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To kill Taliban commanders, Afghan govt accepts death of hundret civilians

Archi massacre
4/4/2018 · Left Radical of Afghanistan (LRA)
On April 2, 2018 the Afghan government air forces targeted a gathering in Archi district of the Kunduz province of Afghanistan and killed and wounded hundreds of civilians including tens of children. The public gathering was organized in area under the control of Taliban where thousands of people attended in a graduation ceremony. Some of the Taliban commanders and militants were also among the participants of the gathering.
The declaration of the president palace and as well as the statements of the Ministry of Defense, shamelessly justify their brutal military operation and killing of more than 60 civilians and 150 injured. The government shared with media a list of Taliban commanders that have been killed in 2nd April air strikes to show they have targeted the right place and right people! However, the residents of the Archi district, the wounded people and children and the reports from the Kunduz hospitals all prove that 85% of the victims are civilians and children and students. According to the Geneva conventions and Rome Statute of the ICC, targeting civilians and blind air strikes that resulte in casualties and loss to the civilians is a war crime and the perpetrators must be prosecuted. The … [read more]

EU parliamentarians to question Maidan murder narrative

Evidence points to nationalist forces
23/3/2018 · Sergei Kiritchuk, Ukrainian journalist
An unprecedented event took place in the European Parliament. On the margins of the ongoing EU summit, new investigative material concerning the tragic incidents that took place in Maidan in 2014 were presented. In the conference under the title „Maidan revolution 4 years later", hosted by MEP Bill Etheridge, attended by representatives of many human rights organizations, media and European parliamentarians.
Blood on a shield on Maidan
There was present also the Scottish MEP David Coburn, and Latvian MEP Miroslav Mitrofanov who showed special interest in presentation invited all the speakers to his office to discuss possible means of action. The meeting was opened by Anne Steffen, an Israeli investigative journalist, who come to Brussels to present video material that sheds a whole new light on the tragic events that took place in Maidan. Over the last four years, the Ukrainian authorities have perseveringly spread the theory that it was former Ukrainian authorities who were responsible for the murders on the Maidan. We were told that they opened fire on protesting people and killed more than one hundred of them in cold blood. The terror of this imaginary image, strengthened by the reluctance towards the former … [read more]

Syria: neither dictatorship nor sectarian divide

Barcelona Information and Solidarity Meeting
Event: 3/3/2025
For over six years now, the Syrian population has been suffering a war of annihilation which has resulted in the largest international humanitarian crisis of the last 75 years. This appalling situation is the result of the armed repression unleashed by the regime of Bachar Al Asad during the spring of 2011 to crush the massive peaceful mobilizations demandeing democracy and civil rights, and the end of the police state and institutionalized corruption.
(Barcelona, September, 27th – 28th, 2017) Since then, Syria has succumbed to the spiral of foreign interventionism and sectarian violence which underpins the regime as the “lesser evil” against Jihadism. This Conference aims to give voice to those in Syria who do not accept neither dictatorship nor confessionalism, those who believe that the principles of citizenship and self-determination, the respect of human rights (especially in the case of women and children), political pluralism, and the social management of national resources, must be the foundations for the country's democratic reconstruction. AUDIENCE +/-80 seats. Addrressed to researchers, professors and students of Political Science, Law and History Faculties, etc.; professionals, volunteers and activists with … [read more]

Ukraine: next crackdown on opposition media

Igor Guzhva again under attack
27/6/2017 · by Sergei Kiritchuk
Ukrainian authorities are strengthening pressure on the a few remaining oppositional media and certain journalists who still dare to criticize the Kiev government policy or publish investigations about the corruption schemes of Ukrainian officials.
Igor Guzhva
On June 22th, two dozen men from Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) stormed the office of the main oppositional media Its editor-in-chief one of Igor Guzhva was arrested in Kiev and sent to a temporary detention center. As he reported, their work was blocked while “a search is ongoing at the agency for a falsification”. The deputy chief editor Svetlana Kryukova reported the details of the seizure. According to her, the news-room was occupied by the employees of SBU. Kyiv district court imposed a pre-trial restraint for the editor-in-chief of "", Igor Guzhva with the possibility of bail at 20, 900 USD. At the same time, Guzhva's lawyer and the former Minister of Justice, Olena Lukash said the bail has already been paid but Guzhva remains in custody. No videos … [read more]

Ukraine – Three Years after Maidan

Int'l conference in Warsaw April 20, 2017
Event: 3/3/2025
by Initiative New Ukraine
Panel I 1. Wasiliy Wolga, the leader of Alliance of Left Forces of Ukraine: Ukraine as the Experimental Training Ground for USA and EU. 2. Aleksandr Prigarin, professor of Odessa National University: Problem of Choice of Ukraine – Cultural Pluralism or Ethnic Monolith? 3. Aleksand Todorow: journalist, human rights defender Heroization of Bandera’s Militants in Ukraine – New Reality. 4. Matyas Benyik, ATTAC Hungary Three Years after Maidan – Evaluation of the Ukrainian Crises until Now. 5. Andriey Hunko, ( connection by skype) Moderator: Jacek c. Kamiński, journalist Panel II 1. Gieorgiy Pospielow, independent expert Situation in Ukraine after the Reforms Initiated by West 2. Michail Tiasko, World Council of Carpathians Ruthenians Situation of … [read more]

Indian judiciary: "white collar Maoism to be punished"

Declaration by the Revolutionary Democratic Front
9/4/2017 · by Varavara Rao
Let us build a broad united democratic movement to demand for the release of Prof. G.N. Saibaba, Hem Mishra, Prashant Rahi, Mahesh Tirke, Pandu Narote and Vijay Tirke convicted under UAPA by the sessions judge Gadchiroli, Maharastra
Varavara Rao
An Appeal to the People, Democratic Organizations, Individuals, Mass Organizations and Political Parties Let us also fight to withdraw the draconian UAPA itself Revolutionary Democratic Front is not a frontal organization of CPI (Maoist) and it is not a banned organization in Delhi, Maharastra and certain other states. The sessions and district court of Gadchiroli dist of Maharastra has pronounced its judgment against Prof. G.N. Saibaba and five others on 7th March, 2017 under heavy bandobast of armed police. Uniformed armed police with AK-47 like sophisticated weapons were allowed into court hall also where the public hearing of the court is supposed to take place. From the side of accused only the blood relatives were allowed besides the defense lawyers. The judge has … [read more]

Indian leftist professor Saibaba sentenced to life term

Solidarity call
The International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) condemns in the strongest terms the highly anomalous conviction and sentencing for life of Professor GN Saibaba, Hem Mishra, Prashant Rahi, Mahesh Tirki and Pandu Narote for their alleged links to the Indian Maoists.
The ILPS is one with all progressive forces in India and around the world in calling for the freedom of GN Saibaba and his co-accused political prisoners. The only crime committed by GN Saibaba has been his consistent defense of the rights of dalits, adivasis and other exploited and oppressed masses in India. He has also been at the forefront of the campaign against the brutal counter-insurgency war called Operation Green Hunt in Central India. This counter-insurgency war is being waged by the Indian state against the adivasis who have risen up to resist the operations of foreign mining companies that have no concern whatsoever for the destruction they cause to the environment. The adivasis have found a strong and reliable ally in the Indian Maoists in their just struggle to defend … [read more]

We will not allow Kiev to silence May 2 massacre in Odessa!

Free Alexander Kushnarev!
24/2/2017 · Union Borotba (Struggle)
Appeal to left and anti-fascist organizations in Europe and worldwide on the arrest of Alexander Kushnarev
Gennady and Alexander Kushnarev
Yesterday a flagrant event happened in Odessa – agents of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) arrested Alexander Kushnarev, the father of anti-fascist Gennady Kushnarev, who was slain on May 2, 2014.  He is accused of organizing the kidnapping of Verkhovna Rada Deputy Alexei Goncharenko, who was photographed posing with Gennady’s body on May 2. Alexander Kushnarev, like the other relatives of the dead, is a major obstacle to the Ukrainian government, which is trying to cover up the massacre that occurred on May 2, 2014, in Odessa.  They refuse to be silent about this tragedy. They hold memorial rallies, produce literature about the events of May 2, and knock on the doors of all international human rights organizations. Such activity by the relatives of … [read more]

The historic NO of the Italian people

19/1/2017 · Declaration by National Council of the People's Liberation Movement Program 101 (P101)
The triumph of NO in the referendum ballot box represents the extraordinary victory of a people who knew how to say No to the attack on democracy, No to the requests of the oligarchs, both internal and external to the country, No to the incessant campaign of the media, No to the blackmail of fear. It is an historical event, which marks the beginning of a new phase with great possibilities of change.
2. The demand for alternative After decades of passivity, we are seeing the first stirrings of a deep social awakening. The crisis has dug into the minds and hearts of millions of people. This is still a shapeless feeling, primordial for some aspects, but precisely for this reason, potentially disruptive. What can we say for sure - it has clearly manifested in this intense election campaign - is that it is developing a new political request, that of a true political and social alternative. 3. A class vote Both the direct experience that the specialist research tell us that of December 4 was a class vote. The No's landslide victory in the factories, among the unemployed, in the most impoverished groups of self-employment among young people. The extraordinary result of the South … [read more]

Ukraine pro-Nazi health minister accused

US citizen refused to disclose her medical diploma
19/1/2017 · by Sergei Kirichuk
Another political scandal is rocking Ukraine.
Ullyana Suprun
The new healthcare minister Ullyana Suprun - a US citizen from the pro-Nazi diaspora (who came to support Maidan and was appointed as a minister) - is being accused by Ukrainian doctors of ‘reforms’ that may have caused numerous deaths of Ukrainian patients. Recently she has been accused also of total professional incompetence and the absence of the required medical education. Being summoned to the Parliament hearings, she refused to show her diploma stating that “it’s confidential information”. Now her scandalous behaviour is interpreted as “disrespect to the Parliament”. Ukrainian antifascist net also identified her as a daughter of a pro-Nazi policeman who fled to the USA in … [read more]

13 workers of a coal mine shoot down in Afghanistan

11/1/2017 · by Left Radical of Afghanistan (LRA)
On January 6th 2017, 13 workers of a coal mine in Baghlan province of Afghanistan were killed by armed men of Daesh or Taliban while they were on the way to their homes. The workers neither affiliated to any political tendency nor government.
13 workers of a coal mine shoot down in Afghanistan
This is not the first time that the workers are targeted by Daesh and Taliban because of working in under government or foreign troops control areas. In some cases Daesh hunts the workers because of their believes and religious affiliation. Shiite minority in Afghanistan are recognized non-Muslim by Daesh and thus legalize their annihilation by any means and any time. Some circles in the government of Afghanistan and foreign embassies in Kabul are accused of financing and supporting Daesh in Afghanistan. Zahir Qadir an MP and also the ex governor of Paktika province of Afghanistan charged the National Security Council of Afghanistan with granting money to Daesh in Eastern and Southern provinces of Afghanistan. The recent attempts of Russia in collaboration with China and Pakistan … [read more]

Odessa: manhunt on democratic activist Oleg Efimov

Authorities and Right Sector hand in hand terrorising opposition
8/1/2017 · by Alexey Albu, former Odessa Regional Council Deputy in exile
Odessa: Defend courageous Oleg Efimov from fascist threats!
Oleg Efimov
Urgent! The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) handed over personal data on a political opponent to the neo-Nazis! In Odessa, the neo-Nazis from the Right Sector began harassing retired officer Oleg Efimov, who brought flowers to the Russian Consulate in memory of those who died in the recent plane crash. Many of you have seen the video of this bold Odessan who was not afraid to speak out against the leader of the Right Sector, Sergei Sternenko. The nationalists were unable to come to terms with this defiant attitude and began to put pressure on him. The Ukrainian media have openly published personal information about Efimov, including his address, phone number, links to pages on social media, and various biographical details. Moreover – there are calls for violence. After … [read more]

Snowden leaks: NSA worked on a strategy against the Anti-Imperialist Camp

2004 Internal Seminar: Anti-Imperialist Camp on the fine line between political activism and terrorism
7/1/2017 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
In early 2014, Glenn Greenwald and other politically concerned journalists with published documents leaked by the whistle-blower Edward Snowden and helped Snowden to escape persecution by the US authorities. Last month, they published secret NSA documents dating back to 2004 that show high-level NSA deliberations how to fight the Anti-Imperialist Camp. At the time, we led a global campaign to support the Iraqi resistance against the US occupation of Iraq, which we compared to the guerrilla struggle against Nazi occupation forces in Europe.
Let’s briefly recall the political context of 2004: the US government believed they could “export democracy” to Iraq, but in fact US occupation troops in Iraq faced a growing wave of resistance that had deep popular roots. The Anti-Imperialist Camp initiated a symbolic campaign under the slogan “10 Euros for the Iraqi Resistance”, which was supported by thousands with their names. The campaign intended to demonstrate that resistance to the occupation, including armed resistance, is not only politically and morally legitimate, but also protected by international law. The political activities of the Anti-Imperialist Camp as well as the alliances and cooperations we formed were obviously successful enough to register with the NSA. The Signal Intelligence Directorate with … [read more]

How the EU destroys Ukraine’s forests

8/12/2016 · by Sergei Kirichuk
In 2015 Ukraine introduced a 10-year moratorium on the export of unprocessed timber. The decision was immediately met by harsh criticism from the EU officials. The EU argues the ban on exporting roundwood from Ukraine violates the trade part of the Association Agreement (signed by Ukraine).
Vanishing forest karpathians
And after the enormous pressure and blackmailing, the EU finally reached its aim, while caring not so much about Ukraine’s nature. On November 24, the President of The European Commission Jan-Claude Juncker stated that in coming weeks Ukraine is set to cancel the timber export ban and president Poroshenko is ready to submit the corresponding bill to the parliament. Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission, linked fulfillment of this condition will allow EU to release EUR 600 million macro-financial assistance. A quite disturbing fact is that the decision (though still not approved by the Parliament) was made on the background of the recent statements like: ‘Ukrainian forests are on the verge of extinction’, as reported UaToday (i): “The forests are … [read more]

Referendum in Italy: flares of popular revolt

Interview with Leonardo Mazzei, a leader of the leftist no-Euro forces
6/11/2016 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
Leonardo Mazzei is one of the spokespersons of Programma101, an incipient political organisation which has developed from the “Leftist Co-ordination against the Euro”. (The name refers to a desktop PC developed by Olivetti and released as the first of its kind in 1965 which did, however, not enjoy commercial success. Thus, P101 stands for the home-grown development potentials of Italy.) In the 1990ies Mazzei used to be leading member of Rifondazione Comunista. Today he is regularly authoring for and
Leonardo Mazzei
Why is the upcoming referendum so important? It is important both because of its content as well as for the symbolic meaning it has assumed. The strokes of the counter reform against the constitution fall very hard. The newly conceived Senate (Upper House), for instance, retains important powers (such as on constitutional questions, in the relations with the EU, about local authorities, the election of the president, etc.), but should no longer be elected. The Senate was thus not abolished, as Renzi’s propaganda pretends, but it was democracy has been abolished. But the most important point of the counter reform is the election law (“Italicum”) which allows, through the ballot mechanisms, to obtain with just 40% of votes, 55% of the seats. It’s a law conceived by and in favour … [read more]

A clear break with the Euro regime is required

For a wide alliance of democratic, social and popular forces to be prepare for the clash with the EU
4/11/2016 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
By means of the Euro regime the capitalist oligarchies of the European Union are inflicting the worst social disaster on the popular classes. The waves of attacks are carried out in an uneven way affecting first of all the peripheries which in some places are suffering more than during the great depression of the 1930ies. Enforcing mass impoverishment has been requiring a substantial curb on democratic rights and especially the dismantlement of national sovereignty by the Brussels supra-national bureaucracy.
Popular resentment, unease and also resistance is, however, rapidly growing. The subaltern strata eventually start to search for means to end the relentless attacks by the elites. They turn against globalisation. In order to restore social justice and democratic participation the popular masses envisage the return to national sovereignty. The Brexit vote was a heavy popular blow against the ruling elites both the British ones as well as those of the EU. New such acts of disobedience, rebellion and explosion are in preparation and can happen soon in a range of countries. The next litmus test is the constitutional referendum in Italy which could lead to the collapse of the Renzi regime which has been serving as the last defence line of the Europeist elites. A look on Euromania to … [read more]

Imprisoned Borotba member Sokolov freed after two yrs

Exchange for Ukrainian POW
19/10/2016 · by Sergei Kirichuk
We are glad to inform you that our comrade Andrei Sokolov was released on Oct 14, 2016, from Ukrainian secret prison.
Andrei Sokolov
In 2014 Andrei Sokolov came to help Donbass antifascist resistance but within two weeks he was detained by Ukrainian secret service on his way to Gorlovka antifascist anarchists. He spent 2 years in prison and some months ago he was released by Ukrainian court. But despite the court’s decision he was immediately kidnapped by Ukrainian secret service. They released him (exchanging for Ukrainian POW) - brought to the frontline with DPR and said: “Fuck off!” He managed to cross the frontline, then - DPR territory, Russian border and now already reached Borotba comrades. As he said today in the interview to Russian ‘Novaya Gazeta’ he was held in SBU basement for half a year in total isolation. During OSCE inspections of the prison, the secret service used to replace and … [read more]

Alla Aleksandrovskaya Placed Under House Arrest

- With Electronic Tag
19/10/2016 · KP of Ukraine
Instead of jail – house arrest and a mandatory electronic bracelet: the Appeal court of Kharkiv region on 13.10.16 softened the measure of restraint of the main communist of Kharkov Alla Aleksandrovskaya. Thus, the ex¬people’s deputy, will remain under house arrest until 23rd October, then the court will decide on the appropriateness of her holding in custody, said the lawyer of the ex¬official to “KP in Ukraine”.
Alla Aleksandrovska
Translated by Ollie Richardson & Angelina Siard “Alla Aleksandrovskaya’s health has deteriorated compared to how it was before the decision on the preventive measure. This was diagnosed by doctors, and confirmed by examination. This was one of our main arguments because remaining in jail may lead to the deterioration of her health, and she will not be able to receive help,” said her lawyer Aleksandr Pasternak.” According to him, despite her health problems, the main Communist of Kharkov is in a fighting mood. “KP” REMINDER Security forces arrived at Aleksandrovskaya’s house with a search warrant on June 28th, after which she was taken into custody. According to the security service, Aleksandrovskaya, together with his son Aleksandr, who was declared … [read more]

Spain: 140 personalities protest blackmail by Eurogroup

For the defence of the people’s dignity, we must refuse the threats, political blackmail and intervention from the “Eurogroup and European Commission”
Before the servitude of the Spanish government and the political agents who negotiate and prepare new budget and public expenditure restraints for the accomplishment of the 2017 deficit objectives dictated by the Eurogroup and European Commission, the undersigned address to the citizenship, and political, social and civic organisations, for:
Euro burned
1.- To defence the sovereignty and dignity of citizens and peoples of the Spanish State before the brutal pressure exercised by the European Commission which threats with the suppression of the structural funds regularly envied to the Spanish State. This restriction could mean a loss of more than 1 billion euros if the Spanish government can’t accomplish the objective of 15 billions euros’ cutback in order to obtain a public deficit of 3,1% in 2017 (2,2% in 2018). The Spanish government must show the accomplishment of this cutback in Brussels before the 15th October. 2.- To refuse the arbitrariness and unequal treat of the EU institutions in their relations with the different state members. Is intolerable the omission of application in the past the sanctions for non-fulfilment of … [read more]

Alla Aleksandrovska remains imprisoned

Witchhunt against Ukraine communist leader
12/10/2016 · by Sergei Kirichuk
The leader of Kharkov communists in Ukraine - Alla Aleksandrovska (68) - remains imprisoned, despite her health problems.
Alla Aleksandrovska
The court prolonged her conviction again. An official reason is the same as in many other Ukrainian political cases: a prosecutor’s witness is missing. It’s a traditional practice in Ukrainian political cases: to delay the court hearings for years (under the pretext of missing prosecutor’s witness) and hold political opponents … [read more]

To kill Taliban commanders, Afghan govt accepts death of hundret civilians

Archi massacre
4/4/2018 · Left Radical of Afghanistan (LRA)
On April 2, 2018 the Afghan government air forces targeted a gathering in Archi district of the Kunduz province of Afghanistan and killed and wounded hundreds of civilians including tens of children. The public gathering was organized in area under the control of Taliban where thousands of people attended in a graduation ceremony. Some of the Taliban commanders and militants were also among the participants of the gathering.
The declaration of the president palace and as well as the statements of the Ministry of Defense, shamelessly justify their brutal military operation and killing of more than 60 civilians and 150 injured. The government shared with media a list of Taliban commanders that have been killed in 2nd April air strikes to show they have targeted the right place and right people! However, the residents of the Archi district, the wounded people and children and the reports from the Kunduz hospitals all prove that 85% of the victims are civilians and children and students. According to the Geneva conventions and Rome Statute of the ICC, targeting civilians and blind air strikes that resulte in casualties and loss to the civilians is a war crime and the perpetrators must be prosecuted. The … [read more]

EU parliamentarians to question Maidan murder narrative

Evidence points to nationalist forces
23/3/2018 · Sergei Kiritchuk, Ukrainian journalist
An unprecedented event took place in the European Parliament. On the margins of the ongoing EU summit, new investigative material concerning the tragic incidents that took place in Maidan in 2014 were presented. In the conference under the title „Maidan revolution 4 years later", hosted by MEP Bill Etheridge, attended by representatives of many human rights organizations, media and European parliamentarians.
Blood on a shield on Maidan
There was present also the Scottish MEP David Coburn, and Latvian MEP Miroslav Mitrofanov who showed special interest in presentation invited all the speakers to his office to discuss possible means of action. The meeting was opened by Anne Steffen, an Israeli investigative journalist, who come to Brussels to present video material that sheds a whole new light on the tragic events that took place in Maidan. Over the last four years, the Ukrainian authorities have perseveringly spread the theory that it was former Ukrainian authorities who were responsible for the murders on the Maidan. We were told that they opened fire on protesting people and killed more than one hundred of them in cold blood. The terror of this imaginary image, strengthened by the reluctance towards the former … [read more]

Syria: neither dictatorship nor sectarian divide

Barcelona Information and Solidarity Meeting
Event: 3/3/2025
For over six years now, the Syrian population has been suffering a war of annihilation which has resulted in the largest international humanitarian crisis of the last 75 years. This appalling situation is the result of the armed repression unleashed by the regime of Bachar Al Asad during the spring of 2011 to crush the massive peaceful mobilizations demandeing democracy and civil rights, and the end of the police state and institutionalized corruption.
(Barcelona, September, 27th – 28th, 2017) Since then, Syria has succumbed to the spiral of foreign interventionism and sectarian violence which underpins the regime as the “lesser evil” against Jihadism. This Conference aims to give voice to those in Syria who do not accept neither dictatorship nor confessionalism, those who believe that the principles of citizenship and self-determination, the respect of human rights (especially in the case of women and children), political pluralism, and the social management of national resources, must be the foundations for the country's democratic reconstruction. AUDIENCE +/-80 seats. Addrressed to researchers, professors and students of Political Science, Law and History Faculties, etc.; professionals, volunteers and activists with … [read more]

Ukraine: next crackdown on opposition media

Igor Guzhva again under attack
27/6/2017 · by Sergei Kiritchuk
Ukrainian authorities are strengthening pressure on the a few remaining oppositional media and certain journalists who still dare to criticize the Kiev government policy or publish investigations about the corruption schemes of Ukrainian officials.
Igor Guzhva
On June 22th, two dozen men from Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) stormed the office of the main oppositional media Its editor-in-chief one of Igor Guzhva was arrested in Kiev and sent to a temporary detention center. As he reported, their work was blocked while “a search is ongoing at the agency for a falsification”. The deputy chief editor Svetlana Kryukova reported the details of the seizure. According to her, the news-room was occupied by the employees of SBU. Kyiv district court imposed a pre-trial restraint for the editor-in-chief of "", Igor Guzhva with the possibility of bail at 20, 900 USD. At the same time, Guzhva's lawyer and the former Minister of Justice, Olena Lukash said the bail has already been paid but Guzhva remains in custody. No videos … [read more]

Ukraine – Three Years after Maidan

Int'l conference in Warsaw April 20, 2017
Event: 3/3/2025
by Initiative New Ukraine
Panel I 1. Wasiliy Wolga, the leader of Alliance of Left Forces of Ukraine: Ukraine as the Experimental Training Ground for USA and EU. 2. Aleksandr Prigarin, professor of Odessa National University: Problem of Choice of Ukraine – Cultural Pluralism or Ethnic Monolith? 3. Aleksand Todorow: journalist, human rights defender Heroization of Bandera’s Militants in Ukraine – New Reality. 4. Matyas Benyik, ATTAC Hungary Three Years after Maidan – Evaluation of the Ukrainian Crises until Now. 5. Andriey Hunko, ( connection by skype) Moderator: Jacek c. Kamiński, journalist Panel II 1. Gieorgiy Pospielow, independent expert Situation in Ukraine after the Reforms Initiated by West 2. Michail Tiasko, World Council of Carpathians Ruthenians Situation of … [read more]

Indian judiciary: "white collar Maoism to be punished"

Declaration by the Revolutionary Democratic Front
9/4/2017 · by Varavara Rao
Let us build a broad united democratic movement to demand for the release of Prof. G.N. Saibaba, Hem Mishra, Prashant Rahi, Mahesh Tirke, Pandu Narote and Vijay Tirke convicted under UAPA by the sessions judge Gadchiroli, Maharastra
Varavara Rao
An Appeal to the People, Democratic Organizations, Individuals, Mass Organizations and Political Parties Let us also fight to withdraw the draconian UAPA itself Revolutionary Democratic Front is not a frontal organization of CPI (Maoist) and it is not a banned organization in Delhi, Maharastra and certain other states. The sessions and district court of Gadchiroli dist of Maharastra has pronounced its judgment against Prof. G.N. Saibaba and five others on 7th March, 2017 under heavy bandobast of armed police. Uniformed armed police with AK-47 like sophisticated weapons were allowed into court hall also where the public hearing of the court is supposed to take place. From the side of accused only the blood relatives were allowed besides the defense lawyers. The judge has … [read more]

Indian leftist professor Saibaba sentenced to life term

Solidarity call
The International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) condemns in the strongest terms the highly anomalous conviction and sentencing for life of Professor GN Saibaba, Hem Mishra, Prashant Rahi, Mahesh Tirki and Pandu Narote for their alleged links to the Indian Maoists.
The ILPS is one with all progressive forces in India and around the world in calling for the freedom of GN Saibaba and his co-accused political prisoners. The only crime committed by GN Saibaba has been his consistent defense of the rights of dalits, adivasis and other exploited and oppressed masses in India. He has also been at the forefront of the campaign against the brutal counter-insurgency war called Operation Green Hunt in Central India. This counter-insurgency war is being waged by the Indian state against the adivasis who have risen up to resist the operations of foreign mining companies that have no concern whatsoever for the destruction they cause to the environment. The adivasis have found a strong and reliable ally in the Indian Maoists in their just struggle to defend … [read more]

We will not allow Kiev to silence May 2 massacre in Odessa!

Free Alexander Kushnarev!
24/2/2017 · Union Borotba (Struggle)
Appeal to left and anti-fascist organizations in Europe and worldwide on the arrest of Alexander Kushnarev
Gennady and Alexander Kushnarev
Yesterday a flagrant event happened in Odessa – agents of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) arrested Alexander Kushnarev, the father of anti-fascist Gennady Kushnarev, who was slain on May 2, 2014.  He is accused of organizing the kidnapping of Verkhovna Rada Deputy Alexei Goncharenko, who was photographed posing with Gennady’s body on May 2. Alexander Kushnarev, like the other relatives of the dead, is a major obstacle to the Ukrainian government, which is trying to cover up the massacre that occurred on May 2, 2014, in Odessa.  They refuse to be silent about this tragedy. They hold memorial rallies, produce literature about the events of May 2, and knock on the doors of all international human rights organizations. Such activity by the relatives of … [read more]

The historic NO of the Italian people

19/1/2017 · Declaration by National Council of the People's Liberation Movement Program 101 (P101)
The triumph of NO in the referendum ballot box represents the extraordinary victory of a people who knew how to say No to the attack on democracy, No to the requests of the oligarchs, both internal and external to the country, No to the incessant campaign of the media, No to the blackmail of fear. It is an historical event, which marks the beginning of a new phase with great possibilities of change.
2. The demand for alternative After decades of passivity, we are seeing the first stirrings of a deep social awakening. The crisis has dug into the minds and hearts of millions of people. This is still a shapeless feeling, primordial for some aspects, but precisely for this reason, potentially disruptive. What can we say for sure - it has clearly manifested in this intense election campaign - is that it is developing a new political request, that of a true political and social alternative. 3. A class vote Both the direct experience that the specialist research tell us that of December 4 was a class vote. The No's landslide victory in the factories, among the unemployed, in the most impoverished groups of self-employment among young people. The extraordinary result of the South … [read more]

Ukraine pro-Nazi health minister accused

US citizen refused to disclose her medical diploma
19/1/2017 · by Sergei Kirichuk
Another political scandal is rocking Ukraine.
Ullyana Suprun
The new healthcare minister Ullyana Suprun - a US citizen from the pro-Nazi diaspora (who came to support Maidan and was appointed as a minister) - is being accused by Ukrainian doctors of ‘reforms’ that may have caused numerous deaths of Ukrainian patients. Recently she has been accused also of total professional incompetence and the absence of the required medical education. Being summoned to the Parliament hearings, she refused to show her diploma stating that “it’s confidential information”. Now her scandalous behaviour is interpreted as “disrespect to the Parliament”. Ukrainian antifascist net also identified her as a daughter of a pro-Nazi policeman who fled to the USA in … [read more]

13 workers of a coal mine shoot down in Afghanistan

11/1/2017 · by Left Radical of Afghanistan (LRA)
On January 6th 2017, 13 workers of a coal mine in Baghlan province of Afghanistan were killed by armed men of Daesh or Taliban while they were on the way to their homes. The workers neither affiliated to any political tendency nor government.
13 workers of a coal mine shoot down in Afghanistan
This is not the first time that the workers are targeted by Daesh and Taliban because of working in under government or foreign troops control areas. In some cases Daesh hunts the workers because of their believes and religious affiliation. Shiite minority in Afghanistan are recognized non-Muslim by Daesh and thus legalize their annihilation by any means and any time. Some circles in the government of Afghanistan and foreign embassies in Kabul are accused of financing and supporting Daesh in Afghanistan. Zahir Qadir an MP and also the ex governor of Paktika province of Afghanistan charged the National Security Council of Afghanistan with granting money to Daesh in Eastern and Southern provinces of Afghanistan. The recent attempts of Russia in collaboration with China and Pakistan … [read more]

Odessa: manhunt on democratic activist Oleg Efimov

Authorities and Right Sector hand in hand terrorising opposition
8/1/2017 · by Alexey Albu, former Odessa Regional Council Deputy in exile
Odessa: Defend courageous Oleg Efimov from fascist threats!
Oleg Efimov
Urgent! The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) handed over personal data on a political opponent to the neo-Nazis! In Odessa, the neo-Nazis from the Right Sector began harassing retired officer Oleg Efimov, who brought flowers to the Russian Consulate in memory of those who died in the recent plane crash. Many of you have seen the video of this bold Odessan who was not afraid to speak out against the leader of the Right Sector, Sergei Sternenko. The nationalists were unable to come to terms with this defiant attitude and began to put pressure on him. The Ukrainian media have openly published personal information about Efimov, including his address, phone number, links to pages on social media, and various biographical details. Moreover – there are calls for violence. After … [read more]

Snowden leaks: NSA worked on a strategy against the Anti-Imperialist Camp

2004 Internal Seminar: Anti-Imperialist Camp on the fine line between political activism and terrorism
7/1/2017 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
In early 2014, Glenn Greenwald and other politically concerned journalists with published documents leaked by the whistle-blower Edward Snowden and helped Snowden to escape persecution by the US authorities. Last month, they published secret NSA documents dating back to 2004 that show high-level NSA deliberations how to fight the Anti-Imperialist Camp. At the time, we led a global campaign to support the Iraqi resistance against the US occupation of Iraq, which we compared to the guerrilla struggle against Nazi occupation forces in Europe.
Let’s briefly recall the political context of 2004: the US government believed they could “export democracy” to Iraq, but in fact US occupation troops in Iraq faced a growing wave of resistance that had deep popular roots. The Anti-Imperialist Camp initiated a symbolic campaign under the slogan “10 Euros for the Iraqi Resistance”, which was supported by thousands with their names. The campaign intended to demonstrate that resistance to the occupation, including armed resistance, is not only politically and morally legitimate, but also protected by international law. The political activities of the Anti-Imperialist Camp as well as the alliances and cooperations we formed were obviously successful enough to register with the NSA. The Signal Intelligence Directorate with … [read more]

How the EU destroys Ukraine’s forests

8/12/2016 · by Sergei Kirichuk
In 2015 Ukraine introduced a 10-year moratorium on the export of unprocessed timber. The decision was immediately met by harsh criticism from the EU officials. The EU argues the ban on exporting roundwood from Ukraine violates the trade part of the Association Agreement (signed by Ukraine).
Vanishing forest karpathians
And after the enormous pressure and blackmailing, the EU finally reached its aim, while caring not so much about Ukraine’s nature. On November 24, the President of The European Commission Jan-Claude Juncker stated that in coming weeks Ukraine is set to cancel the timber export ban and president Poroshenko is ready to submit the corresponding bill to the parliament. Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission, linked fulfillment of this condition will allow EU to release EUR 600 million macro-financial assistance. A quite disturbing fact is that the decision (though still not approved by the Parliament) was made on the background of the recent statements like: ‘Ukrainian forests are on the verge of extinction’, as reported UaToday (i): “The forests are … [read more]

Referendum in Italy: flares of popular revolt

Interview with Leonardo Mazzei, a leader of the leftist no-Euro forces
6/11/2016 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
Leonardo Mazzei is one of the spokespersons of Programma101, an incipient political organisation which has developed from the “Leftist Co-ordination against the Euro”. (The name refers to a desktop PC developed by Olivetti and released as the first of its kind in 1965 which did, however, not enjoy commercial success. Thus, P101 stands for the home-grown development potentials of Italy.) In the 1990ies Mazzei used to be leading member of Rifondazione Comunista. Today he is regularly authoring for and
Leonardo Mazzei
Why is the upcoming referendum so important? It is important both because of its content as well as for the symbolic meaning it has assumed. The strokes of the counter reform against the constitution fall very hard. The newly conceived Senate (Upper House), for instance, retains important powers (such as on constitutional questions, in the relations with the EU, about local authorities, the election of the president, etc.), but should no longer be elected. The Senate was thus not abolished, as Renzi’s propaganda pretends, but it was democracy has been abolished. But the most important point of the counter reform is the election law (“Italicum”) which allows, through the ballot mechanisms, to obtain with just 40% of votes, 55% of the seats. It’s a law conceived by and in favour … [read more]

A clear break with the Euro regime is required

For a wide alliance of democratic, social and popular forces to be prepare for the clash with the EU
4/11/2016 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
By means of the Euro regime the capitalist oligarchies of the European Union are inflicting the worst social disaster on the popular classes. The waves of attacks are carried out in an uneven way affecting first of all the peripheries which in some places are suffering more than during the great depression of the 1930ies. Enforcing mass impoverishment has been requiring a substantial curb on democratic rights and especially the dismantlement of national sovereignty by the Brussels supra-national bureaucracy.
Popular resentment, unease and also resistance is, however, rapidly growing. The subaltern strata eventually start to search for means to end the relentless attacks by the elites. They turn against globalisation. In order to restore social justice and democratic participation the popular masses envisage the return to national sovereignty. The Brexit vote was a heavy popular blow against the ruling elites both the British ones as well as those of the EU. New such acts of disobedience, rebellion and explosion are in preparation and can happen soon in a range of countries. The next litmus test is the constitutional referendum in Italy which could lead to the collapse of the Renzi regime which has been serving as the last defence line of the Europeist elites. A look on Euromania to … [read more]

Imprisoned Borotba member Sokolov freed after two yrs

Exchange for Ukrainian POW
19/10/2016 · by Sergei Kirichuk
We are glad to inform you that our comrade Andrei Sokolov was released on Oct 14, 2016, from Ukrainian secret prison.
Andrei Sokolov
In 2014 Andrei Sokolov came to help Donbass antifascist resistance but within two weeks he was detained by Ukrainian secret service on his way to Gorlovka antifascist anarchists. He spent 2 years in prison and some months ago he was released by Ukrainian court. But despite the court’s decision he was immediately kidnapped by Ukrainian secret service. They released him (exchanging for Ukrainian POW) - brought to the frontline with DPR and said: “Fuck off!” He managed to cross the frontline, then - DPR territory, Russian border and now already reached Borotba comrades. As he said today in the interview to Russian ‘Novaya Gazeta’ he was held in SBU basement for half a year in total isolation. During OSCE inspections of the prison, the secret service used to replace and … [read more]

Alla Aleksandrovskaya Placed Under House Arrest

- With Electronic Tag
19/10/2016 · KP of Ukraine
Instead of jail – house arrest and a mandatory electronic bracelet: the Appeal court of Kharkiv region on 13.10.16 softened the measure of restraint of the main communist of Kharkov Alla Aleksandrovskaya. Thus, the ex¬people’s deputy, will remain under house arrest until 23rd October, then the court will decide on the appropriateness of her holding in custody, said the lawyer of the ex¬official to “KP in Ukraine”.
Alla Aleksandrovska
Translated by Ollie Richardson & Angelina Siard “Alla Aleksandrovskaya’s health has deteriorated compared to how it was before the decision on the preventive measure. This was diagnosed by doctors, and confirmed by examination. This was one of our main arguments because remaining in jail may lead to the deterioration of her health, and she will not be able to receive help,” said her lawyer Aleksandr Pasternak.” According to him, despite her health problems, the main Communist of Kharkov is in a fighting mood. “KP” REMINDER Security forces arrived at Aleksandrovskaya’s house with a search warrant on June 28th, after which she was taken into custody. According to the security service, Aleksandrovskaya, together with his son Aleksandr, who was declared … [read more]

Spain: 140 personalities protest blackmail by Eurogroup

For the defence of the people’s dignity, we must refuse the threats, political blackmail and intervention from the “Eurogroup and European Commission”
Before the servitude of the Spanish government and the political agents who negotiate and prepare new budget and public expenditure restraints for the accomplishment of the 2017 deficit objectives dictated by the Eurogroup and European Commission, the undersigned address to the citizenship, and political, social and civic organisations, for:
Euro burned
1.- To defence the sovereignty and dignity of citizens and peoples of the Spanish State before the brutal pressure exercised by the European Commission which threats with the suppression of the structural funds regularly envied to the Spanish State. This restriction could mean a loss of more than 1 billion euros if the Spanish government can’t accomplish the objective of 15 billions euros’ cutback in order to obtain a public deficit of 3,1% in 2017 (2,2% in 2018). The Spanish government must show the accomplishment of this cutback in Brussels before the 15th October. 2.- To refuse the arbitrariness and unequal treat of the EU institutions in their relations with the different state members. Is intolerable the omission of application in the past the sanctions for non-fulfilment of … [read more]

Alla Aleksandrovska remains imprisoned

Witchhunt against Ukraine communist leader
12/10/2016 · by Sergei Kirichuk
The leader of Kharkov communists in Ukraine - Alla Aleksandrovska (68) - remains imprisoned, despite her health problems.
Alla Aleksandrovska
The court prolonged her conviction again. An official reason is the same as in many other Ukrainian political cases: a prosecutor’s witness is missing. It’s a traditional practice in Ukrainian political cases: to delay the court hearings for years (under the pretext of missing prosecutor’s witness) and hold political opponents … [read more]