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EU hides own report about Israeli violations of int'l law

Palestinian Press ReleaseEuropean organisations today defied the refusal of EU-Ministers to publish a report compiled by their own diplomats regarding Israeli violations of international law with regard to East Jerusalem. Over 30 Jewish, Palestinian, peace, and anti-poverty groups from around Europe will publish the suppressed Report on their websites. The report, which states that "Israel's activities in Jerusalem are in violation of both its Roadmap obligations and international law" was shelved by EU foreign ministers at their 12 December Foreign Affairs (GAERC) meeting in Brussels, for fear of alienating Israel and reducing the EU's influence. Yet, protesting groups point out, only one day after the report's suppression, Israel announced the building of 300 new homes in the Maale … [read more]

Another episode proving the end of U.S. constitutional rights

Lawyer Stewart faces 30 years for having legally defended Muslim clericRadical human rights attorney Lynne Stewart has been falsely accused of helping terrorists. Now convicted, she faces 30 years in prison. On Tuesday, April 9, 2002, she was arrested and agents searched her Manhattan office for documents. She was arraigned before Manhattan federal Judge John Koeltl. This is an obvious attempt by the U.S. government to silence dissent, curtail vigorous defense lawyers, and install fear in those who would fight against the U.S. government's racism, seek to help Arabs and Muslims being prosecuted for free speech and defend the rights of all oppressed people.***'Accompany human rights lawyer to court'Lynne Stewart to be sentenced Oct. 16Catch a train or a plane, walk, hail a cab or carpool … [read more]

Lebanon Resistance Shows The Way

Free Thought and Educational Rights/ Ozgur-Der's Adress to The Solidarity Congress With Hugo ChavezLets have a look to the events of the last five year: Brutal occupation of Iraq, The Fallujah-Baquba-Basrah Massacres, the Occupation of Afghanistan, Cenk Castle Massacre and inhuman treats to Afghan people, The USA's unjust threats against anti-imperialist people of Islamic Iran, Israel's brutal occupation, Rafah-Gaza-Nablus Massacres, the spread of Nazi-oriented Annexation Wall in Palestine, the widening discriminaton and pressures against Europe's Muslim minority, the rise of Paris suburbs against widening discrimination, the USA plots agains Hugo Chavez and all South American people, the late Occupation of Lebanon, The Qana Massacre and it goes on...All these historic events clearly … [read more]

Bolivia: Analytiker varnar för statskupp på tisdag

Skrivet av Jorge CapelánDen inflytelserike analytikern Heinz Steffan Dietrich pà¥talade under helgen att en statskupp i samma linje som de mot Chávez 2002 och Allende 1973 är pॠgà¥ng i Bolivia. USA, EU och de multinationella oljebolagen pekas ut som anstiftare av en statskupp med rasistsika undertoner: "Alla vill bli av med 'indianen' Evo, som stör affärerna, sà¥som 'svartingen' Chávez i Venezuela," skriver Dietrich. Konflikten mellan arbetare och kooperativmedlemmar i departementet Oruro, som de senaste dagarna hade krävt minst 16 dödsoffer och hundratals sà¥rade, skulle vara en av statskuppens ingredienser. Konflikten gällde kontrollen över en stor tennfyndighet i Hunani regionen, där omkring 4 000 kooperativmedlemmar med nära kopplingar till fd … [read more]

The Israeli Aggression against Gaza and Lebanon

A political declaration by Abnaa elBalad Movement New steps in the war of mass destruction Against the Arab NationFor the Unity of Anti Imperialist ForcesThe beginning of September 2006The Imperialist PlanWhile vainly waving the slogans of "the war on terror" and "the establishment of democracy in the middle east", the imperialist policy against the Arab Homeland is undergoing a dangerous escalation from the period of domination and control to waging an open war for the destruction of all the necessary conditions for the existence of the Arab Nation. The best proof of this comes in the latest experience in Palestine, where the democratic elections to the legislative council changed the government of the Palestinian Authority and proved the Palestinian people's determination to support the … [read more]

Rome: 10.000 in the streets against troop deployment to Lebanon, in support of resistance

On the occasion of the international day of action against war and occupation on September 30, 2006, some 10.000 took to the streets in the Italian capital. For several reasons the demonstration marks a significant turn of the anti-war movement:It is the first time that the common platform of a national demonstration in continuity of the anti-war movement in Italy is clearly anti-imperialist. It not only gives open support to the popular resistance movements in Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq without distancing themselves from the Islamic currents. But with the demand to withdraw the troops from Lebanon it also frontally attacks the new Italian left liberal government which together with France tries to play the role of the lead nation.On the other hand it was obvious that only the radical … [read more]

"Chavez a great great Arab leader"

Hassan Nasrallah in his first public appearance after the Israeli aggression in summer 2006Full text of Hizbullah Secretary General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah`s speech at the divine victory rally held in Beirut's southern suburbFriday, September 22, 2006In the name of God, the all-merciful, the all-compassionate, Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our Prophet, the seal of prophets Abu Qassim Mohamed Bin Abi Abdullah, on his infallible household, on his chosen companions and on all the prophets and messengers.Peace to you, oh most honest, most righteous and most pure people ... Thank God who delivered on his promise, and rendered our people and Lebanon victorious against our enemy. Thank God who esteemed us, gave us constancy and entrusted us. Thank God, on … [read more]

The resisting people of Lebanon still need our support

Campaign: Humanitarian donations, solidarity delegation and political support conferenceDespite the success of the Lebanese resistance in stopping the Israeli aggression and inflicting high losses to the Israeli army the UN resolution 1701 with the subsequent deployment of foreign troops in Lebanon means an attempt to accomplish the aims of the Israeli mission through an international diplomatic and military intervention. The Lebanese government led by the Hariri clan in alliance with the pro-Saudi-Western 14th March block is accomplice in these efforts although they do not dare to admit it openly.The resistance is therefore entering a new stage defending its legitimacy against the 14th March forces controlling the state and eventually its existence against the foreign intervention … [read more]

Belgium: political trial against DHKP-C

Report from the appeal courtReport on the TRIAL OF APPEAL IN BELGIUMwhich took place from September 11th-19th, 2006 When law is ending and political prosecution takes over its place DECISION: 7th NOVEMBER Between 11th and 19th September (2006) one of the most spectacular trials against presumable members of the DHKP-C was handled before the court of appeal in Gent, Belgium. On 28th February, 7 of 11 defendants were sentenced with 4 - 6,5 years of prison. 4 of the 11 accused have been acquitted by the court, but the Federal prosecutor went into appeal for 9 of the accused. Since end of February 3 of the defendants, Musa Asoglu (6,5), Sükriye Akar (4) and Kaya Saz (4) remain in the prison of Brugge under strong isolation conditions, despite of several court decisions saying that there … [read more]

Copenhagen International Conference

Anti-terrorism legislation, political rights and international solidarity 18 November 200610.00 - 17.00Venue: Peter Ipsens Allà©, 2400 Copenhagen NV. Programme: 9.30-10.00: Registration 10.00-13.00: European Union - paths to the police state. Legal, political and social aspects of the 'war on terror'.Panel: MEP Ole Krarup, GUE/NGL, Mette Tonsberg, European Parliament. Jan Fermon, Progress Lawyers Network (Belgium). Campaign against Criminalising Communities (CAMPACC/UK). Lunch 14.00 Witnesses: Colombia, Palestine. Reistance, 'terrorist lists' and the 'global war on terror'. 14.30-16.00Workshops: 1. Middle Eastern experiences and the 'war on terror'. 2. Latin American experiences and the 'war on terror' 3. Political movements, civil rights initiatives, communities and political … [read more]

23 revolutionaries arrested

Turkish state lash out against Marxist leninist Communist Party (MLKP)On 8-9 September, 23 people known by their revolutionary and socialist identities, including Ibrahim Cicek, the Chief Editor of weekly revolutionary socialist newspaper, Sedat Senoglu, the Vice Chief Editor, Bayram Namaz, one of the writers of newspaper, Ziya Ulusoy, the former Chief Editor, and Fusun Erdogan, the Chief Coordinator of Ozgur Radio, have been taken into police custody in various cities.While detainees are being kept in the Vatan Anti-Terror Branch in Istanbul, the workers of the Atilim Newspaper have organized a press meeting in Istanbul-Galatasaray Square on 10 September. The meeting was also supported by different revolutionary and democratic organizations and individuals such as Human Rights … [read more]

For a just peace in Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine

Int'l conference in Rome 2007: Against the occupation, for the Resistance
It seems to be a step back into the colonial past. The map of the Middle East is increasingly marked in the colours of occupation troops. Troops of different countries, with or without a mandate of the United Nations, but always corresponding to one single design—the design of the so-called New Middle East envisaged by Washington in close alliance with Israel.Different pretexts have been put forward in order to justify the invasion of Iraq, to continue the massacre against the Palestinian people, to attack Lebanon. But behind all this is the will to control the entire region, to loot its resources, to impede any autonomous development, to subjugate the people denying them their rights, to impose Western civilisation as the only one worth to exist which one has to accept willingly … [read more]

Ut med de utländska trupperna ur Libanon!

Europeerna försöker bara genomföra sionisternas mà¥l med andra medelDet libanesiska folkets motstà¥ndsrörelse, och i synnerhet dess spjutspets Hezballah, är den klara segraren i den senaste ronden i konflikten i Mellanöstern. Israel kunde inte uppnॠsitt uttalade mà¥l att besegra Hezballah pॠslagfältet och tvingades till ett förnedrande tillbakadragande. Ingen kan pॠallvar förneka just detta faktum som ocksॠtydligt erkänns av opinionen i Israel.Israel var inte bara oförmöget att à¥samka Hezballah ett nederlag men visade sig ocksà¥, som en konsekvens av detta, inte kunna provocera fram ett nytt inbördeskrig. Tvärtom stärktes enheten i landet av Hezballahs förmà¥ga att försvara det mot sionismen. Om Hezballah till och med kunde besegra Israel, vem … [read more]

Foreign troops out of Lebanon!

The Europeans just try to implement Zionist aims by other meansThe recent round of the Middle East conflict clearly goes to the Lebanese popular resistance and especially its spearhead Hizbollah. Israel could not reach its proclaimed aim to defeat Hizbollah on the battlefield and had to withdraw disgracefully. Nobody can seriously deny this very fact which is strongly confirmed by the public opinion in Israel herself.Israel was not only not able to inflict a defeat on Hizbollah but as a consequence proved unable to incite a new civil war. On the contrary the ability of Hizbollah to defend the country against Zionism strengthened the national unity. If even Israel lost the war against Hisbollah who should internally dare to attack them by military force?This is an extraordinary success to … [read more]

Freedom to Iraqi Journalist Kalshan Bayati

Call by Salah Al MukhtarCertain elements affiliated with the Ministry of the Interior in the government formed by the American occupation in Iraq have arrested the well-known Iraqi journalist Kalshan Bayati and have taken her to an unknown destination.We hereby plead to all free men and women in this world, especially journalists, writers, supporters of free speech, human rights organizations, and others to rush quickly to demand the immediate release of journalist Kalshan Bayati, and to exert pressure to guarantee her safety, since elements of the Ministry of the Interior have previously liquidated Atwar Bahjat, another female Iraqi journalist who was assassinated, and who went down as a martyr of the homeland and of journalism. Your pens are now being called upon to act immediately and … [read more]

Israel bans prisoners' support organisation

by Abnaa el BaladUnder the flag of the "International War against terrorism" Israeli authorities outlawed a Prisoners' support association that is active for more than 25 years In a pre-dawn raid on Friday, 8 September, a big force of Israel's police, border guards and security services invaded the offices of a Palestinian prisoner's support association called "Prisoners' Friends Association" (PFA) in the town of Majd elKroom in the Galilee, inside the 1948 occupied Palestine (the state of Israel). They confiscated computers, hundreds of documents, tens of artwork and handcrafts pieces that were given as presents to the association by different prisoners over the years, and even the trash bin… Another group of policeman invaded, at the same time, the house of the chairman of the … [read more]

Efter Libanons seger står det israeliska samhället bakom de imperialistiska målen

Ett brev inifrà¥n Israel av en aktivist i Abnaa el Balad[1]I och med vapenvilan tog den fas som vi gà¥tt igenom under den senaste mà¥naden - det "öppna kriget" - slut. Alla medger att Muqawamah - motstà¥ndsrörelsen [2] - har vunnit den här delen av kriget. Det är underbart, och dessutom är det första gà¥ngen arabiska styrkor har besegrat Israel i krig, och det är verkligen skönt att vara pॠden vinnande sidan. Man kan se att alla sionister är pॠverkligt dà¥ligt humör.För oss har den senaste mà¥naden varit mycket underlig. Trots att vi var aktiva sॠgott som varje dag (vi organiserade och deltog i demonstrationer 3 till 4 gà¥nger i veckan och gjorde andra aktioner därutöver) upplevde jag mer än nà¥gonsin att den verkliga politiken, den verkliga … [read more]

Basque political prisoner Iñaki de Juana Chaos on hunger strike

Help save Iñaki's life! On August 7, Basque political prisoner Iñaki de Juana Chaos began a hunger strike to demand his right to be released. Iñaki de Juana should have been released on October 25, 2004, after serving his sentence in full and having spent 18 years in jail. However, the Magistrate at the First Penal Court of the Spanish Audiencia Nacional, Gà³mez Bermúdez, issued a decision dated October 22, attempting to contest the remission Iñaki was entitled to and to prevent his release.In view of the impossibility to maintain this line of argument, the judge decreed his remand in custody for an alleged crime of membership of an armed group and terrorist threats.The basis for the accusations were two opinion articles the prisoners sent to the daily Gara . It is impossible to … [read more]

Legacy of Indian Maoism

by Harsh Thakor, Mumbai, IndiaA Tribute to Tarimala Nagi Reddy's 30th death anniversary and the 60 th anniversary of the launching of the Telengana Armed Struggle.Download the text (900 … [read more]

After the Lebanese defeat Israeli society united behind imperialist aims

Letter from withinWith the beginning of the ceasefire, the phase we lived for the last month - "the open war" - was finished.Everybody admits that the Moqawamah - resistance - has won this part of the war. It's a great thing, and more than that, it's the first time Arab forces win over Israel at war and it is really nice to be on the winner's side. You can see all the Zionists in a very bad mood. For us the last month was very strange. In spite of the fact that we were active almost every day (we organized & participated in demos 3 - 4 times a week, and did more social activity) I felt, more than ever, that the real politics, the real change of the world is done by other people that use other means. During this month the Israeli police & people were much more racist than they are … [read more]

EU hides own report about Israeli violations of int'l law

Palestinian Press ReleaseEuropean organisations today defied the refusal of EU-Ministers to publish a report compiled by their own diplomats regarding Israeli violations of international law with regard to East Jerusalem. Over 30 Jewish, Palestinian, peace, and anti-poverty groups from around Europe will publish the suppressed Report on their websites. The report, which states that "Israel's activities in Jerusalem are in violation of both its Roadmap obligations and international law" was shelved by EU foreign ministers at their 12 December Foreign Affairs (GAERC) meeting in Brussels, for fear of alienating Israel and reducing the EU's influence. Yet, protesting groups point out, only one day after the report's suppression, Israel announced the building of 300 new homes in the Maale … [read more]

Another episode proving the end of U.S. constitutional rights

Lawyer Stewart faces 30 years for having legally defended Muslim clericRadical human rights attorney Lynne Stewart has been falsely accused of helping terrorists. Now convicted, she faces 30 years in prison. On Tuesday, April 9, 2002, she was arrested and agents searched her Manhattan office for documents. She was arraigned before Manhattan federal Judge John Koeltl. This is an obvious attempt by the U.S. government to silence dissent, curtail vigorous defense lawyers, and install fear in those who would fight against the U.S. government's racism, seek to help Arabs and Muslims being prosecuted for free speech and defend the rights of all oppressed people.***'Accompany human rights lawyer to court'Lynne Stewart to be sentenced Oct. 16Catch a train or a plane, walk, hail a cab or carpool … [read more]

Lebanon Resistance Shows The Way

Free Thought and Educational Rights/ Ozgur-Der's Adress to The Solidarity Congress With Hugo ChavezLets have a look to the events of the last five year: Brutal occupation of Iraq, The Fallujah-Baquba-Basrah Massacres, the Occupation of Afghanistan, Cenk Castle Massacre and inhuman treats to Afghan people, The USA's unjust threats against anti-imperialist people of Islamic Iran, Israel's brutal occupation, Rafah-Gaza-Nablus Massacres, the spread of Nazi-oriented Annexation Wall in Palestine, the widening discriminaton and pressures against Europe's Muslim minority, the rise of Paris suburbs against widening discrimination, the USA plots agains Hugo Chavez and all South American people, the late Occupation of Lebanon, The Qana Massacre and it goes on...All these historic events clearly … [read more]

Bolivia: Analytiker varnar för statskupp på tisdag

Skrivet av Jorge CapelánDen inflytelserike analytikern Heinz Steffan Dietrich pà¥talade under helgen att en statskupp i samma linje som de mot Chávez 2002 och Allende 1973 är pॠgà¥ng i Bolivia. USA, EU och de multinationella oljebolagen pekas ut som anstiftare av en statskupp med rasistsika undertoner: "Alla vill bli av med 'indianen' Evo, som stör affärerna, sà¥som 'svartingen' Chávez i Venezuela," skriver Dietrich. Konflikten mellan arbetare och kooperativmedlemmar i departementet Oruro, som de senaste dagarna hade krävt minst 16 dödsoffer och hundratals sà¥rade, skulle vara en av statskuppens ingredienser. Konflikten gällde kontrollen över en stor tennfyndighet i Hunani regionen, där omkring 4 000 kooperativmedlemmar med nära kopplingar till fd … [read more]

The Israeli Aggression against Gaza and Lebanon

A political declaration by Abnaa elBalad Movement New steps in the war of mass destruction Against the Arab NationFor the Unity of Anti Imperialist ForcesThe beginning of September 2006The Imperialist PlanWhile vainly waving the slogans of "the war on terror" and "the establishment of democracy in the middle east", the imperialist policy against the Arab Homeland is undergoing a dangerous escalation from the period of domination and control to waging an open war for the destruction of all the necessary conditions for the existence of the Arab Nation. The best proof of this comes in the latest experience in Palestine, where the democratic elections to the legislative council changed the government of the Palestinian Authority and proved the Palestinian people's determination to support the … [read more]

Rome: 10.000 in the streets against troop deployment to Lebanon, in support of resistance

On the occasion of the international day of action against war and occupation on September 30, 2006, some 10.000 took to the streets in the Italian capital. For several reasons the demonstration marks a significant turn of the anti-war movement:It is the first time that the common platform of a national demonstration in continuity of the anti-war movement in Italy is clearly anti-imperialist. It not only gives open support to the popular resistance movements in Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq without distancing themselves from the Islamic currents. But with the demand to withdraw the troops from Lebanon it also frontally attacks the new Italian left liberal government which together with France tries to play the role of the lead nation.On the other hand it was obvious that only the radical … [read more]

"Chavez a great great Arab leader"

Hassan Nasrallah in his first public appearance after the Israeli aggression in summer 2006Full text of Hizbullah Secretary General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah`s speech at the divine victory rally held in Beirut's southern suburbFriday, September 22, 2006In the name of God, the all-merciful, the all-compassionate, Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our Prophet, the seal of prophets Abu Qassim Mohamed Bin Abi Abdullah, on his infallible household, on his chosen companions and on all the prophets and messengers.Peace to you, oh most honest, most righteous and most pure people ... Thank God who delivered on his promise, and rendered our people and Lebanon victorious against our enemy. Thank God who esteemed us, gave us constancy and entrusted us. Thank God, on … [read more]

The resisting people of Lebanon still need our support

Campaign: Humanitarian donations, solidarity delegation and political support conferenceDespite the success of the Lebanese resistance in stopping the Israeli aggression and inflicting high losses to the Israeli army the UN resolution 1701 with the subsequent deployment of foreign troops in Lebanon means an attempt to accomplish the aims of the Israeli mission through an international diplomatic and military intervention. The Lebanese government led by the Hariri clan in alliance with the pro-Saudi-Western 14th March block is accomplice in these efforts although they do not dare to admit it openly.The resistance is therefore entering a new stage defending its legitimacy against the 14th March forces controlling the state and eventually its existence against the foreign intervention … [read more]

Belgium: political trial against DHKP-C

Report from the appeal courtReport on the TRIAL OF APPEAL IN BELGIUMwhich took place from September 11th-19th, 2006 When law is ending and political prosecution takes over its place DECISION: 7th NOVEMBER Between 11th and 19th September (2006) one of the most spectacular trials against presumable members of the DHKP-C was handled before the court of appeal in Gent, Belgium. On 28th February, 7 of 11 defendants were sentenced with 4 - 6,5 years of prison. 4 of the 11 accused have been acquitted by the court, but the Federal prosecutor went into appeal for 9 of the accused. Since end of February 3 of the defendants, Musa Asoglu (6,5), Sükriye Akar (4) and Kaya Saz (4) remain in the prison of Brugge under strong isolation conditions, despite of several court decisions saying that there … [read more]

Copenhagen International Conference

Anti-terrorism legislation, political rights and international solidarity 18 November 200610.00 - 17.00Venue: Peter Ipsens Allà©, 2400 Copenhagen NV. Programme: 9.30-10.00: Registration 10.00-13.00: European Union - paths to the police state. Legal, political and social aspects of the 'war on terror'.Panel: MEP Ole Krarup, GUE/NGL, Mette Tonsberg, European Parliament. Jan Fermon, Progress Lawyers Network (Belgium). Campaign against Criminalising Communities (CAMPACC/UK). Lunch 14.00 Witnesses: Colombia, Palestine. Reistance, 'terrorist lists' and the 'global war on terror'. 14.30-16.00Workshops: 1. Middle Eastern experiences and the 'war on terror'. 2. Latin American experiences and the 'war on terror' 3. Political movements, civil rights initiatives, communities and political … [read more]

23 revolutionaries arrested

Turkish state lash out against Marxist leninist Communist Party (MLKP)On 8-9 September, 23 people known by their revolutionary and socialist identities, including Ibrahim Cicek, the Chief Editor of weekly revolutionary socialist newspaper, Sedat Senoglu, the Vice Chief Editor, Bayram Namaz, one of the writers of newspaper, Ziya Ulusoy, the former Chief Editor, and Fusun Erdogan, the Chief Coordinator of Ozgur Radio, have been taken into police custody in various cities.While detainees are being kept in the Vatan Anti-Terror Branch in Istanbul, the workers of the Atilim Newspaper have organized a press meeting in Istanbul-Galatasaray Square on 10 September. The meeting was also supported by different revolutionary and democratic organizations and individuals such as Human Rights … [read more]

For a just peace in Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine

Int'l conference in Rome 2007: Against the occupation, for the Resistance
It seems to be a step back into the colonial past. The map of the Middle East is increasingly marked in the colours of occupation troops. Troops of different countries, with or without a mandate of the United Nations, but always corresponding to one single design—the design of the so-called New Middle East envisaged by Washington in close alliance with Israel.Different pretexts have been put forward in order to justify the invasion of Iraq, to continue the massacre against the Palestinian people, to attack Lebanon. But behind all this is the will to control the entire region, to loot its resources, to impede any autonomous development, to subjugate the people denying them their rights, to impose Western civilisation as the only one worth to exist which one has to accept willingly … [read more]

Ut med de utländska trupperna ur Libanon!

Europeerna försöker bara genomföra sionisternas mà¥l med andra medelDet libanesiska folkets motstà¥ndsrörelse, och i synnerhet dess spjutspets Hezballah, är den klara segraren i den senaste ronden i konflikten i Mellanöstern. Israel kunde inte uppnॠsitt uttalade mà¥l att besegra Hezballah pॠslagfältet och tvingades till ett förnedrande tillbakadragande. Ingen kan pॠallvar förneka just detta faktum som ocksॠtydligt erkänns av opinionen i Israel.Israel var inte bara oförmöget att à¥samka Hezballah ett nederlag men visade sig ocksà¥, som en konsekvens av detta, inte kunna provocera fram ett nytt inbördeskrig. Tvärtom stärktes enheten i landet av Hezballahs förmà¥ga att försvara det mot sionismen. Om Hezballah till och med kunde besegra Israel, vem … [read more]

Foreign troops out of Lebanon!

The Europeans just try to implement Zionist aims by other meansThe recent round of the Middle East conflict clearly goes to the Lebanese popular resistance and especially its spearhead Hizbollah. Israel could not reach its proclaimed aim to defeat Hizbollah on the battlefield and had to withdraw disgracefully. Nobody can seriously deny this very fact which is strongly confirmed by the public opinion in Israel herself.Israel was not only not able to inflict a defeat on Hizbollah but as a consequence proved unable to incite a new civil war. On the contrary the ability of Hizbollah to defend the country against Zionism strengthened the national unity. If even Israel lost the war against Hisbollah who should internally dare to attack them by military force?This is an extraordinary success to … [read more]

Freedom to Iraqi Journalist Kalshan Bayati

Call by Salah Al MukhtarCertain elements affiliated with the Ministry of the Interior in the government formed by the American occupation in Iraq have arrested the well-known Iraqi journalist Kalshan Bayati and have taken her to an unknown destination.We hereby plead to all free men and women in this world, especially journalists, writers, supporters of free speech, human rights organizations, and others to rush quickly to demand the immediate release of journalist Kalshan Bayati, and to exert pressure to guarantee her safety, since elements of the Ministry of the Interior have previously liquidated Atwar Bahjat, another female Iraqi journalist who was assassinated, and who went down as a martyr of the homeland and of journalism. Your pens are now being called upon to act immediately and … [read more]

Israel bans prisoners' support organisation

by Abnaa el BaladUnder the flag of the "International War against terrorism" Israeli authorities outlawed a Prisoners' support association that is active for more than 25 years In a pre-dawn raid on Friday, 8 September, a big force of Israel's police, border guards and security services invaded the offices of a Palestinian prisoner's support association called "Prisoners' Friends Association" (PFA) in the town of Majd elKroom in the Galilee, inside the 1948 occupied Palestine (the state of Israel). They confiscated computers, hundreds of documents, tens of artwork and handcrafts pieces that were given as presents to the association by different prisoners over the years, and even the trash bin… Another group of policeman invaded, at the same time, the house of the chairman of the … [read more]

Efter Libanons seger står det israeliska samhället bakom de imperialistiska målen

Ett brev inifrà¥n Israel av en aktivist i Abnaa el Balad[1]I och med vapenvilan tog den fas som vi gà¥tt igenom under den senaste mà¥naden - det "öppna kriget" - slut. Alla medger att Muqawamah - motstà¥ndsrörelsen [2] - har vunnit den här delen av kriget. Det är underbart, och dessutom är det första gà¥ngen arabiska styrkor har besegrat Israel i krig, och det är verkligen skönt att vara pॠden vinnande sidan. Man kan se att alla sionister är pॠverkligt dà¥ligt humör.För oss har den senaste mà¥naden varit mycket underlig. Trots att vi var aktiva sॠgott som varje dag (vi organiserade och deltog i demonstrationer 3 till 4 gà¥nger i veckan och gjorde andra aktioner därutöver) upplevde jag mer än nà¥gonsin att den verkliga politiken, den verkliga … [read more]

Basque political prisoner Iñaki de Juana Chaos on hunger strike

Help save Iñaki's life! On August 7, Basque political prisoner Iñaki de Juana Chaos began a hunger strike to demand his right to be released. Iñaki de Juana should have been released on October 25, 2004, after serving his sentence in full and having spent 18 years in jail. However, the Magistrate at the First Penal Court of the Spanish Audiencia Nacional, Gà³mez Bermúdez, issued a decision dated October 22, attempting to contest the remission Iñaki was entitled to and to prevent his release.In view of the impossibility to maintain this line of argument, the judge decreed his remand in custody for an alleged crime of membership of an armed group and terrorist threats.The basis for the accusations were two opinion articles the prisoners sent to the daily Gara . It is impossible to … [read more]

Legacy of Indian Maoism

by Harsh Thakor, Mumbai, IndiaA Tribute to Tarimala Nagi Reddy's 30th death anniversary and the 60 th anniversary of the launching of the Telengana Armed Struggle.Download the text (900 … [read more]

After the Lebanese defeat Israeli society united behind imperialist aims

Letter from withinWith the beginning of the ceasefire, the phase we lived for the last month - "the open war" - was finished.Everybody admits that the Moqawamah - resistance - has won this part of the war. It's a great thing, and more than that, it's the first time Arab forces win over Israel at war and it is really nice to be on the winner's side. You can see all the Zionists in a very bad mood. For us the last month was very strange. In spite of the fact that we were active almost every day (we organized & participated in demos 3 - 4 times a week, and did more social activity) I felt, more than ever, that the real politics, the real change of the world is done by other people that use other means. During this month the Israeli police & people were much more racist than they are … [read more]