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الاشتباكات الÙ?لسطينية مبنية Ù?ÙŠ الاتÙ?اقيات

بقلم: د. عبد الستار قاسم*21 تموز 2005من المؤسÙ? أن تحصل اشتباكات مسلحة بين Ù?صائل Ù?لسطينية والسلطة، لكن كل الأسÙ? وعبارات الأسى والحزن لا تقÙ? أمام الحقائق الموضوعية التي تÙ?رض Ù†Ù?سها وتتÙ?وق Ù?ÙŠ قوتها على المشاعر المتدÙ?قة … [read more]

Germany hinders leagl defence of Slobodan Milosevic

by Vladimir KrsljaninAttack on the defense of President Milosevic in GermanyPresident Slobodan Milosevic and his witnesses by power of truth day by day dismount the false accusations against the Serbian people and the failed project of the destroyers of Yugoslavia, called the Hague tribunal. The power of truth is mobilizing impoverished and suffering people of Serbia to make an end of the rule of lie in Serbia.Every new desperate attempt to save what cannot be saved ("Scorpions video", allegations against the leader of the Serbian Radical Party, servants` moves of Belgrade officials) just produce the counter effect and return like boomerang against those who make such attempts. Best they can achieve with such attempts is shame. Neither Serbia nor the World is ready anymore to stand the … [read more]

Anti-imperialist Camp´s website shut down for "terror support"

"Homeland security" will not stop liberation struggle from US EmpireOn July 1, 2005, the US provider Westhost closed down our website which it had been hosting since 2000. The reason given by its vice president was "because of terrorist activity (or even more specifically, raising money for the Iraqi resistance)". This move has been preceded by a media campaign which climaxed in an article of the weekly "US News" on June 26 titled "National Security Watch: Eurolefties fund Iraq insurgency" . This was taken up by various smaller outlets and websites proofing the continued control of the chauvinist pro-war and pro-occupation forces over the US public opinion. One of those boosting to have helped to silence us was for example which is not even … [read more]

Afghanistan: US Revenge on Civilians

Left Radicals of Afghanistan (LRA)Following aggravation armed attacks against US and coalition forces especially in East, North and East North of Afghanistan that imposed high blows and damages to occupation forces and local government. But the last week successive attacks waves by opponents, forced US occupiers to expedite their military brutal well equipped military air operations against opposition including civilians. When a military team of US disappeared and a helicopter fell down by opponents in Konar in end of June and begging of July, suddenly a mad vengeance heavy operation started in Konar province. The US fascist authority firs stroke suspicious villages by air attacks, where were no any militant among the dead except civilians, then while the civilians began to collect dead … [read more]

Another Indian revolutionary leader killed

Comrade M. V. Prasad, the general secretary of the All India Platform for Peoples` Struggle (AIPPS) has been murdered on 18th June 05. His wife, a leading political activist, Com. Vasantha has also been killed in the same attack.Com. Prasad, a person of Dalit origin, joined the revolutionary movement in his youth and had been working as a full time political cadre for more than two decades. Especially during last 10 years or so he gradually became a widely known mass-political leader in Andhra Pradesh (AP), particularly in coastal region of AP.Com. Vasantha was a person of tribal origin, a competent woman leader of POW (Progressive Organisation of Women), AP. , and a full time political activist for nearly two decades.At the time of Second International Assembly (SIA) of the ILPS, Prasad … [read more]

Iranian elections: net defeat for the Empire

Not only the Western corporate media but the entire ruling oligarchies were sure of the victory for their candidate Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani standing for the Iranian capitalist elite. The establishment is pushing for a full-fledged liberalist transformation from within the Cleric rule as well as an step-by-step re-integration into the US-led imperial capitalist system. Their asset to sell is their influence in insurgent Iraq which they are ready to wield for a negotiated settlement in return to US non-aggression guarantees.According to all news reports Ahmadinejad won with the votes of the rural and urban poor. No talk of manipulation can change the very fact that the popular masses of Iran decisively refused both the submission to the US empire as well as the liberalist economic reforms … [read more]

Build a Bolivarian Anti-imperialist Camp

Invitation letter directed to the popular, anti-imperialist and revolutionary movementFebruary 13, 2005Bolivarian Republic of VenezuelaHere in the land of Simà³n Bolà­var, Simà³n Rodrà­guez and Ezequiel Zamora, which today is confronting North American imperialism, we believe that the time has come to increase our efforts for unity against the injustice which the people of the world are suffering of. The coordination of the anti-imperialist resistance against the Yankee empire must be strengthened.With this intention we invite – on the occasion of the Social Forum of the Americas – to gather within a Bolivarian Anti-imperialist Camp with an international, popular and revolutionary character. The meeting is scheduled to take place right there where the people are fighting, … [read more]

Vem är rädd för irakiernas motståndskamp?

Husrannsakan hos en av Campo Antiimperialistas aktivisterDen 29 juni genomförde den italienska polisens politiska avdelning en husrannsakan hos và¥r kamrat Emanuele Fanesi. Den fullmakt som den allmänne à¥klagaren i Perugia utfärdade pà¥stà¥r bara, i allmänna och byrà¥kratiska termer, att à¥tgärden var en del av en utredning angà¥ende misstankar om "samarbete med syfte att begॠinternationell terrorism och/eller undergräva den demokratiska ordningen" (…§270 bis i strafflagen). Ingen ytterligare förklaring gavs, och inte heller nämndes vilken "terroristorganisation" som Emanuele Fanesi skulle samarbeta med.Utifrà¥n det beslagtagna materialet kan vi dock dra slutsatsen att tilltaget är ännu ett försök att skrämma Campo Antiimperialista och alla andra … [read more]

Who is frightened by the Iraqi Resistance?

House search at Anti-imperialist Camp´s militantOn June 30 the political department of the Italian police (DIGOS) searched the house of our comrade Emanuele Fanesi. The warrant issued by the public prosecutor of Perugia, written in a generic and bureaucratic way, stated only that the measure was part of an inquiry on the offence of "association with the aim of international terrorism and/or subversion of the democratic order" (…§270 bis). No further explanation was given neither any "terrorist organisation" disclosed to which he would be associated.From the sequestrated materials we can, however, conclude that the move is once again designed to intimidate the Anti-imperialist Camp and all the forces which have understood the strategic importance of the Iraqi Resistance in the struggle … [read more]

Bolivia insurrecta

Veranstaltung, 29. Juni 2005, WienBolivien, Juni 2005: Nach massiven Protesten nahm das Parlament den Rücktritt von Präsident Carlos Mesa an und ernannte Eduardo Rodriguez zum neuen Interimspräsidenten. Die Proteste, die von Kokabauern, Bewohnern des Hochlands, Bauern, Erdgasarbeitern und Slumbbewohnern besonders vom Stadtteil El Alto von La Paz getragen worden waren, klangen damit zunächst ab. Straßenblockaden wurden geräumt, die Treibstoff-, Erdgas-, und Nahrungsmittellieferungen nach La Paz wurden wieder aufgenommen, ebenso wie der internationale Flugverkehr. Die Bewegung, hauptsächlich indianisch geprägt, forderte in erster Linie die Verstaatlichung der Erdöl- und Erdgasförderung. Kaum berührt von diesen Protesten blieb das Gebiet um Santa Cruz, wo auch Benzin und Gas nicht … [read more]

Assassination of George Hawi, former General Secretary of the Lebanese Communist Party

Statement of the Popular Front for the Liberation of PalestineThe Popular Front for Liberation of Palestine reacts strongly at the crime of assassinating George Hawi, the former General Secretary of the Lebanese Communist Party.The spokesman of the Political office of the PFLP said in a press statement:The front present its enragement at yesterdays` crime disgustingly carried out in an ugly way in the centre of Beirut. The life of Comrade George Hawi, the former secretary of the Lebanese Communist Party has passed away.The PFLP announces the martyrdom of George Hawi and offers to the Lebanese Communist Party and the Lebanese People and the family of the martyred its most deeply felt condolences. We see that this disgusting crime aims at basically target to hit the unity of the Lebanese … [read more]

Italy: trial against Avni Er and Zeynep Kilic has started

Protest rally in front of the courtOn June 10 the trial against Avni Er and Zeynep Kilic, two Turkish comrades arrested in Italy on April 1, 2004 (together with free leaders of the Anti-imperialist Camp who later were released). The accusation revolves around "membership and association with terrorist ends" (article 270 bis) as modified after September 11. In the first hearing nearly all objections put forward by the defense were rejected. For the court is was irrelevant that not even the main documents were translated into Turkish language; furthermore it was maintained irrelevant that the advocats were not allowed to pass to Avni Er the CD with all the documents in Italian. This decision of the prison administration was even confirmed by the examining magistrate. The demand to postpone … [read more]

Massacre of 17 members of the Maoist Communist Party Turkey

Protest demonstration in Duisburg, GermanyUnitary callOn June 16 the Turkish army attacked in Ovak/Dersim the Maoist Communist Party (MKP) of Turkey/North Kurdistan employing heavy weaponry including fighter aircraft and helicopter gunships. Thus 17 cadres of the MKP were murdered in cold blood.This is only one further element of entire chain of attacks by the army against opposition forces which are revolting against the anti-democratic, oppressive and militarist policy of the government.Contrary to the claims of the Turkish regime as well as the major German parties and institutions there is no democratisation whatsoever. Torture is still daily agenda in the Turkish prisons, people disappear from the streets in the light of day or get assassinated by paramilitary groups.We will remember … [read more]

Another political mass trial in Turkey

Free the ESP activistsOn 7th December 2004 the police attacked the protest of ESP (Socialist Platform of the Oppressed) activists against the New Penalty Law which is going to make living conditions for political prisoners in Turkey more difficult and which was a discussion point in parliament on that same day. This attack ended up in a clash and when the ESP activists were defending themselves, 47 out of them were arrested and tortured. Whilst one of the 47 was released due to his young age, 46 ESP activists, among them members of the Socialist Youth Association, 6 journalists and one artist, were imprisoned. Of the 46 ESP activists, 29 men were put in Sincan F-type isolation prison (Ankara) and 17 women in Ulucanlar prison (Ankara). They all been taken to court with the allegation of … [read more]

Demonstrate in The Hague

Against the tribunale absolving NATO from aggressionSaturday, 25th June 2005 from 1pmNedalst - We shall not surrender Our History(Initiative of the Serbian Diaspora in Europe)13:00 Speeches in the "Plein" square near the Dutch Parliament14:00 Protest march to Sheveningen prison15:15-16:00 Rally outside prison walls at Sheveningen The Aggressor shall not write our history! … [read more]

Protest against the US Air Base Incirlik on its 50th year

By Turkish Coordination against the occupation of IraqOn the 18th June 1955 the military air-base Incirlik was opened by the Turkish state, of course to prove its loyality to US Imperialism. Let us take a short look on the history of that base.In 1951 the making of the base in Incirlik started and was done in the year 1955 and opened in the month June under the name "Adana air base" and was named Incirlik in 1958. During the Gulf war in 1991 in a form of "Force" it was permitted to have; 1416 US, 183 English, 139 France soldiers 77 air planes and helicopters were stationed in Incirlik. According to statistics, in the year 1995 there were 2091 soldiers, 160 working personal together 2251 and 3328 acres in the Incirlik air base. Until the year 1989 Incirlik was the biggest intelligence … [read more]

French and Dutch refuse anti-democratic and ultra-liberalist constitution

Slap in the face of the oligarchyResolution on the referendums in France and the Netherlands by the Enlarged Session of the Political Committee of the Anti-imperialist CampFlorence, June 5, 2005The overwhelming NO to the EU´s constitution in a key country like France marks the beginning of a outright continental earthquake. The immediate impact – the demission of the cabinet of Raffarin, the split of the Socialist Party with the expulsion of Fabius from the leadership, the British decision to cancel the referendum, the total confusion of prospects expressed by the very leaders of the EU – evidence the shock the caste of European political leaders suffers from.The hasty attempt to archive the French vote as an "accident" was swiftly rendered ridiculous by the Dutch and by the general … [read more]

Two Afghan communists escape prison

Dozens of anti-US protesters transferred to Bagram airbase The detainees face more riskFollowing the deterioration of security situation across the country, the puppet regime and its imperialist masters to impose their domination, exercise countrywide military brutal operations. The failed administration of Karzai thinks by the detention, arrest and imprisoning of anti occupier elements can overcome the situation. Therefore, besides other conspiracies and operations, seriously continue the so-called anti terrorism campaign to legalize its criminal attempts.But the anti occupation forces too intensify their struggle and continue their rightful protests, objections and loud their voices. Fortunately as a result of individual and joint protests of detainees´ families especially in … [read more]

اتÙ?اقية الكويز

ندوة سياسية نظمتها المجموعات المشاركة Ù?ÙŠ التحالÙ? الشعبي العربي Ù?ÙŠ مصر أقيمت Ù?ÙŠ مدينة المحلة الكبرى Ù?ÙŠ "مركز الÙ?جر" ندوة سياسية حول" اتÙ?اقية الكويز Ùˆ تأثيرها على الاقتصاد القومي" Ùˆ بحضور العديد من … [read more]

International Conference in Support of the Iraqi Resistance

Report of the preparatory meeting in Florence, June 4The assembly of delegates from about a dozen countries discussed both the general political context (the political and military situation in Iraq, the movement against the war) as well as the profile of the conference.The continuation of the Resistance after the election farce of 30 January, the failure of the projects of stabilisation by the US, the large consensus of the different forces opposing the occupation – all this confirms the centrality of the struggle of the Iraqi people and the necessity to enlarge its support throughout the world.Important sectors of the movement against the war eventually recognise the legitimacy of the Resistance while those aware of the historic importance of the struggle lend their full and open … [read more]

الاشتباكات الÙ?لسطينية مبنية Ù?ÙŠ الاتÙ?اقيات

بقلم: د. عبد الستار قاسم*21 تموز 2005من المؤسÙ? أن تحصل اشتباكات مسلحة بين Ù?صائل Ù?لسطينية والسلطة، لكن كل الأسÙ? وعبارات الأسى والحزن لا تقÙ? أمام الحقائق الموضوعية التي تÙ?رض Ù†Ù?سها وتتÙ?وق Ù?ÙŠ قوتها على المشاعر المتدÙ?قة … [read more]

Germany hinders leagl defence of Slobodan Milosevic

by Vladimir KrsljaninAttack on the defense of President Milosevic in GermanyPresident Slobodan Milosevic and his witnesses by power of truth day by day dismount the false accusations against the Serbian people and the failed project of the destroyers of Yugoslavia, called the Hague tribunal. The power of truth is mobilizing impoverished and suffering people of Serbia to make an end of the rule of lie in Serbia.Every new desperate attempt to save what cannot be saved ("Scorpions video", allegations against the leader of the Serbian Radical Party, servants` moves of Belgrade officials) just produce the counter effect and return like boomerang against those who make such attempts. Best they can achieve with such attempts is shame. Neither Serbia nor the World is ready anymore to stand the … [read more]

Anti-imperialist Camp´s website shut down for "terror support"

"Homeland security" will not stop liberation struggle from US EmpireOn July 1, 2005, the US provider Westhost closed down our website which it had been hosting since 2000. The reason given by its vice president was "because of terrorist activity (or even more specifically, raising money for the Iraqi resistance)". This move has been preceded by a media campaign which climaxed in an article of the weekly "US News" on June 26 titled "National Security Watch: Eurolefties fund Iraq insurgency" . This was taken up by various smaller outlets and websites proofing the continued control of the chauvinist pro-war and pro-occupation forces over the US public opinion. One of those boosting to have helped to silence us was for example which is not even … [read more]

Afghanistan: US Revenge on Civilians

Left Radicals of Afghanistan (LRA)Following aggravation armed attacks against US and coalition forces especially in East, North and East North of Afghanistan that imposed high blows and damages to occupation forces and local government. But the last week successive attacks waves by opponents, forced US occupiers to expedite their military brutal well equipped military air operations against opposition including civilians. When a military team of US disappeared and a helicopter fell down by opponents in Konar in end of June and begging of July, suddenly a mad vengeance heavy operation started in Konar province. The US fascist authority firs stroke suspicious villages by air attacks, where were no any militant among the dead except civilians, then while the civilians began to collect dead … [read more]

Another Indian revolutionary leader killed

Comrade M. V. Prasad, the general secretary of the All India Platform for Peoples` Struggle (AIPPS) has been murdered on 18th June 05. His wife, a leading political activist, Com. Vasantha has also been killed in the same attack.Com. Prasad, a person of Dalit origin, joined the revolutionary movement in his youth and had been working as a full time political cadre for more than two decades. Especially during last 10 years or so he gradually became a widely known mass-political leader in Andhra Pradesh (AP), particularly in coastal region of AP.Com. Vasantha was a person of tribal origin, a competent woman leader of POW (Progressive Organisation of Women), AP. , and a full time political activist for nearly two decades.At the time of Second International Assembly (SIA) of the ILPS, Prasad … [read more]

Iranian elections: net defeat for the Empire

Not only the Western corporate media but the entire ruling oligarchies were sure of the victory for their candidate Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani standing for the Iranian capitalist elite. The establishment is pushing for a full-fledged liberalist transformation from within the Cleric rule as well as an step-by-step re-integration into the US-led imperial capitalist system. Their asset to sell is their influence in insurgent Iraq which they are ready to wield for a negotiated settlement in return to US non-aggression guarantees.According to all news reports Ahmadinejad won with the votes of the rural and urban poor. No talk of manipulation can change the very fact that the popular masses of Iran decisively refused both the submission to the US empire as well as the liberalist economic reforms … [read more]

Build a Bolivarian Anti-imperialist Camp

Invitation letter directed to the popular, anti-imperialist and revolutionary movementFebruary 13, 2005Bolivarian Republic of VenezuelaHere in the land of Simà³n Bolà­var, Simà³n Rodrà­guez and Ezequiel Zamora, which today is confronting North American imperialism, we believe that the time has come to increase our efforts for unity against the injustice which the people of the world are suffering of. The coordination of the anti-imperialist resistance against the Yankee empire must be strengthened.With this intention we invite – on the occasion of the Social Forum of the Americas – to gather within a Bolivarian Anti-imperialist Camp with an international, popular and revolutionary character. The meeting is scheduled to take place right there where the people are fighting, … [read more]

Vem är rädd för irakiernas motståndskamp?

Husrannsakan hos en av Campo Antiimperialistas aktivisterDen 29 juni genomförde den italienska polisens politiska avdelning en husrannsakan hos và¥r kamrat Emanuele Fanesi. Den fullmakt som den allmänne à¥klagaren i Perugia utfärdade pà¥stà¥r bara, i allmänna och byrà¥kratiska termer, att à¥tgärden var en del av en utredning angà¥ende misstankar om "samarbete med syfte att begॠinternationell terrorism och/eller undergräva den demokratiska ordningen" (…§270 bis i strafflagen). Ingen ytterligare förklaring gavs, och inte heller nämndes vilken "terroristorganisation" som Emanuele Fanesi skulle samarbeta med.Utifrà¥n det beslagtagna materialet kan vi dock dra slutsatsen att tilltaget är ännu ett försök att skrämma Campo Antiimperialista och alla andra … [read more]

Who is frightened by the Iraqi Resistance?

House search at Anti-imperialist Camp´s militantOn June 30 the political department of the Italian police (DIGOS) searched the house of our comrade Emanuele Fanesi. The warrant issued by the public prosecutor of Perugia, written in a generic and bureaucratic way, stated only that the measure was part of an inquiry on the offence of "association with the aim of international terrorism and/or subversion of the democratic order" (…§270 bis). No further explanation was given neither any "terrorist organisation" disclosed to which he would be associated.From the sequestrated materials we can, however, conclude that the move is once again designed to intimidate the Anti-imperialist Camp and all the forces which have understood the strategic importance of the Iraqi Resistance in the struggle … [read more]

Bolivia insurrecta

Veranstaltung, 29. Juni 2005, WienBolivien, Juni 2005: Nach massiven Protesten nahm das Parlament den Rücktritt von Präsident Carlos Mesa an und ernannte Eduardo Rodriguez zum neuen Interimspräsidenten. Die Proteste, die von Kokabauern, Bewohnern des Hochlands, Bauern, Erdgasarbeitern und Slumbbewohnern besonders vom Stadtteil El Alto von La Paz getragen worden waren, klangen damit zunächst ab. Straßenblockaden wurden geräumt, die Treibstoff-, Erdgas-, und Nahrungsmittellieferungen nach La Paz wurden wieder aufgenommen, ebenso wie der internationale Flugverkehr. Die Bewegung, hauptsächlich indianisch geprägt, forderte in erster Linie die Verstaatlichung der Erdöl- und Erdgasförderung. Kaum berührt von diesen Protesten blieb das Gebiet um Santa Cruz, wo auch Benzin und Gas nicht … [read more]

Assassination of George Hawi, former General Secretary of the Lebanese Communist Party

Statement of the Popular Front for the Liberation of PalestineThe Popular Front for Liberation of Palestine reacts strongly at the crime of assassinating George Hawi, the former General Secretary of the Lebanese Communist Party.The spokesman of the Political office of the PFLP said in a press statement:The front present its enragement at yesterdays` crime disgustingly carried out in an ugly way in the centre of Beirut. The life of Comrade George Hawi, the former secretary of the Lebanese Communist Party has passed away.The PFLP announces the martyrdom of George Hawi and offers to the Lebanese Communist Party and the Lebanese People and the family of the martyred its most deeply felt condolences. We see that this disgusting crime aims at basically target to hit the unity of the Lebanese … [read more]

Italy: trial against Avni Er and Zeynep Kilic has started

Protest rally in front of the courtOn June 10 the trial against Avni Er and Zeynep Kilic, two Turkish comrades arrested in Italy on April 1, 2004 (together with free leaders of the Anti-imperialist Camp who later were released). The accusation revolves around "membership and association with terrorist ends" (article 270 bis) as modified after September 11. In the first hearing nearly all objections put forward by the defense were rejected. For the court is was irrelevant that not even the main documents were translated into Turkish language; furthermore it was maintained irrelevant that the advocats were not allowed to pass to Avni Er the CD with all the documents in Italian. This decision of the prison administration was even confirmed by the examining magistrate. The demand to postpone … [read more]

Massacre of 17 members of the Maoist Communist Party Turkey

Protest demonstration in Duisburg, GermanyUnitary callOn June 16 the Turkish army attacked in Ovak/Dersim the Maoist Communist Party (MKP) of Turkey/North Kurdistan employing heavy weaponry including fighter aircraft and helicopter gunships. Thus 17 cadres of the MKP were murdered in cold blood.This is only one further element of entire chain of attacks by the army against opposition forces which are revolting against the anti-democratic, oppressive and militarist policy of the government.Contrary to the claims of the Turkish regime as well as the major German parties and institutions there is no democratisation whatsoever. Torture is still daily agenda in the Turkish prisons, people disappear from the streets in the light of day or get assassinated by paramilitary groups.We will remember … [read more]

Another political mass trial in Turkey

Free the ESP activistsOn 7th December 2004 the police attacked the protest of ESP (Socialist Platform of the Oppressed) activists against the New Penalty Law which is going to make living conditions for political prisoners in Turkey more difficult and which was a discussion point in parliament on that same day. This attack ended up in a clash and when the ESP activists were defending themselves, 47 out of them were arrested and tortured. Whilst one of the 47 was released due to his young age, 46 ESP activists, among them members of the Socialist Youth Association, 6 journalists and one artist, were imprisoned. Of the 46 ESP activists, 29 men were put in Sincan F-type isolation prison (Ankara) and 17 women in Ulucanlar prison (Ankara). They all been taken to court with the allegation of … [read more]

Demonstrate in The Hague

Against the tribunale absolving NATO from aggressionSaturday, 25th June 2005 from 1pmNedalst - We shall not surrender Our History(Initiative of the Serbian Diaspora in Europe)13:00 Speeches in the "Plein" square near the Dutch Parliament14:00 Protest march to Sheveningen prison15:15-16:00 Rally outside prison walls at Sheveningen The Aggressor shall not write our history! … [read more]

Protest against the US Air Base Incirlik on its 50th year

By Turkish Coordination against the occupation of IraqOn the 18th June 1955 the military air-base Incirlik was opened by the Turkish state, of course to prove its loyality to US Imperialism. Let us take a short look on the history of that base.In 1951 the making of the base in Incirlik started and was done in the year 1955 and opened in the month June under the name "Adana air base" and was named Incirlik in 1958. During the Gulf war in 1991 in a form of "Force" it was permitted to have; 1416 US, 183 English, 139 France soldiers 77 air planes and helicopters were stationed in Incirlik. According to statistics, in the year 1995 there were 2091 soldiers, 160 working personal together 2251 and 3328 acres in the Incirlik air base. Until the year 1989 Incirlik was the biggest intelligence … [read more]

French and Dutch refuse anti-democratic and ultra-liberalist constitution

Slap in the face of the oligarchyResolution on the referendums in France and the Netherlands by the Enlarged Session of the Political Committee of the Anti-imperialist CampFlorence, June 5, 2005The overwhelming NO to the EU´s constitution in a key country like France marks the beginning of a outright continental earthquake. The immediate impact – the demission of the cabinet of Raffarin, the split of the Socialist Party with the expulsion of Fabius from the leadership, the British decision to cancel the referendum, the total confusion of prospects expressed by the very leaders of the EU – evidence the shock the caste of European political leaders suffers from.The hasty attempt to archive the French vote as an "accident" was swiftly rendered ridiculous by the Dutch and by the general … [read more]

Two Afghan communists escape prison

Dozens of anti-US protesters transferred to Bagram airbase The detainees face more riskFollowing the deterioration of security situation across the country, the puppet regime and its imperialist masters to impose their domination, exercise countrywide military brutal operations. The failed administration of Karzai thinks by the detention, arrest and imprisoning of anti occupier elements can overcome the situation. Therefore, besides other conspiracies and operations, seriously continue the so-called anti terrorism campaign to legalize its criminal attempts.But the anti occupation forces too intensify their struggle and continue their rightful protests, objections and loud their voices. Fortunately as a result of individual and joint protests of detainees´ families especially in … [read more]

اتÙ?اقية الكويز

ندوة سياسية نظمتها المجموعات المشاركة Ù?ÙŠ التحالÙ? الشعبي العربي Ù?ÙŠ مصر أقيمت Ù?ÙŠ مدينة المحلة الكبرى Ù?ÙŠ "مركز الÙ?جر" ندوة سياسية حول" اتÙ?اقية الكويز Ùˆ تأثيرها على الاقتصاد القومي" Ùˆ بحضور العديد من … [read more]

International Conference in Support of the Iraqi Resistance

Report of the preparatory meeting in Florence, June 4The assembly of delegates from about a dozen countries discussed both the general political context (the political and military situation in Iraq, the movement against the war) as well as the profile of the conference.The continuation of the Resistance after the election farce of 30 January, the failure of the projects of stabilisation by the US, the large consensus of the different forces opposing the occupation – all this confirms the centrality of the struggle of the Iraqi people and the necessity to enlarge its support throughout the world.Important sectors of the movement against the war eventually recognise the legitimacy of the Resistance while those aware of the historic importance of the struggle lend their full and open … [read more]