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The Deleted Memory: Inventing "Palestine" and Discovering "Lebanon"

By: Hisham Bustani*(The original Arabic Version was published in Al-Adab Magazine, Issue 6/7 2005, pages 107-109)Some will say: "a dreamer", "his mind is still there in the 1950s ad 60s", "unrealistic" and "roaming outside history".* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *I was provoked by the proceedings of the "Seminar on the Future of the Syrian-Lebanese Relations" published in the last issue of Al-Adab(1)! And since all the participants are "Syrians" (Hussien Al-Oudat, Michelle Kilo, Omar Ameralay and Yasin Haj-Salih), and intellectuals; I was surprised by the amount of misinformation presented, and basing political analysis on it, as if taking an opposing position against a certain Arab regime (in this case: the Syrian regime), requires adopting automatically the Arab saying: "My Enemy`s enemy … [read more]

Release them all!

by Iraqi Association of the Victims of American Occupation Prisons The Association of the Victims of American Occupation Prisons (1h1050 NGO) was founded by Haj Ali, the former mayor of Abu Ghraib and the victim of US torture depicted on the photograph with the hood and the the name of Allah, most gracious, most mercifulwe have honoured the sons of Adam; provided them with transport on land and sea; given them for sustenance things good and pure; and conferred on them special favours, above a great part of our creation. (israa` / 70)Give them their rights……immediately! The occupation forces in Iraq declared two days ago about releasing one thousand (1000) Iraqi detainees who were in the occupation prisons. In addition to the mentioned, we clarify the following:1. Several … [read more]

"Terrorists" in hunger strike

Call to action from August 31 onwardsThe question of the negated visas for the Iraqi exponents of the opposition to the occupation hit the headlines of all the Italian news outlets. We consider this already as a small success given the fact that before one could only hear about the "financing of Iraqi terrorism". This is first of all thanks to the Italian Free Iraq Committees (Iraq Libero) as well as the international coalition organising the conference of 1-2 October "Leave Iraq in peace – support the legitimate resistance of the Iraq people". Their protest letter to the Italian Foreign Minister Gianfranco Fini has acquired the support of hundreds of people among which influential personalities from the world of culture, science, literature and even from the church. Still dozens of … [read more]

"While they gave us electic shocks, my baby dauther died from starvation"

Bagram prisoner to testify about torture in US jailI am a student of Kandahar university and study Islamic law and social studies. We appreciate your struggle and specially your support for Iraq and Muslim community. Also I read that you organize a international conference for Iraq resistance support in Rome in October and there will be Abu Gharib prisoners also speak. It is good. I am one of the victim of imperialism in Afghanistan. In October 2004 there were big demonstration against local government and American in Kandahar, we join it and many student participated. The police killed a lot. Me a long with other people arrested by police and kept in Kandahar jail for three months. In January we were shifted to Bagram, they blame us have relation with the opposition, they tortured us … [read more]

Protest letter to Gianfranco Fini, Italian Foreign Minister

Negation of visas for IraqisTo the Secretary General of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affaire, Paolo Pucci di Benisichi; To the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs Gianfranco FiniThe Committees Free Iraq together with a series of Italian and international promoters have been organising an international conference under the motto ࢅ€…œLeave Iraq in peace ࢅ€" support the legitimate resistance of the Iraqi peopleࢅ€…? scheduled for 1-2 October in Italy.Among those having accepted our invitation are outstanding representatives of the Iraqi civil society like: Sheikh Jawad al KHALESI, leader of the Iraqi National Foundation Congress; Ayatollah Ahmed al BAGHDADI; Salah al MUKHTAR, former Iraqi ambassador to India and Vietnam; Sheikh Hassan al ZARGANI, international … [read more]

Europe`s peoples quest for just peace in Iraq cannot be stopped by US

Emergency campaign to defend Iraqi resistance conference Communiquàƒ…© of the organising committee of the International Conference ࢅ€…œLeave Iraq in Peace ࢅ€" Support the Legitimate Popular Resistanceࢅ€…?www.iraqiresistance.infoItalian government negates visas for Peace and Resistance conference After having submitted an official request to the Italian embassy in Baghdad as well as to the Foreign Ministry in Rome in the morning of August 1 we received a message saying that ࢅ€…œno problem for the visasࢅ€…? asking us even for details to proceed. Then the letter of the 44 US congress members became known. While the activities of the organising committee of the conference ࢅ€…œLeave Iraq in Peace ࢅ€" Support the … [read more]

"women charges"

the crimes of the occupation forces and their puppets against Iraqi women must become publicMuslims all over the world were shocked when they heard of Fatima´s Letter from Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. Although we have not got any concrete information we believe that there are many Fatimas in Iraq. These Fatimas shall not longer be in the shade.In all wars rape and sexual abuse is part of the special warfare. By this dirty practice the enemy does not merely aim to destroy the mind of the victim but the values of the entire society. Soldiers and security forces do not rape and torture women just for pleasure. They were trained to apply sexual violence to humiliate the whole society. This weapon of special warfare has been used in many wars since the Vietnam war; nowadays it is used … [read more]

Anti-imperialist Solidarity Delegation meets with Palestinian Resistance leaders

Zionist occupation and oppression increasing, solidarity movement must continueAn international solidarity delegation headed by the Anti-imperialist Camp is currently visiting Palestine to convey a message of continued support to the Palestinian resistance movement.The delegation has been meeting with representatives of all currents of the Palestinian resistance movements and it stresses that solidarity with the legitimate Palestinian struggle for freedom and self determination can not be divided. The Palestinian resistance movement has to be supported in all its currents, including the Islamic organisations and any accusations of terrorism have to be rejected.While the pullout of Israeli forces from Gaza is undoubtedly due to the steadfastness of the resistance in Gaza, occupation will … [read more]

Where Oppression is there is Resistance

Left Radical of Afghanistan (LRA) August 2005Since last half century the people of Afghanistan constantly had the governments from bad to worse, as none of the governments did try to work for freedom, democracy and improve the economic situation and life standard of the people. Therefore they always faced resistance and collapsed consequently. As a result of Mujahedin Islamic government that burnt civil war in the country and the Islamic parties failed to build a united central single government in Afghanistan during April 1992- October 1996 by the support of US to ensure its own objectives in Afghanistan and in the region. The US imperialism while were supporting Islamic parties against Soviet Union expected to reach its goals through Islamic parties but the Mujahedin failed to carry out … [read more]

الناصري والتجمع وكÙ?ايه تنتقد الاخوان لدعوتهم للمشاركة

القاهرة Ù€ القدس العربي Ù€: حدثت ردود Ù?عل متباينة علي قرار جماعة الإخوان المسلمين بشأن دعوة أعضائها للتصويت Ù?ÙŠ الانتخابات الرئاسية المقبلة والذي صدر ظهر أمس مؤكداً إصرار الجماعة علي المشاركة ومطالباًَ الجماهير بعدم … [read more]

Ban on democratic and revolutionary organisations in Andhra and arrest of Varvara Rao condemned

Revolutionary Democratic Front of India (RDF)Delhi, 19.8.2005 The Reddy Government of Andhra Pradesh has banned CPI (Maoist) along with many democratic and revolutionary organizations and started a crackdown on the cadres and leaders of the revolutionary democratic movement. Condemning the arrest of Varvara Rao, the revolutionary poet, the Revolutionary Democratic Front of India (RDF) has strongly criticized the state and central governments for reverting to unbridled and naked terror tactics to scuttle the ongoing revolutionary struggles of the oppressed and exploited vast masses of the country. The ban which was imposed on 17th August, 2005 has come after the failure of the state to cow down the revolutionary movement and leadership through talks. The talks between the revolutionary … [read more]

Lafontaine: withdrawal of German troops from Afghanistan

Anti-imperialist Camp to support his attack on the de facto concentration governmentOskar Lafontaine, the candidate of the German Left Party in the forthcoming national elections, is not only attacking the thorough embracing of ultra-liberalism by the German political class, but also its subordination to the US´ global imperial agenda based on the "law of the jungle".Against US domination……Recently he stated that he would immediately withdraw the German contingent from Afghanistan those presence had nothing to do with "peace keeping" let alone carpet bombing of civilians. According to Lafontaine already the war against Afghanistan was a breach of international law. Even more he had been attacking the US aggression on Iraq and had been demanding the German establishment to condemn it … [read more]

Two Turkish radicals on trial in Italy

Bush´s "anti-terror" blacklist spreads internationallyby Monica Hillreproduced from "Freedom Socialist", Vol. 26, No. 4, August-September 2005http://socialism.comAll over the world, governments have now eagerly passed repressive laws modeled after the USA Patriot Act. As South African journalist Iqbal Jassat comments, "From Australia to Zimbabwe, via Colombia, India, Russia, the United States and Uganda, politicians have rushed to raise the standard of anti-terrorism´ against their political opponents."To Jassat´s list, add the European Union. At the behest of the U.S., the E.U. has put 71 individuals and 71 organizations onto a formal blacklist. Under E.U. law, states are required to freeze bank accounts which may be linked with organizations on the list. All financial transactions … [read more]

Movement and speech freedom for the legitimate representatives of the Iraqi people

Press Release by the Spanish Campaign Against Occupation and for the Sovergenty of Iraq (CEOSI) 15th August, 2005Last 26th June, 44 members of the US Congress (all of them but one Republicans) sent a setter to the Italian Ambassador in Washington, Sergio Vento, in which they were accusing the Anti-Iperialist Camp (AIC) of being "[……] part of an international network for founding terrorism" [1]. The existence of this document was published by US News in its edition of 27th July [2]. AIC is an organization with presence in several European countries, between them, Italy. In their letter, the members of the US Congress also warned that the Conference "In support of the Resistance and for a Just Peace in Iraq" previewed to be held in Rome next 1st and 2nd October [3] "[……] will be … [read more]

Phony "terror" charges threaten free speech in the international anti-war movement

by Guerry Hoddersen, for the Freedom Socialist Party SecretariatAugust 15, 2005Pro-war members of Congress are up in arms over an upcoming Italian anti-war conference entitled "Leave Iraq in Peace…—support the legitimate resistance of the Iraqi people." The event is being organized by the Anti-Imperialist Camp, a coalition of radical organizations in Europe. These lawmakers have prevailed upon the Italian government to withdraw visas for speakers at the gathering and have unleashed a torrent of veiled threats to outlaw the Anti-Imperialist Camp for allegedly supporting terrorism. This smear campaign against a European anti-war gathering threatens freedom of association and free speech in the global movement against the Iraq war. If the U.S. Department of Homeland Security can … [read more]

مؤتمر الجامعة العالمية لأنصار المقاومة والحرية

الحركة العالمية لمناهضة العولمة والهيمنة الاميركية والصهيونية هيئة الطوارئ العالمية الحركة العالمية لمناهضة العولمة والهيمنة الاميركية والصهيونية مؤتمر الجامعة العالمية لأنصار المقاومة والحريةنداء … [read more]


الجمعية العراقية لمناهضة الصهيونية والعنصريةالاخوان المناهضون Ù?ÙŠ كل مكان تحية طيبة لم ولن توقÙ?نا او ترهبنا الاساليب القذرة التي يستخدمها الاخطبوط الامريكي الصهيوني بان نقÙ? من اجل الحق ومن اجل التحرر ومن اجل … [read more]

"We shall bring forward the voices of the Iraqi Resistance"

Solidarity by Scandinavian Free Iraq CommitteesSolidarity message from Scandinavian Free Iraq Committees and supporters, to the Anti-Imperialist Camp and the International Conference "Leave Iraq in peace - support the legitimate popular resistance"In a petition, 44 US congress members have demanded that Italy intervene against a conference, scheduled for October 1-2 in Chianciano, which will give international support to the Iraqi Resistance. This intrusion names especially the Anti-Imperialist Camp, which is one of the international organizations that have been working for this international event to take place. This attack is undoubtedly taking place because the conference aims to bring forward the voices of the Iraqi Resistance and its supporters in Europe. Further, this conference … [read more]

Solidarity action for the Campo antimperialista

Istanbul, 15 August 2005Istanbul. Today on the 15th August the …‘No to the Occupation in Iraq Coordination´ made a solidarity action in front of the Italian embassy for the Anti-imperialist Camp. The coordination decided to show their solidarity to the Campo antimperialista that has been under the previous attacks by the US and Italian government. Both imperialist states claim that the Anti-imperialist Camp is a "international supporter of terrorism" and that they finance the activities of the international terror networks. The protest action started at 11:30 in front of the Italian embassy. Placards written in Turkish and Italian language saying "murder US get out of the Middle East", "Anti-imperialist Camp is not alone", "Support not the occupation but the resistance" etc. also a … [read more]

The Deleted Memory: Inventing "Palestine" and Discovering "Lebanon"

By: Hisham Bustani*(The original Arabic Version was published in Al-Adab Magazine, Issue 6/7 2005, pages 107-109)Some will say: "a dreamer", "his mind is still there in the 1950s ad 60s", "unrealistic" and "roaming outside history".* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *I was provoked by the proceedings of the "Seminar on the Future of the Syrian-Lebanese Relations" published in the last issue of Al-Adab(1)! And since all the participants are "Syrians" (Hussien Al-Oudat, Michelle Kilo, Omar Ameralay and Yasin Haj-Salih), and intellectuals; I was surprised by the amount of misinformation presented, and basing political analysis on it, as if taking an opposing position against a certain Arab regime (in this case: the Syrian regime), requires adopting automatically the Arab saying: "My Enemy`s enemy … [read more]

Release them all!

by Iraqi Association of the Victims of American Occupation Prisons The Association of the Victims of American Occupation Prisons (1h1050 NGO) was founded by Haj Ali, the former mayor of Abu Ghraib and the victim of US torture depicted on the photograph with the hood and the the name of Allah, most gracious, most mercifulwe have honoured the sons of Adam; provided them with transport on land and sea; given them for sustenance things good and pure; and conferred on them special favours, above a great part of our creation. (israa` / 70)Give them their rights……immediately! The occupation forces in Iraq declared two days ago about releasing one thousand (1000) Iraqi detainees who were in the occupation prisons. In addition to the mentioned, we clarify the following:1. Several … [read more]

"Terrorists" in hunger strike

Call to action from August 31 onwardsThe question of the negated visas for the Iraqi exponents of the opposition to the occupation hit the headlines of all the Italian news outlets. We consider this already as a small success given the fact that before one could only hear about the "financing of Iraqi terrorism". This is first of all thanks to the Italian Free Iraq Committees (Iraq Libero) as well as the international coalition organising the conference of 1-2 October "Leave Iraq in peace – support the legitimate resistance of the Iraq people". Their protest letter to the Italian Foreign Minister Gianfranco Fini has acquired the support of hundreds of people among which influential personalities from the world of culture, science, literature and even from the church. Still dozens of … [read more]

"While they gave us electic shocks, my baby dauther died from starvation"

Bagram prisoner to testify about torture in US jailI am a student of Kandahar university and study Islamic law and social studies. We appreciate your struggle and specially your support for Iraq and Muslim community. Also I read that you organize a international conference for Iraq resistance support in Rome in October and there will be Abu Gharib prisoners also speak. It is good. I am one of the victim of imperialism in Afghanistan. In October 2004 there were big demonstration against local government and American in Kandahar, we join it and many student participated. The police killed a lot. Me a long with other people arrested by police and kept in Kandahar jail for three months. In January we were shifted to Bagram, they blame us have relation with the opposition, they tortured us … [read more]

Protest letter to Gianfranco Fini, Italian Foreign Minister

Negation of visas for IraqisTo the Secretary General of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affaire, Paolo Pucci di Benisichi; To the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs Gianfranco FiniThe Committees Free Iraq together with a series of Italian and international promoters have been organising an international conference under the motto ࢅ€…œLeave Iraq in peace ࢅ€" support the legitimate resistance of the Iraqi peopleࢅ€…? scheduled for 1-2 October in Italy.Among those having accepted our invitation are outstanding representatives of the Iraqi civil society like: Sheikh Jawad al KHALESI, leader of the Iraqi National Foundation Congress; Ayatollah Ahmed al BAGHDADI; Salah al MUKHTAR, former Iraqi ambassador to India and Vietnam; Sheikh Hassan al ZARGANI, international … [read more]

Europe`s peoples quest for just peace in Iraq cannot be stopped by US

Emergency campaign to defend Iraqi resistance conference Communiquàƒ…© of the organising committee of the International Conference ࢅ€…œLeave Iraq in Peace ࢅ€" Support the Legitimate Popular Resistanceࢅ€…?www.iraqiresistance.infoItalian government negates visas for Peace and Resistance conference After having submitted an official request to the Italian embassy in Baghdad as well as to the Foreign Ministry in Rome in the morning of August 1 we received a message saying that ࢅ€…œno problem for the visasࢅ€…? asking us even for details to proceed. Then the letter of the 44 US congress members became known. While the activities of the organising committee of the conference ࢅ€…œLeave Iraq in Peace ࢅ€" Support the … [read more]

"women charges"

the crimes of the occupation forces and their puppets against Iraqi women must become publicMuslims all over the world were shocked when they heard of Fatima´s Letter from Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. Although we have not got any concrete information we believe that there are many Fatimas in Iraq. These Fatimas shall not longer be in the shade.In all wars rape and sexual abuse is part of the special warfare. By this dirty practice the enemy does not merely aim to destroy the mind of the victim but the values of the entire society. Soldiers and security forces do not rape and torture women just for pleasure. They were trained to apply sexual violence to humiliate the whole society. This weapon of special warfare has been used in many wars since the Vietnam war; nowadays it is used … [read more]

Anti-imperialist Solidarity Delegation meets with Palestinian Resistance leaders

Zionist occupation and oppression increasing, solidarity movement must continueAn international solidarity delegation headed by the Anti-imperialist Camp is currently visiting Palestine to convey a message of continued support to the Palestinian resistance movement.The delegation has been meeting with representatives of all currents of the Palestinian resistance movements and it stresses that solidarity with the legitimate Palestinian struggle for freedom and self determination can not be divided. The Palestinian resistance movement has to be supported in all its currents, including the Islamic organisations and any accusations of terrorism have to be rejected.While the pullout of Israeli forces from Gaza is undoubtedly due to the steadfastness of the resistance in Gaza, occupation will … [read more]

Where Oppression is there is Resistance

Left Radical of Afghanistan (LRA) August 2005Since last half century the people of Afghanistan constantly had the governments from bad to worse, as none of the governments did try to work for freedom, democracy and improve the economic situation and life standard of the people. Therefore they always faced resistance and collapsed consequently. As a result of Mujahedin Islamic government that burnt civil war in the country and the Islamic parties failed to build a united central single government in Afghanistan during April 1992- October 1996 by the support of US to ensure its own objectives in Afghanistan and in the region. The US imperialism while were supporting Islamic parties against Soviet Union expected to reach its goals through Islamic parties but the Mujahedin failed to carry out … [read more]

الناصري والتجمع وكÙ?ايه تنتقد الاخوان لدعوتهم للمشاركة

القاهرة Ù€ القدس العربي Ù€: حدثت ردود Ù?عل متباينة علي قرار جماعة الإخوان المسلمين بشأن دعوة أعضائها للتصويت Ù?ÙŠ الانتخابات الرئاسية المقبلة والذي صدر ظهر أمس مؤكداً إصرار الجماعة علي المشاركة ومطالباًَ الجماهير بعدم … [read more]

Ban on democratic and revolutionary organisations in Andhra and arrest of Varvara Rao condemned

Revolutionary Democratic Front of India (RDF)Delhi, 19.8.2005 The Reddy Government of Andhra Pradesh has banned CPI (Maoist) along with many democratic and revolutionary organizations and started a crackdown on the cadres and leaders of the revolutionary democratic movement. Condemning the arrest of Varvara Rao, the revolutionary poet, the Revolutionary Democratic Front of India (RDF) has strongly criticized the state and central governments for reverting to unbridled and naked terror tactics to scuttle the ongoing revolutionary struggles of the oppressed and exploited vast masses of the country. The ban which was imposed on 17th August, 2005 has come after the failure of the state to cow down the revolutionary movement and leadership through talks. The talks between the revolutionary … [read more]

Lafontaine: withdrawal of German troops from Afghanistan

Anti-imperialist Camp to support his attack on the de facto concentration governmentOskar Lafontaine, the candidate of the German Left Party in the forthcoming national elections, is not only attacking the thorough embracing of ultra-liberalism by the German political class, but also its subordination to the US´ global imperial agenda based on the "law of the jungle".Against US domination……Recently he stated that he would immediately withdraw the German contingent from Afghanistan those presence had nothing to do with "peace keeping" let alone carpet bombing of civilians. According to Lafontaine already the war against Afghanistan was a breach of international law. Even more he had been attacking the US aggression on Iraq and had been demanding the German establishment to condemn it … [read more]

Two Turkish radicals on trial in Italy

Bush´s "anti-terror" blacklist spreads internationallyby Monica Hillreproduced from "Freedom Socialist", Vol. 26, No. 4, August-September 2005http://socialism.comAll over the world, governments have now eagerly passed repressive laws modeled after the USA Patriot Act. As South African journalist Iqbal Jassat comments, "From Australia to Zimbabwe, via Colombia, India, Russia, the United States and Uganda, politicians have rushed to raise the standard of anti-terrorism´ against their political opponents."To Jassat´s list, add the European Union. At the behest of the U.S., the E.U. has put 71 individuals and 71 organizations onto a formal blacklist. Under E.U. law, states are required to freeze bank accounts which may be linked with organizations on the list. All financial transactions … [read more]

Movement and speech freedom for the legitimate representatives of the Iraqi people

Press Release by the Spanish Campaign Against Occupation and for the Sovergenty of Iraq (CEOSI) 15th August, 2005Last 26th June, 44 members of the US Congress (all of them but one Republicans) sent a setter to the Italian Ambassador in Washington, Sergio Vento, in which they were accusing the Anti-Iperialist Camp (AIC) of being "[……] part of an international network for founding terrorism" [1]. The existence of this document was published by US News in its edition of 27th July [2]. AIC is an organization with presence in several European countries, between them, Italy. In their letter, the members of the US Congress also warned that the Conference "In support of the Resistance and for a Just Peace in Iraq" previewed to be held in Rome next 1st and 2nd October [3] "[……] will be … [read more]

Phony "terror" charges threaten free speech in the international anti-war movement

by Guerry Hoddersen, for the Freedom Socialist Party SecretariatAugust 15, 2005Pro-war members of Congress are up in arms over an upcoming Italian anti-war conference entitled "Leave Iraq in Peace…—support the legitimate resistance of the Iraqi people." The event is being organized by the Anti-Imperialist Camp, a coalition of radical organizations in Europe. These lawmakers have prevailed upon the Italian government to withdraw visas for speakers at the gathering and have unleashed a torrent of veiled threats to outlaw the Anti-Imperialist Camp for allegedly supporting terrorism. This smear campaign against a European anti-war gathering threatens freedom of association and free speech in the global movement against the Iraq war. If the U.S. Department of Homeland Security can … [read more]

مؤتمر الجامعة العالمية لأنصار المقاومة والحرية

الحركة العالمية لمناهضة العولمة والهيمنة الاميركية والصهيونية هيئة الطوارئ العالمية الحركة العالمية لمناهضة العولمة والهيمنة الاميركية والصهيونية مؤتمر الجامعة العالمية لأنصار المقاومة والحريةنداء … [read more]


الجمعية العراقية لمناهضة الصهيونية والعنصريةالاخوان المناهضون Ù?ÙŠ كل مكان تحية طيبة لم ولن توقÙ?نا او ترهبنا الاساليب القذرة التي يستخدمها الاخطبوط الامريكي الصهيوني بان نقÙ? من اجل الحق ومن اجل التحرر ومن اجل … [read more]

"We shall bring forward the voices of the Iraqi Resistance"

Solidarity by Scandinavian Free Iraq CommitteesSolidarity message from Scandinavian Free Iraq Committees and supporters, to the Anti-Imperialist Camp and the International Conference "Leave Iraq in peace - support the legitimate popular resistance"In a petition, 44 US congress members have demanded that Italy intervene against a conference, scheduled for October 1-2 in Chianciano, which will give international support to the Iraqi Resistance. This intrusion names especially the Anti-Imperialist Camp, which is one of the international organizations that have been working for this international event to take place. This attack is undoubtedly taking place because the conference aims to bring forward the voices of the Iraqi Resistance and its supporters in Europe. Further, this conference … [read more]

Solidarity action for the Campo antimperialista

Istanbul, 15 August 2005Istanbul. Today on the 15th August the …‘No to the Occupation in Iraq Coordination´ made a solidarity action in front of the Italian embassy for the Anti-imperialist Camp. The coordination decided to show their solidarity to the Campo antimperialista that has been under the previous attacks by the US and Italian government. Both imperialist states claim that the Anti-imperialist Camp is a "international supporter of terrorism" and that they finance the activities of the international terror networks. The protest action started at 11:30 in front of the Italian embassy. Placards written in Turkish and Italian language saying "murder US get out of the Middle East", "Anti-imperialist Camp is not alone", "Support not the occupation but the resistance" etc. also a … [read more]