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الدكتور عبد الحليم قنديل، الناطق الرسمي باسم "ÙƒÙ?اية" Ù?ÙŠ

المركز الثقاÙ?ÙŠ العربي النمساوي(عكاظ)4. October 2005بدعوة من المركز الثقاÙ?ÙŠ العربي النمساوي(عكاظ)ØŒ يتواجد بين 4 Ùˆ7 أكتوبر، بيننا Ù?ÙŠ Ù?يينا، الدكتور عبد الحليم قنديل، الناطق الرسمي باسم "ÙƒÙ?اية"ØŒ أهمّ حركة معارضة مصرية.تجمع "ÙƒÙ?اية" أهمّ … [read more]

الوثيقة الختامية للقاء العالمي للهيئة المنظمة لمؤتمر Ø

من أجل سلام عادل، Ù?لندعم المقاومة !الوثيقة الختامية للقاء العالمي للهيئة المنظمة لمؤتمر التضامن مع المقاومة العراقية من أجل سلام عادل، Ù?لندعم المقاومة !يمثل اللقاء العالمي Ù?ÙŠ روما Ù?رصة ÙŽ إحتجاج Ù? وتضامن Ù? ونضال … [read more]

Italy: Parliamentary inquiry over the negation of visa to the Iraqi citizen Haj Ali

Free movement and free political confrontation in Italia only possible if agreed by USInitiative of a group of senators of the "Union":Malabarba - PRC (Party of Communist Refoundation); Pagliarulo - PdCI (Party of Italian Communists), De Zulueta - Verdi (Greens); Iovene - DS (Left Democrats), Falomi - Il Cantiere (former members of the "Olivetree" led by Occhetto); Boco - Verdi; Ripamonti - Verdi; Cortiana - Verdi; T. Sodano - PRC; Martone - PRC.Text of the urgent interrogation to the Foreign MinisterGiven that:at the beginning of August the Foreign Minister decided to refuse visa to some exponents of the Iraqi opposition among them Jawad al Khalesi, Ahmed al Baghdadi and Ibrahim al Kubaysi, justifying it by public security concerns based on information produced by the Italian … [read more]

التشريعي والمسرحيات، الداخلية والبيانات، المَعْبَر ÙˆØ

بقلم: د. إبراهيم حمّامي*8 تشرين أول 2005(1)عقد التشريعي جلساته، ونقلتها الإذاعات والمحطات، وصال "نوابه" وجالوا، وانتÙ?خت أوداج بعضهم وجحظت عيونهم وكادت عروقهم تنÙ?جر، احتجاجاً على الÙ?وضى والÙ?لتان، وأÙ?عال الزعران، وطالبوا … [read more]

Venezuela: Total war to the large land holders, the bureaucracy and reformism

Frente Nacional Campesino Ezequiel Zamora (FNCEZ)The struggle to materialize the Bolvarian Revolution is facing a crossroads between Total Revolution or Conciliation. This historic moment needs to be defined and the Revolutionary Forces have to without wavering assume their responsibility and bring the process towards the Construction of Bolviarian Socialism. In this sense we are marching, distancing ourselves from traitorous Reformism and from the practice of electoralism and the hegemony of the new elites who are in process of development.The people are patient, as they march their consciousness grows and each day are identifying the traitor, which reminds us of our dead and the need for precise struggle. We base ourselves on the role of our Commandant Chavez, guide and motor of this … [read more]

Tasks of Iraqi Resistance supporters

Resolution approved by the intl gathering in Rome Oct 2, 2005The following is the document issued at the conclusion of the international gathering of the forces that organized the conference on Iraq, "For a just peace, with the Resistance" in Rome, Oct 2, 2005Today's international gathering has been an occasion of protest, of solidarity and of struggle but at the same time also of new proposals.First of all we denounce those who cause the tremendous oppression the Iraqi people suffer. At the same time we denounce the attacks on the most elementary democratic rights, including even the right to free expression in Europe.The denial of a visa for Haj Ali, the symbol of torture in Abu Ghraib, follows the refusal to issue visas to the six high representatives of the Iraqi society who had been … [read more]

Iraqi Resistance supporters take roots in Europe

Success of the intl gathering in Rome, Oct 2The hall was full with some 300 participants, many people had to stand listening for more then 6 hours to numerous interventions without a break.The anger and protest against the negation of the visas was big. The fact that those who had been tortured are also banned to speak out pushed people ahead to take action not only in support of the Iraqi liberation struggle but also for the democratic rights in Europe.The fact that the secretary of the National Secretary of the Union of Islamic Communities did not dare to come because of intimidations - sending his fraternal anti-imperialist greetings to the assembly - demonstrated how much the democratic rights are endangers today by the anti-Muslim and anti-terrorist witch hunt.The gathering marks … [read more]

الصحاÙ?Ø© الإيطالية تحاور الامام المجاهد السيد أية الله

la repabblicaالÙ?قيه المرجع أحمد الحسني البغدادي أجاب صراحة على الاسئلة التي وجهتها الصحيÙ?Ø© الايطالية(la repabblica) الواسعة الانتشار Ù?ÙŠ اوروبا والولايات المتحدة الاميركية وزير الخارجية (Ù?ني) يؤكد بأنكم تساندون الكÙ?اح المسلح ضد الحكومة … [read more]

الشيخ المجاهد حسن الزركاني مسؤول العلاقات الخارجية للØ

"إن الشخصيات العراقية سوÙ? تكشÙ? زيÙ? ما تقوم به الحكومة الإيطالية"صرح الشيخ المجاهد حسن الزركاني مسؤول العلاقات الخارجية Ù?ÙŠ الخط الصدري ردا على تساؤل وجه اليه من قبل التجمع الإعلامي الحر Ù?ÙŠ العراق عن سبب منع الحكومة … [read more]

- من أجل حزب اشتراكي جديد - مشروع خطوط برنامجيه

الاشتراكيين المصريين من أجل حزب اشتراكي جديد مشروع خطوط برنامجيه ********************** بداية :-الآن بلادنا حبلى بالتغيير Ù?ÙŠ زمن جديد وصعب محلياً وعالمياً . ومن تحت ركام لحظات التراجع والانكسار تخرج قوي مقاومة حقيقية ضد الاستبداد … [read more]

Abdulhaleem Kandil: Mubarak´s rule draws to a close

Spokesman of Kifaya (Enough!) invited to Austria by Anti-imperialist CampOn Oct 6 the leader of the Egyptian opposition movement Kifaya addressed a press conference and a public meeting in Vienna, Austria, commonly organised by the Anti-imperialist Camp and the Arab Palestine Club.Kifaya came into being after Abdulhaleem Kandil, editor in chief of the Nasserist daily Al Arabi, was kidnapped, beaten and dropped naked in the desert by the Egyptian intelligence in 2004. Since then the movement is steadily growing from some hundred activists to tens of thousands of members. So far the mobilisations have resulted in about 3.800 new arrests adding to the 25.000 political oppositionist behind bars.Kandil interpretes the last election farce as a scattering defeat for Mubarak. Already the official … [read more]

Ayatollah Baghdadi`s reply to Italian Foreign Minister

"Neither I nor any other person related to the legitimate Iraqi resistance, whether on its political or operational fronts, are, will or have ever been a danger or a threat to Italy`s national security, as the Italian government claims. It is rather the Italian government which constitutes a threat to Iraqi national security as it has participated with the multi-national forces, in breach of the UN resolutions, in invading Iraq (a member of the UN, the Islamic Congress Organization and the Arab League)."Excerpt from an interview released to "la repubblica" which was never … [read more]

آية الله العظمى السيد أحمد الحسني البغدادي يرد على وزي

Ù?ÙŠ تصريح خاص لصحيÙ?Ø© (la repabblica) الايطالية الواسعة الانتشار Ù?ÙŠ اوروبا والولايات المتحدة الاميركية بشأن ماردده وزير الخارجية الإيطالي من أن منع منح شخصيات المقاومة العراقية بأنها تهديدا للأمن القومي الإيطالي..بسمه تعالىلم … [read more]

U.S. lawmakers press Italian government to shut down anti-war conference

by Guerry HoddersenPhony terror charges threaten free speech Freedom Socialist Newspaper, Vol. 26, No. Pro-war members of Congress are up in arms over a planned anti-war conference in Italy called "Leave Iraq in Peace …— Support the Legitimate Resistance of the Iraqi People." The October event is being organized by the Free Iraq Committees, a coalition made up of the Anti-Imperialist Camp and others, primarily radical European organizations.The lawmakers have prevailed upon the Italian government to reject visas for speakers at the gathering, prompting a hunger strike by members of the Italian Free Iraq Committee in front of the foreign ministry to demand the visas be issued. The U.S. Congress members have also unleashed a torrent of veiled threats to outlaw the … [read more]

Ayatollah Baghdadi: Jihad against occupation duty of al Arabs and Muslims

Sistani will be swept away with the US troopsAyatollah Al Baghdadi released following statement on 28/9/2005:It seems that all the open letters sent through the media to that "prominent religious authority in Najaf" haven`t succeeded in making him issue a fatwa to legitimize fighting the Anglo-American occupation, which has brought on Iraq so much death, destruction, and misfortune.This is yet another terrifying precedent to be added to the record of that controversial figure in Iraq and the world [Sistani]. When an Arab, Muslim country is facing such a rapacious and arrogant invasion, shouldn`t that prominent religious authority have been the first to call us to rise in defence of Islam? This is an issue that doesn`t need exegesis or theological evidence; and being a defensive struggle … [read more]

Down with the colonial Constitution is the task of all Iraqis

By the Iraqi Patriotic AllianceUndermining the colonial Constitution is the task of all Iraqis Finally, the colonial intentions of the occupying power in collaboration with the sectarian forces that entered Iraq on American tanks reveal their collusive nature. Their collaboration is crowned by the so-called Constitution of the New Iraq .The Constitution prepares the split-up of Iraq´s historical co-existence in one state and replaces it with sectarian federalism, which contains all the forces of division, explosion, tearing apart and killing. The essence of the so-called federalist state is the destruction of the historical co-existence of all Iraqis of which they have been proud through their entire historical development.The colonial Constitution, which reveals the open collaboration … [read more]

They put the hood over him again!

Berlusconi-Fini government denies visa also for Haj Ali, the torture victim of Abu GhraibCommuniquà© of the Free Iraq Committees ItalyThis morning, September 29, Haj Ali, symbol of torture in Abu Ghraib, went to the Italian embassy in Amman (after his dramatic experience he actually lives in Jordan) to receive the promised visa in order to go to Europe. Eventually he was told – after three weeks of pilgrimage to the embassy – that he will not get visa.The embassy used the ridiculous pretext that Haj Ali would not have residence in Jordan and therefore they could not concede visa. Absurd! Everybody knows that residence in the country of application (actually figured out in the last moment) is no precondition to receive visa. This exclusively political decision comes directly from the … [read more]

German vote against American Empire

The recent German scrutiny is far from revolutionary. Neither is it anti-imperialist. Nevertheless the European oligarchy is expressing its concern – and they are right in doing so. They had campaigned for the victory for the open pro-US and ultra-liberalist forces represented by CDU and FDP. Their success was regarded as given. But actually they are the real losers as they are unable to build a government on their own.The majority of the German middle and lower classes refuse the Anglo-Saxon model which they correctly link to infinite war mongering and dismantling of their social gains.This is first of all being expressed in the emergence of the coalition of the Linkspartei led by the former Social Democrat leader Oskar Lafontaine with 8.7%. Based on the massive support in the former … [read more]

On the trail of Sheik Bedreddin and Francis of Assisi

Message to the conference of Özgür Der, TurkeyDear friends and brothers of Özgür Der!Please accept the most comradely greetings of the Anti-imperialist Camp to your congress which we unfortunately can not attend due to obligations in the struggle for our common cause i.e. the support to the Iraqi Resistance.We have the highest esteem for your organisation as we believe that you can play a central role in unifying the Islamic and the leftist resistance against the American empire.Today it is the Islamic and not the communist movement which provides the first line of the struggle challenging imperialism. We have the highest appreciation of the Islamic militants who show the necessary determination and we know that behind them there are the popular masses who provide support. Otherwise … [read more]

Notiziario del Campo Antimperialista

21 settembre 2005Ultim´ora-nel sito del campo:L´Ayatollah al-Baghdadi attacca al-Sistani: non bariamo per favore!: appello per i visti. Ogni giorno decine di nuove importanti adesioni: sulla redistribuzione delle terre: Notiziario contiene:1. HAJ ALI (simbolo dei torturati di Abu Ghraib) IN ITALIA? EBBENE SI, CI SIAMO RIUSCITI!2. LA MANIFESTAZIONE DI ROMA DEL 2 OTTOBRE3. APPELLO ALLA FORMAZIONE DI UN FRONTE UNITO NAZIONALEDICHIARAZIONE CONGIUNTA del PARTITO ARABO SOCIALISTA BAATH DELL´IRAQ E DELL´ALLEANZA … [read more]

الدكتور عبد الحليم قنديل، الناطق الرسمي باسم "ÙƒÙ?اية" Ù?ÙŠ

المركز الثقاÙ?ÙŠ العربي النمساوي(عكاظ)4. October 2005بدعوة من المركز الثقاÙ?ÙŠ العربي النمساوي(عكاظ)ØŒ يتواجد بين 4 Ùˆ7 أكتوبر، بيننا Ù?ÙŠ Ù?يينا، الدكتور عبد الحليم قنديل، الناطق الرسمي باسم "ÙƒÙ?اية"ØŒ أهمّ حركة معارضة مصرية.تجمع "ÙƒÙ?اية" أهمّ … [read more]

الوثيقة الختامية للقاء العالمي للهيئة المنظمة لمؤتمر Ø

من أجل سلام عادل، Ù?لندعم المقاومة !الوثيقة الختامية للقاء العالمي للهيئة المنظمة لمؤتمر التضامن مع المقاومة العراقية من أجل سلام عادل، Ù?لندعم المقاومة !يمثل اللقاء العالمي Ù?ÙŠ روما Ù?رصة ÙŽ إحتجاج Ù? وتضامن Ù? ونضال … [read more]

Italy: Parliamentary inquiry over the negation of visa to the Iraqi citizen Haj Ali

Free movement and free political confrontation in Italia only possible if agreed by USInitiative of a group of senators of the "Union":Malabarba - PRC (Party of Communist Refoundation); Pagliarulo - PdCI (Party of Italian Communists), De Zulueta - Verdi (Greens); Iovene - DS (Left Democrats), Falomi - Il Cantiere (former members of the "Olivetree" led by Occhetto); Boco - Verdi; Ripamonti - Verdi; Cortiana - Verdi; T. Sodano - PRC; Martone - PRC.Text of the urgent interrogation to the Foreign MinisterGiven that:at the beginning of August the Foreign Minister decided to refuse visa to some exponents of the Iraqi opposition among them Jawad al Khalesi, Ahmed al Baghdadi and Ibrahim al Kubaysi, justifying it by public security concerns based on information produced by the Italian … [read more]

التشريعي والمسرحيات، الداخلية والبيانات، المَعْبَر ÙˆØ

بقلم: د. إبراهيم حمّامي*8 تشرين أول 2005(1)عقد التشريعي جلساته، ونقلتها الإذاعات والمحطات، وصال "نوابه" وجالوا، وانتÙ?خت أوداج بعضهم وجحظت عيونهم وكادت عروقهم تنÙ?جر، احتجاجاً على الÙ?وضى والÙ?لتان، وأÙ?عال الزعران، وطالبوا … [read more]

Venezuela: Total war to the large land holders, the bureaucracy and reformism

Frente Nacional Campesino Ezequiel Zamora (FNCEZ)The struggle to materialize the Bolvarian Revolution is facing a crossroads between Total Revolution or Conciliation. This historic moment needs to be defined and the Revolutionary Forces have to without wavering assume their responsibility and bring the process towards the Construction of Bolviarian Socialism. In this sense we are marching, distancing ourselves from traitorous Reformism and from the practice of electoralism and the hegemony of the new elites who are in process of development.The people are patient, as they march their consciousness grows and each day are identifying the traitor, which reminds us of our dead and the need for precise struggle. We base ourselves on the role of our Commandant Chavez, guide and motor of this … [read more]

Tasks of Iraqi Resistance supporters

Resolution approved by the intl gathering in Rome Oct 2, 2005The following is the document issued at the conclusion of the international gathering of the forces that organized the conference on Iraq, "For a just peace, with the Resistance" in Rome, Oct 2, 2005Today's international gathering has been an occasion of protest, of solidarity and of struggle but at the same time also of new proposals.First of all we denounce those who cause the tremendous oppression the Iraqi people suffer. At the same time we denounce the attacks on the most elementary democratic rights, including even the right to free expression in Europe.The denial of a visa for Haj Ali, the symbol of torture in Abu Ghraib, follows the refusal to issue visas to the six high representatives of the Iraqi society who had been … [read more]

Iraqi Resistance supporters take roots in Europe

Success of the intl gathering in Rome, Oct 2The hall was full with some 300 participants, many people had to stand listening for more then 6 hours to numerous interventions without a break.The anger and protest against the negation of the visas was big. The fact that those who had been tortured are also banned to speak out pushed people ahead to take action not only in support of the Iraqi liberation struggle but also for the democratic rights in Europe.The fact that the secretary of the National Secretary of the Union of Islamic Communities did not dare to come because of intimidations - sending his fraternal anti-imperialist greetings to the assembly - demonstrated how much the democratic rights are endangers today by the anti-Muslim and anti-terrorist witch hunt.The gathering marks … [read more]

الصحاÙ?Ø© الإيطالية تحاور الامام المجاهد السيد أية الله

la repabblicaالÙ?قيه المرجع أحمد الحسني البغدادي أجاب صراحة على الاسئلة التي وجهتها الصحيÙ?Ø© الايطالية(la repabblica) الواسعة الانتشار Ù?ÙŠ اوروبا والولايات المتحدة الاميركية وزير الخارجية (Ù?ني) يؤكد بأنكم تساندون الكÙ?اح المسلح ضد الحكومة … [read more]

الشيخ المجاهد حسن الزركاني مسؤول العلاقات الخارجية للØ

"إن الشخصيات العراقية سوÙ? تكشÙ? زيÙ? ما تقوم به الحكومة الإيطالية"صرح الشيخ المجاهد حسن الزركاني مسؤول العلاقات الخارجية Ù?ÙŠ الخط الصدري ردا على تساؤل وجه اليه من قبل التجمع الإعلامي الحر Ù?ÙŠ العراق عن سبب منع الحكومة … [read more]

- من أجل حزب اشتراكي جديد - مشروع خطوط برنامجيه

الاشتراكيين المصريين من أجل حزب اشتراكي جديد مشروع خطوط برنامجيه ********************** بداية :-الآن بلادنا حبلى بالتغيير Ù?ÙŠ زمن جديد وصعب محلياً وعالمياً . ومن تحت ركام لحظات التراجع والانكسار تخرج قوي مقاومة حقيقية ضد الاستبداد … [read more]

Abdulhaleem Kandil: Mubarak´s rule draws to a close

Spokesman of Kifaya (Enough!) invited to Austria by Anti-imperialist CampOn Oct 6 the leader of the Egyptian opposition movement Kifaya addressed a press conference and a public meeting in Vienna, Austria, commonly organised by the Anti-imperialist Camp and the Arab Palestine Club.Kifaya came into being after Abdulhaleem Kandil, editor in chief of the Nasserist daily Al Arabi, was kidnapped, beaten and dropped naked in the desert by the Egyptian intelligence in 2004. Since then the movement is steadily growing from some hundred activists to tens of thousands of members. So far the mobilisations have resulted in about 3.800 new arrests adding to the 25.000 political oppositionist behind bars.Kandil interpretes the last election farce as a scattering defeat for Mubarak. Already the official … [read more]

Ayatollah Baghdadi`s reply to Italian Foreign Minister

"Neither I nor any other person related to the legitimate Iraqi resistance, whether on its political or operational fronts, are, will or have ever been a danger or a threat to Italy`s national security, as the Italian government claims. It is rather the Italian government which constitutes a threat to Iraqi national security as it has participated with the multi-national forces, in breach of the UN resolutions, in invading Iraq (a member of the UN, the Islamic Congress Organization and the Arab League)."Excerpt from an interview released to "la repubblica" which was never … [read more]

آية الله العظمى السيد أحمد الحسني البغدادي يرد على وزي

Ù?ÙŠ تصريح خاص لصحيÙ?Ø© (la repabblica) الايطالية الواسعة الانتشار Ù?ÙŠ اوروبا والولايات المتحدة الاميركية بشأن ماردده وزير الخارجية الإيطالي من أن منع منح شخصيات المقاومة العراقية بأنها تهديدا للأمن القومي الإيطالي..بسمه تعالىلم … [read more]

U.S. lawmakers press Italian government to shut down anti-war conference

by Guerry HoddersenPhony terror charges threaten free speech Freedom Socialist Newspaper, Vol. 26, No. Pro-war members of Congress are up in arms over a planned anti-war conference in Italy called "Leave Iraq in Peace …— Support the Legitimate Resistance of the Iraqi People." The October event is being organized by the Free Iraq Committees, a coalition made up of the Anti-Imperialist Camp and others, primarily radical European organizations.The lawmakers have prevailed upon the Italian government to reject visas for speakers at the gathering, prompting a hunger strike by members of the Italian Free Iraq Committee in front of the foreign ministry to demand the visas be issued. The U.S. Congress members have also unleashed a torrent of veiled threats to outlaw the … [read more]

Ayatollah Baghdadi: Jihad against occupation duty of al Arabs and Muslims

Sistani will be swept away with the US troopsAyatollah Al Baghdadi released following statement on 28/9/2005:It seems that all the open letters sent through the media to that "prominent religious authority in Najaf" haven`t succeeded in making him issue a fatwa to legitimize fighting the Anglo-American occupation, which has brought on Iraq so much death, destruction, and misfortune.This is yet another terrifying precedent to be added to the record of that controversial figure in Iraq and the world [Sistani]. When an Arab, Muslim country is facing such a rapacious and arrogant invasion, shouldn`t that prominent religious authority have been the first to call us to rise in defence of Islam? This is an issue that doesn`t need exegesis or theological evidence; and being a defensive struggle … [read more]

Down with the colonial Constitution is the task of all Iraqis

By the Iraqi Patriotic AllianceUndermining the colonial Constitution is the task of all Iraqis Finally, the colonial intentions of the occupying power in collaboration with the sectarian forces that entered Iraq on American tanks reveal their collusive nature. Their collaboration is crowned by the so-called Constitution of the New Iraq .The Constitution prepares the split-up of Iraq´s historical co-existence in one state and replaces it with sectarian federalism, which contains all the forces of division, explosion, tearing apart and killing. The essence of the so-called federalist state is the destruction of the historical co-existence of all Iraqis of which they have been proud through their entire historical development.The colonial Constitution, which reveals the open collaboration … [read more]

They put the hood over him again!

Berlusconi-Fini government denies visa also for Haj Ali, the torture victim of Abu GhraibCommuniquà© of the Free Iraq Committees ItalyThis morning, September 29, Haj Ali, symbol of torture in Abu Ghraib, went to the Italian embassy in Amman (after his dramatic experience he actually lives in Jordan) to receive the promised visa in order to go to Europe. Eventually he was told – after three weeks of pilgrimage to the embassy – that he will not get visa.The embassy used the ridiculous pretext that Haj Ali would not have residence in Jordan and therefore they could not concede visa. Absurd! Everybody knows that residence in the country of application (actually figured out in the last moment) is no precondition to receive visa. This exclusively political decision comes directly from the … [read more]

German vote against American Empire

The recent German scrutiny is far from revolutionary. Neither is it anti-imperialist. Nevertheless the European oligarchy is expressing its concern – and they are right in doing so. They had campaigned for the victory for the open pro-US and ultra-liberalist forces represented by CDU and FDP. Their success was regarded as given. But actually they are the real losers as they are unable to build a government on their own.The majority of the German middle and lower classes refuse the Anglo-Saxon model which they correctly link to infinite war mongering and dismantling of their social gains.This is first of all being expressed in the emergence of the coalition of the Linkspartei led by the former Social Democrat leader Oskar Lafontaine with 8.7%. Based on the massive support in the former … [read more]

On the trail of Sheik Bedreddin and Francis of Assisi

Message to the conference of Özgür Der, TurkeyDear friends and brothers of Özgür Der!Please accept the most comradely greetings of the Anti-imperialist Camp to your congress which we unfortunately can not attend due to obligations in the struggle for our common cause i.e. the support to the Iraqi Resistance.We have the highest esteem for your organisation as we believe that you can play a central role in unifying the Islamic and the leftist resistance against the American empire.Today it is the Islamic and not the communist movement which provides the first line of the struggle challenging imperialism. We have the highest appreciation of the Islamic militants who show the necessary determination and we know that behind them there are the popular masses who provide support. Otherwise … [read more]

Notiziario del Campo Antimperialista

21 settembre 2005Ultim´ora-nel sito del campo:L´Ayatollah al-Baghdadi attacca al-Sistani: non bariamo per favore!: appello per i visti. Ogni giorno decine di nuove importanti adesioni: sulla redistribuzione delle terre: Notiziario contiene:1. HAJ ALI (simbolo dei torturati di Abu Ghraib) IN ITALIA? EBBENE SI, CI SIAMO RIUSCITI!2. LA MANIFESTAZIONE DI ROMA DEL 2 OTTOBRE3. APPELLO ALLA FORMAZIONE DI UN FRONTE UNITO NAZIONALEDICHIARAZIONE CONGIUNTA del PARTITO ARABO SOCIALISTA BAATH DELL´IRAQ E DELL´ALLEANZA … [read more]