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When Defeat is Victory

By Robert Linderholm, USAThe CNN headlines today read "Senate Republicans scuttle Iraq pullout plan". One might be tempted to think that War Criminal Bush has once again avoided disapproval for his butchering, torturing and displacement of 10 million people. Not so fast! By refusing to accept reality, a hardcore group of US Republicans must now accept full responsibility for the war crimes committed by Bush and his cronies. US Republicans now must accept full responsibility for the wasted and crippled lives of 25,000 US mercenaries. Had the Democratic Party got their way, the inevitable would have been blamed on them. Had the Democratic Party succeeded in forcing Bush out of Iraq, there would have been no opportunity for a complete change in US foreign policy. Only by being completely and … [read more]

India: 'It's outright war and both sides are choosing their weapons'

Interview with Arundhati RoyChhattisgarh. Jharkhand. Bihar. Andhra Pradesh. Signposts of fractures gone too far with too little remedy. Arundhati Roy in conversation with Shoma Chaudhury on the violence rending our heartland There is an atmosphere of growing violence across the country. How do you read the signs? In what context should it be read?You don't have to be a genius to read the signs. We have a growing middle class, reared on a diet of radical consumerism and aggressive greed. Unlike industrialising Western countries, which had colonies from which to plunder resources and generate slave labour to feed this process, we have to colonise ourselves, our own nether parts. We've begun to eat our own limbs. The greed that is being generated (and marketed as a value interchangeable with … [read more]

Turkey: Socialist Platform of the Oppressed (ESP) runs for elections

In the East support for the Kurdish Party of for a Democratic Society (DTP)We are the socialist alternative of the oppressedagainst the putschists, bosses, imperialism, fascism and chauvinism!Look at the bourgeois system parties! How they gorge each other, how they strangle each other… On one hand, the military fascist front, on the other hand the neoliberal reactionary front… They are competing with their lies against each other. One side has been waving fake flags of "secularism" and "independence" in its hand. The other side waves the flag of "democracy" with the same fakeness… But how do they all unite towards the oppressed! How they all compete in adopting the IMF's laws of exploitation and plundering! How they made the united ballot pass quickly with a "holly" alliance to … [read more]

Gaza: popular vote implemented

Seizure of power by Hamas a step forward for the resistanceThe seizure of power by Hamas in the Gaza strip actually is nothing else than the late implementation of the electoral results of last year. By all means the West, Israel and Fatah have been trying to disregard the democratic vote. Internationally a starving embargo has been imposed, the elected government has not been recognised and the defeated Fatah faction with its militias, intelligence services etc. has been armed.Hamas has been trying every possible compromise including the unity government with Fatah. But both the West as well as Fatah have been continuing their obstruction. They simply did not want to cede power while the West did not want to loose a servile proxy despite their blatant record of corruption, nepotism and … [read more]

استيلاء حماس على السلطة خطوة متقدمة للمقاومة

ترجمة بيان معسكر القوى المناهضة للإمبريالية حول التطورات الأخيرة في غزةاستيلاء حماس على السلطة خطوة متقدمة للمقاومة لا يعدو استيلاء حماس على السلطة في قطاع غزة في الأساس كونه تنفيذاً لنتيجة الانتخاب في العام … [read more]

بيان صادر عن منظمة "النهج الديمقراطي" - المغرب

حول حملة الاعتقالات المسعورة التي يشنها النظام المغربي ضد القوى الديمقراطية النهج الديمقراطي البيضاء في 9/6/2007 الكتابة الوطنية بـيـان تدارست الكتابة الوطنية للنهج الديمقراطي في اجتماعها العادي ليوم … [read more]

عرض كتاب "الشرق الأوسط: حرب - احتلال - مقاومة

يسر المركز الثقافي العربي النمساوي - فيينا أن يدعوكم إلى الندوة التي يعقدها في الساعة السابعة يوم الأربعاء 4 تموز (يوليو) مع السيد وليهيلم لانغتالر لتقديم كتاب "الشرق الأوسط: حرب -احتلال-مقاومة" في قاعة المركز الكائنة في … [read more]

كتاب الشرق الأوسط: حرب - احتلال - مقاومة

نيكولاوس براونز/ ديميتري تسالوس (الناشران):الشرق الأوسط: حرب - احتلال - مقاومة209 ص، 16.90 يورودار باهل- روغنشتاين للنشريصدر في 21 حزيران ‏2007 نيكولاوس براونز/ ديميتري تسالوس (الناشران):الشرق الأوسط: حرب - احتلال - مقاومة209 ص، 16.90 يورودار … [read more]

German anti G8 protests: "great mass mobilisation, explicit anti-imperialism lacking"

Quick impressions of Asa Henriksson, Free Iraq Committee Malmo, SwedenThe protests around Heiligendamm were positive in many ways: the infrastructure as well as most of the activities were well organised, in a non-sectarian, unifying way and also in a such a way that the different activities would gather the largest amount of people possible. What struck me though was the virtually non-existent awareness concerning anti-imperialism or even critique against American warfare. It was as though the question of occupation, warfare and resistance simply did not exist. During the largest demonstration on June 2nd, that gathered at least 80 000 people I spotted only one Iraqi flag, carried seemingly by a small group of Iraqis. There were two or three banners with slogans concerning Palestine, but … [read more]

For the right of Kurdish self-determination, with the Iraqi resistance

Interview with the ESP (Socialist Platform of the Oppressed) representative of Diyarbakir, in the Kurdish region of the Turkish stateESP (Socialist Platform of the Oppressed) in Diyarbakir, the capital of the Kurdish region of the Turkish state, is an anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist organization who fights on the side of the oppressed masses. For four years they've had activities in the city which is considered the center of the Kurdish national movement. This interview was done by Anti-imperialist Camp with a spokeswoman of ESP in the city.- What do you think about the Kurdish national movement?We mainly think it is a progressive national movement, seeking the national rights of the oppressed Kurdish nation. But we criticize some aspects of the movement. Mainly we criticize the … [read more]

Emergency state, much movement, little content

The protests against the G8 in Rostock remained on a poor political level[Banner of the Anti-imperialist Camp in Rostock: Stop the €uro-American war$, troops out of Afghanistan]The massive mobilisation of some 80.000 on June 2 in Rostock is certainly a success. Such mass protests against the liberalist oligarchy with strong international participation is for Germany exceptional. The fact that the demonstration had to take place very far away from both the summit as well as from the popular audience is due to the massive restrictions imposed by the federal government as well as by the provincial government led by the SPD.A question regarding the political message of the demonstration must, however, be posed. That we refuse the G8 has been received, fair enough. But what else? The … [read more]

Defiant Maluh Refuses to Testify Against PFLP Secretary General Sa'adat

Ramallah, May 30, 2007The Israeli occupation's military court continues its hearing in the case against the Secretary General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Ahmad Sa'adat. Usually the hearings, held in the fortified Opher military base near Ramallah, are very one-sided: Sa'adat refuses to recognize the legitimacy of the court, and forbids his lawyers from playing by the court's rules. The lawyers ask the court to be reprieved from their impossible role, and are prevented by the court from resigning, but avoid any active defense. As a result, the sole manager of the court is the military prosecutor, a young and arrogant religious Jewish soldier-lawyer, and the 3 uniformed military judges follow his script to fill the trials files with "evidence"…But this … [read more]

- Bilden av inbördeskrig är falsk!

Intervju med Asrar A Abdullatif, talesperson för Iraks Kommunistiska Parti (Centralkommandot)Iraks kommunistiska parti splittrades 1967 i tvॠorganisationer. Moderpartiet behöll länge starka band till Sovjet, medan utbrytargruppen Centralkommandot (ICP-CC) har drivit en självständig linje sà¥väl gentemot Sovjet som USA. Efter invasionen 2003 har moderpartiets ledare kunnat ses skaka hand med USA:s guvernör Paul Bremer och partiet har pॠolika sätt gett sitt stöd till ockupationen, bland annat genom deltagandet i valet. I motstats har ICP-CC konsekvent motsatt sig ockupationen och ser självständighet som en grundförutsättning för demokrati i Irak. Asrar A Abdullatif är talesperson för ICP-CC och en välkänd figur inom den irakiska arbetarrörelsen. I … [read more]

من يعبث بالشعب ومقدراته؟

د. إبراهيم حمّامي حول صفقة غاز غزّة ما أن بدأت الدماء الفلسطينية تسيل بأيدٍ فلسطينية الصيف الماضي، وما أن حُرفت البوصلة الوطنية عن مسارها لتتوجه بعيداً عن الاحتلال، وما أن أصبح شغل المواطن والسياسي والاعلامي متابعة … [read more]

بيان صادر عن منظمة النهج الديمقراطي - المغرب

حول أحداث العنف في الجامعات المغربيةأيار (مايو) 2007النهج الديمقراطي الدار البيضاء 25 ماي2007 الكتابة الوطنية بيـــــــــــانعقدت الكتابة الوطنية للنهج … [read more]

نداء من أجل التحرك يومي 9 و 10 حزيران

في ذكرى النكسةفي السادس من حزيران، قامت اسرائيل بهجوم واسع ضد جميع الدول العربية المحيطة بها، محتلة أجزاء من اراضيها، اضافة الى استكمال احتلالها لفلسطين.في السادس من حزيران، قامت اسرائيل بهجوم واسع ضد جميع الدول … [read more]

Condoleeza Rice in Madrid on June 1

Protest manifestoOn the 1st of June, Condoleezza Rice, the State Secretary of the United States of America, will be coming to Madrid. It will be the first official visit by a high representative of Bush's administration, since the people of Spain denounced and demonstrated against the invasion and occupation of Iraq, as well as the inclusion of the Spanish army in the conflict.The decision by Zapatero´s government to withdraw all Spanish troops from Iraq was a direct consequence of the popular pressure and rejection towards imperialistic wars.Since then, the subordination of the Spanish Government to American imperialism has not diminished but has adopted a different approach. It immediately increased Spain´s involvement in Afganistan, under NATO`s command, intensifying military and … [read more]

Free Saadat & All Palestinian Political Prisoners

Public Trial for the Occupation CrimesThe Israeli occupation military trial is arbitrary, illegal, illegitimate, and silences the voice of justice. Therefore, the national campaign to free Ahmad Saadat - the secretary general of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - and all Palestinian political prisoners, will hold a public trial in order to debunk the military trial's oppressive practices and expose the reasons behind its boycott.We invite you to attend The Public Trial for the Occupation Crimes at Ramatan Studios in Ramallah at 2:00 PMon Wednesday, May 30thFor further information please call:0599778627Ramallah Solidarity … [read more]

New attacks against Turkish Journalists and Trade Unionists

Anti-Terror Law "Terror" against "Alinteri"The socialist weekly periodical "Alinteri" (Sweat of Labour) has been subject to new attacks. The official correspondent of "Alinteri" in the Turkish capital Ankara has been detained by a police raid early this morning. The correspondent Sami Gök was not the only one to be taken by the police, the President of Egitim Emekcileri Dernegi (Education Workers Union), Sefa Gokdemir, and 10 readers of "Alinteri" newspaper are still under detainment now.Last month, the web site of "Alinteri" had been shut down for a week by the court due to a critical report about the working conditions of workers at the Selcuk University. And the editor, Sakine Yalcin, had to pay 1500 euro for her press trials and she still faces a fine of 14000 euros.The names of the … [read more]

"We do not have the conditions for civil war"

Interview with Dr. Rabah MohannaMember of the Political Bureau, PFLPQuestion: What is your opinion on the government of national unity in Palestine?Dr. Mohana: Although PFLP was the third force in the elections, although with a big difference in votes to Fatah, we did not take part in the 11th Palestinian government because we saw the prisoners' document (1) which has been agreed upon by all political and social groups in Palestine as a minimum political compromise on the agenda. We thought what happened in Mecca has exceeded the limit which we had agreed upon in the prisoners' document. For example, in the prisoners' document we did not accept Oslo and subsequent agreements as the basis for the continuation of the political process. In Mecca they agreed on it, Hamas also agreed on it. … [read more]

When Defeat is Victory

By Robert Linderholm, USAThe CNN headlines today read "Senate Republicans scuttle Iraq pullout plan". One might be tempted to think that War Criminal Bush has once again avoided disapproval for his butchering, torturing and displacement of 10 million people. Not so fast! By refusing to accept reality, a hardcore group of US Republicans must now accept full responsibility for the war crimes committed by Bush and his cronies. US Republicans now must accept full responsibility for the wasted and crippled lives of 25,000 US mercenaries. Had the Democratic Party got their way, the inevitable would have been blamed on them. Had the Democratic Party succeeded in forcing Bush out of Iraq, there would have been no opportunity for a complete change in US foreign policy. Only by being completely and … [read more]

India: 'It's outright war and both sides are choosing their weapons'

Interview with Arundhati RoyChhattisgarh. Jharkhand. Bihar. Andhra Pradesh. Signposts of fractures gone too far with too little remedy. Arundhati Roy in conversation with Shoma Chaudhury on the violence rending our heartland There is an atmosphere of growing violence across the country. How do you read the signs? In what context should it be read?You don't have to be a genius to read the signs. We have a growing middle class, reared on a diet of radical consumerism and aggressive greed. Unlike industrialising Western countries, which had colonies from which to plunder resources and generate slave labour to feed this process, we have to colonise ourselves, our own nether parts. We've begun to eat our own limbs. The greed that is being generated (and marketed as a value interchangeable with … [read more]

Turkey: Socialist Platform of the Oppressed (ESP) runs for elections

In the East support for the Kurdish Party of for a Democratic Society (DTP)We are the socialist alternative of the oppressedagainst the putschists, bosses, imperialism, fascism and chauvinism!Look at the bourgeois system parties! How they gorge each other, how they strangle each other… On one hand, the military fascist front, on the other hand the neoliberal reactionary front… They are competing with their lies against each other. One side has been waving fake flags of "secularism" and "independence" in its hand. The other side waves the flag of "democracy" with the same fakeness… But how do they all unite towards the oppressed! How they all compete in adopting the IMF's laws of exploitation and plundering! How they made the united ballot pass quickly with a "holly" alliance to … [read more]

Gaza: popular vote implemented

Seizure of power by Hamas a step forward for the resistanceThe seizure of power by Hamas in the Gaza strip actually is nothing else than the late implementation of the electoral results of last year. By all means the West, Israel and Fatah have been trying to disregard the democratic vote. Internationally a starving embargo has been imposed, the elected government has not been recognised and the defeated Fatah faction with its militias, intelligence services etc. has been armed.Hamas has been trying every possible compromise including the unity government with Fatah. But both the West as well as Fatah have been continuing their obstruction. They simply did not want to cede power while the West did not want to loose a servile proxy despite their blatant record of corruption, nepotism and … [read more]

استيلاء حماس على السلطة خطوة متقدمة للمقاومة

ترجمة بيان معسكر القوى المناهضة للإمبريالية حول التطورات الأخيرة في غزةاستيلاء حماس على السلطة خطوة متقدمة للمقاومة لا يعدو استيلاء حماس على السلطة في قطاع غزة في الأساس كونه تنفيذاً لنتيجة الانتخاب في العام … [read more]

بيان صادر عن منظمة "النهج الديمقراطي" - المغرب

حول حملة الاعتقالات المسعورة التي يشنها النظام المغربي ضد القوى الديمقراطية النهج الديمقراطي البيضاء في 9/6/2007 الكتابة الوطنية بـيـان تدارست الكتابة الوطنية للنهج الديمقراطي في اجتماعها العادي ليوم … [read more]

عرض كتاب "الشرق الأوسط: حرب - احتلال - مقاومة

يسر المركز الثقافي العربي النمساوي - فيينا أن يدعوكم إلى الندوة التي يعقدها في الساعة السابعة يوم الأربعاء 4 تموز (يوليو) مع السيد وليهيلم لانغتالر لتقديم كتاب "الشرق الأوسط: حرب -احتلال-مقاومة" في قاعة المركز الكائنة في … [read more]

كتاب الشرق الأوسط: حرب - احتلال - مقاومة

نيكولاوس براونز/ ديميتري تسالوس (الناشران):الشرق الأوسط: حرب - احتلال - مقاومة209 ص، 16.90 يورودار باهل- روغنشتاين للنشريصدر في 21 حزيران ‏2007 نيكولاوس براونز/ ديميتري تسالوس (الناشران):الشرق الأوسط: حرب - احتلال - مقاومة209 ص، 16.90 يورودار … [read more]

German anti G8 protests: "great mass mobilisation, explicit anti-imperialism lacking"

Quick impressions of Asa Henriksson, Free Iraq Committee Malmo, SwedenThe protests around Heiligendamm were positive in many ways: the infrastructure as well as most of the activities were well organised, in a non-sectarian, unifying way and also in a such a way that the different activities would gather the largest amount of people possible. What struck me though was the virtually non-existent awareness concerning anti-imperialism or even critique against American warfare. It was as though the question of occupation, warfare and resistance simply did not exist. During the largest demonstration on June 2nd, that gathered at least 80 000 people I spotted only one Iraqi flag, carried seemingly by a small group of Iraqis. There were two or three banners with slogans concerning Palestine, but … [read more]

For the right of Kurdish self-determination, with the Iraqi resistance

Interview with the ESP (Socialist Platform of the Oppressed) representative of Diyarbakir, in the Kurdish region of the Turkish stateESP (Socialist Platform of the Oppressed) in Diyarbakir, the capital of the Kurdish region of the Turkish state, is an anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist organization who fights on the side of the oppressed masses. For four years they've had activities in the city which is considered the center of the Kurdish national movement. This interview was done by Anti-imperialist Camp with a spokeswoman of ESP in the city.- What do you think about the Kurdish national movement?We mainly think it is a progressive national movement, seeking the national rights of the oppressed Kurdish nation. But we criticize some aspects of the movement. Mainly we criticize the … [read more]

Emergency state, much movement, little content

The protests against the G8 in Rostock remained on a poor political level[Banner of the Anti-imperialist Camp in Rostock: Stop the €uro-American war$, troops out of Afghanistan]The massive mobilisation of some 80.000 on June 2 in Rostock is certainly a success. Such mass protests against the liberalist oligarchy with strong international participation is for Germany exceptional. The fact that the demonstration had to take place very far away from both the summit as well as from the popular audience is due to the massive restrictions imposed by the federal government as well as by the provincial government led by the SPD.A question regarding the political message of the demonstration must, however, be posed. That we refuse the G8 has been received, fair enough. But what else? The … [read more]

Defiant Maluh Refuses to Testify Against PFLP Secretary General Sa'adat

Ramallah, May 30, 2007The Israeli occupation's military court continues its hearing in the case against the Secretary General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Ahmad Sa'adat. Usually the hearings, held in the fortified Opher military base near Ramallah, are very one-sided: Sa'adat refuses to recognize the legitimacy of the court, and forbids his lawyers from playing by the court's rules. The lawyers ask the court to be reprieved from their impossible role, and are prevented by the court from resigning, but avoid any active defense. As a result, the sole manager of the court is the military prosecutor, a young and arrogant religious Jewish soldier-lawyer, and the 3 uniformed military judges follow his script to fill the trials files with "evidence"…But this … [read more]

- Bilden av inbördeskrig är falsk!

Intervju med Asrar A Abdullatif, talesperson för Iraks Kommunistiska Parti (Centralkommandot)Iraks kommunistiska parti splittrades 1967 i tvॠorganisationer. Moderpartiet behöll länge starka band till Sovjet, medan utbrytargruppen Centralkommandot (ICP-CC) har drivit en självständig linje sà¥väl gentemot Sovjet som USA. Efter invasionen 2003 har moderpartiets ledare kunnat ses skaka hand med USA:s guvernör Paul Bremer och partiet har pॠolika sätt gett sitt stöd till ockupationen, bland annat genom deltagandet i valet. I motstats har ICP-CC konsekvent motsatt sig ockupationen och ser självständighet som en grundförutsättning för demokrati i Irak. Asrar A Abdullatif är talesperson för ICP-CC och en välkänd figur inom den irakiska arbetarrörelsen. I … [read more]

من يعبث بالشعب ومقدراته؟

د. إبراهيم حمّامي حول صفقة غاز غزّة ما أن بدأت الدماء الفلسطينية تسيل بأيدٍ فلسطينية الصيف الماضي، وما أن حُرفت البوصلة الوطنية عن مسارها لتتوجه بعيداً عن الاحتلال، وما أن أصبح شغل المواطن والسياسي والاعلامي متابعة … [read more]

بيان صادر عن منظمة النهج الديمقراطي - المغرب

حول أحداث العنف في الجامعات المغربيةأيار (مايو) 2007النهج الديمقراطي الدار البيضاء 25 ماي2007 الكتابة الوطنية بيـــــــــــانعقدت الكتابة الوطنية للنهج … [read more]

نداء من أجل التحرك يومي 9 و 10 حزيران

في ذكرى النكسةفي السادس من حزيران، قامت اسرائيل بهجوم واسع ضد جميع الدول العربية المحيطة بها، محتلة أجزاء من اراضيها، اضافة الى استكمال احتلالها لفلسطين.في السادس من حزيران، قامت اسرائيل بهجوم واسع ضد جميع الدول … [read more]

Condoleeza Rice in Madrid on June 1

Protest manifestoOn the 1st of June, Condoleezza Rice, the State Secretary of the United States of America, will be coming to Madrid. It will be the first official visit by a high representative of Bush's administration, since the people of Spain denounced and demonstrated against the invasion and occupation of Iraq, as well as the inclusion of the Spanish army in the conflict.The decision by Zapatero´s government to withdraw all Spanish troops from Iraq was a direct consequence of the popular pressure and rejection towards imperialistic wars.Since then, the subordination of the Spanish Government to American imperialism has not diminished but has adopted a different approach. It immediately increased Spain´s involvement in Afganistan, under NATO`s command, intensifying military and … [read more]

Free Saadat & All Palestinian Political Prisoners

Public Trial for the Occupation CrimesThe Israeli occupation military trial is arbitrary, illegal, illegitimate, and silences the voice of justice. Therefore, the national campaign to free Ahmad Saadat - the secretary general of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - and all Palestinian political prisoners, will hold a public trial in order to debunk the military trial's oppressive practices and expose the reasons behind its boycott.We invite you to attend The Public Trial for the Occupation Crimes at Ramatan Studios in Ramallah at 2:00 PMon Wednesday, May 30thFor further information please call:0599778627Ramallah Solidarity … [read more]

New attacks against Turkish Journalists and Trade Unionists

Anti-Terror Law "Terror" against "Alinteri"The socialist weekly periodical "Alinteri" (Sweat of Labour) has been subject to new attacks. The official correspondent of "Alinteri" in the Turkish capital Ankara has been detained by a police raid early this morning. The correspondent Sami Gök was not the only one to be taken by the police, the President of Egitim Emekcileri Dernegi (Education Workers Union), Sefa Gokdemir, and 10 readers of "Alinteri" newspaper are still under detainment now.Last month, the web site of "Alinteri" had been shut down for a week by the court due to a critical report about the working conditions of workers at the Selcuk University. And the editor, Sakine Yalcin, had to pay 1500 euro for her press trials and she still faces a fine of 14000 euros.The names of the … [read more]

"We do not have the conditions for civil war"

Interview with Dr. Rabah MohannaMember of the Political Bureau, PFLPQuestion: What is your opinion on the government of national unity in Palestine?Dr. Mohana: Although PFLP was the third force in the elections, although with a big difference in votes to Fatah, we did not take part in the 11th Palestinian government because we saw the prisoners' document (1) which has been agreed upon by all political and social groups in Palestine as a minimum political compromise on the agenda. We thought what happened in Mecca has exceeded the limit which we had agreed upon in the prisoners' document. For example, in the prisoners' document we did not accept Oslo and subsequent agreements as the basis for the continuation of the political process. In Mecca they agreed on it, Hamas also agreed on it. … [read more]