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The snared tiger

The defeat of the LTTE and the shift in the political life of Sri Lanka The center-left government led by Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapakse, perked up by the recent military victories against the Tamil guerrilla, is flooding the country with an unprecedented offensive of propaganda and nationalism. The media unanimously rejoice over the conquest of strategic positions and hail the upcoming final victory against the LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) "terrorists". The Sinhala right-wing party UNP (United National Party) joins the chorus, while the country's third party, JVP (People's Liberation Front), has fallen victim to an unprecedented crisis.But let us go on in an orderly way.After almost thirty years of civil war, it seems that the conflict opposing the Tigers to the Sri Lankan … [read more]

The Left and Support for Anti-Imperialist Islamist Resistance

Speech delivered by Nadine Rosa-Rosso* at the The Beirut International Forum for Resistance, Anti-Imperialism, Solidarity between Peoples and Alternatives, held from January 16 to 18, 2009. The key question in this forum is how to support resistance against imperialism across the world. As an independent Belgian communist activist I would like to focus on the position of the European Left vis-à -vis this issue. The massive demonstrations in European capitals and major cities in support of the people of Gaza highlighted once again the core problem: the vast majority of the Left, including communists, agrees in supporting the people of Gaza against Israeli aggression, but refuses to support its political expressions such as Hamas in Palestine and Hezbollah in Lebanon. The Left not only … [read more]

البيان الختامي لمنتدى بيروت العالمي

نص البيان الختامي لمنتدى بيروت العالمي للمقاومة ومناهضة الامبريالية والتضامن بين الشعوب قصرالاونيسكو - بيروت 16-17- 18 كانون الثاني(يناير) -2009 بمبادرة من المركز الاستشاري للدراسات والتوثيق وبدعم من مراكز بحوث وجمعيات … [read more]

!لا لحلف الناتو

إننا ندعو لأن تكون تظاهرات الاحتجاج التي ستنطلق في نيسان (أبريل) 2009 في كل من مدينتي ستراسبورغ Ùˆ بادن-بادن ضد قمة منظمة حلف شمال الأطلسي (الـ ناتو) المنعقدة في الذكرى الستين لتأسيس الحلف، ندعو لأن تكون هذه الاحتجاجات … [read more]

David resisted Goliath

Tear down the ghetto walls! Send human solidarity to Gaza!
For three long weeks Israel bombarded the Gaza strip leaving behind blood, destruction and misery. The imbalance could not have been greater: On one side the most powerful army of the region backed by the military supremacy of the US. On the other side a starving and impoverished people closed up behind ghetto walls and forced to defend itself by completely inadequate means.Under these extraordinary conditions the fragile ceasefire translates into a clear political victory for the Palestinian resistance led by Hamas. Israel sought the annihilation, or at least substantial defeat of Hamas, but the Tzahal were met with such fierce resistance they were forced to abandon the decisive battlefield of the densely populated urban areas. Israel resigned itself to the school of recent US methods of … [read more]

No to NATO

Call of German anti-imperialist forces for the moblisation against the NATO summit
In solidarity with everyone who will protest on April 2009 in Strasbourg and Baden-Baden against the North Atlantic Treaty Organization summit meeting, marking the 60th anniversary of the founding of the NATO military alliance, we call for protests as the beginning of a long-term campaign against NATO and militarization of the European Union, and call for the following demands to be made central to the campaign:
• Withdrawal of all foreign troops from Afghanistan• Withdrawal of all foreign troops from Iraq - an end to the German support for the occupation• Solidarity with the legitimate resistance of the peoples of the Near East and Middle East against war and occupation• An end to the blockade against the Gaza Strip, demolition of the apartheid wall and the illegally bult Israeli settlements• An end to the threats of war against Iran• NO to NATO and EU interference in the Balkans; withdrawal of their troops; the recognition of "Kosovo" has been null and void from the beginning.• Dissolution of the ad hoc tribunals against Yugoslavia and Rwanda, which violate international law and serve … [read more]

The importance of an int'l alliance for the oppressed people

By Nadine Rosa Rosso, International Union of Parliamentarians for Palestine (IUPFP) Conference, Brussels May 15th 2008 The question of international alliances is a very important one in today's confused world. In order to build these alliances one has to identify: who is the enemy?The answer to this question depends on where in the world one lives. Political struggle in a country like Belgium where I reside, one of the richest countries of the world, and political struggle in one of the poorest like in Palestine is very different.The answer for oppressed people in the Third World is a simple one; the common enemy is the US Imperialism, followed by the governments of the European Union and often with the complicity of many Third World governments.One has to accept that to get to point A … [read more]

Proceedings of the Beirut International Forum

Closing Statement
To support Peoples' Anti-Imperialistic Resistance and the building of Alternatives to Globalization
On the initiative* and the support of several research centers, associations, syndicates and political, cultural and social movements, The Beirut International Forum was held on 16, 17 and 18 January 2009, attended by Arab and international delegations and eminent authorities from five continents (66 countries).This Forum, in which South America, Asia and Near East were massively represented, embodied the spirit of the Tricontinental centre. Two major topics characterized the Forum. On one hand, the heroic resistance by the Palestinian people of Gaza and their ability to confront an intense violence and unprecedented barbarity. On the other, capitalism's global crisis, which is not only financial but also on economic, social, cultural and moral fronts, thus posing a threat to the … [read more]

Islamic and Leftist Anti-imperialists unite

From January 16 to 18 an international gathering of groundbreaking importance took place in Beirut, Lebanon. About 1,000 delegates representing diverse organizations from Lebanon, the Arab world, Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia came together in the "Beirut International Forum for Resistance, Anti-imperialism, Peoples' Solidarity and Alternatives" to vibrantly exchange experiences and forge a common struggle.
In the opening session Hezbollah's deputy-secretary Sheik Naim Kassem captured the common spirit of the assembly: Today there are only two camps in the world. The one of US imperialism and its allies and the other one of the resistances; regardless of their ideological, cultural or religious affiliation. The resistances must be unified against its common enemy. This is only possible by respecting the diversity of the resistance movements.Hezbollah's deputy-secretary Sheik Naim KassemWhether from Venezuela (which had a massive presence), India, or even from the United States in person of former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark, all the speakers from the anti-war and anti-imperialist movements of Europe and the US strongly confirmed the gathering's commitment to an anti-imperialist … [read more]

"There are Colonists"

A reply to Avishai Ehrlich's essay: Stop the War, January 2009 *"There are neither good nor bad colonists: there are colonists. Some of them reject their objective reality: carried along by the colonial apparatus, they do each day, in deed, what they condemn in their dreams, and each of their acts contribute to maintaining oppression." - Jean-Paul Sartre, Introduction to Albert Memmi's "The Colonizer and the Colonized" (1) In a collection of essays, Colonialism and Neocolonialism (2), published for the first time in English in 2001, Jean-Paul Sartre deals with colonialism as a system of dominance and domination. He argues that, like Marx's proletariat, colonized people too carry inside of them the secret of the destruction of the system that oppresses them.(3) He argues, "when a … [read more]

تظاهرتين أمام السفارة المصرية يوم الاحد

فيينا تشهد تظاهرتين أمام السفارة المصرية يوم الاحد 11.1.2009 في تظاهرتين منفصلتين، تجمع عشرات الناشطين أمام مبنى السفارة المصرية في وقفتي احتجاج على موقف الحكومة المصرية الممالئ للعدوان الصهيوني على قطاع غزة. … [read more]

10 Years of NATO's War of Aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

Demonstrate Solidarity in Belgrade!, March 24, 2009 is the tenth anniversary of the beginning of the NATO states' illegal aggression on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. More than 80 % of NATO's bombardments were directed at civilian targets, residential areas, work places, clinics and schools. More then 50,000 rounds with depleted uranium are creating long-term contamination of the environment, with the bombing of chemical production facilities, both the population and the environment were contaminated, cluster bombs and mines are continuing to kill even today.NATO violated its own founding charter, the Helsinki Final Act of the OSCE and the Charter of the United Nations in launching this war of aggression. The sovereignty and territorial integrity guaranteed by the UN Charter was … [read more]

We will not be silent on Gaza

by the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN) We write with grief and rage as we watch the horrifying Israeli air and ground attacks on Gaza. As Jews committed to ending Zionism, the founding ideology of Israel, and all forms of colonialism, we stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people, who continue to struggle in the face of these attacks, much as they have against more than 60 years of ethnic cleansing and racism. As Joseph Massad recently wrote, Gaza is in uprising against genocide, and is receiving today the same indifference from the capitals of the West that the rebels in the Warsaw Ghetto received in 1943. We stand with the hundreds of thousands who have taken the streets in solidarity with Gaza's resistance. We stand with all those who struggle against racism, … [read more]

عالم ما بعد أمريكي؟

الوضع العالمي لدى صعود باراك أوباما ورقة صادرة عن المعسكر المناهض للإمبريالية بتاريخ 4 كانون الثاني (يناير) 2009من الواضح ان الأزمة البنيوية التي تعيشها الرأسمالية الأمريكية ستكون لها تبعات طويلة الأمد على كامل … [read more]

Yoav Bar released

Zionists order cessation of political opposition The political activist and member of the leading board of the anti-Zionist movement Abnaa El-Balad has been released on January 7, 2009, after one day of detention. He had been arrested following a manifestation in Haifa organised by Arab and anti-Zionist movements against the Israeli massacre and aggression in Gaza. The official justification of the arrest was "agitation", "passing agitation materials" and "participation in an illegal demonstration".After his release Bar explained: "They arrested me immediately after the manifestation, in which we posed on the road junction with anti war flyers, as we do everyday since the beginning of the aggression. They accused me of participation in an illegal manifestation and in disturbing the … [read more]

يومٌ دامٍ في عَمÙ'ان

هشام البستاني* "بين العنف الواقع عليه من السلطة السياسية والاحتواء والتوظيف الواقع عليه من قوى المعارضة الرسمية، يجد المواطن نفسه مدمياً ومهاناً على قارعة الطريق" ياسر ابو هلالة صحفي شجاع، وهو بالاضافة الى ذلك … [read more]

A Post-American World?

The international situation after the rise of Barack Obama
10/1/2009 · Resolution approved by the International Executive Committee of the Anti-Imperialist Camp
The systemic crisis in which American capitalism has fallen will have serious and long-lasting consequences on the whole system of international relations. Because of this, President-elect Barack Obama will not be able to give less importance to foreign policy. In the final years of the 20th century, a few new states have risen to be incipient imperialistic or sub-imperialistic nations. However the United States remain the only omni-dimensional power, i.e., they are the first world power in the military, industrial, agricultural, cultural, technological and scientific field. They will want to keep their supremacy at all costs and will try to distribute and discharge the price of the crisis upon the rest of the world. For this reason we are entering a historical period of utmost instability, which could lead to a period of extended, long-lasting and multi-dimensional open warfare.
***1. The systemic crisis, the epicentre of which is found in the United States, will not push the White House towards a policy of "non-intervention" on the global scene as some have foreseen. It will rather lead it to an internationalist imperialism of Wilsonian tradition which, pragmatist as it will be, will show a continuity with the policy of former President Bush.2. This doesn't mean that the imperial internationalism will take the same unilateralist shape which characterized it after 2001. The Neocon strategy of the Cheney-Rumsfeld-Bush triad gave small results compared to the huge effort it put into war, finance and diplomacy. Because of its high costs, the Neocon strategy (presented as a struggle to the bitter end against terrorism, but which actually aimed at strengthening … [read more]

"Kein Erdöl mehr für Israel"

Bericht von Aktionen in Caracas Zwei Demonstrationen gegen den Angriff der israelischen Armee auf den Gazastreifen und das Massaker gegen die palästinensischen Bevölkerung fanden heute, 8. Januar 2009, in Caracas, Venezuela statt. An der ersten Demonstration am Vormittag beteiligten sich etwas 3000 Personen unterschiedlichster sozialer Bewegungen sowie der palästinensischen und arabischen Gemeinde. Auf Transparenten und in Sprechchören wurde gefordert, dass Venezuela die Erdöllieferungen an Israel einstellen solle. Die Demonstration endete vor der israelischen Botschaft. Die Demonstranten warfen Schuhe auf das Gebäude und verbrannten Israel-Fahnen. Zur Demonstration am Nachmittag hatte die Partei PSUV (Vereinigte Sozialistische Partei Venezuelas) aufgerufen. Rund 15 000 … [read more]

Leader of Abnaa el Balad arrested

Solidarity with the Anti-zionist movement inside Israel Abnaa el Balad is one of the main Anti-zionist organisations within Israel and is organising the protests of the remaining Arab population against the massacre in Gaza. Under its auspices the Haifa conference for One Democratic State in entire Palestine was organised. It has been closely co-operation with the Anti-imperialist Camp for more than one decade.Yoav Bar, member of the politic office of Abnaa el Balad, was arrested on January 6, 2009, after a rally in Gaza protesting the ongoing slaughter in Gaza. In a communiquà© Abnaa el Balad called the arrest a useless and vain attempt to intimidate people to protest their war.The movement announced further protest action: "We will not keep quiet until the war, the massacres and the … [read more]

فيينا تشهد ثالث تظاهرة كبرى تضامنا مع غزة

شهدت العاصمة النمساوية فيينا مساء اليوم الإثنين ثالث تظاهرة كبرى تضامنا مع غزة وتنديدا بالعدوان، حيث تجمع في التظاهرة التي دعت إليها منظمات تجمع "غزة يجب أن تعيش" حوالي الألفين وخمسمائة شخص من مختلف الجاليات … [read more]

The snared tiger

The defeat of the LTTE and the shift in the political life of Sri Lanka The center-left government led by Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapakse, perked up by the recent military victories against the Tamil guerrilla, is flooding the country with an unprecedented offensive of propaganda and nationalism. The media unanimously rejoice over the conquest of strategic positions and hail the upcoming final victory against the LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) "terrorists". The Sinhala right-wing party UNP (United National Party) joins the chorus, while the country's third party, JVP (People's Liberation Front), has fallen victim to an unprecedented crisis.But let us go on in an orderly way.After almost thirty years of civil war, it seems that the conflict opposing the Tigers to the Sri Lankan … [read more]

The Left and Support for Anti-Imperialist Islamist Resistance

Speech delivered by Nadine Rosa-Rosso* at the The Beirut International Forum for Resistance, Anti-Imperialism, Solidarity between Peoples and Alternatives, held from January 16 to 18, 2009. The key question in this forum is how to support resistance against imperialism across the world. As an independent Belgian communist activist I would like to focus on the position of the European Left vis-à -vis this issue. The massive demonstrations in European capitals and major cities in support of the people of Gaza highlighted once again the core problem: the vast majority of the Left, including communists, agrees in supporting the people of Gaza against Israeli aggression, but refuses to support its political expressions such as Hamas in Palestine and Hezbollah in Lebanon. The Left not only … [read more]

البيان الختامي لمنتدى بيروت العالمي

نص البيان الختامي لمنتدى بيروت العالمي للمقاومة ومناهضة الامبريالية والتضامن بين الشعوب قصرالاونيسكو - بيروت 16-17- 18 كانون الثاني(يناير) -2009 بمبادرة من المركز الاستشاري للدراسات والتوثيق وبدعم من مراكز بحوث وجمعيات … [read more]

!لا لحلف الناتو

إننا ندعو لأن تكون تظاهرات الاحتجاج التي ستنطلق في نيسان (أبريل) 2009 في كل من مدينتي ستراسبورغ Ùˆ بادن-بادن ضد قمة منظمة حلف شمال الأطلسي (الـ ناتو) المنعقدة في الذكرى الستين لتأسيس الحلف، ندعو لأن تكون هذه الاحتجاجات … [read more]

David resisted Goliath

Tear down the ghetto walls! Send human solidarity to Gaza!
For three long weeks Israel bombarded the Gaza strip leaving behind blood, destruction and misery. The imbalance could not have been greater: On one side the most powerful army of the region backed by the military supremacy of the US. On the other side a starving and impoverished people closed up behind ghetto walls and forced to defend itself by completely inadequate means.Under these extraordinary conditions the fragile ceasefire translates into a clear political victory for the Palestinian resistance led by Hamas. Israel sought the annihilation, or at least substantial defeat of Hamas, but the Tzahal were met with such fierce resistance they were forced to abandon the decisive battlefield of the densely populated urban areas. Israel resigned itself to the school of recent US methods of … [read more]

No to NATO

Call of German anti-imperialist forces for the moblisation against the NATO summit
In solidarity with everyone who will protest on April 2009 in Strasbourg and Baden-Baden against the North Atlantic Treaty Organization summit meeting, marking the 60th anniversary of the founding of the NATO military alliance, we call for protests as the beginning of a long-term campaign against NATO and militarization of the European Union, and call for the following demands to be made central to the campaign:
• Withdrawal of all foreign troops from Afghanistan• Withdrawal of all foreign troops from Iraq - an end to the German support for the occupation• Solidarity with the legitimate resistance of the peoples of the Near East and Middle East against war and occupation• An end to the blockade against the Gaza Strip, demolition of the apartheid wall and the illegally bult Israeli settlements• An end to the threats of war against Iran• NO to NATO and EU interference in the Balkans; withdrawal of their troops; the recognition of "Kosovo" has been null and void from the beginning.• Dissolution of the ad hoc tribunals against Yugoslavia and Rwanda, which violate international law and serve … [read more]

The importance of an int'l alliance for the oppressed people

By Nadine Rosa Rosso, International Union of Parliamentarians for Palestine (IUPFP) Conference, Brussels May 15th 2008 The question of international alliances is a very important one in today's confused world. In order to build these alliances one has to identify: who is the enemy?The answer to this question depends on where in the world one lives. Political struggle in a country like Belgium where I reside, one of the richest countries of the world, and political struggle in one of the poorest like in Palestine is very different.The answer for oppressed people in the Third World is a simple one; the common enemy is the US Imperialism, followed by the governments of the European Union and often with the complicity of many Third World governments.One has to accept that to get to point A … [read more]

Proceedings of the Beirut International Forum

Closing Statement
To support Peoples' Anti-Imperialistic Resistance and the building of Alternatives to Globalization
On the initiative* and the support of several research centers, associations, syndicates and political, cultural and social movements, The Beirut International Forum was held on 16, 17 and 18 January 2009, attended by Arab and international delegations and eminent authorities from five continents (66 countries).This Forum, in which South America, Asia and Near East were massively represented, embodied the spirit of the Tricontinental centre. Two major topics characterized the Forum. On one hand, the heroic resistance by the Palestinian people of Gaza and their ability to confront an intense violence and unprecedented barbarity. On the other, capitalism's global crisis, which is not only financial but also on economic, social, cultural and moral fronts, thus posing a threat to the … [read more]

Islamic and Leftist Anti-imperialists unite

From January 16 to 18 an international gathering of groundbreaking importance took place in Beirut, Lebanon. About 1,000 delegates representing diverse organizations from Lebanon, the Arab world, Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia came together in the "Beirut International Forum for Resistance, Anti-imperialism, Peoples' Solidarity and Alternatives" to vibrantly exchange experiences and forge a common struggle.
In the opening session Hezbollah's deputy-secretary Sheik Naim Kassem captured the common spirit of the assembly: Today there are only two camps in the world. The one of US imperialism and its allies and the other one of the resistances; regardless of their ideological, cultural or religious affiliation. The resistances must be unified against its common enemy. This is only possible by respecting the diversity of the resistance movements.Hezbollah's deputy-secretary Sheik Naim KassemWhether from Venezuela (which had a massive presence), India, or even from the United States in person of former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark, all the speakers from the anti-war and anti-imperialist movements of Europe and the US strongly confirmed the gathering's commitment to an anti-imperialist … [read more]

"There are Colonists"

A reply to Avishai Ehrlich's essay: Stop the War, January 2009 *"There are neither good nor bad colonists: there are colonists. Some of them reject their objective reality: carried along by the colonial apparatus, they do each day, in deed, what they condemn in their dreams, and each of their acts contribute to maintaining oppression." - Jean-Paul Sartre, Introduction to Albert Memmi's "The Colonizer and the Colonized" (1) In a collection of essays, Colonialism and Neocolonialism (2), published for the first time in English in 2001, Jean-Paul Sartre deals with colonialism as a system of dominance and domination. He argues that, like Marx's proletariat, colonized people too carry inside of them the secret of the destruction of the system that oppresses them.(3) He argues, "when a … [read more]

تظاهرتين أمام السفارة المصرية يوم الاحد

فيينا تشهد تظاهرتين أمام السفارة المصرية يوم الاحد 11.1.2009 في تظاهرتين منفصلتين، تجمع عشرات الناشطين أمام مبنى السفارة المصرية في وقفتي احتجاج على موقف الحكومة المصرية الممالئ للعدوان الصهيوني على قطاع غزة. … [read more]

10 Years of NATO's War of Aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

Demonstrate Solidarity in Belgrade!, March 24, 2009 is the tenth anniversary of the beginning of the NATO states' illegal aggression on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. More than 80 % of NATO's bombardments were directed at civilian targets, residential areas, work places, clinics and schools. More then 50,000 rounds with depleted uranium are creating long-term contamination of the environment, with the bombing of chemical production facilities, both the population and the environment were contaminated, cluster bombs and mines are continuing to kill even today.NATO violated its own founding charter, the Helsinki Final Act of the OSCE and the Charter of the United Nations in launching this war of aggression. The sovereignty and territorial integrity guaranteed by the UN Charter was … [read more]

We will not be silent on Gaza

by the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN) We write with grief and rage as we watch the horrifying Israeli air and ground attacks on Gaza. As Jews committed to ending Zionism, the founding ideology of Israel, and all forms of colonialism, we stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people, who continue to struggle in the face of these attacks, much as they have against more than 60 years of ethnic cleansing and racism. As Joseph Massad recently wrote, Gaza is in uprising against genocide, and is receiving today the same indifference from the capitals of the West that the rebels in the Warsaw Ghetto received in 1943. We stand with the hundreds of thousands who have taken the streets in solidarity with Gaza's resistance. We stand with all those who struggle against racism, … [read more]

عالم ما بعد أمريكي؟

الوضع العالمي لدى صعود باراك أوباما ورقة صادرة عن المعسكر المناهض للإمبريالية بتاريخ 4 كانون الثاني (يناير) 2009من الواضح ان الأزمة البنيوية التي تعيشها الرأسمالية الأمريكية ستكون لها تبعات طويلة الأمد على كامل … [read more]

Yoav Bar released

Zionists order cessation of political opposition The political activist and member of the leading board of the anti-Zionist movement Abnaa El-Balad has been released on January 7, 2009, after one day of detention. He had been arrested following a manifestation in Haifa organised by Arab and anti-Zionist movements against the Israeli massacre and aggression in Gaza. The official justification of the arrest was "agitation", "passing agitation materials" and "participation in an illegal demonstration".After his release Bar explained: "They arrested me immediately after the manifestation, in which we posed on the road junction with anti war flyers, as we do everyday since the beginning of the aggression. They accused me of participation in an illegal manifestation and in disturbing the … [read more]

يومٌ دامٍ في عَمÙ'ان

هشام البستاني* "بين العنف الواقع عليه من السلطة السياسية والاحتواء والتوظيف الواقع عليه من قوى المعارضة الرسمية، يجد المواطن نفسه مدمياً ومهاناً على قارعة الطريق" ياسر ابو هلالة صحفي شجاع، وهو بالاضافة الى ذلك … [read more]

A Post-American World?

The international situation after the rise of Barack Obama
10/1/2009 · Resolution approved by the International Executive Committee of the Anti-Imperialist Camp
The systemic crisis in which American capitalism has fallen will have serious and long-lasting consequences on the whole system of international relations. Because of this, President-elect Barack Obama will not be able to give less importance to foreign policy. In the final years of the 20th century, a few new states have risen to be incipient imperialistic or sub-imperialistic nations. However the United States remain the only omni-dimensional power, i.e., they are the first world power in the military, industrial, agricultural, cultural, technological and scientific field. They will want to keep their supremacy at all costs and will try to distribute and discharge the price of the crisis upon the rest of the world. For this reason we are entering a historical period of utmost instability, which could lead to a period of extended, long-lasting and multi-dimensional open warfare.
***1. The systemic crisis, the epicentre of which is found in the United States, will not push the White House towards a policy of "non-intervention" on the global scene as some have foreseen. It will rather lead it to an internationalist imperialism of Wilsonian tradition which, pragmatist as it will be, will show a continuity with the policy of former President Bush.2. This doesn't mean that the imperial internationalism will take the same unilateralist shape which characterized it after 2001. The Neocon strategy of the Cheney-Rumsfeld-Bush triad gave small results compared to the huge effort it put into war, finance and diplomacy. Because of its high costs, the Neocon strategy (presented as a struggle to the bitter end against terrorism, but which actually aimed at strengthening … [read more]

"Kein Erdöl mehr für Israel"

Bericht von Aktionen in Caracas Zwei Demonstrationen gegen den Angriff der israelischen Armee auf den Gazastreifen und das Massaker gegen die palästinensischen Bevölkerung fanden heute, 8. Januar 2009, in Caracas, Venezuela statt. An der ersten Demonstration am Vormittag beteiligten sich etwas 3000 Personen unterschiedlichster sozialer Bewegungen sowie der palästinensischen und arabischen Gemeinde. Auf Transparenten und in Sprechchören wurde gefordert, dass Venezuela die Erdöllieferungen an Israel einstellen solle. Die Demonstration endete vor der israelischen Botschaft. Die Demonstranten warfen Schuhe auf das Gebäude und verbrannten Israel-Fahnen. Zur Demonstration am Nachmittag hatte die Partei PSUV (Vereinigte Sozialistische Partei Venezuelas) aufgerufen. Rund 15 000 … [read more]

Leader of Abnaa el Balad arrested

Solidarity with the Anti-zionist movement inside Israel Abnaa el Balad is one of the main Anti-zionist organisations within Israel and is organising the protests of the remaining Arab population against the massacre in Gaza. Under its auspices the Haifa conference for One Democratic State in entire Palestine was organised. It has been closely co-operation with the Anti-imperialist Camp for more than one decade.Yoav Bar, member of the politic office of Abnaa el Balad, was arrested on January 6, 2009, after a rally in Gaza protesting the ongoing slaughter in Gaza. In a communiquà© Abnaa el Balad called the arrest a useless and vain attempt to intimidate people to protest their war.The movement announced further protest action: "We will not keep quiet until the war, the massacres and the … [read more]

فيينا تشهد ثالث تظاهرة كبرى تضامنا مع غزة

شهدت العاصمة النمساوية فيينا مساء اليوم الإثنين ثالث تظاهرة كبرى تضامنا مع غزة وتنديدا بالعدوان، حيث تجمع في التظاهرة التي دعت إليها منظمات تجمع "غزة يجب أن تعيش" حوالي الألفين وخمسمائة شخص من مختلف الجاليات … [read more]