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Campu Antimperialista Sardinnya

Gazetinu Telematicu 20/9/05>> Campu Antimperialista >> Sardinnya >> Gazetinu Telematicu In custu gazetinu: 1) Ampliamento della base statunitense de La Maddalena: i fatti. Le reazioni dei movimenti indipendentisti sardi.2) MANIFESTAZIONE a ROMA, domenica 2 ottobre, ore 10,00 - Aula magna università  valdese via Pietro Cossa 40 (zona P.zza Cavour): Verso la Conferenza Internazionale - Per i visti ai fratelli iracheni - Per il ritiro delle truppe d´occupazione -Con la Resistenza popolare -Per una pace giusta nel rispetto della sovranità  nazionale ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Riportiamo integralmente, e senza commenti, un articolo del quotidiano "Giornale di Sardegna", sull´annunciata espansione della base statunitense de La Maddalena. >> … [read more]

Ayatollah al-Baghdadi condemns Ayatollah al-Sistanin for curbing Shia jihad against occupation

Prominent Shiite cleric Ayatollah al-Baghdadi has denounced in his Friday sermon in Baghdad what he describes as the complacency of Ayatollah al-Sistani with the American occupation and his evident reluctance to call Shiites for Jihad against the foreign occupation. Baghdadi relates that Sistani, when asked about the matter, said to his followers that it was not permissible to fight the American occupiers, lest "Wahabis and Baathists return to rule Iraq". Baghdadi goes on, often using strong and even pejorative language, condemning Sistani and refuting his stance on national-political as well as theological basis. Baghdadi more than indicates that Sistani is complacent and not merely compliant; he openly insinuates about Sistani`s true national allegiance (being an Iranian, not an … [read more]

For a democratic and independent Iraq

Joint statement of IPA, BaathSupporting the Iraqi Resistance, the establishment of a united national front, ending the occupation and Iraq as an Independent sovereign State are the task of all patriots.Joint Declaration by the Arab Socialist Baath Party, the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance and The Iraqi Intellectuals Association Against The Occupation.Two years of heroic resistance by all Iraqi Resistance fractions with the apparent political, military, ethical and moreover security failure of the occupier´s colonial project, the Iraqi patriots today stand closer than ever to practically outline the bases of a wider National Front to fight against the occupation and its colonial ambitions in Iraq and the whole region.With their declaration, the Iraqi patriots emphasize the vital need for an … [read more]

ترجمة عن البيان الصادر عن الهيئة المنظمة للمؤتمر العال

العاشر من أيلول (سبتمبر 2005ترجمة عن البيان الصادر عن الهيئة المنظمة للمؤتمر العالمي للتضامن مع المقاومة العراقية "من أجل السلام للشعب العراقي، Ù?لندعم المقاومة!"اجتمعت Ù?ÙŠ العاشر من أيلول (سبتمبر) Ù?ÙŠ روما اللجنة … [read more]

Visas denied, Italy is a friend of the USA occupiers

Sheik Hassan Zargani, spokesperson of the movement led by Moqtada al-SadrSheik Hassan Zargani, spokesperson of the movement led by Moqtada al-Sadr, speaks: united resistance of Schiite and Sunni IraqisSTEFANO CHIARINI, ENVOY TO BEIRUTappeared in "Il Manifesto", Septeber 14"By denying visas and preventing us from explaining the program of a political force that plays an important role in our country, the Italian government has confirmed its role as a follower of the U.S. occupiers. It has demonstrated it fears our words because they are the words of a national and patriotic movement that wants nothing but the liberation of the country and because it knows that the Italian people are against the war and the occupation."Sheik Hassan Zargani, foreign representative of the movement of Moqtada … [read more]

"Islam: poor stand up!"

Interview with Scheich Hassan Abu Yussuf, spokesman of Hamas in the West Bank"This is what Islam wants, to stop slavery. It is time for the poor and weak people to gather against imperialism"Interview with Scheich Hassan Abu Yussuf, spokesman of Hamas in the West BankScheich Hassan Abu Yussuf is one of the most prominent spokespersons of the political wing of Hamas in the West Bank. The international solidarity delegation to Palestine, headed by the Antiimperialist Camp, met him in Ramallah for an interview, just one day after his car had been shot at when he was driving home. Fortunatly nobody died or was injured during this incident. In the European media there is a lot of talk about Hamas, which is mostly concentrated on their military activity. Could you give us an introduction about … [read more]

"We defended Jenin by uniting all organisations"

Interview with Zachariah Zbeidi, Jenin Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade"If Israel wants peace then there will be a new peace process, if not more Intifadas will follow"Interview with Zachariah Zbeidi, Jenin Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, Jenin refugee campIn the newly reconstructed Jenin refugee camp the international solidarity delegation headed by the Anti-imperialist Camp, had the possibility to speak to Zachariah Zbeidi, who is since the Israeli massacre committed in the refugee camp the well known leader of the Jenin Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade. Only thirty years old, he has been shot thirteen times, was wounded first at the age of thirteen, and suffered from burns in his face due to an explosion of a grenade. As a teenager he spent most of the time in prison, in total seven years. His house has been … [read more]

Elections in Norway: a comeback for the social democracy or defeat of the social movements?

by Lars Akerhaug12th of September we saw elections in Norway. The results, a big loss for the ruling rightwing coalition, a great upsurge for the social democratic Party, and a relatively bad result for the left of this party may seem contradictory at first. First of all it is interesting to note that a tendency observed in large parts of Western Europe, namely the collapse of the social democracy as a popular force seems to be contradicted with events in Norway. Not only has the Norwegian elections in results produced a giant comeback for the main social democratic Party, but it has also produced what aspires to be an independent movement in support of this comeback. This means that at a quick glance it would look like social democracy is boosting strength and enthusiasm in Norway in a … [read more]

The Iraqi constitution - sectarian attempt to undermine the popular resistance

by Lars AkerhaugSince more than two years the Iraqi people have launched a political and military struggle against the US & allies´ occupation of their homeland. This occupation has caused a tremendous damage to ordinary Iraqis and the entire society. As many as 129,000 persons are estimated killed. Increasing numbers live below the poverty line. Electricity and water is shortcoming. Still we are told that "US military presence" is necessary to prevent civil war and "chaos" in Iraq. The claim could hardly be further from truth. The constitution is proposed by the Americans, especially through the hand of ambassador Zalmay Khalizad, who played a central role in the backstage of the constitution draft. But also through the American allies in Iraq, most importantly among them Kurdish PUK … [read more]

One Step Forward

From the hunger strikers before the FarnesinaRome, Sept. 14, 2005 - 5 p.m.Fifteen days of hunger strike, fifteen days of sacrifices that have not been in vain.A wave of solidarity arrived from all over, as well as the greetings of so many comrades who have supported us morally and materially during these two difficult weeks. This solidarity and affection have given us the strength to resist.We did not succeed in overcoming the refusal of the government and of Foreign Minister Fini, who was subject to U.S. pressure, to approve visas for six highly respected representatives of the Iraqi people.On the other hand, we have gained two very important results:1. We turned back the U.S.-driven campaign to criminalize the organizers, which was aimed at crushing all those who support the Iraqi … [read more]

"Show your sources"

Open letter to Congresswoman Kelly, spearhead against Anti-imperialist CampSeptember 12, 2005Congresswoman Sue Kelly2182 Rayburn HOBWashington, DC 20515Dear Congresswoman Kelly,According to a recent news release from an organization in Italy, you claim that a poster of a U.S. soldier being shot in front of an Iraqi flag is an official part of Campo AntiImperiliasta´s fundraising efforts. I quote:"To top it all off, on August 2, the "10 Euros" campaign became the subject of two House subcommittees dealing with terrorism and finances when Rep. Sue Kelly, in a McCarthy-type ploy held up a poster depicting a U.S. soldier being shot in front of an Iraqi flag. She claimed the poster was part of the Camp`s fundraising efforts. This poster simply does not exist and ostensibly has been produced … [read more]

The man with the hood from Abu Ghraib speaks out

Lars Akerhaug interviews Haj Ali-al-qaysi Haj Ali-al-Qaysi, the cloaked prisoner at Abu Ghraib"They made me stand on a box with a robe on my head and arms straight out in the air. They told me they would give me electric shocks. I did not believe them. Then they took two wires and stuck them into my body. I felt like my eyeballs were falling out. Then I fell to the ground."This is the story of Haj Ali al-Qaysi, the person whose photo was seen all over the world with a black robe as the pictures from Abu Ghraib were revealed. Before his troubles began with the Americans, Ali worked as a mukhtar, that is, a village chief, in his village in the Abu Ghraib district. He used to lecture in mosques; harvest dates and run a parking lot next to the local mosque.Today, Haj Ali is far from a … [read more]

We will not back down

Chianciano conference with Iraqis postponed, int`l gathering convenedOn September 10 the meeting of the organising committee of the international conference in Chianciano "Leave Iraq in peace – support the legitimate resistance of the Iraqi people" took place in Rome. Beside the presidential committee of the Italian Free Iraq Committees delegates from Spain, Turkey, Germany and Austria were present. Following resolution was approved unanimously:Despite the protest of a very broad front comprising democratic and anti-militarist personalities, movements and parties, despite the hunger strike which is still running, the government of Berlusconi-Fini-Pisanu continues to negate the visas for the exponents of the Iraqi opposition. They thus maintain their pact of subordination to the Bush … [read more]

Katarina – gov´t neglect compounds natural disaster

Class and race bias unmaskedby LeiLani Dowell and John Catalinotto[This article summarizes some of the more extensive coverage found at -- the web site of Workers World newspaper]As of Sept. 6 the immediate horror of the suffering of over 100,000 New Orleans residents, almost all African American and all poor, has come to a pause. The tasks remain of counting and identifying the estimated 10,000 dead and resettling 1.5 million Gulf Coast residents displaced by a combination of a natural disaster and the government`s criminal negligence.Hurricane Katrina`s 200 km/hour winds struck land Aug. 28 and blew down Biloxi, Mississippi. They blew out windows and destroyed roofs all over New Orleans. A day later, after the worst seemed to be over, New Orleans` Lake Pontchartrain … [read more]

الوÙ?د التضامني "شقوق Ù?ÙŠ الجدار" يعود من الأراضي الÙ?لسطي

المركز الثقاÙ?ÙŠ العربي النمساوي ومعسكر القوى المناهضة للإمبريالية المقاومة مستمرة، التضامن أيضا!الوÙ?د التضامني "شقوق Ù?ÙŠ الجدار" يعود من الأراضي الÙ?لسطينيةعاد يوم 28 آب (أغسطس) الوÙ?د التضامني "شقوق Ù?ÙŠ الجدار" من Ù?لسطين … [read more]

بيان من منظمات عربية ومناهضة للإمبريالية حول كارثة كأت

اللجنة الأمريكية الشمالية لمناهضة الصهيونية والإمبريالية"كارثة من صنع البشر"! هكذا وصÙ?ت قائدة الدعاية الصهيونية والإمبريالية الأمريكية، صحيÙ?Ø© النيويورك تايمز، الكارثة التي حلت بساحل الخليج الأمريكي. حتى وسائل … [read more]

المحكمة الإيطالية ترÙ?ض تدخل أعضاء الكونجرس الأمريكي ÙˆØ

معسكر القوى المناهضة للإمبريالية - ترجمة: دجلة وحيد - شبكة البصرةأسيسي Ù?ÙŠ 4 سيبتمبر/إيلول 2005 رÙ?ضت المحكمة الإيطالية تدخل أعضاء الكونجرس الأمريكي الـ 44 وأكدت على شرعية حملة الـ 10 يورو المساندة للمقاومة العراقية. نظرت … [read more]

العــمال والÙ?لاحيــن.. والرئيس

اللجنة المصرية لمناهضة الاستعمار والصهيونية قال الرئيس مبارك Ù?ÙŠ مؤتمره الانتخابي بالمنيا : لن اسمح بإلغاء نسبة 50% عمال ÙˆÙ?لاحين Ù?ÙŠ جميع المجالس النيابية .. لن ألغي حقوق العمال والÙ?لاحين ما دمت حيا برغم مطالبة … [read more]

Ù?نون التزوير Ù?ÙŠ الانتخابات المصرية: ثلث الناخبين اموات

القاهرة Ù€ القدس العربي Ù€ من خالد الشاميرئيس لجنة انتخابية يروي لـ القدس العربي اساليب تدخلات باشوات الحزب الحاكم طغت الازمة القضائية Ù?ÙŠ الانتخابات المصرية علي القضايا السياسية والاقتصادية التي كان Ù…Ù?ترضا ان تتصدر … [read more]

بيـــان إلى الأمة

الحركة المصرية من أجل التغيير -"ÙƒÙ?ايـهالحركة المصرية من أجل التغيير لا للتمديد .. لا للتوريث (كـــــــــــــــــــــÙ?ايه) بيـــان إلى الأمة لقد كانت الانتخابات الرئاسية على رأس مطالبنا التي نادينا بها Ù?ÙŠ … [read more]

Campu Antimperialista Sardinnya

Gazetinu Telematicu 20/9/05>> Campu Antimperialista >> Sardinnya >> Gazetinu Telematicu In custu gazetinu: 1) Ampliamento della base statunitense de La Maddalena: i fatti. Le reazioni dei movimenti indipendentisti sardi.2) MANIFESTAZIONE a ROMA, domenica 2 ottobre, ore 10,00 - Aula magna università  valdese via Pietro Cossa 40 (zona P.zza Cavour): Verso la Conferenza Internazionale - Per i visti ai fratelli iracheni - Per il ritiro delle truppe d´occupazione -Con la Resistenza popolare -Per una pace giusta nel rispetto della sovranità  nazionale ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Riportiamo integralmente, e senza commenti, un articolo del quotidiano "Giornale di Sardegna", sull´annunciata espansione della base statunitense de La Maddalena. >> … [read more]

Ayatollah al-Baghdadi condemns Ayatollah al-Sistanin for curbing Shia jihad against occupation

Prominent Shiite cleric Ayatollah al-Baghdadi has denounced in his Friday sermon in Baghdad what he describes as the complacency of Ayatollah al-Sistani with the American occupation and his evident reluctance to call Shiites for Jihad against the foreign occupation. Baghdadi relates that Sistani, when asked about the matter, said to his followers that it was not permissible to fight the American occupiers, lest "Wahabis and Baathists return to rule Iraq". Baghdadi goes on, often using strong and even pejorative language, condemning Sistani and refuting his stance on national-political as well as theological basis. Baghdadi more than indicates that Sistani is complacent and not merely compliant; he openly insinuates about Sistani`s true national allegiance (being an Iranian, not an … [read more]

For a democratic and independent Iraq

Joint statement of IPA, BaathSupporting the Iraqi Resistance, the establishment of a united national front, ending the occupation and Iraq as an Independent sovereign State are the task of all patriots.Joint Declaration by the Arab Socialist Baath Party, the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance and The Iraqi Intellectuals Association Against The Occupation.Two years of heroic resistance by all Iraqi Resistance fractions with the apparent political, military, ethical and moreover security failure of the occupier´s colonial project, the Iraqi patriots today stand closer than ever to practically outline the bases of a wider National Front to fight against the occupation and its colonial ambitions in Iraq and the whole region.With their declaration, the Iraqi patriots emphasize the vital need for an … [read more]

ترجمة عن البيان الصادر عن الهيئة المنظمة للمؤتمر العال

العاشر من أيلول (سبتمبر 2005ترجمة عن البيان الصادر عن الهيئة المنظمة للمؤتمر العالمي للتضامن مع المقاومة العراقية "من أجل السلام للشعب العراقي، Ù?لندعم المقاومة!"اجتمعت Ù?ÙŠ العاشر من أيلول (سبتمبر) Ù?ÙŠ روما اللجنة … [read more]

Visas denied, Italy is a friend of the USA occupiers

Sheik Hassan Zargani, spokesperson of the movement led by Moqtada al-SadrSheik Hassan Zargani, spokesperson of the movement led by Moqtada al-Sadr, speaks: united resistance of Schiite and Sunni IraqisSTEFANO CHIARINI, ENVOY TO BEIRUTappeared in "Il Manifesto", Septeber 14"By denying visas and preventing us from explaining the program of a political force that plays an important role in our country, the Italian government has confirmed its role as a follower of the U.S. occupiers. It has demonstrated it fears our words because they are the words of a national and patriotic movement that wants nothing but the liberation of the country and because it knows that the Italian people are against the war and the occupation."Sheik Hassan Zargani, foreign representative of the movement of Moqtada … [read more]

"Islam: poor stand up!"

Interview with Scheich Hassan Abu Yussuf, spokesman of Hamas in the West Bank"This is what Islam wants, to stop slavery. It is time for the poor and weak people to gather against imperialism"Interview with Scheich Hassan Abu Yussuf, spokesman of Hamas in the West BankScheich Hassan Abu Yussuf is one of the most prominent spokespersons of the political wing of Hamas in the West Bank. The international solidarity delegation to Palestine, headed by the Antiimperialist Camp, met him in Ramallah for an interview, just one day after his car had been shot at when he was driving home. Fortunatly nobody died or was injured during this incident. In the European media there is a lot of talk about Hamas, which is mostly concentrated on their military activity. Could you give us an introduction about … [read more]

"We defended Jenin by uniting all organisations"

Interview with Zachariah Zbeidi, Jenin Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade"If Israel wants peace then there will be a new peace process, if not more Intifadas will follow"Interview with Zachariah Zbeidi, Jenin Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, Jenin refugee campIn the newly reconstructed Jenin refugee camp the international solidarity delegation headed by the Anti-imperialist Camp, had the possibility to speak to Zachariah Zbeidi, who is since the Israeli massacre committed in the refugee camp the well known leader of the Jenin Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade. Only thirty years old, he has been shot thirteen times, was wounded first at the age of thirteen, and suffered from burns in his face due to an explosion of a grenade. As a teenager he spent most of the time in prison, in total seven years. His house has been … [read more]

Elections in Norway: a comeback for the social democracy or defeat of the social movements?

by Lars Akerhaug12th of September we saw elections in Norway. The results, a big loss for the ruling rightwing coalition, a great upsurge for the social democratic Party, and a relatively bad result for the left of this party may seem contradictory at first. First of all it is interesting to note that a tendency observed in large parts of Western Europe, namely the collapse of the social democracy as a popular force seems to be contradicted with events in Norway. Not only has the Norwegian elections in results produced a giant comeback for the main social democratic Party, but it has also produced what aspires to be an independent movement in support of this comeback. This means that at a quick glance it would look like social democracy is boosting strength and enthusiasm in Norway in a … [read more]

The Iraqi constitution - sectarian attempt to undermine the popular resistance

by Lars AkerhaugSince more than two years the Iraqi people have launched a political and military struggle against the US & allies´ occupation of their homeland. This occupation has caused a tremendous damage to ordinary Iraqis and the entire society. As many as 129,000 persons are estimated killed. Increasing numbers live below the poverty line. Electricity and water is shortcoming. Still we are told that "US military presence" is necessary to prevent civil war and "chaos" in Iraq. The claim could hardly be further from truth. The constitution is proposed by the Americans, especially through the hand of ambassador Zalmay Khalizad, who played a central role in the backstage of the constitution draft. But also through the American allies in Iraq, most importantly among them Kurdish PUK … [read more]

One Step Forward

From the hunger strikers before the FarnesinaRome, Sept. 14, 2005 - 5 p.m.Fifteen days of hunger strike, fifteen days of sacrifices that have not been in vain.A wave of solidarity arrived from all over, as well as the greetings of so many comrades who have supported us morally and materially during these two difficult weeks. This solidarity and affection have given us the strength to resist.We did not succeed in overcoming the refusal of the government and of Foreign Minister Fini, who was subject to U.S. pressure, to approve visas for six highly respected representatives of the Iraqi people.On the other hand, we have gained two very important results:1. We turned back the U.S.-driven campaign to criminalize the organizers, which was aimed at crushing all those who support the Iraqi … [read more]

"Show your sources"

Open letter to Congresswoman Kelly, spearhead against Anti-imperialist CampSeptember 12, 2005Congresswoman Sue Kelly2182 Rayburn HOBWashington, DC 20515Dear Congresswoman Kelly,According to a recent news release from an organization in Italy, you claim that a poster of a U.S. soldier being shot in front of an Iraqi flag is an official part of Campo AntiImperiliasta´s fundraising efforts. I quote:"To top it all off, on August 2, the "10 Euros" campaign became the subject of two House subcommittees dealing with terrorism and finances when Rep. Sue Kelly, in a McCarthy-type ploy held up a poster depicting a U.S. soldier being shot in front of an Iraqi flag. She claimed the poster was part of the Camp`s fundraising efforts. This poster simply does not exist and ostensibly has been produced … [read more]

The man with the hood from Abu Ghraib speaks out

Lars Akerhaug interviews Haj Ali-al-qaysi Haj Ali-al-Qaysi, the cloaked prisoner at Abu Ghraib"They made me stand on a box with a robe on my head and arms straight out in the air. They told me they would give me electric shocks. I did not believe them. Then they took two wires and stuck them into my body. I felt like my eyeballs were falling out. Then I fell to the ground."This is the story of Haj Ali al-Qaysi, the person whose photo was seen all over the world with a black robe as the pictures from Abu Ghraib were revealed. Before his troubles began with the Americans, Ali worked as a mukhtar, that is, a village chief, in his village in the Abu Ghraib district. He used to lecture in mosques; harvest dates and run a parking lot next to the local mosque.Today, Haj Ali is far from a … [read more]

We will not back down

Chianciano conference with Iraqis postponed, int`l gathering convenedOn September 10 the meeting of the organising committee of the international conference in Chianciano "Leave Iraq in peace – support the legitimate resistance of the Iraqi people" took place in Rome. Beside the presidential committee of the Italian Free Iraq Committees delegates from Spain, Turkey, Germany and Austria were present. Following resolution was approved unanimously:Despite the protest of a very broad front comprising democratic and anti-militarist personalities, movements and parties, despite the hunger strike which is still running, the government of Berlusconi-Fini-Pisanu continues to negate the visas for the exponents of the Iraqi opposition. They thus maintain their pact of subordination to the Bush … [read more]

Katarina – gov´t neglect compounds natural disaster

Class and race bias unmaskedby LeiLani Dowell and John Catalinotto[This article summarizes some of the more extensive coverage found at -- the web site of Workers World newspaper]As of Sept. 6 the immediate horror of the suffering of over 100,000 New Orleans residents, almost all African American and all poor, has come to a pause. The tasks remain of counting and identifying the estimated 10,000 dead and resettling 1.5 million Gulf Coast residents displaced by a combination of a natural disaster and the government`s criminal negligence.Hurricane Katrina`s 200 km/hour winds struck land Aug. 28 and blew down Biloxi, Mississippi. They blew out windows and destroyed roofs all over New Orleans. A day later, after the worst seemed to be over, New Orleans` Lake Pontchartrain … [read more]

الوÙ?د التضامني "شقوق Ù?ÙŠ الجدار" يعود من الأراضي الÙ?لسطي

المركز الثقاÙ?ÙŠ العربي النمساوي ومعسكر القوى المناهضة للإمبريالية المقاومة مستمرة، التضامن أيضا!الوÙ?د التضامني "شقوق Ù?ÙŠ الجدار" يعود من الأراضي الÙ?لسطينيةعاد يوم 28 آب (أغسطس) الوÙ?د التضامني "شقوق Ù?ÙŠ الجدار" من Ù?لسطين … [read more]

بيان من منظمات عربية ومناهضة للإمبريالية حول كارثة كأت

اللجنة الأمريكية الشمالية لمناهضة الصهيونية والإمبريالية"كارثة من صنع البشر"! هكذا وصÙ?ت قائدة الدعاية الصهيونية والإمبريالية الأمريكية، صحيÙ?Ø© النيويورك تايمز، الكارثة التي حلت بساحل الخليج الأمريكي. حتى وسائل … [read more]

المحكمة الإيطالية ترÙ?ض تدخل أعضاء الكونجرس الأمريكي ÙˆØ

معسكر القوى المناهضة للإمبريالية - ترجمة: دجلة وحيد - شبكة البصرةأسيسي Ù?ÙŠ 4 سيبتمبر/إيلول 2005 رÙ?ضت المحكمة الإيطالية تدخل أعضاء الكونجرس الأمريكي الـ 44 وأكدت على شرعية حملة الـ 10 يورو المساندة للمقاومة العراقية. نظرت … [read more]

العــمال والÙ?لاحيــن.. والرئيس

اللجنة المصرية لمناهضة الاستعمار والصهيونية قال الرئيس مبارك Ù?ÙŠ مؤتمره الانتخابي بالمنيا : لن اسمح بإلغاء نسبة 50% عمال ÙˆÙ?لاحين Ù?ÙŠ جميع المجالس النيابية .. لن ألغي حقوق العمال والÙ?لاحين ما دمت حيا برغم مطالبة … [read more]

Ù?نون التزوير Ù?ÙŠ الانتخابات المصرية: ثلث الناخبين اموات

القاهرة Ù€ القدس العربي Ù€ من خالد الشاميرئيس لجنة انتخابية يروي لـ القدس العربي اساليب تدخلات باشوات الحزب الحاكم طغت الازمة القضائية Ù?ÙŠ الانتخابات المصرية علي القضايا السياسية والاقتصادية التي كان Ù…Ù?ترضا ان تتصدر … [read more]

بيـــان إلى الأمة

الحركة المصرية من أجل التغيير -"ÙƒÙ?ايـهالحركة المصرية من أجل التغيير لا للتمديد .. لا للتوريث (كـــــــــــــــــــــÙ?ايه) بيـــان إلى الأمة لقد كانت الانتخابات الرئاسية على رأس مطالبنا التي نادينا بها Ù?ÙŠ … [read more]