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Anti-imperialist Camp soon on the Black List?

Call for action to defend the right to support the resistance44 members of the US congress officially asked the Italian government to stop the "Anti-imperialist Camp and their affiliates" as "supporters of terrorist activities [who] are planning to meet on Italian soil in the near future to plan a campaign for financial aid to terrorism" (1) . US regime defines Anti-imperialist Camp as enemyThe top hierarchy of the US has chosen the Anti-imperialist Camp as a target, however, not for the financial aspect of the "10 Euro for the Iraqi Resistance" campaign. They know well that the money essentially remains on the bank accounts as it was collected for the use of the political front of the resistance yet to be constituted. Daniel Glaser, Acting Assistant Secretary of the Office of Terrorism … [read more]

We demand the immediate release of Ömer Berber!

Political Refugee in Belgian Custody Facing DeportationAvEG-KonConfederation of the Oppressed Immigrants Of EuropeFritz-Elsas Str.60, 70174 Stuttgart-GermanyTel:+49(0)711 227 02 05 Fax:+49(0)711 284 54 70e-mail: Urgent fax and e-mail campaignWe demand the immediate release of Ömer Berber!Political Refugee in Belgian Custody Facing Deportation We would like to draw your attention to the fate of Ömer Berber who was accepted as a political refugee in France according to the Geneva Convention. In spite of his status as a political refugee, he was arrested in Belgium. He is now facing the threat of being deported to Turkey. More information about his detention can be found on the second page. We call for your solidarity to prevent the deportation of Ömer Berber to … [read more]

Witch hunt for "terrorists" in Denmark: Who`s next?

Lars Akerhaug, Norwegian Free Iraq ComitteeToday the association "Oprør" (Rebellion) in Denmark declared that they after collecting money for Colombian FARC and Palestinian PFLP has been charged in the last step in the witch hunt by the Danish War Criminals in Government."Patrick Mac Manus is today been arrested and charged after the penalty code paragraph 114, the so called terrorism paragraph. The charge comes because of the international appeal from "Oprør" (Rebellion)`s international appeal to organisations and individuals around the world to support liberation movements through the world".The charge comes on a background already draped with accusations against those who support people`s liberation struggles. Although far more serious, this is not the first accusations against the … [read more]

يريدون إسكاتنا !!

بلاغ عن الهيئة المنظمة للمؤتمر العالمي للتضامن مع المقاومة العراقيةيريدون إسكاتنا!!بلاغ عن الهيئة المنظمة للمؤتمر العالمي للتضامن مع المقاومة العراقيةÙ?ÙŠ حمى الغرور اللامحدود الذي تعيشه النخبة السياسية … [read more]

Leave Iraq in peace – support the legitimate popular resistance

Programme & Speakers of the International ConferenceChianciano, Italy, 1-2 October 2005(preliminary)Presidency:Jaime BALLESTEROS, Organization of Solidarity of the People of Asia, Africa & Latin America OSPAAALJohn CATALINOTTO, International Action Centre, USAManolis ARKOLAKIS, International League of People´s Struggle ILPSJean-Pierre PAGE, First Int´l Conference for the Support of the Resistance of the Iraqi PeopleLeonardo MAZZEI, Secretary Italian Free Iraq CommitteesWilhelm LANGTHALER, Ant-imperialist Camp1st session: American Empire and the Greater Middle EastSaturday Oct 1, 10 am – 1 pmSession presidency: Jaime BALLESTEROS1) Wilhelm LANGTHALER, Introduction2) Domenico LOSURDO, Italian philosopher: The US imperial drive 3) Samir AMIN, professor for economy in Dakar, Forum Third … [read more]

Protest rally in front of Italian consulate in Istanbul

"Hands off the Anti-imperialist Camp"The Turkish coalition against the occupation of Iraq on August 9 announced a protest rally in front of the Italian consulate in Istanbul to be held on Monday, August 15 at about 11,30 am.They demand that the Conference for a just peace in Iraq and in support of the Iraqi resistance scheduled for October 1-2 in Italy, which has been also endorsed by the coalition and which some forces within the coalition even actively prepare at, can be held there.At the same time they demonstrate against the attempts to criminalise the Anti-imperialist Camp for its steadfast political defence of the Iraqi … [read more]

Unite Against the Empire and Capitalist Aggression!

Solidarity to Anti-imperialist Camp from Özgür-Der (Turkey)George Bush, one of the prominent leaders of actual global imperialist assault of our time has said once that, the world is divided into two clear camps on the so called "war on terror". He said at the one side there is "axis of evil" and on the other side there is "axis of good".We very well know that there is two camps on this contemporary imperialist aggression. But these camps are not axis of evil and good. Today on the one side we see the capitalist aggression and imperialist oppressors of the world united. They brutally occupy, make massacres, kill innocent people with banned guns. On the other side there are oppressed people of the world.For more than five years people who are against this oppressive system are making … [read more]

Solidarity to Anti-imperialist Camp from Turkey

Statement of the Turkish section of the ILPSInternational League of Peoples` StruggleStatement of solidarity to Anti-Imperialist camp!For a long time imperialist aggression led by US imperialism has been growing. In Europe under the mask of "democracy" the EU is making its anti-terror laws. Recently the Italian government has been attacking the anti-imperialist camp and made some operations and even took some bank accounts from them. The reason is very simple, there is going to be a conference on Iraq in October in Rome and the Italian government and other imperialist states want to prevent mass support for this conference. They try to show the forces that give support to the resistance in Iraq as "terrorists" and claim that their activists are members of illegal organizations. The … [read more]

Solidarity messages to the Anti-imperialist Camp

Confrontig the attack of 44 US congress membersI seize this occasion to express my solidarity and protest regarding the attempts to exert repression against the Anti-imperialist Camp, and to forbid in Italy the coming conference in solidarity with the legitimate resistance of the Iraqi people.yours in solidarity,Silas Cerqueira, Researcher and Lecturer (African Studies), activist in the Peace and solidarity movement, Portugal***Receive all the support of the Spanish Campaign against Occupation and for the Sovereignty of Iraq. Please, inform us of any initiatives.Carlos VareaCoordinator, SCOSI***We are in solidarity with the Anti-imperialist Camp. Bush out of Iraq!Yankees go home! Alexander Moumbaris***This desperate imperialist action is the best proof that you are on the right path. We … [read more]

"One murderer, many criminals"

Bericht aus PalästinaVom 15. bis 28. August wird die antiimperialistische Solidaritätsreise "Risse in der Mauer" nach Palästina stattfinden. Zweck der Reise ist es der palästinensischen Bevölkerung und Widerstandsbewegung die Solidarität mit ihrem legitimen Kampf um Selbstbestimmung und Freiheit von der Besatzung auszudrücken. Folgenden Bericht sendet die Vorbereitungsgruppe für die Reise, die sich bereits in Palästina befindet. Beinahe zeitgleich mit Siedlerdemonstrationen in der Altstadt von Jerusalem fand in Shafaram ein Massaker an Palästinensern, die innerhalb der 1948 besetzten Gebiete leben, statt, bei dem vier Menschen, zwei Christen und zwei junge muslimische Frauen (21 und 23, zwei Schwestern) umgebracht wurden. Ein 19-jähriger israelischer Soldat, der vor kurzem von … [read more]

Prodi´s announced troop withdrawal success of the Iraqi resistance

Interview released by Awni al Kalemji to "Il giornale"Awni al Kalemji is spokesman of the "Iraqi Patriotic Alliance" (IPA). Parts of the interview were reproduced in the lead article in "Il giornale" of August 2, 2005.Q: How do you comment the declaration of Romano Prodi about the immediate withdrawal of the Italian troops in case he would be elected prime minister? Awni al Kalemji: The Iraqi resistance welcomes with satisfaction the declaration of whom is considered to be the next prime minister of Italy.The withdrawal of the Italian troops does meet not only the sentiments of the Iraqi people but of all peace-loving people. We did not want the war. It was Bush who wanted it. And as long as they occupy our country we have the right to fight to regain our national sovereignty. Q: What … [read more]

"End occupation, release prisoners"

Afghan communists speak outEnd to Occupation is our demand!Release Anti Occupation Detainees!On 14-17 July 2005 the "Brigand´s Festival" of the Anti-imperialist took place in Piombino in Italy which hosted also a meeting of the Italian Free Iraqi Committees. Amongst the international delegation, there was a representative of the Left Radicals of Afghanistan (LRA) who had a speech about the on going anti occupation resistance in Afghanistan and the remarkable achievements of the opposition. He explained that how the US-Coalition project in Afghanistan confronted with big challenges and since the last three years the occupiers failed completely in this territory. The brutal military operations, killing of civilians, arresting and imprisoning the opposition have been not bow down the … [read more]

Bush asks Berlusconi to smash the Anti-imperialist Camp

press release44 members of the US congress addressed a formal protest letter to the Italian ambassador in Washington, Sergio Vento, asking to outlaw the Anti-imperialist Camp.On July 1 the US provider shut down our site We knew of the strong pressure coming from the American right wing.Today we know that this pressure comes from the top layers of the US regime.On July 27 the weekly "US News" informed that 44 members of the Congress sent the aforementioned letter to the Italian ambassador, dated June 28, demanding the iron fist against the Anti-imperialist Camp. The base of the accusation against us it that we, as steadfast supporters of the Iraqi Resistance, would be "part of an international network of terrorist finance".What the congressmen want becomes … [read more]

مظاهرة اليوم بميدان طلعت حرب

"ادباء من اجل التغيير"رÙ?ضت مجموعة "ادباء من اجل التغيير" الانصياع لرهانات النظام بان تقوم بتأجيل او الغاء مظاهرة اليوم بميدان طلعت حرب حوÙ?ا من تكرار سناريو مظاهرة الترشيح. واصرت المجموعة على الا ترهبها انشطة الهة … [read more]

Critique of the Palestinian Civil Society

by Dr. Hisham BustaniNo for "Israel" on 1967-stolen Land,Yes for "Israel" on 1948-stolen Land!! Critique of the Palestinian Civil Societies` Call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against "Israel" Until it Complies with International Law and Universal Principles of Human Rights Dr. Hisham Bustani* On July 9, 2005, 171 Palestinian Organizations, Refugee Rights Associations, Unions, Political Parties and Campaigns endorsed and released a "Call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against "Israel" Until it Complies with International Law and Universal Principles of Human Rights" (full text: This call represent one of the main issues of misconception and deformation that are being more and more marketed as a "national consensus opinion" by … [read more]

Access for Awni al Kalemji to the UK refused

American war also directed against political rightsSince many years Awni al Kalemji, the spokesman of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance (IPA), is a recognised political refugee in Denmark as he was a leading figure of the anti-imperialist opposition to Saddam Hussein.For years he as been travelling to England to promote his cause meeting Arab and European forces as well as speaking to media outlets. Visa application used to be a formal act.However, with the growth of the Iraqi Resistance to occupation things changed substantially as both the UK as well as Denmark are part of the US war coalition.Right after the beginning of the occupation the Danish authorities tried to silence al Kalemji embarking on a process for "support of terrorism". The massive support campaign mainly in the Arab media … [read more]

Islamic Jihad, Jama`a Islamiya condemn al-Qaeda in Iraq over sectarian agenda, targeting of civilian

by Lars Akerhaug"The goal of Al-Qa`ida is to exterminate Shi`ites and Kurds, not to liberate Iraq" said Islamic Jihad and Jama`a Islamiyya in Egypt. The two biggest Islamist militant groups in Egypt, Islamic Jihad and Jama`a Islamiyya, have issued harsh statements condemning al-Qaeda in Iraq over its utter disregard for civilian life and accusing it of having a sectarian agenda that goes beyond expelling the occupier into the illegitimate attempt to eliminate and exclude Iraq`s Shias and Kurds. The two statements which were published jointly on an Islamist website described al-Qaeda`s strategy of targeting civilians, journalists and the use of indiscriminate car bombings as counterproductive and failing on both religious and political grounds. The statements said that such a strategy … [read more]

التحالÙ? الوطني العراقي يحذر من محاولات الالتÙ?اÙ? على Ù…Ù

بلاغ عن اجتماع قيادة التحالÙ? الوطني العراقيمواجهة المشاريع المشبوهة للالتÙ?اÙ? على قرار المقاومة Ùˆ" مصادرة " انجازات النضال التحرري البطولي للشعب العراقي مهمة وطنية وقومية كبرى التحالÙ? الوطني العراقي يحذر من … [read more]

Brigands´ Festival celebrate advance of resistance against US Empire

From Afghanistan and Iraq to the French NO to Euro-AmericaFrom 14-17 July the Brigands´ Festival was held by the Anti-imperialist Camp in Piombino, Italy. Resistance music from within and without Europe, of modern and traditional type, as well as theatre and literature set the frame for the political programme which provided evidence for the difficulties of imperialism – the very reason why we celebrated.AfghanistanAn leftist political activist coming directly from the restive town of Jalalabad reported that the tide against the US occupation is high. The popular movement which exploded in May against the occupation forces including the European ones is affecting the entire county. Typical for US imposed "democracies" dozens of those who took to the street to protest against the … [read more]

Iraq: No negotiations without withdrawal

IPA annouces to form partyAnnouncement from the IPAConfronting the suspicious projects to outflank the steadiness of the Resistance, to misappropriate the accomplishments of the heroic liberation struggle of the Iraqi people is a major patriotic and national task.The IPA warns against the attempts to outflank the achievements of the resistance by opening side channels to harvest personal or party profits at the expense of the people and the liberation struggle.The IPA has concluded a series of meetings inside the homeland and abroad in the period between 9-12th of July 2005, participating in these meetings a number of members of the IPA and supporters from a number of political arenas, coming from Europe, Scandinavia and Iraq.They discussed during the meeting a variety of urgent internal, … [read more]

Anti-imperialist Camp soon on the Black List?

Call for action to defend the right to support the resistance44 members of the US congress officially asked the Italian government to stop the "Anti-imperialist Camp and their affiliates" as "supporters of terrorist activities [who] are planning to meet on Italian soil in the near future to plan a campaign for financial aid to terrorism" (1) . US regime defines Anti-imperialist Camp as enemyThe top hierarchy of the US has chosen the Anti-imperialist Camp as a target, however, not for the financial aspect of the "10 Euro for the Iraqi Resistance" campaign. They know well that the money essentially remains on the bank accounts as it was collected for the use of the political front of the resistance yet to be constituted. Daniel Glaser, Acting Assistant Secretary of the Office of Terrorism … [read more]

We demand the immediate release of Ömer Berber!

Political Refugee in Belgian Custody Facing DeportationAvEG-KonConfederation of the Oppressed Immigrants Of EuropeFritz-Elsas Str.60, 70174 Stuttgart-GermanyTel:+49(0)711 227 02 05 Fax:+49(0)711 284 54 70e-mail: Urgent fax and e-mail campaignWe demand the immediate release of Ömer Berber!Political Refugee in Belgian Custody Facing Deportation We would like to draw your attention to the fate of Ömer Berber who was accepted as a political refugee in France according to the Geneva Convention. In spite of his status as a political refugee, he was arrested in Belgium. He is now facing the threat of being deported to Turkey. More information about his detention can be found on the second page. We call for your solidarity to prevent the deportation of Ömer Berber to … [read more]

Witch hunt for "terrorists" in Denmark: Who`s next?

Lars Akerhaug, Norwegian Free Iraq ComitteeToday the association "Oprør" (Rebellion) in Denmark declared that they after collecting money for Colombian FARC and Palestinian PFLP has been charged in the last step in the witch hunt by the Danish War Criminals in Government."Patrick Mac Manus is today been arrested and charged after the penalty code paragraph 114, the so called terrorism paragraph. The charge comes because of the international appeal from "Oprør" (Rebellion)`s international appeal to organisations and individuals around the world to support liberation movements through the world".The charge comes on a background already draped with accusations against those who support people`s liberation struggles. Although far more serious, this is not the first accusations against the … [read more]

يريدون إسكاتنا !!

بلاغ عن الهيئة المنظمة للمؤتمر العالمي للتضامن مع المقاومة العراقيةيريدون إسكاتنا!!بلاغ عن الهيئة المنظمة للمؤتمر العالمي للتضامن مع المقاومة العراقيةÙ?ÙŠ حمى الغرور اللامحدود الذي تعيشه النخبة السياسية … [read more]

Leave Iraq in peace – support the legitimate popular resistance

Programme & Speakers of the International ConferenceChianciano, Italy, 1-2 October 2005(preliminary)Presidency:Jaime BALLESTEROS, Organization of Solidarity of the People of Asia, Africa & Latin America OSPAAALJohn CATALINOTTO, International Action Centre, USAManolis ARKOLAKIS, International League of People´s Struggle ILPSJean-Pierre PAGE, First Int´l Conference for the Support of the Resistance of the Iraqi PeopleLeonardo MAZZEI, Secretary Italian Free Iraq CommitteesWilhelm LANGTHALER, Ant-imperialist Camp1st session: American Empire and the Greater Middle EastSaturday Oct 1, 10 am – 1 pmSession presidency: Jaime BALLESTEROS1) Wilhelm LANGTHALER, Introduction2) Domenico LOSURDO, Italian philosopher: The US imperial drive 3) Samir AMIN, professor for economy in Dakar, Forum Third … [read more]

Protest rally in front of Italian consulate in Istanbul

"Hands off the Anti-imperialist Camp"The Turkish coalition against the occupation of Iraq on August 9 announced a protest rally in front of the Italian consulate in Istanbul to be held on Monday, August 15 at about 11,30 am.They demand that the Conference for a just peace in Iraq and in support of the Iraqi resistance scheduled for October 1-2 in Italy, which has been also endorsed by the coalition and which some forces within the coalition even actively prepare at, can be held there.At the same time they demonstrate against the attempts to criminalise the Anti-imperialist Camp for its steadfast political defence of the Iraqi … [read more]

Unite Against the Empire and Capitalist Aggression!

Solidarity to Anti-imperialist Camp from Özgür-Der (Turkey)George Bush, one of the prominent leaders of actual global imperialist assault of our time has said once that, the world is divided into two clear camps on the so called "war on terror". He said at the one side there is "axis of evil" and on the other side there is "axis of good".We very well know that there is two camps on this contemporary imperialist aggression. But these camps are not axis of evil and good. Today on the one side we see the capitalist aggression and imperialist oppressors of the world united. They brutally occupy, make massacres, kill innocent people with banned guns. On the other side there are oppressed people of the world.For more than five years people who are against this oppressive system are making … [read more]

Solidarity to Anti-imperialist Camp from Turkey

Statement of the Turkish section of the ILPSInternational League of Peoples` StruggleStatement of solidarity to Anti-Imperialist camp!For a long time imperialist aggression led by US imperialism has been growing. In Europe under the mask of "democracy" the EU is making its anti-terror laws. Recently the Italian government has been attacking the anti-imperialist camp and made some operations and even took some bank accounts from them. The reason is very simple, there is going to be a conference on Iraq in October in Rome and the Italian government and other imperialist states want to prevent mass support for this conference. They try to show the forces that give support to the resistance in Iraq as "terrorists" and claim that their activists are members of illegal organizations. The … [read more]

Solidarity messages to the Anti-imperialist Camp

Confrontig the attack of 44 US congress membersI seize this occasion to express my solidarity and protest regarding the attempts to exert repression against the Anti-imperialist Camp, and to forbid in Italy the coming conference in solidarity with the legitimate resistance of the Iraqi people.yours in solidarity,Silas Cerqueira, Researcher and Lecturer (African Studies), activist in the Peace and solidarity movement, Portugal***Receive all the support of the Spanish Campaign against Occupation and for the Sovereignty of Iraq. Please, inform us of any initiatives.Carlos VareaCoordinator, SCOSI***We are in solidarity with the Anti-imperialist Camp. Bush out of Iraq!Yankees go home! Alexander Moumbaris***This desperate imperialist action is the best proof that you are on the right path. We … [read more]

"One murderer, many criminals"

Bericht aus PalästinaVom 15. bis 28. August wird die antiimperialistische Solidaritätsreise "Risse in der Mauer" nach Palästina stattfinden. Zweck der Reise ist es der palästinensischen Bevölkerung und Widerstandsbewegung die Solidarität mit ihrem legitimen Kampf um Selbstbestimmung und Freiheit von der Besatzung auszudrücken. Folgenden Bericht sendet die Vorbereitungsgruppe für die Reise, die sich bereits in Palästina befindet. Beinahe zeitgleich mit Siedlerdemonstrationen in der Altstadt von Jerusalem fand in Shafaram ein Massaker an Palästinensern, die innerhalb der 1948 besetzten Gebiete leben, statt, bei dem vier Menschen, zwei Christen und zwei junge muslimische Frauen (21 und 23, zwei Schwestern) umgebracht wurden. Ein 19-jähriger israelischer Soldat, der vor kurzem von … [read more]

Prodi´s announced troop withdrawal success of the Iraqi resistance

Interview released by Awni al Kalemji to "Il giornale"Awni al Kalemji is spokesman of the "Iraqi Patriotic Alliance" (IPA). Parts of the interview were reproduced in the lead article in "Il giornale" of August 2, 2005.Q: How do you comment the declaration of Romano Prodi about the immediate withdrawal of the Italian troops in case he would be elected prime minister? Awni al Kalemji: The Iraqi resistance welcomes with satisfaction the declaration of whom is considered to be the next prime minister of Italy.The withdrawal of the Italian troops does meet not only the sentiments of the Iraqi people but of all peace-loving people. We did not want the war. It was Bush who wanted it. And as long as they occupy our country we have the right to fight to regain our national sovereignty. Q: What … [read more]

"End occupation, release prisoners"

Afghan communists speak outEnd to Occupation is our demand!Release Anti Occupation Detainees!On 14-17 July 2005 the "Brigand´s Festival" of the Anti-imperialist took place in Piombino in Italy which hosted also a meeting of the Italian Free Iraqi Committees. Amongst the international delegation, there was a representative of the Left Radicals of Afghanistan (LRA) who had a speech about the on going anti occupation resistance in Afghanistan and the remarkable achievements of the opposition. He explained that how the US-Coalition project in Afghanistan confronted with big challenges and since the last three years the occupiers failed completely in this territory. The brutal military operations, killing of civilians, arresting and imprisoning the opposition have been not bow down the … [read more]

Bush asks Berlusconi to smash the Anti-imperialist Camp

press release44 members of the US congress addressed a formal protest letter to the Italian ambassador in Washington, Sergio Vento, asking to outlaw the Anti-imperialist Camp.On July 1 the US provider shut down our site We knew of the strong pressure coming from the American right wing.Today we know that this pressure comes from the top layers of the US regime.On July 27 the weekly "US News" informed that 44 members of the Congress sent the aforementioned letter to the Italian ambassador, dated June 28, demanding the iron fist against the Anti-imperialist Camp. The base of the accusation against us it that we, as steadfast supporters of the Iraqi Resistance, would be "part of an international network of terrorist finance".What the congressmen want becomes … [read more]

مظاهرة اليوم بميدان طلعت حرب

"ادباء من اجل التغيير"رÙ?ضت مجموعة "ادباء من اجل التغيير" الانصياع لرهانات النظام بان تقوم بتأجيل او الغاء مظاهرة اليوم بميدان طلعت حرب حوÙ?ا من تكرار سناريو مظاهرة الترشيح. واصرت المجموعة على الا ترهبها انشطة الهة … [read more]

Critique of the Palestinian Civil Society

by Dr. Hisham BustaniNo for "Israel" on 1967-stolen Land,Yes for "Israel" on 1948-stolen Land!! Critique of the Palestinian Civil Societies` Call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against "Israel" Until it Complies with International Law and Universal Principles of Human Rights Dr. Hisham Bustani* On July 9, 2005, 171 Palestinian Organizations, Refugee Rights Associations, Unions, Political Parties and Campaigns endorsed and released a "Call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against "Israel" Until it Complies with International Law and Universal Principles of Human Rights" (full text: This call represent one of the main issues of misconception and deformation that are being more and more marketed as a "national consensus opinion" by … [read more]

Access for Awni al Kalemji to the UK refused

American war also directed against political rightsSince many years Awni al Kalemji, the spokesman of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance (IPA), is a recognised political refugee in Denmark as he was a leading figure of the anti-imperialist opposition to Saddam Hussein.For years he as been travelling to England to promote his cause meeting Arab and European forces as well as speaking to media outlets. Visa application used to be a formal act.However, with the growth of the Iraqi Resistance to occupation things changed substantially as both the UK as well as Denmark are part of the US war coalition.Right after the beginning of the occupation the Danish authorities tried to silence al Kalemji embarking on a process for "support of terrorism". The massive support campaign mainly in the Arab media … [read more]

Islamic Jihad, Jama`a Islamiya condemn al-Qaeda in Iraq over sectarian agenda, targeting of civilian

by Lars Akerhaug"The goal of Al-Qa`ida is to exterminate Shi`ites and Kurds, not to liberate Iraq" said Islamic Jihad and Jama`a Islamiyya in Egypt. The two biggest Islamist militant groups in Egypt, Islamic Jihad and Jama`a Islamiyya, have issued harsh statements condemning al-Qaeda in Iraq over its utter disregard for civilian life and accusing it of having a sectarian agenda that goes beyond expelling the occupier into the illegitimate attempt to eliminate and exclude Iraq`s Shias and Kurds. The two statements which were published jointly on an Islamist website described al-Qaeda`s strategy of targeting civilians, journalists and the use of indiscriminate car bombings as counterproductive and failing on both religious and political grounds. The statements said that such a strategy … [read more]

التحالÙ? الوطني العراقي يحذر من محاولات الالتÙ?اÙ? على Ù…Ù

بلاغ عن اجتماع قيادة التحالÙ? الوطني العراقيمواجهة المشاريع المشبوهة للالتÙ?اÙ? على قرار المقاومة Ùˆ" مصادرة " انجازات النضال التحرري البطولي للشعب العراقي مهمة وطنية وقومية كبرى التحالÙ? الوطني العراقي يحذر من … [read more]

Brigands´ Festival celebrate advance of resistance against US Empire

From Afghanistan and Iraq to the French NO to Euro-AmericaFrom 14-17 July the Brigands´ Festival was held by the Anti-imperialist Camp in Piombino, Italy. Resistance music from within and without Europe, of modern and traditional type, as well as theatre and literature set the frame for the political programme which provided evidence for the difficulties of imperialism – the very reason why we celebrated.AfghanistanAn leftist political activist coming directly from the restive town of Jalalabad reported that the tide against the US occupation is high. The popular movement which exploded in May against the occupation forces including the European ones is affecting the entire county. Typical for US imposed "democracies" dozens of those who took to the street to protest against the … [read more]

Iraq: No negotiations without withdrawal

IPA annouces to form partyAnnouncement from the IPAConfronting the suspicious projects to outflank the steadiness of the Resistance, to misappropriate the accomplishments of the heroic liberation struggle of the Iraqi people is a major patriotic and national task.The IPA warns against the attempts to outflank the achievements of the resistance by opening side channels to harvest personal or party profits at the expense of the people and the liberation struggle.The IPA has concluded a series of meetings inside the homeland and abroad in the period between 9-12th of July 2005, participating in these meetings a number of members of the IPA and supporters from a number of political arenas, coming from Europe, Scandinavia and Iraq.They discussed during the meeting a variety of urgent internal, … [read more]