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"Friends of Syria"?

National Coordination Body leaves conference in Tunis for it is directed by Western interests
Statement from the delegation of the National Coordination Body to the ‘Friends of Syria’ conference in Tunisia
The National Coordination Body for Democratic Change has been closely following the movements leading to the ‘Friends of Syria’ conference. The NCB acknowledges the noble intentions behind the calling of the conference, especially since it is to be hosted by Tunisia, the country that sparked the Arab spring, whose its officials have always been resolutely against foreign military intervention in Syria and who abhor sectarianism and violence no matter where it emanates from. Tunisia has been dedicated to preserving the unity of Syria. It has sought to do this by attempting to unite the democratic resistance, unifying the efforts of the opposition rather than dividing them or creating tensions through favoritism and marginalization; and maintaining this unity through promoting the Arab … [read more]

Tahrir Anti-imperialist Camp

Popular uprisings at our doors
Event: 18/10/2024
We meet at the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi where the voices of the Arab resistances and uprisings will merge with the beginning uprisings of Europe. Without rebellion no liberation!
The fall of tyrants like Ben Ali and Mubarak marks a turning point in history. After a long period of lethargy, the peoples of the Middle East have once again raised their heads. The imperial powers had taken advantage of this passivity and had swept away by brute force any obstacle to their total dominance. However, from Iraq to Afghanistan, from Lebanon to Palestine, the American war machine was facing stiff resistance. Some had to accept defeats while others continue to defy the hubris of the masters of the world. Imperial power was based not only on the state of Israel but also on satraps of Mubarak’s type. Their role was precisely to keep the peoples down, to prevent them from unifying with the resistance movements, in order to defeat them. As their domination is … [read more]

Germany, Austria, Switzerland to participate in GMJ

20/2/2012 · German-speaking GMJ committee
Delegates from German speaking countries met on February 11, 2012, in the southern German town of Stuttgart to discuss how to roll out the Global March to Jerusalem (GMJ) initiative. More than 30 people reported about their local efforts and confirmed the operative GMJ committee for those three countries.
Eyelyn Hecht-Galinski
Evelyn Hecht-Galinski, a prominent publicist and daughter of the former president of the Central Council of German Jews, addressed the meeting and pledged her support for the GMJ. She stressed the necessity to overcome Zionism all together and called for one common democratic state for Arabs and Jews. She is considering to participate in the march as well. The Lutheran priest Jochen Vollmer criticised the unabated and biased support by the churches for Israel regardless of the blatant violations of human rights by this state. The quest for peace means also to defend the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, he said. Several prominent people from those three countries have publicly stated their endorsement so far: Annette Groth, member of German parliament for the party „Die … [read more]

Global March to Jerusalem

Event: 19/2/2012
We will meet before Land Day on March 30, 2012, in Amman, Beirut and Cairo to start our common march to Jerusalem. In all these capitals, we would be joined by local preparatory committees.
It is high time for each and every one of us to struggle similarly for democracy, equal rights and self-determination for occupied Palestine. This is an especial duty for the European opposition forces because Zionism is not only a product of European colonialism and racism; it still enjoys the support of our ruling elite. The Global March to Jerusalem adopted the city of the three monotheistic world religions as a symbol of emancipation. Despite the on-going expulsion of Palestinians and the Judaisation of the city, it remains the common cultural heritage of humanity, which can never be erased. We join this pluralistic initiative transcending cultural and religious borders on a simple political platform; carrying further ahead past initiatives. Our intention is to build a bridge … [read more]

Palestinians in Palestine to join GMJ

Call from within for the Global March to Jerusalem (GMJ)
28/1/2012 · Palestinian National and Islamic Organizations
Join us as we intensify our struggle against forced exile and the system of Israeli apartheid on Land Day 2012. We Palestinians have been ethnically cleansed and uprooted from our lands starting in the 1948 Nakba (Catastrophe) which resulted in the creation of the millions of refugees who are now living in the Diaspora. Nineteen years later, in 1967, Israel illegally annexed East-Jerusalem and the West Bank in a move which marked the Naksa (Setback), and subjected the remaining Palestinians to a brutal military occupation.
Moustafa Barghouti
We are now in 2012, and we are still living in exile or under the Israeli apartheid regime, the illegal construction of colonial settlements is confiscating the remaining parts of Palestine, the Separation Wall divides and separates villages and towns, and Palestinians in Jerusalem are threatened of being driven out of their homes and lands for the mere purpose of the Judaization of this sacred city. But we will not leave. We will stand and be firm. We will not permit thousands of years of our attachment to our land and our Holy City to be broken. We therefore invite and call upon all persons of courage and good will around the world to stand up and walk, with your fellow human beings, regardless of religion, of political affiliation - to stand up as responsible human beings and walk … [read more]

Occupy hibernates, prepares for spring

On Occupy Wall Street
21/1/2012 · by Lainie Cassel*
When the Canadian-based anti-consumer group, Adbuster’s, placed a call for activists to occupy Wall Street earlier this year no one could have predicted what would arise. Yet, months later, what has become known as the “Occupy Wall Street” movement (OWS) has spread to dozens of cities nationwide - mobilizing masses of people and drawing attention to the growing gap between rich and poor.
Filled with its own complexities and contradictions, attempting to narrowly define OWS is a useless exercise. And although criticized by the mainstream because of the movement’s vague demands and festival-like character, no one, not even corporate media have been able to deny OWS’s tremendous impact. Despite the movement’s growth throughout the country, however, its own contradictions can be best understood in its inability to effectively address the question of race. Beginning as a largely white and middle-class movement in many cities, such contradictions have kept it from mobilizing people of color communities – those most affected by the current economic crisis and who make up a majority of New York City’s residents. While such limitations have held the Occupy … [read more]

Europe in the Global March to Jerusalem

Invitation to European participation and support
15/1/2012 · European preparatory committee for the Global March to Jerusalem
We say no to Zionism; and to an exclusive Jewish colonial state, which reacts to the legitimate struggle of the indigenous Palestinian people with the expansion of its Apartheid rule.
Gretta Duisenberg: "Occupation and slow genozide by Israel are crimes"
Jerusalem has been a centre of the three monotheistic world religions for more than 1,000 years. This plurality has been threatened since the creation of the state of Israel and more so with the occupation of east Jerusalem and its annexation, in violation of international law. Jerusalem’s Palestinian inhabitants are subjected to a continuous process of expulsion from the city. 85% of its territory has been robbed by foreign settlers, while the Israeli state systematically destroys the livelihood of Palestinians. Every day, the Apartheid state of Israel demolishes Palestinian homes. Armed Israeli gangs, supported by the state, terrorise the old city’s inhabitants demanding, “Arabs out, Jerusalem is Jewish!” Jewish religious fanatics even attack Jewish women if they don’t … [read more]

World Civilian Coalition Gathers for Global March to Jerusalem

Beirut conference of the GMJ
12/1/2012 · The International Executive Committee of the Global March to Jerusalem GMJ-ICC
The International Executive Committee of the Global March to Jerusalem announces the completion of the preparations for the Second International Conference where the representatives of the International Committees involved in the organization of the Global March to Jerusalem will meet. The conference will be held in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon on Tuesday and Wednesday 17th-18th January, 2012.
Feroze Mithrbowala, convener GMJ from India
This meeting will be held to implement the decisions of the previous meeting, held in Amman last month, in which there was a consensus to form an International Central Committee representing all regions of the world and an International Advisory Board of eminent international figures for the march. The date for the onset of the March was agreed to be on the 30th of March, 2012, which marks the 36th anniversary of Palestinian Land Day, when peaceful protest against massive expropriation of Palestinian land was brutally met with deadly force by Zionist troops. About 40 delegates representing the International Committees throughout the seven continents of the world will be attending the meeting in Beirut. The conference will adopt a structural process for the March, and its committee … [read more]

Tahrir - popular uprisings at our doors

Anti-imperialist Camp, Assisi, Italy, August 23-26, 2012
We meet at the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi where the voices of the Arab resistances and uprisings will merge with the beginning uprisings of Europe. Without rebellion no liberation!
The fall of tyrants like Ben Ali and Mubarak marks a turning point in history. After a long period of lethargy, the peoples of the Middle East have once again raised their heads. The imperial powers had taken advantage of this passivity and had swept away by brute force any obstacle to their total dominance. However, from Iraq to Afghanistan, from Lebanon to Palestine, the American war machine was facing stiff resistance. Some had to accept defeats while others continue to defy the hubris of the masters of the world. Imperial power was based not only on the state of Israel but also on satraps of Mubarak’s type. Their role was precisely to keep the peoples down, to prevent them from unifying with the resistance movements, in order to defeat them. As their domination is … [read more]

Revolutionaries are crazy, not wise

Interview with Khaled Khoja on democracy, Kurdish rights, regional balances – and how to avoid civil war in Syria
1/1/2012 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
Dr. Khaled Khoja is medical doctor and a vocal activist of the Syrian opposition based in Turkey. Belonging to the Islamic current he was a member of the “Damascus Declaration” in 2005 and today is part of the Syrian National Council (SNC).
Editorial comment: As Anti-imperialist Camp we absolutely refuse any foreign military intervention as an attempt to destroy the revolutionary popular movement in Syria. It is the Muslim Brotherhood which has asked for such an intervention by Turkey. Following interview does not express our opinion. Q: What do you think of the recent agreement between Syria and the Arab League? The Arab League’s initiative was born disabled. There is no mechanism to follow up. The Syrian regime accepted the agreement unconditionally but so far nothing changed. The massacre continues. Our interest is not to punish Bashar and his regime. We do not want him to have the same dramatic end as Gaddafi or Saddam. What we want is that the killings end, that reforms are undertaken and that the Syrian … [read more]

Geo-politics versus revolution

Part I of Syria, Turkey and the Arab revolt
30/12/2011 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
Among some anti-imperialist trends, we are facing a mindset whose sole criteria are geo-political. This method is inherited essentially from the Stalinist Soviet Union, which in its turn took it from the pre-1919 global ruling elites. To this mindset, the masses are nothing, only the rulers count.
previous Additionally, given the continued overwhelming supremacy of imperialism there cannot be any doubt for our geo-politicians that whatever regime comes into conflict with the imperial centre must be supported – regardless of its relation to the popular masses. Tertium non datur! During the last two decades this geo-political position did not differ much from the social revolutionary one. Imperial power has been at its highest, unfolding ruthlessly and attacking resisting regimes that represented old gains of long-gone popular struggles. Outstanding examples were Yugoslavia and Iraq, where the popular masses essentially remained passive while only politically advanced sections supported the regimes’ resistance against imperialism. Popular resistance movements like those … [read more]

State of the Arab democratic revolt

Part II of Syria, Turkey and the Arab revolt
30/12/2011 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
We are facing a democratic popular revolution directed against the old imperial order. It was a spontaneous revolt without a prepared political leadership. It is not by accident that the strongest popular political force across the region, political Islam in all its variants, neither initiated nor lead the upheaval. It has been rather a general leftist sentiment that inspired the first line of combat.
previous The Arab ancien regime The Middle East has always been a neuralgic point of the imperialist world system. To simplify: there is Israel and petroleum. It is not by accident that the Palestinian resistance continued while after 1989/1991 nearly all other popular movements against the imperial capitalist elites ceded. Under these extremely unfavourable conditions this continued resistance, however, suffered deformations. In the absence of mass movements there was militarism. The other deformation was culturalism tending towards sectarianism. Its highest expression was al-Qaeda type Jihadism with its gesamtkunstwerk [all-embracing, holistic artwork] 9/11. It could deal some important symbolic blows to imperialism but without the masses it could not win. The old Middle … [read more]

Syria – who is anti-imperialist?

Part III of Syria, Turkey and the Arab revolt
30/12/2011 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
Despite the undeniable historic anti-imperialist traits of the Baath regime (support for the Lebanese and Palestinian resistance, block with Iran) these are by far outweighed by the anti-imperialist momentum represented by the popular uprising in the entire region.
previous First stage: peaceful and anti-interventionist When the democratic movement in Syria started, inspired by the advances in North Africa, there was the hope for quick victory as with its precedents. But the Assad regime refused to take the same road as his homologues in Tunisia and Egypt. The succession of Assad junior had evoked hopes for reform, but they have been frustrated since. All during the last decade the Baath apparatus did not allow them. Why then should they do so now? The only strong explanation for this total inability to respond at least partially to the democratic mass movement is the sectarian Allawi character of the Baath regime encapsulating itself. As in the other Arab countries the Islamist forces played no driving role in this first stage of the … [read more]

Syria, Turkey and the Arab revolt

Why to oppose Turkish intervention but not to deem it imperialist
30/12/2011 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
While the Syrian popular revolt is being massacred by Assad and for the time being seems to be not strong enough to topple his regime, a battle within the global anti-imperialist movement is raging over whether or not to support the democratic revolution. Some still believe that Assad is defending the banner of anti-imperialism against his people, even more as the Syrian National Council is appealing more and more for outside help.
by Carlos Latuf
While direct military imperialist intervention remains unlikely, mainly Turkey is projecting power onto Syria. Also military means can no longer be excluded within a medium term range. Turkish intervention is, however, limited by the political constraint to appear in line with the Arab spring, for which Ankara wants to serve as a model and take the lead. The Arab revolt comes in the context and is an expression of the crisis of the US-centred imperialist system, which is both an economic and political crisis. The new and decisive factor is the popular mass movement, which scattered the imperialist ancien regime in the region. Thus the US needs to re-organise their order. They essentially try to do so by embracing sections of the movement and by co-opting these sections into the US … [read more]

Global Freedom March to Jerusalem

Amman call
The participants in The Global March to Jerusalem assert the following:
• We assert the importance of Jerusalem‬ politically, culturally and religiously to the Palestinian people and humanity as a whole. We call for the protection of the Holy Places and all archeological sites and consider all the efforts made to change its Arab and cultural identity as a crime against humanity. We call on all international institutions to do their duties towards the city. • The defense of‬ Jerusalem and its liberation are a duty of all free people around the world and we call on all institutions, organizations, and individuals to participate in this duty. • We condemn the Zionist campaign of ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem and the rest of Palestine including all ongoing policies intended to change the demographic and geographic situation in the city and aimed … [read more]

Indian Maoist leader Kishanji murdered in cold blood

Another fake encounter story
8/12/2011 · by B D Sharma and G N Saibaba
We strongly condemn the cold-blooded murder and planned assassination of Kishanji alias Mallojula Koteswara Rao, Politburo Member of CPI (Maoist) in Burishol forest area, Paschim Midnapore District, Jangalmahal, West Bengal on 24 November 2011. At the time of this murder Kishanji was dealing with the process of peace talks through the interlocutors appointed by the Chief Minister of West Bengal Ms. Mamata Banerjee. Such a heinous crime should be condemned by all justice loving people.
According CPI (Maoist) statement issued to the media on today, Kishanji was arrested and tortured and then brutally killed. This murder looks much similar to that of Azad’s in July 2010, when Azad was brutally tortured and killed while he was dealing with the Union Government’s offer of peace talks through union Home Ministry appointed interlocutor. In these circumstances, the Joint Forces’ story of a fierce gun battle in Burishol forest of Paschim Midnapore district comes out to be a concocted one. It is significant that the mother of Kishanji, Ms. Madhuramma while maintaining it is a fake encounter has also demanded a judicial enquiry. Under the circumstances, we demand: 1. The fake encounter killing of Kishanji should be investigated by a Judicial Enquiry Committee of a … [read more]

A farce difficult to boycott

Why Tahrir II is also a criticism to the elections
27/11/2011 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
Actually so far never before Egyptians have been allowed to contest free and fair elections. After the toppling of Mubarak it is only too understandable that the population is keen to enjoy its newly acquired rights. But why, then, millions are taking to the streets and rallying at the famous Tahrir right before these elections?
Short-sighted Muslim Brotherhood’s calculus The spectrum most keen to go to the polls is the Islamist one with its two branches, namely the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) and the various Salafis. This might seem paradoxical as it does not fit into the European islamophobe prejudice and also the claim of some Salafi trends that elections do contradict the sovereign rule of good. Their rationale, however, is all too terrestrial. The MB is the best established opposition party and well prepared for electoral campaigning while the Salafis are lavished with Saudi money. They can expect a landslide victory enhancing their stance in the political system despite the severe limitations to the prerogatives of the parliament. It is nearly impossible to predict their share of votes but observers … [read more]

Targeting the eyes of the activists

An eye witness account from Tahrir and a call for solidarity
23/11/2011 · Muna, a Tahrir activist
I am since 4 days in the middle of shooting and nerve gas, here in Bab El Louq square, 5 minutes behind Tahrir square, close to the Ministry of Interior. Right out of my window, I can see the fire of the guns and the gas cartouches and the motor cycles that take the injured out of the battle bringing them to the field hospitals, one after the other... hour by hour, day and night...
There is shooting and this strange nerve gas all the time and at around 10:30 p.m. yesterday night the shebab [youth, people] were attacked for one hour by 30 unknown uniformed special forces in black with different live ammunition and gas, no street lightning at all, the scene only lit up by the fire of the guns, the dim light of the moon and some strange phosphoric light at the end of the street leading to the Ministry of Interior. After an hour, they reconquered Bab El Louq square where I am living with nothing than stones and unbreakable determination and solidarity. Into the face of the shooting and the attacks onto their bare bodies, the shebab were shouting into the night "hurriya" (freedom) and "madaniya" (civil state)... not "ilsamiya" (islamic)... In parallel, Tahrir … [read more]

Down with the military council

Egyptian revolution to continue
22/11/2011 · Anti-imperialist Camp
Currently we are witnesses of the brutal repression against the Tahrir square democracy movement. So far several dozen activists have been killed and thousands wounded. Why the ruling military council lashes out so heavy-handedly right before the start of the parliamentary elections?
A few days back the new eruption started when a group of victims of Mubarak’s tyranny and their relative staged a protest against the impunity of the former torturers. The significance of their demand is underlined by the fact that many activists have been sentenced to prisons terms by military councils while the trial against Mubarak is being steadily delayed. The police intervened with utmost brutality. Instead of chasing out the protesters their call for solidarity was well received. Tens of thousands came to their rescue engaging in battles with the police. Within a few days millions are back to the streets unifying around the central demand: down with the military council – a civil transition government to be formed immediately. This pivotal conflict is, however, intertwined … [read more]

Global March to Jerusalem 30 Mar 12

First call
1/11/2011 · International Committee of the Global March towards Jerusalem
On 30 March 2012, from all continents we will converge and gather along the Palestinian borders with Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon, with the participation of delegations joining us from every country in the world in a peaceful march towards Palestine.
Since the Zionist occupation of 78% of Palestine in 1948, and the subsequent occupation of Jerusalem and the rest of Palestine in 1967, we have witnessed growing efforts to Judaize Jerusalem and colonize Palestine. These crimes against humanity are done under the political protection and full support of successive American administrations and enforced by its veto at the United Nations. The goal of the Zionists is to force Palestinian residents out of Jerusalem and the rest of Palestine through acts of state terrorism, economic pressures, legal restrictions, and outright expulsions. The Holy city of Jerusalem is falsely called “the eternal capital of Israel” by Netanyahu and other Zionist leaders who clearly state that Jerusalem is non-negotiable. Such statements and related … [read more]

"Friends of Syria"?

National Coordination Body leaves conference in Tunis for it is directed by Western interests
Statement from the delegation of the National Coordination Body to the ‘Friends of Syria’ conference in Tunisia
The National Coordination Body for Democratic Change has been closely following the movements leading to the ‘Friends of Syria’ conference. The NCB acknowledges the noble intentions behind the calling of the conference, especially since it is to be hosted by Tunisia, the country that sparked the Arab spring, whose its officials have always been resolutely against foreign military intervention in Syria and who abhor sectarianism and violence no matter where it emanates from. Tunisia has been dedicated to preserving the unity of Syria. It has sought to do this by attempting to unite the democratic resistance, unifying the efforts of the opposition rather than dividing them or creating tensions through favoritism and marginalization; and maintaining this unity through promoting the Arab … [read more]

Tahrir Anti-imperialist Camp

Popular uprisings at our doors
Event: 18/10/2024
We meet at the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi where the voices of the Arab resistances and uprisings will merge with the beginning uprisings of Europe. Without rebellion no liberation!
The fall of tyrants like Ben Ali and Mubarak marks a turning point in history. After a long period of lethargy, the peoples of the Middle East have once again raised their heads. The imperial powers had taken advantage of this passivity and had swept away by brute force any obstacle to their total dominance. However, from Iraq to Afghanistan, from Lebanon to Palestine, the American war machine was facing stiff resistance. Some had to accept defeats while others continue to defy the hubris of the masters of the world. Imperial power was based not only on the state of Israel but also on satraps of Mubarak’s type. Their role was precisely to keep the peoples down, to prevent them from unifying with the resistance movements, in order to defeat them. As their domination is … [read more]

Germany, Austria, Switzerland to participate in GMJ

20/2/2012 · German-speaking GMJ committee
Delegates from German speaking countries met on February 11, 2012, in the southern German town of Stuttgart to discuss how to roll out the Global March to Jerusalem (GMJ) initiative. More than 30 people reported about their local efforts and confirmed the operative GMJ committee for those three countries.
Eyelyn Hecht-Galinski
Evelyn Hecht-Galinski, a prominent publicist and daughter of the former president of the Central Council of German Jews, addressed the meeting and pledged her support for the GMJ. She stressed the necessity to overcome Zionism all together and called for one common democratic state for Arabs and Jews. She is considering to participate in the march as well. The Lutheran priest Jochen Vollmer criticised the unabated and biased support by the churches for Israel regardless of the blatant violations of human rights by this state. The quest for peace means also to defend the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, he said. Several prominent people from those three countries have publicly stated their endorsement so far: Annette Groth, member of German parliament for the party „Die … [read more]

Global March to Jerusalem

Event: 19/2/2012
We will meet before Land Day on March 30, 2012, in Amman, Beirut and Cairo to start our common march to Jerusalem. In all these capitals, we would be joined by local preparatory committees.
It is high time for each and every one of us to struggle similarly for democracy, equal rights and self-determination for occupied Palestine. This is an especial duty for the European opposition forces because Zionism is not only a product of European colonialism and racism; it still enjoys the support of our ruling elite. The Global March to Jerusalem adopted the city of the three monotheistic world religions as a symbol of emancipation. Despite the on-going expulsion of Palestinians and the Judaisation of the city, it remains the common cultural heritage of humanity, which can never be erased. We join this pluralistic initiative transcending cultural and religious borders on a simple political platform; carrying further ahead past initiatives. Our intention is to build a bridge … [read more]

Palestinians in Palestine to join GMJ

Call from within for the Global March to Jerusalem (GMJ)
28/1/2012 · Palestinian National and Islamic Organizations
Join us as we intensify our struggle against forced exile and the system of Israeli apartheid on Land Day 2012. We Palestinians have been ethnically cleansed and uprooted from our lands starting in the 1948 Nakba (Catastrophe) which resulted in the creation of the millions of refugees who are now living in the Diaspora. Nineteen years later, in 1967, Israel illegally annexed East-Jerusalem and the West Bank in a move which marked the Naksa (Setback), and subjected the remaining Palestinians to a brutal military occupation.
Moustafa Barghouti
We are now in 2012, and we are still living in exile or under the Israeli apartheid regime, the illegal construction of colonial settlements is confiscating the remaining parts of Palestine, the Separation Wall divides and separates villages and towns, and Palestinians in Jerusalem are threatened of being driven out of their homes and lands for the mere purpose of the Judaization of this sacred city. But we will not leave. We will stand and be firm. We will not permit thousands of years of our attachment to our land and our Holy City to be broken. We therefore invite and call upon all persons of courage and good will around the world to stand up and walk, with your fellow human beings, regardless of religion, of political affiliation - to stand up as responsible human beings and walk … [read more]

Occupy hibernates, prepares for spring

On Occupy Wall Street
21/1/2012 · by Lainie Cassel*
When the Canadian-based anti-consumer group, Adbuster’s, placed a call for activists to occupy Wall Street earlier this year no one could have predicted what would arise. Yet, months later, what has become known as the “Occupy Wall Street” movement (OWS) has spread to dozens of cities nationwide - mobilizing masses of people and drawing attention to the growing gap between rich and poor.
Filled with its own complexities and contradictions, attempting to narrowly define OWS is a useless exercise. And although criticized by the mainstream because of the movement’s vague demands and festival-like character, no one, not even corporate media have been able to deny OWS’s tremendous impact. Despite the movement’s growth throughout the country, however, its own contradictions can be best understood in its inability to effectively address the question of race. Beginning as a largely white and middle-class movement in many cities, such contradictions have kept it from mobilizing people of color communities – those most affected by the current economic crisis and who make up a majority of New York City’s residents. While such limitations have held the Occupy … [read more]

Europe in the Global March to Jerusalem

Invitation to European participation and support
15/1/2012 · European preparatory committee for the Global March to Jerusalem
We say no to Zionism; and to an exclusive Jewish colonial state, which reacts to the legitimate struggle of the indigenous Palestinian people with the expansion of its Apartheid rule.
Gretta Duisenberg: "Occupation and slow genozide by Israel are crimes"
Jerusalem has been a centre of the three monotheistic world religions for more than 1,000 years. This plurality has been threatened since the creation of the state of Israel and more so with the occupation of east Jerusalem and its annexation, in violation of international law. Jerusalem’s Palestinian inhabitants are subjected to a continuous process of expulsion from the city. 85% of its territory has been robbed by foreign settlers, while the Israeli state systematically destroys the livelihood of Palestinians. Every day, the Apartheid state of Israel demolishes Palestinian homes. Armed Israeli gangs, supported by the state, terrorise the old city’s inhabitants demanding, “Arabs out, Jerusalem is Jewish!” Jewish religious fanatics even attack Jewish women if they don’t … [read more]

World Civilian Coalition Gathers for Global March to Jerusalem

Beirut conference of the GMJ
12/1/2012 · The International Executive Committee of the Global March to Jerusalem GMJ-ICC
The International Executive Committee of the Global March to Jerusalem announces the completion of the preparations for the Second International Conference where the representatives of the International Committees involved in the organization of the Global March to Jerusalem will meet. The conference will be held in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon on Tuesday and Wednesday 17th-18th January, 2012.
Feroze Mithrbowala, convener GMJ from India
This meeting will be held to implement the decisions of the previous meeting, held in Amman last month, in which there was a consensus to form an International Central Committee representing all regions of the world and an International Advisory Board of eminent international figures for the march. The date for the onset of the March was agreed to be on the 30th of March, 2012, which marks the 36th anniversary of Palestinian Land Day, when peaceful protest against massive expropriation of Palestinian land was brutally met with deadly force by Zionist troops. About 40 delegates representing the International Committees throughout the seven continents of the world will be attending the meeting in Beirut. The conference will adopt a structural process for the March, and its committee … [read more]

Tahrir - popular uprisings at our doors

Anti-imperialist Camp, Assisi, Italy, August 23-26, 2012
We meet at the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi where the voices of the Arab resistances and uprisings will merge with the beginning uprisings of Europe. Without rebellion no liberation!
The fall of tyrants like Ben Ali and Mubarak marks a turning point in history. After a long period of lethargy, the peoples of the Middle East have once again raised their heads. The imperial powers had taken advantage of this passivity and had swept away by brute force any obstacle to their total dominance. However, from Iraq to Afghanistan, from Lebanon to Palestine, the American war machine was facing stiff resistance. Some had to accept defeats while others continue to defy the hubris of the masters of the world. Imperial power was based not only on the state of Israel but also on satraps of Mubarak’s type. Their role was precisely to keep the peoples down, to prevent them from unifying with the resistance movements, in order to defeat them. As their domination is … [read more]

Revolutionaries are crazy, not wise

Interview with Khaled Khoja on democracy, Kurdish rights, regional balances – and how to avoid civil war in Syria
1/1/2012 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
Dr. Khaled Khoja is medical doctor and a vocal activist of the Syrian opposition based in Turkey. Belonging to the Islamic current he was a member of the “Damascus Declaration” in 2005 and today is part of the Syrian National Council (SNC).
Editorial comment: As Anti-imperialist Camp we absolutely refuse any foreign military intervention as an attempt to destroy the revolutionary popular movement in Syria. It is the Muslim Brotherhood which has asked for such an intervention by Turkey. Following interview does not express our opinion. Q: What do you think of the recent agreement between Syria and the Arab League? The Arab League’s initiative was born disabled. There is no mechanism to follow up. The Syrian regime accepted the agreement unconditionally but so far nothing changed. The massacre continues. Our interest is not to punish Bashar and his regime. We do not want him to have the same dramatic end as Gaddafi or Saddam. What we want is that the killings end, that reforms are undertaken and that the Syrian … [read more]

Geo-politics versus revolution

Part I of Syria, Turkey and the Arab revolt
30/12/2011 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
Among some anti-imperialist trends, we are facing a mindset whose sole criteria are geo-political. This method is inherited essentially from the Stalinist Soviet Union, which in its turn took it from the pre-1919 global ruling elites. To this mindset, the masses are nothing, only the rulers count.
previous Additionally, given the continued overwhelming supremacy of imperialism there cannot be any doubt for our geo-politicians that whatever regime comes into conflict with the imperial centre must be supported – regardless of its relation to the popular masses. Tertium non datur! During the last two decades this geo-political position did not differ much from the social revolutionary one. Imperial power has been at its highest, unfolding ruthlessly and attacking resisting regimes that represented old gains of long-gone popular struggles. Outstanding examples were Yugoslavia and Iraq, where the popular masses essentially remained passive while only politically advanced sections supported the regimes’ resistance against imperialism. Popular resistance movements like those … [read more]

State of the Arab democratic revolt

Part II of Syria, Turkey and the Arab revolt
30/12/2011 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
We are facing a democratic popular revolution directed against the old imperial order. It was a spontaneous revolt without a prepared political leadership. It is not by accident that the strongest popular political force across the region, political Islam in all its variants, neither initiated nor lead the upheaval. It has been rather a general leftist sentiment that inspired the first line of combat.
previous The Arab ancien regime The Middle East has always been a neuralgic point of the imperialist world system. To simplify: there is Israel and petroleum. It is not by accident that the Palestinian resistance continued while after 1989/1991 nearly all other popular movements against the imperial capitalist elites ceded. Under these extremely unfavourable conditions this continued resistance, however, suffered deformations. In the absence of mass movements there was militarism. The other deformation was culturalism tending towards sectarianism. Its highest expression was al-Qaeda type Jihadism with its gesamtkunstwerk [all-embracing, holistic artwork] 9/11. It could deal some important symbolic blows to imperialism but without the masses it could not win. The old Middle … [read more]

Syria – who is anti-imperialist?

Part III of Syria, Turkey and the Arab revolt
30/12/2011 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
Despite the undeniable historic anti-imperialist traits of the Baath regime (support for the Lebanese and Palestinian resistance, block with Iran) these are by far outweighed by the anti-imperialist momentum represented by the popular uprising in the entire region.
previous First stage: peaceful and anti-interventionist When the democratic movement in Syria started, inspired by the advances in North Africa, there was the hope for quick victory as with its precedents. But the Assad regime refused to take the same road as his homologues in Tunisia and Egypt. The succession of Assad junior had evoked hopes for reform, but they have been frustrated since. All during the last decade the Baath apparatus did not allow them. Why then should they do so now? The only strong explanation for this total inability to respond at least partially to the democratic mass movement is the sectarian Allawi character of the Baath regime encapsulating itself. As in the other Arab countries the Islamist forces played no driving role in this first stage of the … [read more]

Syria, Turkey and the Arab revolt

Why to oppose Turkish intervention but not to deem it imperialist
30/12/2011 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
While the Syrian popular revolt is being massacred by Assad and for the time being seems to be not strong enough to topple his regime, a battle within the global anti-imperialist movement is raging over whether or not to support the democratic revolution. Some still believe that Assad is defending the banner of anti-imperialism against his people, even more as the Syrian National Council is appealing more and more for outside help.
by Carlos Latuf
While direct military imperialist intervention remains unlikely, mainly Turkey is projecting power onto Syria. Also military means can no longer be excluded within a medium term range. Turkish intervention is, however, limited by the political constraint to appear in line with the Arab spring, for which Ankara wants to serve as a model and take the lead. The Arab revolt comes in the context and is an expression of the crisis of the US-centred imperialist system, which is both an economic and political crisis. The new and decisive factor is the popular mass movement, which scattered the imperialist ancien regime in the region. Thus the US needs to re-organise their order. They essentially try to do so by embracing sections of the movement and by co-opting these sections into the US … [read more]

Global Freedom March to Jerusalem

Amman call
The participants in The Global March to Jerusalem assert the following:
• We assert the importance of Jerusalem‬ politically, culturally and religiously to the Palestinian people and humanity as a whole. We call for the protection of the Holy Places and all archeological sites and consider all the efforts made to change its Arab and cultural identity as a crime against humanity. We call on all international institutions to do their duties towards the city. • The defense of‬ Jerusalem and its liberation are a duty of all free people around the world and we call on all institutions, organizations, and individuals to participate in this duty. • We condemn the Zionist campaign of ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem and the rest of Palestine including all ongoing policies intended to change the demographic and geographic situation in the city and aimed … [read more]

Indian Maoist leader Kishanji murdered in cold blood

Another fake encounter story
8/12/2011 · by B D Sharma and G N Saibaba
We strongly condemn the cold-blooded murder and planned assassination of Kishanji alias Mallojula Koteswara Rao, Politburo Member of CPI (Maoist) in Burishol forest area, Paschim Midnapore District, Jangalmahal, West Bengal on 24 November 2011. At the time of this murder Kishanji was dealing with the process of peace talks through the interlocutors appointed by the Chief Minister of West Bengal Ms. Mamata Banerjee. Such a heinous crime should be condemned by all justice loving people.
According CPI (Maoist) statement issued to the media on today, Kishanji was arrested and tortured and then brutally killed. This murder looks much similar to that of Azad’s in July 2010, when Azad was brutally tortured and killed while he was dealing with the Union Government’s offer of peace talks through union Home Ministry appointed interlocutor. In these circumstances, the Joint Forces’ story of a fierce gun battle in Burishol forest of Paschim Midnapore district comes out to be a concocted one. It is significant that the mother of Kishanji, Ms. Madhuramma while maintaining it is a fake encounter has also demanded a judicial enquiry. Under the circumstances, we demand: 1. The fake encounter killing of Kishanji should be investigated by a Judicial Enquiry Committee of a … [read more]

A farce difficult to boycott

Why Tahrir II is also a criticism to the elections
27/11/2011 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
Actually so far never before Egyptians have been allowed to contest free and fair elections. After the toppling of Mubarak it is only too understandable that the population is keen to enjoy its newly acquired rights. But why, then, millions are taking to the streets and rallying at the famous Tahrir right before these elections?
Short-sighted Muslim Brotherhood’s calculus The spectrum most keen to go to the polls is the Islamist one with its two branches, namely the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) and the various Salafis. This might seem paradoxical as it does not fit into the European islamophobe prejudice and also the claim of some Salafi trends that elections do contradict the sovereign rule of good. Their rationale, however, is all too terrestrial. The MB is the best established opposition party and well prepared for electoral campaigning while the Salafis are lavished with Saudi money. They can expect a landslide victory enhancing their stance in the political system despite the severe limitations to the prerogatives of the parliament. It is nearly impossible to predict their share of votes but observers … [read more]

Targeting the eyes of the activists

An eye witness account from Tahrir and a call for solidarity
23/11/2011 · Muna, a Tahrir activist
I am since 4 days in the middle of shooting and nerve gas, here in Bab El Louq square, 5 minutes behind Tahrir square, close to the Ministry of Interior. Right out of my window, I can see the fire of the guns and the gas cartouches and the motor cycles that take the injured out of the battle bringing them to the field hospitals, one after the other... hour by hour, day and night...
There is shooting and this strange nerve gas all the time and at around 10:30 p.m. yesterday night the shebab [youth, people] were attacked for one hour by 30 unknown uniformed special forces in black with different live ammunition and gas, no street lightning at all, the scene only lit up by the fire of the guns, the dim light of the moon and some strange phosphoric light at the end of the street leading to the Ministry of Interior. After an hour, they reconquered Bab El Louq square where I am living with nothing than stones and unbreakable determination and solidarity. Into the face of the shooting and the attacks onto their bare bodies, the shebab were shouting into the night "hurriya" (freedom) and "madaniya" (civil state)... not "ilsamiya" (islamic)... In parallel, Tahrir … [read more]

Down with the military council

Egyptian revolution to continue
22/11/2011 · Anti-imperialist Camp
Currently we are witnesses of the brutal repression against the Tahrir square democracy movement. So far several dozen activists have been killed and thousands wounded. Why the ruling military council lashes out so heavy-handedly right before the start of the parliamentary elections?
A few days back the new eruption started when a group of victims of Mubarak’s tyranny and their relative staged a protest against the impunity of the former torturers. The significance of their demand is underlined by the fact that many activists have been sentenced to prisons terms by military councils while the trial against Mubarak is being steadily delayed. The police intervened with utmost brutality. Instead of chasing out the protesters their call for solidarity was well received. Tens of thousands came to their rescue engaging in battles with the police. Within a few days millions are back to the streets unifying around the central demand: down with the military council – a civil transition government to be formed immediately. This pivotal conflict is, however, intertwined … [read more]

Global March to Jerusalem 30 Mar 12

First call
1/11/2011 · International Committee of the Global March towards Jerusalem
On 30 March 2012, from all continents we will converge and gather along the Palestinian borders with Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon, with the participation of delegations joining us from every country in the world in a peaceful march towards Palestine.
Since the Zionist occupation of 78% of Palestine in 1948, and the subsequent occupation of Jerusalem and the rest of Palestine in 1967, we have witnessed growing efforts to Judaize Jerusalem and colonize Palestine. These crimes against humanity are done under the political protection and full support of successive American administrations and enforced by its veto at the United Nations. The goal of the Zionists is to force Palestinian residents out of Jerusalem and the rest of Palestine through acts of state terrorism, economic pressures, legal restrictions, and outright expulsions. The Holy city of Jerusalem is falsely called “the eternal capital of Israel” by Netanyahu and other Zionist leaders who clearly state that Jerusalem is non-negotiable. Such statements and related … [read more]