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"Stop the massacre!"

Pictures from protests all over the world against the massacre in Gaza
If you have pictures from protests against the Israeli attack on Gaza, we would be happy to publish them - Send them to us!aik@antiimperialista.orgCologneBonnAmsterdamCairoMontrealViennaVienna, 30/12/2008Vienna, 02/01/2009Vienna, … [read more]

PFLP leader Saadat sentenced to 30 yrs prison

Israeli kangaroo court in action Solidarity with Ahmed SaadatOn December 25 a Zionist military court sentenced the leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine to 30 years of prisons. The verdict concludes completely ridiculous court proceedings which violated any democratic juridical norm possible."When the Israelis arrested him, they accused him of having killed Zeevi, but this accusation did not appear in the sentencing which proves that his arrest was political and was not related to security issues," PFLP member Khalida Jarar stated.Saadat pays for his steadfastness in his opposition to the Zionist occupation. While significant parts of his leftist organisation have been wavering between the collaborators of Fatah and the Palestinian Authority on one side and the … [read more]

بيان صادر عن القوى الوطنية والإسلامية

لا صوت يعلو فوق صوت الانتفاضة نداء التصدي لحرب الإبادة الصهيونية ضد شعبنا في قطاع غزة يا جماهير شعبنا الفلسطيني البطل...يا جماهير امتنا العربية والاسلامية المجيدة ... يا كل الأحرار والشرفاء في العالم... يا فرسان الانتفاضة … [read more]

نداء للتضامن مع شعبنا في قطاع غزة

المجد للمقاومة - الخزي والعار للعملاء والمنبطحين!الزمان: الثالثة من مساء الثلاثاء 30 كانون أول (ديسمبر) 2008 المكان: ميدان شتيفانزبلاتز، وسط البلد، فييناالمجد للمقاومة - الخزي والعار للعملاء والمنبطحين! نداء للتضامن … [read more]

India: Repeal/withdraw 'Anti-terror' Bills

After the Mumbai attacks govt to curb remaining democratic rightsWe, the following organizations had gone through the full texts of the two "anti-terror bills" that have recently been passed in both houses of parliament and the stated objectives and reasons for promulgation of such acts.While expressing our deep anguish and condemnation in no uncertain terms of Mumbai incident of November,2008 and other similar acts of violence on the citizens of India , we note with concern that taking advantage of such acts, the Government of India and political society as such have been increasingly using military language to emphasize the urgency of the situation and trying to introduce a distinct repressive turn in the politics of criminal justice of our country , manifested in the security … [read more]

Greece: Let's turn our rage into an essential political answer!

The system murders!by Vassilis Samaras Secretary of KKE(m-l) Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist) Not unlike a volcano that has awakened, the rage of the youth and the whole Greek people erupted against the cowardly murder of young Alexis Gregoropoulos. At the same time, immediately, without hesitation and doubts they raised their hand and pointed at the real culprits.It is the government, the state and the system that breeds and arms murderers in order to have them available any time against the people. This outburst that acquired features of national uprising with thousands of high school and university students and workers demonstrating their anger in villages, neighborhoods and cities across the country was not something unexpected.The murder of the young teenager became the … [read more]

Sentence for Ahmad Saadat expected

Urgent call for action Free Ahmad Sa'adat and all Palestinian prisoners!The Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa'adat is urgently calling on all supporters of the Palestinian people, and all supporters of justice and freedom, to organize and act in solidarity with Ahmad Sa'adat, the imprisoned Palestinian national leader on or before December 25, 2008. Sa'adat, the General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and an elected member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, has been imprisoned in Israeli jails alongside 11,000 of his Palestinian brothers and sisters since March 14, 2006, when he was abducted by Israeli occupation forces, following the siege on Jericho Prison on March 13, 2006, in which Sa'adat and five other Palestinian political prisoners were abducted by … [read more]

Down with the criminal government of Karamanlis!

5th Statement of the Communist Organization of Greece (KOE) 11 December 2008 We shall not yield to the criminal government! The "unholy alliance" of "law and order" cannot stop the protest! 1. On Thursday 11 December 2008 dozens of thousands of youth got again out in the streets and demonstrated their rage, marching against the police stations all over Greece. In Athens only, 21 police stations have been besieged by the youth, who replied to the police attacks with stones, turned upside down many police vehicles and burned them. These are not "rioters with masks", but school students who protest the murder of Alexis and the government policies, which kill their future. Thousands of people stand by their side: their parents, their teachers, the militants of the Left. In many cases, the … [read more]

Greece: Combative General Strike, counter-attack of the establishment

4th Statement of the Communist Organization of Greece (KOE) (a) Tuesday 9 December The demonstrations organized in midday by the teachers trade-unions and by the secondary education pupils in the centre of Athens and many other cities were combative and gathered once more dozens of thousands all over the country. In Athens the Special Forces attacked again the demonstrators with chemicals and arrested many people. Thousands of people gathered at 3 pm in the cemetery of Paleo Faliro, where the funeral took place. In a heavy atmosphere, marked by the deep sorrow and a total silence, young and older came for the last farewell to Alexis. But the government of criminals did not respect even the funeral of the assassinated boy: While the ceremony was still taking place, a huge number of … [read more]

Greek popular revolt about to topple govt

3rd Statement of the Communist Organization of Greece (KOE) We, the Anti-imperialist Camp, welcome the wonderful revolt of the Greek youth and express our utmost solidarity. It comes at the right time as a harbinger of a generalised popular revolt against the global capitalist oligarchy bearing the responsibility for the upcoming devastating social crisis. It brings back life to Europe.We fully support the attempts of the antagonist forces to gather the popular masses for an onslaught on the government in order to topple it. Tomorrow's general strike is a further step in this direction.The big challenge will be to hinder PASOK to reap the fruits of the struggle just to save the system as they did so many times before. At the same time we call upon the Greek Communist Party not to … [read more]

Greek revolt comes at right time

Communist Organization of Greece (KOE) informs the progressive public opinion 1. Yesterday evening, Saturday 6 December, a member of the Police Special Forces shot in cold blood and killed a 15 year old boy in the center of Athens.2. Dozens of eye witnesses who came forward and spoke to the Media confirm that this was a cold blood murder, as there were no incidents going on. The attempt of the Greek government to lie to the public opinion, claiming that the kids attacked the police, finally failed: Tonight, Sunday 7 December, even the mainstream Media are openly calling the government's claims "a blatant lie".3. The police murder comes after years of increasing state terror against the youth and the working people, who goes always unpunished and is always covered and justified by the … [read more]

Participants Beirut Social Forum

January 16-18, 2009 (preliminary list of which we cannot guarantee the completeness)Lebanese Communist Party LebanonSociety "Ecologia" LebanonL´altra lambardia- Sulatesta ItalyKaramah Party LebanonPopular Campaign Against the Siege of Gaza LebanonOffen- siv, Journal for Socialism and Peace GermanyInternational Action Center- Ramsey Clark- USAVictor Chirinons, President of the Venezuelan Group VenezuelaAnti-Imperialist Camp EuropeCultural Center of IDIL TurkeyFront of Peoples TurkeyTayad (association of the Solidarity and Aid between Prisoners Families) TurkeyCampaign Iran LondonIraqi Democrats Against the Occupation LondonPakistan Institute of Labor and Education Research LondonWest African Bar Association LondonStop the War Coalition The … [read more]


Why we remain anti-American A Black president in a country that was founded on slavery and racism—that is a true sensation. We understand and share the joy and satisfaction in the Black communities from Harlem via Chicago to New Orleans.Editorials in Europe celebrate the victory of someone who does not belong to the WASP elite as the restoration and confirmation of the American Dream—a Black man as elected monarch. The nightmare of the Bush years was supposedly just an aberration that failed, a deviation that is behind us now; the true, liberal America of opportunities is back, bright eyes, bushy tail.The lower and middle class had enough of the anti-social and war-mongering course of that coalition of protestant fundamentalists and neo-conservatives, and voted … [read more]


Warum wir antiamerikanisch bleiben Ein schwarzer Präsident in einem Land, das auf Sklaverei und Rassismus gegründet war, ist eine Sensation. Wir können die Freude und Genugtuung in den schwarzen Gettos von Harlem über Chicago bis New Orleans nur zu gut verstehen.Von den europäischen Leitartiklern und Kommentatoren wird die Tatsache, dass es einer von außerhalb der WASP-Elite (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) geschafft hat, Wahlmonarch zu werden, als Wiederherstellung und Bestätigung des amerikanischen Traums gefeiert. Der Alpdruck der Bush-Jahre sei bloß ein gescheiterter Irrweg gewesen, nun ausgestanden und das gute, liberale Amerika der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten melde sich umso frischer und kräftiger zurück.Es ist klar, dass es in den Unter- und Mittelschichten eine massive … [read more]

Programme of the Beirut Int'l Forum for Resistance and Anti-Imperialism

January 16-18, 2009 Int'l Forum for Resistance, Anti-Imperialism, Solidarity between Peoples, and AlternativesComposition of workshopsI- Workshop on Supporting Resistance and LiberationII- Workshop on Anti- Imperialism and Solidarity between PeoplesIII- Workshop on Supporting Political AlternativesIV- The Parliamentarians WorkshopV- Workshop on solidarity between local communities and sectorsVI- Workshop on defending legal and civic rightsI) Workshop on Support for Resistance and Liberation There is no doubt that the resistance successes in Lebanon and its successes or resilience in Palestine and Iraq explain the ferocious attack targeting resistance on all levels, including the accusation of terrorism aimed at tarnishing the resistance image, misleading the international public … [read more]

Breaking the connection: the road to a New Ireland

Des Dalton, vice president of Republican Sinn Fà©in Following speech was held on a conference organised by the Anti-imperialist Camp in Vienna, Austria, on Oct 23, 2008.The road leading to the position in which the Provisionals occupy today did not begin in 1998 or indeed in 1994, it began in 1986 with the decision by an element within the Republican Movement to radically transform the direction in which the revolutionary movement was headed. The British Government were not blind to these developments and changes within the leadership of the Republican Movement and moved quickly and early to facilitate and ease the path of the Provisionals to its logical conclusion. Each step since then has seen the Provisionals ensnared further within the apparatus of British rule:1. The acceptance … [read more]

The decisive battle is not behind us but in front of us

Thesis on Venezuela 1. Unlike most of the left, both in Venezuela and in other countries, we supported the Fifth Republic Movement (MVR). Later (in 1998) we welcomed the election of Hugo Chávez Frà­as as President of the Republic as an exceptional anti-imperialist victory and as the beginning of a new and positive step, not only for Venezuela but for all of Latin America.2. For the first time in decades, in a country which is decisive for the geopolitical balance of the continent, a leader had come to power who declared his radical hostility not only to imperialism, particularly US imperialism, but also to Venezuela's rotten, oligarchic two-party system, which is the expression of a corrupt and subservient capitalism. Chávez' anti-imperialism was not just for show. He was … [read more]

Irish national liberation struggle is a symbol

Message of solidarity to Republican Sinn Fà©in from the Anti-imperialist Camp The Anti-imperialist Camp sends warm greeting in solidarity to 104th Ard Fheis of Republican Sinn Fà©in! Your continued struggle in the 32 Counties of Ireland is an essential part of an anti-imperialist fight against the British colonial empire and worldwide imperialism. As the Iraqi and Palestinian resistance bears the potential of breaking the backbone of imperialism, your struggle is a direct stroke in the heard of imperialism as well. The Irish national liberation struggle is a symbol for Europe and the whole world for a continued und brave struggle against inhumanity in this world. We want to congratulate you for the successful "No-Campaign" against the Lisbon treaty which has played an essential … [read more]

American Empire troubled

Greetings to the Workers World Party In the name of the Anti-imperialist Camp we convey our warm and fraternal greetings to your conference, which takes place right at an important turn of the global situation. The U.S. Empire, as it has been built after the implosion of the USSR, is in decisive trouble. Its permanent war has been unable to suppress the popular resistances, which sprang up in across the world, especially in the Middle East. On the contrary, aggression has awakened increased resistance. This led to a situation in which the U.S. establishment has so far been unable to launch an attack on Iran, and which gave Russia the possibility to militarily defend the Caucasus as its sphere of influence. Without military intervention punishing its challengers, the American Empire … [read more]

A world without NATO is necessary

Mobilisation against NATO's 60th anniversary
In April 2009 NATO will be celebrating its 60th anniversary in Strasbourg / Kehl right on the French-German border. A massive international mobilisation is under way to express the popular protest and refusal of this main instrument of Western capitalist and imperialist domination and war mongering.
On last October 4/5 an international conference took place in Stuttgart, Germany, to prepare the protests which issued the call below. The Anti-imperialist Camp not only endorses the call but urges everybody to massively participate.During the deliberations of the conference the Anti-imperialist Camp proposed to add following demands to the call in order to make it more concrete and to the point:x Withdrawal of all foreign troops from Afghanistanx No to the extension of NATO to the Eastx End occupation and war in the Middle EastAlthough this seemed to be consensus among the participants it nevertheless was not reflected in the conclusive text. We will continue to fight for those slogans to be adopted by the movement. As Anti-imperialist Camp we, however, go much further as we … [read more]

"Stop the massacre!"

Pictures from protests all over the world against the massacre in Gaza
If you have pictures from protests against the Israeli attack on Gaza, we would be happy to publish them - Send them to us!aik@antiimperialista.orgCologneBonnAmsterdamCairoMontrealViennaVienna, 30/12/2008Vienna, 02/01/2009Vienna, … [read more]

PFLP leader Saadat sentenced to 30 yrs prison

Israeli kangaroo court in action Solidarity with Ahmed SaadatOn December 25 a Zionist military court sentenced the leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine to 30 years of prisons. The verdict concludes completely ridiculous court proceedings which violated any democratic juridical norm possible."When the Israelis arrested him, they accused him of having killed Zeevi, but this accusation did not appear in the sentencing which proves that his arrest was political and was not related to security issues," PFLP member Khalida Jarar stated.Saadat pays for his steadfastness in his opposition to the Zionist occupation. While significant parts of his leftist organisation have been wavering between the collaborators of Fatah and the Palestinian Authority on one side and the … [read more]

بيان صادر عن القوى الوطنية والإسلامية

لا صوت يعلو فوق صوت الانتفاضة نداء التصدي لحرب الإبادة الصهيونية ضد شعبنا في قطاع غزة يا جماهير شعبنا الفلسطيني البطل...يا جماهير امتنا العربية والاسلامية المجيدة ... يا كل الأحرار والشرفاء في العالم... يا فرسان الانتفاضة … [read more]

نداء للتضامن مع شعبنا في قطاع غزة

المجد للمقاومة - الخزي والعار للعملاء والمنبطحين!الزمان: الثالثة من مساء الثلاثاء 30 كانون أول (ديسمبر) 2008 المكان: ميدان شتيفانزبلاتز، وسط البلد، فييناالمجد للمقاومة - الخزي والعار للعملاء والمنبطحين! نداء للتضامن … [read more]

India: Repeal/withdraw 'Anti-terror' Bills

After the Mumbai attacks govt to curb remaining democratic rightsWe, the following organizations had gone through the full texts of the two "anti-terror bills" that have recently been passed in both houses of parliament and the stated objectives and reasons for promulgation of such acts.While expressing our deep anguish and condemnation in no uncertain terms of Mumbai incident of November,2008 and other similar acts of violence on the citizens of India , we note with concern that taking advantage of such acts, the Government of India and political society as such have been increasingly using military language to emphasize the urgency of the situation and trying to introduce a distinct repressive turn in the politics of criminal justice of our country , manifested in the security … [read more]

Greece: Let's turn our rage into an essential political answer!

The system murders!by Vassilis Samaras Secretary of KKE(m-l) Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist) Not unlike a volcano that has awakened, the rage of the youth and the whole Greek people erupted against the cowardly murder of young Alexis Gregoropoulos. At the same time, immediately, without hesitation and doubts they raised their hand and pointed at the real culprits.It is the government, the state and the system that breeds and arms murderers in order to have them available any time against the people. This outburst that acquired features of national uprising with thousands of high school and university students and workers demonstrating their anger in villages, neighborhoods and cities across the country was not something unexpected.The murder of the young teenager became the … [read more]

Sentence for Ahmad Saadat expected

Urgent call for action Free Ahmad Sa'adat and all Palestinian prisoners!The Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa'adat is urgently calling on all supporters of the Palestinian people, and all supporters of justice and freedom, to organize and act in solidarity with Ahmad Sa'adat, the imprisoned Palestinian national leader on or before December 25, 2008. Sa'adat, the General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and an elected member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, has been imprisoned in Israeli jails alongside 11,000 of his Palestinian brothers and sisters since March 14, 2006, when he was abducted by Israeli occupation forces, following the siege on Jericho Prison on March 13, 2006, in which Sa'adat and five other Palestinian political prisoners were abducted by … [read more]

Down with the criminal government of Karamanlis!

5th Statement of the Communist Organization of Greece (KOE) 11 December 2008 We shall not yield to the criminal government! The "unholy alliance" of "law and order" cannot stop the protest! 1. On Thursday 11 December 2008 dozens of thousands of youth got again out in the streets and demonstrated their rage, marching against the police stations all over Greece. In Athens only, 21 police stations have been besieged by the youth, who replied to the police attacks with stones, turned upside down many police vehicles and burned them. These are not "rioters with masks", but school students who protest the murder of Alexis and the government policies, which kill their future. Thousands of people stand by their side: their parents, their teachers, the militants of the Left. In many cases, the … [read more]

Greece: Combative General Strike, counter-attack of the establishment

4th Statement of the Communist Organization of Greece (KOE) (a) Tuesday 9 December The demonstrations organized in midday by the teachers trade-unions and by the secondary education pupils in the centre of Athens and many other cities were combative and gathered once more dozens of thousands all over the country. In Athens the Special Forces attacked again the demonstrators with chemicals and arrested many people. Thousands of people gathered at 3 pm in the cemetery of Paleo Faliro, where the funeral took place. In a heavy atmosphere, marked by the deep sorrow and a total silence, young and older came for the last farewell to Alexis. But the government of criminals did not respect even the funeral of the assassinated boy: While the ceremony was still taking place, a huge number of … [read more]

Greek popular revolt about to topple govt

3rd Statement of the Communist Organization of Greece (KOE) We, the Anti-imperialist Camp, welcome the wonderful revolt of the Greek youth and express our utmost solidarity. It comes at the right time as a harbinger of a generalised popular revolt against the global capitalist oligarchy bearing the responsibility for the upcoming devastating social crisis. It brings back life to Europe.We fully support the attempts of the antagonist forces to gather the popular masses for an onslaught on the government in order to topple it. Tomorrow's general strike is a further step in this direction.The big challenge will be to hinder PASOK to reap the fruits of the struggle just to save the system as they did so many times before. At the same time we call upon the Greek Communist Party not to … [read more]

Greek revolt comes at right time

Communist Organization of Greece (KOE) informs the progressive public opinion 1. Yesterday evening, Saturday 6 December, a member of the Police Special Forces shot in cold blood and killed a 15 year old boy in the center of Athens.2. Dozens of eye witnesses who came forward and spoke to the Media confirm that this was a cold blood murder, as there were no incidents going on. The attempt of the Greek government to lie to the public opinion, claiming that the kids attacked the police, finally failed: Tonight, Sunday 7 December, even the mainstream Media are openly calling the government's claims "a blatant lie".3. The police murder comes after years of increasing state terror against the youth and the working people, who goes always unpunished and is always covered and justified by the … [read more]

Participants Beirut Social Forum

January 16-18, 2009 (preliminary list of which we cannot guarantee the completeness)Lebanese Communist Party LebanonSociety "Ecologia" LebanonL´altra lambardia- Sulatesta ItalyKaramah Party LebanonPopular Campaign Against the Siege of Gaza LebanonOffen- siv, Journal for Socialism and Peace GermanyInternational Action Center- Ramsey Clark- USAVictor Chirinons, President of the Venezuelan Group VenezuelaAnti-Imperialist Camp EuropeCultural Center of IDIL TurkeyFront of Peoples TurkeyTayad (association of the Solidarity and Aid between Prisoners Families) TurkeyCampaign Iran LondonIraqi Democrats Against the Occupation LondonPakistan Institute of Labor and Education Research LondonWest African Bar Association LondonStop the War Coalition The … [read more]


Why we remain anti-American A Black president in a country that was founded on slavery and racism—that is a true sensation. We understand and share the joy and satisfaction in the Black communities from Harlem via Chicago to New Orleans.Editorials in Europe celebrate the victory of someone who does not belong to the WASP elite as the restoration and confirmation of the American Dream—a Black man as elected monarch. The nightmare of the Bush years was supposedly just an aberration that failed, a deviation that is behind us now; the true, liberal America of opportunities is back, bright eyes, bushy tail.The lower and middle class had enough of the anti-social and war-mongering course of that coalition of protestant fundamentalists and neo-conservatives, and voted … [read more]


Warum wir antiamerikanisch bleiben Ein schwarzer Präsident in einem Land, das auf Sklaverei und Rassismus gegründet war, ist eine Sensation. Wir können die Freude und Genugtuung in den schwarzen Gettos von Harlem über Chicago bis New Orleans nur zu gut verstehen.Von den europäischen Leitartiklern und Kommentatoren wird die Tatsache, dass es einer von außerhalb der WASP-Elite (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) geschafft hat, Wahlmonarch zu werden, als Wiederherstellung und Bestätigung des amerikanischen Traums gefeiert. Der Alpdruck der Bush-Jahre sei bloß ein gescheiterter Irrweg gewesen, nun ausgestanden und das gute, liberale Amerika der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten melde sich umso frischer und kräftiger zurück.Es ist klar, dass es in den Unter- und Mittelschichten eine massive … [read more]

Programme of the Beirut Int'l Forum for Resistance and Anti-Imperialism

January 16-18, 2009 Int'l Forum for Resistance, Anti-Imperialism, Solidarity between Peoples, and AlternativesComposition of workshopsI- Workshop on Supporting Resistance and LiberationII- Workshop on Anti- Imperialism and Solidarity between PeoplesIII- Workshop on Supporting Political AlternativesIV- The Parliamentarians WorkshopV- Workshop on solidarity between local communities and sectorsVI- Workshop on defending legal and civic rightsI) Workshop on Support for Resistance and Liberation There is no doubt that the resistance successes in Lebanon and its successes or resilience in Palestine and Iraq explain the ferocious attack targeting resistance on all levels, including the accusation of terrorism aimed at tarnishing the resistance image, misleading the international public … [read more]

Breaking the connection: the road to a New Ireland

Des Dalton, vice president of Republican Sinn Fà©in Following speech was held on a conference organised by the Anti-imperialist Camp in Vienna, Austria, on Oct 23, 2008.The road leading to the position in which the Provisionals occupy today did not begin in 1998 or indeed in 1994, it began in 1986 with the decision by an element within the Republican Movement to radically transform the direction in which the revolutionary movement was headed. The British Government were not blind to these developments and changes within the leadership of the Republican Movement and moved quickly and early to facilitate and ease the path of the Provisionals to its logical conclusion. Each step since then has seen the Provisionals ensnared further within the apparatus of British rule:1. The acceptance … [read more]

The decisive battle is not behind us but in front of us

Thesis on Venezuela 1. Unlike most of the left, both in Venezuela and in other countries, we supported the Fifth Republic Movement (MVR). Later (in 1998) we welcomed the election of Hugo Chávez Frà­as as President of the Republic as an exceptional anti-imperialist victory and as the beginning of a new and positive step, not only for Venezuela but for all of Latin America.2. For the first time in decades, in a country which is decisive for the geopolitical balance of the continent, a leader had come to power who declared his radical hostility not only to imperialism, particularly US imperialism, but also to Venezuela's rotten, oligarchic two-party system, which is the expression of a corrupt and subservient capitalism. Chávez' anti-imperialism was not just for show. He was … [read more]

Irish national liberation struggle is a symbol

Message of solidarity to Republican Sinn Fà©in from the Anti-imperialist Camp The Anti-imperialist Camp sends warm greeting in solidarity to 104th Ard Fheis of Republican Sinn Fà©in! Your continued struggle in the 32 Counties of Ireland is an essential part of an anti-imperialist fight against the British colonial empire and worldwide imperialism. As the Iraqi and Palestinian resistance bears the potential of breaking the backbone of imperialism, your struggle is a direct stroke in the heard of imperialism as well. The Irish national liberation struggle is a symbol for Europe and the whole world for a continued und brave struggle against inhumanity in this world. We want to congratulate you for the successful "No-Campaign" against the Lisbon treaty which has played an essential … [read more]

American Empire troubled

Greetings to the Workers World Party In the name of the Anti-imperialist Camp we convey our warm and fraternal greetings to your conference, which takes place right at an important turn of the global situation. The U.S. Empire, as it has been built after the implosion of the USSR, is in decisive trouble. Its permanent war has been unable to suppress the popular resistances, which sprang up in across the world, especially in the Middle East. On the contrary, aggression has awakened increased resistance. This led to a situation in which the U.S. establishment has so far been unable to launch an attack on Iran, and which gave Russia the possibility to militarily defend the Caucasus as its sphere of influence. Without military intervention punishing its challengers, the American Empire … [read more]

A world without NATO is necessary

Mobilisation against NATO's 60th anniversary
In April 2009 NATO will be celebrating its 60th anniversary in Strasbourg / Kehl right on the French-German border. A massive international mobilisation is under way to express the popular protest and refusal of this main instrument of Western capitalist and imperialist domination and war mongering.
On last October 4/5 an international conference took place in Stuttgart, Germany, to prepare the protests which issued the call below. The Anti-imperialist Camp not only endorses the call but urges everybody to massively participate.During the deliberations of the conference the Anti-imperialist Camp proposed to add following demands to the call in order to make it more concrete and to the point:x Withdrawal of all foreign troops from Afghanistanx No to the extension of NATO to the Eastx End occupation and war in the Middle EastAlthough this seemed to be consensus among the participants it nevertheless was not reflected in the conclusive text. We will continue to fight for those slogans to be adopted by the movement. As Anti-imperialist Camp we, however, go much further as we … [read more]