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"Européerna måste ställa sig bakom palestinierna"

Intervju med Musa Abu Marzook, ställföreträdande ordförande för Hamas politiska kontorFrà¥ga: För närvarande pà¥gà¥r samtal mellan Hamas och Fatah om att bilda en nationell samlingsregering. Vilka är syftena med en sà¥dan regering och anser ni att det är sannolikt att den gà¥r att bilda?Abu Marzook: Redan före valet drev vi linjen att vi ska ansvara för de palestinska statsangelägenheterna gemensamt med Fatah. Förslaget om ennationell samlingsregering ingick i và¥rt valprogram. Vi palestinier mà¥ste komma till rätta med en svà¥r situation och därför är det bäst om alla politiska organisationer kan ta ansvaret för regeringen. Efter att Hamas tillträdde som regering inledde vi diskussioner med alla organisationer för att bilda en gemensam palestinsk … [read more]

"The European people should stand with the Palestinians"

Interview with Dr. Musa Abu Marzook, Deputy Chairman of Hamas Political OfficeQuestion: Currently, there are talks between Hamas and Fatah in order to build a common government. Do you believe that it will be possible to build this government and what is its aim?Dr. Marzook: Yes, we believe in the common government and this was our policy right from the beginning. One of our aims before the last elections was to share responsbilities with Fatah, and in general to have a shared government between all Palestinian groups. We have a lot of problems and we have to carry responsibility for them together with the others. After Abu Mazen assigned Mr. Haniyeh to be Prime Minister and to establish a new government, we opened discussions with all of the groups to form the Palestinian government. … [read more]

September trial in Belgium

We call upon all democratic, progressive, left forces in Europe to observe the trial of appeal against left activists from Turkey in BelgiumTrial date: September 11, 2006 Appeal court, Ghent, BelgiumSeptember 11th not only stands for the 'World Trade Center attack' in New York in 2001; in 2006 it stands for the day the appeal takes place in the most spectacular anti-terror trial against the DHKP-C (Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front), concerning the events in Knokke, Belgium.This trial is about the confiscation of firearms, falsified documentsand membership to a so-called "terrorist organization", on September 26, 1999.Exactly seven years later, legal action against 11 people from Turkey was initiated. Among the 11 there are well known left-wing militants. They are accused of … [read more]

2007-2014: A new bolivarian mandate for president Hugo Chávez

In December 2006, the Venezuelan people will decide over a new mandate of President Hugo Chávez Frà­as.
President Chavez' antiimperialist strive, that has brought about outstanding social and democratic progress above all for the poor, can count on broad support within the country. Hence, the slogan of the Bolivarian popular movement on the forthcoming elections is: 10 million votes for a new revolutionary mandate.We intend to join this slogan with our voice of international solidarity. In fact, one strong aspect of Hugo Chavez' presidency is his country's solidarity with the peoples of the world. President Chavez continuously pointed out the crimes of the Guantánamo camp of torture, the occupation terror in Iraq, the threathening of war against Iran and last but not least the Israeli state terrorism against the Palestinian and the Lebanese people.As a sign of supporting the … [read more]

Regimet i Egypt flykter fra reformer

av Ingrid Baltzersen og Lars Akerhaug De siste mà¥nedene har politiske aktivister og demokratiforkjempere i Egypt và¦rt vitne til en stat som med brutale virkemidler har slà¥tt ned pॠpolitisk opposisjon. Ikke bare politiske aktivister blir rammet, men ogsॠhøyesterettsdommere som kjemper for et uavhengig rettsapparat. Mange egyptiske intellektuelle mener angrepene forteller om et regime med problemer, som mॠbruke ekstreme virkemidler for ॠopprettholde det politiske status quo. Samtidig lar protestene fra vestlige land vente pॠseg, mot at regimet bruker vold for ॠslॠned pॠpolitiske motstandere. Etter valget til lovgivende nasjonalforsamling i november og desember i fjor ble mye av lufta blà¥st ut av demokratibevegelsen. Den egyptiske … [read more]

The Meaning of 21st Century Socialism for Venezuela

In what appeared to be a surprise to almost everyone, on January 30, 2005, in a speech to the 5th World Social Forum, President Hugo Chavez announced that he supported the creation of socialism of the 21st century in Venezuela.
By: Gregory WilpertSource: According to Chavez, this socialism would be different from the socialism of the 20th century. While Chavez was vague about exactly how this new socialism would be different, he implied it would not be a state socialism as was practiced in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe or as is practiced in Cuba today. Rather, it would be a socialism that would be more pluralistic and less state-centered. "We have assumed the commitment to direct the Bolivarian Revolution towards socialism and to contribute to the socialist path, with a new socialism, a socialism of the 21st century, which is based in solidarity, in fraternity, in love, in justice, in liberty, and in equality," said Chavez in another speech in mid 2006.[1] Also, this … [read more]

Kraftfull protest mot Israel

Demonstration mot Israels medverkan i EMUppemot tvà¥tusen personer demonstrerade i Göteborg pॠmà¥ndagskvällen mot Israels och USA:s krigspolitik. Protesten startade vid Gustaf Adolfs torg och avslutades strax intill Nya Ullevi, där Friidrotts EM pà¥gà¥r. Parollen Bojkotta Israel var vägledande för mötesdeltagarna och talarna. Proletären FF: s ordförande Bengt Frejd höll tal, liksom representanter frà¥n andra deltagande organisationer. Inte minst den starka högtalaranläggningen gjorde att budskapet nà¥dde även mà¥nga friidrottsvänner pॠväg mot arenan.Ett mycket kraftfull protest som inte pॠnà¥got sätt uppmärksammades i sena SVT Aktuellt, trots att kamerateam fanns pॠplats. Uppemot tio polisbussar fanns parkerade runt Nya Ullevi. Efter mötet … [read more]

Ett brev från Haifa

Redogörelse frà¥n Abna el-Balad (Landets söner)*Sedan invasionen av Libanon inleddes demonstrerar antikrigsrörelsen minst tre gà¥nger i veckan. I Haifa hà¥ller vi demonstrationer med tvॠtill tre hundra deltagare. Efter massakern i Qana var vi fem hundra. Till demonstrationerna varje vecka i Tel Aviv kommer nà¥gra tusen människor, och i mà¥nga arabiska städer som Sakhneen och Shefa'amr är det ocksॠtusentals. à…ttio till nittio procent av den judiska befolkningen stödjer kriget, och vid và¥ra demonstrationer angrips vi av en blandning av studenter, rasande ligister och poliser. En arabisk kvinna attackerades av tvॠmaskerade män. Efter demonstrationen trängde de in i hennes hem och slog henne inför ögonen pॠhennes barn. Hon blev tvungen att uppsöka … [read more]

Appeal for resisting the Zionist occupier

Appeal of the Lebanese Communist Party for resisting the Zionist occupier and defending their land and peopleOur Lebanese People:The army of the Zionist enemy is continuing its aggression against Lebanon for its third consecutive week. From its very beginning stage, this aggression has taken the form of a savage predatory war. Neither man nor stone is safe from its fiery hell, nor are human and civil institutions, the media, or the infrastructure. The Zionist killing machine has most recently targeted even international observers.This savage raging storm that took as its pretext the kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers has exceeded all possible responses in such circumstances as it seeks to wreak vengeance on Lebanon and its people in an attempt to inflict the greatest possible harm to … [read more]

Protest the arrest of an anti-war activist in Jordan

In 2006, July 15th Abdul Aziz Mohammad Khalil Ali - a civil activist, was arrestedby the Jordanian Authorities reference to a demonstration in the Professional Associations' Complex against the Zionist attack on Lebanon. He was accused of insulting the Arab leaders, a "crime" referred to in Jordanian law by the creative term: "Tongue Elongation"!!!! On the 16th of the same month, the Police Director in Amman referred Abdul Aziz to the Public Prosecutor. Abdul Aziz was accused of using inappropriate language to insult the higher authorities and was detained for 15 renewable days at Al-Jweideh Prison. On July the 27th, a request to bail Abdul Aziz out with an amount of 3000 Jordanian Dinars was approved on behalf of the case. The shock was, when at 3:30 am of the following day, and … [read more]

Den shiamuslimske modstand trà¦der tydeligere frem

Af Carsten Kofoed, Frit Irak BlogAt Iraks shiamuslimer som gruppe ikke støtter den amerikansk ledede blodige besà¦ttelse, sà¥dan som det fremstilles i besà¦ttelsesmagtens propaganda i massemedierne, ved alle med blot det mindste reelle kendskab til situationen i Irak.Dette blev endnu engang bekrà¦ftet, da det jordanske dagblad Al-Arab Al-Yawn den 4. juli kunne fortà¦lle, at Al-Abbas-brigaden, en shiamuslimsk modstandsgruppe, havde erklà¦ret sin eksistens i en video, der vistes pॠen lokal irakisk tv-station.Gruppen erklà¦rede blandt andet:�?Vi har tà¥lmodigt holdt ud og givet den politiske proces tilstrà¦kkeligt med chancer, men landet er begyndt at glide ned ad en farlig sliske, hvor den forhadte besà¦ttelsesmagt stadig er til stede, sॠdet er … [read more]

Stop the Israeli terror war!

Turn the aggression into a setback for the US-Zionist hegemony!With the backing of the US Israel is systematically bombing the only democracy of the Middle East deliberately targeting the civilian population and the infrastructure. Lebanon is democratic because its people could liberate itself from Zionist occupation and imperialist predominance thanks to the popular resistance embodied and led by Hizbullah.In Lebanon Israel has suffered it most shaking defeat ever since eventually being forced to withdraw its occupation troops. The result of 25 years of war was to leave the country and especially the South to a victorious popular anti-imperialist movement based on the poor Shiite masses but drawing support also from other confessional groups and the middle classes. Israel never could … [read more]

PFLP salutes and admires fighting people of Lebanon

Statement issued by the Political Bureau of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine on the escalation of Zionist aggression against the territory of Lebanon and PalestineEpic steadfastness and resistance - the epic of Ghazza and al-Karama - continue in the land of Palestine and Lebanon. The Lebanese and Palestinian peoples are writing a page of glory in the history of the Arab Nation and Islamic world community and in the history of all humanity. At a time of impotence, collusion, and submission by official Arab regimes, as evidenced by the results of the meetings of Arab foreign ministers, the knights of Hizballah and the knights of Palestine continue their heroic defiance of the Israeli terrorist war machine in defense not only of Palestine and Lebanon, but in defense of … [read more]

Mot ockupationen, för motståndet

Upprop för Konferensen för en rättvis fred i Irak och PalestinaVi uppmanar alla krafter som stödjer en rättvis fred att ställa sig och sina organisationer bakom detta upprop. Sänd din underskrift till: För en Internationell Konferens för att ge röst à¥t alla som kämpar för det irakiska folkets frihet, för att motstà¥ndsrörelsen ska erkännas politiskt, för att sammanföra dess representanter sà¥väl som representanterna för andra kämpande folk i Mellanöstern med antikrigsrörelsens och antiglobaliseringsrörelsens krafter. Konferensen ska ge röst à¥t det palestinska folkets legitima representanter och föresprà¥ka ett slut pॠdet embargo som Israel, USA och EU utsätter den i januari valda palestinska … [read more]

The hopes of every oppressed, every lover of steadfastness

Statement from the General Secretary of Hizballah, His Excellency Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah, to the Nation, the Lebanese people, the resistance fighters, the Zionists and the Arab leadersIn this first address that I give in these days following Operation True Promise, I would like to say a few words - a word to the Lebanese people, a word to the resistance fighters, a word to the Zionists, and a word to the Arab rulers. I will not offer words to the international community because I have never for one day believed that there is any such thing as an international community, just as many in our nation feel. First, I say to the Lebanese people: dear people - who embraced the resistance, by whom the resistance was victorious, and for whom the resistance won its victory on 25 May … [read more]

"Idag pågår ett totalt krig"

Uttalande av Hizballahs generalsekreterare, hans excellens Sayyid Hasan NasrallahTill nationen, till det libanesiska folket, till motstà¥ndskämparna, till sionisterna och till de arabiska ledarnaFredagen den 14 juli, 2006I detta mitt första anförande under dessa dagar efter Operation Verkligt Löfte, skulle jag vilja säga nà¥gra ord - nà¥gra till det libanesiska folket, nà¥gra till motstà¥ndskämparna, nà¥gra till sionisterna och nà¥gra till de arabiska ledarna. Jag kommer inte att rikta nà¥gra ord till det internationella samfundet för jag, liksom mà¥nga i và¥r nation, har aldrig för ett ögonblick trott att det finns nà¥gonting sà¥dant som ett internationellt samfund.Först, till det libanesiska folket, säger jag: kära folk - som omfamnade motstà¥ndet, … [read more]

For an Anti-imperialist Front: let's realize the proposal of the President!

Report on the WSF in Caracas and the anti-imperialist gathering International Bolivarian Camp
   Those who searched for clear answers within the usual multitude if the Social Forums - this time "polycentric" with Caracas as the point of Latin American reference - had to wait for the closing speech of Hugo Chavez, president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela:  "Also you will respect our autonomy to express what we think: I think that we have to push the Forum to form a big global movement as an anti-imperialist alternative comprising the entire world which got the capability of connexion, of growth, of struggle. I also believe that we have already taken some steps in this direction. We run the risk of a folklorization of the Forum. A Forum which discusses and debates without conclusions, for example, for me seems at least strange … if it … [read more]

Gaza: Israels kollektiva bestraffning liknar nazismens brott mot de judiska gettona

Palestinierna har rätt att bekämpa ockupationstrupperna och ta dem till fà¥ngaUnder de senaste dagarna har den allmänna opinionen i västvärlden uppvisat det vidrigaste hyckeri. Till och med FN:s generalsekreterare Kofi Annan och pà¥ven har bett att den fängslade ockupationssoldaten ska friges. Men ingen bryr sig om de mà¥nga tusen palestinska politiska fà¥ngar, bland dem kvinnor och barn, som hà¥lls fängslade utan rättegà¥ng, och än mindre om den dagliga terror som ockupationsmakten utsätter den palestinska civilbefolkningen för.Palestinierna erbjöd en fà¥ngutväxling, som Israel kategoriskt avvisade. Sionisterna bryr sig inte om sin soldats liv. De är glada att de har fà¥tt en förevändning för att kollektivt bestraffa Palestinas folk för dess ihà¥llande … [read more]

Ghaza: Israeli collective punishment resembles Nazi crimes against the Jewish ghettoes

It is the Palestinian's right to fight the occupations troops and take prisonersThe last days has displayed the most disgusting hypocrisy of the Western public opinion. Even UN secretary general Kofi Annan and the pope have called for the release of the imprisoned occupation soldier. But nobody care about the thousand and thousand Palestinian political prisoners, among them women and children held without trial let alone the daily terror the occupation unleashes against the civilian population.The Palestinians offered an exchange of prisoners but Israel categorically refused. The Zionists do not care about the live of their soldier. They are happy to have a justification to collectively punish the Palestinian people for their steadfast resistance. It is like the Nazi war machine on the … [read more]

Conference for a just peace in Iraq-Palestine: against occupation, for the resistance

Second attempt launched in Italy
We call upon all forces in support of a just peace to add their names and organisations to following call. Send your endorsement to: conference@iraqiresistance.infoIt is the second attempt to hold an international conference on Iraq (and now also on Palestine) in Europe with important representatives of the popular opposition to the occupation as last year it was impeded by the Berlusconi government in Italy following the interference by the U.S. The new Italian government led by Prodi tries to appear as advocating peace. Despite the fact that they did not fully withdraw the Italian occupation troops many people still believe their claim. If their stick to their words the government must allow such a peace conference. See the open letter to the the Foreign Minister D'Alema. Against the … [read more]

"Européerna måste ställa sig bakom palestinierna"

Intervju med Musa Abu Marzook, ställföreträdande ordförande för Hamas politiska kontorFrà¥ga: För närvarande pà¥gà¥r samtal mellan Hamas och Fatah om att bilda en nationell samlingsregering. Vilka är syftena med en sà¥dan regering och anser ni att det är sannolikt att den gà¥r att bilda?Abu Marzook: Redan före valet drev vi linjen att vi ska ansvara för de palestinska statsangelägenheterna gemensamt med Fatah. Förslaget om ennationell samlingsregering ingick i và¥rt valprogram. Vi palestinier mà¥ste komma till rätta med en svà¥r situation och därför är det bäst om alla politiska organisationer kan ta ansvaret för regeringen. Efter att Hamas tillträdde som regering inledde vi diskussioner med alla organisationer för att bilda en gemensam palestinsk … [read more]

"The European people should stand with the Palestinians"

Interview with Dr. Musa Abu Marzook, Deputy Chairman of Hamas Political OfficeQuestion: Currently, there are talks between Hamas and Fatah in order to build a common government. Do you believe that it will be possible to build this government and what is its aim?Dr. Marzook: Yes, we believe in the common government and this was our policy right from the beginning. One of our aims before the last elections was to share responsbilities with Fatah, and in general to have a shared government between all Palestinian groups. We have a lot of problems and we have to carry responsibility for them together with the others. After Abu Mazen assigned Mr. Haniyeh to be Prime Minister and to establish a new government, we opened discussions with all of the groups to form the Palestinian government. … [read more]

September trial in Belgium

We call upon all democratic, progressive, left forces in Europe to observe the trial of appeal against left activists from Turkey in BelgiumTrial date: September 11, 2006 Appeal court, Ghent, BelgiumSeptember 11th not only stands for the 'World Trade Center attack' in New York in 2001; in 2006 it stands for the day the appeal takes place in the most spectacular anti-terror trial against the DHKP-C (Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front), concerning the events in Knokke, Belgium.This trial is about the confiscation of firearms, falsified documentsand membership to a so-called "terrorist organization", on September 26, 1999.Exactly seven years later, legal action against 11 people from Turkey was initiated. Among the 11 there are well known left-wing militants. They are accused of … [read more]

2007-2014: A new bolivarian mandate for president Hugo Chávez

In December 2006, the Venezuelan people will decide over a new mandate of President Hugo Chávez Frà­as.
President Chavez' antiimperialist strive, that has brought about outstanding social and democratic progress above all for the poor, can count on broad support within the country. Hence, the slogan of the Bolivarian popular movement on the forthcoming elections is: 10 million votes for a new revolutionary mandate.We intend to join this slogan with our voice of international solidarity. In fact, one strong aspect of Hugo Chavez' presidency is his country's solidarity with the peoples of the world. President Chavez continuously pointed out the crimes of the Guantánamo camp of torture, the occupation terror in Iraq, the threathening of war against Iran and last but not least the Israeli state terrorism against the Palestinian and the Lebanese people.As a sign of supporting the … [read more]

Regimet i Egypt flykter fra reformer

av Ingrid Baltzersen og Lars Akerhaug De siste mà¥nedene har politiske aktivister og demokratiforkjempere i Egypt và¦rt vitne til en stat som med brutale virkemidler har slà¥tt ned pॠpolitisk opposisjon. Ikke bare politiske aktivister blir rammet, men ogsॠhøyesterettsdommere som kjemper for et uavhengig rettsapparat. Mange egyptiske intellektuelle mener angrepene forteller om et regime med problemer, som mॠbruke ekstreme virkemidler for ॠopprettholde det politiske status quo. Samtidig lar protestene fra vestlige land vente pॠseg, mot at regimet bruker vold for ॠslॠned pॠpolitiske motstandere. Etter valget til lovgivende nasjonalforsamling i november og desember i fjor ble mye av lufta blà¥st ut av demokratibevegelsen. Den egyptiske … [read more]

The Meaning of 21st Century Socialism for Venezuela

In what appeared to be a surprise to almost everyone, on January 30, 2005, in a speech to the 5th World Social Forum, President Hugo Chavez announced that he supported the creation of socialism of the 21st century in Venezuela.
By: Gregory WilpertSource: According to Chavez, this socialism would be different from the socialism of the 20th century. While Chavez was vague about exactly how this new socialism would be different, he implied it would not be a state socialism as was practiced in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe or as is practiced in Cuba today. Rather, it would be a socialism that would be more pluralistic and less state-centered. "We have assumed the commitment to direct the Bolivarian Revolution towards socialism and to contribute to the socialist path, with a new socialism, a socialism of the 21st century, which is based in solidarity, in fraternity, in love, in justice, in liberty, and in equality," said Chavez in another speech in mid 2006.[1] Also, this … [read more]

Kraftfull protest mot Israel

Demonstration mot Israels medverkan i EMUppemot tvà¥tusen personer demonstrerade i Göteborg pॠmà¥ndagskvällen mot Israels och USA:s krigspolitik. Protesten startade vid Gustaf Adolfs torg och avslutades strax intill Nya Ullevi, där Friidrotts EM pà¥gà¥r. Parollen Bojkotta Israel var vägledande för mötesdeltagarna och talarna. Proletären FF: s ordförande Bengt Frejd höll tal, liksom representanter frà¥n andra deltagande organisationer. Inte minst den starka högtalaranläggningen gjorde att budskapet nà¥dde även mà¥nga friidrottsvänner pॠväg mot arenan.Ett mycket kraftfull protest som inte pॠnà¥got sätt uppmärksammades i sena SVT Aktuellt, trots att kamerateam fanns pॠplats. Uppemot tio polisbussar fanns parkerade runt Nya Ullevi. Efter mötet … [read more]

Ett brev från Haifa

Redogörelse frà¥n Abna el-Balad (Landets söner)*Sedan invasionen av Libanon inleddes demonstrerar antikrigsrörelsen minst tre gà¥nger i veckan. I Haifa hà¥ller vi demonstrationer med tvॠtill tre hundra deltagare. Efter massakern i Qana var vi fem hundra. Till demonstrationerna varje vecka i Tel Aviv kommer nà¥gra tusen människor, och i mà¥nga arabiska städer som Sakhneen och Shefa'amr är det ocksॠtusentals. à…ttio till nittio procent av den judiska befolkningen stödjer kriget, och vid và¥ra demonstrationer angrips vi av en blandning av studenter, rasande ligister och poliser. En arabisk kvinna attackerades av tvॠmaskerade män. Efter demonstrationen trängde de in i hennes hem och slog henne inför ögonen pॠhennes barn. Hon blev tvungen att uppsöka … [read more]

Appeal for resisting the Zionist occupier

Appeal of the Lebanese Communist Party for resisting the Zionist occupier and defending their land and peopleOur Lebanese People:The army of the Zionist enemy is continuing its aggression against Lebanon for its third consecutive week. From its very beginning stage, this aggression has taken the form of a savage predatory war. Neither man nor stone is safe from its fiery hell, nor are human and civil institutions, the media, or the infrastructure. The Zionist killing machine has most recently targeted even international observers.This savage raging storm that took as its pretext the kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers has exceeded all possible responses in such circumstances as it seeks to wreak vengeance on Lebanon and its people in an attempt to inflict the greatest possible harm to … [read more]

Protest the arrest of an anti-war activist in Jordan

In 2006, July 15th Abdul Aziz Mohammad Khalil Ali - a civil activist, was arrestedby the Jordanian Authorities reference to a demonstration in the Professional Associations' Complex against the Zionist attack on Lebanon. He was accused of insulting the Arab leaders, a "crime" referred to in Jordanian law by the creative term: "Tongue Elongation"!!!! On the 16th of the same month, the Police Director in Amman referred Abdul Aziz to the Public Prosecutor. Abdul Aziz was accused of using inappropriate language to insult the higher authorities and was detained for 15 renewable days at Al-Jweideh Prison. On July the 27th, a request to bail Abdul Aziz out with an amount of 3000 Jordanian Dinars was approved on behalf of the case. The shock was, when at 3:30 am of the following day, and … [read more]

Den shiamuslimske modstand trà¦der tydeligere frem

Af Carsten Kofoed, Frit Irak BlogAt Iraks shiamuslimer som gruppe ikke støtter den amerikansk ledede blodige besà¦ttelse, sà¥dan som det fremstilles i besà¦ttelsesmagtens propaganda i massemedierne, ved alle med blot det mindste reelle kendskab til situationen i Irak.Dette blev endnu engang bekrà¦ftet, da det jordanske dagblad Al-Arab Al-Yawn den 4. juli kunne fortà¦lle, at Al-Abbas-brigaden, en shiamuslimsk modstandsgruppe, havde erklà¦ret sin eksistens i en video, der vistes pॠen lokal irakisk tv-station.Gruppen erklà¦rede blandt andet:�?Vi har tà¥lmodigt holdt ud og givet den politiske proces tilstrà¦kkeligt med chancer, men landet er begyndt at glide ned ad en farlig sliske, hvor den forhadte besà¦ttelsesmagt stadig er til stede, sॠdet er … [read more]

Stop the Israeli terror war!

Turn the aggression into a setback for the US-Zionist hegemony!With the backing of the US Israel is systematically bombing the only democracy of the Middle East deliberately targeting the civilian population and the infrastructure. Lebanon is democratic because its people could liberate itself from Zionist occupation and imperialist predominance thanks to the popular resistance embodied and led by Hizbullah.In Lebanon Israel has suffered it most shaking defeat ever since eventually being forced to withdraw its occupation troops. The result of 25 years of war was to leave the country and especially the South to a victorious popular anti-imperialist movement based on the poor Shiite masses but drawing support also from other confessional groups and the middle classes. Israel never could … [read more]

PFLP salutes and admires fighting people of Lebanon

Statement issued by the Political Bureau of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine on the escalation of Zionist aggression against the territory of Lebanon and PalestineEpic steadfastness and resistance - the epic of Ghazza and al-Karama - continue in the land of Palestine and Lebanon. The Lebanese and Palestinian peoples are writing a page of glory in the history of the Arab Nation and Islamic world community and in the history of all humanity. At a time of impotence, collusion, and submission by official Arab regimes, as evidenced by the results of the meetings of Arab foreign ministers, the knights of Hizballah and the knights of Palestine continue their heroic defiance of the Israeli terrorist war machine in defense not only of Palestine and Lebanon, but in defense of … [read more]

Mot ockupationen, för motståndet

Upprop för Konferensen för en rättvis fred i Irak och PalestinaVi uppmanar alla krafter som stödjer en rättvis fred att ställa sig och sina organisationer bakom detta upprop. Sänd din underskrift till: För en Internationell Konferens för att ge röst à¥t alla som kämpar för det irakiska folkets frihet, för att motstà¥ndsrörelsen ska erkännas politiskt, för att sammanföra dess representanter sà¥väl som representanterna för andra kämpande folk i Mellanöstern med antikrigsrörelsens och antiglobaliseringsrörelsens krafter. Konferensen ska ge röst à¥t det palestinska folkets legitima representanter och föresprà¥ka ett slut pॠdet embargo som Israel, USA och EU utsätter den i januari valda palestinska … [read more]

The hopes of every oppressed, every lover of steadfastness

Statement from the General Secretary of Hizballah, His Excellency Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah, to the Nation, the Lebanese people, the resistance fighters, the Zionists and the Arab leadersIn this first address that I give in these days following Operation True Promise, I would like to say a few words - a word to the Lebanese people, a word to the resistance fighters, a word to the Zionists, and a word to the Arab rulers. I will not offer words to the international community because I have never for one day believed that there is any such thing as an international community, just as many in our nation feel. First, I say to the Lebanese people: dear people - who embraced the resistance, by whom the resistance was victorious, and for whom the resistance won its victory on 25 May … [read more]

"Idag pågår ett totalt krig"

Uttalande av Hizballahs generalsekreterare, hans excellens Sayyid Hasan NasrallahTill nationen, till det libanesiska folket, till motstà¥ndskämparna, till sionisterna och till de arabiska ledarnaFredagen den 14 juli, 2006I detta mitt första anförande under dessa dagar efter Operation Verkligt Löfte, skulle jag vilja säga nà¥gra ord - nà¥gra till det libanesiska folket, nà¥gra till motstà¥ndskämparna, nà¥gra till sionisterna och nà¥gra till de arabiska ledarna. Jag kommer inte att rikta nà¥gra ord till det internationella samfundet för jag, liksom mà¥nga i và¥r nation, har aldrig för ett ögonblick trott att det finns nà¥gonting sà¥dant som ett internationellt samfund.Först, till det libanesiska folket, säger jag: kära folk - som omfamnade motstà¥ndet, … [read more]

For an Anti-imperialist Front: let's realize the proposal of the President!

Report on the WSF in Caracas and the anti-imperialist gathering International Bolivarian Camp
   Those who searched for clear answers within the usual multitude if the Social Forums - this time "polycentric" with Caracas as the point of Latin American reference - had to wait for the closing speech of Hugo Chavez, president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela:  "Also you will respect our autonomy to express what we think: I think that we have to push the Forum to form a big global movement as an anti-imperialist alternative comprising the entire world which got the capability of connexion, of growth, of struggle. I also believe that we have already taken some steps in this direction. We run the risk of a folklorization of the Forum. A Forum which discusses and debates without conclusions, for example, for me seems at least strange … if it … [read more]

Gaza: Israels kollektiva bestraffning liknar nazismens brott mot de judiska gettona

Palestinierna har rätt att bekämpa ockupationstrupperna och ta dem till fà¥ngaUnder de senaste dagarna har den allmänna opinionen i västvärlden uppvisat det vidrigaste hyckeri. Till och med FN:s generalsekreterare Kofi Annan och pà¥ven har bett att den fängslade ockupationssoldaten ska friges. Men ingen bryr sig om de mà¥nga tusen palestinska politiska fà¥ngar, bland dem kvinnor och barn, som hà¥lls fängslade utan rättegà¥ng, och än mindre om den dagliga terror som ockupationsmakten utsätter den palestinska civilbefolkningen för.Palestinierna erbjöd en fà¥ngutväxling, som Israel kategoriskt avvisade. Sionisterna bryr sig inte om sin soldats liv. De är glada att de har fà¥tt en förevändning för att kollektivt bestraffa Palestinas folk för dess ihà¥llande … [read more]

Ghaza: Israeli collective punishment resembles Nazi crimes against the Jewish ghettoes

It is the Palestinian's right to fight the occupations troops and take prisonersThe last days has displayed the most disgusting hypocrisy of the Western public opinion. Even UN secretary general Kofi Annan and the pope have called for the release of the imprisoned occupation soldier. But nobody care about the thousand and thousand Palestinian political prisoners, among them women and children held without trial let alone the daily terror the occupation unleashes against the civilian population.The Palestinians offered an exchange of prisoners but Israel categorically refused. The Zionists do not care about the live of their soldier. They are happy to have a justification to collectively punish the Palestinian people for their steadfast resistance. It is like the Nazi war machine on the … [read more]

Conference for a just peace in Iraq-Palestine: against occupation, for the resistance

Second attempt launched in Italy
We call upon all forces in support of a just peace to add their names and organisations to following call. Send your endorsement to: conference@iraqiresistance.infoIt is the second attempt to hold an international conference on Iraq (and now also on Palestine) in Europe with important representatives of the popular opposition to the occupation as last year it was impeded by the Berlusconi government in Italy following the interference by the U.S. The new Italian government led by Prodi tries to appear as advocating peace. Despite the fact that they did not fully withdraw the Italian occupation troops many people still believe their claim. If their stick to their words the government must allow such a peace conference. See the open letter to the the Foreign Minister D'Alema. Against the … [read more]