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Only for Chosen Ones - A Quasi Visa for Kurdistan

Fatma Salah Uthman, Makhmour Organization for Human RightsBaghdadPretending to keep Kurdistan free from the violence that shakes Iraq day by day non-Kurdish travellers are refused entrance to cities that are controlled by the south Kurdish parties. Peshmergas who serve at checkpoints are checking taxis and buses for Arabs who are interrogated and searched; even women and old people have to bear this humiliating procedure. And merely people who can give a concrete reason for their visit have a chance to get permission to enter the city centre.In the aftermath of the bomb attack from May 9 in the city centre of Irbil, in front of the Ministry of Interior when fifteen people were killed new vexations were invented. From now on vehicles have to carry a sticker of the Kurdistan Region on the … [read more]

بيان اللجنة التحضيرية لمؤتمر العودة والسلام العادل

اتجاه - اتحاد جمعيات اهلية عربية - فلسطين المحتلة59 عاما من النكبةنحو المؤتمر القطري الثالث للعودة والسلام العادل - نحو الانطلاقة المتجددة لتحالف العودة في البلادعام آخر يمر على نكبة الشعب الفلسطيني التي تتواصل … [read more]

نحو تحالف العودة في فلسطين 48

واولوية توفير البنية لمشروع العودةأمير مخول- فلسطين المحتلةتدخل نكبتنا نحن الشعب الفلسطيني عامها الستين، والحديث عن ستة عقود من النكبة المتواصلة وليس عن تاريخ وذكرى. وان لم تكن النكبة هي بداية المشروع الصهيوني … [read more]

نادي فلسطين العربي يبدأ فعاليات أسبوع فلسطين في فيينا

في الذكرى التاسعة والخمسين للنكبةابتدأ نادي فلسطين العربي مساء السبت 12 أيار (مايو) فعاليات أسبوع فلسطين بأمسية فنية في قاعة المركز الثقافي العربي النمساوي قدم خلالها وبحضور مائة شخص من الجالية العربية والمتضامنين … [read more]


DICHIARAZIONE POLITICA della NONA CONFERENZA "PER LA NUOVA COLOMBIA, LA PATRIA GRANDE E IL SOCIALISMO!"Salutiamo il popolo colombiano e lo informiamo dell'avvenuta realizzazione, con successo, della nostra Nona Conferenza Nazionale, preparata e tenutasi nonostante gli obbrobriosi incrementi ed azioni delle truppe statunitensi nel territorio nazionale, nonchà© le operazioni del cosiddetto Plan Colombia, che com'ਠnoto sono dirette principalmente contro la popolazione civile.Abbiamo concluso che oggi, come nel corso di tutto il secolo passato, la Casa Bianca decide le politiche essenziali del nostro paese, impone la propria concezione di Stato ed elabora, disegna e dirige i piani e strategie della forza pubblica, cosଠcome le regole fondamentali in materia di finanza, industria e … [read more]

لقاء مع نائب الأمين العام لحركة أبناء البلد - فلسطين

ذكرى النكبة: 59 عاما من النكبات ومن الصمودلقاء مع الرفيق سهيل صليبي، نائب الأمين العام لحركة أبناء البلد لحركة أبناء البلد- فلسطينأجرى اللقاء: حزب العمل الوطني الديمقراطي - تونس في الخامس عشر من أيار/ماي 1948 سحبت … [read more]

NATO ut ur Sverige

Rapport om demonstrationen den 12 maj i GöteborgDen anti-imperialistiska fronten formerade sig i Göteborg lördagen den 12 maj. Över trettio organisationer slöt upp i aktionsenheten som agerat under namnet Nätverket NATO inte välkomna. Orsaken till demonstrationen var NATO:s dryga fyrtiotal fartyg som inbjudits av den svenska regeringen i samband med en à¥rlig militärövning.Uppemot 3000 demonstranter samlades vid Operan. Och mitt emot mötesplatsen là¥g NATO:s dinosaurieliknande skepp. Ironiskt nog i Frihamnen! Efter demonstrationen frà¥n Gustaf Adolfs torg agerade Jan Strömqvist och Ana Rubin konferenciärer vid ett mycket välorganiserat möte. Ingela Mà¥rtensson kritiserade Sveriges fördjupade samarbete med NATO. Även Hans Linde höll ett engagerat tal … [read more]

ملخص ندوة الحركة العمالية الاردنية بين الواقع والطموح

قيادات نقابية تطالب بتغيير جذري في عمل اتحاد نقابات العمالعمان - 9/5/2007 عقد منتدى الفكر الاشتراكي ندوة مساء امس الاول بمناسبة عيد العمال تحت عنوان "الحركة العمالية الاردنية .. بين الواقع والطموح"ØŒ تحدث فيها كل من رئيس … [read more]

First May in Afghanistan - US massacre in Herat

Herat civilians need urgent solidarityA heinous massacre by USAround two hundreds civilians including women and children have been killed by US Special Forces and their local servants Since Friday April 27 in Hirat a western province of Afghanistan during big air strikes and constant heavy military operations.According to witnesses, residents of Zir e Koh villages of Shindand district of Hirat province, as result of air strikes and landed troops, more than two hundreds were killed and hundreds were injured and their homes and properties were completely destroyed. There was a river of blood and the crying of injures filled the whole atmosphere. The US forces says that they were all Taliban who were killed within their successful operation, but the local government authorities in Hirat did … [read more]

جريدة الارادة العدد الاول

عيد الشغل والذكرى الثانية للإعلان عن تأسيس حزب العمل الوطنيّ الديمقراطيّ جريدة الارادة العدد الاول Ù€ ماي 2007 نشرة سياسية إخبارية جامعة لسان حال "حزب العمل الوطني الديمقراطي" حرية ... عدالة ... تقدم ... مساواة الموقع … [read more]

4 released in Belgian "terror trial"

Judiciary admits "legal errors"On April 19, a Belgian judge quashed a court verdict against four people from Turkey. The verdict, handed down in February 2006, had seen three of them imprisoned for membership of the DHKP-C (Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front). Lawyers for those convicted have continued with appeals, citing various trial irregularities in the way the original court was conducted by Judge Freddy Troch. There was, amongst other things, criticism of the way the Turkish state was allowed to have a lawyer present at hearings, in addition to the efforts of the Belgian state prosecutor. This was seen as infringing Belgian sovereignty. Also, since those on trial openly admitted to being bitter opponents of the Turkish authorities, it meant that the trial was in part a … [read more]

Fra den arabiske verden: Støtt motstanden!

Kairokonferansen: Antiimperialister, islamister og panarabister samles i EgyptDen à¥rlige Kairokonferansen ble holdt i Journalystsyndikatet i det sentrale Kairo fra 29. mars til 1. april. Konferansen og det parallele Egyptiske Sosiale Forumet var, til forskjell fra mange av de vestlige og sà¦rlig de europeiske sosiale foraene fylt med sterke og utvetydige oppfordringer om ॠstøtte motstanden i Libanon, Irak og Palestina. Men, alt er ikke godt under solen. Samtidig som konferansen vitner om støtte til motstanden gir den ogsॠforvarsler om voksende splittelser i den arabiske motstanden. De konferansene i Kairo pleier alltid ॠvà¦re gode và¦rvarslere for bà¥de motstandsbevegelsenes framtidige framgang og nye problemer. Dette à¥ret overskygget den dype … [read more]

Calls from the Arab world to support the resistance

Cairo conference: Anti-imperialists, Islamists and pan-Arab leftists gather in EgyptThe yearly Cairo conference was held at the Journalists' Syndicate in downtown Cairo March 29th until April 1st. The conference and parallel Egyptian Social Forum was, unlike many of the gatherings of the Western and especially European-dominated social forums, filled with a strong popular and explicit voice sounding support for the resistance in Lebanon, Iraq and Palestine. But, everything is not good tidings. As well as bearing witness to the support of the resistance the conference itself also bore forewarns of the growing splits in the Arab pro-resistance movements.The conferences in Cairo seem always to give clear forecasts on what are the forthcoming successes as well as problems, splits and … [read more]

Washington Calling

Im Skandal um die Sperrung von Konten bei der BAWAG zeigt sich Österreich als BananenrepublikAchtung: Termin verschoben: Donnerstag 26.4.2007, Austria Center, 17 UhrDie BAWAG durchforstet ihre Konten: Nach der Übernahme durch den amerikanischen Finanzinvestor Cerberus haben auch US-Gesetze umgesetzt zu werden. Wer die falsche Staatsbürgerschaft hat, fliegt raus: So geschehen mit kubanischen Staatsangehörigen. Die BAWAG exekutiert das US-Hungerembargo gegen Kuba, indem sie in Österreich lebende Privatpersonen schikaniert. Aber es geht nicht nur um Kuba, auch mit dem Iran oder Weißrussland darf es keinen Kontakt geben. Insgesamt finden sich 3500 Staaten, Personen und Organisationen auf einer Liste des State Department; unter anderem handelt es sich dabei um in Österreich tätige … [read more]

Interview with Nepalese Maoist leader

People's war as an ispiration also in the WestEarlier this year a representative for the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoists) visited Norway. Front lines were so lucky that we got an opportunity to have a talk with this representative for the leading force within the People's war in Nepal. Due to safety reasons, the CPN (m) representative is anonymous. In this interview we call him for Comrade.Comrade, why is your progress interesting also for us in the West who are not in a revolutionary situation?There are so many factors why the progress of the Nepalese proletariat is interesting to the people in the west. First, the Nepalese revolutionary movement under the leadership of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) is advancing by crushing all false propaganda concocted by imperialism and its … [read more]

Hezbollah: "for a non-sectarian Lebanon"

Interview with Dr. Ali Fayyad, President of the Consultative Center for the Studies & Documentation known as Hezbollah's Think-Tank and member of the party's executiveQuestion: Regarding the situation in Lebanon seven month after the end of the war, do you feel that the UN troops are protecting the Lebanese population or do you consider them to be occupation troops? A.F.: I think that the US resolution 1701 can be approached from two different points of view. We can say that the United Nations are controlled by the USA and that the UNIFIL want to help Israel and consequently try to disarm Hezbollah. But at the same time you can also say that there are many paragraphs of this resolution that state as the main role of the UN troops in the South of Lebanon to help the Lebanese people and … [read more]

United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA)

Speech of the Chairman on the 28th Foundation Day of the Revered Freedom loving people of Assam,Today is the 28th foundation day of the United Liberation Front of Asom. ULFA was formed with the determined aim of re-establishing a Sovereign Independent Assam, presently under Indian colonial occupation. The objective of our national liberation struggle is to free the indigenous peoples from Indian colonial oppression and exploitation, the ultimate goal being to establish a society on the principles of scientific socialism. Assam belongs to all the indigenous peoples of Assam . But the divisive and oppressive Indian subjugation has deprived us of our common heritage of the Sovereign rights over our land. It is with these solemn national and social objectives that ULFA was formed on this day … [read more]

Assam's Hunger-Strikers

by Manab Adhikar Sangram Samiti (MASS)On March 21, 2007 five women decided to begin an indefinite hunger strike in Assam. Their names are: Gyanoma Moran (alias Shyamoli Gogoi and wife of Prakash Gogoi), Menoka Chetia (alias Meenakhi Borbora and wife of Naba Changmai); Padumi Timung (alias Juri Neog and wife of Robin Neog); Kabita Chakrabarty (wife of Nilu Chakrabarty); Anima Devi (wife of Bening Rabha) and Malini Ingtipi (alias Hema Hansipi and wife of Asanta Baghphukon). Their pseudonyms and the names of their husbands are important to note. So are the reasons why they have gone on hunger strike. The pseudonyms of the women are their organizational names that they were known by, when they joined the United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA). Their husbands, all ULFA activists, had gone … [read more]

المؤتمر الثالث للتحالف الشعبي العربي المقاوم

1- Ø§Ù„بيان الختامي.2- Ø§Ù„توصيات وخطة العمل.3- Ø§Ù„لجنة التنسيقية.4- Ø§Ù„قوى والمنظمات المشاركة 2007.5- Ø§Ù„ارضية الاستراتيجية للتحالف.مخرجات المؤتمر التحضيري الثالث للتحالف الشعبي العربي المقاوم الذي انعقد في القاهرة في … [read more]

Intervju med Ali Fayyad, Libanon

Frontlinjer og Campo Antiimperialista gjorde dette intervjuet med Ali Fayyad, politbyrà¥et til Hizbollah.- Hva mener Hizbollah om FN-troppene i Libanon? Det er klart at det finnes problemer i FN-resulosjonen. Men samtidig er det mye i resolusjonen som er positivt for libaneserne. Resolusjonen legger vekt pॠlibanesisk suverenitet. Ut fra dette grunnlaget baserer vi và¥r politikk ovenfor FN-troppene i Sør-Libanon. Vi sier vi er villige til ॠjobbe politisk med troppene, de vil và¦re der til støtte for Libanon, ikke Israel. Vi ønsker et godt politisk forhold til FN-troppene i Libanon. - Tror du det vil komme et nytt israelsk angrep? Dette er en alvorlig mulighet. Israelerne sier de arbeider for ॠreorganisere hà¦ren til ॠkunne lage en ny krig mot Hizbollah … [read more]

Only for Chosen Ones - A Quasi Visa for Kurdistan

Fatma Salah Uthman, Makhmour Organization for Human RightsBaghdadPretending to keep Kurdistan free from the violence that shakes Iraq day by day non-Kurdish travellers are refused entrance to cities that are controlled by the south Kurdish parties. Peshmergas who serve at checkpoints are checking taxis and buses for Arabs who are interrogated and searched; even women and old people have to bear this humiliating procedure. And merely people who can give a concrete reason for their visit have a chance to get permission to enter the city centre.In the aftermath of the bomb attack from May 9 in the city centre of Irbil, in front of the Ministry of Interior when fifteen people were killed new vexations were invented. From now on vehicles have to carry a sticker of the Kurdistan Region on the … [read more]

بيان اللجنة التحضيرية لمؤتمر العودة والسلام العادل

اتجاه - اتحاد جمعيات اهلية عربية - فلسطين المحتلة59 عاما من النكبةنحو المؤتمر القطري الثالث للعودة والسلام العادل - نحو الانطلاقة المتجددة لتحالف العودة في البلادعام آخر يمر على نكبة الشعب الفلسطيني التي تتواصل … [read more]

نحو تحالف العودة في فلسطين 48

واولوية توفير البنية لمشروع العودةأمير مخول- فلسطين المحتلةتدخل نكبتنا نحن الشعب الفلسطيني عامها الستين، والحديث عن ستة عقود من النكبة المتواصلة وليس عن تاريخ وذكرى. وان لم تكن النكبة هي بداية المشروع الصهيوني … [read more]

نادي فلسطين العربي يبدأ فعاليات أسبوع فلسطين في فيينا

في الذكرى التاسعة والخمسين للنكبةابتدأ نادي فلسطين العربي مساء السبت 12 أيار (مايو) فعاليات أسبوع فلسطين بأمسية فنية في قاعة المركز الثقافي العربي النمساوي قدم خلالها وبحضور مائة شخص من الجالية العربية والمتضامنين … [read more]


DICHIARAZIONE POLITICA della NONA CONFERENZA "PER LA NUOVA COLOMBIA, LA PATRIA GRANDE E IL SOCIALISMO!"Salutiamo il popolo colombiano e lo informiamo dell'avvenuta realizzazione, con successo, della nostra Nona Conferenza Nazionale, preparata e tenutasi nonostante gli obbrobriosi incrementi ed azioni delle truppe statunitensi nel territorio nazionale, nonchà© le operazioni del cosiddetto Plan Colombia, che com'ਠnoto sono dirette principalmente contro la popolazione civile.Abbiamo concluso che oggi, come nel corso di tutto il secolo passato, la Casa Bianca decide le politiche essenziali del nostro paese, impone la propria concezione di Stato ed elabora, disegna e dirige i piani e strategie della forza pubblica, cosଠcome le regole fondamentali in materia di finanza, industria e … [read more]

لقاء مع نائب الأمين العام لحركة أبناء البلد - فلسطين

ذكرى النكبة: 59 عاما من النكبات ومن الصمودلقاء مع الرفيق سهيل صليبي، نائب الأمين العام لحركة أبناء البلد لحركة أبناء البلد- فلسطينأجرى اللقاء: حزب العمل الوطني الديمقراطي - تونس في الخامس عشر من أيار/ماي 1948 سحبت … [read more]

NATO ut ur Sverige

Rapport om demonstrationen den 12 maj i GöteborgDen anti-imperialistiska fronten formerade sig i Göteborg lördagen den 12 maj. Över trettio organisationer slöt upp i aktionsenheten som agerat under namnet Nätverket NATO inte välkomna. Orsaken till demonstrationen var NATO:s dryga fyrtiotal fartyg som inbjudits av den svenska regeringen i samband med en à¥rlig militärövning.Uppemot 3000 demonstranter samlades vid Operan. Och mitt emot mötesplatsen là¥g NATO:s dinosaurieliknande skepp. Ironiskt nog i Frihamnen! Efter demonstrationen frà¥n Gustaf Adolfs torg agerade Jan Strömqvist och Ana Rubin konferenciärer vid ett mycket välorganiserat möte. Ingela Mà¥rtensson kritiserade Sveriges fördjupade samarbete med NATO. Även Hans Linde höll ett engagerat tal … [read more]

ملخص ندوة الحركة العمالية الاردنية بين الواقع والطموح

قيادات نقابية تطالب بتغيير جذري في عمل اتحاد نقابات العمالعمان - 9/5/2007 عقد منتدى الفكر الاشتراكي ندوة مساء امس الاول بمناسبة عيد العمال تحت عنوان "الحركة العمالية الاردنية .. بين الواقع والطموح"ØŒ تحدث فيها كل من رئيس … [read more]

First May in Afghanistan - US massacre in Herat

Herat civilians need urgent solidarityA heinous massacre by USAround two hundreds civilians including women and children have been killed by US Special Forces and their local servants Since Friday April 27 in Hirat a western province of Afghanistan during big air strikes and constant heavy military operations.According to witnesses, residents of Zir e Koh villages of Shindand district of Hirat province, as result of air strikes and landed troops, more than two hundreds were killed and hundreds were injured and their homes and properties were completely destroyed. There was a river of blood and the crying of injures filled the whole atmosphere. The US forces says that they were all Taliban who were killed within their successful operation, but the local government authorities in Hirat did … [read more]

جريدة الارادة العدد الاول

عيد الشغل والذكرى الثانية للإعلان عن تأسيس حزب العمل الوطنيّ الديمقراطيّ جريدة الارادة العدد الاول Ù€ ماي 2007 نشرة سياسية إخبارية جامعة لسان حال "حزب العمل الوطني الديمقراطي" حرية ... عدالة ... تقدم ... مساواة الموقع … [read more]

4 released in Belgian "terror trial"

Judiciary admits "legal errors"On April 19, a Belgian judge quashed a court verdict against four people from Turkey. The verdict, handed down in February 2006, had seen three of them imprisoned for membership of the DHKP-C (Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front). Lawyers for those convicted have continued with appeals, citing various trial irregularities in the way the original court was conducted by Judge Freddy Troch. There was, amongst other things, criticism of the way the Turkish state was allowed to have a lawyer present at hearings, in addition to the efforts of the Belgian state prosecutor. This was seen as infringing Belgian sovereignty. Also, since those on trial openly admitted to being bitter opponents of the Turkish authorities, it meant that the trial was in part a … [read more]

Fra den arabiske verden: Støtt motstanden!

Kairokonferansen: Antiimperialister, islamister og panarabister samles i EgyptDen à¥rlige Kairokonferansen ble holdt i Journalystsyndikatet i det sentrale Kairo fra 29. mars til 1. april. Konferansen og det parallele Egyptiske Sosiale Forumet var, til forskjell fra mange av de vestlige og sà¦rlig de europeiske sosiale foraene fylt med sterke og utvetydige oppfordringer om ॠstøtte motstanden i Libanon, Irak og Palestina. Men, alt er ikke godt under solen. Samtidig som konferansen vitner om støtte til motstanden gir den ogsॠforvarsler om voksende splittelser i den arabiske motstanden. De konferansene i Kairo pleier alltid ॠvà¦re gode và¦rvarslere for bà¥de motstandsbevegelsenes framtidige framgang og nye problemer. Dette à¥ret overskygget den dype … [read more]

Calls from the Arab world to support the resistance

Cairo conference: Anti-imperialists, Islamists and pan-Arab leftists gather in EgyptThe yearly Cairo conference was held at the Journalists' Syndicate in downtown Cairo March 29th until April 1st. The conference and parallel Egyptian Social Forum was, unlike many of the gatherings of the Western and especially European-dominated social forums, filled with a strong popular and explicit voice sounding support for the resistance in Lebanon, Iraq and Palestine. But, everything is not good tidings. As well as bearing witness to the support of the resistance the conference itself also bore forewarns of the growing splits in the Arab pro-resistance movements.The conferences in Cairo seem always to give clear forecasts on what are the forthcoming successes as well as problems, splits and … [read more]

Washington Calling

Im Skandal um die Sperrung von Konten bei der BAWAG zeigt sich Österreich als BananenrepublikAchtung: Termin verschoben: Donnerstag 26.4.2007, Austria Center, 17 UhrDie BAWAG durchforstet ihre Konten: Nach der Übernahme durch den amerikanischen Finanzinvestor Cerberus haben auch US-Gesetze umgesetzt zu werden. Wer die falsche Staatsbürgerschaft hat, fliegt raus: So geschehen mit kubanischen Staatsangehörigen. Die BAWAG exekutiert das US-Hungerembargo gegen Kuba, indem sie in Österreich lebende Privatpersonen schikaniert. Aber es geht nicht nur um Kuba, auch mit dem Iran oder Weißrussland darf es keinen Kontakt geben. Insgesamt finden sich 3500 Staaten, Personen und Organisationen auf einer Liste des State Department; unter anderem handelt es sich dabei um in Österreich tätige … [read more]

Interview with Nepalese Maoist leader

People's war as an ispiration also in the WestEarlier this year a representative for the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoists) visited Norway. Front lines were so lucky that we got an opportunity to have a talk with this representative for the leading force within the People's war in Nepal. Due to safety reasons, the CPN (m) representative is anonymous. In this interview we call him for Comrade.Comrade, why is your progress interesting also for us in the West who are not in a revolutionary situation?There are so many factors why the progress of the Nepalese proletariat is interesting to the people in the west. First, the Nepalese revolutionary movement under the leadership of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) is advancing by crushing all false propaganda concocted by imperialism and its … [read more]

Hezbollah: "for a non-sectarian Lebanon"

Interview with Dr. Ali Fayyad, President of the Consultative Center for the Studies & Documentation known as Hezbollah's Think-Tank and member of the party's executiveQuestion: Regarding the situation in Lebanon seven month after the end of the war, do you feel that the UN troops are protecting the Lebanese population or do you consider them to be occupation troops? A.F.: I think that the US resolution 1701 can be approached from two different points of view. We can say that the United Nations are controlled by the USA and that the UNIFIL want to help Israel and consequently try to disarm Hezbollah. But at the same time you can also say that there are many paragraphs of this resolution that state as the main role of the UN troops in the South of Lebanon to help the Lebanese people and … [read more]

United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA)

Speech of the Chairman on the 28th Foundation Day of the Revered Freedom loving people of Assam,Today is the 28th foundation day of the United Liberation Front of Asom. ULFA was formed with the determined aim of re-establishing a Sovereign Independent Assam, presently under Indian colonial occupation. The objective of our national liberation struggle is to free the indigenous peoples from Indian colonial oppression and exploitation, the ultimate goal being to establish a society on the principles of scientific socialism. Assam belongs to all the indigenous peoples of Assam . But the divisive and oppressive Indian subjugation has deprived us of our common heritage of the Sovereign rights over our land. It is with these solemn national and social objectives that ULFA was formed on this day … [read more]

Assam's Hunger-Strikers

by Manab Adhikar Sangram Samiti (MASS)On March 21, 2007 five women decided to begin an indefinite hunger strike in Assam. Their names are: Gyanoma Moran (alias Shyamoli Gogoi and wife of Prakash Gogoi), Menoka Chetia (alias Meenakhi Borbora and wife of Naba Changmai); Padumi Timung (alias Juri Neog and wife of Robin Neog); Kabita Chakrabarty (wife of Nilu Chakrabarty); Anima Devi (wife of Bening Rabha) and Malini Ingtipi (alias Hema Hansipi and wife of Asanta Baghphukon). Their pseudonyms and the names of their husbands are important to note. So are the reasons why they have gone on hunger strike. The pseudonyms of the women are their organizational names that they were known by, when they joined the United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA). Their husbands, all ULFA activists, had gone … [read more]

المؤتمر الثالث للتحالف الشعبي العربي المقاوم

1- Ø§Ù„بيان الختامي.2- Ø§Ù„توصيات وخطة العمل.3- Ø§Ù„لجنة التنسيقية.4- Ø§Ù„قوى والمنظمات المشاركة 2007.5- Ø§Ù„ارضية الاستراتيجية للتحالف.مخرجات المؤتمر التحضيري الثالث للتحالف الشعبي العربي المقاوم الذي انعقد في القاهرة في … [read more]

Intervju med Ali Fayyad, Libanon

Frontlinjer og Campo Antiimperialista gjorde dette intervjuet med Ali Fayyad, politbyrà¥et til Hizbollah.- Hva mener Hizbollah om FN-troppene i Libanon? Det er klart at det finnes problemer i FN-resulosjonen. Men samtidig er det mye i resolusjonen som er positivt for libaneserne. Resolusjonen legger vekt pॠlibanesisk suverenitet. Ut fra dette grunnlaget baserer vi và¥r politikk ovenfor FN-troppene i Sør-Libanon. Vi sier vi er villige til ॠjobbe politisk med troppene, de vil và¦re der til støtte for Libanon, ikke Israel. Vi ønsker et godt politisk forhold til FN-troppene i Libanon. - Tror du det vil komme et nytt israelsk angrep? Dette er en alvorlig mulighet. Israelerne sier de arbeider for ॠreorganisere hà¦ren til ॠkunne lage en ny krig mot Hizbollah … [read more]