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Copenhagen: "Capitalist over-consumption vs. harmony with Mother Earth"

COP 15 After-word: Smashing Success Sketches
22/12/2009 · by Ron Ridenour
Nobel War Prize Winner walked in and out of a secret door, and that is the way capitalism and the United States Empire will end up leaving the planet, through a secret back door
“.”So spoke Venezuela President Hugo Chavez from the plenary podium on the last afternoon, December 18, of the 12-day long Climate Conference.“While the conference was a failure, it, at least, led to more consciousness of what the problem is for all of us. Now starts a new stage of the struggle for the salvation of humanity, and this is through socialism. Our problem is not just about climate, but about poverty, misery, unnecessary child deaths, discrimination and racism—all related to capitalism,” Chavez said at the Bolivarian Alliance of the Peoples of Latin America (ALBA) press conference held at the Bella Centre conference immediately following Chavez’ last remarks at the plenary.Bolivia President Evo Morales followed Chavez’ remarks by … [read more]

India: Whose war and against whom?

Adivasis and the poor in particular becoming the targets of state terror.
Rally Against War on Peoplefrom Ramlila Maidan to Parliament Street11 am, 17th December 2009, New DehliDear friends,For a vast majority of the people of our country, these are indeed difficult times. It is not just because the prices of every commodity in the market is rising sky high, not even because jobs are being cut and workers are facing retrenchment, also not because health care and education are increasingly going out of reach of the man on the street. In this period of an all-encompassing crisis, when a vast majority of the people in the cities and villages of this country are struggling to procure even the basic necessities of life and to make the ends meet, a greater and more immediate crisis is looming large on a section of the most oppressed people of this country: the entire … [read more]

Persecution of anti-imperialist activists in the U.S.

Like in the 60ies: arrests on false charges of drug crimes Drop all charges against Sharon Black-Ceci, Steven Ceci and Patrick Allen! Stop police attacks on all political activists!On the morning of December 9, long-time Baltimore Community activists Sharon Black-Ceci and Steven Ceci were dragged from their home by Baltimore police. The two, long-time leaders in the anti-racist, and poor people's rights struggle, had been under police surveillance for their political activism. They have each been falsely charged with possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, a felony, and possession of marijuana, a misdemeanor.On Nov. 14, while both Sharon Black-Ceci and Steven Ceci were attending a workers' rights conference in NYC, Baltimore police broke down the door of their Baltimore … [read more]

Deploying more troops to Afghanistan will cause more disasters for Afghans and Americans

Declaration of the Left Radical of Afghanistan (LRA)The tragic and barbarous war machine of US/NATO in Afghanistan continues to be fed by the blood of the Afghan people and of the troops of imperialist countries present in Afghanistan.According to surveys conducted in US, Canada, Europe and rest of the involved countries in the Afghanistan war, the majority of their people oppose the war and presence of their troops in the disastrous mission in Afghanistan. Only a small minority in power support the war and the bloody tragedy and are seeking to promote their dirty interests by looting, killing and the destruction of other nations, as well as victimizing their own countrymen as solders and financial resources through their tax payments.The same story is with Afghanistan. It is only the … [read more]

Music video on the Adivasi struggle in India

Gaon Chodab Nahi – We Will Not Leave Our Village
A short music video on the Adivasi (indigenous people) struggle in India.The short and entertaining video focuses on land, resources and importantly adivasi way of life which is being undermined by the Indian government .It’s inspired by Bhaghwan Maaji, leader of the adivasi struggle against bauxite mining in Kashipur (India)."Gaon Chodab Nahi" – "We Will Not Leave Our Village"Watch online: Download Video: Download Song: Additional:One minute explaining the struggle of Adivasis: Gallery showing crimes against Adivasi: … [read more]

Indian govt. to destroy the movement for change

Stop War Against the People
What the State Wants to Destroy is the Alternate Development Model-An Appeal to Thinkers, Intellectuals, Artistes, and Writers-Dear Friends,The Indian state has amassed troops in central India on an unprecedented scale, to swoop down on the people. It is the latest of the wars launched by the Indian State against the people living in this country. The government says that it has to move against these areas as Maoists hold sway over it and it is not under the control of central or state authority.In fact the natives of these jungles have been living there for thousands of years and have protected these forests as they ensure life to them and is their only source of livelihood for survival.These tribals are the most poor and wretched in our land. Popularly called adivasis, they are the … [read more]

India: Democracy and Ban cannot go together

On the ban of the Naxalites
by Amit BhattacharyyaIn the recent days, two important developments took place in the national scene—both of which have far-reaching implications. One, of course, is the battle for Lalgarh. The second—that has some bearing on the Lalgarh movement also--is the banning of the CPI(Maoist) after it was tagged to the long list of what the central government described as ‘terrorist organizations’. It implies that the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Amendment Act, 2008(UAPA) would henceforth be applied to the members of the Maoist party or people sympathetic to their cause. The Maoist party was banned on an all-India level with a ‘terror’ tag on 22 June 2009 and, henceforth, it came under the purview of the draconian Unlawful Activities Prevention(Amended) … [read more]

Conference of Central and Eastern European Solidarity Groups, November 6-8, 2009 Budapest

Statements on Honduras and Colombia
Statement on Honduras    We, the undersigned, who participated at the Conference of the Central and Eastern European solidarity groups at Budapest, Hungary on 6, 7 and 8 November, 2009 express our strongest condemnation of the military coup in Honduras against the legitimate president Manuel Zelaya.     We express our solidarity with the courageous struggle of resistance against the coup on the part of the Honduran people, led by the National Front of Resistance.     We demand the immediate reinstatement of President Manuel Zelaya, trial and punishment for the coup plotters and the convening of the Constituent Assembly in which the people of Honduras can decide truly about their own future, free from imperialist intervention.   … [read more]

German govt to give Isreal warships for free

Protest demo scheduled in Berlin for November 30
by Jonas FellerIsrael, which has recently been condemned by the UN Human Rights Council because of their war crimes (1), asks Germany to build them two new warships – for free. (2)After the German chancellor Merkel argued in front of the US congress that “whoever threatens Israel, threatens us” (3), it seems as if Israel will get what it wants. This wouldn’t, however, be anything new: At the turn of the millennium, Germany financed three submarines spending 560 Million Euros on them. In 2012, there will two additional submarines, this time German tax payers will have to pay 333 Million Euros. (4)If the German government is going to deliver weapons to Israel, they are therefore directly responsible for taking part in the Zionist terror against the Palestinians, the … [read more]

1/5 - Cuba - ALBA Let Down Sri Lanka Tamils

Part I By Ron Ridenour"Those who are exploited are our compatriots all over the world; and the exploiters all over the world are our enemies… Our country is really the whole world, and all the revolutionaries of the world are our brothers," President Fidel Castro. (1) “The revolutionary [is] the ideological motor force of the revolution…if he forgets his proletarian internationalism, the revolution which he leads will cease to be an inspiring force and he will sink into a comfortable lethargy, which imperialism, our irreconcilable enemy, will utilize well. Proletarian internationalism is a duty, but it is also a revolutionary necessity. So we educate our people,” Che Guevara wrote. (2)I think that the governments of Cuba, Bolivia, and Nicaragua let … [read more]

2/5 - Tamil Eelam: Historical Right to Nationhood

Part II By Ron RidenourSri Lanka—formerly Ceylon, in English, and Serendib in Arabic (which gave rise to the word serendipity)—is commonly referred to as the “pearl of the orient” due to its beauty and wealth of natural resources, flora and fauna. Today, it is a land torn apart by hatred: racist government policies, ethnic cleansing, and terror war just ended albeit continuing in the form of incarceration of hundreds of thousands of Tamil people in the north. A key reason for this brutal hatred is the dispute over whether a minority of its people, the Tamils, should have: equal rights with the majority Sinhalese, and if this is denied (as will be shown it has), should they have the right to their own autonomous territory. Sri Lanka’s first aborigines with … [read more]

3/5 - Equal Rights or Self-Determination

Part III By Ron Ridenour“At independence, in 1948, the new political elite, in its rush for power, cultivated ethnic support in a society whose real imperative should have been the eradication of poverty. Language became the spark,” journalist-documentary filmmaker John Pilger recently wrote.  (12)The Tamil people in Sri Lanka had expectations that they would achieve equal rights and power with the Sinhalese once independence was won from the British colonialists. As the independence movement was winning over colonialization there was no talk of any Tamil separatism.Even before the defeat of the Axis powers, Britain prepared to decolonize Ceylon. In 1943, the colonial secretary of state stated that a constitution would be drafted will all parties involved. A condition … [read more]

4/5 - The Terrorists

Part IV By Ron RidenourInternational support for Sri Lanka racist discrimination The Geneva Declaration on Terrorism, passed May 29, 1987 by the UN general assembly, points out that the main perpetrators of terrorism are governments striving to keep down parts of their populations or other peoples. In this document, at that time, the main culprits are the United States, Israel, South Africa and the many dictatorships in Latin America at that time. “State terrorism manifests itself in: 1) police state practices against its own people to dominate through fear by surveillance, disruption of group meetings, control of the news media, beatings, torture, false and mass arrests, false charges and rumors, show trials, killings, summary executions and capital punishments;”“The … [read more]

5/5 - Post-War Internment Hell

Part V By Ron Ridenour“The impunity with which the Sri Lankan government is able to commit these crimes [referring to 2009 war atrocities, including brutal internment of 300,000 Tamils] actually unveils the deeply ingrained racist prejudice that is precisely what led to the marginalization and alienation of the Tamils of Sri Lanka in the first place. That racism has a long history – of social ostracism, economic blockades, pogroms and torture. The nature of the decades-long civil war, which started as a peaceful protest, has its roots in this,” wrote author Arundhati Roy. (47) “`This is something similar to what occurred in Gaza or worse, because neither observers nor journalists had access to the war zone, ´ stated a UN source who asked for anonymity. The … [read more]

Rebellion (Denmark): The Court Case is Approaching!

The aim of Rebellion (Denmark), formed in 2004, is to challenge ‘terrorist legislation’, both in Denmark and internationally.  Patrick Mac Manus The court case against Rebellion (Denmark) for support to resistance movements is now approaching. The demand is imprisonment. The court case takes place at Copenhagen City 6. Court, December 3 and December 7, 2009 and January 8, January 15, 2010. The judgement will be announced on February 8, 2010.   Terrorist legislation seeks to undermine progressive organisations, resistance movements, trade unions and solidarity movements throughout the world. We appeal for support from all movements to: - Defend the right of peoples to resist illegitimate government and foreign occupation! - Defend the right of … [read more]

Initiative Against War on People in India

As the Indian government is stepping up the military repression against the liberation movement of the adivasis (the native people and lowest castes) led by the Maoists (Naxalites), a broad defence front is in the making. It is supported by renowned personalities like Arundhati Roy and others. (See the open letter to PM Manmohan Singh and its list of endorsers. ) As Anti-imperialist Camp we do not only support and join the initiative but will actively engage in spreading it across the world. However is ready to co-operate is requested to contact us. The Indian government has deployed 100,000 troops in addition to the existing paramilitary and police forces in parts of central India, including Chhattisgarh, Orissa and Jharkhand, Maharashtra Lalgarh - Jungalmahal area of Bengal -- a vast … [read more]

U.S. banana justice system

Lawyer imprisoned for more than 2 yrs for defying “special rules” for terror suspect—before U.S. law people are UNequal Free Lynne Stewart! Lynne Stewart was sent to prison on November 19, 2009. People throughout the United States and around the world recognize this as a great miscarriage of justice.Her indictment was an outrage. So too was her conviction. The fact that this seventy year old veteran civil rights attorney has been sent to prison is a crime itself. She is serving a 28 month sentence although the Court of Appeals has remanded her case back to the original trial court with the hope that her sentence will be lengthened. The Bush Justice Department had sought a 30 year sentence.“Lynne Stewart should be set free,” stated Brian Becker, national … [read more]

When the State Declares War on the People

A 15 minute Trailer on the Human Rights Violations in Chhattisgarh resulting from Operation Green Hunt
Director: Gopal We have been hearing many stories about the human rights violations before and after Operation Green Hunt was announced. Allegations and counter-allegations have been going around. Fact-finding investigations have uncovered the atrocities security forces are committing in these areas, but now those very findings are being questioned.At such a time it is crucial to present the reality and tear the veils obscuring the truth. When the State Declares War on the People is a 15-minute trailer by Gopal Menon based on his recent coverage of the ground reality in Chhattisgarh. This short film contains exclusive interviews with victims and their testimony including 1 ½ year old Suresh who had three … [read more]

"It is not a problem of hearts or arts, it´s a political problem. "

Interview with Juliano Mer-Khamis, founder of Freedom Theatre Jenin. Pre-published from the forthcoming issue No 30, of INTIFADA, the magazine of the Anti-imperialist Camp. Juliano Mer-Khamis was born in 1958 in Nazareth into a mixed marriage. His Arab father as well as his Jewish mother were political activists. He was named after Joul Jamal, an Arab naval officer from Syria, who destroyed the french battleship Jean-Bart in a kamikaze attack during the Suez Crisis of 1956. His mother, Arna Mer, was a well-known political activist. Her role in the children’s theatre of the Jenin refugee camp is the subject of Julianos film „Arna’s Children“. His father, Saliba Khamis, was a prominent Arab member of the Israeli Communist Party in the 1950s and 1960s.  Both his … [read more]

On the academic boycott of Israeli institutions

An o pen Letter to the Board of Governors of Trondheim University By Abnaa el-Balad- The Student Movement, Haifa, 5 November 2009  We are Arab students at the Israeli universities writing to you in support of the proposed academic boycott of Israeli academic institutions. We believe that the boycott is timely and hopefully will help in upholding moral values of fairness, justice and equality which have been sorely missed in our region. While the reason for the boycott is rightly what has been going on in the 1967 occupied territories, we propose another angle which affirms the need for boycott, namely our daily experience as Arabs in Israeli institutions. We are the lucky ones who have been able to pursue our studies in institutions of Higher Education, to which we arrived against … [read more]

Copenhagen: "Capitalist over-consumption vs. harmony with Mother Earth"

COP 15 After-word: Smashing Success Sketches
22/12/2009 · by Ron Ridenour
Nobel War Prize Winner walked in and out of a secret door, and that is the way capitalism and the United States Empire will end up leaving the planet, through a secret back door
“.”So spoke Venezuela President Hugo Chavez from the plenary podium on the last afternoon, December 18, of the 12-day long Climate Conference.“While the conference was a failure, it, at least, led to more consciousness of what the problem is for all of us. Now starts a new stage of the struggle for the salvation of humanity, and this is through socialism. Our problem is not just about climate, but about poverty, misery, unnecessary child deaths, discrimination and racism—all related to capitalism,” Chavez said at the Bolivarian Alliance of the Peoples of Latin America (ALBA) press conference held at the Bella Centre conference immediately following Chavez’ last remarks at the plenary.Bolivia President Evo Morales followed Chavez’ remarks by … [read more]

India: Whose war and against whom?

Adivasis and the poor in particular becoming the targets of state terror.
Rally Against War on Peoplefrom Ramlila Maidan to Parliament Street11 am, 17th December 2009, New DehliDear friends,For a vast majority of the people of our country, these are indeed difficult times. It is not just because the prices of every commodity in the market is rising sky high, not even because jobs are being cut and workers are facing retrenchment, also not because health care and education are increasingly going out of reach of the man on the street. In this period of an all-encompassing crisis, when a vast majority of the people in the cities and villages of this country are struggling to procure even the basic necessities of life and to make the ends meet, a greater and more immediate crisis is looming large on a section of the most oppressed people of this country: the entire … [read more]

Persecution of anti-imperialist activists in the U.S.

Like in the 60ies: arrests on false charges of drug crimes Drop all charges against Sharon Black-Ceci, Steven Ceci and Patrick Allen! Stop police attacks on all political activists!On the morning of December 9, long-time Baltimore Community activists Sharon Black-Ceci and Steven Ceci were dragged from their home by Baltimore police. The two, long-time leaders in the anti-racist, and poor people's rights struggle, had been under police surveillance for their political activism. They have each been falsely charged with possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, a felony, and possession of marijuana, a misdemeanor.On Nov. 14, while both Sharon Black-Ceci and Steven Ceci were attending a workers' rights conference in NYC, Baltimore police broke down the door of their Baltimore … [read more]

Deploying more troops to Afghanistan will cause more disasters for Afghans and Americans

Declaration of the Left Radical of Afghanistan (LRA)The tragic and barbarous war machine of US/NATO in Afghanistan continues to be fed by the blood of the Afghan people and of the troops of imperialist countries present in Afghanistan.According to surveys conducted in US, Canada, Europe and rest of the involved countries in the Afghanistan war, the majority of their people oppose the war and presence of their troops in the disastrous mission in Afghanistan. Only a small minority in power support the war and the bloody tragedy and are seeking to promote their dirty interests by looting, killing and the destruction of other nations, as well as victimizing their own countrymen as solders and financial resources through their tax payments.The same story is with Afghanistan. It is only the … [read more]

Music video on the Adivasi struggle in India

Gaon Chodab Nahi – We Will Not Leave Our Village
A short music video on the Adivasi (indigenous people) struggle in India.The short and entertaining video focuses on land, resources and importantly adivasi way of life which is being undermined by the Indian government .It’s inspired by Bhaghwan Maaji, leader of the adivasi struggle against bauxite mining in Kashipur (India)."Gaon Chodab Nahi" – "We Will Not Leave Our Village"Watch online: Download Video: Download Song: Additional:One minute explaining the struggle of Adivasis: Gallery showing crimes against Adivasi: … [read more]

Indian govt. to destroy the movement for change

Stop War Against the People
What the State Wants to Destroy is the Alternate Development Model-An Appeal to Thinkers, Intellectuals, Artistes, and Writers-Dear Friends,The Indian state has amassed troops in central India on an unprecedented scale, to swoop down on the people. It is the latest of the wars launched by the Indian State against the people living in this country. The government says that it has to move against these areas as Maoists hold sway over it and it is not under the control of central or state authority.In fact the natives of these jungles have been living there for thousands of years and have protected these forests as they ensure life to them and is their only source of livelihood for survival.These tribals are the most poor and wretched in our land. Popularly called adivasis, they are the … [read more]

India: Democracy and Ban cannot go together

On the ban of the Naxalites
by Amit BhattacharyyaIn the recent days, two important developments took place in the national scene—both of which have far-reaching implications. One, of course, is the battle for Lalgarh. The second—that has some bearing on the Lalgarh movement also--is the banning of the CPI(Maoist) after it was tagged to the long list of what the central government described as ‘terrorist organizations’. It implies that the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Amendment Act, 2008(UAPA) would henceforth be applied to the members of the Maoist party or people sympathetic to their cause. The Maoist party was banned on an all-India level with a ‘terror’ tag on 22 June 2009 and, henceforth, it came under the purview of the draconian Unlawful Activities Prevention(Amended) … [read more]

Conference of Central and Eastern European Solidarity Groups, November 6-8, 2009 Budapest

Statements on Honduras and Colombia
Statement on Honduras    We, the undersigned, who participated at the Conference of the Central and Eastern European solidarity groups at Budapest, Hungary on 6, 7 and 8 November, 2009 express our strongest condemnation of the military coup in Honduras against the legitimate president Manuel Zelaya.     We express our solidarity with the courageous struggle of resistance against the coup on the part of the Honduran people, led by the National Front of Resistance.     We demand the immediate reinstatement of President Manuel Zelaya, trial and punishment for the coup plotters and the convening of the Constituent Assembly in which the people of Honduras can decide truly about their own future, free from imperialist intervention.   … [read more]

German govt to give Isreal warships for free

Protest demo scheduled in Berlin for November 30
by Jonas FellerIsrael, which has recently been condemned by the UN Human Rights Council because of their war crimes (1), asks Germany to build them two new warships – for free. (2)After the German chancellor Merkel argued in front of the US congress that “whoever threatens Israel, threatens us” (3), it seems as if Israel will get what it wants. This wouldn’t, however, be anything new: At the turn of the millennium, Germany financed three submarines spending 560 Million Euros on them. In 2012, there will two additional submarines, this time German tax payers will have to pay 333 Million Euros. (4)If the German government is going to deliver weapons to Israel, they are therefore directly responsible for taking part in the Zionist terror against the Palestinians, the … [read more]

1/5 - Cuba - ALBA Let Down Sri Lanka Tamils

Part I By Ron Ridenour"Those who are exploited are our compatriots all over the world; and the exploiters all over the world are our enemies… Our country is really the whole world, and all the revolutionaries of the world are our brothers," President Fidel Castro. (1) “The revolutionary [is] the ideological motor force of the revolution…if he forgets his proletarian internationalism, the revolution which he leads will cease to be an inspiring force and he will sink into a comfortable lethargy, which imperialism, our irreconcilable enemy, will utilize well. Proletarian internationalism is a duty, but it is also a revolutionary necessity. So we educate our people,” Che Guevara wrote. (2)I think that the governments of Cuba, Bolivia, and Nicaragua let … [read more]

2/5 - Tamil Eelam: Historical Right to Nationhood

Part II By Ron RidenourSri Lanka—formerly Ceylon, in English, and Serendib in Arabic (which gave rise to the word serendipity)—is commonly referred to as the “pearl of the orient” due to its beauty and wealth of natural resources, flora and fauna. Today, it is a land torn apart by hatred: racist government policies, ethnic cleansing, and terror war just ended albeit continuing in the form of incarceration of hundreds of thousands of Tamil people in the north. A key reason for this brutal hatred is the dispute over whether a minority of its people, the Tamils, should have: equal rights with the majority Sinhalese, and if this is denied (as will be shown it has), should they have the right to their own autonomous territory. Sri Lanka’s first aborigines with … [read more]

3/5 - Equal Rights or Self-Determination

Part III By Ron Ridenour“At independence, in 1948, the new political elite, in its rush for power, cultivated ethnic support in a society whose real imperative should have been the eradication of poverty. Language became the spark,” journalist-documentary filmmaker John Pilger recently wrote.  (12)The Tamil people in Sri Lanka had expectations that they would achieve equal rights and power with the Sinhalese once independence was won from the British colonialists. As the independence movement was winning over colonialization there was no talk of any Tamil separatism.Even before the defeat of the Axis powers, Britain prepared to decolonize Ceylon. In 1943, the colonial secretary of state stated that a constitution would be drafted will all parties involved. A condition … [read more]

4/5 - The Terrorists

Part IV By Ron RidenourInternational support for Sri Lanka racist discrimination The Geneva Declaration on Terrorism, passed May 29, 1987 by the UN general assembly, points out that the main perpetrators of terrorism are governments striving to keep down parts of their populations or other peoples. In this document, at that time, the main culprits are the United States, Israel, South Africa and the many dictatorships in Latin America at that time. “State terrorism manifests itself in: 1) police state practices against its own people to dominate through fear by surveillance, disruption of group meetings, control of the news media, beatings, torture, false and mass arrests, false charges and rumors, show trials, killings, summary executions and capital punishments;”“The … [read more]

5/5 - Post-War Internment Hell

Part V By Ron Ridenour“The impunity with which the Sri Lankan government is able to commit these crimes [referring to 2009 war atrocities, including brutal internment of 300,000 Tamils] actually unveils the deeply ingrained racist prejudice that is precisely what led to the marginalization and alienation of the Tamils of Sri Lanka in the first place. That racism has a long history – of social ostracism, economic blockades, pogroms and torture. The nature of the decades-long civil war, which started as a peaceful protest, has its roots in this,” wrote author Arundhati Roy. (47) “`This is something similar to what occurred in Gaza or worse, because neither observers nor journalists had access to the war zone, ´ stated a UN source who asked for anonymity. The … [read more]

Rebellion (Denmark): The Court Case is Approaching!

The aim of Rebellion (Denmark), formed in 2004, is to challenge ‘terrorist legislation’, both in Denmark and internationally.  Patrick Mac Manus The court case against Rebellion (Denmark) for support to resistance movements is now approaching. The demand is imprisonment. The court case takes place at Copenhagen City 6. Court, December 3 and December 7, 2009 and January 8, January 15, 2010. The judgement will be announced on February 8, 2010.   Terrorist legislation seeks to undermine progressive organisations, resistance movements, trade unions and solidarity movements throughout the world. We appeal for support from all movements to: - Defend the right of peoples to resist illegitimate government and foreign occupation! - Defend the right of … [read more]

Initiative Against War on People in India

As the Indian government is stepping up the military repression against the liberation movement of the adivasis (the native people and lowest castes) led by the Maoists (Naxalites), a broad defence front is in the making. It is supported by renowned personalities like Arundhati Roy and others. (See the open letter to PM Manmohan Singh and its list of endorsers. ) As Anti-imperialist Camp we do not only support and join the initiative but will actively engage in spreading it across the world. However is ready to co-operate is requested to contact us. The Indian government has deployed 100,000 troops in addition to the existing paramilitary and police forces in parts of central India, including Chhattisgarh, Orissa and Jharkhand, Maharashtra Lalgarh - Jungalmahal area of Bengal -- a vast … [read more]

U.S. banana justice system

Lawyer imprisoned for more than 2 yrs for defying “special rules” for terror suspect—before U.S. law people are UNequal Free Lynne Stewart! Lynne Stewart was sent to prison on November 19, 2009. People throughout the United States and around the world recognize this as a great miscarriage of justice.Her indictment was an outrage. So too was her conviction. The fact that this seventy year old veteran civil rights attorney has been sent to prison is a crime itself. She is serving a 28 month sentence although the Court of Appeals has remanded her case back to the original trial court with the hope that her sentence will be lengthened. The Bush Justice Department had sought a 30 year sentence.“Lynne Stewart should be set free,” stated Brian Becker, national … [read more]

When the State Declares War on the People

A 15 minute Trailer on the Human Rights Violations in Chhattisgarh resulting from Operation Green Hunt
Director: Gopal We have been hearing many stories about the human rights violations before and after Operation Green Hunt was announced. Allegations and counter-allegations have been going around. Fact-finding investigations have uncovered the atrocities security forces are committing in these areas, but now those very findings are being questioned.At such a time it is crucial to present the reality and tear the veils obscuring the truth. When the State Declares War on the People is a 15-minute trailer by Gopal Menon based on his recent coverage of the ground reality in Chhattisgarh. This short film contains exclusive interviews with victims and their testimony including 1 ½ year old Suresh who had three … [read more]

"It is not a problem of hearts or arts, it´s a political problem. "

Interview with Juliano Mer-Khamis, founder of Freedom Theatre Jenin. Pre-published from the forthcoming issue No 30, of INTIFADA, the magazine of the Anti-imperialist Camp. Juliano Mer-Khamis was born in 1958 in Nazareth into a mixed marriage. His Arab father as well as his Jewish mother were political activists. He was named after Joul Jamal, an Arab naval officer from Syria, who destroyed the french battleship Jean-Bart in a kamikaze attack during the Suez Crisis of 1956. His mother, Arna Mer, was a well-known political activist. Her role in the children’s theatre of the Jenin refugee camp is the subject of Julianos film „Arna’s Children“. His father, Saliba Khamis, was a prominent Arab member of the Israeli Communist Party in the 1950s and 1960s.  Both his … [read more]

On the academic boycott of Israeli institutions

An o pen Letter to the Board of Governors of Trondheim University By Abnaa el-Balad- The Student Movement, Haifa, 5 November 2009  We are Arab students at the Israeli universities writing to you in support of the proposed academic boycott of Israeli academic institutions. We believe that the boycott is timely and hopefully will help in upholding moral values of fairness, justice and equality which have been sorely missed in our region. While the reason for the boycott is rightly what has been going on in the 1967 occupied territories, we propose another angle which affirms the need for boycott, namely our daily experience as Arabs in Israeli institutions. We are the lucky ones who have been able to pursue our studies in institutions of Higher Education, to which we arrived against … [read more]