hard to save our our Son and all prisoners from the Occupation prisons to end their suffering by lifting their case up to international forums to assure their safety and their legal … [read more]

Letter from Palestinian Prisoner Samer al-Issawi

There is no going back because I’m the owner of Right
18/2/2013 · by Samer al-Issawi
I turn with admiration to the masses of our heroic Palestinian people, to our Palestinian leadership, to all forces, parties and national institutions. I salute them for standing by our fight to defend our right to freedom and dignity.
Samer Issawi
I draw my strength from my people, from all the free people in the world, from friends and the families of the prisoners who continue day and night chanting for freedom and an end to the occupation. My health has deteriorated dramatically and I’m hung between life and death. My weak body is collapsing but still able to be patient and continue the confrontation. My message is that I will continue until the end, until the last drop of water in my body, until martyrdom. Martyrdom is an honor for me in this battle. My martyrdom is my remaining bomb in the confrontation with the tyrants and the jailers, in the face of the racist policy of the occupation that humiliates our people and exercises against us all means of oppression and repression. I say to my people: I'm stronger than the … [read more]

Together for One Democratic State

2nd Palestine Solidarity Conference Stuttgart 10-12 May 2013
Event: 3/3/2025
The People Demand a Change of the Political System in Historic Palestine
For the last two years, people in the Arab region have been trying to take things into their own hands. Their main demand is a change in the political system, bringing social justice, democracy, freedom and self-determination. Foreign powers, parts of the political Islamic movement and members of the old structures seek to control these movements for change. People in the whole area of historic Palestine are part of this regional movement. But militarism, racism, apartheid and the denial of rights to the Palestinian majority in historic Palestine characterize the policy of the state of Israel. This is true of parties from the extreme right through to the liberal left. Egregious expulsions and discrimination against Palestinians inside the Green Line, an intensified land grab as part … [read more]

Negotiations at behest of the bourgeoisie?

Position of the Syrian revolutionary left regarding dialogue with the dictatorial regime
14/2/2013 · Revolutionary Left Current in Syria
We witnessed at the beginning of this year, two important events regarding the activities of the Syrian opposition. Firstly, the National Coordination Committee for Democratic Change’s (NCCDC) meeting in Geneva in which this latter returned at its conclusion to reach an understanding with some conditions for a dialogue with the ruling junta regime. The second event was the initiative of Sheikh Maaz Khatib, head of the National Coalition, who also suggested a conditional dialogue with the regime.
No sane person can refuse lightly everything that can stop or ease the suffering of our people and their great sacrifices, but this does not mean, that we have to accept and support any initiative claiming it is seeking to do so. The judgment on such initiatives is subject, from our point of view, to the criteria meeting the following conditions: to provide for the masses the ability to re-establish their fight and struggle to topple the dictatorial regime, that does not provide for the latter to prolong its time or survival, and in particular that allow the space for radical change from below in favor of the popular classes and to serve their direct and general interests. (NCCDC) and Sheikh Moaz initiatives both converge in calling for “change from above”, with the difference … [read more]

Kashmiri hanged after fake trial

Indian judicial system driven by Hindutva
10/2/2013 · Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF), India
We condemn the Indian government in the strongest possible terms for hanging Mohammad Afzal Guru at Tihar Jail in a dastardly manner. The process of his arrest, trial, his sentencing by the lower court and the upholding of the death sentence by the Supreme Court, the rejection of his petition to the president, denial of his right to a judicial review of this rejection, and finally his secret hanging – all point towards the farcical nature of Indian judiciary and the complicity of the entire present political system in persecuting political dissidents.
Death to the System which has hanged Afzal Guru in a dastardly manner! “Let life be dead, but death must not be allowed to live” - Marx Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF) condemns the Indian government in the strongest possible terms for hanging Mohammad Afzal Guru at Tihar Jail this morning in a dastardly manner. The process of his arrest, trial, his sentencing by the lower court and the upholding of the death sentence by the Supreme Court, the rejection of his petition to the president, denial of his right to a judicial review of this rejection, and finally his secret hanging – all point towards the farcical nature of Indian judiciary and the complicity of the entire present political system in persecuting political dissidents. Moreover, we also condemn the arrest of Prof. … [read more]

Geneva declaration on Syria

Conference for a Democratic and Civilian state
Proceeding from a deep belief in the necessity to protect Syria's land and people, and in the face of the risk of the destruction of national unity resulting from a corrupt dictatorial regime over sequential decades, the democratic national figures and organisations at this meeting commit to rescue Syria from a catastrophic situation, and put it on a safe path through the unification of societal forces based on democracy, pluralism and equality, gaining the support of all international and Arab external forces for the righteous demand of the Syrian people in toppling the dictatorial regime, and the establishment of a civil democratic State proceeding from the following tasks:
1. Consider the International Geneva Agreement as a valid basis for implementation, and first and foremost to simultaneously stop the violence. 2. To work on the establishment of a political process though negotiations between the opposition and the regime to implement the International Geneva Agreement, for issuing a constitutional declaration to create on this basis a Government with full power to administrate this stage, and work to bring about fair legislature and Presidential elections, under international supervision. 3. To convene the International Geneva Conference 2, which takes into consideration developments on the ground and requirements on the one hand, with the presence of a binding mechanism on the result of negotiation, from the Security Council under Chapter VI on … [read more]