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GIU' LE MANI DAL FRONTE POPOLARE!VIA L'EMBARGO CONTRO GAZA!SOSTENIAMO LA RESISTENZA PALESTINESE!A pochi giorni dal summit di Annapolis, tenacemente voluto dagli americani, Abu Mazen e il suo primo ministro Fayyad hanno dovuto compiere un gesto simbolico per mostrare la loro piena disponibilità  ad un definitivo accordo con le autorità  israeliane. Di che si tratta? Il 18 novembre le forze di sicurezza leali al Presidente Abu Mazen hanno posto sotto assedio il campo profughi di Ein Beit El-Ma, nei pressi di Nablus. Per fare che? Per snidare e arrestare numerosi militanti del FPLP in quanto rappresenterebbero "...un pericolo per la pace". Pubblichiamo qui sotto una nota che denuncia come questa operazione repressiva sia stata dettata direttamente da israeliani e americani. La mossa di … [read more]

US Marines enter Bangladesh under the guise of relief

by the National Liberation Council BangladeshWe Bangladeshi people in the costal region were hit 11 days ago by cyclone Syder which killed about 100.000 people. It destroyed 1,5m of homes, uprooted millions of trees, poluted drinking water, destroyed rice crops in the field etc. In this situation, US imperialists send their Marine force from the gulf which already entered our country without the permission of the government. Now this US Marine Corps declared that they will stay in Bangladesh as they wish to. We oppose this entry in name of relief operation. The National Liberation Council of Bangladesh is trying to organise opposition against this entry, although we are suffering from state of emergency until 11th January 2007 and a so-called care taker government which is being back by … [read more]

Program for the VI. International Symposium against Isolation

Brussels, 14th-17th December 2007The terror of the "Anti-terror War" Program for the VI. International Symposium against Isolation 14th-17th December 2007 Free University Brussels (ULB) Friday, 14/12/2007, Room Delvaux 10.00 am: Registrations 11.00 am.: Opening by Anne Morelli (professor in history) 12.00 am: Lunch Break at the cantine 2.00 pm: Antiimperialism and Free ExpressionHisham Bustani (Jordan), As'ad Ali Hasan Hussein (journalist of the magazine Al-Arab Al-Yawm), Elias Letelier (Chilean poet and literary director of the Editorial Poetas Antiimperialistas de Amà©rica), Dogan Özgüden (chief-editor of Info-Turk, Belgium), Representative of the Youth Federation Moderation: Nadine Rosa-Rosso 4.00 pm: Isolation towards countries and nations through occupation, embargos … [read more]

عساكر عبÙ'اس تحاصر مقاتلي الجبهة الشعبية في مخيم العين

الششتري: الجبهة ترفض تسليم سلاحها، وما يحدث في العين هو تطبيق للبند الأول من خطة خارطة الطريق، التي تساوي بين المقاومة والإرهاب أعلنت الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين عن رفضها ما تقوم به الأجهزة الأمنية التابعة للسلطة … [read more]

لبنان الى أين؟

هروب الى الامام أم مواجهة حاسمة؟بقلم: وعد الخطيب، بيروت - خاص بالمعسكر المناهض للإمبرياليةفي الماضي، كان يحلو للبنانيين الحديث عن النموذج اللبناني الفريد، القائم على التعايش بين طوائفه المتنوعة، على … [read more]

نحو إنشاء محكمة المواطنين الدولية

بشأن الأعمال التي ارتكبها الجيش والمخابرات الإسرائيليانفي لبنان والأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة تعتبر الأعمال التي ارتكبتها الجيش والمخابرات الإسرائيليان في لبنان, وكذلك في الأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة, بمثابة تحد … [read more]

لماذا يجب ان نقاطع الانتخابات النيابية

د. هشام بستانيالمصدر: وكالة سرايا للاخبار، بتاريخ 17/11/2007 بعد أيام، وتحديدا في العشرين من الشهر الجاري، تجري الانتخابات النيابية في الاردن. وتكثر الآن التعليقات حول مدى نزاهة الانتخابات وانعدام التزوير، … [read more]

Israeli Occupiers Punish Ahmad Sa'adat

For his declarations against the Anapolis Conference and transferred him to the Nafha Prison in the Naqab DesertThe secretary general of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Ahmad Sa'adat, appeared today, 18/11/2007, in the military court in 'Ofer, for another hearing in the case against him. It is the first time he was seen in public after his recent deportation to the Nafha Prison, and it was a chance for him to make it clear why he was deported. The Israeli prison authorities punished him for his political position against the planned Anapolis Conference, and sent him to the remote Nafha prison, where physical conditions are harsh and where it will be very hard for his family or lawyers to meet him.In spite of this suffering, Ahmad Sa'adat didn't hesitate to size on the … [read more]

PFLP and FARC 'on trial' in Denmark

by Irene ClausenThe so called war on terror after September 11, 2001, resulted in 'anti terror legislations' in most Western capitalist countries and meant serious attacks on civil and political rights and the criminalization of international solidarity work. Some of the strongest anti-imperialist movements in the world were put on the US and EU terror lists, for instance the FARC in Colombia, the CPP in the Philippines, the PKK and DHKP-C in Turkey, and PFLP in Palestina.Provoked by the 'anti-terror legislation', a campaign was started in Denmark in 2004, named "Oproer" (Rebellion). Is has about 700 individual members. Its aim was and is "to challenge the anti-terror law" and create debate on and opposition against the consequences of the "anti terror legislation" and to claim the right … [read more]

Together against the looming attack on Iran

Greetings to the National Conference of the World Workers Party, USAThe Anti-imperialist Camp is conveying is warm revolutionary greetings to the national conference of the World Workers Party scheduled for November 17-18. As you know we have been commonly involved in the support of the anti-imperialist movements throughout the world.Now it seems as if the Bush regime, caught in severe troubles because of is aggressive interventions in the Middle East and especially in Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine, is switching up another gear in its pre-emptive war. To solve the problems of their global rule they want to attack Iran.More than any battle since 1991 this forthcoming one will decide upon the future of the world. If Iran is able to repeal the attack, to stand against it and to maintain a … [read more]

Musharraf's dictatorship is destined to collapse

CMKP Debunks Draconian Ploy Karachi: The following statement has been issued by the Central Secretariat of the Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party (Communist Workers-Peasants Party) Pakistan on the state of emergency declared throughout Pakistan to save a military dictator: The Communist Mazdoor-Kissan Party (CMKP) Pakistan first of all condemns the state of emergency imposed in Pakistan, violating the cardinal democratic principles, the underlined nefarious intention of which is just to save military dictator General Pervez Musharraf who had usurped power unconstitutionally by overthrowing the elected Nawaz Sharif government in October 1998. Gen. Musharraf has been ruling the country in violation of the constitution and against democratic practice. He takes himself as the bastion of power and … [read more]

Negotiations are in favour of the occupiers not of our resistance

by the Left Radicals of Afghanistan (LRA)We support negotiations in principle, but any negotiations that victimize the values and achievements of the brave struggle of the anti-occupation resistance would not be accepted by any independent anti-occupation forces of the Afghan resistance.A small part of the Taliban and some unsatisfied groups were busy in hidden negotiations with the Karzai government and occupier forces in particularly a month ago, but in practice their were no developments, instead heavy fighting, hundred of killings and casualties and tens of suicide attacks. The Karzai puppet regime and his foreign masters made huge propaganda efforts, resorted to these negotiations aimed at undermining the moral of the resistance and on the other hand to show to the "international … [read more]

Let justice reign

Citizen Tribunal on Israeli crimes against Lebanon and PalestineProposal for setting up an international citizens' tribunal on the deeds committed by the Israeli army and secret services in Lebanon and the occupied Palestinian territories The deeds committed by the Israeli army and secret services in Lebanon, as in the occupied Palestinian territories, constitute a violent affront to the universal human conscience. These are criminal acts, as many people feel instinctively. They are different from the acts that take place in all armed conflict committed by the aggressor as well as by the aggressed. But feeling is not enough. The facts must be established. They must then be assessed in the light of existing international law. This should be done with the detachment and … [read more]

Turkish threats and Kurds playing with fire

A comment by Lars Akerhaug, NorwayOnce again the Turkish generals threaten to invade areas in Northern Iraq, or, if you want, Southern Kurdistan. Historically these areas with their flat fields around Euphrates and Tigris, surrounded by peaked mountaintops have been home for a multitude of religions and cultures, in the way mountainous areas often are. But after decades of war, dictatorship and ethnic persecution these places have been cleansed of minorities, in the way it often happens when imperialist forces cut artificial borders and build artificial states. But since the occupation of Iraq this area has actually been one of the few things Washington dares to boast about. The area of the Kurdish regional government has been noted for its stability and has seen economic … [read more]

التنظيم الشعبي الناصري يستقبل ممثلي المعسكر

النائب أسامة سعد -المكتب الإعلامي 24/10/2007 إستقبل رئيس التنظيم الشعبي الناصري النائب الدكتور أسامة سعد في منزله في صيدا وفداً من حركة المعسكر المعادي للإمبريالية في أوربا ضم المتحدث الرسمي بأسم المعسكر النمساوي ويلي … [read more]


Iran: prossima tappa della guerra infinita? "Tutto ਠpronto per la guerra. E l'offensiva non colpirà  soltanto gli impianti nucleari ma cancellerà  tutta la potenza iraniana.Concentrando le forze d'attacco più moderne in orde come quelle di Gengis Khan" L'attacco all'Iran ਠgià  stato deciso? Le pesanti minacce americane sono l'anticamera della guerra o invece sono soltanto un modo di tenere sotto pressione e ricattare il regime di Tehran? La maggior parte degli analisti strategici americani ਠconvinta che Bush e la sua cricca abbiano già  deciso si sferrare un massiccio e devastante attacco all'Iran entro la primavera del 2008. Anche noi tendiamo a ritenere altamente probabile quest'esito. La Casa Bianca vorrebbe, con un colpo solo ma micidiale, raddrizzare le sorti … [read more]

Al-Rashideen Army to U.S.

Don't walk behind a mirage, we will fight you till the last man fallsThis is an interview with the leader of the Al-Rashideen Army "Adil Al-Zahawi" , published on Haq Agency.Tell us about the beginningAl-Rashdeen Army established at the first days of the occupation and began to collect weapons that were left in Rustamiya [Iraqi regular Army military camp] and the rest of the outskirts of Baghdad, and declared itself militarily, when fighters carried out an attack on the occupation army patrol after nine days of the occupation of Baghdad, and clashed with militants patrol police in the tunnel Karkh side of Baghdad after Friday afternoon prayers on (18/4/2003), we didn't not document these attacks with videos or images, because we didn't adopt this tactic at that time.Al-Rashideen Army … [read more]

Haditha massacre: not murder but negligent homicide

by Frank Friedrich Kling, USAIn a further blow to American military jurisprudence, the Marine corp. squad leader responsible for an assault in Haditha, Iraq that killed 24 innocent men, women, and children will not be tried for murder based on the recommendation handed out today by the Haditha investigating officer, Lt. Col. Paul Ware. Lt. Col. Ware recommended to Lt. Gen. James Mattis, the commanding general overseeing the case, that Staff Sergeant Frank Wuterich previously charged with the murder of 17 Iraqis should instead face prosecution for negligent homicide. A conviction for negligent homocide would result in a maximum sentence of three years prison versus life for murder. Wuterich's attorney, Neal Puckett said, "We're both very pleased and also not surprised given how the other … [read more]

With the People of Myanmar

Neither Than Shwe nor San Suu KyiSince mid August Myanmar is being rocked by popular protest.The triggering factor of the mobilisations has been the decision by the military junta to implement the directives of the World Bank and the IMF, i.e. to double fuel prices followed by different goods of basic needs. Having started spontaneously in the capital, these demonstrations have spread and become politicised. The step from demanding reduction of the price hike to demanding the end the hated military dictatorship has not been a wide one.The main opposition force, the National League for Democracy (NLD) of which Nobel laureate San Suu Kyi has been the icon for years, after a first moment of embarrassment, has been trying to channel the movement and to use it as pressure tool to force the … [read more]

Spanish state leashes out against Basque people

Free the 22 arrested Batasuna leadersFollowing a call by the Communist Organisation of Greece (KOE) which we fully support and extend to all democratic and anti-imperialist forces of the world:On October 2 the Spanish State arrested Joseba Alvarez, former MEP and actual International Relations Officer of Batasuna, Ohiane Agirre, spokeswoman of Batasuna, and Asier Tapia, member of the youth movement. The accusations against them, apart from being a mere pretext and clearly unfounded, are hardly hiding the decision of the Spanish State to refuse any substantial dialogue with the Basque People, who has times and again expressed, democratically and persistently, its will to be recognized the right of self-determination. We are now learning that an even more dramatic escalation of the … [read more]


GIU' LE MANI DAL FRONTE POPOLARE!VIA L'EMBARGO CONTRO GAZA!SOSTENIAMO LA RESISTENZA PALESTINESE!A pochi giorni dal summit di Annapolis, tenacemente voluto dagli americani, Abu Mazen e il suo primo ministro Fayyad hanno dovuto compiere un gesto simbolico per mostrare la loro piena disponibilità  ad un definitivo accordo con le autorità  israeliane. Di che si tratta? Il 18 novembre le forze di sicurezza leali al Presidente Abu Mazen hanno posto sotto assedio il campo profughi di Ein Beit El-Ma, nei pressi di Nablus. Per fare che? Per snidare e arrestare numerosi militanti del FPLP in quanto rappresenterebbero "...un pericolo per la pace". Pubblichiamo qui sotto una nota che denuncia come questa operazione repressiva sia stata dettata direttamente da israeliani e americani. La mossa di … [read more]

US Marines enter Bangladesh under the guise of relief

by the National Liberation Council BangladeshWe Bangladeshi people in the costal region were hit 11 days ago by cyclone Syder which killed about 100.000 people. It destroyed 1,5m of homes, uprooted millions of trees, poluted drinking water, destroyed rice crops in the field etc. In this situation, US imperialists send their Marine force from the gulf which already entered our country without the permission of the government. Now this US Marine Corps declared that they will stay in Bangladesh as they wish to. We oppose this entry in name of relief operation. The National Liberation Council of Bangladesh is trying to organise opposition against this entry, although we are suffering from state of emergency until 11th January 2007 and a so-called care taker government which is being back by … [read more]

Program for the VI. International Symposium against Isolation

Brussels, 14th-17th December 2007The terror of the "Anti-terror War" Program for the VI. International Symposium against Isolation 14th-17th December 2007 Free University Brussels (ULB) Friday, 14/12/2007, Room Delvaux 10.00 am: Registrations 11.00 am.: Opening by Anne Morelli (professor in history) 12.00 am: Lunch Break at the cantine 2.00 pm: Antiimperialism and Free ExpressionHisham Bustani (Jordan), As'ad Ali Hasan Hussein (journalist of the magazine Al-Arab Al-Yawm), Elias Letelier (Chilean poet and literary director of the Editorial Poetas Antiimperialistas de Amà©rica), Dogan Özgüden (chief-editor of Info-Turk, Belgium), Representative of the Youth Federation Moderation: Nadine Rosa-Rosso 4.00 pm: Isolation towards countries and nations through occupation, embargos … [read more]

عساكر عبÙ'اس تحاصر مقاتلي الجبهة الشعبية في مخيم العين

الششتري: الجبهة ترفض تسليم سلاحها، وما يحدث في العين هو تطبيق للبند الأول من خطة خارطة الطريق، التي تساوي بين المقاومة والإرهاب أعلنت الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين عن رفضها ما تقوم به الأجهزة الأمنية التابعة للسلطة … [read more]

لبنان الى أين؟

هروب الى الامام أم مواجهة حاسمة؟بقلم: وعد الخطيب، بيروت - خاص بالمعسكر المناهض للإمبرياليةفي الماضي، كان يحلو للبنانيين الحديث عن النموذج اللبناني الفريد، القائم على التعايش بين طوائفه المتنوعة، على … [read more]

نحو إنشاء محكمة المواطنين الدولية

بشأن الأعمال التي ارتكبها الجيش والمخابرات الإسرائيليانفي لبنان والأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة تعتبر الأعمال التي ارتكبتها الجيش والمخابرات الإسرائيليان في لبنان, وكذلك في الأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة, بمثابة تحد … [read more]

لماذا يجب ان نقاطع الانتخابات النيابية

د. هشام بستانيالمصدر: وكالة سرايا للاخبار، بتاريخ 17/11/2007 بعد أيام، وتحديدا في العشرين من الشهر الجاري، تجري الانتخابات النيابية في الاردن. وتكثر الآن التعليقات حول مدى نزاهة الانتخابات وانعدام التزوير، … [read more]

Israeli Occupiers Punish Ahmad Sa'adat

For his declarations against the Anapolis Conference and transferred him to the Nafha Prison in the Naqab DesertThe secretary general of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Ahmad Sa'adat, appeared today, 18/11/2007, in the military court in 'Ofer, for another hearing in the case against him. It is the first time he was seen in public after his recent deportation to the Nafha Prison, and it was a chance for him to make it clear why he was deported. The Israeli prison authorities punished him for his political position against the planned Anapolis Conference, and sent him to the remote Nafha prison, where physical conditions are harsh and where it will be very hard for his family or lawyers to meet him.In spite of this suffering, Ahmad Sa'adat didn't hesitate to size on the … [read more]

PFLP and FARC 'on trial' in Denmark

by Irene ClausenThe so called war on terror after September 11, 2001, resulted in 'anti terror legislations' in most Western capitalist countries and meant serious attacks on civil and political rights and the criminalization of international solidarity work. Some of the strongest anti-imperialist movements in the world were put on the US and EU terror lists, for instance the FARC in Colombia, the CPP in the Philippines, the PKK and DHKP-C in Turkey, and PFLP in Palestina.Provoked by the 'anti-terror legislation', a campaign was started in Denmark in 2004, named "Oproer" (Rebellion). Is has about 700 individual members. Its aim was and is "to challenge the anti-terror law" and create debate on and opposition against the consequences of the "anti terror legislation" and to claim the right … [read more]

Together against the looming attack on Iran

Greetings to the National Conference of the World Workers Party, USAThe Anti-imperialist Camp is conveying is warm revolutionary greetings to the national conference of the World Workers Party scheduled for November 17-18. As you know we have been commonly involved in the support of the anti-imperialist movements throughout the world.Now it seems as if the Bush regime, caught in severe troubles because of is aggressive interventions in the Middle East and especially in Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine, is switching up another gear in its pre-emptive war. To solve the problems of their global rule they want to attack Iran.More than any battle since 1991 this forthcoming one will decide upon the future of the world. If Iran is able to repeal the attack, to stand against it and to maintain a … [read more]

Musharraf's dictatorship is destined to collapse

CMKP Debunks Draconian Ploy Karachi: The following statement has been issued by the Central Secretariat of the Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party (Communist Workers-Peasants Party) Pakistan on the state of emergency declared throughout Pakistan to save a military dictator: The Communist Mazdoor-Kissan Party (CMKP) Pakistan first of all condemns the state of emergency imposed in Pakistan, violating the cardinal democratic principles, the underlined nefarious intention of which is just to save military dictator General Pervez Musharraf who had usurped power unconstitutionally by overthrowing the elected Nawaz Sharif government in October 1998. Gen. Musharraf has been ruling the country in violation of the constitution and against democratic practice. He takes himself as the bastion of power and … [read more]

Negotiations are in favour of the occupiers not of our resistance

by the Left Radicals of Afghanistan (LRA)We support negotiations in principle, but any negotiations that victimize the values and achievements of the brave struggle of the anti-occupation resistance would not be accepted by any independent anti-occupation forces of the Afghan resistance.A small part of the Taliban and some unsatisfied groups were busy in hidden negotiations with the Karzai government and occupier forces in particularly a month ago, but in practice their were no developments, instead heavy fighting, hundred of killings and casualties and tens of suicide attacks. The Karzai puppet regime and his foreign masters made huge propaganda efforts, resorted to these negotiations aimed at undermining the moral of the resistance and on the other hand to show to the "international … [read more]

Let justice reign

Citizen Tribunal on Israeli crimes against Lebanon and PalestineProposal for setting up an international citizens' tribunal on the deeds committed by the Israeli army and secret services in Lebanon and the occupied Palestinian territories The deeds committed by the Israeli army and secret services in Lebanon, as in the occupied Palestinian territories, constitute a violent affront to the universal human conscience. These are criminal acts, as many people feel instinctively. They are different from the acts that take place in all armed conflict committed by the aggressor as well as by the aggressed. But feeling is not enough. The facts must be established. They must then be assessed in the light of existing international law. This should be done with the detachment and … [read more]

Turkish threats and Kurds playing with fire

A comment by Lars Akerhaug, NorwayOnce again the Turkish generals threaten to invade areas in Northern Iraq, or, if you want, Southern Kurdistan. Historically these areas with their flat fields around Euphrates and Tigris, surrounded by peaked mountaintops have been home for a multitude of religions and cultures, in the way mountainous areas often are. But after decades of war, dictatorship and ethnic persecution these places have been cleansed of minorities, in the way it often happens when imperialist forces cut artificial borders and build artificial states. But since the occupation of Iraq this area has actually been one of the few things Washington dares to boast about. The area of the Kurdish regional government has been noted for its stability and has seen economic … [read more]

التنظيم الشعبي الناصري يستقبل ممثلي المعسكر

النائب أسامة سعد -المكتب الإعلامي 24/10/2007 إستقبل رئيس التنظيم الشعبي الناصري النائب الدكتور أسامة سعد في منزله في صيدا وفداً من حركة المعسكر المعادي للإمبريالية في أوربا ضم المتحدث الرسمي بأسم المعسكر النمساوي ويلي … [read more]


Iran: prossima tappa della guerra infinita? "Tutto ਠpronto per la guerra. E l'offensiva non colpirà  soltanto gli impianti nucleari ma cancellerà  tutta la potenza iraniana.Concentrando le forze d'attacco più moderne in orde come quelle di Gengis Khan" L'attacco all'Iran ਠgià  stato deciso? Le pesanti minacce americane sono l'anticamera della guerra o invece sono soltanto un modo di tenere sotto pressione e ricattare il regime di Tehran? La maggior parte degli analisti strategici americani ਠconvinta che Bush e la sua cricca abbiano già  deciso si sferrare un massiccio e devastante attacco all'Iran entro la primavera del 2008. Anche noi tendiamo a ritenere altamente probabile quest'esito. La Casa Bianca vorrebbe, con un colpo solo ma micidiale, raddrizzare le sorti … [read more]

Al-Rashideen Army to U.S.

Don't walk behind a mirage, we will fight you till the last man fallsThis is an interview with the leader of the Al-Rashideen Army "Adil Al-Zahawi" , published on Haq Agency.Tell us about the beginningAl-Rashdeen Army established at the first days of the occupation and began to collect weapons that were left in Rustamiya [Iraqi regular Army military camp] and the rest of the outskirts of Baghdad, and declared itself militarily, when fighters carried out an attack on the occupation army patrol after nine days of the occupation of Baghdad, and clashed with militants patrol police in the tunnel Karkh side of Baghdad after Friday afternoon prayers on (18/4/2003), we didn't not document these attacks with videos or images, because we didn't adopt this tactic at that time.Al-Rashideen Army … [read more]

Haditha massacre: not murder but negligent homicide

by Frank Friedrich Kling, USAIn a further blow to American military jurisprudence, the Marine corp. squad leader responsible for an assault in Haditha, Iraq that killed 24 innocent men, women, and children will not be tried for murder based on the recommendation handed out today by the Haditha investigating officer, Lt. Col. Paul Ware. Lt. Col. Ware recommended to Lt. Gen. James Mattis, the commanding general overseeing the case, that Staff Sergeant Frank Wuterich previously charged with the murder of 17 Iraqis should instead face prosecution for negligent homicide. A conviction for negligent homocide would result in a maximum sentence of three years prison versus life for murder. Wuterich's attorney, Neal Puckett said, "We're both very pleased and also not surprised given how the other … [read more]

With the People of Myanmar

Neither Than Shwe nor San Suu KyiSince mid August Myanmar is being rocked by popular protest.The triggering factor of the mobilisations has been the decision by the military junta to implement the directives of the World Bank and the IMF, i.e. to double fuel prices followed by different goods of basic needs. Having started spontaneously in the capital, these demonstrations have spread and become politicised. The step from demanding reduction of the price hike to demanding the end the hated military dictatorship has not been a wide one.The main opposition force, the National League for Democracy (NLD) of which Nobel laureate San Suu Kyi has been the icon for years, after a first moment of embarrassment, has been trying to channel the movement and to use it as pressure tool to force the … [read more]

Spanish state leashes out against Basque people

Free the 22 arrested Batasuna leadersFollowing a call by the Communist Organisation of Greece (KOE) which we fully support and extend to all democratic and anti-imperialist forces of the world:On October 2 the Spanish State arrested Joseba Alvarez, former MEP and actual International Relations Officer of Batasuna, Ohiane Agirre, spokeswoman of Batasuna, and Asier Tapia, member of the youth movement. The accusations against them, apart from being a mere pretext and clearly unfounded, are hardly hiding the decision of the Spanish State to refuse any substantial dialogue with the Basque People, who has times and again expressed, democratically and persistently, its will to be recognized the right of self-determination. We are now learning that an even more dramatic escalation of the … [read more]