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Jews for Palestinian right to return

As Jews of conscience, we call on all supporters of social justice to stand up for Palestinian Right of Return and a democratic state throughout historic Palestine — “From the River to the Sea” — with equal rights for all.
“For Palestinians, the right to return home and the right to live in dignity and equality in their own land are not any less important than the right to live free of military occupation.” –Prof. Saree Makdisi[1] For more than a century, Zionists have sought to construct a “Jewish state” through forced removal of the indigenous Palestinian people. In 1948, this state was established through the Nakba (Catastrophe): erasure and occupation of more than 500 Palestinian towns and villages, dispossession of over 750,000 Palestinians, and a terror campaign of which the massacre at Deir Yassin is but the most infamous example. Since 1967, Israel has also occupied and colonized the remainder of historic Palestine. Today, this relentless ethnic cleansing continues — armed and … [read more]

On vice-president Sharaa’s proposal for a political solution

... and why it should elicit a positive response
26/12/2012 · Wilhelm Langthaler
The interview released by Syrian vice-president Faruq al-Sharaa is a strong signal from the regime’s side that they are eventually interested to commence a political process. In his statement, Sharaa not only insisted on a political solution (this is not new, there are many such statements from the regime), but also specified that no side can win militarily, and thus both sides will have to cede positions. That means that there is a readiness for concessions which until now could not be detected (this is indeed the new element in the situation).
It is, however, not quite clear which status this proposal has. Did the president approve it? We do not know. But Sharaa dared to speak out and he is still in office. It is obvious that there is a certain bandwidth of positions within the regime, and revolutionary politics must try to weaken the hardliners who are obviously also there. Russia, the main backer of Assad, at the same time made it clear that they will not keep supporting Assad at any cost. This is on one hand a warning to Assad to create the preconditions for a transition, and on the other hand a signal to Moscow’s geo-political rivals that Russia is ready for a compromise. This is in line with the Iranian proposal as well. The change in these positions is that they moved away from elections under the current regime – … [read more]

"Not reciprocate the regime"

Interview with Orwa Haj Yousef, spokesman of the Syrian “Unity Brigades” and the “Current for National Unity”, its political wing
24/12/2012 · Interview conducted by Wilhelm Langthaler
This movement is mainly composed of civil political activists of the democratic movement who, according to their self-understanding, were forced to take up arms for self-defence. They continue to defend the primacy of politics over military affairs, the people over the armed groups. They fight against sectarianism and advocate a political solution. Their appearance is an indicator of the political differentiation within the Syrian opposition.
Q: What are the Unity Brigades (UB) and how did way come into existence? The UB are composed of people and groups originated from the civil revolutionary movement organised in the Tasiqiat [pl. for Tansiqia organisation which are local committees]. Some are also defected soldiers of the regular army. We formed our one brigades to defend us and our movement against the extreme violence and systematic killings by the regime which follows a sectarian method. We think that we ought not to respond by employing sectarian patterns as well as some groups do. This results in a political help to the regime. The armed struggle needs a clear political agenda which many armed groups lack. Q: Are you part of the Free Syrian Army (FSA)? Formally the UB are part of the FSA. But until now there … [read more]

Mursi’s presumption

Reciprocating Mursi’s error or using it to push ahead democratization
21/12/2012 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
Mursi might have thought that he could ride the wave of his diplomatic success over Gaza to score some points at home: Moving against the abhorred judges of Mubarak, he seemed to be sure of the overwhelming popular support to unilaterally finalize the constitutional process blocked by the old regime.
In his hubris the president assumed that the Tahrir would remain marginal. Actually the exclusion of the Tahrir from the constitutional process dates back to the time of the bloc between the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) and the military. Then came the clash between the MB on one side and the military junta with the judicial apparatus loyal to them on the other side. The idea behind Mursi’s operation looked as if he wanted to draw support and legitimacy by partially adopting the Tahrir’s demands against the judiciary thus taking the wind out of the Tahrir’s sails. The Islamists presumed to marginalise any opposition to their leadership by marking them as secularists and subsuming them under the old regime. They really seem to believe their own narrative of overwhelming popular support – … [read more]

Yes to democracy, no to foreign intervention!

for a political solution of the Syrian conflict
This initiative consists in calling for a delegation of high-ranking personalities with international public lives to go to Syria in order to discuss the current situation with the main political actors and to pave the way for a negotiated political solution of the armed conflict in Syria which seriously threatens world peace and the existence of Syria as an independent and sovereign nation.
Delegation: Campell (...), Gabriel, Pissias, Reymann, Vera (...), Bendana, Fanon
We, the undersigned, who are part of an international civil society increasingly worried about the awful bloodshed of the Syrian people, are supporting a political initiative based on the results of a fact-finding mission which some of our colleagues undertook to Beirut and Damascus in September 2012. This initiative consists in calling for a delegation of high-ranking personalities and international public figures to go to Syria in order to discuss the current situation with the main political actors and to pave the way for a negotiated political solution of the armed conflict in Syria which seriously threatens world peace and the existence of Syria as an independent and sovereign nation. In this perspective we fully support the following declaration: All eyes are presently on the … [read more]

Mursi: pharao or revolutionary?

Contribution on the relation between revolutionary vanguard and the deep people
1/12/2012 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
For the vanguard Mursi is a counter-revolutionary driving the country back to a Mubarak-type dictatorship under Islamic guise. Conversely for important sections of the broad and often passive masses he is the guarantor of the revolution. The protests against Mursi’s authoritarian degrees tend to escalate into a struggle for toppling the president altogether. Set in this way the revolutionaries will hardly be able to win such a confrontation.
It is all about this apparently small alteration which is dealt with in this piece – the turn from the struggle to rescind a dictatorial ukase into an attempt to topple the entire regime. For it makes a tremendous difference if one wants to approach this problem in terms of Gramsci’s concept of hegemony. The line of the Tahrir leftists is crystal clear: Mursi is usurping their revolution. They were in the forefront of the mass uprising to topple Mubarak, while the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) only followed suit. Many Salafis even supported Mubarak. After Mubarak’s disposal the MB did everything possible to soften and decelerate the popular movement. They even entered into a block with the army against the Tahrir. While the Tahrir wanted to finish off with the junta, the MB went for … [read more]

Gaza truce indicates tectonic drift

Partial lifting of blockade impact of the Arab revolt
28/11/2012 · Anti-Imperialist Camp
Despite the fact that both sides hail their victory, the important change of relationship of forces in favor of the Arab masses can easily be recognized. The Palestinian resistance eventually achieved the far-reaching easing of the blockade (1) – though the exact extend remains to be seen and even fought over. The US had to give something to Egypt which Cairo could pass on to the Palestinians and Hamas. It is a sign of a tectonic drift powered by the Arab popular movement which sooner or later will change the grand design of the entire region.
1) As always the US firmly stood on the Israeli side. They, however, pressurized their main partner to accept the truce. Furthermore they made clear that they are strongly opposed to a ground offensive which would further inflame the region. But Hamas refused to accept the usual Israeli conditions. So the cease fire became possible only with significant concessions namely the partial lifting of the blockade. This success for the Palestinian side could be achieved thanks to the unabated resistance (which, whoever, has been a constant throughout the last decade) and the pressure of the regional and international public. 2) The decisive new factor has been the changed role of Egypt, the central Arab power. Until recently the Islamic president Mursi had had only few improvements to offer … [read more]

Elections in Sicily

A typhoon that has not only swept away Monti’s coalition
8/11/2012 · Temporary National Secretariat of MPL (Popular Liberation Movement)
It was clear that the election in Sicily deal a decisive blow against the entire political system. The blow became stronger than foreseen and has assumed two forms: on the one side a mass abstention, on the other side a strong support for the M5S (Movimento Cinque Stelle – Five Stars Movement).
For the first time since the birth of the Italian Republic, less than half of the electorate has cast their ballots. The feelings and sentiments of the citizens have become alien from those pretending to represent them. We are faced with a divorce, which we think irreversible, between the civil society and the entire political and institutional system – a system that after this proof has been severely wounded and deprived of every semblance of democratic legitimacy. It’s not difficult to imagine how the political system will react to this strong blow: not doing a step backwards on the road they started some time ago and that has reduced democracy to a farce, but doing a step forward towards an oligarchic regime. Sicily will be the field where they will put the basis for a … [read more]

Video footage from Assisi

Anti-imperialist Camp, Italy, 23-26 August, 2012
The Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi was a unique event. It brought together leaders and activists of the current Tahrir movement in the Arab world, anti-imperialist resistance forces from the Middle East including Islamic ones as well as anti-capitalist forces from Europe struggling against EU oligarchy. As the main state opposing the US-led global imperialist order a university professor from Tehran addresses the gathering as well. The guiding idea has been how to come together in a global anti-imperialist front.
Following footage has been shot, processed and uploaded to youtube by Gerd Münzner, a filmmaker from Germany. We thank him very much for this great work which he provided for free.   Democratic revolution in Tunisia: political Islam, the left and the future of the democratic revolution  Ajmi Lourimi, member of the political leadership if the Islamic movement Enahda Chair: Daniela Di Marco, Secretary of the Anti-imperialist Voluntary Association “Sumud” (arabic for steadfastness), Italy   The left in crisis over Libya: the NATO attack and the civil war Hamza Piccardo, former leading member of the Union of Islamic Communities in Italy (UCOII), former spokesperson of the European Muslim Network Chair: Massimo De Santi, nuclear physicist, member of the national … [read more]

Rebellion reaches Assad’s hometown

Michel Kilo: “Rethinking among Allawis”
10/10/2012 · Wilhelm Langthaler
On September 28, 2012, an incident of great significance is being reported to have taken place in Qardaha, the hometown of the Assad family. It is situated in the costal mountains above Lattaqia and origin of many influential Allawi clans. Members of the Khayyer family publicly reproached Assad for sticking to his seat which is endangering the future of the Allawis in Syria as a whole. Mohamed Assad, a close relative of Bashar, allegedly shot at the critics.
The ensuing gun battle reportedly claimed several lives. The “Revolutionary Co-ordination Committee Qardaha”, whose mere existence is an important fact, wrote on October 1 that Mohamed al Assad died from his wounds in the hospital of Tartous. Different Syrian websites reported that the town was cordoned of and communication networks temporarily severed. Conflicts between family clans are not new. In the past years they were mainly revolving around mafia-type businesses as Qardaha is also known a centre of the Shabiha, the pro-governmental militias having emerged from the mafia. Although the illegal businesses have been under the tutelage of the regime conflicts could not always be suppressed. But this time we are faced with an explicitly political clash. Its occasion was the … [read more]

Beacon of democracy has gone

Georgia at the crossroads
7/10/2012 · By Temur Pipia, Executive Secretary of Peace Committee of Georgia
The general crisis of capitalism is directly reflected upon Georgia. All main contradictions of globalizing capitalism have their concrete and direct consequences on the processes developing in Georgia and orient these processes towards the certain riverbed.
Temur Pipia
Is Georgia the «Beacon of Democracy» or an oasis of neoliberal dictatorship? The USA poses Georgia as a successful American experiment, an example for imitation, having proclaimed it the "Beacon of Democracy." So-called “neoliberal reforms” that were carried out in an uncompromising and a specially aggressive way in Georgia, came to their logical end. Privatization of all spheres of economy and social infrastructure is complete. All plants and factories, which functioned at the very least, have found themselves in private hands. All power supply systems, the hydroelectric power stations, almost all city services including systems of electricity transmissions, natural gas and water supply, are privatized. Natural resources, the woods, seaports are privatized. The process of … [read more]

Syria Salvation Conference

Call for a cease fire as starting point of a political process
26/9/2012 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
On September 23, 2012, an exceptional event took place in Damascus under the title "Rescue Syria". The internal opposition around the “National Co-ordination Body for Democratic Change” (NBC) held a conference for ending the violence and paving the way to a political solution of the conflict.
It was the first public meeting of opposition forces since June 27, 2011, when they held the famous conference in the Samiramis hotel. From the side of the authorities the meeting was not only tolerated but they also provided security. Official signals, however, were quite equivocal. Only three days ahead of the conference senior leader of the NCB have been kidnapped. The NCB blames the air force intelligence while the authorities refuse any responsibility and point at “terrorist groups”. This can be read both as a double game or as differences within the apparatus. The great interest of Russia, Iran and China in such an event, who were present with high-ranging representatives, were certainly a factor which contributed to make such a gathering possible. In a statement of … [read more]

Pictures Anti-imperialist Camp 2012

Assisi, 23-26 August, 2012
In Assisi, the picturesque medieval town symbolising the quest for peace and friendship between Islam and Christianity, the Tahrir movements against the US order in the Arab world came together with the popular protests in Southern Europe against the starvation programmes of the EU oligarchy. It was a unique event bringing the tremendous challenges to the revolutionary movement to the consciousness of the militants. Read entire … [read more]

Resistance and democracy to be married

Results of the Anti-imperialist Camp, Assisi 2012
23/9/2012 · Anti-Imperialist Camp
In Assisi, the picturesque medieval town symbolising the quest for peace and friendship between Islam and Christianity, the Tahrir movements against the US order in the Arab world came together with the popular protests in Southern Europe against the starvation programmes of the EU oligarchy. It was a unique event bringing the tremendous challenges to the revolutionary movement to the consciousness of the militants.
Amal Ramsis, Egyptian film director, with Moreno Pasquinelli (r), AIC
A way out for Syria The main debate in Assisi as well as in the anti-imperialist movement at large has been over Syria. We encountered an overwhelming common spirit that a way must be found to fulfil the legitimate democratic rights of the popular masses while the support to the resistances against imperialism and Zionism can be continued. The only possibility to end the repression against the democratic popular movement, to avert a sectarian civil war, to stop foreign involvement and to prevent foreign military intervention is a political solution by negotiations. This tendency was epitomized by the presence of two outstanding personalities, namely Haitham Manna from the “National Co-ordination Body for Democratic Change” (NCB), the main anti-imperialist opposition coalition … [read more]

Al Khayyer arrested by Syrian Air Force Intelligence

Regime responds to tomorrow’s opposition conference in Damascus
22/9/2012 · Anti-Imperialist Camp
On Thursday, September 20th, Abdelaziz Al Khair, a senior leader of the main domestic opposition coalition “National Co-ordination Body for Democratic Change” (NCB) was arrested along Iyas Ayash, member of the Executive Committee of the NCB and a leader of the Arab Socialist Movement, as well as Maher Tahan. This happened upon return from China, there the first two had held talks for a negotiated settlement, while the latter had come to pick them up.
According to Haitham Manna, the international spokesman of the NCB, the arrests took place by the hands of the Air Force Intelligence. They are held incommunicado in the prison of the Al Mazzeh military airport near Damascus. The regime, however, denies any involvement and accuses “terrorist groups”. This happens against the backdrop of an opposition conference scheduled for Sunday 23rd. Organised by the NCB, the conference calls for a political solution in order to stop the violence. Despite the kidnapping of important leaders the organisers nevertheless will attempt to hold the event. The conference has fallen victim to character assassination from both sides, the regime as well as mainly foreign opposition groups. Formally they speak of their readiness for negotiations but … [read more]

Domestic Syrian opposition leaders disappeared

Urgent Statement by the National Coordination Body for Democratic Change
21/9/2012 · National Coordination Body’s Media Office / Exile Branch
On Thursday, five members of the delegation from the National Coordination Body returned to Damascus from the People’s Republic of China. Following their departure from Damascus International Airport after 5pm two cars were travelling together, but contact was lost with one of them. That car was carrying Abdelaziz Alkhayyer, Head of the Office of Foreign Relations Office of the NCB, Iyas Ayash member of the Executive Committee and a leader of the Arab Socialist Movement, and friend Maher Tahan who came to pick them up. There has been no contact with them since.
The NCB released a statement: We at the NCB decided to postpone the publicity for the following news, hoping to find out what has happened. We have called several Embassies, numerous national and Arabic personalities – inside and outside the country: Any infringement of the freedom and safety of Iyas Ayash, Abdelaziz Alkhayyer and Maher Tahan is an infringement of the concept of citizenship, and of moral and political commitment to the Syrian citizen and their natural right to security, freedom and dignity. We demand that whoever can put an end to the disappearance of these three civilians should act immediately in accordance with their national responsibility in respecting other citizens and ensuring their freedom and safety. Any harm inflicted upon our partners, regardless … [read more]

"For peace and democracy in Syria without foreign intervention"

Message of the Bishop of Assisi Domenico Sorrentino
In a message to the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi Bishop Sorrentino expressed his hope for peace and democracy in Syria to be achieved without foreign armed intervention:
Thanks for the invitation. Unfortunately I am occupied today August 23 by a pastoral visit in the most distant area of the Dioceses until late night. I hope that your meeting will bring information and sensibilisation which will help the martyred country [Syria] to move in the direction of peace and democracy without the need of foreign armed intervention. Sincerely Domenico … [read more]

Why the war threat on Iran?

Statement in sight of the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi
20/8/2012 · by Paul Larudee*
Israel needs war or the threat of war to justify its value to the United States. Israel recognizes that there is no benefit for Iran to attack Israel. However, the perception of an Iranian threat makes Israel a necessary partner for the U.S. in the region, and U.S. support for Israeli military action assures that both the U.S. and Israel will be considered enemies to the other peoples in the region.
Sooner or later, therefore, Israel will need war for the sake of its credibility, to maintain its influence in the U.S., and to reinforce the siege mentality of its own population. We may also expect that Iran will be engaged in such a war either directly or through proxies, or both. Neither Israel nor the U.S. accepts defiance. A strategy for peace is necessarily a strategy for the end of Zionism and a Jewish state. However, military strategies are unlikely to succeed, because these confront Israel’s strength. Non-military civil resistance strategies, such as those used in South Africa, Tunisia and Egypt, are likely to be more effective, because they target Israel’s weakness, as Israel itself admits. However, in order to succeed, these strategies need to learn from the … [read more]

Gordic knot of democratic revolution and geo-politics in Syria?

Answering the thesis of Yoav Bar
18/8/2012 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
How to support the popular movement while refusing foreign meddling and confessionalist militarism.
Following is a response to Yoav Bar’s criticism “How to support the Syrian Revolution?” on the article “Democratic revolution against Assad AND the Gulf-backed forces”. 1) Popular democratic aspect dominant Starting point of any position-taking on Syria is to refuse the purely geo-political thinking which is ravaging the left. They are employing a method ranging between imperial statecraft and reading history as a permanent conspiracy. The popular masses are per se excluded from playing a role. Actually we are faced with two sides of the same medal. The ruling elites always tend to exclude the masses while the pessimist subaltern intellectuals denounce these elites ruling out any historic intervention form below as well. The Syrian rebellion has been a genuine … [read more]

Greece: Politicizing the struggle as the main task

Contribution KOE to the Assisi
18/8/2012 · Petros Al Achmar, Department for International Relations, KOE
After the elections we find ourselves within a new political landscape characterised by the radicalisation of the popular forces. There are four main points to be mentioned:
First of all, everything is in flux. Nothing is secure: nor the political preferences of society, neither the relationship of forces between the people and the special regime imposed by the troika despite the relieve they got from the electoral outcome. Then there is the acceleration of the political schedules. One event precipitates the next. The privatisation of the Agricultural Bank – which mortgaged 50% of the arable land – within only one day bears witness of this pace. Furthermore there is the total insufficiency of the new government and the entire political system in administering the crisis. To survive Samaras concentrates on attacking Syriza. Within this frame we have to put also the manifold increase of deadly attacks on migrants by the Nazi-fascists of Hrisi Avgi … [read more]

Jews for Palestinian right to return

As Jews of conscience, we call on all supporters of social justice to stand up for Palestinian Right of Return and a democratic state throughout historic Palestine — “From the River to the Sea” — with equal rights for all.
“For Palestinians, the right to return home and the right to live in dignity and equality in their own land are not any less important than the right to live free of military occupation.” –Prof. Saree Makdisi[1] For more than a century, Zionists have sought to construct a “Jewish state” through forced removal of the indigenous Palestinian people. In 1948, this state was established through the Nakba (Catastrophe): erasure and occupation of more than 500 Palestinian towns and villages, dispossession of over 750,000 Palestinians, and a terror campaign of which the massacre at Deir Yassin is but the most infamous example. Since 1967, Israel has also occupied and colonized the remainder of historic Palestine. Today, this relentless ethnic cleansing continues — armed and … [read more]

On vice-president Sharaa’s proposal for a political solution

... and why it should elicit a positive response
26/12/2012 · Wilhelm Langthaler
The interview released by Syrian vice-president Faruq al-Sharaa is a strong signal from the regime’s side that they are eventually interested to commence a political process. In his statement, Sharaa not only insisted on a political solution (this is not new, there are many such statements from the regime), but also specified that no side can win militarily, and thus both sides will have to cede positions. That means that there is a readiness for concessions which until now could not be detected (this is indeed the new element in the situation).
It is, however, not quite clear which status this proposal has. Did the president approve it? We do not know. But Sharaa dared to speak out and he is still in office. It is obvious that there is a certain bandwidth of positions within the regime, and revolutionary politics must try to weaken the hardliners who are obviously also there. Russia, the main backer of Assad, at the same time made it clear that they will not keep supporting Assad at any cost. This is on one hand a warning to Assad to create the preconditions for a transition, and on the other hand a signal to Moscow’s geo-political rivals that Russia is ready for a compromise. This is in line with the Iranian proposal as well. The change in these positions is that they moved away from elections under the current regime – … [read more]

"Not reciprocate the regime"

Interview with Orwa Haj Yousef, spokesman of the Syrian “Unity Brigades” and the “Current for National Unity”, its political wing
24/12/2012 · Interview conducted by Wilhelm Langthaler
This movement is mainly composed of civil political activists of the democratic movement who, according to their self-understanding, were forced to take up arms for self-defence. They continue to defend the primacy of politics over military affairs, the people over the armed groups. They fight against sectarianism and advocate a political solution. Their appearance is an indicator of the political differentiation within the Syrian opposition.
Q: What are the Unity Brigades (UB) and how did way come into existence? The UB are composed of people and groups originated from the civil revolutionary movement organised in the Tasiqiat [pl. for Tansiqia organisation which are local committees]. Some are also defected soldiers of the regular army. We formed our one brigades to defend us and our movement against the extreme violence and systematic killings by the regime which follows a sectarian method. We think that we ought not to respond by employing sectarian patterns as well as some groups do. This results in a political help to the regime. The armed struggle needs a clear political agenda which many armed groups lack. Q: Are you part of the Free Syrian Army (FSA)? Formally the UB are part of the FSA. But until now there … [read more]

Mursi’s presumption

Reciprocating Mursi’s error or using it to push ahead democratization
21/12/2012 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
Mursi might have thought that he could ride the wave of his diplomatic success over Gaza to score some points at home: Moving against the abhorred judges of Mubarak, he seemed to be sure of the overwhelming popular support to unilaterally finalize the constitutional process blocked by the old regime.
In his hubris the president assumed that the Tahrir would remain marginal. Actually the exclusion of the Tahrir from the constitutional process dates back to the time of the bloc between the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) and the military. Then came the clash between the MB on one side and the military junta with the judicial apparatus loyal to them on the other side. The idea behind Mursi’s operation looked as if he wanted to draw support and legitimacy by partially adopting the Tahrir’s demands against the judiciary thus taking the wind out of the Tahrir’s sails. The Islamists presumed to marginalise any opposition to their leadership by marking them as secularists and subsuming them under the old regime. They really seem to believe their own narrative of overwhelming popular support – … [read more]

Yes to democracy, no to foreign intervention!

for a political solution of the Syrian conflict
This initiative consists in calling for a delegation of high-ranking personalities with international public lives to go to Syria in order to discuss the current situation with the main political actors and to pave the way for a negotiated political solution of the armed conflict in Syria which seriously threatens world peace and the existence of Syria as an independent and sovereign nation.
Delegation: Campell (...), Gabriel, Pissias, Reymann, Vera (...), Bendana, Fanon
We, the undersigned, who are part of an international civil society increasingly worried about the awful bloodshed of the Syrian people, are supporting a political initiative based on the results of a fact-finding mission which some of our colleagues undertook to Beirut and Damascus in September 2012. This initiative consists in calling for a delegation of high-ranking personalities and international public figures to go to Syria in order to discuss the current situation with the main political actors and to pave the way for a negotiated political solution of the armed conflict in Syria which seriously threatens world peace and the existence of Syria as an independent and sovereign nation. In this perspective we fully support the following declaration: All eyes are presently on the … [read more]

Mursi: pharao or revolutionary?

Contribution on the relation between revolutionary vanguard and the deep people
1/12/2012 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
For the vanguard Mursi is a counter-revolutionary driving the country back to a Mubarak-type dictatorship under Islamic guise. Conversely for important sections of the broad and often passive masses he is the guarantor of the revolution. The protests against Mursi’s authoritarian degrees tend to escalate into a struggle for toppling the president altogether. Set in this way the revolutionaries will hardly be able to win such a confrontation.
It is all about this apparently small alteration which is dealt with in this piece – the turn from the struggle to rescind a dictatorial ukase into an attempt to topple the entire regime. For it makes a tremendous difference if one wants to approach this problem in terms of Gramsci’s concept of hegemony. The line of the Tahrir leftists is crystal clear: Mursi is usurping their revolution. They were in the forefront of the mass uprising to topple Mubarak, while the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) only followed suit. Many Salafis even supported Mubarak. After Mubarak’s disposal the MB did everything possible to soften and decelerate the popular movement. They even entered into a block with the army against the Tahrir. While the Tahrir wanted to finish off with the junta, the MB went for … [read more]

Gaza truce indicates tectonic drift

Partial lifting of blockade impact of the Arab revolt
28/11/2012 · Anti-Imperialist Camp
Despite the fact that both sides hail their victory, the important change of relationship of forces in favor of the Arab masses can easily be recognized. The Palestinian resistance eventually achieved the far-reaching easing of the blockade (1) – though the exact extend remains to be seen and even fought over. The US had to give something to Egypt which Cairo could pass on to the Palestinians and Hamas. It is a sign of a tectonic drift powered by the Arab popular movement which sooner or later will change the grand design of the entire region.
1) As always the US firmly stood on the Israeli side. They, however, pressurized their main partner to accept the truce. Furthermore they made clear that they are strongly opposed to a ground offensive which would further inflame the region. But Hamas refused to accept the usual Israeli conditions. So the cease fire became possible only with significant concessions namely the partial lifting of the blockade. This success for the Palestinian side could be achieved thanks to the unabated resistance (which, whoever, has been a constant throughout the last decade) and the pressure of the regional and international public. 2) The decisive new factor has been the changed role of Egypt, the central Arab power. Until recently the Islamic president Mursi had had only few improvements to offer … [read more]

Elections in Sicily

A typhoon that has not only swept away Monti’s coalition
8/11/2012 · Temporary National Secretariat of MPL (Popular Liberation Movement)
It was clear that the election in Sicily deal a decisive blow against the entire political system. The blow became stronger than foreseen and has assumed two forms: on the one side a mass abstention, on the other side a strong support for the M5S (Movimento Cinque Stelle – Five Stars Movement).
For the first time since the birth of the Italian Republic, less than half of the electorate has cast their ballots. The feelings and sentiments of the citizens have become alien from those pretending to represent them. We are faced with a divorce, which we think irreversible, between the civil society and the entire political and institutional system – a system that after this proof has been severely wounded and deprived of every semblance of democratic legitimacy. It’s not difficult to imagine how the political system will react to this strong blow: not doing a step backwards on the road they started some time ago and that has reduced democracy to a farce, but doing a step forward towards an oligarchic regime. Sicily will be the field where they will put the basis for a … [read more]

Video footage from Assisi

Anti-imperialist Camp, Italy, 23-26 August, 2012
The Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi was a unique event. It brought together leaders and activists of the current Tahrir movement in the Arab world, anti-imperialist resistance forces from the Middle East including Islamic ones as well as anti-capitalist forces from Europe struggling against EU oligarchy. As the main state opposing the US-led global imperialist order a university professor from Tehran addresses the gathering as well. The guiding idea has been how to come together in a global anti-imperialist front.
Following footage has been shot, processed and uploaded to youtube by Gerd Münzner, a filmmaker from Germany. We thank him very much for this great work which he provided for free.   Democratic revolution in Tunisia: political Islam, the left and the future of the democratic revolution  Ajmi Lourimi, member of the political leadership if the Islamic movement Enahda Chair: Daniela Di Marco, Secretary of the Anti-imperialist Voluntary Association “Sumud” (arabic for steadfastness), Italy   The left in crisis over Libya: the NATO attack and the civil war Hamza Piccardo, former leading member of the Union of Islamic Communities in Italy (UCOII), former spokesperson of the European Muslim Network Chair: Massimo De Santi, nuclear physicist, member of the national … [read more]

Rebellion reaches Assad’s hometown

Michel Kilo: “Rethinking among Allawis”
10/10/2012 · Wilhelm Langthaler
On September 28, 2012, an incident of great significance is being reported to have taken place in Qardaha, the hometown of the Assad family. It is situated in the costal mountains above Lattaqia and origin of many influential Allawi clans. Members of the Khayyer family publicly reproached Assad for sticking to his seat which is endangering the future of the Allawis in Syria as a whole. Mohamed Assad, a close relative of Bashar, allegedly shot at the critics.
The ensuing gun battle reportedly claimed several lives. The “Revolutionary Co-ordination Committee Qardaha”, whose mere existence is an important fact, wrote on October 1 that Mohamed al Assad died from his wounds in the hospital of Tartous. Different Syrian websites reported that the town was cordoned of and communication networks temporarily severed. Conflicts between family clans are not new. In the past years they were mainly revolving around mafia-type businesses as Qardaha is also known a centre of the Shabiha, the pro-governmental militias having emerged from the mafia. Although the illegal businesses have been under the tutelage of the regime conflicts could not always be suppressed. But this time we are faced with an explicitly political clash. Its occasion was the … [read more]

Beacon of democracy has gone

Georgia at the crossroads
7/10/2012 · By Temur Pipia, Executive Secretary of Peace Committee of Georgia
The general crisis of capitalism is directly reflected upon Georgia. All main contradictions of globalizing capitalism have their concrete and direct consequences on the processes developing in Georgia and orient these processes towards the certain riverbed.
Temur Pipia
Is Georgia the «Beacon of Democracy» or an oasis of neoliberal dictatorship? The USA poses Georgia as a successful American experiment, an example for imitation, having proclaimed it the "Beacon of Democracy." So-called “neoliberal reforms” that were carried out in an uncompromising and a specially aggressive way in Georgia, came to their logical end. Privatization of all spheres of economy and social infrastructure is complete. All plants and factories, which functioned at the very least, have found themselves in private hands. All power supply systems, the hydroelectric power stations, almost all city services including systems of electricity transmissions, natural gas and water supply, are privatized. Natural resources, the woods, seaports are privatized. The process of … [read more]

Syria Salvation Conference

Call for a cease fire as starting point of a political process
26/9/2012 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
On September 23, 2012, an exceptional event took place in Damascus under the title "Rescue Syria". The internal opposition around the “National Co-ordination Body for Democratic Change” (NBC) held a conference for ending the violence and paving the way to a political solution of the conflict.
It was the first public meeting of opposition forces since June 27, 2011, when they held the famous conference in the Samiramis hotel. From the side of the authorities the meeting was not only tolerated but they also provided security. Official signals, however, were quite equivocal. Only three days ahead of the conference senior leader of the NCB have been kidnapped. The NCB blames the air force intelligence while the authorities refuse any responsibility and point at “terrorist groups”. This can be read both as a double game or as differences within the apparatus. The great interest of Russia, Iran and China in such an event, who were present with high-ranging representatives, were certainly a factor which contributed to make such a gathering possible. In a statement of … [read more]

Pictures Anti-imperialist Camp 2012

Assisi, 23-26 August, 2012
In Assisi, the picturesque medieval town symbolising the quest for peace and friendship between Islam and Christianity, the Tahrir movements against the US order in the Arab world came together with the popular protests in Southern Europe against the starvation programmes of the EU oligarchy. It was a unique event bringing the tremendous challenges to the revolutionary movement to the consciousness of the militants. Read entire … [read more]

Resistance and democracy to be married

Results of the Anti-imperialist Camp, Assisi 2012
23/9/2012 · Anti-Imperialist Camp
In Assisi, the picturesque medieval town symbolising the quest for peace and friendship between Islam and Christianity, the Tahrir movements against the US order in the Arab world came together with the popular protests in Southern Europe against the starvation programmes of the EU oligarchy. It was a unique event bringing the tremendous challenges to the revolutionary movement to the consciousness of the militants.
Amal Ramsis, Egyptian film director, with Moreno Pasquinelli (r), AIC
A way out for Syria The main debate in Assisi as well as in the anti-imperialist movement at large has been over Syria. We encountered an overwhelming common spirit that a way must be found to fulfil the legitimate democratic rights of the popular masses while the support to the resistances against imperialism and Zionism can be continued. The only possibility to end the repression against the democratic popular movement, to avert a sectarian civil war, to stop foreign involvement and to prevent foreign military intervention is a political solution by negotiations. This tendency was epitomized by the presence of two outstanding personalities, namely Haitham Manna from the “National Co-ordination Body for Democratic Change” (NCB), the main anti-imperialist opposition coalition … [read more]

Al Khayyer arrested by Syrian Air Force Intelligence

Regime responds to tomorrow’s opposition conference in Damascus
22/9/2012 · Anti-Imperialist Camp
On Thursday, September 20th, Abdelaziz Al Khair, a senior leader of the main domestic opposition coalition “National Co-ordination Body for Democratic Change” (NCB) was arrested along Iyas Ayash, member of the Executive Committee of the NCB and a leader of the Arab Socialist Movement, as well as Maher Tahan. This happened upon return from China, there the first two had held talks for a negotiated settlement, while the latter had come to pick them up.
According to Haitham Manna, the international spokesman of the NCB, the arrests took place by the hands of the Air Force Intelligence. They are held incommunicado in the prison of the Al Mazzeh military airport near Damascus. The regime, however, denies any involvement and accuses “terrorist groups”. This happens against the backdrop of an opposition conference scheduled for Sunday 23rd. Organised by the NCB, the conference calls for a political solution in order to stop the violence. Despite the kidnapping of important leaders the organisers nevertheless will attempt to hold the event. The conference has fallen victim to character assassination from both sides, the regime as well as mainly foreign opposition groups. Formally they speak of their readiness for negotiations but … [read more]

Domestic Syrian opposition leaders disappeared

Urgent Statement by the National Coordination Body for Democratic Change
21/9/2012 · National Coordination Body’s Media Office / Exile Branch
On Thursday, five members of the delegation from the National Coordination Body returned to Damascus from the People’s Republic of China. Following their departure from Damascus International Airport after 5pm two cars were travelling together, but contact was lost with one of them. That car was carrying Abdelaziz Alkhayyer, Head of the Office of Foreign Relations Office of the NCB, Iyas Ayash member of the Executive Committee and a leader of the Arab Socialist Movement, and friend Maher Tahan who came to pick them up. There has been no contact with them since.
The NCB released a statement: We at the NCB decided to postpone the publicity for the following news, hoping to find out what has happened. We have called several Embassies, numerous national and Arabic personalities – inside and outside the country: Any infringement of the freedom and safety of Iyas Ayash, Abdelaziz Alkhayyer and Maher Tahan is an infringement of the concept of citizenship, and of moral and political commitment to the Syrian citizen and their natural right to security, freedom and dignity. We demand that whoever can put an end to the disappearance of these three civilians should act immediately in accordance with their national responsibility in respecting other citizens and ensuring their freedom and safety. Any harm inflicted upon our partners, regardless … [read more]

"For peace and democracy in Syria without foreign intervention"

Message of the Bishop of Assisi Domenico Sorrentino
In a message to the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi Bishop Sorrentino expressed his hope for peace and democracy in Syria to be achieved without foreign armed intervention:
Thanks for the invitation. Unfortunately I am occupied today August 23 by a pastoral visit in the most distant area of the Dioceses until late night. I hope that your meeting will bring information and sensibilisation which will help the martyred country [Syria] to move in the direction of peace and democracy without the need of foreign armed intervention. Sincerely Domenico … [read more]

Why the war threat on Iran?

Statement in sight of the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi
20/8/2012 · by Paul Larudee*
Israel needs war or the threat of war to justify its value to the United States. Israel recognizes that there is no benefit for Iran to attack Israel. However, the perception of an Iranian threat makes Israel a necessary partner for the U.S. in the region, and U.S. support for Israeli military action assures that both the U.S. and Israel will be considered enemies to the other peoples in the region.
Sooner or later, therefore, Israel will need war for the sake of its credibility, to maintain its influence in the U.S., and to reinforce the siege mentality of its own population. We may also expect that Iran will be engaged in such a war either directly or through proxies, or both. Neither Israel nor the U.S. accepts defiance. A strategy for peace is necessarily a strategy for the end of Zionism and a Jewish state. However, military strategies are unlikely to succeed, because these confront Israel’s strength. Non-military civil resistance strategies, such as those used in South Africa, Tunisia and Egypt, are likely to be more effective, because they target Israel’s weakness, as Israel itself admits. However, in order to succeed, these strategies need to learn from the … [read more]

Gordic knot of democratic revolution and geo-politics in Syria?

Answering the thesis of Yoav Bar
18/8/2012 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
How to support the popular movement while refusing foreign meddling and confessionalist militarism.
Following is a response to Yoav Bar’s criticism “How to support the Syrian Revolution?” on the article “Democratic revolution against Assad AND the Gulf-backed forces”. 1) Popular democratic aspect dominant Starting point of any position-taking on Syria is to refuse the purely geo-political thinking which is ravaging the left. They are employing a method ranging between imperial statecraft and reading history as a permanent conspiracy. The popular masses are per se excluded from playing a role. Actually we are faced with two sides of the same medal. The ruling elites always tend to exclude the masses while the pessimist subaltern intellectuals denounce these elites ruling out any historic intervention form below as well. The Syrian rebellion has been a genuine … [read more]

Greece: Politicizing the struggle as the main task

Contribution KOE to the Assisi
18/8/2012 · Petros Al Achmar, Department for International Relations, KOE
After the elections we find ourselves within a new political landscape characterised by the radicalisation of the popular forces. There are four main points to be mentioned:
First of all, everything is in flux. Nothing is secure: nor the political preferences of society, neither the relationship of forces between the people and the special regime imposed by the troika despite the relieve they got from the electoral outcome. Then there is the acceleration of the political schedules. One event precipitates the next. The privatisation of the Agricultural Bank – which mortgaged 50% of the arable land – within only one day bears witness of this pace. Furthermore there is the total insufficiency of the new government and the entire political system in administering the crisis. To survive Samaras concentrates on attacking Syriza. Within this frame we have to put also the manifold increase of deadly attacks on migrants by the Nazi-fascists of Hrisi Avgi … [read more]