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Delegation to Rafah to break the siege

International Solidarity Action with Gaza
31 March - 1 AprilEnd the siege of Gaza!End the world complicity to the Israeli occupation and crimes against the Palestinian people!A group of international participants decided to act against our countries' complicity to the inhumane and devastating siege of the Gaza Strip. A delegation including participants from the Basque country, Austria, Scotland, Norway, Italy, Netherlands, France, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Palestine, Jordan and India intend to reach the Egyptian side of the border with Gaza in order to deliver a truckload of food and medicine and in protest against the inhuman siege imposed on the people of Gaza, with the complicity of our own governments. We protest against the genocide of the Palestinian people and condemn the hypocrisy of European and other governments who … [read more]

Six years after the beginning

Document adopted by the International Conference of the Anti-imperialist Camp, Vienna, Febuary 2-4, 2008
Taking advantage of the downfall of the USSR, the United States of America have intensified their aggressive policy, knowing well that their global supremacy depends on their ability to wield a steady dominance in this stormy region. Since 1991 Washington pursues the strategic American project, better known as "Great Middle East". This plan does not tolerate any hostile regime (see the Iraqi case) and implies wiping out any anti-imperialist resistance.
 1. The Middle East is the centre of gravity of the global geopolitical system.Taking advantage of the downfall of the USSR, the United States of America have intensified their aggressive policy, knowing well that their global supremacy depends on their ability to wield a steady dominance in this stormy region. Since 1991 Washington pursues the strategic American project, better known as "Great Middle East". This plan does not tolerate any hostile regime (see the Iraqi case) and implies wiping out any anti-imperialist resistance.In its most extreme version it implies that they need to severely modify the current geopolitical configuration, redrawing the borders inherited from old European colonialism and transforming the already unsteady nation states into weak imperial satraps. To … [read more]

Experimental anti-imperialism

A political balance sheet of the Anti-imperialist Camp's itinerary
13/3/2008 · Adopted by the International Conference of the Anti-imperialist Camp, Vienna, 2-4 February, 2008
In our political laboratory the idea of making anti-imperialism the centre of our activity had been already maturing. From these anti-imperialist resistances' would emanate the only bold antagonism being able to seriously rock the imperialist-capitalist system which just had scored one of its biggest historical victories.
Closed cycle of the anti-globalisation movement1) By the mid 1990s - the world had been still under the impression of the demise of the communist movement - the popular resistance against the liberalist attacks on the system's periphery has gained once again momentum. The single most emblematic event was the Zapatist uprising in 1994 announcing the end of the end of history. In our political laboratory the idea of making anti-imperialism the centre of our activity had been already maturing. From these anti-imperialist resistances' would emanate the only bold antagonism being able to seriously rock the imperialist-capitalist system which just had scored one of its biggest historical victories.2) In the same circumstances the anti-globalisation movement made its first steps. From the very … [read more]

European Campaign to end the Siege on Gaza

Protest at Rafah Border Crossing, End of March 2008
In support of the suffering Palestinians in Gaza and in protest against the Israeli aggression, The European Campaign to end the Siege on Gaza invites all European activists and Politicians to take part in a solidarity demonstration against the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip.
Place: the Rafah Border Crossing Time: Last week of March 2008 People wishing to participate must e-mail the Campaign for further information by 14/03/2008 The European Campaign to end the Siege on GazaTel: 0031 6136 444 44info@freedomforpalestine.orgGaza: Break the isolation - stop the massacresCall for a solidarity delegation to enter via RafahEvery week dozens if not hundreds are being killed by the Israeli attacks and incursions to Gaza. The starvation embargo does the rest. In a clear and obvious breach of all international law and all human and moral standards, the occupation forces continue the slaughtering of civilians with the silent approval of the West and Arab leaders.Since the overwhelming electoral victory of Hamas, the US and Israel have attempted to oust the … [read more]

We Condemn the Colonial Sanctions Against Iran

5/3/2008 · Iranian-American Community (IACUS)
The Iranian-American Community (IACUS) strongly condemns the new round of the US-dominated UN Security Council sanctions against the people of Iran. We consider these sanctions imperialist efforts aimed at pressuring the Iranian government to submit to the will of the Western Neo-Liberal rule. They are also a futile attempt to deny the Iranian people the technology that would further pave the way towards their independence and sovereignty.
This is not the first time the colonial powers have been attempting to keep the oil-rich Iran poor and dependent. In the early part of the 19th century, when the Iranian people attempted to bring the railroad to the country, they were denied that by the colonial powers. Despite their opposition, when World War II broke out and the Allied forces invaded Iran, they found the railroad quite useful, but when the people communicated their desire to bring the steel industry to Iran, time and again they were told Iran did not need the steel industry. Iran's steel industry project was time and again turned down by the World Bank and other Western institutions and governments. It was only decades later, in 1965 when the Iranians were able to establish the steel plant in Esfahan with the … [read more]

Int'l Citizen's Tribunal on Lebanon

Verdict INTERNATIONAL CITIZENS TRIBUNAL ON LEBANON PROCEDINGS (2008) charged against the Israeli authorities by the victims of the war of July 12-August 24, 2006 with the support of Lebanese civil society, for the acts carried out by them and the damage to the Lebanese nation caused by themBrussels February 22-23-24, 2008 International Associations Center JURYLilia Solano (president), Adolfo Abascal, Claudio Moffa (reporter), Rajindar Sachar. FINAL VERDICT GIVEN that the victims and Socià©tà© civil Lebanese, through their organizations and representatives, named an international jury as a court independent of any State, to consider the acts carried out by Israel during the war of July-August 2006, according to international law and in particular the Charter of the United … [read more]

International Campaigns for Gaza

Links Scottish Palestine Solidarity A ship from Cyprus to European Campaign to End the Siege on International Solidarity … [read more]

Ahmad Sa'adat's family is prevented from visiting him as the show in the military court goes on

 Not much remains of the "Ana-police" summit, where Bush gathered together Arab leaders to push them into Israel's embrace, and yet Ahmad Sa'adat, the Secretary-General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), continues to languish in the faraway Nafha prison in the Naqab desert, where he was sent by the prison authorities, as punishment for his declarations warning the Arab masses against the danger of this plot.In recent months, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) have added new punitive measures against comrade Sa'adat, such as preventing his family from visiting him in the prison. Such that on Wednesday, the 13th of February 2008, when the military court in the "Ofer" barracks resumed its proceedings, after a hiatus since the last session in November, it was … [read more]

Call to Protect the Village of Suhmata from further Israeli expropriations

 We, the undersigned, endorse the appeal launched by ABNAA' SUHMATA Association regarding the demolished Palestinian Arab village of Suhmata and reaffirm that the village's lands belong to its Palestinian residents who became refugees as a result of Israel's policy of ethnic cleansing and land confiscation.a. We support ABNAA' SUHMATA Association's call for the restitution of Suhmata village confiscated lands;b. We reaffirm the right of return of all Palestinians to their homes and lands;c. We insist on the implementation of Palestinian rights as enshrined in the UN Resolution 194.In 1948, residents of Suhmata were expelled and their lands were subsequently confiscated. Two Israeli settlements have since built on the village lands (Hosen and Tsuriel), and part of the town of Ma'alot … [read more]

Afghan resistance to continue

by Hanifullah Hanif, Afghanistan Resistance in Afghanistan will determines the future of imperialismAfter toppling of Taliban's reactionary regime by the US and preparing for an alternative government with the Bonn gathering in Dec 2001, US imperialism and its European allies dreamed to make Afghanistan a symbol of peace, stability, democracy, progress and development where armies would be something unnecessary. The plundering imperialists imaged Afghanistan as a piece of cake to be swallowed easily, but unfortunately- fortunately- it proved as a choking bit that would determine the future of US imperialism.The raising anti occupation resistance in Afghanistan delivered a heavy slap on the face of occupiers and awaked them soon from their deep sleep, who then immediately got their … [read more]

A shameful verdict

13 Italians sentenced to 7 years each for having demonstrated against Nato's attack on Yugoslavia On May 13, 1999, when the bombing raids against Yugoslavia were in full swing, anti-war protesters took to the streets of Florence, Italy, among them also a contingent of the anti-imperialists. The police attacked the demonstration heavy-handedly injuring also the then member of Tuscany's regional parliament, Orietta Lunghi. A law suit filed by her against the police was turned down by the judiciary.Meanwhile the police in return accused 13 protestors for having committed civil disorder. On January 28, 2008, the judge handed down the sentences: seven years imprisonment for all of them.Though Italy is known for its politically biased judicial system, nevertheless this sentence is widely … [read more]

Justice for Lebanon

Brussels, 22-23-24 February 2008, Programme of the Int'l citizen's tribunal on the crimes committed by the Israeli army in Lebanon The crimes committed by the Israeli army in Lebanon during the summer 2006 are a violent affront to the universal human conscience. These are criminal acts, as many people feel instinctively. They are different from the acts that take place in all armed conflict committed by the aggressor as well as by the aggressed. But feeling is not enough. The facts must be established. They must then be assessed in light of existing international law. This should be done with the detachment and rigor of a process that excludes any a priori conclusions, the results of which will convince all people of good will. The international community is not an autonomous … [read more]

Boost Global Intifadah Against Barbaric Age!

Message of Özgür Der, Turkey, to the conference of the Anti-imperialist Camp
World and humanity is going through hard times. Never in history as much eatables produced as today, but at the same time never ever in history as much people starved as today.
History never seen as more communication possibilities throughout the globe as today and at the same time people in history have never starved of loneliness as today. There was no chance ever in history for humanity to fully globalise their good deeds as today, but at the same time brutality and tyranny never widened as today. Of course there always be thieves in history but history never seen such cruel thieves earning billions of dolars at once, stealing the future of millions and millions of people only at one night by a so called "market crisis". History never seen as such a strong army industry as today. History never seen such brutal and bloody wars as in the modern age; even at the times of Mongols and barbaric ages of Europe.Iraq, say it Babel where the first written documents … [read more]

No Austrian participation in the EUFOR mission in Chad!

Common declaration of opposition forces Regarding the participation of Austrian troops in the EU troops' military mission in Chad we want to point out the following clearly:1) Despite governmental declarations and the media coverage we cannot assume that the EUFOR deployment is actually meant to supply humanitarian aid for refugees in the eastern regions of Chad. However, there is every reason to assume that safeguarding the economic and political interests of the EU, especially France, is the real motive for the deployment of the EU troops.2) France does not only provide the largest contingent of the EUFOR troops, but French troops have already been deployed in Chad for decades and France has been pursuing its own interests and power politics in its former African colonies, … [read more]

George Habash's contribution to the Palestinian struggle

by As'ad AbuKhalil I lived more than half of my life in the US and I never felt the alienation that I felt on the day I read George Habash, the Palestinian revolutionary who passed away last week, labeled as a "terrorism tactician" in a front page obituary in The New York Times. What do you when they want to convince you that a kind and gentle man you met and respected as a person is a terrorist when you know otherwise? Do you quibble with their definitions to no avail? Do you go back and see how they wrote glowing obituaries for Zionist militia leader and later Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin, a man whose record of killing civilians is as horrific and grotesque as that of Osama Bin Laden, former Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin, Fatah Revolutionary Council founder Abu Nidal or … [read more]

Democracy for the Basque country. No to repression

by Askapena Last year once again, the Spanish government destroyed all hopes of resolving the conflict between the Basque Country and the French and Spanish States. The Spanish Labour Party PSOE alongside the Basque Nationalist Party PNV, closed the door of the negotiations with the Basque pro-independence movement.During the negotiations, the majority of pro independence organisations continued to be banned or political activities were suspended by judges. Several media were closed down. 40 pro-independence activists were called to declare due to their political or social activities. 50 political events of the pro-independence movement were banned. 25 demonstrations were brutally attacked. 200 militants were judged for their activities before the negotiation period. 700 check points … [read more]

February 23rd: Global day of protest to end the Gaza siege

The slow genocide is still under way in Gaza We were all pleased to see a new wall tear down, but unlike the Berlin Wall, this does not mean that the occupation is over and Gazans are free. Egypt closed the border back and the 5 days of freedom the Gazans courageously allowed themselves by demolishing the walls of their prison didn't allow them to erase 6 months of blockade, without medicines, without drinking water, without electricity, without fuel, without food balanced, without freedom. The mainstream media reported that Israel will resume its fuel deliveries to Gaza, but they forget to mention that it will deliver only 20% of the amount necessary to the Gaza needs. Israel has also announced that on February 7, it would reduce by 5% its electricity supplies to Gaza where power is … [read more]

Solidarity with the Turkish organizations in Germany affected by recent raids

We condemn the 5 December 2007 attacks of the German authorities on ATIF organizations and members Resistance Not Terrorism!The German government has once more demonstrated its close links with the Turkish military regime, and that Germany is an imperialist party in the war throughout the "Greater Middle East" as well as a loyal ally of the United States and the State of Israel. Any forces of resistance in the region as well as their exiles elsewhere are denounced as "terrorists" and are to be repressed and silences in internationally coordinated actions, such as the one on 5 December.Germany and the European Union complement their external policy of war with an unprecedented internal abrogation of democracy. Civil liberties are about to be suspended. The judiciary and the media largely … [read more]

Kambakhsh, a young student-journalist, sentenced to death

Freedom of Expression and freedom of Opinion under a US installed regime Parviz Kambakhsh is one of the very recent victims of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan who, because of his personal believes, opinions and his political opposition to US installed regime in Afghanistan, has been kept in the awful detention center of the National Security Department (SND) in Marzar e Sharif for the last three months.Parviz Kambakhsh a 23 years old youth, student of 3rd class of Journalism faculty of Mazar e Sharif University and was a reporter for "Jahan e Naw" news paper. He belongs to a poor family from a poor province of Saripul.During the detention period he was constantly tortured physically and mentally, even he was threatened to death if he did not confess. During this period he had no … [read more]

Death and Darkness in Gaza, People are dying, Help us!

Urgent call from the starving ghettoA humanitarian crisis is underway as the Gaza Strip's only power plant began to shut down on Sunday, and the tiny coastal territory entered its third full day without shipments of vital food and fuel supplies due to Israel's punitive sanctions. The Gaza Strip's power plant has completely shut down on Sunday because it no longer has the fuel needed to keep running. One of the plant's two electricity-generating turbines had already shut down by noon. This will drastically reduce output to 25 or 30 megawatts, down from the 65 megawatts the plant produces under normal conditions. By Sunday evening the plant will shut down completely, leaving large swaths of the Gaza Strip in darkness. Omar Kittaneh, the head of the Palestine Energy Authority in Ramallah, … [read more]

Delegation to Rafah to break the siege

International Solidarity Action with Gaza
31 March - 1 AprilEnd the siege of Gaza!End the world complicity to the Israeli occupation and crimes against the Palestinian people!A group of international participants decided to act against our countries' complicity to the inhumane and devastating siege of the Gaza Strip. A delegation including participants from the Basque country, Austria, Scotland, Norway, Italy, Netherlands, France, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Palestine, Jordan and India intend to reach the Egyptian side of the border with Gaza in order to deliver a truckload of food and medicine and in protest against the inhuman siege imposed on the people of Gaza, with the complicity of our own governments. We protest against the genocide of the Palestinian people and condemn the hypocrisy of European and other governments who … [read more]

Six years after the beginning

Document adopted by the International Conference of the Anti-imperialist Camp, Vienna, Febuary 2-4, 2008
Taking advantage of the downfall of the USSR, the United States of America have intensified their aggressive policy, knowing well that their global supremacy depends on their ability to wield a steady dominance in this stormy region. Since 1991 Washington pursues the strategic American project, better known as "Great Middle East". This plan does not tolerate any hostile regime (see the Iraqi case) and implies wiping out any anti-imperialist resistance.
 1. The Middle East is the centre of gravity of the global geopolitical system.Taking advantage of the downfall of the USSR, the United States of America have intensified their aggressive policy, knowing well that their global supremacy depends on their ability to wield a steady dominance in this stormy region. Since 1991 Washington pursues the strategic American project, better known as "Great Middle East". This plan does not tolerate any hostile regime (see the Iraqi case) and implies wiping out any anti-imperialist resistance.In its most extreme version it implies that they need to severely modify the current geopolitical configuration, redrawing the borders inherited from old European colonialism and transforming the already unsteady nation states into weak imperial satraps. To … [read more]

Experimental anti-imperialism

A political balance sheet of the Anti-imperialist Camp's itinerary
13/3/2008 · Adopted by the International Conference of the Anti-imperialist Camp, Vienna, 2-4 February, 2008
In our political laboratory the idea of making anti-imperialism the centre of our activity had been already maturing. From these anti-imperialist resistances' would emanate the only bold antagonism being able to seriously rock the imperialist-capitalist system which just had scored one of its biggest historical victories.
Closed cycle of the anti-globalisation movement1) By the mid 1990s - the world had been still under the impression of the demise of the communist movement - the popular resistance against the liberalist attacks on the system's periphery has gained once again momentum. The single most emblematic event was the Zapatist uprising in 1994 announcing the end of the end of history. In our political laboratory the idea of making anti-imperialism the centre of our activity had been already maturing. From these anti-imperialist resistances' would emanate the only bold antagonism being able to seriously rock the imperialist-capitalist system which just had scored one of its biggest historical victories.2) In the same circumstances the anti-globalisation movement made its first steps. From the very … [read more]

European Campaign to end the Siege on Gaza

Protest at Rafah Border Crossing, End of March 2008
In support of the suffering Palestinians in Gaza and in protest against the Israeli aggression, The European Campaign to end the Siege on Gaza invites all European activists and Politicians to take part in a solidarity demonstration against the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip.
Place: the Rafah Border Crossing Time: Last week of March 2008 People wishing to participate must e-mail the Campaign for further information by 14/03/2008 The European Campaign to end the Siege on GazaTel: 0031 6136 444 44info@freedomforpalestine.orgGaza: Break the isolation - stop the massacresCall for a solidarity delegation to enter via RafahEvery week dozens if not hundreds are being killed by the Israeli attacks and incursions to Gaza. The starvation embargo does the rest. In a clear and obvious breach of all international law and all human and moral standards, the occupation forces continue the slaughtering of civilians with the silent approval of the West and Arab leaders.Since the overwhelming electoral victory of Hamas, the US and Israel have attempted to oust the … [read more]

We Condemn the Colonial Sanctions Against Iran

5/3/2008 · Iranian-American Community (IACUS)
The Iranian-American Community (IACUS) strongly condemns the new round of the US-dominated UN Security Council sanctions against the people of Iran. We consider these sanctions imperialist efforts aimed at pressuring the Iranian government to submit to the will of the Western Neo-Liberal rule. They are also a futile attempt to deny the Iranian people the technology that would further pave the way towards their independence and sovereignty.
This is not the first time the colonial powers have been attempting to keep the oil-rich Iran poor and dependent. In the early part of the 19th century, when the Iranian people attempted to bring the railroad to the country, they were denied that by the colonial powers. Despite their opposition, when World War II broke out and the Allied forces invaded Iran, they found the railroad quite useful, but when the people communicated their desire to bring the steel industry to Iran, time and again they were told Iran did not need the steel industry. Iran's steel industry project was time and again turned down by the World Bank and other Western institutions and governments. It was only decades later, in 1965 when the Iranians were able to establish the steel plant in Esfahan with the … [read more]

Int'l Citizen's Tribunal on Lebanon

Verdict INTERNATIONAL CITIZENS TRIBUNAL ON LEBANON PROCEDINGS (2008) charged against the Israeli authorities by the victims of the war of July 12-August 24, 2006 with the support of Lebanese civil society, for the acts carried out by them and the damage to the Lebanese nation caused by themBrussels February 22-23-24, 2008 International Associations Center JURYLilia Solano (president), Adolfo Abascal, Claudio Moffa (reporter), Rajindar Sachar. FINAL VERDICT GIVEN that the victims and Socià©tà© civil Lebanese, through their organizations and representatives, named an international jury as a court independent of any State, to consider the acts carried out by Israel during the war of July-August 2006, according to international law and in particular the Charter of the United … [read more]

International Campaigns for Gaza

Links Scottish Palestine Solidarity A ship from Cyprus to European Campaign to End the Siege on International Solidarity … [read more]

Ahmad Sa'adat's family is prevented from visiting him as the show in the military court goes on

 Not much remains of the "Ana-police" summit, where Bush gathered together Arab leaders to push them into Israel's embrace, and yet Ahmad Sa'adat, the Secretary-General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), continues to languish in the faraway Nafha prison in the Naqab desert, where he was sent by the prison authorities, as punishment for his declarations warning the Arab masses against the danger of this plot.In recent months, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) have added new punitive measures against comrade Sa'adat, such as preventing his family from visiting him in the prison. Such that on Wednesday, the 13th of February 2008, when the military court in the "Ofer" barracks resumed its proceedings, after a hiatus since the last session in November, it was … [read more]

Call to Protect the Village of Suhmata from further Israeli expropriations

 We, the undersigned, endorse the appeal launched by ABNAA' SUHMATA Association regarding the demolished Palestinian Arab village of Suhmata and reaffirm that the village's lands belong to its Palestinian residents who became refugees as a result of Israel's policy of ethnic cleansing and land confiscation.a. We support ABNAA' SUHMATA Association's call for the restitution of Suhmata village confiscated lands;b. We reaffirm the right of return of all Palestinians to their homes and lands;c. We insist on the implementation of Palestinian rights as enshrined in the UN Resolution 194.In 1948, residents of Suhmata were expelled and their lands were subsequently confiscated. Two Israeli settlements have since built on the village lands (Hosen and Tsuriel), and part of the town of Ma'alot … [read more]

Afghan resistance to continue

by Hanifullah Hanif, Afghanistan Resistance in Afghanistan will determines the future of imperialismAfter toppling of Taliban's reactionary regime by the US and preparing for an alternative government with the Bonn gathering in Dec 2001, US imperialism and its European allies dreamed to make Afghanistan a symbol of peace, stability, democracy, progress and development where armies would be something unnecessary. The plundering imperialists imaged Afghanistan as a piece of cake to be swallowed easily, but unfortunately- fortunately- it proved as a choking bit that would determine the future of US imperialism.The raising anti occupation resistance in Afghanistan delivered a heavy slap on the face of occupiers and awaked them soon from their deep sleep, who then immediately got their … [read more]

A shameful verdict

13 Italians sentenced to 7 years each for having demonstrated against Nato's attack on Yugoslavia On May 13, 1999, when the bombing raids against Yugoslavia were in full swing, anti-war protesters took to the streets of Florence, Italy, among them also a contingent of the anti-imperialists. The police attacked the demonstration heavy-handedly injuring also the then member of Tuscany's regional parliament, Orietta Lunghi. A law suit filed by her against the police was turned down by the judiciary.Meanwhile the police in return accused 13 protestors for having committed civil disorder. On January 28, 2008, the judge handed down the sentences: seven years imprisonment for all of them.Though Italy is known for its politically biased judicial system, nevertheless this sentence is widely … [read more]

Justice for Lebanon

Brussels, 22-23-24 February 2008, Programme of the Int'l citizen's tribunal on the crimes committed by the Israeli army in Lebanon The crimes committed by the Israeli army in Lebanon during the summer 2006 are a violent affront to the universal human conscience. These are criminal acts, as many people feel instinctively. They are different from the acts that take place in all armed conflict committed by the aggressor as well as by the aggressed. But feeling is not enough. The facts must be established. They must then be assessed in light of existing international law. This should be done with the detachment and rigor of a process that excludes any a priori conclusions, the results of which will convince all people of good will. The international community is not an autonomous … [read more]

Boost Global Intifadah Against Barbaric Age!

Message of Özgür Der, Turkey, to the conference of the Anti-imperialist Camp
World and humanity is going through hard times. Never in history as much eatables produced as today, but at the same time never ever in history as much people starved as today.
History never seen as more communication possibilities throughout the globe as today and at the same time people in history have never starved of loneliness as today. There was no chance ever in history for humanity to fully globalise their good deeds as today, but at the same time brutality and tyranny never widened as today. Of course there always be thieves in history but history never seen such cruel thieves earning billions of dolars at once, stealing the future of millions and millions of people only at one night by a so called "market crisis". History never seen as such a strong army industry as today. History never seen such brutal and bloody wars as in the modern age; even at the times of Mongols and barbaric ages of Europe.Iraq, say it Babel where the first written documents … [read more]

No Austrian participation in the EUFOR mission in Chad!

Common declaration of opposition forces Regarding the participation of Austrian troops in the EU troops' military mission in Chad we want to point out the following clearly:1) Despite governmental declarations and the media coverage we cannot assume that the EUFOR deployment is actually meant to supply humanitarian aid for refugees in the eastern regions of Chad. However, there is every reason to assume that safeguarding the economic and political interests of the EU, especially France, is the real motive for the deployment of the EU troops.2) France does not only provide the largest contingent of the EUFOR troops, but French troops have already been deployed in Chad for decades and France has been pursuing its own interests and power politics in its former African colonies, … [read more]

George Habash's contribution to the Palestinian struggle

by As'ad AbuKhalil I lived more than half of my life in the US and I never felt the alienation that I felt on the day I read George Habash, the Palestinian revolutionary who passed away last week, labeled as a "terrorism tactician" in a front page obituary in The New York Times. What do you when they want to convince you that a kind and gentle man you met and respected as a person is a terrorist when you know otherwise? Do you quibble with their definitions to no avail? Do you go back and see how they wrote glowing obituaries for Zionist militia leader and later Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin, a man whose record of killing civilians is as horrific and grotesque as that of Osama Bin Laden, former Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin, Fatah Revolutionary Council founder Abu Nidal or … [read more]

Democracy for the Basque country. No to repression

by Askapena Last year once again, the Spanish government destroyed all hopes of resolving the conflict between the Basque Country and the French and Spanish States. The Spanish Labour Party PSOE alongside the Basque Nationalist Party PNV, closed the door of the negotiations with the Basque pro-independence movement.During the negotiations, the majority of pro independence organisations continued to be banned or political activities were suspended by judges. Several media were closed down. 40 pro-independence activists were called to declare due to their political or social activities. 50 political events of the pro-independence movement were banned. 25 demonstrations were brutally attacked. 200 militants were judged for their activities before the negotiation period. 700 check points … [read more]

February 23rd: Global day of protest to end the Gaza siege

The slow genocide is still under way in Gaza We were all pleased to see a new wall tear down, but unlike the Berlin Wall, this does not mean that the occupation is over and Gazans are free. Egypt closed the border back and the 5 days of freedom the Gazans courageously allowed themselves by demolishing the walls of their prison didn't allow them to erase 6 months of blockade, without medicines, without drinking water, without electricity, without fuel, without food balanced, without freedom. The mainstream media reported that Israel will resume its fuel deliveries to Gaza, but they forget to mention that it will deliver only 20% of the amount necessary to the Gaza needs. Israel has also announced that on February 7, it would reduce by 5% its electricity supplies to Gaza where power is … [read more]

Solidarity with the Turkish organizations in Germany affected by recent raids

We condemn the 5 December 2007 attacks of the German authorities on ATIF organizations and members Resistance Not Terrorism!The German government has once more demonstrated its close links with the Turkish military regime, and that Germany is an imperialist party in the war throughout the "Greater Middle East" as well as a loyal ally of the United States and the State of Israel. Any forces of resistance in the region as well as their exiles elsewhere are denounced as "terrorists" and are to be repressed and silences in internationally coordinated actions, such as the one on 5 December.Germany and the European Union complement their external policy of war with an unprecedented internal abrogation of democracy. Civil liberties are about to be suspended. The judiciary and the media largely … [read more]

Kambakhsh, a young student-journalist, sentenced to death

Freedom of Expression and freedom of Opinion under a US installed regime Parviz Kambakhsh is one of the very recent victims of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan who, because of his personal believes, opinions and his political opposition to US installed regime in Afghanistan, has been kept in the awful detention center of the National Security Department (SND) in Marzar e Sharif for the last three months.Parviz Kambakhsh a 23 years old youth, student of 3rd class of Journalism faculty of Mazar e Sharif University and was a reporter for "Jahan e Naw" news paper. He belongs to a poor family from a poor province of Saripul.During the detention period he was constantly tortured physically and mentally, even he was threatened to death if he did not confess. During this period he had no … [read more]

Death and Darkness in Gaza, People are dying, Help us!

Urgent call from the starving ghettoA humanitarian crisis is underway as the Gaza Strip's only power plant began to shut down on Sunday, and the tiny coastal territory entered its third full day without shipments of vital food and fuel supplies due to Israel's punitive sanctions. The Gaza Strip's power plant has completely shut down on Sunday because it no longer has the fuel needed to keep running. One of the plant's two electricity-generating turbines had already shut down by noon. This will drastically reduce output to 25 or 30 megawatts, down from the 65 megawatts the plant produces under normal conditions. By Sunday evening the plant will shut down completely, leaving large swaths of the Gaza Strip in darkness. Omar Kittaneh, the head of the Palestine Energy Authority in Ramallah, … [read more]