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Afghan communist protesters need your help

Sign the call and take local protest action!Free the arrested of the protests in Jalalabad including three communists!To demonstrate against US occupation is a democratic right!In the latest street protests in Jalalabad from May 10-15 the people took to the street en masse against the US occupation and the regime it installed in Kabul.# Sign this call and send it to the local Afghan embassy. Inform us if you are able to take local protest action.#Karzai, the president imposed by Washington, immediately blamed it on "Islamic fundamentalist terrorism" in order to justify the brutal repression unleashed by his police. Also the "Peace Keeping Forces" were involved in the massacre left about 20 dead and 100 injured. About 100 people have been arrested many of whom have been tortured in order … [read more]

اتهامات سخيÙ?Ù‡ هدÙ?ها تشويه مصداقية المعلومات التي تنشرÙ

بيان بأسم لجنة العراق الحر Ù?ÙŠ الدنماركنشرت إحدى أشهر صحÙ? الدنمارك(اليولند بوستن) معلومات أذاعها التلÙ?از الدنماركي بعد ذلك بقليل Ù…Ù?ادها أن لجنة العراق الحر هي جزء من محاولة لاعادة تكوين حزب البعث Ù?ÙŠ اوربا وان اللجنة … [read more]

Absurd accusations to discredit real information about Iraq

Press release from the Danish Committee for a Free IraqJune 6, 2005In the Danish daily Jyllands-Posten and the tv-station TV2, on June 6, the Danish Committee for a Free Iraq is linked to a so-called Saddam Party, which is claimed to be under formation "in Europe and maybe in Denmark" (1). Allegations insinuate that we call for terror.We would like to make absolutely clear that the link between us and the alleged formation of a "Saddam Party" is completely without any foundation and profoundly absurd. The same goes for the accusation that we encourage terror. We view this smear campaign as an intent to criminalize political protest and to use the terror legislation to suppress freedom of speech. We regard the smear campaign against us as an emotional intent to discredit and suppress … [read more]

Massacre in Uzbekistan and the lies of the Greater Middle East Project

by Özgür Der, Turkey5 May 2005Free Thought and Educational Rights Association (Ozgur-Der)´s Address to the Enlarged Meeting of Int´l Political Committee, Anti- imperialist Camp Florence, ItalyDear participants, representatives of anti- imperialist organizations and the people against imperialist oppression;Massacre in UzbekistanLies of the Middle East Project and the Ugly Face of ImperialismUSA and other imperialist western powers who applauded, encouraged and supported the masses calling for "freedom" in Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan had chosen to play three monkeys when it comes to Uzbekistan. When they must to say something they played the same song altogether, they took attention to the so-called "terror threat".The demonstrations and the oppression operations occurred first in … [read more]

Solidarity with Arnaldo Otegi, leader of Batasuna

Declaration of the Anti-imperialist CampZapatero lies!In an act of unacceptable aggression against the Basque people, against its fundamental democratic rights and against a negotiated political solution of the armed conflict in Euskal Herria the Social Democrat government of Luis Rodrà­guez Zapatero detained the speaker of the Basque political party Batasuna, namely Arnaldo Otegi. Only against a bail of Euro 400.000 he was set free.Again the Spanish state has furnished a proof for the fact that it is a "democracy" transformed into a police state. Sinister anti-terrorist tribunals continue to highjack political dissidents without serious juridical evidence except the purely political accusation of "membership in the ETA". This formula has turned into a general slander against everybody … [read more]

French people inflict heavy blow on EU oligarchy

Ultra-liberalist constitution spoiledIt were the workers and the lower classes in general who voted en masse against the constitution drafted by the capitalist oligarchy containing in substance the canonisation of ultra-liberalism and the militarization on the side of the US Empire. The French referendum produced a class polarisation not seen for decades. The oligarchy is upset and bewildered. Playing democracy bears the risk to loose. Therefore in most other countries the elites did already ratify their pact refusing any popular scrutiny on it. They claim that the project of the constitution – which is nothing less than the end of the at least formal reference to the sovereignty of the people and the legalization of the oligarchy – will be carried on regardless of the French vote. … [read more]

PRD and LMND´s activists arrested from Fighting against Eviction of Vendors In Makassar, South Sula

After Palembang-South Sulawesi, today vendors around Hassanuddin University (UNHAS) in Makassar South Sulawesi also being evicted by the police and campus security guards. Hundreds of vendors together with activists from National Student League for for Democracy-LMND UNHAS commissar, and some democratic movement in Makassar including People´s Democratic Party (PRD) of Makassar, backed up the demonstration. Military and thugs repressed the protest action; they attacked, hit, and throw vendors and students holding out at stalls around campus. Five people arrested and taken to the regional police station, they are: Rudi (Chairperson of LMND South Sulawesi Region, Alif (Chairperson of Regional Ladership Committee of PRD South Sulawesil), Stuben (Chairperson of LMND 1945 University … [read more]

Demolition of Arab houses in Haifa

call for protest actionStatement of The popular committee against the demolition of the Arab houses in HaifaCall for an urgent meeting and rally to protest the demolition of Arab house in HaifaPlease raise hell and email or fax your letters to the city council of Haifa NOWOnce again Haifa city council targets the Arab-populated neighborhoods in Haifa and issue another administrative order to demolish, this time the house owned by the Bushkar family located at the eastern entrance to the city of Haifa .The Haifa city council has failed once again to commit and adhere to the previously agreed upon mutual understanding between the city council and the owners of the house subject for demolition backed up by the various popular committees, neighborhood council and the Arab kenesset members … [read more]

"Cats do not catch mice simply for the sake of God"

Letter from Afghan communists to the Italian peopleIn Afghanistan there have been working more than 2500 local and foreigner NGOs where most of them are blamed for not working on fundamental projects. For the people the meaning of NGO is a shop or source to make money. Before presidential election Mr. Ramazan Bashar Dost former Planning Minister resigned when his attempts to bring under control the foreigner NGOs that never respect or observe the law of Afghanistan failed. He accused and terminated around 2000 NGOs for corruption and theft of funds in the name of people of Afghanistan. But the Power of NGOs forced him and his only supporter Mr. Karzai to retreat their serious positions and stop their criticism and let NGOs work openly in Afghanistan.NGOs in general are organizations that … [read more]

Free Avni and Zeynep, Turkish political prisoners in Italy

Appeal to mobilise on the occasion of the first public court hearingOn June 10 the process against the comrades Avni and Zeynep, two political activists unjustly imprisoned since April 1, 2004, for being part of the Turkish association DHKP-C, will begin. This organisation has been defined "terrorist" by the arbitrary Black List of the European Union copied from the one of the imperator Bush. The accusation is constructed around …§270bis which today is even used to arrest homeless who occupy uninhabited houses. The entire enquiry has been conducted under the guise of the "struggle against terrorism" pleasing the Turkish military regime and backing its ferocious repression against the democratic opposition in the interest of capitalism and imperialism.It is enough to point at the recent … [read more]

Italian support initiative to Indian anti-repression week

In concomitance with the all Indian week against repression in Italy two protests rallies were held, one in Milan on May 19 in front of the Indian consulate, and one in Rome on May 20 in front of the Indian embassy. They were organised by the Italian section of the World People´s Resistance Movement "Proletarian Communists", the Anti-imperialist Camp and the Nepal Solidarity Committee.Banners were put up calling for the end of the repression, to halt the killing, torture and the arrests of activists for social and political rights of the popular masses. The speakers expressed their support to the Indian revolutionary movement as well as the Nepalese one.In Rome a protest petition was handed over to a representative of the embassy. … [read more]

Three Afghan communists threatened by death sentence

Call for solidarity by Left Radicals of Afghanistan3 LRA Cadres were arrested in JalalabadThe massive anti US and Kabul regime insurrection in Jalalabad and rest of 15 provinces were repressed severely by local police and imperialist "peace keeping forces" in 10-15 May 2005. More than 20 were killed and more than100 were injured and around 100 were arrested during the uprising and punished violently. As result of several attempts and protests of detainees´ families, most of them were released after aggressive and brutal investigation. The investigation and inspection of civilian homes have been continuing by local police, intelligent services and other nets of imperialists in the suspicious provinces of Afghanistan to hunt anti occupation elements.On 20 May 2005 three members of Left … [read more]

Vive le Non!

Victory to the French Campaign to reject the European constitution. Let us fight the neo-liberal and pro-American Europe1. On the 29th of May France is deciding on the European constitution, on the basis of a referendum. In many other countries, especially where opposition to EU is strongest, the ruling elites have made impossible such referendums. Not so in France – perhaps a serious tactical blunder. A French "No" could really topple the whole project of an European constitution, and this outcome is not unlikely: the last polls have seen the "No" constantly leading by several points. On top of that, the "No" is supported by parts of the establishment, most important Laurent Fabius, prime minister under Mitterand and an minister of finance in the government of Jospin. This renders a … [read more]

All India People´s Resistance Forum (AIPRF) & Struggling Forum for People´s Resistance (SFPR) merg

Press Release23rd May, 2005, New DelhiUnity DeclarationIn the joint executive meeting held on 20th May, 2005, the …‘Struggling Forum for People´s Resistance´ (SFPR) & …‘All India People´s Resistance Forum´ (AIPRF) decided to merge in a single organisation named Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF). It is known to all that both the organisations have been fighting against the exploitation and repression of imperialism, comprador bourgeoisie and feudalism and supporting the agrarian revolutionary movements going on in India for a long time. It is a good development for the toiling and patriotic people of India who want an end to their misery and seek liberation from the clutches of imperialist sharks and anti-national and anti-people bureaucrat capitalist and feudal classes … [read more]

Venezuela…—heading towards revolution?

Observations on Chávez, the state and the left from within the Bolivarian processIf we try to gauge some general elements of situations in the 20th century when a revolutionary change could happen, we usually find a crisis of hegemony and of the state of the old ruling elites, an organised political vanguard and a vanguard political project that is accepted by the people as a path to liberation from an unbearable situation.The questions in the context of Venezuela are thus the following: Has the end of the System of Punto Fijo [1] led to a crisis of the bourgeois state? Can president Hugo Chávez stand in for the non-existing collective vanguard to transform the process his government started in 1999 into a popular revolution? And has the people reached a level of political consciousness … [read more]

Iraq: Rethinking the period of Qasim

Comments by Lars AkerhaugFollowing considerations are a comment to "On the pending Political Front of the Iraqi Resistance" by Willi Langthaler reproduced on this website.While the general view on the left was that the support of Qasim materialized in the slogan "No leader but Qasim" (la za`im ila qarim`) was opportunistic, I consider this a mistake. The position was at the time a correct assessment of the situation. Qasim was the only Iraqi leader who had the potential of uniting Iraq on an anti-imperialist basis and also creating a political unity between Shia`s, Kurds and Sunni Arabs. This position triggered the old classes, the Sunni arabs, `Ulama and the Mosuli Turkmen, and forced them partly to apply an anti-imperialist guise in their opposition to Qasim.If we draw a parallel to … [read more]

3rd Cairo Conference

Resolution and reportIn the end of March 2005, the 3rd International Cairo Conference; with the resistance in Palestine and Iraq; against Globalisation, Imperialism and Zionism was organized in the premises of the Syndicate of Journalists in Cairo.Despite the name, it was a very Egyptian conference; Egyptian questions were as much the focus as the Palestinian and Iraqi questions. Three main tendencies may be identified at the conference: 1) The Muslim Brotherhood; 2) Kifaya; 3) "Cairo Social Forum". The Muslim Brotherhood probably represents one of the biggest mass movements in Egypt, and was using the conference as an arena for demonstrating strength. An example was the opening where they filled the meeting hall with student activists and arranged prayer in the registration area. They … [read more]

On the pending Political Front of the Iraqi Resistance

US-sponsored elections did not stabilise puppet regime, but reveal unresolved task of the resistanceElections…—the last asset of the occupationTwo years into the occupation all efforts of the United States to stabilise their puppet regime by providing it with a stable social base have been frustrated. The resistance movement has not only remained militarily powerful, but is wielding considerable influence within the popular masses.In the upper reaches of the Tigris and Euphrates and the Sunni population in general, where traditional family and clan ties have been more preserved, the resistance enjoys overwhelming support providing the base for popular insurgencies as we have seen in Falluja, Ramadi, Samarra, Ba…‘quba and even in parts of the metropolises Mosul and Baghdad. Another … [read more]

The cycle of the World Social Forum draws to a close

Anti-imperialist Forum to emergeWhen the Brazilian president Lula addressed the inaugural session of the World Social Forum (WSF) taking place in January in Porto Alegre, he was rocked by loud protest chants expressing the widespread disappointment with the unfulfilled promises for a significant social change. It was symbolic importance that Lula subsequently flew directly to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, against which the anti-globalisation movement had been emerging. Later in the week, when the Venezuelan president joint the gathering, signs read "Chavez yes, Lula no". The development of the Brazilian Worker´s Party (PT) and Lula´s personal career emblematically show the turn the WSF – of which the PT is an integral and leading part – took towards integration … [read more]

Of good and bad dictators

Why the Uzbek popular movement does not fit US designsOnly two weeks ago Bush, visiting Tbilissi, has been praising the series of what he happened to call "democratic revolutions" in Ukraine, Georgia and ultimately Kyrgyzstan. What he actually meant were palace coups within the pro-US oligarchy using and canalising the popular discontent with the dictatorial capitalists elites to bring to power puppets even more servile to Washington – but not less corrupt. The most striking example was the Ukraine where the movement against the oligarch Kutchma, who had sent troops to Iraq to serve his masters, had chosen as its icon the main figure of the mafia which enriched herself by stealing state property in connivance with Kutchma, namely Timoshenko. No different in the other places. Under the … [read more]

Afghan communist protesters need your help

Sign the call and take local protest action!Free the arrested of the protests in Jalalabad including three communists!To demonstrate against US occupation is a democratic right!In the latest street protests in Jalalabad from May 10-15 the people took to the street en masse against the US occupation and the regime it installed in Kabul.# Sign this call and send it to the local Afghan embassy. Inform us if you are able to take local protest action.#Karzai, the president imposed by Washington, immediately blamed it on "Islamic fundamentalist terrorism" in order to justify the brutal repression unleashed by his police. Also the "Peace Keeping Forces" were involved in the massacre left about 20 dead and 100 injured. About 100 people have been arrested many of whom have been tortured in order … [read more]

اتهامات سخيÙ?Ù‡ هدÙ?ها تشويه مصداقية المعلومات التي تنشرÙ

بيان بأسم لجنة العراق الحر Ù?ÙŠ الدنماركنشرت إحدى أشهر صحÙ? الدنمارك(اليولند بوستن) معلومات أذاعها التلÙ?از الدنماركي بعد ذلك بقليل Ù…Ù?ادها أن لجنة العراق الحر هي جزء من محاولة لاعادة تكوين حزب البعث Ù?ÙŠ اوربا وان اللجنة … [read more]

Absurd accusations to discredit real information about Iraq

Press release from the Danish Committee for a Free IraqJune 6, 2005In the Danish daily Jyllands-Posten and the tv-station TV2, on June 6, the Danish Committee for a Free Iraq is linked to a so-called Saddam Party, which is claimed to be under formation "in Europe and maybe in Denmark" (1). Allegations insinuate that we call for terror.We would like to make absolutely clear that the link between us and the alleged formation of a "Saddam Party" is completely without any foundation and profoundly absurd. The same goes for the accusation that we encourage terror. We view this smear campaign as an intent to criminalize political protest and to use the terror legislation to suppress freedom of speech. We regard the smear campaign against us as an emotional intent to discredit and suppress … [read more]

Massacre in Uzbekistan and the lies of the Greater Middle East Project

by Özgür Der, Turkey5 May 2005Free Thought and Educational Rights Association (Ozgur-Der)´s Address to the Enlarged Meeting of Int´l Political Committee, Anti- imperialist Camp Florence, ItalyDear participants, representatives of anti- imperialist organizations and the people against imperialist oppression;Massacre in UzbekistanLies of the Middle East Project and the Ugly Face of ImperialismUSA and other imperialist western powers who applauded, encouraged and supported the masses calling for "freedom" in Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan had chosen to play three monkeys when it comes to Uzbekistan. When they must to say something they played the same song altogether, they took attention to the so-called "terror threat".The demonstrations and the oppression operations occurred first in … [read more]

Solidarity with Arnaldo Otegi, leader of Batasuna

Declaration of the Anti-imperialist CampZapatero lies!In an act of unacceptable aggression against the Basque people, against its fundamental democratic rights and against a negotiated political solution of the armed conflict in Euskal Herria the Social Democrat government of Luis Rodrà­guez Zapatero detained the speaker of the Basque political party Batasuna, namely Arnaldo Otegi. Only against a bail of Euro 400.000 he was set free.Again the Spanish state has furnished a proof for the fact that it is a "democracy" transformed into a police state. Sinister anti-terrorist tribunals continue to highjack political dissidents without serious juridical evidence except the purely political accusation of "membership in the ETA". This formula has turned into a general slander against everybody … [read more]

French people inflict heavy blow on EU oligarchy

Ultra-liberalist constitution spoiledIt were the workers and the lower classes in general who voted en masse against the constitution drafted by the capitalist oligarchy containing in substance the canonisation of ultra-liberalism and the militarization on the side of the US Empire. The French referendum produced a class polarisation not seen for decades. The oligarchy is upset and bewildered. Playing democracy bears the risk to loose. Therefore in most other countries the elites did already ratify their pact refusing any popular scrutiny on it. They claim that the project of the constitution – which is nothing less than the end of the at least formal reference to the sovereignty of the people and the legalization of the oligarchy – will be carried on regardless of the French vote. … [read more]

PRD and LMND´s activists arrested from Fighting against Eviction of Vendors In Makassar, South Sula

After Palembang-South Sulawesi, today vendors around Hassanuddin University (UNHAS) in Makassar South Sulawesi also being evicted by the police and campus security guards. Hundreds of vendors together with activists from National Student League for for Democracy-LMND UNHAS commissar, and some democratic movement in Makassar including People´s Democratic Party (PRD) of Makassar, backed up the demonstration. Military and thugs repressed the protest action; they attacked, hit, and throw vendors and students holding out at stalls around campus. Five people arrested and taken to the regional police station, they are: Rudi (Chairperson of LMND South Sulawesi Region, Alif (Chairperson of Regional Ladership Committee of PRD South Sulawesil), Stuben (Chairperson of LMND 1945 University … [read more]

Demolition of Arab houses in Haifa

call for protest actionStatement of The popular committee against the demolition of the Arab houses in HaifaCall for an urgent meeting and rally to protest the demolition of Arab house in HaifaPlease raise hell and email or fax your letters to the city council of Haifa NOWOnce again Haifa city council targets the Arab-populated neighborhoods in Haifa and issue another administrative order to demolish, this time the house owned by the Bushkar family located at the eastern entrance to the city of Haifa .The Haifa city council has failed once again to commit and adhere to the previously agreed upon mutual understanding between the city council and the owners of the house subject for demolition backed up by the various popular committees, neighborhood council and the Arab kenesset members … [read more]

"Cats do not catch mice simply for the sake of God"

Letter from Afghan communists to the Italian peopleIn Afghanistan there have been working more than 2500 local and foreigner NGOs where most of them are blamed for not working on fundamental projects. For the people the meaning of NGO is a shop or source to make money. Before presidential election Mr. Ramazan Bashar Dost former Planning Minister resigned when his attempts to bring under control the foreigner NGOs that never respect or observe the law of Afghanistan failed. He accused and terminated around 2000 NGOs for corruption and theft of funds in the name of people of Afghanistan. But the Power of NGOs forced him and his only supporter Mr. Karzai to retreat their serious positions and stop their criticism and let NGOs work openly in Afghanistan.NGOs in general are organizations that … [read more]

Free Avni and Zeynep, Turkish political prisoners in Italy

Appeal to mobilise on the occasion of the first public court hearingOn June 10 the process against the comrades Avni and Zeynep, two political activists unjustly imprisoned since April 1, 2004, for being part of the Turkish association DHKP-C, will begin. This organisation has been defined "terrorist" by the arbitrary Black List of the European Union copied from the one of the imperator Bush. The accusation is constructed around …§270bis which today is even used to arrest homeless who occupy uninhabited houses. The entire enquiry has been conducted under the guise of the "struggle against terrorism" pleasing the Turkish military regime and backing its ferocious repression against the democratic opposition in the interest of capitalism and imperialism.It is enough to point at the recent … [read more]

Italian support initiative to Indian anti-repression week

In concomitance with the all Indian week against repression in Italy two protests rallies were held, one in Milan on May 19 in front of the Indian consulate, and one in Rome on May 20 in front of the Indian embassy. They were organised by the Italian section of the World People´s Resistance Movement "Proletarian Communists", the Anti-imperialist Camp and the Nepal Solidarity Committee.Banners were put up calling for the end of the repression, to halt the killing, torture and the arrests of activists for social and political rights of the popular masses. The speakers expressed their support to the Indian revolutionary movement as well as the Nepalese one.In Rome a protest petition was handed over to a representative of the embassy. … [read more]

Three Afghan communists threatened by death sentence

Call for solidarity by Left Radicals of Afghanistan3 LRA Cadres were arrested in JalalabadThe massive anti US and Kabul regime insurrection in Jalalabad and rest of 15 provinces were repressed severely by local police and imperialist "peace keeping forces" in 10-15 May 2005. More than 20 were killed and more than100 were injured and around 100 were arrested during the uprising and punished violently. As result of several attempts and protests of detainees´ families, most of them were released after aggressive and brutal investigation. The investigation and inspection of civilian homes have been continuing by local police, intelligent services and other nets of imperialists in the suspicious provinces of Afghanistan to hunt anti occupation elements.On 20 May 2005 three members of Left … [read more]

Vive le Non!

Victory to the French Campaign to reject the European constitution. Let us fight the neo-liberal and pro-American Europe1. On the 29th of May France is deciding on the European constitution, on the basis of a referendum. In many other countries, especially where opposition to EU is strongest, the ruling elites have made impossible such referendums. Not so in France – perhaps a serious tactical blunder. A French "No" could really topple the whole project of an European constitution, and this outcome is not unlikely: the last polls have seen the "No" constantly leading by several points. On top of that, the "No" is supported by parts of the establishment, most important Laurent Fabius, prime minister under Mitterand and an minister of finance in the government of Jospin. This renders a … [read more]

All India People´s Resistance Forum (AIPRF) & Struggling Forum for People´s Resistance (SFPR) merg

Press Release23rd May, 2005, New DelhiUnity DeclarationIn the joint executive meeting held on 20th May, 2005, the …‘Struggling Forum for People´s Resistance´ (SFPR) & …‘All India People´s Resistance Forum´ (AIPRF) decided to merge in a single organisation named Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF). It is known to all that both the organisations have been fighting against the exploitation and repression of imperialism, comprador bourgeoisie and feudalism and supporting the agrarian revolutionary movements going on in India for a long time. It is a good development for the toiling and patriotic people of India who want an end to their misery and seek liberation from the clutches of imperialist sharks and anti-national and anti-people bureaucrat capitalist and feudal classes … [read more]

Venezuela…—heading towards revolution?

Observations on Chávez, the state and the left from within the Bolivarian processIf we try to gauge some general elements of situations in the 20th century when a revolutionary change could happen, we usually find a crisis of hegemony and of the state of the old ruling elites, an organised political vanguard and a vanguard political project that is accepted by the people as a path to liberation from an unbearable situation.The questions in the context of Venezuela are thus the following: Has the end of the System of Punto Fijo [1] led to a crisis of the bourgeois state? Can president Hugo Chávez stand in for the non-existing collective vanguard to transform the process his government started in 1999 into a popular revolution? And has the people reached a level of political consciousness … [read more]

Iraq: Rethinking the period of Qasim

Comments by Lars AkerhaugFollowing considerations are a comment to "On the pending Political Front of the Iraqi Resistance" by Willi Langthaler reproduced on this website.While the general view on the left was that the support of Qasim materialized in the slogan "No leader but Qasim" (la za`im ila qarim`) was opportunistic, I consider this a mistake. The position was at the time a correct assessment of the situation. Qasim was the only Iraqi leader who had the potential of uniting Iraq on an anti-imperialist basis and also creating a political unity between Shia`s, Kurds and Sunni Arabs. This position triggered the old classes, the Sunni arabs, `Ulama and the Mosuli Turkmen, and forced them partly to apply an anti-imperialist guise in their opposition to Qasim.If we draw a parallel to … [read more]

3rd Cairo Conference

Resolution and reportIn the end of March 2005, the 3rd International Cairo Conference; with the resistance in Palestine and Iraq; against Globalisation, Imperialism and Zionism was organized in the premises of the Syndicate of Journalists in Cairo.Despite the name, it was a very Egyptian conference; Egyptian questions were as much the focus as the Palestinian and Iraqi questions. Three main tendencies may be identified at the conference: 1) The Muslim Brotherhood; 2) Kifaya; 3) "Cairo Social Forum". The Muslim Brotherhood probably represents one of the biggest mass movements in Egypt, and was using the conference as an arena for demonstrating strength. An example was the opening where they filled the meeting hall with student activists and arranged prayer in the registration area. They … [read more]

On the pending Political Front of the Iraqi Resistance

US-sponsored elections did not stabilise puppet regime, but reveal unresolved task of the resistanceElections…—the last asset of the occupationTwo years into the occupation all efforts of the United States to stabilise their puppet regime by providing it with a stable social base have been frustrated. The resistance movement has not only remained militarily powerful, but is wielding considerable influence within the popular masses.In the upper reaches of the Tigris and Euphrates and the Sunni population in general, where traditional family and clan ties have been more preserved, the resistance enjoys overwhelming support providing the base for popular insurgencies as we have seen in Falluja, Ramadi, Samarra, Ba…‘quba and even in parts of the metropolises Mosul and Baghdad. Another … [read more]

The cycle of the World Social Forum draws to a close

Anti-imperialist Forum to emergeWhen the Brazilian president Lula addressed the inaugural session of the World Social Forum (WSF) taking place in January in Porto Alegre, he was rocked by loud protest chants expressing the widespread disappointment with the unfulfilled promises for a significant social change. It was symbolic importance that Lula subsequently flew directly to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, against which the anti-globalisation movement had been emerging. Later in the week, when the Venezuelan president joint the gathering, signs read "Chavez yes, Lula no". The development of the Brazilian Worker´s Party (PT) and Lula´s personal career emblematically show the turn the WSF – of which the PT is an integral and leading part – took towards integration … [read more]

Of good and bad dictators

Why the Uzbek popular movement does not fit US designsOnly two weeks ago Bush, visiting Tbilissi, has been praising the series of what he happened to call "democratic revolutions" in Ukraine, Georgia and ultimately Kyrgyzstan. What he actually meant were palace coups within the pro-US oligarchy using and canalising the popular discontent with the dictatorial capitalists elites to bring to power puppets even more servile to Washington – but not less corrupt. The most striking example was the Ukraine where the movement against the oligarch Kutchma, who had sent troops to Iraq to serve his masters, had chosen as its icon the main figure of the mafia which enriched herself by stealing state property in connivance with Kutchma, namely Timoshenko. No different in the other places. Under the … [read more]