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"We are an opposition to both authorities"

Leila Khaled visits „Sumud“ in Ein-Elhiweh
17/8/2010 · Mohammad Aburous
The brigade had a long day filming and interviewing the reality in the camp, as in the late afternoon the news arrived: Leila Khaled is surely coming this evening. Delegation participants were excited to meet what they saw as a Palestinian living legend, who performed two aircraft hijacks within less than two years (1969 and 1970), attrackting the world attention to the Palestinian cause and becoming an icon who personified Palestine in the minds of two leftiest generations.
28.07.2010 The Sumud centre was cleaned and enough chairs were prepared. Visitors from inside the camp were expected, who were also excited to meet the historical figure again. Thirty minutes before the scheduled arrival the electricity was cut. Ironic comments were heard in the dark place ‘Well, this shouldn’t be a surprise’; ‘Let’s get some candles, the meeting will be romantic’; ‘You think we should move to the PFLP office?’…. More interesting was the scene outside, as Nashet activists and two old PFLP guards neighbouring the building: - Comrade, you have an electricity generator. Can you lend us some electricity? - Our generator is too small. It barely runs the refrigerator and two lamps! - Please comrade, it is Leila Khaled coming! - And even if it was … [read more]

War threats and conclusion of a successful project

Last Report from the Sumud delegation
9/8/2010 · Elisa Wiener
Amid war threats Sumud concludes its project with screening the films produced with the youth of the camp. It met also Hezbollah' MP Ali Fayyad.
Tuesday, August 3: A new war to come? On Tuesday, we heard about the escalation at the border in the south that had happened the day before. The Israelis decided to cut a tree on the Lebanese territory because the tree didn’t allow an Israeli camera the full view on the Lebanese land which they seek to observe. The Lebanese army didn’t give the permission to cut the tree on their territory and as the Israelis did it anyway the Lebanese started to shoot. At first they shot in the air as a warning, then they shot on target. The result was three dead on the Lebanese side (two soldiers and one journalist), one on the Israeli side, many injured on both sides, and the danger of a new war to begin. In the camp we discussed about that issue with the Palestinian refugees. We wanted to … [read more]

Against the crimes on the people of Kashmir by India

Far away from their home in Kashmir, where life has been put under curfew and dead bodies of boys and girls arrive in every neighborhood, Kashmiris living in Delhi have come together to protest against the repression and killings by armed forces...
A Brief Report of the proceedings of the Sit-In on the evening of 7 August 2010 against the crimes on the people of Kashmir by the Indian State The evening of 7 August 2010 witnessed after a long long time voices of freedom from the people of Kashmir. Despite the heavy repression and the draconian laws to maim and incarcerate the people of Kashmir, to subjugate their indomitable spirit for Azadi, the evening of August 7 at the heart of Delhi just half a kilometre away from the parliament witnessed unprecedented scenes of assertion of the political will not to say genuine desire of the Kashmiri people for freedom from the exploitative and oppressive rule of the Indian State. Around six to seven hundred people had gathered including people from various peoples organisations in Delhi to … [read more]

Solidarity work goes on

Fifth Report by the Sumud delegation
Sumud delegates met a Hamas leader, improved the film work, visited the Ghassan-Kanafani-school and discuss the strategies of resistance with a PFLP leader.
Liberated Beaufort Castle in South Lebanon
Meeting Hamas Thursday evening, July 29, one part of the delegation met the Hamas leader of Beirut and Saida, Abu Achmad Alfatel while the others remained in Beirut to visit Al Akhbar Newspaper. Abu Achmad Alfatel explained the delicate situation of the Palestinian people in Gaza to the participants. Since the elections in 2006, political conditions have tightened through the extended embargo and the general isolation from the rest of the world, which makes daily life very difficult. It seems to him that the western governments were ready to accept the elections, but not the unexpected result - this gives a clear idea of western perception of democracy. Due to the 2009 war in Gaza 70% of the region is destroyed, there exist hardly any infrastructure: ‘We live like in stone age’, … [read more]

Public meeting to condemn killing of Azad

Demanding Judicial Inquiry into the Killing of Azad, the Spokesperson and Polit Bureau member of the CPI ( Maoist)
3/8/2010 ·
The cold blooded manner in which Azad was killed by the state has shocked the country, and the people responsible for it must be held accountable for it - A Report on the Public Meeting in Delhi on 3 August Demanding Judicial Inquiry into the Killing of Azad, the Spokesperson and Polit Bureau member of the CPI ( Maoist) along with Journalist Hem Chandra Pandey
Public meeting New Dehli
2 PM, 3RD AUGUST 2010, RAJENDRA BHAVAN, DEEN DAYAL UPADHYAY MARG, NEW DELHI The Public Meeting to demand the judicial enquiry into the killings of Azad, the spokesperson and Polit Bureau member of the CPI (Maoist) along with journalist Hem Chandra Pandey at Rajendra Bhavan, New Delhi was addressed by a large number of prominent citizens in the presence of packed auditorium. Dr. B D Sharma, former National Commissioner for Scheduled Castes and Tribes of Government of India chaired the public meeting and started the proceedings of the meeting by calling upon the audience to observe one minute’s silence in commemoration of Azad and Hem Chandra Pandey. Dr Anup Saraya a well-known doctor and democratic rights activist convened the meeting to start it proceedings. G N Saibaba, … [read more]

Indian Call for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel

All signs indicate that Israel is starting to take seriously the threat of Palestine solidarity activists, the types of people brushed off for so long by media and policymakers as marginal and irrelevant.
Now, Israel is moving towards the criminal prosecution of those who advocate Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) as tools to press Israeli compliance with international law and norms in its Apartheid rule and occupation of the Palestinian people. It is targeting BDS activists for lengthy interrogations and arrest for nonviolent resistance. Its diplomats are considering intervening against BDS successes in localities, such as Olympia, Washington, where a food coop joined the boycott of Israeli goods. This movement, people must understand, is spurned by the failure of governments to bring justice to the Palestinians, a point recently made by Antony Lowenstein. As BDS grows, it’s shaping up as a truly global movement. This is an open call from Indian academics, writers and … [read more]

Beirut and South Lebanon: Sumud visits memorials of martyrdom and victory, Part II

South Lebanon: on the footsteps of the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance
3/8/2010 · Mohammad Aburous
Martyrdom and victory are the two faces of the same coin, mostly. The rather sad visits to the martyrs memorials in Beirut were necessary to understand the historical process the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance had to pass through, until a victory could be realised in 2000 by the Israeli unconditional withdrawal from South Lebanon. The war of 2006 was a second victory of the resistance, who was able to humiliate the Israeli army and survive its fierce offensive. In this spirit, the delegation moved on to the South on Friday morning 30th July.
Hezbollah victory exposition in Mlita
First stop was the village Maghdusheh up the hill above the camp. In 1986, the village had witnessed one of the most crucial battles of the Palestinian resistance against the then pro-Syrien Amal militia. The Palestinian counter-attack to take over the hill put an end to months of a starvation siege imposed by Amal, forcing a cease-fire and free access to the camp. After this short stop, the group moved on to Mlita, which was an important starting point of the Hezbollah guerilla actions during the fights to liberate South Lebanon. There, a war exposition is established in a formal mountain military base of Hezbollah. Destroyed and abandoned tanks, canons, armored cars and weapons of the Israeli army and the collaborator South Lebanese army are exposed. Resistance weapons, tunnel … [read more]

Beirut and South Lebanon: Sumud visits memorials of martyrdom and , Part I

Beirut: Martyr memorials and the load of history
3/8/2010 · Mohammad Aburous
On the morning of Thursday, July 29th, Sumud’s delegation, Nashet’s activists and the young participants of the short-film workshop headed to Beirut, where visits of specific places and Palestinian and Lebanese political forces were scheduled.
The first station was the Market of Sabra. Sabra is a poor district of Beirut, which has merged together with the Palstinian refugee Camp Shatila. In Sabra, the population is mixed: Lebanese of all confessions, Palestinian and other poor foreigners live there. Sabra and Shatila are considered as one and the same place, in particular when mentioning the 1982 massacre. At Sabra Market one can find “everything”. The deeper you go into the long market street, things become cheaper and more illegal. The delegation headed from there to Shatila. Different than Ein El Hilweh, Shatila camp is accessible. No checkpoints and ID controls by the Lebanese army are present. The camp was demilitarised in the context of the end of the Lebanese civil war in 1991. Nevertheless, the situation of the … [read more]

Film workshop hunts every-day-life in the refugee camp

2nd report by the int'l Sumud brigade 2010 in Ein el Hilweh, Lebanon
30/7/2010 · Elisa, Ulrike & Mohammad
Already on Sunday evening, the first brain storming supplied the basic idea of the documentary film. The link between the short film workshop for the youth and the documentary film of the international participants could be elegantly established by the idea of turning selected teenagers into the main film character: Show me YOUR camp!
In this way, the teenager, also making his own short film, will show the place which formed his personality and options: the camp. Along with two selected teenagers, the every-day-life of youth in the camp is to be shown. By this the audience can get an impression of the situation, the daily struggles and they ways and means to succeed them. The arrival of Arab Lotfi, the Lebanese film maker and the leader of the work shop meant the actual beginning of the workshop. A summarized presentation of the film concept and a discussion with Ms. Lotfi took place. Teams were formed to cover the themes. For the first shooting days, two teams were to collect images inside the camp, while the third was to deliver scenes of the surroundings, the surrounding fences and from the hill above. After an … [read more]

Sumud gives first signals of solidarity and starts film workshop

First Report from the international brigade 2010 in Ein el Hilweh, Lebanon
30/7/2010 · Elisa Wiener and Mohammad Aburous
Members of the Sumud 2010 Delegation arrived in Beirut and Sidon, where Nashet activists were awaiting them to accompany them to the Palestinian refugee camp Ein el Helweh. 17 participants had made their way from Austria, Germany and Italy to Lebanon to send a signal of constructive, creative and political solidarity. The delegation is accommodated in the Sumud Centre, which was renovated in 2009 in the course of the first Sumud volontary mission.
Straight after the arrival work began. The missing facilities for the multi media centre were purchased. After a first get together, Nashet organised a tour through the Camp. Those delegation members who had already taken part in the mission 2009 were immediately recognised by the inhabitants who welcomed them warmly. This first tour through the Camp allowed for an important impression of the Camp’s intensive political history and present. Posters and pictures of martyrs are everywhere, as well as symbols of Palestinian organisations and banners with political slogans. The Camp means to leave Lebanese normality. Palestine starts here. During the tour, the delegation stopped for a short visit in the PFLP office. It was welcomed by spokesman Abu Bassel who gave an introductory speech … [read more]

Protest against the Killing of Azad, Spokesperson of CPI (Maoist)

Public Meeting
Azad, the spokesperson of the Central Committee of CPI (Maoist) along with a freelance journalist, Hemant Pandey from Delhi was murdered in cold blood in the early hours of 2 July 2010
CONSTITUTE JUDICIAL INQUIRY INTO THEIR KILLINGS IMMEDIATELY Rajendra Bhawan, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg 2PM, 3 August 2010 Speakers: Agnivesh, Amit Bhaduri Arundhati Roy Ashish Gupta/ PUDR B D Sharma G Haragopal G N Saibaba Jagmohan Manoranjan Mohanty Mehar Engineer Mrigank PC Tiwari Rajender Sachar/ Pushkar Raj/ PUCL Rajkishore, RDF SAR Geelani Satnam Sujato Bhadro Neelabh Pankaj Bisht Sumit Chakravartty Varavara Rao And Others Azad, the spokesperson of the Central Committee of CPI (Maoist) along with a freelance journalist, Hemant Pandey from Delhi was murdered in cold blood in the early hours of 2 July 2010. The circumstantial evidence clearly shows that both were caught in Nagpur by Central and Andhra Pradesh intelligence agencies in a joint … [read more]

One state solution advancing

Haifa conference amid decay of left Zionism
28/7/2010 · Willi Langthaler
From May 28 to 30, 2010, the “Second Conference for a Secular Democratic State in Historic Palestine and the Right to Return” took place. Both regarding the number of participants as well as the political broadness the conference was a considerable success. The obvious failure of the two-state formula, the unabated Zionist land grab has completely unmasked “left” Zionism. More and more people, including Jews both from within Israel and across the globe, embrace the perspective of one common democratic state no more colonising the Arabs.
In total some 1,000 people attended. There was the Arab left represented by personalities like Omar Barghouti, the coordinator of the campaign for Boycott, Disinvestment and Sanctions (BDS), Jamal Jumaa of Stop the Wall, Heidar Eid (by video link from Gaza), a political leader of the campaign to lift the blockade, recognised across the factions, or Abd el-Latif Gheith, chairman of the prisoners support association Adameer from Jerusalem (also by internet transmission) – to name only a few. Ahmed Saadat, leader of the PFLP lingering in Zionist jail, sent an address. A good portion of the participants came from Abnaa el-Balad, “children of the land”, the engine of the committee for a secular democratic state. There were also several Jewish Israeli partcipants like the professors Ilan … [read more]

Campaign to Condemn the Assassination of Azad, spokesperson of CPI (Maoist)

(Statement to be endorsed by Organisations and Individuals)
13/7/2010 ·
On July 1, 2010 the special police branch of the Indian state assassinated in cold blood, Azad, (Cherukuri Rajkumar) the spokesperson of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) having earlier forcefully abducted him and Hem Chandra Pandey, a freelance journalist accompanying him. Both were tortured and executed and their bodies dropped and left in a distant forest. Yet the state and the media at its disposal claim that the two were killed in an “armed encounter”.
Maoists detained west bengal
The assassination of Azad is a continuation of state terror and war on the people of India. This act exposes the disinformation campaign surrounding the state’s “ceasefire” proposal, which is nothing but a deception by the Government of India. It puts a spotlight on the real intentions of the regime in launching “Operation Green Hunt” which has turned the whole of India into a war zone and hurled the unrestrained brutality of 250,000 paramilitary and police forces against the people, in its attempts to auction off the natural resources of the country. Those in power in India know full well that the brutal abduction and killing of Azad and other popular leaders of the resistance will deter neither the tribal people nor his party the CPI (Maoist) nor any who oppose the … [read more]

One Democratic State Haifa II Conference

From May 28-31, 2010, the „Second Haifa Conference for One Democratic Secular State and the Right to Return” took place. It was an extraordinary event both in terms of participation as well as in political range. Various forces from Palestinian and Jewish background attended. The success of the initiative is also due to the fact of the death struggle of leftist Zionism which gives way for an unprecedented de-Zionisation. As Anti-imperialist Camp we do not only predict the growth of the movement for one democratic state but will actively take part on it. … [read more]

Sumud mission Ain el Hilweh

Voluntary work in a Palestinian refugee camp
Event: 18/10/2024
In August 2009, an international youth brigade visited the Palestinian refugee camp of Ein El-Hilweh starting the joint project of Sumud and the Palestinian-Lebanese association Nashet.
Palestinian and European youth worked jointly in renovating a building, which had been destroyed in the successive sieges and bombardments of the camp. The restored building became a multipurpose community centre, a place of interchange, memory and civil commitment, a meeting point for all the young Palestinian of the refugee camp: the Cultural Centre “Sumud”. This year, Sumud starts the second phase: a new brigade will go to the camp. With the help of the collected donations, further restoration and furnishing works will be carried out in the centre. The target of this year is even more ambitious: beside the voluntary works in the building, a film making workshop will be held for Palestinian and Lebanese youth, as well as for the international volunteers, whose task will also be … [read more]

Wings of Solidarity

Conference on Volontary Service
Event: 18/10/2024
In a society shaped by egoism and indifference, new experiences of social engagement, voluntary service and brotherhood/sisterhood emerge.
Sumud discusses with ’Aiutiamoli a Vivere’ (’Let’s help them to live’) - ’Gazzella ONLUS’ (’Gazelle - Non-Profit Association’) - ’Ragazzi Missionari’ (’Missionary Youth’) - ’Peace Reporter’ - Friday, July 9 16.00 – Arrival at Isola Polvese, move into accommodation, get together 20.00 – Dinner 21.00 – Short presentation of the week-end: programme, profile and objectives 22.00 – Screening of a documentary film by the greek film director Nikos Klitsikas on Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon Saturday, July 10 The day is dedicated to the presentation of the participating organisations’ experiences. Each session will start with a … [read more]

Israel bans Egyptian convoy from Gaza

Despite public claims Mubarak continues to support the blockade
12/6/2010 · Popular Egyptian Convoy to break the siege of Gaza
A convoy organized by Egypt’s political forces took off to Rafah, 11 June, in an effort to end the blockade imposed on Gaza since 2007.
Carrying approximately 310 passengers -including workers, students, public figures and activists- the convoy was packed with symbolic food supplies which the besieged strip is deprived of, as a result of the Israeli-imposed siege and Egypt’s refusal to allow these banned items through. The convoy was co-organized by various Egyptian entities including syndicates; political parties and organizations active in supporting the Palestinian cause. Our convoy action came in light of Egypt’s decision on 1 June 2010 to “open” the Rafah border crossing “indefinitely.” If applied as spin-doctors marketed it to public opinion, Egypt’s pledge would practically end the siege of Gaza and the suffering of its people, which is why it was hailed by the state-run media as a “master … [read more]

On the results of the 2nd Haifa Conference

Letter by Abnaa elBalad Movement
Dear Participants and Supporters of the 2nd Haifa conference for the Return of the Palestinian Refugees and the Democratic Secular State in Historic Palestine,
We thank the many hundreds of dedicated activists for the rights of the Palestinian people and for justice and freedom that made the long way from different parts of Palestine and from all over the world and shared with us their enthusiasm and insights through three long days of networking, discussions and commitment to struggle together for the just cause. We thank the many hundreds of organizations and individuals that couldn’t come to attend the conference but send us their warm greetings and supportive messages or signed the petition in support of the goals of the conference. We want to assure all of you that our common effort was not in vain. The conference was an important step forward for analyzing the roots of the racist regime, critically study many different experiences … [read more]

CPI (Maoist) and PCAPA deny involvement in train derailment

7/6/2010 · G N Saibaba, Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF), India
The Gnaneshwari Express on 28 May 2010 and a goods train tragedy near Kharagpur in West Bengal in which 80 people were killed and 200 injured was attributed to CPI(Maoist) and Peoples Committee Against Police Atrocities (PCAPA) by the media. The media unscrupulously played false news stories blaming CPI (Maoist) and Peoples Committee for two days. Some political parties like Trinomial Congress and the ruling CPI(Marxist) also blamed these organisations without any verification. Significantly Union Home Minister Chidambaram has declined to attribute the blame on the CPI (Maoist) and also announced that there was no evidence of any bomb blast in the incident.
The Union Home Minister has ordered an enquiry to find out any possibility of sabotage. During the day the leaders of CPI (Maoist) clarified through a long statement that they were not responsible for the train tragedy and condemned any possible sabotage work if any force involved behind the incident. They have also expressed their condolences for the families of deceased. The PCAPA also clarified that their activists are not involved in this incident. They suspected the ruling CPI(Marxist) to have been involved in the sabotage desperately trying to tilt the public opinion against the fighting forces. Purposefully the media did not cover the statement issued by the CPI (Maoist) while playing the false stories and commentaries blaming the CPI (Maoist) for the incident. Some all India … [read more]

New Sumud mission to Palestinian refugee camp

Ain el Hilweh, Lebanon, summer 2010: Creative, constructive and political solidarity
In August 2009, an international youth brigade visited the Palestinian refugee camp of Ein El-Hilweh starting the joint project of Sumud and the Palestinian-Lebanese association Nashet.
Palestinian and European youth worked jointly in renovating a building, which had been destroyed in the successive sieges and bombardments of the camp. The restored building became a multipurpose community centre, a place of interchange, memory and civil commitment, a meeting point for all the young Palestinian of the refugee camp: the Cultural Centre “Sumud”. This year, Sumud starts the second phase: a new brigade will go to the camp. With the help of the collected donations, further restoration and furnishing works will be carried out in the centre. The target of this year is even more ambitious: beside the voluntary works in the building, a film making workshop will be held for Palestinian and Lebanese youth, as well as for the international volunteers, whose task will also be … [read more]

"We are an opposition to both authorities"

Leila Khaled visits „Sumud“ in Ein-Elhiweh
17/8/2010 · Mohammad Aburous
The brigade had a long day filming and interviewing the reality in the camp, as in the late afternoon the news arrived: Leila Khaled is surely coming this evening. Delegation participants were excited to meet what they saw as a Palestinian living legend, who performed two aircraft hijacks within less than two years (1969 and 1970), attrackting the world attention to the Palestinian cause and becoming an icon who personified Palestine in the minds of two leftiest generations.
28.07.2010 The Sumud centre was cleaned and enough chairs were prepared. Visitors from inside the camp were expected, who were also excited to meet the historical figure again. Thirty minutes before the scheduled arrival the electricity was cut. Ironic comments were heard in the dark place ‘Well, this shouldn’t be a surprise’; ‘Let’s get some candles, the meeting will be romantic’; ‘You think we should move to the PFLP office?’…. More interesting was the scene outside, as Nashet activists and two old PFLP guards neighbouring the building: - Comrade, you have an electricity generator. Can you lend us some electricity? - Our generator is too small. It barely runs the refrigerator and two lamps! - Please comrade, it is Leila Khaled coming! - And even if it was … [read more]

War threats and conclusion of a successful project

Last Report from the Sumud delegation
9/8/2010 · Elisa Wiener
Amid war threats Sumud concludes its project with screening the films produced with the youth of the camp. It met also Hezbollah' MP Ali Fayyad.
Tuesday, August 3: A new war to come? On Tuesday, we heard about the escalation at the border in the south that had happened the day before. The Israelis decided to cut a tree on the Lebanese territory because the tree didn’t allow an Israeli camera the full view on the Lebanese land which they seek to observe. The Lebanese army didn’t give the permission to cut the tree on their territory and as the Israelis did it anyway the Lebanese started to shoot. At first they shot in the air as a warning, then they shot on target. The result was three dead on the Lebanese side (two soldiers and one journalist), one on the Israeli side, many injured on both sides, and the danger of a new war to begin. In the camp we discussed about that issue with the Palestinian refugees. We wanted to … [read more]

Against the crimes on the people of Kashmir by India

Far away from their home in Kashmir, where life has been put under curfew and dead bodies of boys and girls arrive in every neighborhood, Kashmiris living in Delhi have come together to protest against the repression and killings by armed forces...
A Brief Report of the proceedings of the Sit-In on the evening of 7 August 2010 against the crimes on the people of Kashmir by the Indian State The evening of 7 August 2010 witnessed after a long long time voices of freedom from the people of Kashmir. Despite the heavy repression and the draconian laws to maim and incarcerate the people of Kashmir, to subjugate their indomitable spirit for Azadi, the evening of August 7 at the heart of Delhi just half a kilometre away from the parliament witnessed unprecedented scenes of assertion of the political will not to say genuine desire of the Kashmiri people for freedom from the exploitative and oppressive rule of the Indian State. Around six to seven hundred people had gathered including people from various peoples organisations in Delhi to … [read more]

Solidarity work goes on

Fifth Report by the Sumud delegation
Sumud delegates met a Hamas leader, improved the film work, visited the Ghassan-Kanafani-school and discuss the strategies of resistance with a PFLP leader.
Liberated Beaufort Castle in South Lebanon
Meeting Hamas Thursday evening, July 29, one part of the delegation met the Hamas leader of Beirut and Saida, Abu Achmad Alfatel while the others remained in Beirut to visit Al Akhbar Newspaper. Abu Achmad Alfatel explained the delicate situation of the Palestinian people in Gaza to the participants. Since the elections in 2006, political conditions have tightened through the extended embargo and the general isolation from the rest of the world, which makes daily life very difficult. It seems to him that the western governments were ready to accept the elections, but not the unexpected result - this gives a clear idea of western perception of democracy. Due to the 2009 war in Gaza 70% of the region is destroyed, there exist hardly any infrastructure: ‘We live like in stone age’, … [read more]

Public meeting to condemn killing of Azad

Demanding Judicial Inquiry into the Killing of Azad, the Spokesperson and Polit Bureau member of the CPI ( Maoist)
3/8/2010 ·
The cold blooded manner in which Azad was killed by the state has shocked the country, and the people responsible for it must be held accountable for it - A Report on the Public Meeting in Delhi on 3 August Demanding Judicial Inquiry into the Killing of Azad, the Spokesperson and Polit Bureau member of the CPI ( Maoist) along with Journalist Hem Chandra Pandey
Public meeting New Dehli
2 PM, 3RD AUGUST 2010, RAJENDRA BHAVAN, DEEN DAYAL UPADHYAY MARG, NEW DELHI The Public Meeting to demand the judicial enquiry into the killings of Azad, the spokesperson and Polit Bureau member of the CPI (Maoist) along with journalist Hem Chandra Pandey at Rajendra Bhavan, New Delhi was addressed by a large number of prominent citizens in the presence of packed auditorium. Dr. B D Sharma, former National Commissioner for Scheduled Castes and Tribes of Government of India chaired the public meeting and started the proceedings of the meeting by calling upon the audience to observe one minute’s silence in commemoration of Azad and Hem Chandra Pandey. Dr Anup Saraya a well-known doctor and democratic rights activist convened the meeting to start it proceedings. G N Saibaba, … [read more]

Indian Call for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel

All signs indicate that Israel is starting to take seriously the threat of Palestine solidarity activists, the types of people brushed off for so long by media and policymakers as marginal and irrelevant.
Now, Israel is moving towards the criminal prosecution of those who advocate Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) as tools to press Israeli compliance with international law and norms in its Apartheid rule and occupation of the Palestinian people. It is targeting BDS activists for lengthy interrogations and arrest for nonviolent resistance. Its diplomats are considering intervening against BDS successes in localities, such as Olympia, Washington, where a food coop joined the boycott of Israeli goods. This movement, people must understand, is spurned by the failure of governments to bring justice to the Palestinians, a point recently made by Antony Lowenstein. As BDS grows, it’s shaping up as a truly global movement. This is an open call from Indian academics, writers and … [read more]

Beirut and South Lebanon: Sumud visits memorials of martyrdom and victory, Part II

South Lebanon: on the footsteps of the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance
3/8/2010 · Mohammad Aburous
Martyrdom and victory are the two faces of the same coin, mostly. The rather sad visits to the martyrs memorials in Beirut were necessary to understand the historical process the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance had to pass through, until a victory could be realised in 2000 by the Israeli unconditional withdrawal from South Lebanon. The war of 2006 was a second victory of the resistance, who was able to humiliate the Israeli army and survive its fierce offensive. In this spirit, the delegation moved on to the South on Friday morning 30th July.
Hezbollah victory exposition in Mlita
First stop was the village Maghdusheh up the hill above the camp. In 1986, the village had witnessed one of the most crucial battles of the Palestinian resistance against the then pro-Syrien Amal militia. The Palestinian counter-attack to take over the hill put an end to months of a starvation siege imposed by Amal, forcing a cease-fire and free access to the camp. After this short stop, the group moved on to Mlita, which was an important starting point of the Hezbollah guerilla actions during the fights to liberate South Lebanon. There, a war exposition is established in a formal mountain military base of Hezbollah. Destroyed and abandoned tanks, canons, armored cars and weapons of the Israeli army and the collaborator South Lebanese army are exposed. Resistance weapons, tunnel … [read more]

Beirut and South Lebanon: Sumud visits memorials of martyrdom and , Part I

Beirut: Martyr memorials and the load of history
3/8/2010 · Mohammad Aburous
On the morning of Thursday, July 29th, Sumud’s delegation, Nashet’s activists and the young participants of the short-film workshop headed to Beirut, where visits of specific places and Palestinian and Lebanese political forces were scheduled.
The first station was the Market of Sabra. Sabra is a poor district of Beirut, which has merged together with the Palstinian refugee Camp Shatila. In Sabra, the population is mixed: Lebanese of all confessions, Palestinian and other poor foreigners live there. Sabra and Shatila are considered as one and the same place, in particular when mentioning the 1982 massacre. At Sabra Market one can find “everything”. The deeper you go into the long market street, things become cheaper and more illegal. The delegation headed from there to Shatila. Different than Ein El Hilweh, Shatila camp is accessible. No checkpoints and ID controls by the Lebanese army are present. The camp was demilitarised in the context of the end of the Lebanese civil war in 1991. Nevertheless, the situation of the … [read more]

Film workshop hunts every-day-life in the refugee camp

2nd report by the int'l Sumud brigade 2010 in Ein el Hilweh, Lebanon
30/7/2010 · Elisa, Ulrike & Mohammad
Already on Sunday evening, the first brain storming supplied the basic idea of the documentary film. The link between the short film workshop for the youth and the documentary film of the international participants could be elegantly established by the idea of turning selected teenagers into the main film character: Show me YOUR camp!
In this way, the teenager, also making his own short film, will show the place which formed his personality and options: the camp. Along with two selected teenagers, the every-day-life of youth in the camp is to be shown. By this the audience can get an impression of the situation, the daily struggles and they ways and means to succeed them. The arrival of Arab Lotfi, the Lebanese film maker and the leader of the work shop meant the actual beginning of the workshop. A summarized presentation of the film concept and a discussion with Ms. Lotfi took place. Teams were formed to cover the themes. For the first shooting days, two teams were to collect images inside the camp, while the third was to deliver scenes of the surroundings, the surrounding fences and from the hill above. After an … [read more]

Sumud gives first signals of solidarity and starts film workshop

First Report from the international brigade 2010 in Ein el Hilweh, Lebanon
30/7/2010 · Elisa Wiener and Mohammad Aburous
Members of the Sumud 2010 Delegation arrived in Beirut and Sidon, where Nashet activists were awaiting them to accompany them to the Palestinian refugee camp Ein el Helweh. 17 participants had made their way from Austria, Germany and Italy to Lebanon to send a signal of constructive, creative and political solidarity. The delegation is accommodated in the Sumud Centre, which was renovated in 2009 in the course of the first Sumud volontary mission.
Straight after the arrival work began. The missing facilities for the multi media centre were purchased. After a first get together, Nashet organised a tour through the Camp. Those delegation members who had already taken part in the mission 2009 were immediately recognised by the inhabitants who welcomed them warmly. This first tour through the Camp allowed for an important impression of the Camp’s intensive political history and present. Posters and pictures of martyrs are everywhere, as well as symbols of Palestinian organisations and banners with political slogans. The Camp means to leave Lebanese normality. Palestine starts here. During the tour, the delegation stopped for a short visit in the PFLP office. It was welcomed by spokesman Abu Bassel who gave an introductory speech … [read more]

Protest against the Killing of Azad, Spokesperson of CPI (Maoist)

Public Meeting
Azad, the spokesperson of the Central Committee of CPI (Maoist) along with a freelance journalist, Hemant Pandey from Delhi was murdered in cold blood in the early hours of 2 July 2010
CONSTITUTE JUDICIAL INQUIRY INTO THEIR KILLINGS IMMEDIATELY Rajendra Bhawan, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg 2PM, 3 August 2010 Speakers: Agnivesh, Amit Bhaduri Arundhati Roy Ashish Gupta/ PUDR B D Sharma G Haragopal G N Saibaba Jagmohan Manoranjan Mohanty Mehar Engineer Mrigank PC Tiwari Rajender Sachar/ Pushkar Raj/ PUCL Rajkishore, RDF SAR Geelani Satnam Sujato Bhadro Neelabh Pankaj Bisht Sumit Chakravartty Varavara Rao And Others Azad, the spokesperson of the Central Committee of CPI (Maoist) along with a freelance journalist, Hemant Pandey from Delhi was murdered in cold blood in the early hours of 2 July 2010. The circumstantial evidence clearly shows that both were caught in Nagpur by Central and Andhra Pradesh intelligence agencies in a joint … [read more]

One state solution advancing

Haifa conference amid decay of left Zionism
28/7/2010 · Willi Langthaler
From May 28 to 30, 2010, the “Second Conference for a Secular Democratic State in Historic Palestine and the Right to Return” took place. Both regarding the number of participants as well as the political broadness the conference was a considerable success. The obvious failure of the two-state formula, the unabated Zionist land grab has completely unmasked “left” Zionism. More and more people, including Jews both from within Israel and across the globe, embrace the perspective of one common democratic state no more colonising the Arabs.
In total some 1,000 people attended. There was the Arab left represented by personalities like Omar Barghouti, the coordinator of the campaign for Boycott, Disinvestment and Sanctions (BDS), Jamal Jumaa of Stop the Wall, Heidar Eid (by video link from Gaza), a political leader of the campaign to lift the blockade, recognised across the factions, or Abd el-Latif Gheith, chairman of the prisoners support association Adameer from Jerusalem (also by internet transmission) – to name only a few. Ahmed Saadat, leader of the PFLP lingering in Zionist jail, sent an address. A good portion of the participants came from Abnaa el-Balad, “children of the land”, the engine of the committee for a secular democratic state. There were also several Jewish Israeli partcipants like the professors Ilan … [read more]

Campaign to Condemn the Assassination of Azad, spokesperson of CPI (Maoist)

(Statement to be endorsed by Organisations and Individuals)
13/7/2010 ·
On July 1, 2010 the special police branch of the Indian state assassinated in cold blood, Azad, (Cherukuri Rajkumar) the spokesperson of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) having earlier forcefully abducted him and Hem Chandra Pandey, a freelance journalist accompanying him. Both were tortured and executed and their bodies dropped and left in a distant forest. Yet the state and the media at its disposal claim that the two were killed in an “armed encounter”.
Maoists detained west bengal
The assassination of Azad is a continuation of state terror and war on the people of India. This act exposes the disinformation campaign surrounding the state’s “ceasefire” proposal, which is nothing but a deception by the Government of India. It puts a spotlight on the real intentions of the regime in launching “Operation Green Hunt” which has turned the whole of India into a war zone and hurled the unrestrained brutality of 250,000 paramilitary and police forces against the people, in its attempts to auction off the natural resources of the country. Those in power in India know full well that the brutal abduction and killing of Azad and other popular leaders of the resistance will deter neither the tribal people nor his party the CPI (Maoist) nor any who oppose the … [read more]

One Democratic State Haifa II Conference

From May 28-31, 2010, the „Second Haifa Conference for One Democratic Secular State and the Right to Return” took place. It was an extraordinary event both in terms of participation as well as in political range. Various forces from Palestinian and Jewish background attended. The success of the initiative is also due to the fact of the death struggle of leftist Zionism which gives way for an unprecedented de-Zionisation. As Anti-imperialist Camp we do not only predict the growth of the movement for one democratic state but will actively take part on it. … [read more]

Sumud mission Ain el Hilweh

Voluntary work in a Palestinian refugee camp
Event: 18/10/2024
In August 2009, an international youth brigade visited the Palestinian refugee camp of Ein El-Hilweh starting the joint project of Sumud and the Palestinian-Lebanese association Nashet.
Palestinian and European youth worked jointly in renovating a building, which had been destroyed in the successive sieges and bombardments of the camp. The restored building became a multipurpose community centre, a place of interchange, memory and civil commitment, a meeting point for all the young Palestinian of the refugee camp: the Cultural Centre “Sumud”. This year, Sumud starts the second phase: a new brigade will go to the camp. With the help of the collected donations, further restoration and furnishing works will be carried out in the centre. The target of this year is even more ambitious: beside the voluntary works in the building, a film making workshop will be held for Palestinian and Lebanese youth, as well as for the international volunteers, whose task will also be … [read more]

Wings of Solidarity

Conference on Volontary Service
Event: 18/10/2024
In a society shaped by egoism and indifference, new experiences of social engagement, voluntary service and brotherhood/sisterhood emerge.
Sumud discusses with ’Aiutiamoli a Vivere’ (’Let’s help them to live’) - ’Gazzella ONLUS’ (’Gazelle - Non-Profit Association’) - ’Ragazzi Missionari’ (’Missionary Youth’) - ’Peace Reporter’ - Friday, July 9 16.00 – Arrival at Isola Polvese, move into accommodation, get together 20.00 – Dinner 21.00 – Short presentation of the week-end: programme, profile and objectives 22.00 – Screening of a documentary film by the greek film director Nikos Klitsikas on Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon Saturday, July 10 The day is dedicated to the presentation of the participating organisations’ experiences. Each session will start with a … [read more]

Israel bans Egyptian convoy from Gaza

Despite public claims Mubarak continues to support the blockade
12/6/2010 · Popular Egyptian Convoy to break the siege of Gaza
A convoy organized by Egypt’s political forces took off to Rafah, 11 June, in an effort to end the blockade imposed on Gaza since 2007.
Carrying approximately 310 passengers -including workers, students, public figures and activists- the convoy was packed with symbolic food supplies which the besieged strip is deprived of, as a result of the Israeli-imposed siege and Egypt’s refusal to allow these banned items through. The convoy was co-organized by various Egyptian entities including syndicates; political parties and organizations active in supporting the Palestinian cause. Our convoy action came in light of Egypt’s decision on 1 June 2010 to “open” the Rafah border crossing “indefinitely.” If applied as spin-doctors marketed it to public opinion, Egypt’s pledge would practically end the siege of Gaza and the suffering of its people, which is why it was hailed by the state-run media as a “master … [read more]

On the results of the 2nd Haifa Conference

Letter by Abnaa elBalad Movement
Dear Participants and Supporters of the 2nd Haifa conference for the Return of the Palestinian Refugees and the Democratic Secular State in Historic Palestine,
We thank the many hundreds of dedicated activists for the rights of the Palestinian people and for justice and freedom that made the long way from different parts of Palestine and from all over the world and shared with us their enthusiasm and insights through three long days of networking, discussions and commitment to struggle together for the just cause. We thank the many hundreds of organizations and individuals that couldn’t come to attend the conference but send us their warm greetings and supportive messages or signed the petition in support of the goals of the conference. We want to assure all of you that our common effort was not in vain. The conference was an important step forward for analyzing the roots of the racist regime, critically study many different experiences … [read more]

CPI (Maoist) and PCAPA deny involvement in train derailment

7/6/2010 · G N Saibaba, Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF), India
The Gnaneshwari Express on 28 May 2010 and a goods train tragedy near Kharagpur in West Bengal in which 80 people were killed and 200 injured was attributed to CPI(Maoist) and Peoples Committee Against Police Atrocities (PCAPA) by the media. The media unscrupulously played false news stories blaming CPI (Maoist) and Peoples Committee for two days. Some political parties like Trinomial Congress and the ruling CPI(Marxist) also blamed these organisations without any verification. Significantly Union Home Minister Chidambaram has declined to attribute the blame on the CPI (Maoist) and also announced that there was no evidence of any bomb blast in the incident.
The Union Home Minister has ordered an enquiry to find out any possibility of sabotage. During the day the leaders of CPI (Maoist) clarified through a long statement that they were not responsible for the train tragedy and condemned any possible sabotage work if any force involved behind the incident. They have also expressed their condolences for the families of deceased. The PCAPA also clarified that their activists are not involved in this incident. They suspected the ruling CPI(Marxist) to have been involved in the sabotage desperately trying to tilt the public opinion against the fighting forces. Purposefully the media did not cover the statement issued by the CPI (Maoist) while playing the false stories and commentaries blaming the CPI (Maoist) for the incident. Some all India … [read more]

New Sumud mission to Palestinian refugee camp

Ain el Hilweh, Lebanon, summer 2010: Creative, constructive and political solidarity
In August 2009, an international youth brigade visited the Palestinian refugee camp of Ein El-Hilweh starting the joint project of Sumud and the Palestinian-Lebanese association Nashet.
Palestinian and European youth worked jointly in renovating a building, which had been destroyed in the successive sieges and bombardments of the camp. The restored building became a multipurpose community centre, a place of interchange, memory and civil commitment, a meeting point for all the young Palestinian of the refugee camp: the Cultural Centre “Sumud”. This year, Sumud starts the second phase: a new brigade will go to the camp. With the help of the collected donations, further restoration and furnishing works will be carried out in the centre. The target of this year is even more ambitious: beside the voluntary works in the building, a film making workshop will be held for Palestinian and Lebanese youth, as well as for the international volunteers, whose task will also be … [read more]