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Public Meeting Against Military intervention in Central India

Report and Resolution
27/5/2011 · Forum against the war on people
Held in Gandhi Peace Foundation, New Delhi, on 21 May 2011
A Release to the Press Today, on 21st May, Forum against War on People successfully conducted a public meeting to register strong protest against the army encroachment in Abujhmad, Bastar. The speakers included eminent political activists, writers, civil rights activists, trade union activists and media persons. All the speakers in unison registered their strongest protest against the latest move by the Indian state to build the country’s biggest army base in Abujhmad, Bastar. Although it is being called a ‘army training camp’ people are in no illusion that it is a calculated step by the Indian state to move in the army in this already militarized zone of central India. The real intension of the Indian government is clear to everyone with its repeated attempts to use both … [read more]

Egypt’s drift away from Western tutelage

Popular democratic movement thriving
26/5/2011 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
Around May First a delegation of the Anti-imperialist Camp visited representatives of the political forces that make up the democratic movement which toppled Mubarak. Our intention was to understand the dynamics of the events, to express our solidarity and to forge ties of co-operation.
Preparing for May First on Tahrir Square
What we experienced, roughly speaking, was a boiling situation and a society in turmoil. The obvious attempt of the old regime to just get rid of its head and leave things as they used to be, has failed. The popular movement is in full swing and still growing. The first new accents in foreign policy, namely to soften the embargo on Gaza and to resume ties with Tehran, indicate a clear direction.Right after the fall of the dictator we used to speak of a bloc of the old regime which at least was able to set up the constitutional referendum of March 19. But two months later, this bloc is showing severe weaknesses and signs of disintegration. There have been some trials of former high-ranking officials, and further trials are looming. All need to embrace the “revolution”, including the … [read more]

The revolt in Syria

Roots and prospects
26/5/2011 · by Hassan Khaled Chatila
The following is taken from interviews “A World to Win News Service” (AWTWNS) conducted with Hassan Khaled Chatila, a Syrian born in Damascus in 1944. He holds a doctorate in political philosophy from the University of Paris, a city where he has lived as a refugee for many years. He is a member of the Syrian Communist Action Party founded in 1975. AWTWNS has condensed and somewhat edited this material while trying to faithfully represent his views, which are his own.
Editorial note: We believe that it is not necessary to juxtapose revolution and the call for democratic reforms and dialogue. Given the limitations of the movement described by the author and the tremendous repression it is important at least for the current period to put forward by peaceful means the demand to end the one party rule and for a constituent assembly. Asking for negotiations, dialogue and debate also with the regime is a necessary attempt to counter the repression as there are no other means at hand. It can be a step for the movement to consolidate gaining more support. Moreover it is a response to the regime’s claim to hold up the banner of anti-imperialism. The people’s movement or at least its revolutionary wing can pose the question: how can you fight imperialism … [read more]

Action Alert against the unlawful and forceful land acquisition for POSCO

The callous and unaccountable Naveen government has shown it’s yet another dirty face today when the police force quietly entered Polang village in Jagatsingpur district of Odisha at wee hours to acquire land for handing over to the POSCO Company. Prior to this game-plan, the state government had informed to the media that there would be no acquision of land on 18th May 2011.
Now it’s confirmed that the state government was lying to the people of the state and create a ambience of confusion for smooth acquisition and hand over of land to the said Multinational Company (MNCs). The inference: in order to protect the interest of the MNCs, the state government could play treachery with its own people who voted it to power. Around 20 platoons of police are currently camping at Balithutha , the strategic entry point to the proposed villages area. It was informed that at around 4 a.m. today , 4 platoons of police force entered in to the Polang village and started destroying the beetle vines. The process is supervised by the district administration of Jagatsingpur and Industrial Development Corporation (IDCO). The administration is planning to destroy the … [read more]

Haiti's foreign-orchestrated election

17/5/2011 · By Roger Annis and Kevin Edmonds
Haiti's foreign-orchestrated election hands power to neo-Duvalierist Michel Martelly
Michel Martelly is closely associated with the extreme right in Haiti that twice overthrew elected government (in 1991 and 2004). He has vowed to reconstitute the notorious Armed Forces of Haiti, disbanded in 1995 due to its record of massive human rights violations (elements of which are in training and waiting for the call). He says that Haiti's economic and social development depends on convincing more foreign investors to set up shop. He told CBC Radio's The Current on April 7 that Haiti has been "going in the wrong direction for the last 25 years," a reference to the long and difficult struggle by the Haitian people to move beyond the terrible legacy of the Duvalier tyranny. The two-round electoral exercise that landed him in power was foreign-funded and inspired. The United … [read more]

Military junta preventing Gaza march

Countering sectarian strife fuelled by pro-Saudi Salafis
14/5/2011 · Anti-imperialist Camp
The Egyptian army is trying to prevent the Gaza march, which had been planned by Egyptian grassroot organisations. The activistis were not allowed to cross the Suez channel. One day before is start the Egyptian Ministry of the Interior had called to cancel this action. As under Mubarak, the Ministry based its call on reasons of national security.
An alliance of mainly leftist organisations had called for the Gaza march to stress the interrelation between Egpytian souverainty, the demands for reforms and the Palestinian question. This can also be considered as a test to the regime’s willingness to undertake reforms. The organizers planned to hold a march to Gaza starting on May 15, accompanied by several caravans of humanitarian supplies. During the last weeks, more than four thousand persons had registered for participation. The ‘freedom caravan’ was stopped on Friday evening in the city of Ismailia at the Suez channel. The supplies were confiscated and ten particpants arrested. Other five hundred participants tried during the night to bypass the army blocks on foot. Another caravan, composed of fifteen artists, was … [read more]

India: Stop War on People!

Operation Green Hunt
13/5/2011 · Forum against War on People
Operation Green Hunt is a multi-pronged attack on the people and their movements - 'Forum against War on People' appeals to the progressive and democratic sections of the society to raise a strong voice of protest and opposition to this genocidal war on people
Stop War on People! Withdraw the Central Forces! Scrap the Planned Army Bases in Bastar! Invitation to Public Meeting STOP ARMY ENCROACHMENT IN BASTAR! OPPOSE INDIAN STATE’S WAR ON PEOPLE! 3.00pm – 8.00pm, 21 May 2011 (Saturday), Gandhi Peace Foundation, DDU Marg, Near ITO The Indian state’s war on the people in the name of Operation Green Hunt (OGH) is about to complete two years. These two years have left a bloody trail of state brutalities. Soon after the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) started its second term in 2009, it was hell bent in repressing the people’s movements for their land, water, forests, and mountains. Thus it declared war against the people in the name of OGH. In the leadership of the central government, the state governments of Chhattisgarh, … [read more]

15/5 March on Gaza to challenge Egypt’s military regime

Promise to open Rafah must be fulfilled immediately
12/5/2011 · Anti-imperialist Camp
The Egyptian “Co-ordinating committee to support the Palestinian Intifada”, a broad coalition emerging from the democratic movement, has called for a march into Gaza for May 15. The mobilisation is challenging the military regime’s announcement to open the Rafah crossing at least for passenger traffic. But so far some ten days have passed without any significant change in the border regime.
The current ambiguous situation is reflecting the instable power situation in Cairo itself. The vast majority of the Egyptian people is in support of the Palestinians and want to end Egypt’s subservient role towards Israel and the US. The military regime emerging from the old systems on one side wants to keep things as much as they used to be but, on the other side needs also to respond the popular demands. Hence the half-hearted announcement of the military rulers to stop being a pillar of the creeping genocide on Gaza is already an important success of the popular revolt. Even this simple and minor promise has shaken the entire imperialist set-up of the region. Also the reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah, which had been blocked by the West, Israel and Egypt, became possible due … [read more]

Urgent Appeal from POSCO Pratirodh Sangram Samiti (PPSS)

We appeal to one and all to strongly condemn the decision of the Minister of State for Environment and Forest, Govt. of India. Mr. Jaiaram Ramesh for giving final forest and environmental clearance to POSCO Company for use of 1253 hectare of forest land in our area.
This clearance is given on the basis of compliance report made by the Odisha government which is factually and legally incorrect and misleading. Mr. Jairam Ramesh and the state government of Odisha disrespected the resolution of Palli sabha (Village council ) that opposed any handover of land to the proposed project. As per section 6 of the Forest Rights Act 2006 villagers of Dhinkia and Govindpur organised Palli Sabhas on 21st and 23rd of February 2011 respectively. We had sent the copies of the resolutions to the Odisha government authorities and the Environment Ministry for their information. The government authorities deliberately suppressed facts and declared in the government’s submission to the MOEF that such resolutions were fake and said that ‘only 69 and 64 … [read more]

Scottish First Minister supports sanctions against Israel

Salmond's positions in sharp contrast to the London Government, which attacked and invaded Iraq and Afghanistan and endorsed every Israeli crime - supports BDS
*Scotland's elections shattered political mould - SNP triumphant *The pro-war and pro-Israel Labour, Tory and Lib Dem parties punished *SNP Leader Alex Salmond tried to impeach Tony Blair for war crimes in Iraq *Scottish Government offered open access to Scottish hospitals for Palestinian victims of Operation Cast Lead *Nationalist government must be pressured to match deeds with words Scotland's elections have shattered the political mould, battered every political party other than the SNP (Scottish National Party) and given us a nationalist majority in the Edinburgh Parliament. The voting system was expressly designed to prevent such an outcome. Unlike Palestinians, though, we do not expect to be punished severely for voting in a way that London disapproves of. The Labour, … [read more]

Not on the cost of the Syrian people

An activist of Abnaa el Balad speaks on the impact of the Arab revolution
8/5/2011 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
Sayed Rian is a mechanical engineer and militant of the anti-Zionist organisation within the territory occupied in 1948 which today forms Israel. We met him in Cairo to where he travelled like us to explore the Egyptian popular movement which brought down Mubarak.
What is the impact of the Arab rebellion on the Palestinian movement within Israel? It is a great push and gives spirit and hope to the movement. It is a powerful inspiration which is already helping the resistance to grow. Furthermore it will strengthen the more determined, more radical forces whether secular or Islamic. What do you think about the reconciliation Hamas-Fatah? Some effects are positive, but not all. First Israel cannot continue to punish the resistance in co-operation with a Palestinian organisation in the same way as before. Second: Israel said not to negotiate with terrorists meaning Hamas. As Fatah is now in co-operation with Hamas, Israel already announced to stop talking to Fatah as well. Shimon Perez called the situation very sad. For the resistance this … [read more]

Occupation Courts Extend Sa'adat Isolation Again After 775 Days

The Israeli occupation courts have, once again, extended the isolation of Ahmad Sa'adat. On May 3, 2011, at a hearing in Beersheba prison, the court issued an extended isolation order until November 3, 2011. Ahmad Sa'adat, General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and Palestinian national leader, has been held in isolation since March 19, 2009 - for over two full years, over 775 days.
It is well-established that solitary confinement and isolation are dangerous and detrimental to the physical and mental health of prisoners. It is a technique frequently used against political prisoners, from the U.S.'s Guantanamo Bay and Communications Management Units, to Ben Ali's isolation cells in Tunisia, to the prisons of the occupation. Israel is a signatory to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, whose articles 10 states that "All persons deprived of their liberty shall be treated with humanity and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person." On the contrary, isolation cells deprive prisoners of human contact, recreation, and mental stimulation. Sa'adat is regularly denied family visits, newspapers, books, and information in Arabic. While … [read more]

Run for Egypt’s presidency

A first glance on the candidates
4/5/2011 · Wilhelm Langthaler
Egypt remains in turmoil. The fall of Mubarak’s tyranny sounded the starting signal for a large and deep process of transformation. With the referendum of March 19, 2011, the military council with support of the Islamic forces has frozen the popular demand for a constituent assembly. Both the parliamentary elections of September as well as the presidential elections set for the turn of year will thus take place within a substantially unchanged constitutional framework. The new president will wield de facto dictatorial powers and will thus play a pre-eminent role.
The landscape of the projected candidacies gives an idea of the current situation. In the forthcoming half years things may, however, alter radically. Amr Moussa the current secretary-general of the Arab League is the main candidate of the old regime, the military and the business elite. He tries to present himself as pro-Palestinian and in distance to the old regime. His obvious links to the Mubarak system may, however, cause severe troubles to him. General Magdy Hatata is a retired chief of staff of the Egyptian army. In case Moussa’s campaign collapses he cold be a fall back solution for the reactionary forces as the army enjoys prestige within the people. General Ahmed Bilel had protested against Egypt’s support for the Western attack on Iraq in 1991. He might be a … [read more]

Colonial aggression on Libya to stop Arab revolutions

Declaration of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance
To the masses of the Arab Nation, to all patriotic and national organisations in the Arab Homeland
On the eighth anniversary of the Zionist imperialist aggression on Iraq, the American NATO bombers and battle ships committed a cruel aggression on the Libyan territory. They are doing so in preparation to a wider plan targeting Libya’s independence and sovereignty. The armies of America, France, Britain and Italy, the supporters of the corrupt tyrant rulers in our Arab homeland, the enemies of freedom, independence, democracy, progress and justice in our Arab countries, these states are the most hypocrite, wicked and false users of human concepts and values. The West wages the aggression against Libya in the spirit of the crusaders’ hatred against the Arabs, their history and their future. It is a colonial intervention in the inner Libyan affairs in the frame of a western … [read more]

French ban on veil

Destroying freedom in the name of freedom
15/4/2011 · by John Wight
The ban on the wearing in public of the veil by Muslim women in France, which has just come into effect, brings shame to the French people and marks the latest stage in the process whereby Enlightenment values are being used to provide philosophical and political cover for the continuing isolation and stigmatisation of Muslims at home whilst bombing them overseas. It is a policy being carried out in the name of progress but which in truth is the cultural front in the ongoing war being waged by the West to assert and maintain its global hegemony.
The prospect of the French police arresting Muslim women who dare defy the ban recalls images of the Nazis doing likewise to Orthodox Jews throughout occupied Europe during the Second World War. It is a ban which damns secularism as a religion of intolerance in its own right and which institutionalises racist attacks on a vulnerable minority group. Latest opinion polls in France show that a majority are in favour of the ban. But this in no way should be taken as a positive endorsement or justification for the legislation being implemented. On the contrary it reflects the traction which right wing, racist ideas have gained within mainstream French society, just as they did within Germany as the Nazis gained influence, and just as they have throughout history within the societies of … [read more]

Anti-imperialist forces in Manipur, India, ask for support

Severe repression pass unnoticed
15/4/2011 · by Anti Imperialist Day observation Committee, Manipur
On May 7, 2008, Mr. Sapam Kangleipal Meitei was arrested at the Manipur Press Club, in Imphal, for having organised a public discussion on “Arming the Civilians and Its Possible Consequences (in Manipur)” and making statements regarding the above issue in the Sangai Express Daily dated May 6, 2008, reportedly demanding the resignation of the Chief Minister of Manipur in response to his failure in terms of governance.
Mr. Sapamcha Kangleipal was arrested on charge of “sedition against the Government” and for “undermining the security of the State”, shortly after the public discussion. Besides, the police team forced to switch off the live broadcast of the public discussion through a local cable TV network (ISTV). The police team reportedly attempted to take him away forcibly at the very outset of the discussion. Soon after Mr. Kangleipal had completed his speech, a (special) police commando team also allegedly entered the hall and a policeman with a black scarf on his face would have pulled him. However, taking advantage of the presence of media and other participants, Mr. Kangleipal sneaked away and went to the dais, where he informed the panellists of the situation and a lawyer requested … [read more]

Indian state clearing way for MNC Posco violating her own laws

Gear up to protest against the compliance report of Odisha government favoring POSCO project
15/4/2011 · by Prashant Paikray
Bijay Kumar Pattnaik, the Chief Secretary (CS), Government of Odisha announced recently (9th April 2011 ) that the state government would submit to the Ministry of Environment and Forest (MOEF), GoI on 13th of April 2011 (Wednesday) the report assuring that there are no Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (OTFDs) in the proposed POSCO area in Jagatsingur district of the state . This was the assurance sought by the MoEF for giving final clearance to the project. The CS also claimed that the state government has properly implemented Forest Rights Act 2006 in the area, which will form a part of this report.
We have all the proofs and evidences showing that we have been living here for generations and depending on the forest land for our livelihood and there are Other Traditional Forest Dwellers present in the area. Two statutory committees constituted by the MoEF i.e. N C Saxena committee and Ms. Meena Gupta Committee found out clear violation of Forest Rights Act 2006 in the area and recommended the withdrawal of phase-I forest and environmental clearance given to the project. Three Gram Sabhas of the area have passed resolutions opposing the project in our area. Despite our opposition and documentary evidences, the state government is making an brazen attempt to cover up facts and file report in favour of POSCO. It has also closed its eyes on the serious damage the project would cause on … [read more]

Anti-imperialism needs the people

Syria: Democratic rights will strengthen the Arab revolution
5/4/2011 · Anti-imperialist Camp
Syria remains the only Arab regime which maintains some anti-imperialist traits: its support to Hezbollah and the political space it offers to the Palestinian resistance movement – to name only the two most important ones. However, cementing its absolute, even dynastic powers, Bashar al-Assad is not helping the anti-imperialist cause. On the contrary, the people need fresh air to breathe, to mobilise, to prepare for the overall Arab liberation struggle against western neo-colonialism ahead.
As revolutionaries we need to think big. If we do not want to invest politically, if we shy away from necessary risks, we are doomed to lose. Right now we are witnesses to the crumbling of the imperialist architecture of the Arab world, one of the most neuralgic points of the global order. In general and especially now we need to be definitely more audacious than the imperialist elites, not less, not just clinging to hollow gains of the past. In this context we cannot bind the faith of the revolutionary anti-imperialist struggle to figures like Assad let alone Qaddhafi who only defends his own interest. The Egyptian people have brought down the most important western puppet dictator of the region. Certainly his regime remains in place, but it is at least shaken and definitely cannot do … [read more]

Fresh massacre against Indian natives by state-sponsored militia

Press release on the fact finding report of the Chintalnar massacre, 11 to 16 March 2011, Chhattisgarh
30/3/2011 · Fact finding team
A 13 member fact finding team visited the Chintalnar Area of Dantewada district in Chhattisgarh to probe into the incidents of atrocities perpetrated by the Salwa Judum and the state forces on the adivasis living in this area between 11th and 16th of March 2011.
The incidents was propagated by the police as an ‘encounter’ between the CRPF and Maoists in which according to the police 36 Maoists have been killed while 3 SPOs [Special Police Officer, member of paramilitary] got killed and 9 other SPOs were injured. The police had celebrated this incident in the media to prove their dominance over the Maoists in this region. However, media persons and fact finding teams were restricted to go inside on the pretext that it is ‘war zone’ and the so-called war between the state and the Maoists are still going on hence it is risky for any outsider to go inside. The fact finding team which comprised of various civil and democratic rights activists and other individuals, went inside this area on the 26th and 27th of March 2011. We spoke … [read more]

Stop the attack on Libya!

Liberation can only be achieved by the Libyan and Arab peoples themselves
22/3/2011 · Anti-imperialist Camp
The United States and their allies have started a neo-colonial attack on Libya, to intervene in a civil war and to install a pro-western regime, and last but not least, to halt the anti-imperialist dynamics of the democratic revolutions in the Arab world.
The rhetoric of support for the democratic movements is simply ridiculous. The best counter-example are the Gulf states. In Bahrain, they are striking at the democracy movement in a bloody crackdown in the name of order—i.e. capitalism and imperialism—and stability. The same Gulf regimes cheekily do some Arab cheerleading for the western attack. The west itself is no less dishonest. For decades they nurtured Arab dictatorships to control the region. Until the very end the west firmly stood by Mubarak in Egypt, Ben Ali in Tunisia etc., and western support for the worst dictatorship in the region—Saudi Arabia—is undounted. They had also made peace with Qaddhafi, did wonderful business with him and put him in charge of keeping unwanted African migrants out of the EU. But as … [read more]

Public Meeting Against Military intervention in Central India

Report and Resolution
27/5/2011 · Forum against the war on people
Held in Gandhi Peace Foundation, New Delhi, on 21 May 2011
A Release to the Press Today, on 21st May, Forum against War on People successfully conducted a public meeting to register strong protest against the army encroachment in Abujhmad, Bastar. The speakers included eminent political activists, writers, civil rights activists, trade union activists and media persons. All the speakers in unison registered their strongest protest against the latest move by the Indian state to build the country’s biggest army base in Abujhmad, Bastar. Although it is being called a ‘army training camp’ people are in no illusion that it is a calculated step by the Indian state to move in the army in this already militarized zone of central India. The real intension of the Indian government is clear to everyone with its repeated attempts to use both … [read more]

Egypt’s drift away from Western tutelage

Popular democratic movement thriving
26/5/2011 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
Around May First a delegation of the Anti-imperialist Camp visited representatives of the political forces that make up the democratic movement which toppled Mubarak. Our intention was to understand the dynamics of the events, to express our solidarity and to forge ties of co-operation.
Preparing for May First on Tahrir Square
What we experienced, roughly speaking, was a boiling situation and a society in turmoil. The obvious attempt of the old regime to just get rid of its head and leave things as they used to be, has failed. The popular movement is in full swing and still growing. The first new accents in foreign policy, namely to soften the embargo on Gaza and to resume ties with Tehran, indicate a clear direction.Right after the fall of the dictator we used to speak of a bloc of the old regime which at least was able to set up the constitutional referendum of March 19. But two months later, this bloc is showing severe weaknesses and signs of disintegration. There have been some trials of former high-ranking officials, and further trials are looming. All need to embrace the “revolution”, including the … [read more]

The revolt in Syria

Roots and prospects
26/5/2011 · by Hassan Khaled Chatila
The following is taken from interviews “A World to Win News Service” (AWTWNS) conducted with Hassan Khaled Chatila, a Syrian born in Damascus in 1944. He holds a doctorate in political philosophy from the University of Paris, a city where he has lived as a refugee for many years. He is a member of the Syrian Communist Action Party founded in 1975. AWTWNS has condensed and somewhat edited this material while trying to faithfully represent his views, which are his own.
Editorial note: We believe that it is not necessary to juxtapose revolution and the call for democratic reforms and dialogue. Given the limitations of the movement described by the author and the tremendous repression it is important at least for the current period to put forward by peaceful means the demand to end the one party rule and for a constituent assembly. Asking for negotiations, dialogue and debate also with the regime is a necessary attempt to counter the repression as there are no other means at hand. It can be a step for the movement to consolidate gaining more support. Moreover it is a response to the regime’s claim to hold up the banner of anti-imperialism. The people’s movement or at least its revolutionary wing can pose the question: how can you fight imperialism … [read more]

Action Alert against the unlawful and forceful land acquisition for POSCO

The callous and unaccountable Naveen government has shown it’s yet another dirty face today when the police force quietly entered Polang village in Jagatsingpur district of Odisha at wee hours to acquire land for handing over to the POSCO Company. Prior to this game-plan, the state government had informed to the media that there would be no acquision of land on 18th May 2011.
Now it’s confirmed that the state government was lying to the people of the state and create a ambience of confusion for smooth acquisition and hand over of land to the said Multinational Company (MNCs). The inference: in order to protect the interest of the MNCs, the state government could play treachery with its own people who voted it to power. Around 20 platoons of police are currently camping at Balithutha , the strategic entry point to the proposed villages area. It was informed that at around 4 a.m. today , 4 platoons of police force entered in to the Polang village and started destroying the beetle vines. The process is supervised by the district administration of Jagatsingpur and Industrial Development Corporation (IDCO). The administration is planning to destroy the … [read more]

Haiti's foreign-orchestrated election

17/5/2011 · By Roger Annis and Kevin Edmonds
Haiti's foreign-orchestrated election hands power to neo-Duvalierist Michel Martelly
Michel Martelly is closely associated with the extreme right in Haiti that twice overthrew elected government (in 1991 and 2004). He has vowed to reconstitute the notorious Armed Forces of Haiti, disbanded in 1995 due to its record of massive human rights violations (elements of which are in training and waiting for the call). He says that Haiti's economic and social development depends on convincing more foreign investors to set up shop. He told CBC Radio's The Current on April 7 that Haiti has been "going in the wrong direction for the last 25 years," a reference to the long and difficult struggle by the Haitian people to move beyond the terrible legacy of the Duvalier tyranny. The two-round electoral exercise that landed him in power was foreign-funded and inspired. The United … [read more]

Military junta preventing Gaza march

Countering sectarian strife fuelled by pro-Saudi Salafis
14/5/2011 · Anti-imperialist Camp
The Egyptian army is trying to prevent the Gaza march, which had been planned by Egyptian grassroot organisations. The activistis were not allowed to cross the Suez channel. One day before is start the Egyptian Ministry of the Interior had called to cancel this action. As under Mubarak, the Ministry based its call on reasons of national security.
An alliance of mainly leftist organisations had called for the Gaza march to stress the interrelation between Egpytian souverainty, the demands for reforms and the Palestinian question. This can also be considered as a test to the regime’s willingness to undertake reforms. The organizers planned to hold a march to Gaza starting on May 15, accompanied by several caravans of humanitarian supplies. During the last weeks, more than four thousand persons had registered for participation. The ‘freedom caravan’ was stopped on Friday evening in the city of Ismailia at the Suez channel. The supplies were confiscated and ten particpants arrested. Other five hundred participants tried during the night to bypass the army blocks on foot. Another caravan, composed of fifteen artists, was … [read more]

India: Stop War on People!

Operation Green Hunt
13/5/2011 · Forum against War on People
Operation Green Hunt is a multi-pronged attack on the people and their movements - 'Forum against War on People' appeals to the progressive and democratic sections of the society to raise a strong voice of protest and opposition to this genocidal war on people
Stop War on People! Withdraw the Central Forces! Scrap the Planned Army Bases in Bastar! Invitation to Public Meeting STOP ARMY ENCROACHMENT IN BASTAR! OPPOSE INDIAN STATE’S WAR ON PEOPLE! 3.00pm – 8.00pm, 21 May 2011 (Saturday), Gandhi Peace Foundation, DDU Marg, Near ITO The Indian state’s war on the people in the name of Operation Green Hunt (OGH) is about to complete two years. These two years have left a bloody trail of state brutalities. Soon after the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) started its second term in 2009, it was hell bent in repressing the people’s movements for their land, water, forests, and mountains. Thus it declared war against the people in the name of OGH. In the leadership of the central government, the state governments of Chhattisgarh, … [read more]

15/5 March on Gaza to challenge Egypt’s military regime

Promise to open Rafah must be fulfilled immediately
12/5/2011 · Anti-imperialist Camp
The Egyptian “Co-ordinating committee to support the Palestinian Intifada”, a broad coalition emerging from the democratic movement, has called for a march into Gaza for May 15. The mobilisation is challenging the military regime’s announcement to open the Rafah crossing at least for passenger traffic. But so far some ten days have passed without any significant change in the border regime.
The current ambiguous situation is reflecting the instable power situation in Cairo itself. The vast majority of the Egyptian people is in support of the Palestinians and want to end Egypt’s subservient role towards Israel and the US. The military regime emerging from the old systems on one side wants to keep things as much as they used to be but, on the other side needs also to respond the popular demands. Hence the half-hearted announcement of the military rulers to stop being a pillar of the creeping genocide on Gaza is already an important success of the popular revolt. Even this simple and minor promise has shaken the entire imperialist set-up of the region. Also the reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah, which had been blocked by the West, Israel and Egypt, became possible due … [read more]

Urgent Appeal from POSCO Pratirodh Sangram Samiti (PPSS)

We appeal to one and all to strongly condemn the decision of the Minister of State for Environment and Forest, Govt. of India. Mr. Jaiaram Ramesh for giving final forest and environmental clearance to POSCO Company for use of 1253 hectare of forest land in our area.
This clearance is given on the basis of compliance report made by the Odisha government which is factually and legally incorrect and misleading. Mr. Jairam Ramesh and the state government of Odisha disrespected the resolution of Palli sabha (Village council ) that opposed any handover of land to the proposed project. As per section 6 of the Forest Rights Act 2006 villagers of Dhinkia and Govindpur organised Palli Sabhas on 21st and 23rd of February 2011 respectively. We had sent the copies of the resolutions to the Odisha government authorities and the Environment Ministry for their information. The government authorities deliberately suppressed facts and declared in the government’s submission to the MOEF that such resolutions were fake and said that ‘only 69 and 64 … [read more]

Scottish First Minister supports sanctions against Israel

Salmond's positions in sharp contrast to the London Government, which attacked and invaded Iraq and Afghanistan and endorsed every Israeli crime - supports BDS
*Scotland's elections shattered political mould - SNP triumphant *The pro-war and pro-Israel Labour, Tory and Lib Dem parties punished *SNP Leader Alex Salmond tried to impeach Tony Blair for war crimes in Iraq *Scottish Government offered open access to Scottish hospitals for Palestinian victims of Operation Cast Lead *Nationalist government must be pressured to match deeds with words Scotland's elections have shattered the political mould, battered every political party other than the SNP (Scottish National Party) and given us a nationalist majority in the Edinburgh Parliament. The voting system was expressly designed to prevent such an outcome. Unlike Palestinians, though, we do not expect to be punished severely for voting in a way that London disapproves of. The Labour, … [read more]

Not on the cost of the Syrian people

An activist of Abnaa el Balad speaks on the impact of the Arab revolution
8/5/2011 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
Sayed Rian is a mechanical engineer and militant of the anti-Zionist organisation within the territory occupied in 1948 which today forms Israel. We met him in Cairo to where he travelled like us to explore the Egyptian popular movement which brought down Mubarak.
What is the impact of the Arab rebellion on the Palestinian movement within Israel? It is a great push and gives spirit and hope to the movement. It is a powerful inspiration which is already helping the resistance to grow. Furthermore it will strengthen the more determined, more radical forces whether secular or Islamic. What do you think about the reconciliation Hamas-Fatah? Some effects are positive, but not all. First Israel cannot continue to punish the resistance in co-operation with a Palestinian organisation in the same way as before. Second: Israel said not to negotiate with terrorists meaning Hamas. As Fatah is now in co-operation with Hamas, Israel already announced to stop talking to Fatah as well. Shimon Perez called the situation very sad. For the resistance this … [read more]

Occupation Courts Extend Sa'adat Isolation Again After 775 Days

The Israeli occupation courts have, once again, extended the isolation of Ahmad Sa'adat. On May 3, 2011, at a hearing in Beersheba prison, the court issued an extended isolation order until November 3, 2011. Ahmad Sa'adat, General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and Palestinian national leader, has been held in isolation since March 19, 2009 - for over two full years, over 775 days.
It is well-established that solitary confinement and isolation are dangerous and detrimental to the physical and mental health of prisoners. It is a technique frequently used against political prisoners, from the U.S.'s Guantanamo Bay and Communications Management Units, to Ben Ali's isolation cells in Tunisia, to the prisons of the occupation. Israel is a signatory to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, whose articles 10 states that "All persons deprived of their liberty shall be treated with humanity and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person." On the contrary, isolation cells deprive prisoners of human contact, recreation, and mental stimulation. Sa'adat is regularly denied family visits, newspapers, books, and information in Arabic. While … [read more]

Run for Egypt’s presidency

A first glance on the candidates
4/5/2011 · Wilhelm Langthaler
Egypt remains in turmoil. The fall of Mubarak’s tyranny sounded the starting signal for a large and deep process of transformation. With the referendum of March 19, 2011, the military council with support of the Islamic forces has frozen the popular demand for a constituent assembly. Both the parliamentary elections of September as well as the presidential elections set for the turn of year will thus take place within a substantially unchanged constitutional framework. The new president will wield de facto dictatorial powers and will thus play a pre-eminent role.
The landscape of the projected candidacies gives an idea of the current situation. In the forthcoming half years things may, however, alter radically. Amr Moussa the current secretary-general of the Arab League is the main candidate of the old regime, the military and the business elite. He tries to present himself as pro-Palestinian and in distance to the old regime. His obvious links to the Mubarak system may, however, cause severe troubles to him. General Magdy Hatata is a retired chief of staff of the Egyptian army. In case Moussa’s campaign collapses he cold be a fall back solution for the reactionary forces as the army enjoys prestige within the people. General Ahmed Bilel had protested against Egypt’s support for the Western attack on Iraq in 1991. He might be a … [read more]

Colonial aggression on Libya to stop Arab revolutions

Declaration of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance
To the masses of the Arab Nation, to all patriotic and national organisations in the Arab Homeland
On the eighth anniversary of the Zionist imperialist aggression on Iraq, the American NATO bombers and battle ships committed a cruel aggression on the Libyan territory. They are doing so in preparation to a wider plan targeting Libya’s independence and sovereignty. The armies of America, France, Britain and Italy, the supporters of the corrupt tyrant rulers in our Arab homeland, the enemies of freedom, independence, democracy, progress and justice in our Arab countries, these states are the most hypocrite, wicked and false users of human concepts and values. The West wages the aggression against Libya in the spirit of the crusaders’ hatred against the Arabs, their history and their future. It is a colonial intervention in the inner Libyan affairs in the frame of a western … [read more]

French ban on veil

Destroying freedom in the name of freedom
15/4/2011 · by John Wight
The ban on the wearing in public of the veil by Muslim women in France, which has just come into effect, brings shame to the French people and marks the latest stage in the process whereby Enlightenment values are being used to provide philosophical and political cover for the continuing isolation and stigmatisation of Muslims at home whilst bombing them overseas. It is a policy being carried out in the name of progress but which in truth is the cultural front in the ongoing war being waged by the West to assert and maintain its global hegemony.
The prospect of the French police arresting Muslim women who dare defy the ban recalls images of the Nazis doing likewise to Orthodox Jews throughout occupied Europe during the Second World War. It is a ban which damns secularism as a religion of intolerance in its own right and which institutionalises racist attacks on a vulnerable minority group. Latest opinion polls in France show that a majority are in favour of the ban. But this in no way should be taken as a positive endorsement or justification for the legislation being implemented. On the contrary it reflects the traction which right wing, racist ideas have gained within mainstream French society, just as they did within Germany as the Nazis gained influence, and just as they have throughout history within the societies of … [read more]

Anti-imperialist forces in Manipur, India, ask for support

Severe repression pass unnoticed
15/4/2011 · by Anti Imperialist Day observation Committee, Manipur
On May 7, 2008, Mr. Sapam Kangleipal Meitei was arrested at the Manipur Press Club, in Imphal, for having organised a public discussion on “Arming the Civilians and Its Possible Consequences (in Manipur)” and making statements regarding the above issue in the Sangai Express Daily dated May 6, 2008, reportedly demanding the resignation of the Chief Minister of Manipur in response to his failure in terms of governance.
Mr. Sapamcha Kangleipal was arrested on charge of “sedition against the Government” and for “undermining the security of the State”, shortly after the public discussion. Besides, the police team forced to switch off the live broadcast of the public discussion through a local cable TV network (ISTV). The police team reportedly attempted to take him away forcibly at the very outset of the discussion. Soon after Mr. Kangleipal had completed his speech, a (special) police commando team also allegedly entered the hall and a policeman with a black scarf on his face would have pulled him. However, taking advantage of the presence of media and other participants, Mr. Kangleipal sneaked away and went to the dais, where he informed the panellists of the situation and a lawyer requested … [read more]

Indian state clearing way for MNC Posco violating her own laws

Gear up to protest against the compliance report of Odisha government favoring POSCO project
15/4/2011 · by Prashant Paikray
Bijay Kumar Pattnaik, the Chief Secretary (CS), Government of Odisha announced recently (9th April 2011 ) that the state government would submit to the Ministry of Environment and Forest (MOEF), GoI on 13th of April 2011 (Wednesday) the report assuring that there are no Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (OTFDs) in the proposed POSCO area in Jagatsingur district of the state . This was the assurance sought by the MoEF for giving final clearance to the project. The CS also claimed that the state government has properly implemented Forest Rights Act 2006 in the area, which will form a part of this report.
We have all the proofs and evidences showing that we have been living here for generations and depending on the forest land for our livelihood and there are Other Traditional Forest Dwellers present in the area. Two statutory committees constituted by the MoEF i.e. N C Saxena committee and Ms. Meena Gupta Committee found out clear violation of Forest Rights Act 2006 in the area and recommended the withdrawal of phase-I forest and environmental clearance given to the project. Three Gram Sabhas of the area have passed resolutions opposing the project in our area. Despite our opposition and documentary evidences, the state government is making an brazen attempt to cover up facts and file report in favour of POSCO. It has also closed its eyes on the serious damage the project would cause on … [read more]

Anti-imperialism needs the people

Syria: Democratic rights will strengthen the Arab revolution
5/4/2011 · Anti-imperialist Camp
Syria remains the only Arab regime which maintains some anti-imperialist traits: its support to Hezbollah and the political space it offers to the Palestinian resistance movement – to name only the two most important ones. However, cementing its absolute, even dynastic powers, Bashar al-Assad is not helping the anti-imperialist cause. On the contrary, the people need fresh air to breathe, to mobilise, to prepare for the overall Arab liberation struggle against western neo-colonialism ahead.
As revolutionaries we need to think big. If we do not want to invest politically, if we shy away from necessary risks, we are doomed to lose. Right now we are witnesses to the crumbling of the imperialist architecture of the Arab world, one of the most neuralgic points of the global order. In general and especially now we need to be definitely more audacious than the imperialist elites, not less, not just clinging to hollow gains of the past. In this context we cannot bind the faith of the revolutionary anti-imperialist struggle to figures like Assad let alone Qaddhafi who only defends his own interest. The Egyptian people have brought down the most important western puppet dictator of the region. Certainly his regime remains in place, but it is at least shaken and definitely cannot do … [read more]

Fresh massacre against Indian natives by state-sponsored militia

Press release on the fact finding report of the Chintalnar massacre, 11 to 16 March 2011, Chhattisgarh
30/3/2011 · Fact finding team
A 13 member fact finding team visited the Chintalnar Area of Dantewada district in Chhattisgarh to probe into the incidents of atrocities perpetrated by the Salwa Judum and the state forces on the adivasis living in this area between 11th and 16th of March 2011.
The incidents was propagated by the police as an ‘encounter’ between the CRPF and Maoists in which according to the police 36 Maoists have been killed while 3 SPOs [Special Police Officer, member of paramilitary] got killed and 9 other SPOs were injured. The police had celebrated this incident in the media to prove their dominance over the Maoists in this region. However, media persons and fact finding teams were restricted to go inside on the pretext that it is ‘war zone’ and the so-called war between the state and the Maoists are still going on hence it is risky for any outsider to go inside. The fact finding team which comprised of various civil and democratic rights activists and other individuals, went inside this area on the 26th and 27th of March 2011. We spoke … [read more]

Stop the attack on Libya!

Liberation can only be achieved by the Libyan and Arab peoples themselves
22/3/2011 · Anti-imperialist Camp
The United States and their allies have started a neo-colonial attack on Libya, to intervene in a civil war and to install a pro-western regime, and last but not least, to halt the anti-imperialist dynamics of the democratic revolutions in the Arab world.
The rhetoric of support for the democratic movements is simply ridiculous. The best counter-example are the Gulf states. In Bahrain, they are striking at the democracy movement in a bloody crackdown in the name of order—i.e. capitalism and imperialism—and stability. The same Gulf regimes cheekily do some Arab cheerleading for the western attack. The west itself is no less dishonest. For decades they nurtured Arab dictatorships to control the region. Until the very end the west firmly stood by Mubarak in Egypt, Ben Ali in Tunisia etc., and western support for the worst dictatorship in the region—Saudi Arabia—is undounted. They had also made peace with Qaddhafi, did wonderful business with him and put him in charge of keeping unwanted African migrants out of the EU. But as … [read more]