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Turkish Ex-Prisoner Kerim Yalcintepe reveals

Press Agency OzgurlukI was released from Sincan F-type prison on May 6, 2001. I was transferred there from Cankiri prison with the savage operation of December 19, 2000. Yes, as it was the case in other prisons, the state also carried out savageness in there. In order to stop the savageness Hasan GUNGORMEZ and Irfan ORTAKCI set themselves on fire and lost their lives. They started the operation by throwing smoke gas, nerve gas and blast bombs into the dormitories at around 5.00 am. There was no warning. Because of the effects of the bombs almost everyone lost their conscious. Because of smoke nothing could be seen. Those who were hysterical because of the nerve gas, those who suffocate, fit and scream were what I have seen and heard in darkness. They continued the operation by firing with … [read more]

Urgent Call for Solidarity with Breton political prisoners

by Skoazell Vreizh Breton reliefSupport Committee to the families of the Breton political convictsBenefit Society, declared consistently to the law of July 1st, 1901Press releaseLack of cares in jailAlain Solà© in on "trays strike"Second trays strike for the Breton political prisoner.Alain Solà©, currently jailed in Fresnes . He means to protest against the lack of medical follow-up granted to him, while he is seriously sick.Let`s recall that Alain Solà©, suffering from chronic diabetes, has been incarcerated in October 1999. Due to a lack of suitable cares, he became, in jail, insulino - dependent to the point to make a diabetic coma.Tossed between the jail house of Villepinte and the jail-hospital of Fresnes, never receiving consistently controls and indispensable cares to … [read more]

Why Palestinians could not accept Barak`s proposal

by Dr Mustafa BarghoutiTime and again Palestinians are accused by the Israeli government of bringing the conflict of the past six months upon themselves by refusing to accept the "generous offers" made by Barak at Camp David. For some people, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak`s offer at Camp David of 94 percent of the West Bank sounded more than generous, revolutionary even, and Palestinians were castigated and called "inflexible," and "unreasonable" for refusing to go that extra step and make a compromise.The fact that Barak offered more than any previous Israeli leader is unimportant but if we examine what was offered and what the reality of these offers was on the ground, a clear picture begins to emerge. The offers proposed by Barak made the possibility of a viable Palestinian state … [read more]

In Memoriam of the 1981 Hunger Strikers

by IRSPIRSCNA Statement In Memory of Patsy O Hara, Kevin Lynch, Michael Devine and their Seven Comrades Who Died on Hunger Strike in 1981The Irish people, relatively few in number and living on an island on the north-west edge of Europe, have contributed to human society far in excess to their to what their numbers and geography would suggest. In the matter of resistance to oppression, the fact that Ireland has served as a testing ground for the tactics of colonialism and imperialism then employed around the globe has aided in Ireland also being able to lead by example in the struggle against these tactics. So it has been that Ireland provided the first use of a workers` militia, the Irish Citizen Army, in an attempt to turn the imperialist world war then raging into a class war for the … [read more]


by Workers International Vanguard League, South AfricaHealth care is not only about medicines and facilities but is directly related to adequate housing; access to clean water; access to electricity; adequate nutrition, clothing and education. The government is not addressing even one aspect of health care. Against this background, the actions of the ANC govt in limiting medication to those who are HIV+ or who have Aids, amounts to complicity with the international druglords in genocide.What is HIV?HIV is a virus that attacks the body´s natural defence system that normally kills germs. Therefore someone who has the virus is more likely to get sick and a whole range of sicknesses can attack the body in a much more serious way than normal. A simple flu becomes much more difficult to handle … [read more]

Solidarity with the Hungerstrikers in Turkey!

by OZTUDAK (Freedom Prisoners Solidarity Committee) SOLIDARITYSince now more than 202 days in Turkey 718 political prisoners are in hunger strike and 400 political prisoners in a death-chamfered. They protest against the modern KZ`s, the so-called f-type-prisons, introduced again in Turkey, the extremely bad living conditions and the physical and psychological torture in the prisons. This protest action has cost already 22 human lives! If you support the demands of the prisoners stated down, please transmit their signature to the following address: oztudak@hotmail.comThe demands of the political prisoners are:- F-type-prisons are prisons of the IMF and are aligned to isolation. The isolation in the prisons has to stop immediately!-At the beginning of the death chamfering /hunger strike … [read more]


Aà§à£o Socialista, BrasilUma luta que tem histà³riaO Brasil à© um paà­s que tem dimensàµes continentais com mais de 8 milhàµes de quilà´metros quadrados e a chamada regià£o amazà´nica corresponde há mais de 57% do territà³rio nacional.Evidentemente, que um paà­s com essas dimensàµes apresenta uma realidade rural muito diversificada, temos o setor extrativista (onde se incluem os seringueiros, os povos da floresta e outros setores), os assalariados rurais (permanentes e temporários), os pequenos proprietários rurais pobres e os sem-terra (setor composto por pequenos proprietários que perderam suas terras, assalariados rurais que nà£o tem onde trabalhar e desempregados urbanos de origem rural).Exatamente pela diversidade da realidade rural e de nossas … [read more]

Standpoints of the Afghanistan Liberation Organisation

on a Number of Key IssuesTHE PROLETARIAN PARTYARMED STRUGGLEPROLETARIAN INTERNATIONALISMWOMENTHE ISLAMISTS AND THE TALIBANTHE IRANIAN REGIME AND ITS LACKEYSCHINAMarxism-Leninism Mao Zedong Thought has been the ideological banner of the ALO ever since its formation in 1973. The ALO understands Marxism-Leninism Mao Zedong Thought to be the ideology of the working class against all deviationist, eclectic and anticommunist ideological and political currents. Despite the extreme persecution and hardships imposed by world imperialism and regional reaction on the revolutionary movement in Afghanistan and despite the fatal blows the movement has suffered with the martyrdom of its leaders and the decimation of large numbers of its cadres and members both during and after the War of Resistance, the … [read more]

On the Marxist Revolutionary Movement in Afghanistan

by Afghanistan Liberation Organization (ALO)Historical Overview of theMarxist Revolutionary Movement in Afghanistan and the Afghanistan Liberation Organization (ALO)The Years of "Royal Democracy" The first revolutionary Marxist organisation in Afghanistan was founded in 1966 under the name of Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO). The revisionist Moscow-directed "People`s Democratic Party of Afghanistan" (PDPA) had been founded some time earlier by a number of intellectuals with suspicious links to a faction of the ruling elite. (Prince Daoud, cousin of King Zahir Shah and prime minister of Afghanistan [1953-1963] was dubbed "The Red Prince" because of his soft spot for the post-Stalin Soviet leadership; Babrak Karmal, one of the founding fathers of the PDPA and leader of the Parcham … [read more]

Seattle Hunger Strike Commemoration - 13 May 2001

by IRSPSeattle Hunger Strike Commemoration - 13 May 2001In 1981, ten young men, members of the Irish Republican Army and the Irish National Liberation Army, and prisoners of war (POWs), died on hunger strike while incarcerated in the North of Ireland. Stripped of their political status as POWs, these men asked for five basic rights - rights which the British occupying forces could have easily granted - but instead they were left to die, while the world looked on in horror.Bobby Sands (IRA), Francis Hughes (IRA), Raymond McCreesh (IRA), Patsy O`Hara (INLA), Joe McDonnell (IRA), Martin Hurson (IRA), Kevin Lynch (INLA), Kieran Doherty (IRA), Thomas McElwee (IRA), and Michael Devine (INLA) will never be forgotten, not now while we still struggle for freedom; and not ever, even when justice … [read more]

Statement by the RPC on the NATO-aggression on Yugoslavia

23rd March 2001Following we publish the statement of the Revolutionary (Russian) Party of Communists on the occasion of second anniversary of NATO aggression against Yugoslavia, which has reached us only recently. The Anti-imperialist CampS T A T E M E N T of the Political Council of the Central Committee of the Revolutionary (Russian) Party of Communists (RPC) on the occasion of the second anniversary of NATOfascist aggression against YugoslaviaTwo years have already passed since the United States and their NATO allies: Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Italy, France and so on, having exhausted all means of economic and political smothering of courageous people of Yugoslavia, threw bombs and launched missiles on the cities and towns of this beautiful country. They wanted this small state to … [read more]

Arab Unity From a Marxist Perspective

by Ziad Shaker elJishiSamir Amin the Marxist writer explains in his book "Arab Nation": that unlike feudal Europe the advent of bourgeoisie and proletariat classes did not exist in the Arab world. What did exist, though not continueously, for about 200years is a unified Arab nation (750-950) the time of the Ummayids and the first Abassids khalifahs. Equally importantly however through-out the history of the Arabs there *WAS NEVER* the concept of a "Nation State". The rise of the Arab bourgeoisie indeed the very concept of a "Nation State" was a creation of Europe and exported to the Arab world. Europe in order to complete the exploitation of the European peasantry in its euro-feudal pre-colonial system created borders and bolstered in place the rule of the *bourgeoisie state* encouraging … [read more]


by KPML(r), SwedenTo fraternal parties, solidarity and anti-imperialist movementsINFORMATION CONCERNING THE EU SUMMIT MEETING IN GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN, JUNE14-16TH 2001Dear Comrades,In mid-June the EU will have its regular summit meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden, in practise ending the Swedish half-year chairmanship. The following is a general information from KPML(r), the Communist PartyMarxist-Leninists, in Sweden.1. As we are sure You are already well aware of, the opposition towards the entire EU membership and the EMU, is not only very strong in Sweden, but it is growing. Every opinion poll since 1995, when Sweden became a member state of the EU, indicates that if the Swedish people was given a second chance to have a referendum on the membership issue, a clear majority would vote NO. … [read more]

Report on the Occasion of 17 April 2001, Palestinian Prisoners Day

Addameer Prisoners and Human Rights Support AssociationPalestinian Prisoners Day occurs this year in the midst of the Palestinian Intifada, with continued incarceration of Palestinian prisoners and a daily increase in their numbers.The year 2000 began with hopes that prisoners would be released as part of the signed agreements between Palestinians and the Israeli government. With the refusal of the Israeli government to abide by these agreements, a series of strikes and other activities by prisoners culminated in an open hunger strike of all Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails during May 2000. The strike was supported by widespread demonstrations, strikes and sit-ins of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and with considerable international solidarity. These activities were … [read more]

May Day Press Statement

Irish Republican Socialist Party29 April 2001The Irish Republican Socialist Party`s May Day message has condemned the use of Temporary Employment Agencies and urged workers to resist this slave trade by reclaiming May Day`s hidden past.Speaking on behalf of the IRSP, Ard Comhairle representative John Hogan said, "Since the Chicago tragedy of May 1st 1886, which became known thereafter as international workers day, many workers died while demonstrating for an 8-hour working day. Many years of working class struggle and resistance have followed and we proudly celebrate them on this date."This year, so too must we remember with equal pride the sacrifice given by ten brave young working class men who also gave their lives in 1981, in a principled stand against Britain`s criminalisation policy … [read more]

Afrikan Liberation Day 2001, May 26th 2001

Smash Neocolonialism - No More Coups in Africa-Organize the Masses for One Unified Socialist Africa! To: Revolutionary and Progressive African Organizations and Individuals, National Liberation Movements, Progressive Alliance Organizations, Community Activists and Student Community All African People`s Revolutionary Party Afrikan Liberation Day 2001, May 26th 2001 Our theme this year is "Smash Neocolonialism - No More Coups in Africa-Organize the Masses for One Unified Socialist Africa! " Please join us by participating in this year`s Afrikan Liberation Day 2001 Activities. Afrikan Liberation Day will be held in cities around the globe on: Friday, May 25th (check your local area) Political Symposium Saturday, May 26th, 2001- March and Rally 12noon to 5pm (please wear white as a sign of … [read more]

10 Years after Disintegration of the USSR: Lost Illusions

International Scientific ConferenceOrganized by State Duma of Russian Federation (Committee on Science and Education) And "Alternatives" FoundationMoscow, June 21-24, 2001, Russian State LibraryCall for Papers!Main topics for debates:1. Reasons of Disintegration: internal and external factors2. Consequences of Disintegration: internal and external factors3. "Really existed socialism: what it was?4. World without USSR: more or less stability, equality and democracy? 5. The End of the History? (Perspectives of the Socialism after collapse of the USSR)6. The End of the Planned Economy and global capitalism crisis (Plan or Market: competition is [not] finished?)7. Former USSR republics: who won from the disintegration? 8. Homo Soveticus and Homo economicus 9. Transitional Societies: … [read more]

Free all politicals prisoners !!! Abolish ISA Now !!!

Kommuniquà© by the Central Leadership Committee of People´s Democratic Party, IndonesiaThe detaining and arresting four Malaysian activists of human rights on the 10th of April, 2001 in Kuala Lumpur by Mahatir´s administration had clearly indicate that the government frightened for the rise of people´s consciousness to achieve their rights. On behalf of the ISA (Internal Security Act), Mahatir´s apparatus violated and harassed fundamental civil rights which had been struggled by those activists to fight for freedom in speech and assembly. Implementing the ISA, Mahatir´s administration oppresses civil rights and it´s proven by them in arresting opposition leaders without any trial. Therefore, the ISA must be abolished in order to defend civil´s rights. Because of all the reasons … [read more]

"International War-crimes Tribunal" financed by the United States Government and US Multi-Nationals

by Michel Collon It`s as if Washington itself were to try Milosevic!The "Tribunal" is only interested in putting Milosevic on trial – not Sharon, nor Pinochet nor the Murderer Generals from Turkey: Is it impartial? Financed by the United States government and by American millionaires, it refuses to investigate the war-crimes committed by NATO and by the Albanian terrorists: Is it independent? Its modus-operandi throws overboard numerous principles of law: Is it legal? We have a portrait of a very bizarre "Tribunal"..Should Milosevic go on trial in the Hague? Whatever your opinion of the former President of Yugoslavia (and on the people really responsible for the wars in the Balkans) should he not have the same right as any other man to be tried by a fair and neutral tribunal that … [read more]

Anti-Americanism, Anti-Imperialism, Balkan issue in Greece

by Panos TsonpoulosANTI-AMERICANISM, ANTI-IMPERIALISM, BALKAN ISSUE1. THE FORMATION OF THE MODERN GREEK STATEAfter the liberal bourgeois revolution broke in 1821, the Greeks managed to succeed from Ottoman empire. Contrary to the beliefs of the Greek intellectual Rigas Feraios who favoured the creation of a Balkan federation composed of all the Christian nations. He was struggled in Austrian prisons in 1798. However, the social forces that managed to take the upper hand at the revolution (landlords who prevented a distribution of land (among the biggest landlords was and still is the Greek Orthodox Church)). The new weak state was under the control of the then big powers (the loans given by United Kingdom in 1824-5 was a guarantee for the continuation of the dependence) who imposed the … [read more]

Turkish Ex-Prisoner Kerim Yalcintepe reveals

Press Agency OzgurlukI was released from Sincan F-type prison on May 6, 2001. I was transferred there from Cankiri prison with the savage operation of December 19, 2000. Yes, as it was the case in other prisons, the state also carried out savageness in there. In order to stop the savageness Hasan GUNGORMEZ and Irfan ORTAKCI set themselves on fire and lost their lives. They started the operation by throwing smoke gas, nerve gas and blast bombs into the dormitories at around 5.00 am. There was no warning. Because of the effects of the bombs almost everyone lost their conscious. Because of smoke nothing could be seen. Those who were hysterical because of the nerve gas, those who suffocate, fit and scream were what I have seen and heard in darkness. They continued the operation by firing with … [read more]

Urgent Call for Solidarity with Breton political prisoners

by Skoazell Vreizh Breton reliefSupport Committee to the families of the Breton political convictsBenefit Society, declared consistently to the law of July 1st, 1901Press releaseLack of cares in jailAlain Solà© in on "trays strike"Second trays strike for the Breton political prisoner.Alain Solà©, currently jailed in Fresnes . He means to protest against the lack of medical follow-up granted to him, while he is seriously sick.Let`s recall that Alain Solà©, suffering from chronic diabetes, has been incarcerated in October 1999. Due to a lack of suitable cares, he became, in jail, insulino - dependent to the point to make a diabetic coma.Tossed between the jail house of Villepinte and the jail-hospital of Fresnes, never receiving consistently controls and indispensable cares to … [read more]

Why Palestinians could not accept Barak`s proposal

by Dr Mustafa BarghoutiTime and again Palestinians are accused by the Israeli government of bringing the conflict of the past six months upon themselves by refusing to accept the "generous offers" made by Barak at Camp David. For some people, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak`s offer at Camp David of 94 percent of the West Bank sounded more than generous, revolutionary even, and Palestinians were castigated and called "inflexible," and "unreasonable" for refusing to go that extra step and make a compromise.The fact that Barak offered more than any previous Israeli leader is unimportant but if we examine what was offered and what the reality of these offers was on the ground, a clear picture begins to emerge. The offers proposed by Barak made the possibility of a viable Palestinian state … [read more]

In Memoriam of the 1981 Hunger Strikers

by IRSPIRSCNA Statement In Memory of Patsy O Hara, Kevin Lynch, Michael Devine and their Seven Comrades Who Died on Hunger Strike in 1981The Irish people, relatively few in number and living on an island on the north-west edge of Europe, have contributed to human society far in excess to their to what their numbers and geography would suggest. In the matter of resistance to oppression, the fact that Ireland has served as a testing ground for the tactics of colonialism and imperialism then employed around the globe has aided in Ireland also being able to lead by example in the struggle against these tactics. So it has been that Ireland provided the first use of a workers` militia, the Irish Citizen Army, in an attempt to turn the imperialist world war then raging into a class war for the … [read more]


by Workers International Vanguard League, South AfricaHealth care is not only about medicines and facilities but is directly related to adequate housing; access to clean water; access to electricity; adequate nutrition, clothing and education. The government is not addressing even one aspect of health care. Against this background, the actions of the ANC govt in limiting medication to those who are HIV+ or who have Aids, amounts to complicity with the international druglords in genocide.What is HIV?HIV is a virus that attacks the body´s natural defence system that normally kills germs. Therefore someone who has the virus is more likely to get sick and a whole range of sicknesses can attack the body in a much more serious way than normal. A simple flu becomes much more difficult to handle … [read more]

Solidarity with the Hungerstrikers in Turkey!

by OZTUDAK (Freedom Prisoners Solidarity Committee) SOLIDARITYSince now more than 202 days in Turkey 718 political prisoners are in hunger strike and 400 political prisoners in a death-chamfered. They protest against the modern KZ`s, the so-called f-type-prisons, introduced again in Turkey, the extremely bad living conditions and the physical and psychological torture in the prisons. This protest action has cost already 22 human lives! If you support the demands of the prisoners stated down, please transmit their signature to the following address: oztudak@hotmail.comThe demands of the political prisoners are:- F-type-prisons are prisons of the IMF and are aligned to isolation. The isolation in the prisons has to stop immediately!-At the beginning of the death chamfering /hunger strike … [read more]


Aà§à£o Socialista, BrasilUma luta que tem histà³riaO Brasil à© um paà­s que tem dimensàµes continentais com mais de 8 milhàµes de quilà´metros quadrados e a chamada regià£o amazà´nica corresponde há mais de 57% do territà³rio nacional.Evidentemente, que um paà­s com essas dimensàµes apresenta uma realidade rural muito diversificada, temos o setor extrativista (onde se incluem os seringueiros, os povos da floresta e outros setores), os assalariados rurais (permanentes e temporários), os pequenos proprietários rurais pobres e os sem-terra (setor composto por pequenos proprietários que perderam suas terras, assalariados rurais que nà£o tem onde trabalhar e desempregados urbanos de origem rural).Exatamente pela diversidade da realidade rural e de nossas … [read more]

Standpoints of the Afghanistan Liberation Organisation

on a Number of Key IssuesTHE PROLETARIAN PARTYARMED STRUGGLEPROLETARIAN INTERNATIONALISMWOMENTHE ISLAMISTS AND THE TALIBANTHE IRANIAN REGIME AND ITS LACKEYSCHINAMarxism-Leninism Mao Zedong Thought has been the ideological banner of the ALO ever since its formation in 1973. The ALO understands Marxism-Leninism Mao Zedong Thought to be the ideology of the working class against all deviationist, eclectic and anticommunist ideological and political currents. Despite the extreme persecution and hardships imposed by world imperialism and regional reaction on the revolutionary movement in Afghanistan and despite the fatal blows the movement has suffered with the martyrdom of its leaders and the decimation of large numbers of its cadres and members both during and after the War of Resistance, the … [read more]

On the Marxist Revolutionary Movement in Afghanistan

by Afghanistan Liberation Organization (ALO)Historical Overview of theMarxist Revolutionary Movement in Afghanistan and the Afghanistan Liberation Organization (ALO)The Years of "Royal Democracy" The first revolutionary Marxist organisation in Afghanistan was founded in 1966 under the name of Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO). The revisionist Moscow-directed "People`s Democratic Party of Afghanistan" (PDPA) had been founded some time earlier by a number of intellectuals with suspicious links to a faction of the ruling elite. (Prince Daoud, cousin of King Zahir Shah and prime minister of Afghanistan [1953-1963] was dubbed "The Red Prince" because of his soft spot for the post-Stalin Soviet leadership; Babrak Karmal, one of the founding fathers of the PDPA and leader of the Parcham … [read more]

Seattle Hunger Strike Commemoration - 13 May 2001

by IRSPSeattle Hunger Strike Commemoration - 13 May 2001In 1981, ten young men, members of the Irish Republican Army and the Irish National Liberation Army, and prisoners of war (POWs), died on hunger strike while incarcerated in the North of Ireland. Stripped of their political status as POWs, these men asked for five basic rights - rights which the British occupying forces could have easily granted - but instead they were left to die, while the world looked on in horror.Bobby Sands (IRA), Francis Hughes (IRA), Raymond McCreesh (IRA), Patsy O`Hara (INLA), Joe McDonnell (IRA), Martin Hurson (IRA), Kevin Lynch (INLA), Kieran Doherty (IRA), Thomas McElwee (IRA), and Michael Devine (INLA) will never be forgotten, not now while we still struggle for freedom; and not ever, even when justice … [read more]

Statement by the RPC on the NATO-aggression on Yugoslavia

23rd March 2001Following we publish the statement of the Revolutionary (Russian) Party of Communists on the occasion of second anniversary of NATO aggression against Yugoslavia, which has reached us only recently. The Anti-imperialist CampS T A T E M E N T of the Political Council of the Central Committee of the Revolutionary (Russian) Party of Communists (RPC) on the occasion of the second anniversary of NATOfascist aggression against YugoslaviaTwo years have already passed since the United States and their NATO allies: Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Italy, France and so on, having exhausted all means of economic and political smothering of courageous people of Yugoslavia, threw bombs and launched missiles on the cities and towns of this beautiful country. They wanted this small state to … [read more]

Arab Unity From a Marxist Perspective

by Ziad Shaker elJishiSamir Amin the Marxist writer explains in his book "Arab Nation": that unlike feudal Europe the advent of bourgeoisie and proletariat classes did not exist in the Arab world. What did exist, though not continueously, for about 200years is a unified Arab nation (750-950) the time of the Ummayids and the first Abassids khalifahs. Equally importantly however through-out the history of the Arabs there *WAS NEVER* the concept of a "Nation State". The rise of the Arab bourgeoisie indeed the very concept of a "Nation State" was a creation of Europe and exported to the Arab world. Europe in order to complete the exploitation of the European peasantry in its euro-feudal pre-colonial system created borders and bolstered in place the rule of the *bourgeoisie state* encouraging … [read more]


by KPML(r), SwedenTo fraternal parties, solidarity and anti-imperialist movementsINFORMATION CONCERNING THE EU SUMMIT MEETING IN GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN, JUNE14-16TH 2001Dear Comrades,In mid-June the EU will have its regular summit meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden, in practise ending the Swedish half-year chairmanship. The following is a general information from KPML(r), the Communist PartyMarxist-Leninists, in Sweden.1. As we are sure You are already well aware of, the opposition towards the entire EU membership and the EMU, is not only very strong in Sweden, but it is growing. Every opinion poll since 1995, when Sweden became a member state of the EU, indicates that if the Swedish people was given a second chance to have a referendum on the membership issue, a clear majority would vote NO. … [read more]

Report on the Occasion of 17 April 2001, Palestinian Prisoners Day

Addameer Prisoners and Human Rights Support AssociationPalestinian Prisoners Day occurs this year in the midst of the Palestinian Intifada, with continued incarceration of Palestinian prisoners and a daily increase in their numbers.The year 2000 began with hopes that prisoners would be released as part of the signed agreements between Palestinians and the Israeli government. With the refusal of the Israeli government to abide by these agreements, a series of strikes and other activities by prisoners culminated in an open hunger strike of all Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails during May 2000. The strike was supported by widespread demonstrations, strikes and sit-ins of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and with considerable international solidarity. These activities were … [read more]

May Day Press Statement

Irish Republican Socialist Party29 April 2001The Irish Republican Socialist Party`s May Day message has condemned the use of Temporary Employment Agencies and urged workers to resist this slave trade by reclaiming May Day`s hidden past.Speaking on behalf of the IRSP, Ard Comhairle representative John Hogan said, "Since the Chicago tragedy of May 1st 1886, which became known thereafter as international workers day, many workers died while demonstrating for an 8-hour working day. Many years of working class struggle and resistance have followed and we proudly celebrate them on this date."This year, so too must we remember with equal pride the sacrifice given by ten brave young working class men who also gave their lives in 1981, in a principled stand against Britain`s criminalisation policy … [read more]

Afrikan Liberation Day 2001, May 26th 2001

Smash Neocolonialism - No More Coups in Africa-Organize the Masses for One Unified Socialist Africa! To: Revolutionary and Progressive African Organizations and Individuals, National Liberation Movements, Progressive Alliance Organizations, Community Activists and Student Community All African People`s Revolutionary Party Afrikan Liberation Day 2001, May 26th 2001 Our theme this year is "Smash Neocolonialism - No More Coups in Africa-Organize the Masses for One Unified Socialist Africa! " Please join us by participating in this year`s Afrikan Liberation Day 2001 Activities. Afrikan Liberation Day will be held in cities around the globe on: Friday, May 25th (check your local area) Political Symposium Saturday, May 26th, 2001- March and Rally 12noon to 5pm (please wear white as a sign of … [read more]

10 Years after Disintegration of the USSR: Lost Illusions

International Scientific ConferenceOrganized by State Duma of Russian Federation (Committee on Science and Education) And "Alternatives" FoundationMoscow, June 21-24, 2001, Russian State LibraryCall for Papers!Main topics for debates:1. Reasons of Disintegration: internal and external factors2. Consequences of Disintegration: internal and external factors3. "Really existed socialism: what it was?4. World without USSR: more or less stability, equality and democracy? 5. The End of the History? (Perspectives of the Socialism after collapse of the USSR)6. The End of the Planned Economy and global capitalism crisis (Plan or Market: competition is [not] finished?)7. Former USSR republics: who won from the disintegration? 8. Homo Soveticus and Homo economicus 9. Transitional Societies: … [read more]

Free all politicals prisoners !!! Abolish ISA Now !!!

Kommuniquà© by the Central Leadership Committee of People´s Democratic Party, IndonesiaThe detaining and arresting four Malaysian activists of human rights on the 10th of April, 2001 in Kuala Lumpur by Mahatir´s administration had clearly indicate that the government frightened for the rise of people´s consciousness to achieve their rights. On behalf of the ISA (Internal Security Act), Mahatir´s apparatus violated and harassed fundamental civil rights which had been struggled by those activists to fight for freedom in speech and assembly. Implementing the ISA, Mahatir´s administration oppresses civil rights and it´s proven by them in arresting opposition leaders without any trial. Therefore, the ISA must be abolished in order to defend civil´s rights. Because of all the reasons … [read more]

"International War-crimes Tribunal" financed by the United States Government and US Multi-Nationals

by Michel Collon It`s as if Washington itself were to try Milosevic!The "Tribunal" is only interested in putting Milosevic on trial – not Sharon, nor Pinochet nor the Murderer Generals from Turkey: Is it impartial? Financed by the United States government and by American millionaires, it refuses to investigate the war-crimes committed by NATO and by the Albanian terrorists: Is it independent? Its modus-operandi throws overboard numerous principles of law: Is it legal? We have a portrait of a very bizarre "Tribunal"..Should Milosevic go on trial in the Hague? Whatever your opinion of the former President of Yugoslavia (and on the people really responsible for the wars in the Balkans) should he not have the same right as any other man to be tried by a fair and neutral tribunal that … [read more]

Anti-Americanism, Anti-Imperialism, Balkan issue in Greece

by Panos TsonpoulosANTI-AMERICANISM, ANTI-IMPERIALISM, BALKAN ISSUE1. THE FORMATION OF THE MODERN GREEK STATEAfter the liberal bourgeois revolution broke in 1821, the Greeks managed to succeed from Ottoman empire. Contrary to the beliefs of the Greek intellectual Rigas Feraios who favoured the creation of a Balkan federation composed of all the Christian nations. He was struggled in Austrian prisons in 1798. However, the social forces that managed to take the upper hand at the revolution (landlords who prevented a distribution of land (among the biggest landlords was and still is the Greek Orthodox Church)). The new weak state was under the control of the then big powers (the loans given by United Kingdom in 1824-5 was a guarantee for the continuation of the dependence) who imposed the … [read more]