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"شاطئ تل أبيب" في فيينا/ ماذا بعد؟

دعوة للتظاهر يوم افتتاح شاطئ تل أبيب على ضفة دانوب فيينابيان صادر عن نادي فلسطين العربي - فيينا Ù‚بل أن تجف دماء ضحايا العدوان الصهيوني الأخير على قطاع غزة، هذا العدوان الذي تم بتأييد شبه مكشوف من قبل دول الاتحاد … [read more]

Questions and answers on Darfur and the arrest warrant against Sudan's Bashir

Comments on the feedback to the article "The ICC’s arrest warrant against Bashir: Facts and Reflections" By Dr Mohamed-Ahme d Ghazi Suliman  Darfurians’ opinion on the current events? Were they represented? Darfurians live in Khartoum in the capacity of rich merchants, frustrated civil servants, street vendors, private-sector workers, state ministers, refugees, self-employed businessmen, jobless others, and students who toil through the hardship of their studies; in short, like ALL other Sudanese. Incidentally, students from Darfur and southern Sudan get exclusive free state education, including university education, in recognition of their disadvantaged economic status due to war and conflict (no means-testing involved here). Others from different parts of … [read more]

The ICC's arrest warrant against Bashir: Facts and Reflections

I began writing this article shortly after arriving home from demonstrations in central Khartoum on Thursday 5th March. The country has been gripped with the fever of fervent nationalism and absolute defiance in the face of the arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court at The Hague against President Omer El Bashir of the Sudan, for crimes against humanity. Contrary to the sporadic accounts in a distinct group of media outlets, that the demonstrations have been orchestrated by the regime, I can attest that the nation has gone out spontaneously to the streets in a show of popular support to the President, unrivalled and unmatched in the history of contemporary politics in the Sudan.By Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Ghazi Suliman At the intersection of Shari’ Al Qassr (Palace … [read more]

Sumud: Voluntary service and resistance

Our intentions
An economic disaster is hitting the wealthy West, which is bound to change our way of life. It was about time! Indeed, we were sick and tired of this opulence. It is not religion but money, which is the most powerful opium of the people. The diabolic mechanism of material well-being had to stop to make people understand in what kind of maddening matrix they were stuck. Nonetheless, there is danger ahead.
 The fear of plunging down can fuel the most spiteful feelings that human beings harbour. The police state is not just a devilish machine standing outside and against people; it also worms its way into the mind of the “citizens”, by now transformed into subjects-consumers, causing them to withdraw into their dismal loneliness and cry out for “security”. In order not to slide down to the bottom of the heap, they are readily accepting a new foreign enemy: the Islamic resistance.This gloomy and chauvinist plea is about to end the myths of freedom and tolerance on which the West fancied to ground its superiority. Therefore, the resistance, which has been carried on so far by the peoples robbed, attacked and tormented by imperialist wars, must no longer be left up … [read more]

Anti-NATO protests in Strasbourg counter Obamania

Obama’s recent visit to Europe was marked by a mediatic hype nearly depicting him as a peace dove. Actually there are indeed widespread hopes in a change of US foreign policy towards less aggression and war drive which render people reluctant to take to the streets. Nevertheless, the very fact that some 30.000 marched (or tried to marched given the de facto ban) in Strasbourg against the NATO summit, falsifies the claim of the press that Europe would hail Obama. The massive anti-NATO mobilisation is a reminder that the imperialist role of the US und NATO did not change.This is most striking and obvious with regard to Afghanistan where Obama intends to strengthen the occupation and to further increase Europe’s involvement. Also in the Middle East few will change. The new … [read more]

Turkey to ban democratic Islamic opposition

Call for Solidarity Demand for freedom cannot be sued!Özgür-Der cannot be closed down!The Turkish State files a legal action in court to close down Free Thought and Educational Rights Society (Özgür-Der), which primarily opposes to human rights violations in Turkey and protests the crimes against humanity all around the world on the Islamic grounds for 10 years.Özgür-Der is an organization which has now 15 branches in numerous cities of Turkey, was founded in 1999 in a period of militarist pressures were strong over the society and politics, which was later called ‘postmodern coup’ to organize the reactions against the systematic pressures and state-enforced bans, especially the headscarf ban. Özgür-Der campaigns for many social and political … [read more]

Appeal remove Hamas from EU Terror list launched

Call to be officially communicated to the candidates for the European elections
In this commemoration of the Land Day, symbol of the Palestinian resistance, the call for the withdrawal of Hamas fom the European list of the terrorist organizations, launched on February 1st, 2009 in Brussels, received the support of 1 200 signatories. Among them, 275 personalities of the academic, literary, artistic and militant of the Palestinian cause fields. The signatories emanate from 22 of 27 countries of the European Union and from 40 countries outside the European Union, representing all the continents.The call is sent to the candidates for the election of the European Parliament which will be held on June 7th, 2009. Very known personalities in the European arena, as Jose Saramago and Mairead Maguire, Nobel prize, Henri Alleg and his wife Gilberte, François Houtart, … [read more]

اليسار الاردني برعاية حكومية

وزارة الثقافة اذ تشارك بـ"انقلاب" منتدى الفكر الاشتراكي هشام البستاني- عمّان رغم دفء العلاقات تاريخياً بين الاسلاميين (حركة الاخوان المسلمين وحزبها جبهة العمل الاسلامي)ØŒ والتنسيق الامني والسياسي الذي يستمر حتى … [read more]

لنرفض التدخل الإمبريالي وقرار المحكمة الدولية!

من أجل السلام في دارفور: لنرفض التدخل الإمبريالي وقرار المحكمة الدولية!بيان صادر عن المعسكر المناهض للإمبريالية 1. يؤكد المعسكر المناهض للإمبريالية على مبدأ حق تقرير المصير وحق سيادة الأوطان والشعوب والمجتمعات. 2. … [read more]

"No trust in Obama's promises"

Iraqi resistance to continue In a recent statement on the announcement of a partial US troop retreat from Iraq, Abduljabbar al Kubaysi, leader of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance, one political front organisation of the Iraqi resistance, displayed scepticism: “We believe that Obama already made a change to his original promise and extended the time for the so called withdrawal from Iraq. It is clear that his army will stay till the end of 2011 and actually he will find reasons to further extend the period for years and years.”As an explanation for the US step Mr Kubaysi cited the “economic corruption which we believe it is worse than what we know till now.”Mr Kubaysi stated that “all the resistance groups insist that the liberation can be achieved only by … [read more]

Samieh Jabbarin released into house arrest

Arab protests within Israel remain extremely difficult Samieh Jabbarin and Ibrahim Mahajne were released after 16 days of detention (from 10/2, the Knesset election day, till 26/2). They remain both under strict house arrest in the homes of their parents in Um elFahm.For Samieh this means he is distanced from his friends, work and studies in Yaffa, were he used to live. They are both charged with "assaulting a policeman" at the protest against visiting Zionist extremists in Um elFahm. The only evidence against them is testimonies of some of the policemen that were present.Even though the event was closely filmed, the police preferred not to present the video, supposedly not to expose its own violence.Further reading:Abnaa elBalad condemns political detention of Samieh JabbarinA letter … [read more]

Help Peace in Darfur: Support Sudan!

Reject Imperialist Interferences and the ICC Decision! 1. The Anti-Imperialist Camp supports in principle the rights of self-determination and self-rule, in respect to nations, peoples and communities.2. However, the particular cannot prevail over the universal. Those rights are neither sacred nor inviolable, rather they are a part of the general egalitarian and democratic programme - the anti-imperialist struggle against all forms of oppression, colonialism and exploitation.3. It is part of the imperialistic technique of domination that the great powers disguise their predatory interests with "divide and rule" politics or claiming to be defenders of human rights, democracy and freedom from tyranny.4. The United States of America, usually backed by the European Union, has always been … [read more]

بين تفكيك السودان والاصطفاف الوطنى لشعبه

اتحدوا لرفض واسقاط قرار اعتقال الرئيس السوداني، انقذوا السودان من الوصاية الاستعمارية والتقسيمبيان صادر عن اللجنة المصرية لمناهضة الاستعمار والصهيونية نداء الي السودنيين والمصريين والعرب جميعا: اتحدوا لرفض … [read more]

Arrest warrent against Sudanese president imperialist plot

Call by the Sudan Workers Trade Unions Federation to all free citizens of the work Sudan Workers Trade Unions FederationStatementLadies and Gentlemen,Comrades Honest workers of the world,Free citizens of the world,Today, the Pre-Trial Chamber I of the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued a warrant for the arrest of H. E Omar Hassan Ahmad Al Bashir, President of the republic of Sudan. This president, which is the first of its kind, violates the sovereignty and independence of the states.Sudan Workers Trade Unions Federation knows very well that this decision has nothing to do with the law, the justice and the humanity; rather, it is a political decision aiming at targeting a country saying No to the oppression powers. It is a conspiracy against a country paved its course of … [read more]

Appeal for the removal of Hamas from the EU terror list!

First signataries
On the occasion of the June 2009 European elections, we are launching an urgent appeal to all candidates for the 736 seats in the European parliament.We ask that they actively pursue the immediate and unconditional removal of Hamas and all other Palestinian liberation organizations from the European list of proscribed terrorist organizations.We further ask that they acknowledge the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and, by so doing, recognise, Hamas as a legitimate voice for the Palestinian people's aspirations for national liberation.***The initiative was launched by Nadine Rosa-Rosso, a teacher and independent communist militant living in Bruxelles. It is a result of the Beirut Resistance Forum from 16-18 January 2009. The call can be signed by sending a message to … [read more]

Abnaa elBalad condemns The political detention of Comrade Samieh Jabbarin

A call for international solidarityOn the 10th of February, the day of the elections for the Israeli Knesset, a new stage was reached in the blatant racist approach of the Israeli state toward the Arab Palestinian masses. One of the most violent and outspokenly racist mob leader of the Israeli lunatic right, Baruch Marzel, was nominated by the national election committee to be head of one of the election centers in Um elFahm, the second biggest Arab city in the 1948 occupied territories, which Israel claim to be "democratically" managed, in contrast to the 1967 militarily managed occupation.Marzel and his gang openly advocate the expulsion of the Arab population and are known for organizing (admitably usually small) mob shouting "death to the Arabs". On Election Day, their mob was mostly … [read more]

A letter from Israeli Prison

Samih Jabbarin is a member of the Palestinian movement Abnaa-El-Balad. He was arrested on February 10th on the backgrounds of the protests against the nomination of the known racist Baruch Marzel,by the national election committee to be head of one of the election centers in he Arab city of Um elFahm. Comrades,We, in Abnaa elBalad, always denied the democratic pretensions of this occupation entity. For long decades we put a lot of effort to expose this fake mask before our Arab Palestinian masses. But the majority of our masses became victim to political positions that try to convince them that this democracy is possible and hence we should participate in this "democratic" game in order to "serve" our steadfasting Arab Palestinian masses.The bearers of those positions never stop trying to … [read more]

رفح: الأمن المصري يصادر معرض الكاريكاتير الأردني

عودة الوفد التضامني الى الاردن السبت ومؤتمر صحفي له الاحدلليوم الثالث على التوالي، حاول وفد مبادرة "مثقفون اردنيون من اجل غزة" أمس الخميس الدخول الى غزة من خلال معبر رفح، وللمرة الثالثة على التوالي وقوبلت … [read more]

المثقفون الاردنيون يعتصمون أمام معبر رفح

العريش - مساء الاربعاء 18/2/2009 على مقربة من سحب الدخان السوداء التي ارتفعت في السماء نتيجة للقصف الاسرائيلي للمنطقة الحدودية لغزة صباح اليوم، اعتصم وفد مبادرة "مثقفون اردنيون من اجل غزة" امام البوابة الخارجية لمعبر رفح … [read more]

Edinburgh University students ocupy the George Square Lecture Theatre

"We have acted against the university because of its financial and commercial links to the apartheid state of Israel, in addition to its unacceptable silence in response to the Gaza conflict"Edinburgh University students ocupy the George Square Lecture Theatre From: Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign>Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2009 16:33:56 -000 Statement from the occupying studentsOn the morning of Wednesday 11thFebruary Edinburgh University students ocupied the George Square Lecture Theatre. We have acted against the university because of its financial and commercial links to the apartheid state of Israel, in addition to its unacceptable silence in response to the Gaza conflict, described by the UN President of the General Assembly, Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann, as … [read more]

"شاطئ تل أبيب" في فيينا/ ماذا بعد؟

دعوة للتظاهر يوم افتتاح شاطئ تل أبيب على ضفة دانوب فيينابيان صادر عن نادي فلسطين العربي - فيينا Ù‚بل أن تجف دماء ضحايا العدوان الصهيوني الأخير على قطاع غزة، هذا العدوان الذي تم بتأييد شبه مكشوف من قبل دول الاتحاد … [read more]

Questions and answers on Darfur and the arrest warrant against Sudan's Bashir

Comments on the feedback to the article "The ICC’s arrest warrant against Bashir: Facts and Reflections" By Dr Mohamed-Ahme d Ghazi Suliman  Darfurians’ opinion on the current events? Were they represented? Darfurians live in Khartoum in the capacity of rich merchants, frustrated civil servants, street vendors, private-sector workers, state ministers, refugees, self-employed businessmen, jobless others, and students who toil through the hardship of their studies; in short, like ALL other Sudanese. Incidentally, students from Darfur and southern Sudan get exclusive free state education, including university education, in recognition of their disadvantaged economic status due to war and conflict (no means-testing involved here). Others from different parts of … [read more]

The ICC's arrest warrant against Bashir: Facts and Reflections

I began writing this article shortly after arriving home from demonstrations in central Khartoum on Thursday 5th March. The country has been gripped with the fever of fervent nationalism and absolute defiance in the face of the arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court at The Hague against President Omer El Bashir of the Sudan, for crimes against humanity. Contrary to the sporadic accounts in a distinct group of media outlets, that the demonstrations have been orchestrated by the regime, I can attest that the nation has gone out spontaneously to the streets in a show of popular support to the President, unrivalled and unmatched in the history of contemporary politics in the Sudan.By Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Ghazi Suliman At the intersection of Shari’ Al Qassr (Palace … [read more]

Sumud: Voluntary service and resistance

Our intentions
An economic disaster is hitting the wealthy West, which is bound to change our way of life. It was about time! Indeed, we were sick and tired of this opulence. It is not religion but money, which is the most powerful opium of the people. The diabolic mechanism of material well-being had to stop to make people understand in what kind of maddening matrix they were stuck. Nonetheless, there is danger ahead.
 The fear of plunging down can fuel the most spiteful feelings that human beings harbour. The police state is not just a devilish machine standing outside and against people; it also worms its way into the mind of the “citizens”, by now transformed into subjects-consumers, causing them to withdraw into their dismal loneliness and cry out for “security”. In order not to slide down to the bottom of the heap, they are readily accepting a new foreign enemy: the Islamic resistance.This gloomy and chauvinist plea is about to end the myths of freedom and tolerance on which the West fancied to ground its superiority. Therefore, the resistance, which has been carried on so far by the peoples robbed, attacked and tormented by imperialist wars, must no longer be left up … [read more]

Anti-NATO protests in Strasbourg counter Obamania

Obama’s recent visit to Europe was marked by a mediatic hype nearly depicting him as a peace dove. Actually there are indeed widespread hopes in a change of US foreign policy towards less aggression and war drive which render people reluctant to take to the streets. Nevertheless, the very fact that some 30.000 marched (or tried to marched given the de facto ban) in Strasbourg against the NATO summit, falsifies the claim of the press that Europe would hail Obama. The massive anti-NATO mobilisation is a reminder that the imperialist role of the US und NATO did not change.This is most striking and obvious with regard to Afghanistan where Obama intends to strengthen the occupation and to further increase Europe’s involvement. Also in the Middle East few will change. The new … [read more]

Turkey to ban democratic Islamic opposition

Call for Solidarity Demand for freedom cannot be sued!Özgür-Der cannot be closed down!The Turkish State files a legal action in court to close down Free Thought and Educational Rights Society (Özgür-Der), which primarily opposes to human rights violations in Turkey and protests the crimes against humanity all around the world on the Islamic grounds for 10 years.Özgür-Der is an organization which has now 15 branches in numerous cities of Turkey, was founded in 1999 in a period of militarist pressures were strong over the society and politics, which was later called ‘postmodern coup’ to organize the reactions against the systematic pressures and state-enforced bans, especially the headscarf ban. Özgür-Der campaigns for many social and political … [read more]

Appeal remove Hamas from EU Terror list launched

Call to be officially communicated to the candidates for the European elections
In this commemoration of the Land Day, symbol of the Palestinian resistance, the call for the withdrawal of Hamas fom the European list of the terrorist organizations, launched on February 1st, 2009 in Brussels, received the support of 1 200 signatories. Among them, 275 personalities of the academic, literary, artistic and militant of the Palestinian cause fields. The signatories emanate from 22 of 27 countries of the European Union and from 40 countries outside the European Union, representing all the continents.The call is sent to the candidates for the election of the European Parliament which will be held on June 7th, 2009. Very known personalities in the European arena, as Jose Saramago and Mairead Maguire, Nobel prize, Henri Alleg and his wife Gilberte, François Houtart, … [read more]

اليسار الاردني برعاية حكومية

وزارة الثقافة اذ تشارك بـ"انقلاب" منتدى الفكر الاشتراكي هشام البستاني- عمّان رغم دفء العلاقات تاريخياً بين الاسلاميين (حركة الاخوان المسلمين وحزبها جبهة العمل الاسلامي)ØŒ والتنسيق الامني والسياسي الذي يستمر حتى … [read more]

لنرفض التدخل الإمبريالي وقرار المحكمة الدولية!

من أجل السلام في دارفور: لنرفض التدخل الإمبريالي وقرار المحكمة الدولية!بيان صادر عن المعسكر المناهض للإمبريالية 1. يؤكد المعسكر المناهض للإمبريالية على مبدأ حق تقرير المصير وحق سيادة الأوطان والشعوب والمجتمعات. 2. … [read more]

"No trust in Obama's promises"

Iraqi resistance to continue In a recent statement on the announcement of a partial US troop retreat from Iraq, Abduljabbar al Kubaysi, leader of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance, one political front organisation of the Iraqi resistance, displayed scepticism: “We believe that Obama already made a change to his original promise and extended the time for the so called withdrawal from Iraq. It is clear that his army will stay till the end of 2011 and actually he will find reasons to further extend the period for years and years.”As an explanation for the US step Mr Kubaysi cited the “economic corruption which we believe it is worse than what we know till now.”Mr Kubaysi stated that “all the resistance groups insist that the liberation can be achieved only by … [read more]

Samieh Jabbarin released into house arrest

Arab protests within Israel remain extremely difficult Samieh Jabbarin and Ibrahim Mahajne were released after 16 days of detention (from 10/2, the Knesset election day, till 26/2). They remain both under strict house arrest in the homes of their parents in Um elFahm.For Samieh this means he is distanced from his friends, work and studies in Yaffa, were he used to live. They are both charged with "assaulting a policeman" at the protest against visiting Zionist extremists in Um elFahm. The only evidence against them is testimonies of some of the policemen that were present.Even though the event was closely filmed, the police preferred not to present the video, supposedly not to expose its own violence.Further reading:Abnaa elBalad condemns political detention of Samieh JabbarinA letter … [read more]

Help Peace in Darfur: Support Sudan!

Reject Imperialist Interferences and the ICC Decision! 1. The Anti-Imperialist Camp supports in principle the rights of self-determination and self-rule, in respect to nations, peoples and communities.2. However, the particular cannot prevail over the universal. Those rights are neither sacred nor inviolable, rather they are a part of the general egalitarian and democratic programme - the anti-imperialist struggle against all forms of oppression, colonialism and exploitation.3. It is part of the imperialistic technique of domination that the great powers disguise their predatory interests with "divide and rule" politics or claiming to be defenders of human rights, democracy and freedom from tyranny.4. The United States of America, usually backed by the European Union, has always been … [read more]

بين تفكيك السودان والاصطفاف الوطنى لشعبه

اتحدوا لرفض واسقاط قرار اعتقال الرئيس السوداني، انقذوا السودان من الوصاية الاستعمارية والتقسيمبيان صادر عن اللجنة المصرية لمناهضة الاستعمار والصهيونية نداء الي السودنيين والمصريين والعرب جميعا: اتحدوا لرفض … [read more]

Arrest warrent against Sudanese president imperialist plot

Call by the Sudan Workers Trade Unions Federation to all free citizens of the work Sudan Workers Trade Unions FederationStatementLadies and Gentlemen,Comrades Honest workers of the world,Free citizens of the world,Today, the Pre-Trial Chamber I of the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued a warrant for the arrest of H. E Omar Hassan Ahmad Al Bashir, President of the republic of Sudan. This president, which is the first of its kind, violates the sovereignty and independence of the states.Sudan Workers Trade Unions Federation knows very well that this decision has nothing to do with the law, the justice and the humanity; rather, it is a political decision aiming at targeting a country saying No to the oppression powers. It is a conspiracy against a country paved its course of … [read more]

Appeal for the removal of Hamas from the EU terror list!

First signataries
On the occasion of the June 2009 European elections, we are launching an urgent appeal to all candidates for the 736 seats in the European parliament.We ask that they actively pursue the immediate and unconditional removal of Hamas and all other Palestinian liberation organizations from the European list of proscribed terrorist organizations.We further ask that they acknowledge the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and, by so doing, recognise, Hamas as a legitimate voice for the Palestinian people's aspirations for national liberation.***The initiative was launched by Nadine Rosa-Rosso, a teacher and independent communist militant living in Bruxelles. It is a result of the Beirut Resistance Forum from 16-18 January 2009. The call can be signed by sending a message to … [read more]

Abnaa elBalad condemns The political detention of Comrade Samieh Jabbarin

A call for international solidarityOn the 10th of February, the day of the elections for the Israeli Knesset, a new stage was reached in the blatant racist approach of the Israeli state toward the Arab Palestinian masses. One of the most violent and outspokenly racist mob leader of the Israeli lunatic right, Baruch Marzel, was nominated by the national election committee to be head of one of the election centers in Um elFahm, the second biggest Arab city in the 1948 occupied territories, which Israel claim to be "democratically" managed, in contrast to the 1967 militarily managed occupation.Marzel and his gang openly advocate the expulsion of the Arab population and are known for organizing (admitably usually small) mob shouting "death to the Arabs". On Election Day, their mob was mostly … [read more]

A letter from Israeli Prison

Samih Jabbarin is a member of the Palestinian movement Abnaa-El-Balad. He was arrested on February 10th on the backgrounds of the protests against the nomination of the known racist Baruch Marzel,by the national election committee to be head of one of the election centers in he Arab city of Um elFahm. Comrades,We, in Abnaa elBalad, always denied the democratic pretensions of this occupation entity. For long decades we put a lot of effort to expose this fake mask before our Arab Palestinian masses. But the majority of our masses became victim to political positions that try to convince them that this democracy is possible and hence we should participate in this "democratic" game in order to "serve" our steadfasting Arab Palestinian masses.The bearers of those positions never stop trying to … [read more]

رفح: الأمن المصري يصادر معرض الكاريكاتير الأردني

عودة الوفد التضامني الى الاردن السبت ومؤتمر صحفي له الاحدلليوم الثالث على التوالي، حاول وفد مبادرة "مثقفون اردنيون من اجل غزة" أمس الخميس الدخول الى غزة من خلال معبر رفح، وللمرة الثالثة على التوالي وقوبلت … [read more]

المثقفون الاردنيون يعتصمون أمام معبر رفح

العريش - مساء الاربعاء 18/2/2009 على مقربة من سحب الدخان السوداء التي ارتفعت في السماء نتيجة للقصف الاسرائيلي للمنطقة الحدودية لغزة صباح اليوم، اعتصم وفد مبادرة "مثقفون اردنيون من اجل غزة" امام البوابة الخارجية لمعبر رفح … [read more]

Edinburgh University students ocupy the George Square Lecture Theatre

"We have acted against the university because of its financial and commercial links to the apartheid state of Israel, in addition to its unacceptable silence in response to the Gaza conflict"Edinburgh University students ocupy the George Square Lecture Theatre From: Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign>Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2009 16:33:56 -000 Statement from the occupying studentsOn the morning of Wednesday 11thFebruary Edinburgh University students ocupied the George Square Lecture Theatre. We have acted against the university because of its financial and commercial links to the apartheid state of Israel, in addition to its unacceptable silence in response to the Gaza conflict, described by the UN President of the General Assembly, Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann, as … [read more]