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Endorsers Int'l Solidarity Initiative with the Syrian People

For democracy, social justice, peace and national sovereignty
Whoever wants to sign pls write to
Following the list of the first signatories of the International Solidarity Initiative for the Syrian People. • Leo Gabriel, journalist, social anthropologist and member of the International Council of the World Social Forum, Vienna, Austria • Moreno Pasquinelli, Anti-imperialist Camp, Assisi, Italy • Carlos Varea González, university professor and leading member of the “Campaign against the Occupation and for the Sovereignty of Iraq” (CEOSI), Madrid, Spain • Santiago Alba Rico, Spanish writer, resident in Tunis, Tunisia • Franz Fischer, Palestine activist and CC member of the Labour Party of Switzerland, Basel • Thomas Zmrzly, spokesman of “Initiativ e.V.”, Duisburg, Germany • Mustafa Ilhan, journalist, Kurdish activist, Aachen, Germany • Wilhelm … [read more]

Again, thank you for nothing!

On a friendship that mixes poison into honey
24/5/2012 · by Subhi Hadidi
As the Syrian regime is crushing the sons and daughters of its rival and greatest enemy – the uprising, with fire and all lethal weapons, some “friends” of the uprising around the world are scrambling against it as well, under countless flimsy banners, pretending to support it, and demanding financial and military support. In fact they do not serve the peoples’ movement as much as it pours in the regimes benefit.
American president Obama recently received an open letter, backed by two of the most prominent neoconservative institutions in America: the Foreign Policy Initiative, which demands American leadership in the contemporary world, an armed leadership, a global cop. And the Foundation for the Defence of Democracies, which was founded after the September 11th attacks with the goal of ‘defending the free nations in the face of their enemies’. The letter was signed by 56 ‘foreign policy experts and former officials of the US administration’, as they defined themselves. Among them is Karl Rove, former advisor in the George Bush Jr. administration, and the engineer of his election campaigns; James Woolsey, former Director of the CIA; Paul Bremer, the American governor of Iraq after the … [read more]

Release Uttpal Unconditionally and Immediately

We demand punishment for the guilty police personnel who illegally Detained Uttpal
17/5/2012 · Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF)
Uttpal (23), an adivasi revolutionary cultural activist who was elected to the All India Executive Committee in the First Conference of Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF) held on 22-23 April 2012 in Hyderabad, has been illegally detained by Jharkhand Police. He was detained in Dumuri Police station area of Giridih District on 7th May 2012 while he was travelling in a road transport bus. Till date, the Jharkhand police has not released him nor produced him in any court of law.
Uttpal has been working for Jharkhand Aben, a well-known and popular revolutionary cultural oragnisation of Jharkhandis in the state. Ever since the arrest of cultural activist Jiten Marandi, Uttpal has been actively conducting the organisation. He is a singer and a composer. He was travelling from Ranchi to a village in Dumuri to meet Aben’s local team. Before he reached the village, where other cultural activists were waiting for him, he was taken away by the police from the bus around 3pm on 7th May. This is not for the first time the police illegally detained Uttpal. A few months after Jiten Marandi’s arrest, Uttapal was abducted by goons employed by the police and was made to ‘disappear’ for many days. Later he was implicated in a false case and produced in a court of law … [read more]

Syria in travail

Interview with Abdalaziz al-Khair*, leading figure of the National Coordination Body for Democratic Change, Syria
16/5/2012 · by Narmin Amir and Yusuf Fakhr ed Din in Damascus**
Abdalaziz al-Khair was a leading member of the Communist Action Party. He was persecuted and had to live underground for more than ten years. He was arrested and tortured in 1992, sentenced to 22 years and released in 2005. In 2007 he participated in founding the “Left Assembly”, which included the Communist Action Party, the Kurdish Left Party, the Body of Syrian Communists, the Marxist Democratic Assembly and the Coordination Committee of the Members of the Syrian Communist Party – Politburo.
Abdalaziz al-Khair (c) attacked by SNC supporters in Cairo
Q: You founded the “National Coordination Body’’ with the aim of taking part in the popular movement and to represent it. How did this movement emerge? Why did its demands radicalize into overthrowing the regime? The popular movement is in fact a political revolution, the result of a long political history. The objective conditions have been mounting to transfer the dynamics of this movement from the intellectual space to society at large. We were astonished nevertheless. It was similar to what we had been dreaming of, even though it came about in a different form. The mass movement does not follow routine classifications and preconceptions. It is not a revolution of workers or peasants or organized political forces. This has confused many, for the history of the political … [read more]

Annan plan helps to stop violence

Haitham Manna, spokesman of the Syrian „National Coordination Body for Democratic Change” (NCB), in Vienna
13/5/2012 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
A leading figure of the Syrian left opposition spoke at a meeting in Vienna, invited by the “Austrian Arab Cultural Centre” (Okaz). Haitham Manna spoke about the necessity of the Kofi Annan plan in order to stop the violence and to initiate subsequent democratic reforms.
The NCB supports the peace plan by Kofi Annan, as for the time being there is no other solution in sight. “The main obstacle for democratic progress is the violence which has already pushed the country on the brink of civil war. We need to stop it. Only then the popular movement can develop enough power.” Haitham Manna reproached the Syrian National Council (SNC) and the armed groups and said that they wanted to foil the Annan plan in order to further militarize the situation and to provoke a foreign military intervention – something which is categorically refused by his own organisation, the SCB. Some people close to the SNC at the meeting in Vienna replied that the SBC in this way saves the regime which has proved to be unable and unwilling to execute democratic reforms. The … [read more]

Unprecedented measures

Palestinian strike leadership to take new steps
13/5/2012 · Central Committee of the Leadership of the Strike
The following statement was issued early Friday morning, May 11, by the leadership of the hunger strikers in prisons, following their negotiations with IPS officials:
To the masses of the Palestinian people….you are free before our nation…you are free before the world. On our twenty-fifth day of an epic hunger strike, we continue to trust in God. Our empty stomach continue in the spirit of Palestinian steadfastness that overcomes Israeli oppression. To the free people of the world… We have held a lengthy meeting with the leadership of the Prison Services in Nafha prison last night, including all members of the Central Committee of the Leadership of the Strike. The Prison Service attempted through prevarication and procrastination to pressure us to break the strike with unverifiable promises. After a round of stubborn negotiations between humanity and brutality, we report the following: First – we have conveyed our position unequivocally, … [read more]

Battle of empty stomachs

Letter of Ahmed Sa’adat, Secretary general of the PFLP, from the hunger strikers in Israeli prisons
5/5/2012 · Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa'adat
Over 1600 Palestinian prisoners are currently engaged in a steadfast and open-ended hunger strike that launched on April 17, 2012 - Palestinian Prisoners' Day. Ahmad Sa'adat, Palestinian national leader and General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, is among these prisoners, once again taking up the "Battle of the Empty Stomachs" to demand justice and dignity, and has now been on hunger strike for 12 days.
Palestinian hunger strikers are demanding an end to isolation and solitary confinement; an end to administrative detention; access to family visits for all prisoners, including those from Gaza; and access to education and media. Sa'adat has been held in isolation for over three years, since March 2009. Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike have demanded international solidarity. Take action today to stand for freedom, dignity and justice for Ahmad Sa'adat and all Palestinian Prisoners! See below for actions you can take. In a breaking news report, Palestinian political prisoners from the PFLP have rejected an occupation offer to end Sa'adat's isolation if they would break the hunger strike. They refused - the hunger strike includes prisoners from all Palestinian factions, united … [read more]

US-Afghan permanent slavery agreement

A nightmare in a dark night of Kabul
5/5/2012 · Left Radical Organization of Afghanistan (LRA)
Finally after years of conflict and discussion between slaverholder and slave, the strategic agreement was signed by Barak Obama the president of United States and Hamid Karzai the president of Afghanistan at 12pm on May 2, 2012. Obama with an unannounced and sudden trip reached Bagram military base in Kabul and joined the presidential palace to sign the prepared agreement.
The slavery agreement was signed at the time while all the people including the ministers, the national assembly members were sleeping and still have not understand about the contents of the agreement. So, the travel of Obama on late night to Kabul on one hand shows his failure and uncontrolled security situation after a decade war in Afghanistan, on the other hand to reveals the high level no confidence among the partners as well as their hurries. The people in Afghanistan have been joking; if the agreement was signed in a mid dark night then the future of the agreement will be inevitably darkness as well. Whilst the US and its allies during a decade with their heavy military and financial presence could not insured security and development in Afghanistan, how they expect positive … [read more]

Sa’adat transferred to prison hospital from isolation

PFLP’s Gen-sec as most prominent participant of Palestinian mass hunger strike
4/5/2012 · Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa'adat
Ramon prison management transferred hunger striking Palestinian prisoner and leader, Ahmad Sa’adat to Ramle prison hospital on Sunday, April 29. Sa’adat is General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and has been in isolation for over three years in Ramon prison. He has been on hunger strike since April 17 with now over 2000 Palestinian prisoners.
PFLP prisoners were previously offered that Sa’adat’s isolation would be ended in exchange for them ending their hunger strike, which the prisoners refused, saying they are committed to achieving the full demands of the strike in unity with all prisoners, including ending all isolation, ending administrative detention, and supporting rights to family visits, education and media for prisoners. Sa’adat has lost 6 kilograms so far on this hunger strike, which comes only short months after his last extended hunger strike, from September 27-October 20, calling for an end to isolation and solitary confinement. Hundreds of prisoners joined this strike, which ended with false Israeli promises to end isolation which were then ignored following the prisoner exchange. Sa’adat lost tens of … [read more]

Palestinian hunger strikes to continue

Strike leadership's statement no 2
30/4/2012 · Higher National Leadership Committee of the Prisoners’ Struggle
The Leadership Committee of the Prisoners’ Hunger Strike issued a second statement about the continuing open hunger strike, emphasizing that the strike will continue until their demands are achieved and stating their willingness to die to achieve a decent life for themselves and their sisters and brothers.
This is the moment of truth, where hunger grips our bleeding wounds. This is a call of duty that only the weak or cowardly can ignore. We are facing a real massacre committed by the Zionist jailers against our individual and collective rights, where we are confronted by torture and abuse on a daily basis, around the clock, in an attempt to force all of the hunger strikers to break the strike. We are at a crucial and dangerous stage, and inspired by our hunger and our pain, speak to your conscience and affirm the following: First, we will continue our strike. We will not go back, except by achieving our demands. We will not be defeated by their crimes and cruelty as we draft a vision for a decent life. Second, we will take qualitative and unprecedented steps if the Prison Service … [read more]

Muslim Brotherhood to pay for their bloc with the army

Generals sacrifice Mubarak’s right hand to get rid of Islamist frontrunners
21/4/2012 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
In the run-up to the presidential elections in Egypt major revulsions keep precipitating.
By end of March the Muslim Brotherhood eventually had nominated their presidential candidate Khairat el-Shater. This ran against their original claim of refraining to contest the elections. El Shater is rich businessman and associated with the conservative wing of the Muslim Brotherhood. Then came in Omar Suleiman, the highest-ranking torturer of Mubarak, who had been nominated by the pharaoh himself as his successor. This caused a major upheaval in Egypt public opinion. Meanwhile the judiciary had dissolved the constitutional commission as not being representative of the Egypt people. Thanks to their parliamentary majority the different Islamist factions were de facto able to take full control of the commission. All other forces had withdrawn their participation protesting against … [read more]

Pics from the Global March to Jerusalem

Lebanon, March 30, 2012
GMJ-Kundgebung vor der Burg
The Global March to Jerusalem (GMJ) is part of a series of international solidarity campaigns for Palestine and especially Gaza. But the GMJ is special for several reasons. Firstly it is based on a truly international coalition where forces from the Arab world collaborate with initiatives from Asia and the west. Secondly it has chosen an explicitly anti-Zionist platform. And thirdly it brings together leftist with Islamic organisations. More than 200 international activists joined the GMJ, out of which the largest part came from Asia and the rest from western countries – but also people form Argentine to Japan where there. The Anti-imperialist Camp chose to participate in Lebanon. Find here some … [read more]

GMJ: anti-Zionist network in construction

Yet stuck in conflicts over Arab popular movements and regional geo-politics
18/4/2012 · by the Anti-imperialist Camp
The Anti-imperialist Camp (AIC) was one of the first organisations in Europe to adhere and to actively promote the “Global March to Jerusalem” (GMJ). Now it is time to draw a public balance sheet, which for us is comprehensively positive, and to reflect on the way to continue.
The GMJ initiative served its task: It strengthened the global awareness on the western-backed Israeli attempt to “cleanse” the Palestinians from their lands and to further enlarge their colonial state. This was possible thanks to a global mobilisation on the day of the land (March 30) with its centre of gravity in occupied Palestine: Jerusalem, Gaza, West Bank and the territories occupied in 1948 – as well as the Palestinian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon. At the same time there has been the Asian caravan of about 150 people crossing through more than half a dozen West Asian countries to join the march. With countless public rallies on their way they had a great impact on the public opinion of their respective countries. There have been mobilisations in dozens of cities … [read more]

Sinful Islamists?

Interview with Mohamed Wakid on the current stage of the Tahrir movement, the role of the military as well as the Muslim Brotherhood and the US line.
12/4/2012 · By Anna-Maria Steiner and Wilhelm Langthaler
Mohamed Wakid is a leading activist of Egypt's Tahrir left. He is member of the “Revolutionary Socialists” and leader of the “National Front” [Pan-arabist] trying to politically unify the revolutionary forces. He is co-editor of [“Dialectics” in Arabic], a pan-Arab website in English and Arabic that is trying to grasp the developments of Arab society and promoting dialogue with the international movement against the global oligarchy.
Mohamed Wakid
Q: With the downfall of Mubarak, the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) entered an instable bloc with the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF). What is the rationale behind and will they sustain it? The bloc is mainly punctuated by the US influence in the region. We are not talking of SCAF/MB but of SCAF/MB/US. Let us start with the army. Its leadership was fine with the revolution as they wanted to get rid of Mubarak and his son who tried to curb the army’s influence. They were against the succession of Mubarak by his son. Gamal’s idea was a kind of monarchy which the army could not accept. Actually it was Gamal who destroyed his father’s rule and it was clear that he was unable to carry on as his father has been doing. Already before Mubarak’s downfall it was the intelligence … [read more]

Asian Caravan to Jerusalem

6th - 30th March 2012
11/4/2012 · Asian People's Solidarity for Palestine
The Asian convoy was a remarkable collective venture & began when 27 Indonesians set of from Jakarta on the 6th of March 2012, for Karachi. At that moment, the Indian delegates from across the vast country & representing the vast diversity, were setting of in the trains to gather in New Delhi. Finally on the 9th of March 2012, 12 Indians & other activists, set off for the Wagah (India-Pakistan) border.
GMJ Asia
In terms of the Asian route, we did face many dilemmas and difficulties, due to the increasing political complexity in the region, arising out of the serious crisis in Syria. Thus the Asian convoy had decided to bypass Syria due to the raging conflict within. This brought up many problems in terms of the land route and the costs of the entire journey. We were also well aware that the two key strategic locations were Jordan and Lebanon, where the major mobilization would be organized. The only land route to Jordan was through Iraq and we tried our very best to negotiate with the Iraqi government for permissions. But unfortunately, that was not to be as the Arab League Summit was to be held in Baghdad on the 28-29th of March and that was the priority undoubtedly. The Asian … [read more]


International Leninist Current
11/4/2012 · Unanimously approved by the Founding Conference of the ILC
The „International Leninist Current“ (ILC), which ceased to exist about one decade back, was one of the driving forces in the foundation of the “Anti-imperialist Camp” (AIC) at the turn of the millennium. The platform and project of the AIC has been, however, much broader both politically as well as organizationally. Several other forces from other backgrounds have been involved both in the foundation as well as in the further campaigns of the AIC to the effect that the AIC is in not the heir of the ILC.
We nevertheless publish the manifesto of the ILC as it gives a good impression of the stage of discussion and elabouration in the mid 1990s which in one way or another paved the way to the AIC. Spring 2012 Part One 1. History The fate of mankind depends on mankind’s history. So far, this history had neither a straightforward trend nor a purpose of its own. Until the Russian revolution, unceasing and frequently catastrophic changes have affected only the form of social systems, not their content. Ever since the time when private property superseded community life based on the collective ownership of the means of production — something which made possible an egalitarian enjoying of the consumer goods produced by labour — all social systems have had a common foundation: the … [read more]

Programme Anti-imperialist Camp 2012

23-26 August, 2012, Assisi, Italy
Combining the Arab with the incipient European revolt with speakers from Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Lebanon, Greece, Italy, Germany, England and the USA.
Thursday, August 23 Tunisia: political Islam, the left and the future of the democratic revolution Presiding: Daniela Di Marco • Ajmi Lourimi, member of the political leadership if the Islamic movement Enahda The left in crisis over Libya: the NATO attack and the civil war Presiding: Massimo De Santi • Hamza Piccardo, former leading member of the Union of Islamic Communities in Italy (UCOII), former spokesperson of the European Muslim Network, Islam online • Moreno Pasquinelli, speaker of the Anti-imperialist Camp Syria: democratic transition or civil war? Presiding: Wilhelm Langthaler • Haitham Manna, speaker of the National Co-ordination Body for Democratic Change (NCB) Friday, August 24 Greece: elections or revolution? Presiding: … [read more]

VIPs support Global March to Jerusalem

We, the Advisory Board of the Global March to Jerusalem, are alarmed and deeply troubled by the continuing repression of Palestinians in Jerusalem and by the deliberate and systematic attempts to expel and reduce the Christian and Muslim Palestinian population of the city as part of the policy called “Judaisation,” which is being applied to every part of historic Palestine.
This policy is inconsistent with all relevant United Nations resolutions on Jerusalem and contrary to the most basic principles of international law. Its purpose is plainly to ethnically cleanse Jerusalem of its non-Jewish population and transform a once proud symbol of international tolerance and religious and cultural diversity into an exclusionary and racist enclave. Jerusalem is our common universal heritage. It is the centre of spirituality and ideological significance for all of the monotheistic religions, and a beacon of emancipation and hope for the downtrodden. This historic city is venerated across the world for enhancing the spiritual heritage of all humanity; it has been a symbol of unity and equality, with a message of love, mercy and compassion. However the entire … [read more]

GMJ endorsers

Desmond Tutu, Noam Chomsky, George Galloway support the Global March to Jerusalem
Following list of endorsers is not complete but an extraction centered on Europe, for the Anti-imperialist Camp has been one central promotor of the campaign in Europe.
Desmond Tutu
A overall list can be retrieved from the international website of the GMJ. It is to be completed soon. Meanwhile the North American GMJ site offers a good overview of the endorsers from there. Selected outstanding endorsers of the GMJ: • Archbishop Desmond Tutu • Noam Chomsky • George Galloway, British MP • Ronnie Kasrils, South African ANC leader and cabinet minister • Hanna Atallah, Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Jerusalem • Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, American rabbi in the Jewish Renewal movement • Mustafa Barghouti, Palestinian democracy activist and former presidential candidate, Palestine • Medea Benjiman, Anti-war organizer and activist, USA • Richard Falk, Professor of International Law Emeritus, Princeton University, USA • Tariq Ali, … [read more]

Foreign intervention destroys revolution

Why the US may prefer a weakened Assad in place
25/2/2012 · by Abdel-Halim Qandil* (عبد الحليم قنديل)
Calling for a foreign intervention serves the Assad regime, betrays the revolutionary cause, and threatens Syria with disintegration. What is required is not to destroy Syria, but to destroy the regime and let Syria rise from the ashes, according to the wish of her people, who long for a democratic Arabic homeland.
Abdel-Halim Qandil
Is the crisis in Syria heading down the path of the Libyan scenario? And to what extent are the regime’s stubbornness and bloodiness preparing to open the door to a foreign armed intervention, which would transform the Syrian revolution into a tragedy that would threaten the very survival of the Syrian state? The danger is present, though not very likely, as Syria lacks petrol – the booty that attracted Western greed as in the case of Libya, and Iraq before. America and its satellites act in a very pragmatic way. They are not concerned about tens of thousands of people injured or martyred. They may even prefer the situation as it is: the Arab Syrian army worn out in a bloody war against the people. And the Syrian regime challenged and undermined, but not overthrown, because the … [read more]

Endorsers Int'l Solidarity Initiative with the Syrian People

For democracy, social justice, peace and national sovereignty
Whoever wants to sign pls write to
Following the list of the first signatories of the International Solidarity Initiative for the Syrian People. • Leo Gabriel, journalist, social anthropologist and member of the International Council of the World Social Forum, Vienna, Austria • Moreno Pasquinelli, Anti-imperialist Camp, Assisi, Italy • Carlos Varea González, university professor and leading member of the “Campaign against the Occupation and for the Sovereignty of Iraq” (CEOSI), Madrid, Spain • Santiago Alba Rico, Spanish writer, resident in Tunis, Tunisia • Franz Fischer, Palestine activist and CC member of the Labour Party of Switzerland, Basel • Thomas Zmrzly, spokesman of “Initiativ e.V.”, Duisburg, Germany • Mustafa Ilhan, journalist, Kurdish activist, Aachen, Germany • Wilhelm … [read more]

Again, thank you for nothing!

On a friendship that mixes poison into honey
24/5/2012 · by Subhi Hadidi
As the Syrian regime is crushing the sons and daughters of its rival and greatest enemy – the uprising, with fire and all lethal weapons, some “friends” of the uprising around the world are scrambling against it as well, under countless flimsy banners, pretending to support it, and demanding financial and military support. In fact they do not serve the peoples’ movement as much as it pours in the regimes benefit.
American president Obama recently received an open letter, backed by two of the most prominent neoconservative institutions in America: the Foreign Policy Initiative, which demands American leadership in the contemporary world, an armed leadership, a global cop. And the Foundation for the Defence of Democracies, which was founded after the September 11th attacks with the goal of ‘defending the free nations in the face of their enemies’. The letter was signed by 56 ‘foreign policy experts and former officials of the US administration’, as they defined themselves. Among them is Karl Rove, former advisor in the George Bush Jr. administration, and the engineer of his election campaigns; James Woolsey, former Director of the CIA; Paul Bremer, the American governor of Iraq after the … [read more]

Release Uttpal Unconditionally and Immediately

We demand punishment for the guilty police personnel who illegally Detained Uttpal
17/5/2012 · Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF)
Uttpal (23), an adivasi revolutionary cultural activist who was elected to the All India Executive Committee in the First Conference of Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF) held on 22-23 April 2012 in Hyderabad, has been illegally detained by Jharkhand Police. He was detained in Dumuri Police station area of Giridih District on 7th May 2012 while he was travelling in a road transport bus. Till date, the Jharkhand police has not released him nor produced him in any court of law.
Uttpal has been working for Jharkhand Aben, a well-known and popular revolutionary cultural oragnisation of Jharkhandis in the state. Ever since the arrest of cultural activist Jiten Marandi, Uttpal has been actively conducting the organisation. He is a singer and a composer. He was travelling from Ranchi to a village in Dumuri to meet Aben’s local team. Before he reached the village, where other cultural activists were waiting for him, he was taken away by the police from the bus around 3pm on 7th May. This is not for the first time the police illegally detained Uttpal. A few months after Jiten Marandi’s arrest, Uttapal was abducted by goons employed by the police and was made to ‘disappear’ for many days. Later he was implicated in a false case and produced in a court of law … [read more]

Syria in travail

Interview with Abdalaziz al-Khair*, leading figure of the National Coordination Body for Democratic Change, Syria
16/5/2012 · by Narmin Amir and Yusuf Fakhr ed Din in Damascus**
Abdalaziz al-Khair was a leading member of the Communist Action Party. He was persecuted and had to live underground for more than ten years. He was arrested and tortured in 1992, sentenced to 22 years and released in 2005. In 2007 he participated in founding the “Left Assembly”, which included the Communist Action Party, the Kurdish Left Party, the Body of Syrian Communists, the Marxist Democratic Assembly and the Coordination Committee of the Members of the Syrian Communist Party – Politburo.
Abdalaziz al-Khair (c) attacked by SNC supporters in Cairo
Q: You founded the “National Coordination Body’’ with the aim of taking part in the popular movement and to represent it. How did this movement emerge? Why did its demands radicalize into overthrowing the regime? The popular movement is in fact a political revolution, the result of a long political history. The objective conditions have been mounting to transfer the dynamics of this movement from the intellectual space to society at large. We were astonished nevertheless. It was similar to what we had been dreaming of, even though it came about in a different form. The mass movement does not follow routine classifications and preconceptions. It is not a revolution of workers or peasants or organized political forces. This has confused many, for the history of the political … [read more]

Annan plan helps to stop violence

Haitham Manna, spokesman of the Syrian „National Coordination Body for Democratic Change” (NCB), in Vienna
13/5/2012 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
A leading figure of the Syrian left opposition spoke at a meeting in Vienna, invited by the “Austrian Arab Cultural Centre” (Okaz). Haitham Manna spoke about the necessity of the Kofi Annan plan in order to stop the violence and to initiate subsequent democratic reforms.
The NCB supports the peace plan by Kofi Annan, as for the time being there is no other solution in sight. “The main obstacle for democratic progress is the violence which has already pushed the country on the brink of civil war. We need to stop it. Only then the popular movement can develop enough power.” Haitham Manna reproached the Syrian National Council (SNC) and the armed groups and said that they wanted to foil the Annan plan in order to further militarize the situation and to provoke a foreign military intervention – something which is categorically refused by his own organisation, the SCB. Some people close to the SNC at the meeting in Vienna replied that the SBC in this way saves the regime which has proved to be unable and unwilling to execute democratic reforms. The … [read more]

Unprecedented measures

Palestinian strike leadership to take new steps
13/5/2012 · Central Committee of the Leadership of the Strike
The following statement was issued early Friday morning, May 11, by the leadership of the hunger strikers in prisons, following their negotiations with IPS officials:
To the masses of the Palestinian people….you are free before our nation…you are free before the world. On our twenty-fifth day of an epic hunger strike, we continue to trust in God. Our empty stomach continue in the spirit of Palestinian steadfastness that overcomes Israeli oppression. To the free people of the world… We have held a lengthy meeting with the leadership of the Prison Services in Nafha prison last night, including all members of the Central Committee of the Leadership of the Strike. The Prison Service attempted through prevarication and procrastination to pressure us to break the strike with unverifiable promises. After a round of stubborn negotiations between humanity and brutality, we report the following: First – we have conveyed our position unequivocally, … [read more]

Battle of empty stomachs

Letter of Ahmed Sa’adat, Secretary general of the PFLP, from the hunger strikers in Israeli prisons
5/5/2012 · Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa'adat
Over 1600 Palestinian prisoners are currently engaged in a steadfast and open-ended hunger strike that launched on April 17, 2012 - Palestinian Prisoners' Day. Ahmad Sa'adat, Palestinian national leader and General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, is among these prisoners, once again taking up the "Battle of the Empty Stomachs" to demand justice and dignity, and has now been on hunger strike for 12 days.
Palestinian hunger strikers are demanding an end to isolation and solitary confinement; an end to administrative detention; access to family visits for all prisoners, including those from Gaza; and access to education and media. Sa'adat has been held in isolation for over three years, since March 2009. Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike have demanded international solidarity. Take action today to stand for freedom, dignity and justice for Ahmad Sa'adat and all Palestinian Prisoners! See below for actions you can take. In a breaking news report, Palestinian political prisoners from the PFLP have rejected an occupation offer to end Sa'adat's isolation if they would break the hunger strike. They refused - the hunger strike includes prisoners from all Palestinian factions, united … [read more]

US-Afghan permanent slavery agreement

A nightmare in a dark night of Kabul
5/5/2012 · Left Radical Organization of Afghanistan (LRA)
Finally after years of conflict and discussion between slaverholder and slave, the strategic agreement was signed by Barak Obama the president of United States and Hamid Karzai the president of Afghanistan at 12pm on May 2, 2012. Obama with an unannounced and sudden trip reached Bagram military base in Kabul and joined the presidential palace to sign the prepared agreement.
The slavery agreement was signed at the time while all the people including the ministers, the national assembly members were sleeping and still have not understand about the contents of the agreement. So, the travel of Obama on late night to Kabul on one hand shows his failure and uncontrolled security situation after a decade war in Afghanistan, on the other hand to reveals the high level no confidence among the partners as well as their hurries. The people in Afghanistan have been joking; if the agreement was signed in a mid dark night then the future of the agreement will be inevitably darkness as well. Whilst the US and its allies during a decade with their heavy military and financial presence could not insured security and development in Afghanistan, how they expect positive … [read more]

Sa’adat transferred to prison hospital from isolation

PFLP’s Gen-sec as most prominent participant of Palestinian mass hunger strike
4/5/2012 · Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa'adat
Ramon prison management transferred hunger striking Palestinian prisoner and leader, Ahmad Sa’adat to Ramle prison hospital on Sunday, April 29. Sa’adat is General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and has been in isolation for over three years in Ramon prison. He has been on hunger strike since April 17 with now over 2000 Palestinian prisoners.
PFLP prisoners were previously offered that Sa’adat’s isolation would be ended in exchange for them ending their hunger strike, which the prisoners refused, saying they are committed to achieving the full demands of the strike in unity with all prisoners, including ending all isolation, ending administrative detention, and supporting rights to family visits, education and media for prisoners. Sa’adat has lost 6 kilograms so far on this hunger strike, which comes only short months after his last extended hunger strike, from September 27-October 20, calling for an end to isolation and solitary confinement. Hundreds of prisoners joined this strike, which ended with false Israeli promises to end isolation which were then ignored following the prisoner exchange. Sa’adat lost tens of … [read more]

Palestinian hunger strikes to continue

Strike leadership's statement no 2
30/4/2012 · Higher National Leadership Committee of the Prisoners’ Struggle
The Leadership Committee of the Prisoners’ Hunger Strike issued a second statement about the continuing open hunger strike, emphasizing that the strike will continue until their demands are achieved and stating their willingness to die to achieve a decent life for themselves and their sisters and brothers.
This is the moment of truth, where hunger grips our bleeding wounds. This is a call of duty that only the weak or cowardly can ignore. We are facing a real massacre committed by the Zionist jailers against our individual and collective rights, where we are confronted by torture and abuse on a daily basis, around the clock, in an attempt to force all of the hunger strikers to break the strike. We are at a crucial and dangerous stage, and inspired by our hunger and our pain, speak to your conscience and affirm the following: First, we will continue our strike. We will not go back, except by achieving our demands. We will not be defeated by their crimes and cruelty as we draft a vision for a decent life. Second, we will take qualitative and unprecedented steps if the Prison Service … [read more]

Muslim Brotherhood to pay for their bloc with the army

Generals sacrifice Mubarak’s right hand to get rid of Islamist frontrunners
21/4/2012 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
In the run-up to the presidential elections in Egypt major revulsions keep precipitating.
By end of March the Muslim Brotherhood eventually had nominated their presidential candidate Khairat el-Shater. This ran against their original claim of refraining to contest the elections. El Shater is rich businessman and associated with the conservative wing of the Muslim Brotherhood. Then came in Omar Suleiman, the highest-ranking torturer of Mubarak, who had been nominated by the pharaoh himself as his successor. This caused a major upheaval in Egypt public opinion. Meanwhile the judiciary had dissolved the constitutional commission as not being representative of the Egypt people. Thanks to their parliamentary majority the different Islamist factions were de facto able to take full control of the commission. All other forces had withdrawn their participation protesting against … [read more]

Pics from the Global March to Jerusalem

Lebanon, March 30, 2012
GMJ-Kundgebung vor der Burg
The Global March to Jerusalem (GMJ) is part of a series of international solidarity campaigns for Palestine and especially Gaza. But the GMJ is special for several reasons. Firstly it is based on a truly international coalition where forces from the Arab world collaborate with initiatives from Asia and the west. Secondly it has chosen an explicitly anti-Zionist platform. And thirdly it brings together leftist with Islamic organisations. More than 200 international activists joined the GMJ, out of which the largest part came from Asia and the rest from western countries – but also people form Argentine to Japan where there. The Anti-imperialist Camp chose to participate in Lebanon. Find here some … [read more]

GMJ: anti-Zionist network in construction

Yet stuck in conflicts over Arab popular movements and regional geo-politics
18/4/2012 · by the Anti-imperialist Camp
The Anti-imperialist Camp (AIC) was one of the first organisations in Europe to adhere and to actively promote the “Global March to Jerusalem” (GMJ). Now it is time to draw a public balance sheet, which for us is comprehensively positive, and to reflect on the way to continue.
The GMJ initiative served its task: It strengthened the global awareness on the western-backed Israeli attempt to “cleanse” the Palestinians from their lands and to further enlarge their colonial state. This was possible thanks to a global mobilisation on the day of the land (March 30) with its centre of gravity in occupied Palestine: Jerusalem, Gaza, West Bank and the territories occupied in 1948 – as well as the Palestinian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon. At the same time there has been the Asian caravan of about 150 people crossing through more than half a dozen West Asian countries to join the march. With countless public rallies on their way they had a great impact on the public opinion of their respective countries. There have been mobilisations in dozens of cities … [read more]

Sinful Islamists?

Interview with Mohamed Wakid on the current stage of the Tahrir movement, the role of the military as well as the Muslim Brotherhood and the US line.
12/4/2012 · By Anna-Maria Steiner and Wilhelm Langthaler
Mohamed Wakid is a leading activist of Egypt's Tahrir left. He is member of the “Revolutionary Socialists” and leader of the “National Front” [Pan-arabist] trying to politically unify the revolutionary forces. He is co-editor of [“Dialectics” in Arabic], a pan-Arab website in English and Arabic that is trying to grasp the developments of Arab society and promoting dialogue with the international movement against the global oligarchy.
Mohamed Wakid
Q: With the downfall of Mubarak, the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) entered an instable bloc with the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF). What is the rationale behind and will they sustain it? The bloc is mainly punctuated by the US influence in the region. We are not talking of SCAF/MB but of SCAF/MB/US. Let us start with the army. Its leadership was fine with the revolution as they wanted to get rid of Mubarak and his son who tried to curb the army’s influence. They were against the succession of Mubarak by his son. Gamal’s idea was a kind of monarchy which the army could not accept. Actually it was Gamal who destroyed his father’s rule and it was clear that he was unable to carry on as his father has been doing. Already before Mubarak’s downfall it was the intelligence … [read more]

Asian Caravan to Jerusalem

6th - 30th March 2012
11/4/2012 · Asian People's Solidarity for Palestine
The Asian convoy was a remarkable collective venture & began when 27 Indonesians set of from Jakarta on the 6th of March 2012, for Karachi. At that moment, the Indian delegates from across the vast country & representing the vast diversity, were setting of in the trains to gather in New Delhi. Finally on the 9th of March 2012, 12 Indians & other activists, set off for the Wagah (India-Pakistan) border.
GMJ Asia
In terms of the Asian route, we did face many dilemmas and difficulties, due to the increasing political complexity in the region, arising out of the serious crisis in Syria. Thus the Asian convoy had decided to bypass Syria due to the raging conflict within. This brought up many problems in terms of the land route and the costs of the entire journey. We were also well aware that the two key strategic locations were Jordan and Lebanon, where the major mobilization would be organized. The only land route to Jordan was through Iraq and we tried our very best to negotiate with the Iraqi government for permissions. But unfortunately, that was not to be as the Arab League Summit was to be held in Baghdad on the 28-29th of March and that was the priority undoubtedly. The Asian … [read more]


International Leninist Current
11/4/2012 · Unanimously approved by the Founding Conference of the ILC
The „International Leninist Current“ (ILC), which ceased to exist about one decade back, was one of the driving forces in the foundation of the “Anti-imperialist Camp” (AIC) at the turn of the millennium. The platform and project of the AIC has been, however, much broader both politically as well as organizationally. Several other forces from other backgrounds have been involved both in the foundation as well as in the further campaigns of the AIC to the effect that the AIC is in not the heir of the ILC.
We nevertheless publish the manifesto of the ILC as it gives a good impression of the stage of discussion and elabouration in the mid 1990s which in one way or another paved the way to the AIC. Spring 2012 Part One 1. History The fate of mankind depends on mankind’s history. So far, this history had neither a straightforward trend nor a purpose of its own. Until the Russian revolution, unceasing and frequently catastrophic changes have affected only the form of social systems, not their content. Ever since the time when private property superseded community life based on the collective ownership of the means of production — something which made possible an egalitarian enjoying of the consumer goods produced by labour — all social systems have had a common foundation: the … [read more]

Programme Anti-imperialist Camp 2012

23-26 August, 2012, Assisi, Italy
Combining the Arab with the incipient European revolt with speakers from Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Lebanon, Greece, Italy, Germany, England and the USA.
Thursday, August 23 Tunisia: political Islam, the left and the future of the democratic revolution Presiding: Daniela Di Marco • Ajmi Lourimi, member of the political leadership if the Islamic movement Enahda The left in crisis over Libya: the NATO attack and the civil war Presiding: Massimo De Santi • Hamza Piccardo, former leading member of the Union of Islamic Communities in Italy (UCOII), former spokesperson of the European Muslim Network, Islam online • Moreno Pasquinelli, speaker of the Anti-imperialist Camp Syria: democratic transition or civil war? Presiding: Wilhelm Langthaler • Haitham Manna, speaker of the National Co-ordination Body for Democratic Change (NCB) Friday, August 24 Greece: elections or revolution? Presiding: … [read more]

VIPs support Global March to Jerusalem

We, the Advisory Board of the Global March to Jerusalem, are alarmed and deeply troubled by the continuing repression of Palestinians in Jerusalem and by the deliberate and systematic attempts to expel and reduce the Christian and Muslim Palestinian population of the city as part of the policy called “Judaisation,” which is being applied to every part of historic Palestine.
This policy is inconsistent with all relevant United Nations resolutions on Jerusalem and contrary to the most basic principles of international law. Its purpose is plainly to ethnically cleanse Jerusalem of its non-Jewish population and transform a once proud symbol of international tolerance and religious and cultural diversity into an exclusionary and racist enclave. Jerusalem is our common universal heritage. It is the centre of spirituality and ideological significance for all of the monotheistic religions, and a beacon of emancipation and hope for the downtrodden. This historic city is venerated across the world for enhancing the spiritual heritage of all humanity; it has been a symbol of unity and equality, with a message of love, mercy and compassion. However the entire … [read more]

GMJ endorsers

Desmond Tutu, Noam Chomsky, George Galloway support the Global March to Jerusalem
Following list of endorsers is not complete but an extraction centered on Europe, for the Anti-imperialist Camp has been one central promotor of the campaign in Europe.
Desmond Tutu
A overall list can be retrieved from the international website of the GMJ. It is to be completed soon. Meanwhile the North American GMJ site offers a good overview of the endorsers from there. Selected outstanding endorsers of the GMJ: • Archbishop Desmond Tutu • Noam Chomsky • George Galloway, British MP • Ronnie Kasrils, South African ANC leader and cabinet minister • Hanna Atallah, Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Jerusalem • Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, American rabbi in the Jewish Renewal movement • Mustafa Barghouti, Palestinian democracy activist and former presidential candidate, Palestine • Medea Benjiman, Anti-war organizer and activist, USA • Richard Falk, Professor of International Law Emeritus, Princeton University, USA • Tariq Ali, … [read more]

Foreign intervention destroys revolution

Why the US may prefer a weakened Assad in place
25/2/2012 · by Abdel-Halim Qandil* (عبد الحليم قنديل)
Calling for a foreign intervention serves the Assad regime, betrays the revolutionary cause, and threatens Syria with disintegration. What is required is not to destroy Syria, but to destroy the regime and let Syria rise from the ashes, according to the wish of her people, who long for a democratic Arabic homeland.
Abdel-Halim Qandil
Is the crisis in Syria heading down the path of the Libyan scenario? And to what extent are the regime’s stubbornness and bloodiness preparing to open the door to a foreign armed intervention, which would transform the Syrian revolution into a tragedy that would threaten the very survival of the Syrian state? The danger is present, though not very likely, as Syria lacks petrol – the booty that attracted Western greed as in the case of Libya, and Iraq before. America and its satellites act in a very pragmatic way. They are not concerned about tens of thousands of people injured or martyred. They may even prefer the situation as it is: the Arab Syrian army worn out in a bloody war against the people. And the Syrian regime challenged and undermined, but not overthrown, because the … [read more]