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Brev till Italiens utrikesminister om konferensen för Irak och Palestina

frà¥n de italienska irakkommittà©ernaTill Italiens utrikesminister,välborne Massimo D'AlemaNi är säkerligen medveten om att en internationell konferens under rubriken "För en rättvis fred i Irak" skulle ha hà¥llits i oktober förra à¥ret i Chianciano Terme.Ni torde ocksॠvara medveten om att dess arrangörer blev tvungna att ställa in konferensen pॠgrund av den dà¥varande utrikesministerns, Gianfranco Fini, beslut att inte bevilja visum till de högt uppsatta representanter för det irakiska civilsamhället som hade bjudits in.Samme utrikesminister vägrade faktiskt till och med att ge visum till Haj Ali, mannen som fick en huva över huvudet av sina fà¥ngvaktare och blev symbolen världen över för de som torterats i Abu Ghraib-fängelset. Dessa beslut var inte … [read more]

Rör inte Iran!

USA-imperialismen försöker föregripa sina motstà¥ndare genom att krossa demEfter Palestina, Jugoslavien, Afghanistan och Irak är det nu Irans tur. Teheran har länge setts som ledare för "ondskans axelmakter", men Wahington har haft andra trängande krigiska behov pॠsin väg mot världsherravälde.Mediekampanjen mot Iran bygger pॠförevändningar som liknar de som användes mot Irak för nà¥gra à¥r sedan. Iran framställs nu - som tidigare Irak - som en fara för fred och säkerhet i världen. Men större delen av världen saknar redan idag bà¥de fred och säkerhet. Den kapitalistiska globalisering och de därmed sammanhängande imperialistiska krigen och ockupationerna gör livet till ett helvete för majoriteten av världens befolkning, som mycket väl vet att … [read more]

تجمّع تضامني ضدّ الهجوم الصهيوني على قطاع غزة

معا ضدّ دولة الإرهاب!لنساند الشعب الÙ?لسطيني المقاوم!الساعة الرابعة من بعد ظهر يوم الجمعة 30 حزيران (يونيو) 2006Stephansplatz تشنّ قوات دولة الإرهاب الصهيونية Ù?ÙŠ هذا الأوان هجوما شرسا واسع النطاق على شعبنا العربي Ù?ÙŠ قطاع غزّة، … [read more]

Hands off Iran!

The American Empire tries to crush opponents pre-emptively
28/6/2006 · Anti-imperialist Camp
After Palestine, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq it is now the turn of Iran. Tehran has been long named head of the "axis of the evil" but Washington had other pressing bellicose needs on the way to global predominance.
The media campaign against Iran is based on similar pretexts like the one against Iraq some years back. Like Iraq now Iran is being displayed as a danger to world peace and security. But for the biggest part of the world there is already now neither peace nor security. Capitalist globalisation and concomitant imperial war and occupation render life to hell for the majority of the world's population. They know well that the head and source of their misery are the US and their allies. It is them who are the main danger. But it is true that Iran like all other forces not willing to completely subordinate to Washington are indeed a danger, but not for the peoples but for the very empire. Any movement, people or national state able to defend its sovereignty would stir others to do the same … [read more]

Release Metin Demir, Mustafa Eğilli and M. Hasip Yokuş Immediately!

Three Members of Ozgur-Der Disappeared in Custody in Northern IraqMetin Demir, Mustafa Eğilli and M. Hasip Yokuş, both of them members of Free Thought and Educational Rights Association/ Ozgur-Der, was disappeared in custody in Northern Iraq at Kurdish Democratic Party/ KDP administrated area. No information on Metin Demir's current situation and whereabouts since 1 June and of Mustafa Eğilli and M. Hasip Yokuş since 18 June. Their families, friends and we are anxious for their lives!Metin Demir, who is a member of Ozgur-Der and also a director of Ozgur-Der Diyarbakir branch, was detained in Northern Iraq on 1 June and is still held since in an unknown location.Metin Demir, who has gone to Iraqi Kurdistan for observe the current situation and making some negotiations with some … [read more]

Anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism

Talk by Rabbi Ahron Cohen at the Grand Hotel Vienna Austria 19th June '061. Good afternoon, it is a privilege to have the opportunity of talking to you today. I and my colleagues of Neturei Karta value greatly occasions such as this because we feel that we have both a religious and humanitarian duty to publicise our message as much as possible. So I hope and pray that with the Creator's help my words and our discussions here this evening may be correct and true in their content and conclusions.2. I am what is known as an orthodox Jew (that is a Jew who endeavours to live his life completely in accordance with Judaism, the age old Jewish religion). I am here under the banner of the group known as Neturei Karta, which can be loosely translated as Guardians of the Faith. We are not a … [read more]

Release the Shefa'amer 7 - Petition

We, call for the immediate and unconditional release the Shfa'amer 7. We also call for an end to the continuation of the persecution and harrasment of the people of Sfha'arem by the Israeli police.Background about the petition On the 13th of June, the Israeli police arrested 7 men from the Palestinian town of Shfa'amer. They are accused of lynching an Israeli soldier.Last year on the 4th of August, an Israeli soldier, named Eden Natan-Zada boarded bus 165 from Haifa to Shfa'amer. When the bus arrived in Shfa'amer the soldier opened fire. First he killed the driver, Michel Bahut at gunpoint, and then, while he continued shooting, he killed the passengers Nadir Hayak, and the sisters Dina and Hazaar Turkey. Other passengers tried to grab his gun, but he continued his attack, in which … [read more]

On the detention of Jameel Saffouri, Member of the political bureau of Abnaa elBalad movement

Accused of resisting racist massacre by Israeli soldierPress release of Abnaa elBalad movementIsraeli police launches new provocations against the Arab Palestinian masses within the 1948 occupied Palestinian territories On the detention of Jameel Saffouri, Member of the political bureau of Abnaa elBalad movementAnd six other residents of Shefa'amer On 13/6/2006Accused of resisting racist massacre by Israeli soldier On 4 August 2005, the settler Natan Zada, an Israeli terrorist soldier, opened fire from his automatic rifle on peaceful passengers in a bus in the Galilee town Shefa'amr. Four Palestinians were killed: Sisters students Hazar and Dina Turkey, Mr. Michel Bahus and Mr. Nader Hayek. Many others were injured.Some of the courageous people that happened to be in the bus succeeded to … [read more]

Proclamation of Major Faiths on Dignity of Self Determination of Peoples

Final Statement of the International Conference of World Religious LeadersHeld on 19.06.2006, at the VIENNA GRAND HOTELKärntner Ring 9 1010 Vienna Austria The great faiths of mankind teach us of the dignity of all God's creatures. Each of us carries some small way the imprint of the One who made us. Yet, human dignity is not only realized by individuals. By our nature we also exist in groups, each based upon history memory and identity of varied sorts. Hence, in our falting attempts to protect the integrity of people we must also assert the concomitant continuity of peoples. This is often a difficult task as many groups have long existed in conflict with others and each finds it a daunting project to forgive, and, ultimately to respect the other. … [read more]

25.000 in Vienna against Bush

Anti-imperialist forces give voice to Awni al Kalemji of the Iraqi Resistance and join hands with Orthodox Jewish Anti-ZionistsThe Austrian people was not only angry for the state of emergency imposed on Vienna by more than a thousand US security agents to which the domestic authorities de facto ceded sovereignty. By great majority they refuse Bush and his imperial war drive which was indirectly even admitted by the US ambassador.A small scene can illustrate the situation. When Bush drove into downtown Vienna on June 22 in his armoured vehicle in the evening all life came to a standstill by road blocks. Activists of the Anti-imperialist Camp were uncoiling a huge banner reading "Bush go home" from the terrace cafà© of a multi-story building were Bush passing by could not other than … [read more]

Bush go home!

Auftaktaktion gegen Apartheid-Mauer und Guantanamo, 19. JuniMontag, 19. Juni 2006, 12 Uhr Stephansplatz => BallhausplatzAm 21. Juni kommt der US-Kriegspräsident nach Wien. Er wird gebührend empfangen werden: mit einer Massendemonstration gegen seine Politik des Völkermordes.Zwei Tage davor findet am Stephansplatz eine Auftaktaktion zur Mobilisierung statt. Ein nachgebautes Stück der israelischen Apartheid-Mauer in Palästina und einige Guantanamo-Häftlinge sollen darauf hinweisen, wohin uns die Herrschaft der USA führt - nämlich in ein globales Gefängnis und den permanenten Krieg.Am Beispiel Palästinas zeigt sich die Perversion des Systems. Einem ganzen Volk wird das Selbstbestimmungsrecht verweigert, es wird vertrieben (doch niemand spricht von ethnischer … [read more]

German government bullies Norway

Hamas MP impeded to come to Germany on Norwegian visaThe MP Yahya al Abadsa of the Hamas fraction in the Palestinian National Assembly has been invited to Oslo by the Palestine Committee. Already before the Norwegian authorities have been indirectly challenging the EU's Zionist line to refuse any contacts to the elected Palestinian government by granting visas to Hamas members and even accepting meetings with them. Also now Abadsa was granted visa to Norway even valid for the entire Schengen treaty states.Thus the Anti-imperialist Camp together with the Islamic "Human Dignity and Rights" Association (HDR) invited Abadsa to Germany. A meeting with a member of the German Bundestag, Hüsein Aydin, of the PDS was already scheduled.But Germany forced Norway to impede Abadsa's trip to Cologne. … [read more]

Legacy of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China - 40th Anniversary year

by Harsh Thakor1.INTRODUCTIONThE Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution that was launched in China on May 16th 1966 wrote a historical epoch in the history of mankind. This was initiated by Comrade Mao Tse Tung to defeat the revisionists and create a ground for the ultimate triumph for Socialism. Mao discovered that even in a Socialist State there were capitalist elements who intended to turn the country to the capitalist road. From the example of the U.S.S R he learnt that a Socialist State can turn into a Social-Imperialist or Revisionist state and there can be a restoration of Capitalism. Stalin saved the Socialist State but he hardly made an effective attempt to democratize the Socialist State and initiate broad based mass movements. True there were great achievements for workers but … [read more]

Brasil: Governo e oposiçà£o se unem na repressà£o aos sem-terra

Declaracià³n del Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores Unificados (PSTU) de BrasilUma manifestaà§à£o de cerca de 500 trabalhadores sem-terra do MLST (Movimento de Libertaà§à£o dos Sem-Terra) acabou em tumulto durante a tarde do dia 6 de junho em Brasà­lia. Os sem-terra aguardavam uma audiàªncia com o presidente da Cà¢mara, Aldo Rebelo (PCdoB-SP) na entrada do prà©dio quando, segundo eles, foram impedidos de entrar e agredidos pela seguranà§a do Congresso. Segundo o coordenador do MLST, Marcos Praxedes, o Congresso ouve reivindicaà§àµes de banqueiros, usineiros e empresários, mas nà£o querem ouvir os trabalhadores. ``Essa à© uma casa do povo, construà­da com dinheiro público, onde todos tem o direito de ir. Mas aqui os trabalhadores nà£o … [read more]

Union of Islamic Courts establishes jurisdiction over Mogadishu

U.S. backed warlords defeatedTuesday, June 06, 2006To: United Nations Political Office in Somalia, UNDP Resident Representative, The League of Arab Nations, African Union, Organization of Islamic Countries, IGAD, European Union, Department of State, United States Government, United States Embassy in Nairobi, Italian Embassy, French Embassy, British Embassy, German Embassy, Djibouti Embassy, Norwegian Embassy, Swedish Embassy, South African Embassy, Egyptian Embassy, Nigerian Embassy, Saudi Embassy, Yemen Embassy, Sudan Embassy.Date: June 5, 2006The Union of Islamic Courts in Mogadishu, have decided to break the silence between us and the international community. We made this decision in order to clarify the situation in Mogadishu and to bring the true picture of the conflict in the … [read more]

Awni al Kalemji to address anti-Bush demonstration in Vienna

Pro-zionist left splits mobilisationWar president Bush, scheduled to come to Vienna on June 21, will face protest action also in Austria as in nearly any other place in the world he is coming to. The amplitude and resonance of the mobilisation reflects the widespread popular feeling against the American Empire imposing its rule by the permanent war.The most important element is, however, not quantity but quality. The coalition of forces organising the protests invited Awni al Kalemji, the spokesman of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance, as one of the main speakers. This means that the Iraqi Resistance, in favour of which al Kalemji will speak, has gained a lot of terrain in comparison to the past years. We just want to remember the vicious campaign of isolation and criminalisation not only the … [read more]

Anti US riot in Kabul brutally repressed

by the Left Radicals of AfghanistanThe shocking massacre by US and coalition forces in Kandahar last week is not yet forgotten and the blood of innocent people is not washed away, and the tormented people of Afghanistan are drowned in an ocean of blood by US forces in the north of Kabul once again.On 29 May 8:00 AM, a military convoy of the US coalition forces on the way from Bagram military base to Kabul crushed and demolished more than 30 private vehicles and dozens of people along both sides of the jam-packed road in Khairkhana Kotal. It is worth to mention that due to the concentration of more than three million people in Kabul and outdated traffic system, narrow roads and on the other hand about half of the roads of the middle of the city are being blocked by US embassy, US related … [read more]

Unrest in Garments Sector : Whose Responsibility,Whose Interest?

by Mohammad Basirul Haq Sinha Country has observed the largest garment worker uprising in Bangladesh from 22 to 24 May'06. Although this sector earns 80% of the foreign currency the laborers do not have proper employment contract, standard working hour (8 hours per day), weekend, leisure hour,! break to drink water or pee, proper toilet facilities, medical leave etc. Whether one likes it or not things have turned even nastier and more violent than it was 35 years ago. The well-to-do upper classes' indifference to the growing chaos and suffering of the poor much more noticeable in Bangladesh than what prevailed during the turbulent days of 1966 or 1969. It is shocking and sickening that while the deaths of five students by police firing on February 21, 1952 stirred up the entire … [read more]

5th Inter'l Conference against Disappearances

Final declaration of DiyarbakirThe 5th International Conference Against Disappearances, was gathered in Diyarbakır in between May 16th and 20th, under the main title "War and Occupation: Human Rights Violations, Torture and Disappearances". 300 delegates from the countries; Argentina, Chile, Canada, India, Sri Lanka, Spain, France, Bulgaria, Germany, England, Palestine, Switzerland, Holland, Colombia, Greece, Finland, South Korea, Turkey and Northern Kurdistan attended the Conference. We believe that gathering this conference in Diyarbakır, an opening gate to the Middle East, where war and occupation creates great human rights violations and a city located in the center of Kurdish geography where the people have been suffering disappearances/deaths under arrest, extra judicial … [read more]

After US massacre in Kandahar: withdraw occupation troops!

by "Left Radicals of Afghanistan", JalalabadYes, ISAF is imperialist type cooperation!Last week the US and coalition forces under the name of "ISAF" (Assistance and Cooperation) heavily air attacked civilian in Panjwai district of Kandahar province. The air attacks launched after the armed opposition started their military operation against invader forces led by US in Kandahar. Following the heavy deadly fighting, that imposed numerous casualties to the imperialist forces and local government, made the USA and coalition forces wrathful to take revenge in the area where the attacks were carried out. So, they turned fire on poor villages of Panjwai where according to US and local government resources around one hundred are dead and according to people and witnesses that reported to the … [read more]

Brev till Italiens utrikesminister om konferensen för Irak och Palestina

frà¥n de italienska irakkommittà©ernaTill Italiens utrikesminister,välborne Massimo D'AlemaNi är säkerligen medveten om att en internationell konferens under rubriken "För en rättvis fred i Irak" skulle ha hà¥llits i oktober förra à¥ret i Chianciano Terme.Ni torde ocksॠvara medveten om att dess arrangörer blev tvungna att ställa in konferensen pॠgrund av den dà¥varande utrikesministerns, Gianfranco Fini, beslut att inte bevilja visum till de högt uppsatta representanter för det irakiska civilsamhället som hade bjudits in.Samme utrikesminister vägrade faktiskt till och med att ge visum till Haj Ali, mannen som fick en huva över huvudet av sina fà¥ngvaktare och blev symbolen världen över för de som torterats i Abu Ghraib-fängelset. Dessa beslut var inte … [read more]

Rör inte Iran!

USA-imperialismen försöker föregripa sina motstà¥ndare genom att krossa demEfter Palestina, Jugoslavien, Afghanistan och Irak är det nu Irans tur. Teheran har länge setts som ledare för "ondskans axelmakter", men Wahington har haft andra trängande krigiska behov pॠsin väg mot världsherravälde.Mediekampanjen mot Iran bygger pॠförevändningar som liknar de som användes mot Irak för nà¥gra à¥r sedan. Iran framställs nu - som tidigare Irak - som en fara för fred och säkerhet i världen. Men större delen av världen saknar redan idag bà¥de fred och säkerhet. Den kapitalistiska globalisering och de därmed sammanhängande imperialistiska krigen och ockupationerna gör livet till ett helvete för majoriteten av världens befolkning, som mycket väl vet att … [read more]

تجمّع تضامني ضدّ الهجوم الصهيوني على قطاع غزة

معا ضدّ دولة الإرهاب!لنساند الشعب الÙ?لسطيني المقاوم!الساعة الرابعة من بعد ظهر يوم الجمعة 30 حزيران (يونيو) 2006Stephansplatz تشنّ قوات دولة الإرهاب الصهيونية Ù?ÙŠ هذا الأوان هجوما شرسا واسع النطاق على شعبنا العربي Ù?ÙŠ قطاع غزّة، … [read more]

Hands off Iran!

The American Empire tries to crush opponents pre-emptively
28/6/2006 · Anti-imperialist Camp
After Palestine, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq it is now the turn of Iran. Tehran has been long named head of the "axis of the evil" but Washington had other pressing bellicose needs on the way to global predominance.
The media campaign against Iran is based on similar pretexts like the one against Iraq some years back. Like Iraq now Iran is being displayed as a danger to world peace and security. But for the biggest part of the world there is already now neither peace nor security. Capitalist globalisation and concomitant imperial war and occupation render life to hell for the majority of the world's population. They know well that the head and source of their misery are the US and their allies. It is them who are the main danger. But it is true that Iran like all other forces not willing to completely subordinate to Washington are indeed a danger, but not for the peoples but for the very empire. Any movement, people or national state able to defend its sovereignty would stir others to do the same … [read more]

Release Metin Demir, Mustafa Eğilli and M. Hasip Yokuş Immediately!

Three Members of Ozgur-Der Disappeared in Custody in Northern IraqMetin Demir, Mustafa Eğilli and M. Hasip Yokuş, both of them members of Free Thought and Educational Rights Association/ Ozgur-Der, was disappeared in custody in Northern Iraq at Kurdish Democratic Party/ KDP administrated area. No information on Metin Demir's current situation and whereabouts since 1 June and of Mustafa Eğilli and M. Hasip Yokuş since 18 June. Their families, friends and we are anxious for their lives!Metin Demir, who is a member of Ozgur-Der and also a director of Ozgur-Der Diyarbakir branch, was detained in Northern Iraq on 1 June and is still held since in an unknown location.Metin Demir, who has gone to Iraqi Kurdistan for observe the current situation and making some negotiations with some … [read more]

Anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism

Talk by Rabbi Ahron Cohen at the Grand Hotel Vienna Austria 19th June '061. Good afternoon, it is a privilege to have the opportunity of talking to you today. I and my colleagues of Neturei Karta value greatly occasions such as this because we feel that we have both a religious and humanitarian duty to publicise our message as much as possible. So I hope and pray that with the Creator's help my words and our discussions here this evening may be correct and true in their content and conclusions.2. I am what is known as an orthodox Jew (that is a Jew who endeavours to live his life completely in accordance with Judaism, the age old Jewish religion). I am here under the banner of the group known as Neturei Karta, which can be loosely translated as Guardians of the Faith. We are not a … [read more]

Release the Shefa'amer 7 - Petition

We, call for the immediate and unconditional release the Shfa'amer 7. We also call for an end to the continuation of the persecution and harrasment of the people of Sfha'arem by the Israeli police.Background about the petition On the 13th of June, the Israeli police arrested 7 men from the Palestinian town of Shfa'amer. They are accused of lynching an Israeli soldier.Last year on the 4th of August, an Israeli soldier, named Eden Natan-Zada boarded bus 165 from Haifa to Shfa'amer. When the bus arrived in Shfa'amer the soldier opened fire. First he killed the driver, Michel Bahut at gunpoint, and then, while he continued shooting, he killed the passengers Nadir Hayak, and the sisters Dina and Hazaar Turkey. Other passengers tried to grab his gun, but he continued his attack, in which … [read more]

On the detention of Jameel Saffouri, Member of the political bureau of Abnaa elBalad movement

Accused of resisting racist massacre by Israeli soldierPress release of Abnaa elBalad movementIsraeli police launches new provocations against the Arab Palestinian masses within the 1948 occupied Palestinian territories On the detention of Jameel Saffouri, Member of the political bureau of Abnaa elBalad movementAnd six other residents of Shefa'amer On 13/6/2006Accused of resisting racist massacre by Israeli soldier On 4 August 2005, the settler Natan Zada, an Israeli terrorist soldier, opened fire from his automatic rifle on peaceful passengers in a bus in the Galilee town Shefa'amr. Four Palestinians were killed: Sisters students Hazar and Dina Turkey, Mr. Michel Bahus and Mr. Nader Hayek. Many others were injured.Some of the courageous people that happened to be in the bus succeeded to … [read more]

Proclamation of Major Faiths on Dignity of Self Determination of Peoples

Final Statement of the International Conference of World Religious LeadersHeld on 19.06.2006, at the VIENNA GRAND HOTELKärntner Ring 9 1010 Vienna Austria The great faiths of mankind teach us of the dignity of all God's creatures. Each of us carries some small way the imprint of the One who made us. Yet, human dignity is not only realized by individuals. By our nature we also exist in groups, each based upon history memory and identity of varied sorts. Hence, in our falting attempts to protect the integrity of people we must also assert the concomitant continuity of peoples. This is often a difficult task as many groups have long existed in conflict with others and each finds it a daunting project to forgive, and, ultimately to respect the other. … [read more]

25.000 in Vienna against Bush

Anti-imperialist forces give voice to Awni al Kalemji of the Iraqi Resistance and join hands with Orthodox Jewish Anti-ZionistsThe Austrian people was not only angry for the state of emergency imposed on Vienna by more than a thousand US security agents to which the domestic authorities de facto ceded sovereignty. By great majority they refuse Bush and his imperial war drive which was indirectly even admitted by the US ambassador.A small scene can illustrate the situation. When Bush drove into downtown Vienna on June 22 in his armoured vehicle in the evening all life came to a standstill by road blocks. Activists of the Anti-imperialist Camp were uncoiling a huge banner reading "Bush go home" from the terrace cafà© of a multi-story building were Bush passing by could not other than … [read more]

Bush go home!

Auftaktaktion gegen Apartheid-Mauer und Guantanamo, 19. JuniMontag, 19. Juni 2006, 12 Uhr Stephansplatz => BallhausplatzAm 21. Juni kommt der US-Kriegspräsident nach Wien. Er wird gebührend empfangen werden: mit einer Massendemonstration gegen seine Politik des Völkermordes.Zwei Tage davor findet am Stephansplatz eine Auftaktaktion zur Mobilisierung statt. Ein nachgebautes Stück der israelischen Apartheid-Mauer in Palästina und einige Guantanamo-Häftlinge sollen darauf hinweisen, wohin uns die Herrschaft der USA führt - nämlich in ein globales Gefängnis und den permanenten Krieg.Am Beispiel Palästinas zeigt sich die Perversion des Systems. Einem ganzen Volk wird das Selbstbestimmungsrecht verweigert, es wird vertrieben (doch niemand spricht von ethnischer … [read more]

German government bullies Norway

Hamas MP impeded to come to Germany on Norwegian visaThe MP Yahya al Abadsa of the Hamas fraction in the Palestinian National Assembly has been invited to Oslo by the Palestine Committee. Already before the Norwegian authorities have been indirectly challenging the EU's Zionist line to refuse any contacts to the elected Palestinian government by granting visas to Hamas members and even accepting meetings with them. Also now Abadsa was granted visa to Norway even valid for the entire Schengen treaty states.Thus the Anti-imperialist Camp together with the Islamic "Human Dignity and Rights" Association (HDR) invited Abadsa to Germany. A meeting with a member of the German Bundestag, Hüsein Aydin, of the PDS was already scheduled.But Germany forced Norway to impede Abadsa's trip to Cologne. … [read more]

Legacy of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China - 40th Anniversary year

by Harsh Thakor1.INTRODUCTIONThE Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution that was launched in China on May 16th 1966 wrote a historical epoch in the history of mankind. This was initiated by Comrade Mao Tse Tung to defeat the revisionists and create a ground for the ultimate triumph for Socialism. Mao discovered that even in a Socialist State there were capitalist elements who intended to turn the country to the capitalist road. From the example of the U.S.S R he learnt that a Socialist State can turn into a Social-Imperialist or Revisionist state and there can be a restoration of Capitalism. Stalin saved the Socialist State but he hardly made an effective attempt to democratize the Socialist State and initiate broad based mass movements. True there were great achievements for workers but … [read more]

Brasil: Governo e oposiçà£o se unem na repressà£o aos sem-terra

Declaracià³n del Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores Unificados (PSTU) de BrasilUma manifestaà§à£o de cerca de 500 trabalhadores sem-terra do MLST (Movimento de Libertaà§à£o dos Sem-Terra) acabou em tumulto durante a tarde do dia 6 de junho em Brasà­lia. Os sem-terra aguardavam uma audiàªncia com o presidente da Cà¢mara, Aldo Rebelo (PCdoB-SP) na entrada do prà©dio quando, segundo eles, foram impedidos de entrar e agredidos pela seguranà§a do Congresso. Segundo o coordenador do MLST, Marcos Praxedes, o Congresso ouve reivindicaà§àµes de banqueiros, usineiros e empresários, mas nà£o querem ouvir os trabalhadores. ``Essa à© uma casa do povo, construà­da com dinheiro público, onde todos tem o direito de ir. Mas aqui os trabalhadores nà£o … [read more]

Union of Islamic Courts establishes jurisdiction over Mogadishu

U.S. backed warlords defeatedTuesday, June 06, 2006To: United Nations Political Office in Somalia, UNDP Resident Representative, The League of Arab Nations, African Union, Organization of Islamic Countries, IGAD, European Union, Department of State, United States Government, United States Embassy in Nairobi, Italian Embassy, French Embassy, British Embassy, German Embassy, Djibouti Embassy, Norwegian Embassy, Swedish Embassy, South African Embassy, Egyptian Embassy, Nigerian Embassy, Saudi Embassy, Yemen Embassy, Sudan Embassy.Date: June 5, 2006The Union of Islamic Courts in Mogadishu, have decided to break the silence between us and the international community. We made this decision in order to clarify the situation in Mogadishu and to bring the true picture of the conflict in the … [read more]

Awni al Kalemji to address anti-Bush demonstration in Vienna

Pro-zionist left splits mobilisationWar president Bush, scheduled to come to Vienna on June 21, will face protest action also in Austria as in nearly any other place in the world he is coming to. The amplitude and resonance of the mobilisation reflects the widespread popular feeling against the American Empire imposing its rule by the permanent war.The most important element is, however, not quantity but quality. The coalition of forces organising the protests invited Awni al Kalemji, the spokesman of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance, as one of the main speakers. This means that the Iraqi Resistance, in favour of which al Kalemji will speak, has gained a lot of terrain in comparison to the past years. We just want to remember the vicious campaign of isolation and criminalisation not only the … [read more]

Anti US riot in Kabul brutally repressed

by the Left Radicals of AfghanistanThe shocking massacre by US and coalition forces in Kandahar last week is not yet forgotten and the blood of innocent people is not washed away, and the tormented people of Afghanistan are drowned in an ocean of blood by US forces in the north of Kabul once again.On 29 May 8:00 AM, a military convoy of the US coalition forces on the way from Bagram military base to Kabul crushed and demolished more than 30 private vehicles and dozens of people along both sides of the jam-packed road in Khairkhana Kotal. It is worth to mention that due to the concentration of more than three million people in Kabul and outdated traffic system, narrow roads and on the other hand about half of the roads of the middle of the city are being blocked by US embassy, US related … [read more]

Unrest in Garments Sector : Whose Responsibility,Whose Interest?

by Mohammad Basirul Haq Sinha Country has observed the largest garment worker uprising in Bangladesh from 22 to 24 May'06. Although this sector earns 80% of the foreign currency the laborers do not have proper employment contract, standard working hour (8 hours per day), weekend, leisure hour,! break to drink water or pee, proper toilet facilities, medical leave etc. Whether one likes it or not things have turned even nastier and more violent than it was 35 years ago. The well-to-do upper classes' indifference to the growing chaos and suffering of the poor much more noticeable in Bangladesh than what prevailed during the turbulent days of 1966 or 1969. It is shocking and sickening that while the deaths of five students by police firing on February 21, 1952 stirred up the entire … [read more]

5th Inter'l Conference against Disappearances

Final declaration of DiyarbakirThe 5th International Conference Against Disappearances, was gathered in Diyarbakır in between May 16th and 20th, under the main title "War and Occupation: Human Rights Violations, Torture and Disappearances". 300 delegates from the countries; Argentina, Chile, Canada, India, Sri Lanka, Spain, France, Bulgaria, Germany, England, Palestine, Switzerland, Holland, Colombia, Greece, Finland, South Korea, Turkey and Northern Kurdistan attended the Conference. We believe that gathering this conference in Diyarbakır, an opening gate to the Middle East, where war and occupation creates great human rights violations and a city located in the center of Kurdish geography where the people have been suffering disappearances/deaths under arrest, extra judicial … [read more]

After US massacre in Kandahar: withdraw occupation troops!

by "Left Radicals of Afghanistan", JalalabadYes, ISAF is imperialist type cooperation!Last week the US and coalition forces under the name of "ISAF" (Assistance and Cooperation) heavily air attacked civilian in Panjwai district of Kandahar province. The air attacks launched after the armed opposition started their military operation against invader forces led by US in Kandahar. Following the heavy deadly fighting, that imposed numerous casualties to the imperialist forces and local government, made the USA and coalition forces wrathful to take revenge in the area where the attacks were carried out. So, they turned fire on poor villages of Panjwai where according to US and local government resources around one hundred are dead and according to people and witnesses that reported to the … [read more]