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A thunderous NO to the new occupation!

On the eve of our National Day – the Day of NO*
29/10/2011 · by Communist Organisation of Greece (KOE)
1) Throw out of Greece the troika, the government, and all the political forces which openly or covertly support them. 2) Stop of payments to the international usurers. 3) Independence – Democracy – Productive Reconstruction. This is a way out that will be difficult, demanding deep ruptures.
No to the protectorate
The resolutions adopted by yesterday’s EU Summit put its stamp on the bankruptcy and the, now formal, transformation of Greece into a protectorate. The resolutions of this EU Summit include the permanent installation of the IMF-EU-ECB troika in Greece and, in reality, and the takeover of the government by the international "protectors". Seventy-one years after 28 October 1940, a new occupation is imposed on our country. The last remnants sense of popular sovereignty and national independence are reduced into ashes. The leaders of the Eurozone are ordering the immediate sell-out of Greece and they leave no doubt that our people will pay dearly, with permanent foreign control accompanied by extreme pauperization. The government of PASOK has lost any shame. After playing a walkon … [read more]

Papandreou’s IMF-EU-ECB govt lost any popular legitimacy

On the 48 hours’ general strike and the demonstrations on 19-20 Oct 2011
26/10/2011 · by Communist Organisation of Greece (KOE)
The popular mobilization on 19 and 20 October was shaking and unprecedented since the fall of the dictatorship in 1974. The first day of the general strike, a huge popular river, more than half million demonstrators, occupied the central streets of Athens, and hundreds of thousands stormed all the other cities all over Greece.
Big and small enterprises and shops ceased any activity during the general strike. Millions of working people took active part in the strike, both in the public and the private sector. It is now totally undisputed that this “government” of the IMF-EU-ECB troika’s lackeys has no more the slightest legitimacy. The general strike was a loud political statement by the Greek people: “The troika and its government must leave immediately”. Nothing less than that. The struggle goes on, the struggle shall further escalate! It is obvious that this government will not fall down by itself. It will not be obliged to resign under the pressure of the majority’s MPs, who pathetically keep offering their consensus, each time “for the last time”. The internal contradictions and quarrels … [read more]

Syrians reject sectarianism and foreign intervention

Interview with Dr. Khaled Khoja
26/10/2011 · by Mustafa Ilhan and Wilhelm Langthaler
Khaled Khoja is a vocal activist of the Syrian opposition based in Turkey. Belonging to the Islamic current he was a member of the “Damascus Declaration” and today is part of the Syrian National Council (SNC).
Khaled Khoja
Editorial comment: As Anti-imperialist Camp we absolutely refuse any foreign military intervention as an attempt to destroy the revolutionary popular movement in Syria. It is the Muslim Brotherhood which has asked for such an intervention by Turkey. Following interview does not express our opinion. (Nov 20, 2011) Q: How you refer to the democratic demands and its highest expression, the constituent assembly? A: By burning himself, Mr. Mohammad Bouzizi lit the torch of freedom in the entire Arab world and opened a window of hope in the public mind. He encouraged the Arab youth to fight for the freedom and dignity that the Arab world has been dreaming of for decades. Since then, thousands of citizens in Syria have sacrificed their lives peacefully against the regime’s death machine … [read more]

Solidarity hunger strike in Haifa with Palestinian captives

Hunger strike continues despite prisoner exchange
It has been two week since the declaration of the hunger strike by the prisoners of our people. This strike is set to protest the detention in the most despicable conditions possible. The time to establish a decisive stance of support has come. The time to regain the issue of the Palestinian prisoners' movement to the top priority of the struggle of the Palestinian people has come.
Their hunger is ours. Thus, a solidarity strike has been initiated by a group of Palestinian youth from within the Palestinian occupied territories 1948, from all factions and political groups. We declare an open hunger strike and sit-ins in the city of Haifa that will commence on Saturday October the 8th, in solidarity with the demands of the Palestinian captive movement, and with the fierce struggle against the occupation and its prisons. The aim of this step is to declare full support for the demands of the captive movement. The most important among those demands is complete freedom from captivity. In addition, we wish to raise awareness and recruit public and institutional support and for the prisoners and their suffering, and to prepare the ground for a genuine popular protest … [read more]

Assad will be toppled by the people

Syria is the centre of the Arab intifada against the imperial order
30/9/2011 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
Soubhi Hadidi is a renowned literary critic and author. Today he is living in Paris and teaching at the Sorbonne. As an activist of the Syrian Communist Party (Riad Turk), he was forced into clandestinity before he flew his home country. As a member of the Democratic People’s Party, which was formed out of the aforementioned CP and which today is one of the main organised political forces of the revolt, he participated in the “Damascus Declaration” in 2005. Today he is considered one of the most vocal voices of the left wing of the Syrian democratic uprising.
On September 16, 2011, he addressed a public meeting in Vienna’s Austrian-Arab Culture Centre (OKAZ) on the “Syrian Intifada between repression and instrumentalisation”. We recount his intervention and the ensuing debate:* The components of the movement The Syrian Intifada is based on the lower strata of society. Its social roots are the same as in Tunisia and Egypt. It is a revolt against unbearable social conditions while the elites close to the regime still make huge fortunes. The initial force of the Intifada has been the poor but educated youth. As the regime is unable to fully control the internet, they used it to organise the protests. Within a few months the local co-ordinations formed two different revolutionary umbrella committees. 90% of the some 30,000 … [read more]

Initiative for the Arab spring

Series of debates in Vienna at the Arab Austrian Cultural Center (OKAZ)
27/9/2011 · Wilhelm Langthaler
On September 16 the first public debate on the democratic movements in the Arab world took place in Vienna. The renowned literary critic and long-time activist of the anti-Assad Syrian Communist Party/Politburo (Riad Turk group) Soubhi Hadidi, who is now teaching at the Sorbonne in Paris, explained his view on the unfolding uprising in Syria.
Subhi Hadidi addressing the Viennese audience Sept 16, 2011
Kick-off debate: Syria Hadidi expressed full support for the popular movement and explained that its direction is genuinely democratic. It is moving against sectarian strife provoked by the regime that is to say the intifada is secular and liberal in the best sense of the word and is as well anti-imperialist as it is struggling against a western-imposed regional order. Subhi Hadidi categorically refused any foreign military or state intervention. This is why he goes against all attempts in exile to form representations which in the last instance only serve to provide a partner and thus legitimacy for western intervention. A real revolutionary council can – according to Hadidi – only be built inside the country which will take time. He voiced great optimism that the regime of … [read more]

Democratic revolution … against the west

Syria must not become Libya
17/9/2011 · Anti-imperialist Camp (Austrian section)
The following leaflet has distributed at the weekly Syrian solidarity rallies in down-town Vienna, Austria. It is a reaction to some voices within the Syrian community (both secular as well as Islamic) who not only address the western powers but directly call for a western military intervention. The reaction of the organised Islamic milieu was astonishing. They defamed us as Gaddhafi supporters, despite the fact that we from the very beginning defended the democratic demands also in Libya while opposing the NATO aggression and its local auxiliary forces on the ground. The hidden pro-interventionists counter the warning against NATO by equating those who reject an intervention as supporters of Gaddhafi, Assad etc.
Rally against Assad in Vienna, Sept 4, 2011
The Syrian people has been struggling for democracy for months now. As the Assad regime reveals its incapacity to reform day by day, answering the legitimate popular demands only with brute violence, the movement more and more turns into a revolution for which a death toll will be paid. Revolt against neo-liberalism In Europe (and also among the Syrians in exile) there is talk only about democracy – but this is dangerous, for in the last decades democracy has become a neo-colonial export product (see Iraq and Afghanistan). Without further specification democracy simply means the more or less mediated rule of the western oligarchy excluding the poorer classes, both politically and socially. In Syria as in the Arab world in general we see a popular movement against the capitalist … [read more]

Leading Syrian leftist nominated

Another council of the Syrian opposition formed
On August 29 a meeting in Ankara organised by a group called „Youth of the Syrian Revolution“ nominated 94 persons as members of a transitional council of whom 42 live in Syria.
Professor Burhan Ghalioun was assigned as chairman. He is one of the leading figures of the exile opposition. He heads the Center for Oriental Studies in Paris (Centre d’Etudes sur l’Orient Contemporain; CEOC) and teaches political science at the Sorbonne. He has been a vocal enemy of a foreign military intervention in Syria. Among the nominated members are Wagdy Mustafa and Riad Seif as vice chairmen as well as renowned oppositionists like Haytham Maleh, Michel Kilo, Suhair Atas, the leader of the Damascus declaration Riad Turk and the cartoonist Ali Farzat. The latter recently got attacked in Damascus and got his arms broken. The personalities nominated enjoy a certain popular consensus. The communiqué of the “Revolutionary Youth” stresses that the lack of a political … [read more]

Syrian uprising needs civil protection, no foreign state intervention

The way to hell is paved with good intentions
11/9/2011 · by Ali Nasser
With reference to the recent “Friday of international protection” the Anti-imperialist Camp asked Soubhi Hadidi, a leading Syrian political activist of the opposition and literary critic.
Q: September 9 has been named by the Syrian popular movement „Friday of international protection“. Do they really call for international intervention? One must differentiate between international protection by states and governments on one hand and civil organisations on the other hand. The first ones we cannot trust as they follow their own agenda and use double standards regarding human rights. But the second idea means that NGOs like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and human rights groups should send observers. That implies also free movement for the Arab as well as the international media. Their presence across the Syrian towns could significantly curtail the brutality of the regime. This demand is different to calling upon the US or the UN who do not follow unselfish … [read more]

“Anti-imperialist forces will prevail”

Iraqi resistance leader Kubaysi to support Syrian revolution
3/9/2011 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
One of the political leaders of the Iraq resistance, Abduljabbar al Kubaysi, who has been one of the driving forces of the construction of a common political front of the resistance, recently stated his confidence in the Syrian revolutionary forces.
Abduljabbar al Kubaysi in Vienna, 2003
With regard to the danger of “regime change” by the imperialists he said that “Syria is quiet different from Libya”. The overwhelming majority of the people will refuse and fight an imperialist military intervention. Even covered and operated by Turkey the political groups and popular trends involved in the revolt “do not accept the Turkish intervention”. Kubaysi advised not to listen to the media reports which are campaigning for Western interests but do not reflect the internal situation properly. Exile politicians disturb the real picture. “We should focus on forces and groups inside Syria and I am sure that the anti-imperialist left is dominating now and will continue to do so in the future.” According to the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance’s leader there are only the … [read more]

Afghan left warns Libyan people over NATO interests

Imperialism never bring prosperity to the people
3/9/2011 · Nasir Loyand, Left Radical of Afghanistan (LRA)
It is really terrorist act of NATO and Sarkozi and the allies in Libya that under the pretext of protection of civilian, killing the Libyan and destroying their infrastructure to replace their ever puppet regime to meet their economic and political interest in Libya and region.
The world imperialism for its "world order" needs to occupy more regions and set up their military bases on their strategic requirement. US and NATO have been committing such crimes in the war in Afghanistan as well. They have caused the death of more than 100.000 Afghans and not only could not restored "democracy and peace" but also deteriorated the situation more than before. They established a corrupt and weak regime which cannot stay a week without the support of US/NATO. The recently talking on strategic agreement between Afghanistan and US for legalizing occupation forces and establishment of military bases constitute the key objective of the bargaining between a master and a slave. The imperialism never have helped a nation nor brought the prosperity to them. This claim once … [read more]

Congress of the Communist Workers’ Party of Tunisia

Hammami: revolution against old system must continue
23/7/2011 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
In the large palace of sports of Tunis several thousand people participated in the first congress of the PCOT after decades of underground existence. It was first of all an event to show strength and give a signal to society that the PCOT is a significant political option. This certainly was achieved.
One is, however, inclined to wonder whether this displayed identitarian spirit might also turn into a problem to obtain wider consensus. While the overwhelming support for the revolution (which is not only democratic) in society is undeniable and thus the central demand for a constituent assembly rallies a clear majority, this will certainly not be true for the communism let alone for the PCOT's particular brand. It is not by accident that some within the party proposed to change the name into Workers’ Party. After a cultural program which not only stressed the communist heritage but also repeated the support for the Palestinian cause, came the central speech of Hamma Hammami, the leader of the PCOT, former political prisoner and widely recognized front figure against Ben Ali’s … [read more]

Syria as part of Arab popular revolt

Freedom is anti-imperialist, truth is revolutionary, imperialist intervention is never justified
19/7/2011 · by Anti-imperialist Camp (Austria) and Initiativ e.V. Duisburg (Germany)
A new spirit is spreading in the Arab region taking different shapes of movements for democracy, social justice and national sovereignty. Although in each country the movements are occupied with the local condition, a new Arab spirit is being born among the popular masses, who again have shown more political courage, sense for organisation and clarity in their demands, not only more than expected, but also more than most of the opposition elites ever had.
It is this spirit which is the real threat against the comprador regimes of the region, which poses the most serious challenge to the Western hegemony in the region since the 60ies. After the crucial character change in the “democratic spring” caused by the Libyan rebellion, turning from a peaceful mass movement into an armed conflict between elites accompanied with a Western intervention, the outbreak of the protests in Syria lead to further confusion within the progressive and anti-imperialist spectrum. The situation is delicate indeed. In this context, we should emphasise the following: 1. The Syrian uprising can not be observed in an isolated way from the regional developments. It is an authentic popular movement for freedom and social justice against a … [read more]

Will the Syrian exile opposition find its way to the people's movement?

On the patriotic and the pro-Western opposition to the Assad regime
14/7/2011 · Mohammed Aburous
Against the background of the heavy Western intervention in the Syrian issue, the opposition is divided on the question whether foreign intervention should be sought and if so to which extent.
The dummies in the Bernard Henry-Levi show in Paris Organised by Bernard-Henry Levi’s magazine ‘Règles de Jeu’ [Play Rules], a conference of the ‘Syrian opposition’ was held on July 4th in the St. Germain cinema in Paris. The organiser, the character of the prominent participants from the French Elite as well as the speech contents lead to many questions regarding some Syrian opposition parties and groups and their link to the Western and, finally Zionist interests. Sponsored by the same Syrian industrial Brothers Sonqur who had sponsored the Antalya conference, hundred of Syrian political activists met in the third meeting of the Syrian opposition after the parallel conferences of Brussels and Antalya. Opponents of the Assad regimes were divided on the Paris … [read more]

Revolution is back to Tahrir square

The return of the Central Security police
3/7/2011 · Mohammed Aburous // Translated from German by Qais Abdallah
The Tahrir Square of Cairo is again permanently occupied by the protesters. After the return of the hated Central Security police and its violent dealing with the demonstrators, the latter want to keep on the streets until the demands of the people’s uprising are fulfilled. This time some prominent political forces distanced themselves from the action. Still the revolutionaries are again at Tahrir Square.
Long night at the Tahrir In the night of 28-29th of June, the Tahrir Square and the city center witnessed renewal of street fights between the Egyptian activists and the returning hated troops of the Central Security. Confrontations began as a group of relatives of the martyrs of the uprising had been attacked by civilian-dressed persons and prevented from attending a commemoration for the martyrs. During the ceremony, it had been demanded that those responsible for the murder of more than 800 demonstrators answer to the account. The relatives of the martyrs, and hundreds of activists moved towards the Ministry of Interior. After intense dispute in front of the ministry, the demonstrators decided to retreat to the Tahrir Square. The demonstration was attacked by thousands … [read more]

Freedom for 3 Libyan nationals

Arrested in Perugia, Italy
24/6/2011 · Committee to Free the Three Libyan Patriots
"On direct orders from the Italian government, headed by Silvio Berlusconi (who himself faces many investigations), three Libyans were arrested in Perugia, including Ahusain Nouri, president of the League of Libyan students in Italy.
What serious "crimes" would have blemished the records of the three Libyan students? None really. As the authorities themselves have admitted, these are "preventive arrests made for crimes that have not been committed," including the intention to occupy the Libyan Embassy in Italy. What is alleged about Nuri Ahusain and the others is that they have been at the forefront of protests against the bombing of Libya and have condemned them as imperialist intervention of NATO in the internal affairs of their country; that they have denied the reports, proven indeed that the "genocide" committed by forces loyal to Gadhafi is in effect media hype, and of having called the leaders of the revolt in Libya parasitic worms in the pay of Western invaders. Accused, in short, of being patriots … [read more]

First May on Tahrir square in post-Mubarak Egypt

Meeting the leaders of the revolutionary movement
Against sectarianism
Around May First 2011 the Anti-imperialist Camp conducted a solidarity mission to post-Mubarak Egypt. Its purpose was to get an accurate understanding of the political situation and at the same time to express our solidarity with the revolutionary forces who wants to carry on the transformation process to seize power from the oligarchy. As Anti-imperialist Camp we try to build systematic contacts with the leading forces and individuals of the anti-imperalist and revolutionary movement. Also by this mission we consolidated our links with the prospect to continue and increase the support for the Arab democratic … [read more]

Syria: Peaceful democratic revolution without foreign intervention

Final Declaration of the Syria Conference for Change, Antalya, May 31 – June 3, 2011
Today, Syria is witnessing the most difficult and painful days; however, it is also witnessing the birth of a new dawn of freedom quenched by the blood and sacrifice of the Syrian youth demonstrating peacefully in the ground. This puts the burden of urgent action on the shoulders of all Syrians, living all over the world, to work along side their brothers and sisters in and outside Syria to build a new future for their country.
Therefore, a number of patriotic Syrians, from all different backgrounds, came together and called for the Syria Conference for Change. Invitations were sent to a wide variety of political and populist Syrian activists with the purpose of stopping the blood shed of our people and to take a decisive stand towards the events in their homeland and towards the insistence of the oppressive regime on using the military and security forces in rejecting the just demands of the people of freedom and democracy. The Syria Conference for Change took place in Antalya, Turkey, May 31 – June 3, 2011, in solidarity with the Syrian Revolution and to search for solutions that would save Syria from oppression and place it on the road to freedom and dignity. As such, participants agreed to the … [read more]

„Assad is provoking civil war and foreign intervention“

Interview with Wajdy Mustafa, Syrian leftist oppositionist
18/6/2011 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
Wajdy Mustafa, 51, has been member of the Communist Union and as such served a total of 13 years in Syrian prison. A few years ago he settled in Europe as a political refugee. Now he was elected into the consulting committee of the Antalya conference from May 31 to June 3, the main coalition of the Syrian democratic opposition.
Q: Who promoted the Antalya conference and what is its outcome? There have been already several different conferences of the Syrian opposition or parts of it. For example some of the Muslim currents organised their own events. The idea was to stop following separate agendas but to try to reach the broadest possible unity for democracy in Syria. The main promoters were the left and liberal forces around the Damascus Declaration (DD) but the attempt of unification worked out. Out of 31 members of the consulting committee 4 members each are from the DD,  Muslim Brotherhood, the Kurds (who are predominantly leftist) and the tribes. The remaining 15 are independent personalities including also all confessions.   Q: Reports said that Adbul Halim Khaddam and Rifaat al Assad were … [read more]

“Dialogue only if killings stop”

Statement to the Syrian people: people’s uprising enters its third month
11/6/2011 · Damascus Declaration for National Democratic Change
Editor’s note: We publish this declaration because it helps to understand the political forces at work in the current uprising. We do, however, strongly disagree with the attempt of the “Damascus Declaration” to mobilise Western pressure. We believe on the contrary that liberation is only possible against imperialism which today try to indulge the movement with support of “democracy” – but we know that eventually that means subordination.
The courageous Syrian uprising enters its third month, still strong and continuing. Demonstrators took to the streets in the majority of the Syrian cities and towns on the fourth friday – the Hara’er friday – to express tribute to the four women who had been killed in Banyas, to the hundreds of mothers bereft of their killed sons, and the arrested women in the wounded Dara’a, to Damascus, Homs, Hama, Idlib, Dair az- Zor, Al- Raqqa, Al- bu- kamal- Al- Qamishli, Amuda and others. [Hara’er means free contrary to enslaved women.] This Friday witnessed the falling of six martyrs in Homs and Dara’a. This limited number of martyrs, in spite of the sacredness of Syrian blood, and in comparison with the previous weeks, can be considered a step ahead if the regime decided to drop the … [read more]

A thunderous NO to the new occupation!

On the eve of our National Day – the Day of NO*
29/10/2011 · by Communist Organisation of Greece (KOE)
1) Throw out of Greece the troika, the government, and all the political forces which openly or covertly support them. 2) Stop of payments to the international usurers. 3) Independence – Democracy – Productive Reconstruction. This is a way out that will be difficult, demanding deep ruptures.
No to the protectorate
The resolutions adopted by yesterday’s EU Summit put its stamp on the bankruptcy and the, now formal, transformation of Greece into a protectorate. The resolutions of this EU Summit include the permanent installation of the IMF-EU-ECB troika in Greece and, in reality, and the takeover of the government by the international "protectors". Seventy-one years after 28 October 1940, a new occupation is imposed on our country. The last remnants sense of popular sovereignty and national independence are reduced into ashes. The leaders of the Eurozone are ordering the immediate sell-out of Greece and they leave no doubt that our people will pay dearly, with permanent foreign control accompanied by extreme pauperization. The government of PASOK has lost any shame. After playing a walkon … [read more]

Papandreou’s IMF-EU-ECB govt lost any popular legitimacy

On the 48 hours’ general strike and the demonstrations on 19-20 Oct 2011
26/10/2011 · by Communist Organisation of Greece (KOE)
The popular mobilization on 19 and 20 October was shaking and unprecedented since the fall of the dictatorship in 1974. The first day of the general strike, a huge popular river, more than half million demonstrators, occupied the central streets of Athens, and hundreds of thousands stormed all the other cities all over Greece.
Big and small enterprises and shops ceased any activity during the general strike. Millions of working people took active part in the strike, both in the public and the private sector. It is now totally undisputed that this “government” of the IMF-EU-ECB troika’s lackeys has no more the slightest legitimacy. The general strike was a loud political statement by the Greek people: “The troika and its government must leave immediately”. Nothing less than that. The struggle goes on, the struggle shall further escalate! It is obvious that this government will not fall down by itself. It will not be obliged to resign under the pressure of the majority’s MPs, who pathetically keep offering their consensus, each time “for the last time”. The internal contradictions and quarrels … [read more]

Syrians reject sectarianism and foreign intervention

Interview with Dr. Khaled Khoja
26/10/2011 · by Mustafa Ilhan and Wilhelm Langthaler
Khaled Khoja is a vocal activist of the Syrian opposition based in Turkey. Belonging to the Islamic current he was a member of the “Damascus Declaration” and today is part of the Syrian National Council (SNC).
Khaled Khoja
Editorial comment: As Anti-imperialist Camp we absolutely refuse any foreign military intervention as an attempt to destroy the revolutionary popular movement in Syria. It is the Muslim Brotherhood which has asked for such an intervention by Turkey. Following interview does not express our opinion. (Nov 20, 2011) Q: How you refer to the democratic demands and its highest expression, the constituent assembly? A: By burning himself, Mr. Mohammad Bouzizi lit the torch of freedom in the entire Arab world and opened a window of hope in the public mind. He encouraged the Arab youth to fight for the freedom and dignity that the Arab world has been dreaming of for decades. Since then, thousands of citizens in Syria have sacrificed their lives peacefully against the regime’s death machine … [read more]

Solidarity hunger strike in Haifa with Palestinian captives

Hunger strike continues despite prisoner exchange
It has been two week since the declaration of the hunger strike by the prisoners of our people. This strike is set to protest the detention in the most despicable conditions possible. The time to establish a decisive stance of support has come. The time to regain the issue of the Palestinian prisoners' movement to the top priority of the struggle of the Palestinian people has come.
Their hunger is ours. Thus, a solidarity strike has been initiated by a group of Palestinian youth from within the Palestinian occupied territories 1948, from all factions and political groups. We declare an open hunger strike and sit-ins in the city of Haifa that will commence on Saturday October the 8th, in solidarity with the demands of the Palestinian captive movement, and with the fierce struggle against the occupation and its prisons. The aim of this step is to declare full support for the demands of the captive movement. The most important among those demands is complete freedom from captivity. In addition, we wish to raise awareness and recruit public and institutional support and for the prisoners and their suffering, and to prepare the ground for a genuine popular protest … [read more]

Assad will be toppled by the people

Syria is the centre of the Arab intifada against the imperial order
30/9/2011 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
Soubhi Hadidi is a renowned literary critic and author. Today he is living in Paris and teaching at the Sorbonne. As an activist of the Syrian Communist Party (Riad Turk), he was forced into clandestinity before he flew his home country. As a member of the Democratic People’s Party, which was formed out of the aforementioned CP and which today is one of the main organised political forces of the revolt, he participated in the “Damascus Declaration” in 2005. Today he is considered one of the most vocal voices of the left wing of the Syrian democratic uprising.
On September 16, 2011, he addressed a public meeting in Vienna’s Austrian-Arab Culture Centre (OKAZ) on the “Syrian Intifada between repression and instrumentalisation”. We recount his intervention and the ensuing debate:* The components of the movement The Syrian Intifada is based on the lower strata of society. Its social roots are the same as in Tunisia and Egypt. It is a revolt against unbearable social conditions while the elites close to the regime still make huge fortunes. The initial force of the Intifada has been the poor but educated youth. As the regime is unable to fully control the internet, they used it to organise the protests. Within a few months the local co-ordinations formed two different revolutionary umbrella committees. 90% of the some 30,000 … [read more]

Initiative for the Arab spring

Series of debates in Vienna at the Arab Austrian Cultural Center (OKAZ)
27/9/2011 · Wilhelm Langthaler
On September 16 the first public debate on the democratic movements in the Arab world took place in Vienna. The renowned literary critic and long-time activist of the anti-Assad Syrian Communist Party/Politburo (Riad Turk group) Soubhi Hadidi, who is now teaching at the Sorbonne in Paris, explained his view on the unfolding uprising in Syria.
Subhi Hadidi addressing the Viennese audience Sept 16, 2011
Kick-off debate: Syria Hadidi expressed full support for the popular movement and explained that its direction is genuinely democratic. It is moving against sectarian strife provoked by the regime that is to say the intifada is secular and liberal in the best sense of the word and is as well anti-imperialist as it is struggling against a western-imposed regional order. Subhi Hadidi categorically refused any foreign military or state intervention. This is why he goes against all attempts in exile to form representations which in the last instance only serve to provide a partner and thus legitimacy for western intervention. A real revolutionary council can – according to Hadidi – only be built inside the country which will take time. He voiced great optimism that the regime of … [read more]

Democratic revolution … against the west

Syria must not become Libya
17/9/2011 · Anti-imperialist Camp (Austrian section)
The following leaflet has distributed at the weekly Syrian solidarity rallies in down-town Vienna, Austria. It is a reaction to some voices within the Syrian community (both secular as well as Islamic) who not only address the western powers but directly call for a western military intervention. The reaction of the organised Islamic milieu was astonishing. They defamed us as Gaddhafi supporters, despite the fact that we from the very beginning defended the democratic demands also in Libya while opposing the NATO aggression and its local auxiliary forces on the ground. The hidden pro-interventionists counter the warning against NATO by equating those who reject an intervention as supporters of Gaddhafi, Assad etc.
Rally against Assad in Vienna, Sept 4, 2011
The Syrian people has been struggling for democracy for months now. As the Assad regime reveals its incapacity to reform day by day, answering the legitimate popular demands only with brute violence, the movement more and more turns into a revolution for which a death toll will be paid. Revolt against neo-liberalism In Europe (and also among the Syrians in exile) there is talk only about democracy – but this is dangerous, for in the last decades democracy has become a neo-colonial export product (see Iraq and Afghanistan). Without further specification democracy simply means the more or less mediated rule of the western oligarchy excluding the poorer classes, both politically and socially. In Syria as in the Arab world in general we see a popular movement against the capitalist … [read more]

Leading Syrian leftist nominated

Another council of the Syrian opposition formed
On August 29 a meeting in Ankara organised by a group called „Youth of the Syrian Revolution“ nominated 94 persons as members of a transitional council of whom 42 live in Syria.
Professor Burhan Ghalioun was assigned as chairman. He is one of the leading figures of the exile opposition. He heads the Center for Oriental Studies in Paris (Centre d’Etudes sur l’Orient Contemporain; CEOC) and teaches political science at the Sorbonne. He has been a vocal enemy of a foreign military intervention in Syria. Among the nominated members are Wagdy Mustafa and Riad Seif as vice chairmen as well as renowned oppositionists like Haytham Maleh, Michel Kilo, Suhair Atas, the leader of the Damascus declaration Riad Turk and the cartoonist Ali Farzat. The latter recently got attacked in Damascus and got his arms broken. The personalities nominated enjoy a certain popular consensus. The communiqué of the “Revolutionary Youth” stresses that the lack of a political … [read more]

Syrian uprising needs civil protection, no foreign state intervention

The way to hell is paved with good intentions
11/9/2011 · by Ali Nasser
With reference to the recent “Friday of international protection” the Anti-imperialist Camp asked Soubhi Hadidi, a leading Syrian political activist of the opposition and literary critic.
Q: September 9 has been named by the Syrian popular movement „Friday of international protection“. Do they really call for international intervention? One must differentiate between international protection by states and governments on one hand and civil organisations on the other hand. The first ones we cannot trust as they follow their own agenda and use double standards regarding human rights. But the second idea means that NGOs like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and human rights groups should send observers. That implies also free movement for the Arab as well as the international media. Their presence across the Syrian towns could significantly curtail the brutality of the regime. This demand is different to calling upon the US or the UN who do not follow unselfish … [read more]

“Anti-imperialist forces will prevail”

Iraqi resistance leader Kubaysi to support Syrian revolution
3/9/2011 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
One of the political leaders of the Iraq resistance, Abduljabbar al Kubaysi, who has been one of the driving forces of the construction of a common political front of the resistance, recently stated his confidence in the Syrian revolutionary forces.
Abduljabbar al Kubaysi in Vienna, 2003
With regard to the danger of “regime change” by the imperialists he said that “Syria is quiet different from Libya”. The overwhelming majority of the people will refuse and fight an imperialist military intervention. Even covered and operated by Turkey the political groups and popular trends involved in the revolt “do not accept the Turkish intervention”. Kubaysi advised not to listen to the media reports which are campaigning for Western interests but do not reflect the internal situation properly. Exile politicians disturb the real picture. “We should focus on forces and groups inside Syria and I am sure that the anti-imperialist left is dominating now and will continue to do so in the future.” According to the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance’s leader there are only the … [read more]

Afghan left warns Libyan people over NATO interests

Imperialism never bring prosperity to the people
3/9/2011 · Nasir Loyand, Left Radical of Afghanistan (LRA)
It is really terrorist act of NATO and Sarkozi and the allies in Libya that under the pretext of protection of civilian, killing the Libyan and destroying their infrastructure to replace their ever puppet regime to meet their economic and political interest in Libya and region.
The world imperialism for its "world order" needs to occupy more regions and set up their military bases on their strategic requirement. US and NATO have been committing such crimes in the war in Afghanistan as well. They have caused the death of more than 100.000 Afghans and not only could not restored "democracy and peace" but also deteriorated the situation more than before. They established a corrupt and weak regime which cannot stay a week without the support of US/NATO. The recently talking on strategic agreement between Afghanistan and US for legalizing occupation forces and establishment of military bases constitute the key objective of the bargaining between a master and a slave. The imperialism never have helped a nation nor brought the prosperity to them. This claim once … [read more]

Congress of the Communist Workers’ Party of Tunisia

Hammami: revolution against old system must continue
23/7/2011 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
In the large palace of sports of Tunis several thousand people participated in the first congress of the PCOT after decades of underground existence. It was first of all an event to show strength and give a signal to society that the PCOT is a significant political option. This certainly was achieved.
One is, however, inclined to wonder whether this displayed identitarian spirit might also turn into a problem to obtain wider consensus. While the overwhelming support for the revolution (which is not only democratic) in society is undeniable and thus the central demand for a constituent assembly rallies a clear majority, this will certainly not be true for the communism let alone for the PCOT's particular brand. It is not by accident that some within the party proposed to change the name into Workers’ Party. After a cultural program which not only stressed the communist heritage but also repeated the support for the Palestinian cause, came the central speech of Hamma Hammami, the leader of the PCOT, former political prisoner and widely recognized front figure against Ben Ali’s … [read more]

Syria as part of Arab popular revolt

Freedom is anti-imperialist, truth is revolutionary, imperialist intervention is never justified
19/7/2011 · by Anti-imperialist Camp (Austria) and Initiativ e.V. Duisburg (Germany)
A new spirit is spreading in the Arab region taking different shapes of movements for democracy, social justice and national sovereignty. Although in each country the movements are occupied with the local condition, a new Arab spirit is being born among the popular masses, who again have shown more political courage, sense for organisation and clarity in their demands, not only more than expected, but also more than most of the opposition elites ever had.
It is this spirit which is the real threat against the comprador regimes of the region, which poses the most serious challenge to the Western hegemony in the region since the 60ies. After the crucial character change in the “democratic spring” caused by the Libyan rebellion, turning from a peaceful mass movement into an armed conflict between elites accompanied with a Western intervention, the outbreak of the protests in Syria lead to further confusion within the progressive and anti-imperialist spectrum. The situation is delicate indeed. In this context, we should emphasise the following: 1. The Syrian uprising can not be observed in an isolated way from the regional developments. It is an authentic popular movement for freedom and social justice against a … [read more]

Will the Syrian exile opposition find its way to the people's movement?

On the patriotic and the pro-Western opposition to the Assad regime
14/7/2011 · Mohammed Aburous
Against the background of the heavy Western intervention in the Syrian issue, the opposition is divided on the question whether foreign intervention should be sought and if so to which extent.
The dummies in the Bernard Henry-Levi show in Paris Organised by Bernard-Henry Levi’s magazine ‘Règles de Jeu’ [Play Rules], a conference of the ‘Syrian opposition’ was held on July 4th in the St. Germain cinema in Paris. The organiser, the character of the prominent participants from the French Elite as well as the speech contents lead to many questions regarding some Syrian opposition parties and groups and their link to the Western and, finally Zionist interests. Sponsored by the same Syrian industrial Brothers Sonqur who had sponsored the Antalya conference, hundred of Syrian political activists met in the third meeting of the Syrian opposition after the parallel conferences of Brussels and Antalya. Opponents of the Assad regimes were divided on the Paris … [read more]

Revolution is back to Tahrir square

The return of the Central Security police
3/7/2011 · Mohammed Aburous // Translated from German by Qais Abdallah
The Tahrir Square of Cairo is again permanently occupied by the protesters. After the return of the hated Central Security police and its violent dealing with the demonstrators, the latter want to keep on the streets until the demands of the people’s uprising are fulfilled. This time some prominent political forces distanced themselves from the action. Still the revolutionaries are again at Tahrir Square.
Long night at the Tahrir In the night of 28-29th of June, the Tahrir Square and the city center witnessed renewal of street fights between the Egyptian activists and the returning hated troops of the Central Security. Confrontations began as a group of relatives of the martyrs of the uprising had been attacked by civilian-dressed persons and prevented from attending a commemoration for the martyrs. During the ceremony, it had been demanded that those responsible for the murder of more than 800 demonstrators answer to the account. The relatives of the martyrs, and hundreds of activists moved towards the Ministry of Interior. After intense dispute in front of the ministry, the demonstrators decided to retreat to the Tahrir Square. The demonstration was attacked by thousands … [read more]

Freedom for 3 Libyan nationals

Arrested in Perugia, Italy
24/6/2011 · Committee to Free the Three Libyan Patriots
"On direct orders from the Italian government, headed by Silvio Berlusconi (who himself faces many investigations), three Libyans were arrested in Perugia, including Ahusain Nouri, president of the League of Libyan students in Italy.
What serious "crimes" would have blemished the records of the three Libyan students? None really. As the authorities themselves have admitted, these are "preventive arrests made for crimes that have not been committed," including the intention to occupy the Libyan Embassy in Italy. What is alleged about Nuri Ahusain and the others is that they have been at the forefront of protests against the bombing of Libya and have condemned them as imperialist intervention of NATO in the internal affairs of their country; that they have denied the reports, proven indeed that the "genocide" committed by forces loyal to Gadhafi is in effect media hype, and of having called the leaders of the revolt in Libya parasitic worms in the pay of Western invaders. Accused, in short, of being patriots … [read more]

First May on Tahrir square in post-Mubarak Egypt

Meeting the leaders of the revolutionary movement
Against sectarianism
Around May First 2011 the Anti-imperialist Camp conducted a solidarity mission to post-Mubarak Egypt. Its purpose was to get an accurate understanding of the political situation and at the same time to express our solidarity with the revolutionary forces who wants to carry on the transformation process to seize power from the oligarchy. As Anti-imperialist Camp we try to build systematic contacts with the leading forces and individuals of the anti-imperalist and revolutionary movement. Also by this mission we consolidated our links with the prospect to continue and increase the support for the Arab democratic … [read more]

Syria: Peaceful democratic revolution without foreign intervention

Final Declaration of the Syria Conference for Change, Antalya, May 31 – June 3, 2011
Today, Syria is witnessing the most difficult and painful days; however, it is also witnessing the birth of a new dawn of freedom quenched by the blood and sacrifice of the Syrian youth demonstrating peacefully in the ground. This puts the burden of urgent action on the shoulders of all Syrians, living all over the world, to work along side their brothers and sisters in and outside Syria to build a new future for their country.
Therefore, a number of patriotic Syrians, from all different backgrounds, came together and called for the Syria Conference for Change. Invitations were sent to a wide variety of political and populist Syrian activists with the purpose of stopping the blood shed of our people and to take a decisive stand towards the events in their homeland and towards the insistence of the oppressive regime on using the military and security forces in rejecting the just demands of the people of freedom and democracy. The Syria Conference for Change took place in Antalya, Turkey, May 31 – June 3, 2011, in solidarity with the Syrian Revolution and to search for solutions that would save Syria from oppression and place it on the road to freedom and dignity. As such, participants agreed to the … [read more]

„Assad is provoking civil war and foreign intervention“

Interview with Wajdy Mustafa, Syrian leftist oppositionist
18/6/2011 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
Wajdy Mustafa, 51, has been member of the Communist Union and as such served a total of 13 years in Syrian prison. A few years ago he settled in Europe as a political refugee. Now he was elected into the consulting committee of the Antalya conference from May 31 to June 3, the main coalition of the Syrian democratic opposition.
Q: Who promoted the Antalya conference and what is its outcome? There have been already several different conferences of the Syrian opposition or parts of it. For example some of the Muslim currents organised their own events. The idea was to stop following separate agendas but to try to reach the broadest possible unity for democracy in Syria. The main promoters were the left and liberal forces around the Damascus Declaration (DD) but the attempt of unification worked out. Out of 31 members of the consulting committee 4 members each are from the DD,  Muslim Brotherhood, the Kurds (who are predominantly leftist) and the tribes. The remaining 15 are independent personalities including also all confessions.   Q: Reports said that Adbul Halim Khaddam and Rifaat al Assad were … [read more]

“Dialogue only if killings stop”

Statement to the Syrian people: people’s uprising enters its third month
11/6/2011 · Damascus Declaration for National Democratic Change
Editor’s note: We publish this declaration because it helps to understand the political forces at work in the current uprising. We do, however, strongly disagree with the attempt of the “Damascus Declaration” to mobilise Western pressure. We believe on the contrary that liberation is only possible against imperialism which today try to indulge the movement with support of “democracy” – but we know that eventually that means subordination.
The courageous Syrian uprising enters its third month, still strong and continuing. Demonstrators took to the streets in the majority of the Syrian cities and towns on the fourth friday – the Hara’er friday – to express tribute to the four women who had been killed in Banyas, to the hundreds of mothers bereft of their killed sons, and the arrested women in the wounded Dara’a, to Damascus, Homs, Hama, Idlib, Dair az- Zor, Al- Raqqa, Al- bu- kamal- Al- Qamishli, Amuda and others. [Hara’er means free contrary to enslaved women.] This Friday witnessed the falling of six martyrs in Homs and Dara’a. This limited number of martyrs, in spite of the sacredness of Syrian blood, and in comparison with the previous weeks, can be considered a step ahead if the regime decided to drop the … [read more]