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Demo in Nazareth against the siege on Gaza

Promoters: Islamic Movement, National Democratic Assembly, Abnaa elBalad"Together we will break the siege"Invitation to Demonstrate Against the criminal siege of the Gaza StripThe Anti-imperialist Camp gives it full support for this important initiative taken by the organisations of the native Arab inhabitants of Palestine robbed by the Zionists in 1948. It is at the same time brave given the ferocious repression by the Israeli state against the liberation movement both within the 48 Palestine and the 67 Palestine:The Coalition against the Siege, with the participation of the Islamic Movement (Northern and Southern), the National Democratic Assembly (al-Tajamu') and Abnaa elBalad, call for a mass demonstration in the city of Nazareth on Saturday 5.1.2008. The participants are called to … [read more]

Gujarat elections and aftermath

by Asghar Ali Engineer, Mumbai, India Gujarat has made history. Gujarat is in news ever since genocide of 2002. For every small or big development it remains in news. Gujarat carnage was unparalleled in the history of India and it will continue to be discussed for a long time to come. Like partition of our country it cannot be easily forgotten. Any election in Gujarat will draw into discussion Gujarat carnage. Modi, I maintain, could not have won 2002 election without organizing that carnage nor the 2007 election could he have won without it. In my opinion it is wrong to maintain that he won election due to economic development he helped achieve in Gujarat. Gujarat is as much polarized today as it was in 2002. Even if Modi had not mentioned anything related to Hindutva, he would have won. … [read more]

Palestinian Legislative Council lauds Italian solidarity mission

Third dispatch from occupied PalestineIn a statement by Dr. Ahmed Bahar, acting speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council, issued on December 26, he thanked the Italian solidarity delegation for its efforts to break the unjust embargo against the population of Gaza. Bahar defined the Italian delegation as "living example of human consciousness" which wants to fight against injustice and aggression represented by the Israeli occupation amid the most complete silence by the so-called international community. He denounced the Israeli decision to block the delegation as an attempt to hide the suffering of the Gaza population before the world public.Bahar invited the free citizens of the world and the parliamentarians of the Arab and Islamic world to follow the example of the delegation. … [read more]

"grateful to the Italian delegation"

Statement by the office of Prime Minister Haniya about preventing the Italian delegation to enter the Gaza StripThe Palestinian Territories are suffering form the siege imposed for years on the Palestinians specially in the Gaza strip, where 1,5 million people live under the sanctions and the closure of the passages.In this week the Occupation authorities prevented an Italian delegation from entering the Strip to express their solidarity with the isolated people and to see how misery is the situation in Gaza, how do the sanctions affect their lives. The delegation also was schedule to estimate the medical situation in Gaza, which is on the verge to collapse due to the lack of the Medical supplies.The delegation consisted from well-known figures, representatives, Academics and Human … [read more]

A new chance to enter Gaza?

Second dispatch by the Italian solidarity delegation to GazaYesterday we closed the day watching al Jazeera which reported both on the apostolic blessing Urbi et Orbi and on our delegation.Today, December 24, we received a phone call by the Gaza authorities who expressed their regret about the fact that we were not allowed into Gaza by the Israeli army. Actually they had been ready to receive us with all honours. We have been informed that the news about our delegation was spread throughout Gaza. At the same time the solidarity communiquà© by the "Popular Committee against the Siege" has been sent around the world.This morning we held a press conference in Ramallah with the kind help of our Palestinian friends. We were the guests of "Ramattan TV" which co-operates with numberous Arab … [read more]

PCAS expresses solidarity with Italian delegation

by the Popular Committee against Siege, Gaza Popular Committee against Siege (PCAS) is very sorry for what happened to you but this is an indication of the false claims of our oppressors. Israelis claim that they are democratic, but you have seen that they are barbarous by denying your entry to Gaza strip. This shows how Israeli democracy is false. It's only a game to make the people believe that they are victims. Yet, you have seen that the are putting all Gaza residents in a big concentration camp to perish one by one. But, they will never succeed because we are supported by the real democratic like you, the real lovers of freedom who came from far places to say nay for Israeli's crime. Your attempt has debunked the Israeli allegation that they are the paragon of democracy. Imagine … [read more]

Behind the lines

Five years' balance and our future tasks, Anti-imperialist Camp / Italy Following document is the product of a thorough discussion process of the Italian section of the Anti-imperialist Camp. It tries to draw a balance sheet of the struggles we have conducted in the last decade as well as the difficulties we have encountered due to the decline of the radical left which continues unabated. It is attempting to explore way of access to a new generation which cannot be reached by the historic left. It served as well as a contribution to the International Conference of the Anti-imperialist Camp which took place in Vienna on 2-4 February, 2008. Herewith the document is submitted to the international debate:THIRTY-TWO THESES FOR THE RESTART OF THE ANTI-IMPERIALIST CAMPOrientation and … [read more]

Italian delegation refused entry into Gaza

Statement from Eretz checkpointApropos concentration camps:This morning the Italian solidarity delegation, which departed from Rome yesterday, was blocked by the Israeli military at the Eretz checkpoint. Entry into Gaza was denied.The criminal embargo imposed by Israel, the U.S. and the European Union is not limited to goods but does cut all human contacts. The Gaza strip is not an open air prison but an outright concentration camp. Prisoners usually are allowed to receive visits, but not in Gaza.With the lockout of this morning the Israeli government slapped as well in the face of the Italian authorities. The Italian foreign ministry had assured that all necessary steps had been taken to allow the delegation into Gaza.In order to denounce the genocidal embargo the solidarity delegation … [read more]

Danish court delivers a victory for liberation fighters the world over

by Ron RidenourA great victory, an unexpected one for several of the affected and observers, was delivered today by Copenhagen's City Court for those who fight for their liberation and sovereignty and for those who act in solidarity.One juridical judge and two lay judges found the seven accused Danish solidarity activists, "Fighter and Lovers", innocent of the Justice Ministry's charge that they had materially supported "terror groups" FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) and PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine).Since FARC and PFLP are not terrorist organizations, concluded the judges, neither are the seven activists guilty of any crime.The seven had produced and sold t-shirts with FARC and PFLP emblems in an effort to raise a debate about Denmark's terror law, … [read more]

Christmas in Gaza

Italian delegation: Let us help Gaza to resist!Blessed are you who are poor,for the kingdom of God is yours.Blessed are you who are now hungry,for you will be satisfied.Blessed are you who are now weeping,for you will laugh.from the Gospel of Luke1974 years ago, Jesus of Nazareth was crucified for having promised the oppressed hope in salvation and justice. 1974 years later, in the same places, another martyrdom is taking place, and this time it is the whole Palestinian people which is undergoing it.The Gaza Strip is the symbol of this tragedy.During the last year, the embargo decreed by the Israeli authorities has turned Gaza into a concentration camp: one and a half million people survive with great difficulty. There is no other way of putting it: we are facing a humanitarian … [read more]

Chad's opposition refuse EUFOR deployment

Interview with Dr. Djimadoum LEY-NGARDIGAL, secretary-general of the"Chad Action for Unity and Socialism" (Actus), one of the numerous opposition forcesQ: What do you think of the European military mission?Ley: Nearly the entire opposition, which is composed of very heterogeneous forces, oppose the deployment of the EUFOR troops. The uninterrupted presence of French troops from the beginning of the colonial times until today - under the guise of the defence of the territorial integrity of an "independent" state - leave a bitter flavour. Several popular revolts against the different dictatorships imposed on us by France have been drowned in blood under direct involvement of French troops. Actually they are nothing less than occupation troops. The EUROR [of which the main contingent is … [read more]

Declaration of World Against War conference

London, December 1This conference of delegates from peace, anti-war, anti-imperialist and liberation movements across the world declares its opposition to the "endless war" prosecuted by the US government against states, peoples and movements in all parts of our planet.We oppose the interference of the US and its allies in sovereign states, and assert the right of all peoples to self-determination. We support all people fighting for peace and against imperialism.In particular, we demand: * An immediate end to the illegal military occupation of Iraq, which has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths and displaced millions of people, a withdrawal of all foreign troops and the full transfer of sovereignty to the Iraqi people and their representatives. * A halt to all preparations for an … [read more]

India: a catastrophe or a break with imperialism

Interview with GN Saibaba of the Revolutionary Democratic Front, IndiaIndia is at a turning point, says GN Saibaba, a representative of the Revolutionary Democratic Front. He stresses the deep poverty and terrible living conditions of ordinary Indians co-existing with the economical boom. Either India breaks with imperialism or sectarianism and Hindu right-wing nationalism will prevail, he warns. His is a message of hope, but also fearful warnings.Poverty boomThe economy of India, when measured in USD exchange-rate terms, is the twelfth largest in the world, with a GDP of US $1.09 trillion (2007). It is the third largest in terms of purchasing power parity. India is the second fastest growing major economy in the world, with a GDP growth rate of 9.4% for the fiscal year 2006-2007.- If … [read more]

Lend Support to the ongoing revolutionary movement in Dandakaranya, India!

Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF)Condemn the Continuing Genocidal Fascist Attacks on the fighting tribals of Bastar in the name of Salwa Judum! In the name of Salwa Judum in Bastar region of Chhathisgarh, India, not only have hundreds been arrested, tortured, murdered, gang-raped, but their entire economic lifelines have been smashed by the state. Through brutal terror the government's aim is to extinguish the sparks of revolution developing day by day in the very heart of India. Over the last 25 years the people of the region have witnessed a great awakening. Over the past 25 years, the Naxalites, as Maoists in India are known, became one with the tribals of the region in their struggle for a life of self-respect and dignity, smashing the cruel, brutal, exploitative authority of the … [read more]

Italian delegation to visit Gaza

Campaign to break the embargoThe initiative "Gaza must live - appeal to end a genocidal embargo" was launched at the end of September.The appeal was promoted, among others, by a considerable number of representatives of personalities from the spheres of culture and academia. Among the most renowned names are the philosopher (and former member of the European Parliament) Gianni Vattimo, the astro-physicist Margherita Hack, the journalist and ex MP Lucio Manisco, the professor of philosophy of law Danilo Zolo, the historian Franco Cradini, the poet Edoardo Sanguineti as well as two important personalities of the Christian world, Giulio Girardi and Giovanni Franzoni. Others who signed include the European MP Giulietto Chiesa (who is at the same time one of the most outstanding Italian … [read more]

Gaza must live!

Italian Appeal to end a genocidal embargo
In 1996 the Palestinians, voting massively for Fatah, expressed their hope for a just peace with Israel. This hope has, however, been frustrated by Israel's systematic violation of the Oslo Accords, which stipulated that Israel should withdraw its troops from and dismantle its settlements on 90% of the Occupied Territories.
Having taken office after his provocative stride across the Aqsa esplanade, Sharon stopped the withdrawal of the army and further increased the pace of settlement construction - or, to be more precise, racially segregated cities which inhabitants are armed to the teeth and operate as auxiliary militias of the Tsahal. As if this would not suffice, Sharon started the construction of the "security wall" resulting in the military annexation of a further 7% of the Palestinian land thus violating again the US resolutions. Trying to crush the second Intifada, Israel pushed aside the Palestinian Authority (PA) and attacked the Occupied Territories by fire and sword. Thousands of Palestinians were killed or wounded, tens of thousands arrested and kept in prison without trial. Thousands of … [read more]

مقابلة مع آية الله أحمد الحسني البغدادي

مقابلة اجرتها وكالة الانباء الاسلامية العراقية مع سماحة اية الله العظمى احمد الحسني البغدادي Ù€ دام ظله Ù€ لايمكن ان يمر ذكر العراق من دون ان يذكر سماحة اية الله العظمى السيد المجاهد احمد الحسني البغدادي احد ابرز … [read more]

Palestine is Not for Sale!

A Statement by the Free Palestine Alliance, USAWhile the Free Palestine Alliance (FPA) condemns in the strongest possible terms the wholesale of Palestine at the upcoming Annapolis Conference; we recognize well that condemnation alone is no longer of any real value. The time is now for a clear alternative to emerge in place of this hopelessly corrupt leadership. Annapolis, like Camp David, Madrid and Oslo before, is the natural outcome to the path of surrender that Abbas and others have taken. Although this upcoming conference itself may not be a terminal one, it is nonetheless a stepping stone to the gallows, if we allow it, where Palestine is intended for execution by the United States and Israel in full collaboration with their Arab and Palestinian functionary minions. We have warned … [read more]


GIU' LE MANI DAL FRONTE POPOLARE!VIA L'EMBARGO CONTRO GAZA!SOSTENIAMO LA RESISTENZA PALESTINESE!A pochi giorni dal summit di Annapolis, tenacemente voluto dagli americani, Abu Mazen e il suo primo ministro Fayyad hanno dovuto compiere un gesto simbolico per mostrare la loro piena disponibilità  ad un definitivo accordo con le autorità  israeliane. Di che si tratta? Il 18 novembre le forze di sicurezza leali al Presidente Abu Mazen hanno posto sotto assedio il campo profughi di Ein Beit El-Ma, nei pressi di Nablus. Per fare che? Per snidare e arrestare numerosi militanti del FPLP in quanto rappresenterebbero "...un pericolo per la pace". Pubblichiamo qui sotto una nota che denuncia come questa operazione repressiva sia stata dettata direttamente da israeliani e americani. La mossa di … [read more]

US Marines enter Bangladesh under the guise of relief

by the National Liberation Council BangladeshWe Bangladeshi people in the costal region were hit 11 days ago by cyclone Syder which killed about 100.000 people. It destroyed 1,5m of homes, uprooted millions of trees, poluted drinking water, destroyed rice crops in the field etc. In this situation, US imperialists send their Marine force from the gulf which already entered our country without the permission of the government. Now this US Marine Corps declared that they will stay in Bangladesh as they wish to. We oppose this entry in name of relief operation. The National Liberation Council of Bangladesh is trying to organise opposition against this entry, although we are suffering from state of emergency until 11th January 2007 and a so-called care taker government which is being back by … [read more]

Demo in Nazareth against the siege on Gaza

Promoters: Islamic Movement, National Democratic Assembly, Abnaa elBalad"Together we will break the siege"Invitation to Demonstrate Against the criminal siege of the Gaza StripThe Anti-imperialist Camp gives it full support for this important initiative taken by the organisations of the native Arab inhabitants of Palestine robbed by the Zionists in 1948. It is at the same time brave given the ferocious repression by the Israeli state against the liberation movement both within the 48 Palestine and the 67 Palestine:The Coalition against the Siege, with the participation of the Islamic Movement (Northern and Southern), the National Democratic Assembly (al-Tajamu') and Abnaa elBalad, call for a mass demonstration in the city of Nazareth on Saturday 5.1.2008. The participants are called to … [read more]

Gujarat elections and aftermath

by Asghar Ali Engineer, Mumbai, India Gujarat has made history. Gujarat is in news ever since genocide of 2002. For every small or big development it remains in news. Gujarat carnage was unparalleled in the history of India and it will continue to be discussed for a long time to come. Like partition of our country it cannot be easily forgotten. Any election in Gujarat will draw into discussion Gujarat carnage. Modi, I maintain, could not have won 2002 election without organizing that carnage nor the 2007 election could he have won without it. In my opinion it is wrong to maintain that he won election due to economic development he helped achieve in Gujarat. Gujarat is as much polarized today as it was in 2002. Even if Modi had not mentioned anything related to Hindutva, he would have won. … [read more]

Palestinian Legislative Council lauds Italian solidarity mission

Third dispatch from occupied PalestineIn a statement by Dr. Ahmed Bahar, acting speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council, issued on December 26, he thanked the Italian solidarity delegation for its efforts to break the unjust embargo against the population of Gaza. Bahar defined the Italian delegation as "living example of human consciousness" which wants to fight against injustice and aggression represented by the Israeli occupation amid the most complete silence by the so-called international community. He denounced the Israeli decision to block the delegation as an attempt to hide the suffering of the Gaza population before the world public.Bahar invited the free citizens of the world and the parliamentarians of the Arab and Islamic world to follow the example of the delegation. … [read more]

"grateful to the Italian delegation"

Statement by the office of Prime Minister Haniya about preventing the Italian delegation to enter the Gaza StripThe Palestinian Territories are suffering form the siege imposed for years on the Palestinians specially in the Gaza strip, where 1,5 million people live under the sanctions and the closure of the passages.In this week the Occupation authorities prevented an Italian delegation from entering the Strip to express their solidarity with the isolated people and to see how misery is the situation in Gaza, how do the sanctions affect their lives. The delegation also was schedule to estimate the medical situation in Gaza, which is on the verge to collapse due to the lack of the Medical supplies.The delegation consisted from well-known figures, representatives, Academics and Human … [read more]

A new chance to enter Gaza?

Second dispatch by the Italian solidarity delegation to GazaYesterday we closed the day watching al Jazeera which reported both on the apostolic blessing Urbi et Orbi and on our delegation.Today, December 24, we received a phone call by the Gaza authorities who expressed their regret about the fact that we were not allowed into Gaza by the Israeli army. Actually they had been ready to receive us with all honours. We have been informed that the news about our delegation was spread throughout Gaza. At the same time the solidarity communiquà© by the "Popular Committee against the Siege" has been sent around the world.This morning we held a press conference in Ramallah with the kind help of our Palestinian friends. We were the guests of "Ramattan TV" which co-operates with numberous Arab … [read more]

PCAS expresses solidarity with Italian delegation

by the Popular Committee against Siege, Gaza Popular Committee against Siege (PCAS) is very sorry for what happened to you but this is an indication of the false claims of our oppressors. Israelis claim that they are democratic, but you have seen that they are barbarous by denying your entry to Gaza strip. This shows how Israeli democracy is false. It's only a game to make the people believe that they are victims. Yet, you have seen that the are putting all Gaza residents in a big concentration camp to perish one by one. But, they will never succeed because we are supported by the real democratic like you, the real lovers of freedom who came from far places to say nay for Israeli's crime. Your attempt has debunked the Israeli allegation that they are the paragon of democracy. Imagine … [read more]

Behind the lines

Five years' balance and our future tasks, Anti-imperialist Camp / Italy Following document is the product of a thorough discussion process of the Italian section of the Anti-imperialist Camp. It tries to draw a balance sheet of the struggles we have conducted in the last decade as well as the difficulties we have encountered due to the decline of the radical left which continues unabated. It is attempting to explore way of access to a new generation which cannot be reached by the historic left. It served as well as a contribution to the International Conference of the Anti-imperialist Camp which took place in Vienna on 2-4 February, 2008. Herewith the document is submitted to the international debate:THIRTY-TWO THESES FOR THE RESTART OF THE ANTI-IMPERIALIST CAMPOrientation and … [read more]

Italian delegation refused entry into Gaza

Statement from Eretz checkpointApropos concentration camps:This morning the Italian solidarity delegation, which departed from Rome yesterday, was blocked by the Israeli military at the Eretz checkpoint. Entry into Gaza was denied.The criminal embargo imposed by Israel, the U.S. and the European Union is not limited to goods but does cut all human contacts. The Gaza strip is not an open air prison but an outright concentration camp. Prisoners usually are allowed to receive visits, but not in Gaza.With the lockout of this morning the Israeli government slapped as well in the face of the Italian authorities. The Italian foreign ministry had assured that all necessary steps had been taken to allow the delegation into Gaza.In order to denounce the genocidal embargo the solidarity delegation … [read more]

Danish court delivers a victory for liberation fighters the world over

by Ron RidenourA great victory, an unexpected one for several of the affected and observers, was delivered today by Copenhagen's City Court for those who fight for their liberation and sovereignty and for those who act in solidarity.One juridical judge and two lay judges found the seven accused Danish solidarity activists, "Fighter and Lovers", innocent of the Justice Ministry's charge that they had materially supported "terror groups" FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) and PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine).Since FARC and PFLP are not terrorist organizations, concluded the judges, neither are the seven activists guilty of any crime.The seven had produced and sold t-shirts with FARC and PFLP emblems in an effort to raise a debate about Denmark's terror law, … [read more]

Christmas in Gaza

Italian delegation: Let us help Gaza to resist!Blessed are you who are poor,for the kingdom of God is yours.Blessed are you who are now hungry,for you will be satisfied.Blessed are you who are now weeping,for you will laugh.from the Gospel of Luke1974 years ago, Jesus of Nazareth was crucified for having promised the oppressed hope in salvation and justice. 1974 years later, in the same places, another martyrdom is taking place, and this time it is the whole Palestinian people which is undergoing it.The Gaza Strip is the symbol of this tragedy.During the last year, the embargo decreed by the Israeli authorities has turned Gaza into a concentration camp: one and a half million people survive with great difficulty. There is no other way of putting it: we are facing a humanitarian … [read more]

Chad's opposition refuse EUFOR deployment

Interview with Dr. Djimadoum LEY-NGARDIGAL, secretary-general of the"Chad Action for Unity and Socialism" (Actus), one of the numerous opposition forcesQ: What do you think of the European military mission?Ley: Nearly the entire opposition, which is composed of very heterogeneous forces, oppose the deployment of the EUFOR troops. The uninterrupted presence of French troops from the beginning of the colonial times until today - under the guise of the defence of the territorial integrity of an "independent" state - leave a bitter flavour. Several popular revolts against the different dictatorships imposed on us by France have been drowned in blood under direct involvement of French troops. Actually they are nothing less than occupation troops. The EUROR [of which the main contingent is … [read more]

Declaration of World Against War conference

London, December 1This conference of delegates from peace, anti-war, anti-imperialist and liberation movements across the world declares its opposition to the "endless war" prosecuted by the US government against states, peoples and movements in all parts of our planet.We oppose the interference of the US and its allies in sovereign states, and assert the right of all peoples to self-determination. We support all people fighting for peace and against imperialism.In particular, we demand: * An immediate end to the illegal military occupation of Iraq, which has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths and displaced millions of people, a withdrawal of all foreign troops and the full transfer of sovereignty to the Iraqi people and their representatives. * A halt to all preparations for an … [read more]

India: a catastrophe or a break with imperialism

Interview with GN Saibaba of the Revolutionary Democratic Front, IndiaIndia is at a turning point, says GN Saibaba, a representative of the Revolutionary Democratic Front. He stresses the deep poverty and terrible living conditions of ordinary Indians co-existing with the economical boom. Either India breaks with imperialism or sectarianism and Hindu right-wing nationalism will prevail, he warns. His is a message of hope, but also fearful warnings.Poverty boomThe economy of India, when measured in USD exchange-rate terms, is the twelfth largest in the world, with a GDP of US $1.09 trillion (2007). It is the third largest in terms of purchasing power parity. India is the second fastest growing major economy in the world, with a GDP growth rate of 9.4% for the fiscal year 2006-2007.- If … [read more]

Lend Support to the ongoing revolutionary movement in Dandakaranya, India!

Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF)Condemn the Continuing Genocidal Fascist Attacks on the fighting tribals of Bastar in the name of Salwa Judum! In the name of Salwa Judum in Bastar region of Chhathisgarh, India, not only have hundreds been arrested, tortured, murdered, gang-raped, but their entire economic lifelines have been smashed by the state. Through brutal terror the government's aim is to extinguish the sparks of revolution developing day by day in the very heart of India. Over the last 25 years the people of the region have witnessed a great awakening. Over the past 25 years, the Naxalites, as Maoists in India are known, became one with the tribals of the region in their struggle for a life of self-respect and dignity, smashing the cruel, brutal, exploitative authority of the … [read more]

Italian delegation to visit Gaza

Campaign to break the embargoThe initiative "Gaza must live - appeal to end a genocidal embargo" was launched at the end of September.The appeal was promoted, among others, by a considerable number of representatives of personalities from the spheres of culture and academia. Among the most renowned names are the philosopher (and former member of the European Parliament) Gianni Vattimo, the astro-physicist Margherita Hack, the journalist and ex MP Lucio Manisco, the professor of philosophy of law Danilo Zolo, the historian Franco Cradini, the poet Edoardo Sanguineti as well as two important personalities of the Christian world, Giulio Girardi and Giovanni Franzoni. Others who signed include the European MP Giulietto Chiesa (who is at the same time one of the most outstanding Italian … [read more]

Gaza must live!

Italian Appeal to end a genocidal embargo
In 1996 the Palestinians, voting massively for Fatah, expressed their hope for a just peace with Israel. This hope has, however, been frustrated by Israel's systematic violation of the Oslo Accords, which stipulated that Israel should withdraw its troops from and dismantle its settlements on 90% of the Occupied Territories.
Having taken office after his provocative stride across the Aqsa esplanade, Sharon stopped the withdrawal of the army and further increased the pace of settlement construction - or, to be more precise, racially segregated cities which inhabitants are armed to the teeth and operate as auxiliary militias of the Tsahal. As if this would not suffice, Sharon started the construction of the "security wall" resulting in the military annexation of a further 7% of the Palestinian land thus violating again the US resolutions. Trying to crush the second Intifada, Israel pushed aside the Palestinian Authority (PA) and attacked the Occupied Territories by fire and sword. Thousands of Palestinians were killed or wounded, tens of thousands arrested and kept in prison without trial. Thousands of … [read more]

مقابلة مع آية الله أحمد الحسني البغدادي

مقابلة اجرتها وكالة الانباء الاسلامية العراقية مع سماحة اية الله العظمى احمد الحسني البغدادي Ù€ دام ظله Ù€ لايمكن ان يمر ذكر العراق من دون ان يذكر سماحة اية الله العظمى السيد المجاهد احمد الحسني البغدادي احد ابرز … [read more]

Palestine is Not for Sale!

A Statement by the Free Palestine Alliance, USAWhile the Free Palestine Alliance (FPA) condemns in the strongest possible terms the wholesale of Palestine at the upcoming Annapolis Conference; we recognize well that condemnation alone is no longer of any real value. The time is now for a clear alternative to emerge in place of this hopelessly corrupt leadership. Annapolis, like Camp David, Madrid and Oslo before, is the natural outcome to the path of surrender that Abbas and others have taken. Although this upcoming conference itself may not be a terminal one, it is nonetheless a stepping stone to the gallows, if we allow it, where Palestine is intended for execution by the United States and Israel in full collaboration with their Arab and Palestinian functionary minions. We have warned … [read more]


GIU' LE MANI DAL FRONTE POPOLARE!VIA L'EMBARGO CONTRO GAZA!SOSTENIAMO LA RESISTENZA PALESTINESE!A pochi giorni dal summit di Annapolis, tenacemente voluto dagli americani, Abu Mazen e il suo primo ministro Fayyad hanno dovuto compiere un gesto simbolico per mostrare la loro piena disponibilità  ad un definitivo accordo con le autorità  israeliane. Di che si tratta? Il 18 novembre le forze di sicurezza leali al Presidente Abu Mazen hanno posto sotto assedio il campo profughi di Ein Beit El-Ma, nei pressi di Nablus. Per fare che? Per snidare e arrestare numerosi militanti del FPLP in quanto rappresenterebbero "...un pericolo per la pace". Pubblichiamo qui sotto una nota che denuncia come questa operazione repressiva sia stata dettata direttamente da israeliani e americani. La mossa di … [read more]

US Marines enter Bangladesh under the guise of relief

by the National Liberation Council BangladeshWe Bangladeshi people in the costal region were hit 11 days ago by cyclone Syder which killed about 100.000 people. It destroyed 1,5m of homes, uprooted millions of trees, poluted drinking water, destroyed rice crops in the field etc. In this situation, US imperialists send their Marine force from the gulf which already entered our country without the permission of the government. Now this US Marine Corps declared that they will stay in Bangladesh as they wish to. We oppose this entry in name of relief operation. The National Liberation Council of Bangladesh is trying to organise opposition against this entry, although we are suffering from state of emergency until 11th January 2007 and a so-called care taker government which is being back by … [read more]