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Assam's Hunger-Strikers

by Manab Adhikar Sangram Samiti (MASS)On March 21, 2007 five women decided to begin an indefinite hunger strike in Assam. Their names are: Gyanoma Moran (alias Shyamoli Gogoi and wife of Prakash Gogoi), Menoka Chetia (alias Meenakhi Borbora and wife of Naba Changmai); Padumi Timung (alias Juri Neog and wife of Robin Neog); Kabita Chakrabarty (wife of Nilu Chakrabarty); Anima Devi (wife of Bening Rabha) and Malini Ingtipi (alias Hema Hansipi and wife of Asanta Baghphukon). Their pseudonyms and the names of their husbands are important to note. So are the reasons why they have gone on hunger strike. The pseudonyms of the women are their organizational names that they were known by, when they joined the United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA). Their husbands, all ULFA activists, had gone … [read more]

المؤتمر الثالث للتحالف الشعبي العربي المقاوم

1- Ø§Ù„بيان الختامي.2- Ø§Ù„توصيات وخطة العمل.3- Ø§Ù„لجنة التنسيقية.4- Ø§Ù„قوى والمنظمات المشاركة 2007.5- Ø§Ù„ارضية الاستراتيجية للتحالف.مخرجات المؤتمر التحضيري الثالث للتحالف الشعبي العربي المقاوم الذي انعقد في القاهرة في … [read more]

Intervju med Ali Fayyad, Libanon

Frontlinjer og Campo Antiimperialista gjorde dette intervjuet med Ali Fayyad, politbyrà¥et til Hizbollah.- Hva mener Hizbollah om FN-troppene i Libanon? Det er klart at det finnes problemer i FN-resulosjonen. Men samtidig er det mye i resolusjonen som er positivt for libaneserne. Resolusjonen legger vekt pॠlibanesisk suverenitet. Ut fra dette grunnlaget baserer vi và¥r politikk ovenfor FN-troppene i Sør-Libanon. Vi sier vi er villige til ॠjobbe politisk med troppene, de vil và¦re der til støtte for Libanon, ikke Israel. Vi ønsker et godt politisk forhold til FN-troppene i Libanon. - Tror du det vil komme et nytt israelsk angrep? Dette er en alvorlig mulighet. Israelerne sier de arbeider for ॠreorganisere hà¦ren til ॠkunne lage en ny krig mot Hizbollah … [read more]

لقاء مع سلمى واكيم - أبناء البلد -فلسطين

لقاء أجراه حزب العمل الوطني الديمقراطي(تونس) مع سلمى واكيم عضو المكتب السياسي لحركة أبناء البلد في فلسطين 1948, بمناسبة ذكرى يوم الأرض الحادي والثلاثين حزب العمل: ما هي الأسباب المباشرة التي أدت الى الأعتصام والتظاهر … [read more]

An outstanding success

A first balance sheet of the Chianciano conference by the Free Iraq Committees ItalyA political successThe international conference of Chianciano has been a big political success. For two long years we have been fighting to be able to hold it. Finally we could realise it in the best way possible.We hate triumphalism and who follows us will now this. But in this case we really want to express our satisfaction. 18 speakers from the Middle East were present at the conference. This result was possible both thanks to the victory on the "visa front", outcome of a long political battle, as well as because of the big interest among the resistance forces in Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, Afghanistan etc.At Chianciano a broad range of the components of the Iraqi resistance intervened especially with … [read more]

No military bases of imperialism on our territory!

The KSM struggles against US military base in the Czech RepublicThe Communist Youth Union (KSM) in the Czech Republic has launched before parliamentary elections in summer 2006 as the first organization in the country a campaign against a plan to construct a US military missile base in the Czech Republic which should be a part of the missile defence system of the USA. Negotiations about this plan were started by the government of the USA and government of the Czech Republic led by social democratic party in secrecy several years before information about them were published thanks to MPs of the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia. The KSM subsequently started its struggle against this plan and was gradually joined by a number of organizations. The KSM leads its campaign against the US … [read more]

Belgian case of 7 revolutionaries sentenced for "terrorism": supreme judicial authority to decid

by the Committee for the Freedom of Expression and of AssociationWhat is at stake...On 7 November seven people - all charged with belonging to the Turkish revolutionary group DHKP-C - received heavy prison sentences (4 to 7 years without parole).Their defense counsels filed an appeal with the higher court called 'cassation' against the judgment of the Ghent Court of Appeal. The outcome of their appeal will be announced on March 27. They may take the case to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. In September 1999, three members of the DHKP-C ("Revolutionary Front - Party for the People's Liberation") were arrested in Knokke (a seaside resort town): the police found several weapons and many political papers in the cars they had been using and in the flat where they had been … [read more]

البيان الختامي لمؤتمر كيانكانو التضامني

الترجمة العربية لنص البيان الختامي الصادر عن المؤتمر التضامني في كيانكانو - إيطاليا تحت شعار "من أجل سلام عادل، لندعم المقاومة" فلسطين، العراق، لبنان، أفغانستان لندعم المقاومة من أجل هزيمة الولايات المتحدة … [read more]

Final resolution of the Chianciano conference

With the Resistance, for a Just Peace in the Middle East
International Conference, Chianciano Terme, Italy, March 24/25, 2007
Palestine, Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan…Support the Resistance!Defeat the US empire, its European allies and its puppets in the Middle East!An historic battle is raging in the Middle East. Its outcome will determine the future of the region and eventually also that of the entire humanity.The imperialist offensive - led by the US and supported by the other imperialist bandits and helped by their local satraps - began against Afghanistan and culminated in the invasion of Iraq. Its task reaches far beyond the consolidation of the traditional Western supremacy.Rediscovering its congenital colonialist appetites imperialism is striving to exercise direct and uncontested rule. In this frame there is no space left neither for governments nor for nations which refuse to subordinate to American … [read more]

Med motståndet, för en rättvis fred i Mellanöstern

Slutresolution frà¥n den internationella konferensen i Chianciano Terme, Italien, 24-25 mars 2007Palestina, Irak, Libanon, AfghanistanStöd motstà¥ndet!Besegra USA-imperialismen, dess allierade i Europa och dess marionetter i Mellanöstern!En historisk strid pà¥gà¥r Mellanöstern. Dess resultat kommer att bestämma framtiden för regionen och i slutänden ocksॠför mänskligheten i sin helhet.Den imperialistiska offensiven - som leds av USA, stödjs av de andra imperialistiska banditerna och fà¥r hjälp av deras lokala hejdukar - började mot Afghanistan och kulminerade i invasionen av Irak. Dess syfte är là¥ngt större än att säkra västvärldens traditionella överhöghet.Imperialismen, som har à¥terupptäckt sin inneboende kolonialistiska aptit, strävar efter att … [read more]

تراكم أزمات النظام وتحديات تنظيم حركة الجماهير

تقييم الوضع السياسيورقة قدمت لمؤتمر حركة أبناء البلد/ فلسطين - 2-12-2006الفهرسمقدمةأزمة النظام الإمبريالي العالميأزمة النظام العربيالوضع الفلسطيني وتثبيت نهج المقاومةالأوضاع في الأراضي المحتلة منذ عام 1948المواقف … [read more]

بيان صادر عن منظمة النهج الديمقراطي - المغرب

النهج الديمقراطي اللجنة الوطنية بيــــــــان عقدت اللجنة الوطنية اجتماعا عاديا يوم الأحد 18 مارس 2007 تدارست خلاله أهم السمات البارزة للوضع الحالي ببلادنا إضافة إلى عدد من القضايا التنظيمية والمبادرات المزمع … [read more]

Police massacre in West Bengal villages

Preliminary report by the All India independent fact finding team on Nandigram MassacreThe ghastly massacre at Nandigram came to be known to us through phone calls from West Bengal on March 14th around noon. The firing was on and we were told that tens had died and hundreds lied wounded. Some of us sent faxes and emails to the Prime Minister of India, Sonia Gandhiji, Pronab Mukherjee, Shivraj Patil and informed some others including the Governor of West Bengal. We also sent a letter to the Hon'ble Chief Justice, Kolkata High Court and same was accepted as a PIL by the High Court. The stories of brutality and continued state sponsored terror in Nandigram kept arriving. We then gathered from different parts of India in Kolkata, after hearing about this barbaric incident and rushed to … [read more]

Massive anti-US rally in Karachi

KARACHI, MARCH 19: To express solidarity with the resistance movement of the Iraqi people and condemn American imperialist occupation of a sovereign and independent country, a massive rally organized by Stop-the-War Coalition consisting of several political parties, trade unions, student organizations and women bodies, including the Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party Pakistan (Communist Workers Peasants Party Pakistan-CMKP), was held at Karachi, the biggest Industrial and commercial city of Pakistan.The participants were holding placards and banners exposing the ferocious character of American imperialism. The rally was brought out on the occasion of the fourth year of occupation of Iraq by the US troops. The participants were chanting against US military brutality in Iraq, Afghanistan … [read more]

ملخص ندوة منتدى الفكر الاشتراكي-عمان - الاردن

ملخص ندوة منتدى الفكر الاشتراكي حول المقاومة، الامبريالية، والسيناريوهات الاقليميفي ندوة عقدها منتدى الفكر الاشتراكي حول المقاومة، الامبريالية، والسيناريوهات الاقليميةرمضان: اميركا تستعمل "دول … [read more]

في ذكرى العدوان على العراق

المئات يتظاهرون في فيينا ضد الحرب والاحتلال تظاهر في العاصمة النمساوية يوم السبت 17 آذار (مارس) ما يقارب الـ 250 ناشطا بمناسبة اليوم العالمي للتضامن والذي يوافق الذكرى السنوية للعدوان الأمريكي على العراق.وقد تجمع … [read more]

Mauritania: anti-imperialist candidate runs in second round

Ahmed Ould Daddah second in first roundSunday, March 11, the first round of the presidential elections in Mauritania took place which are the first to be regarded as democratic. In the last decades there used to be a military dictatorship controlled by the Western imperialist powers. The important fact is: the candidate of the democratic anti-imperialist coalition, Ahmed Ould Daddah, who scored second with some 20%, will participate in the second round challenging the candidate of the old regime. Many believe that, if no major electoral fraud will be carried out, Daddah has good chances to become the next president of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania. Daddah is not only supported by his movement ("Rassemblement des forces dà©mocratiques") holding 16 seats in parliament but by a broad … [read more]

US out of Iraq, hands off Iran

by the Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan)Stop the war!No sanctions, no bombs against IranThe US has, directly after its occupation of Iraq, been building up several military bases close to the Iranian border.The US has made repeated demands on the Iranian government to accommodate to US policies concerning the "new American order". Replacement of the regimes in Iraq, North Korea and Iran is, and has been, part of the Bush doctrine. Right now, as the US has failed in Iraq, its war-mongering against Iran is on the increase. The US has now dispatched two aircraft carriers to the Gulf of Persia and placed 50 warships just off the Iranian coast. The US accuses Iran of possessing nuclear arms or of aiming at producing them. This is the hysterical US propaganda against Iran, in spite of the fact … [read more]

Declaration of Intent of the Anti-Imperialist Camp

The Anti-Imperialist Camp is a coordination that was constituted in August 2000 by organisations and movements from all continents. Political differences did not prevent these organisations from coordinating in order to give strength to the common struggle against the common enemy: imperialist globalisation.
We respect all forms of struggle used by all organisations and movements in different countries and different circumstances in order to put an end to exploitation and oppression.The Camp advocates the highest unity in the struggle against the common enemy, declaring that imperialism is the most cruel of all capitalist systems. Thus, it cannot be overthrown without putting an end to national, social and class injustice and inequality. The struggle against imperialist globalisation can only be an International one. Thus, it needs the broadest and most unitarian and radical mass mobilisation, in the South as well as in the North, in the East just like in the West.We consider it as our aim to help this coordination through communication, information and unity in action on a world scale. We … [read more]

Int'l Conference on War, Imperialism and Resistance in West Asia

12th-14th March 2007, Delhi West Asia is currently becoming the global flashpoint, with US imperialism seeking to remould the region to its liking. Israel, its closest ally in the region, is also seeking to destroy the Palestinian nation. The catchall slogan of "War against Terror," post 9/11,is a cover for the aggressive designs of the US-Israeli axis, shown by the occupation of Iraq and possible military strikes against Iran.nUnfortunately, the Government of India's the vote in IAEA on Iran and its continued military relationship with Israel in which India has become the largest importer of arms from Israel, has deeply compromised its foreign policy. To highlight the above issues and generate a wider solidarity for the people under occupation and military threat in the region, a 3-day … [read more]

Assam's Hunger-Strikers

by Manab Adhikar Sangram Samiti (MASS)On March 21, 2007 five women decided to begin an indefinite hunger strike in Assam. Their names are: Gyanoma Moran (alias Shyamoli Gogoi and wife of Prakash Gogoi), Menoka Chetia (alias Meenakhi Borbora and wife of Naba Changmai); Padumi Timung (alias Juri Neog and wife of Robin Neog); Kabita Chakrabarty (wife of Nilu Chakrabarty); Anima Devi (wife of Bening Rabha) and Malini Ingtipi (alias Hema Hansipi and wife of Asanta Baghphukon). Their pseudonyms and the names of their husbands are important to note. So are the reasons why they have gone on hunger strike. The pseudonyms of the women are their organizational names that they were known by, when they joined the United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA). Their husbands, all ULFA activists, had gone … [read more]

المؤتمر الثالث للتحالف الشعبي العربي المقاوم

1- Ø§Ù„بيان الختامي.2- Ø§Ù„توصيات وخطة العمل.3- Ø§Ù„لجنة التنسيقية.4- Ø§Ù„قوى والمنظمات المشاركة 2007.5- Ø§Ù„ارضية الاستراتيجية للتحالف.مخرجات المؤتمر التحضيري الثالث للتحالف الشعبي العربي المقاوم الذي انعقد في القاهرة في … [read more]

Intervju med Ali Fayyad, Libanon

Frontlinjer og Campo Antiimperialista gjorde dette intervjuet med Ali Fayyad, politbyrà¥et til Hizbollah.- Hva mener Hizbollah om FN-troppene i Libanon? Det er klart at det finnes problemer i FN-resulosjonen. Men samtidig er det mye i resolusjonen som er positivt for libaneserne. Resolusjonen legger vekt pॠlibanesisk suverenitet. Ut fra dette grunnlaget baserer vi và¥r politikk ovenfor FN-troppene i Sør-Libanon. Vi sier vi er villige til ॠjobbe politisk med troppene, de vil và¦re der til støtte for Libanon, ikke Israel. Vi ønsker et godt politisk forhold til FN-troppene i Libanon. - Tror du det vil komme et nytt israelsk angrep? Dette er en alvorlig mulighet. Israelerne sier de arbeider for ॠreorganisere hà¦ren til ॠkunne lage en ny krig mot Hizbollah … [read more]

لقاء مع سلمى واكيم - أبناء البلد -فلسطين

لقاء أجراه حزب العمل الوطني الديمقراطي(تونس) مع سلمى واكيم عضو المكتب السياسي لحركة أبناء البلد في فلسطين 1948, بمناسبة ذكرى يوم الأرض الحادي والثلاثين حزب العمل: ما هي الأسباب المباشرة التي أدت الى الأعتصام والتظاهر … [read more]

An outstanding success

A first balance sheet of the Chianciano conference by the Free Iraq Committees ItalyA political successThe international conference of Chianciano has been a big political success. For two long years we have been fighting to be able to hold it. Finally we could realise it in the best way possible.We hate triumphalism and who follows us will now this. But in this case we really want to express our satisfaction. 18 speakers from the Middle East were present at the conference. This result was possible both thanks to the victory on the "visa front", outcome of a long political battle, as well as because of the big interest among the resistance forces in Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, Afghanistan etc.At Chianciano a broad range of the components of the Iraqi resistance intervened especially with … [read more]

No military bases of imperialism on our territory!

The KSM struggles against US military base in the Czech RepublicThe Communist Youth Union (KSM) in the Czech Republic has launched before parliamentary elections in summer 2006 as the first organization in the country a campaign against a plan to construct a US military missile base in the Czech Republic which should be a part of the missile defence system of the USA. Negotiations about this plan were started by the government of the USA and government of the Czech Republic led by social democratic party in secrecy several years before information about them were published thanks to MPs of the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia. The KSM subsequently started its struggle against this plan and was gradually joined by a number of organizations. The KSM leads its campaign against the US … [read more]

Belgian case of 7 revolutionaries sentenced for "terrorism": supreme judicial authority to decid

by the Committee for the Freedom of Expression and of AssociationWhat is at stake...On 7 November seven people - all charged with belonging to the Turkish revolutionary group DHKP-C - received heavy prison sentences (4 to 7 years without parole).Their defense counsels filed an appeal with the higher court called 'cassation' against the judgment of the Ghent Court of Appeal. The outcome of their appeal will be announced on March 27. They may take the case to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. In September 1999, three members of the DHKP-C ("Revolutionary Front - Party for the People's Liberation") were arrested in Knokke (a seaside resort town): the police found several weapons and many political papers in the cars they had been using and in the flat where they had been … [read more]

البيان الختامي لمؤتمر كيانكانو التضامني

الترجمة العربية لنص البيان الختامي الصادر عن المؤتمر التضامني في كيانكانو - إيطاليا تحت شعار "من أجل سلام عادل، لندعم المقاومة" فلسطين، العراق، لبنان، أفغانستان لندعم المقاومة من أجل هزيمة الولايات المتحدة … [read more]

Final resolution of the Chianciano conference

With the Resistance, for a Just Peace in the Middle East
International Conference, Chianciano Terme, Italy, March 24/25, 2007
Palestine, Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan…Support the Resistance!Defeat the US empire, its European allies and its puppets in the Middle East!An historic battle is raging in the Middle East. Its outcome will determine the future of the region and eventually also that of the entire humanity.The imperialist offensive - led by the US and supported by the other imperialist bandits and helped by their local satraps - began against Afghanistan and culminated in the invasion of Iraq. Its task reaches far beyond the consolidation of the traditional Western supremacy.Rediscovering its congenital colonialist appetites imperialism is striving to exercise direct and uncontested rule. In this frame there is no space left neither for governments nor for nations which refuse to subordinate to American … [read more]

Med motståndet, för en rättvis fred i Mellanöstern

Slutresolution frà¥n den internationella konferensen i Chianciano Terme, Italien, 24-25 mars 2007Palestina, Irak, Libanon, AfghanistanStöd motstà¥ndet!Besegra USA-imperialismen, dess allierade i Europa och dess marionetter i Mellanöstern!En historisk strid pà¥gà¥r Mellanöstern. Dess resultat kommer att bestämma framtiden för regionen och i slutänden ocksॠför mänskligheten i sin helhet.Den imperialistiska offensiven - som leds av USA, stödjs av de andra imperialistiska banditerna och fà¥r hjälp av deras lokala hejdukar - började mot Afghanistan och kulminerade i invasionen av Irak. Dess syfte är là¥ngt större än att säkra västvärldens traditionella överhöghet.Imperialismen, som har à¥terupptäckt sin inneboende kolonialistiska aptit, strävar efter att … [read more]

تراكم أزمات النظام وتحديات تنظيم حركة الجماهير

تقييم الوضع السياسيورقة قدمت لمؤتمر حركة أبناء البلد/ فلسطين - 2-12-2006الفهرسمقدمةأزمة النظام الإمبريالي العالميأزمة النظام العربيالوضع الفلسطيني وتثبيت نهج المقاومةالأوضاع في الأراضي المحتلة منذ عام 1948المواقف … [read more]

بيان صادر عن منظمة النهج الديمقراطي - المغرب

النهج الديمقراطي اللجنة الوطنية بيــــــــان عقدت اللجنة الوطنية اجتماعا عاديا يوم الأحد 18 مارس 2007 تدارست خلاله أهم السمات البارزة للوضع الحالي ببلادنا إضافة إلى عدد من القضايا التنظيمية والمبادرات المزمع … [read more]

Police massacre in West Bengal villages

Preliminary report by the All India independent fact finding team on Nandigram MassacreThe ghastly massacre at Nandigram came to be known to us through phone calls from West Bengal on March 14th around noon. The firing was on and we were told that tens had died and hundreds lied wounded. Some of us sent faxes and emails to the Prime Minister of India, Sonia Gandhiji, Pronab Mukherjee, Shivraj Patil and informed some others including the Governor of West Bengal. We also sent a letter to the Hon'ble Chief Justice, Kolkata High Court and same was accepted as a PIL by the High Court. The stories of brutality and continued state sponsored terror in Nandigram kept arriving. We then gathered from different parts of India in Kolkata, after hearing about this barbaric incident and rushed to … [read more]

Massive anti-US rally in Karachi

KARACHI, MARCH 19: To express solidarity with the resistance movement of the Iraqi people and condemn American imperialist occupation of a sovereign and independent country, a massive rally organized by Stop-the-War Coalition consisting of several political parties, trade unions, student organizations and women bodies, including the Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party Pakistan (Communist Workers Peasants Party Pakistan-CMKP), was held at Karachi, the biggest Industrial and commercial city of Pakistan.The participants were holding placards and banners exposing the ferocious character of American imperialism. The rally was brought out on the occasion of the fourth year of occupation of Iraq by the US troops. The participants were chanting against US military brutality in Iraq, Afghanistan … [read more]

ملخص ندوة منتدى الفكر الاشتراكي-عمان - الاردن

ملخص ندوة منتدى الفكر الاشتراكي حول المقاومة، الامبريالية، والسيناريوهات الاقليميفي ندوة عقدها منتدى الفكر الاشتراكي حول المقاومة، الامبريالية، والسيناريوهات الاقليميةرمضان: اميركا تستعمل "دول … [read more]

في ذكرى العدوان على العراق

المئات يتظاهرون في فيينا ضد الحرب والاحتلال تظاهر في العاصمة النمساوية يوم السبت 17 آذار (مارس) ما يقارب الـ 250 ناشطا بمناسبة اليوم العالمي للتضامن والذي يوافق الذكرى السنوية للعدوان الأمريكي على العراق.وقد تجمع … [read more]

Mauritania: anti-imperialist candidate runs in second round

Ahmed Ould Daddah second in first roundSunday, March 11, the first round of the presidential elections in Mauritania took place which are the first to be regarded as democratic. In the last decades there used to be a military dictatorship controlled by the Western imperialist powers. The important fact is: the candidate of the democratic anti-imperialist coalition, Ahmed Ould Daddah, who scored second with some 20%, will participate in the second round challenging the candidate of the old regime. Many believe that, if no major electoral fraud will be carried out, Daddah has good chances to become the next president of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania. Daddah is not only supported by his movement ("Rassemblement des forces dà©mocratiques") holding 16 seats in parliament but by a broad … [read more]

US out of Iraq, hands off Iran

by the Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan)Stop the war!No sanctions, no bombs against IranThe US has, directly after its occupation of Iraq, been building up several military bases close to the Iranian border.The US has made repeated demands on the Iranian government to accommodate to US policies concerning the "new American order". Replacement of the regimes in Iraq, North Korea and Iran is, and has been, part of the Bush doctrine. Right now, as the US has failed in Iraq, its war-mongering against Iran is on the increase. The US has now dispatched two aircraft carriers to the Gulf of Persia and placed 50 warships just off the Iranian coast. The US accuses Iran of possessing nuclear arms or of aiming at producing them. This is the hysterical US propaganda against Iran, in spite of the fact … [read more]

Declaration of Intent of the Anti-Imperialist Camp

The Anti-Imperialist Camp is a coordination that was constituted in August 2000 by organisations and movements from all continents. Political differences did not prevent these organisations from coordinating in order to give strength to the common struggle against the common enemy: imperialist globalisation.
We respect all forms of struggle used by all organisations and movements in different countries and different circumstances in order to put an end to exploitation and oppression.The Camp advocates the highest unity in the struggle against the common enemy, declaring that imperialism is the most cruel of all capitalist systems. Thus, it cannot be overthrown without putting an end to national, social and class injustice and inequality. The struggle against imperialist globalisation can only be an International one. Thus, it needs the broadest and most unitarian and radical mass mobilisation, in the South as well as in the North, in the East just like in the West.We consider it as our aim to help this coordination through communication, information and unity in action on a world scale. We … [read more]

Int'l Conference on War, Imperialism and Resistance in West Asia

12th-14th March 2007, Delhi West Asia is currently becoming the global flashpoint, with US imperialism seeking to remould the region to its liking. Israel, its closest ally in the region, is also seeking to destroy the Palestinian nation. The catchall slogan of "War against Terror," post 9/11,is a cover for the aggressive designs of the US-Israeli axis, shown by the occupation of Iraq and possible military strikes against Iran.nUnfortunately, the Government of India's the vote in IAEA on Iran and its continued military relationship with Israel in which India has become the largest importer of arms from Israel, has deeply compromised its foreign policy. To highlight the above issues and generate a wider solidarity for the people under occupation and military threat in the region, a 3-day … [read more]