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Supporters of the Call for an Int´l Conference in Support of the Iraqi Resistance

As of 25 June 2005(sorted by area and alphabetically)IraqIraqi Flame (Wahaj el-Iraq), IraqIraqi Patriotic Alliance IPAPatriotic Democratic Communist Current, IraqPeople`s Struggle Movement (Al Kifah), IraqPro Iraqi and Arab solidarity associationsDanish Committee for a Free IraqFree Iraq Committee AustriaFree Iraq Committee GermanyFree Iraq Committee HungaryFree Iraq Committee ItalyFree Iraq Committee NorwayFrench Committee of the First Int´l Conference for the Support of the Resistance of the Iraqi PeopleGinette Hess Skandrani, President of the solidarity network with Palestinian People "La Pierre et L`Olivier", FranceGreek Initiative for Solidarity to Iraqi ResistanceIraq Committee Lund, SwedenIraq Committee Malmö, SwedenIraq Solidarity Stockholm, SwedenMohammed Belfilalya, … [read more]

Call for Int`l Conference in Support of Iraqi Resistance

Rome, 1-2 Octobre, 2005 Support the Iraqi Resistance! Towards the fifth anniversary of the Intifada: Build international support for the Iraqi Resistance! We, the undersigned, call for an international conference in support of the Iraqi Resistance on October 1/2, 2005, to coincide with the anniversary of the Intifada. The venue of the conference will be Italy as the popular opposition against war and occupation was paramount while the government continues to be one of the most important allies of the US providing some 3.000 occupation troops. Massive opposition was mounted against the war and occupation of Iraq. But for all those who opposed the war and occupation of Iraq it is now necessary to move on also with a clear support to the Iraqi resistance that is struggling to … [read more]

3 months prison for calling to boycott US products

Jordan: the case of Ali HattarOn Sunday, 24th of April, 2005, The Jordanian Court has sentenced the writer and engineer Ali Hattar for three months of Imprisonment on the basis of Article 191 of the Jordanian Criminal Law accusing him of reviling the Jordanian Government in a lecture he gave in public 4 months ago, asking people to Boycott the US products and listing the brutal history of the US policy towards the world. The Case of Mr. Hattar remains a part of a whole Arabic people´s resistance against Imperialism and its puppets in the Arab World area, at the same time the US administration and its allies allege the attempts of reforms and democracy. Nevertheless, Mr. Hattar´s case is still one of many cases that freedom fighters and patriotic people face for their freedom and the … [read more]

Peasant, workers´ and student revolt in Afghanistan against US occupation

Letter from Jalalabad communistsDeath with US GovernmentSince last week the political – security situation of Afghanistan goes towards disturbance, insecure which challenge the existence of specially US invader forces inside the country.Apparently the angry demo rise following the report of Newsweek magazine on 9 May which reports interrogatory of American authorities in Guantanamo against Koran in front of detainees where have been held about 520 inmates. But it is not the full story.It is clear that any riot and mass movement arise from series causes and ground, not as some thing incidental. Of course this is the nature of all dictator rulers to hide true and real roots and reasons of such anti rulers´ movements in the history.So the recent uprising of peasants, worker and wage … [read more]

Anti-globalists protested against Bush visit to Moscow

As President Bush arrived in Moscow on May 8, the antiglobalist resistance placed a banner with the slogan `Bush, go away` on the bridge near the USA embassy. The banner was soon taken away by police, as its activity was extraordinary during the celebration of the Victory Day.***An anonymous communist participants: In general the meeting was very sad, as I could watch a set of opportunists and reformists from the CPRF, who controlled the meeting. Today people were very much infuriated as they were allowed to hold only a meeting instead of the traditional rally because of the heads of states, who came to Moscow to celebrate the Great Victory. When about 20 thousand people came to the square, they revealed themselves surrounded by about the same amount of riot police and internal troops. It … [read more]

Communist movement still alive in Afghanistan

Left Radical of Afghanistan (LRA)On Occasion of May FirstWorkers International DayAfter respect to the valuable blood of Chicago workers, we would like to celebrate first May not by chanting emotional slogans, but would like to point at five important points for the awareness of Afghanistan workers. Because in this tertiary lack of political- class culture not only workers but most of Left intellectuals as well have vagueness regarding the tasks of working class, Marxist literatures, workers international solidarity, socialist scientific theory and ……1- Tasks of ProletariatsBefore explaining working class historical and revolutionary tasks, it is most worth of mentioning that: in the opinion of numbers of left intellectuals, "there is no originally working class in Afghanistan, … [read more]

Basque left shows strong vital sign

Anti-imperialist CampThe last years were characterised by an unprecedented wave of repression against the Basque independence movement on all levels. The Spanish government use the "anti-terror" hysteria instigated after September 11 to strike against any form of expression of Basque national aspirations. Batasuna, the party coalition of the Basque left gathering about 15-20% of the electorate was simply banned, silencing a significant part of the population. This incredible violation of the most elementary democratic rights passed without any questioning by the European Union although Batasuna continued to hold elected members of the European Parliament. This alone (not to mention the ban on news outlets and the rapid growth of the number of Basque political prisoners) displays the … [read more]

14 reasons for the communists and other revolutionaries to say no to the European constitution

Draft by the Communist Party of the Peoples of SpainThe communists signing below and coming from various countries and organizations, coincide in saying NO to the proposed EU Constitution text.Without engaging in a detailed analysis of the Treaty that fixes the EU Constitution - a text which is entirely at the service of the great capitalist groups and against the interests the worker in the EU - we shall summarize our reasons to REFUSE this Treaty:1) It consolidates a super-state which, by means of institutions such as its Presidency, its Foreign Affairs Ministry and its army, transfers the sovereignty from its member states (since their Constitutions are subordinated to the European one) and installs the role of the market economy as its fundamental law.2) It reinforces the … [read more]

Indian Government Supported by the Left Parties Steps up Repression

Defend the Popular and Revolutionary MovementIn the last decade India was largely ruled by the Hindu-chauvinist upper caste-class BJP coalition government which systematically aligned with the US and Israel. It did not only implement the notorious ultra-liberalist recipes demanded by the IMF and the WB which let the Indian and as well as Western business community rejoice faced with the huge fortunes they could make in a few years only. They also stood for Hindu upper caste chauvinism (Hindutva) unleashing ferocious repression against the lower castes and especially the Muslim community which have been collectively tapped to be terrorist – in line with the US crusade against Islam. The climax was the genocide of Gujarat in 2002 where thousands of Muslims were slaughtered by the Hindutva … [read more]

Pax Americana in Medio Oriente?

EditorialDie jüngsten Ereignisse im Nahen Osten, in Palästina, Libanon und Syrien scheinen eine lang gehegte Hoffnung der USA endlich wahr werden zu lassen: Nicht so sehr der Frieden, als vielmehr die Befriedung des Nahen Ostens – in einem US-amerikanischen Sinne – scheint in erreichbare Nähe gerückt zu sein. Mahmoud Abbas macht als Präsident der Palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde weder seiner politischen Vergangenheit als Mitglied der alten Kämpfergarde der Fatah noch seinem Titel Ehre. Nicht so sehr scheint er Präsident der Palästinenserinnen und Palästinenser zu sein, als vielmehr Statthalter von Sharons und Bushs Gnaden über die besetzen Gebiete. Was dort vonstatten geht, ist nicht mehr und nicht weniger als der Ausverkauf aller Rechte und Bestrebungen, für die das … [read more]

US declares Indian Naxalites terrorist!

Press Release of CPI (Maoist)Declaring CPI (Maoist) as …‘terrorist´ by the US imperialists is direct intervention in the internal affairs of India!Oppose the attempts by the Congress-led government at the Centre and in AP to proscribe the CPI (Maoist)!On 27th April, the world´s greatest terrorist and the No. 1 Enemy of the world people…—US imperialism…—under its gangster President George Bush Jr., has declared the newly-formed CPI (Maoist) Party in India and the ULFA as terrorist. This is not at all a surprise for anyone watching the strategy of the American imperialists particularly since the 1990s. In order to achieve undisputed Global hegemony and to plunder the resources of the Third World countries without any hindrance, the US imperialists have to first stamp out every … [read more]

CP of India (Maoist) condemns Indian arms supply to Nepal

Condemn the UPA government´s plans to supply arms to the reactionary, autocratic Gyanendra´s military regime in Nepal!Unite to fight the sinister designs of US imperialism and Indian expansionism to attack the revolutionary bases in Nepal!Communist Party of India (Maoist)The Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, after his meeting with the autocratic fascist monarch of Nepal, King Gyanendra, on 23rd April in Indonesia, declared that the Indian government would supply arms and other …‘aid´ to his barbaric medieval regime if the "Emergency" is lifted or relaxed. A clear understanding was arrived at in the meeting between these two that the King would turn …‘benevolent´ within a short time and permit some form of democracy in his country. The entire talk of restoration of … [read more]

Protest against NATO conference in Sweden

An international NATO conference with all its members and its partners will be held in the north of Sweden on May the 24-25. Among other participants we can see the USA foreign minister Condoleezza Rice and UKs Jack Straw.It will be held in the part of the country there we act and we and a big number of organisations in Sweden will cooperate to protest loudly against any participation of Sweden in this partnership. We are living in a democratic country and can´t accept an organisation that is oppressing such a big part of the world with its military force. We know that we have a world opinion backing us up and we will hand a list of opposing Swedish organisations as well as Swedish individuals to our minister of foreign affairs, who will be the host of this meeting.To strengthen our … [read more]

Out of the Empire! The Brigands´ Festival

14-17 July, 2005, Piombino, ItalyParco della PinetinaRiotorto di Piombino (LI), ItalyWhile protest seems to be withdrawing back into its shell, those wielding power and bursting with arrogance remain. The US imperialists, with the blessing of their European allies and the other capitalist powers, remain in Iraq although the popular Resistance is striking them hard. They remain in Afghanistan despite the fact that vast zones are under the control of the guerrilla. They keep besieging occupied Palestine, Cuba and Bolivarian Venezuela. They remain in Italy forcing us under their yoke through their military bases and their bipartisan puppet politicians. They intend to take steps against the Colombian revolution and any nation refusing to subordinate to them. They want to imprison us in their … [read more]

Bangladesh: poor working condition case the death of 76 garment workers

Protests spread throughout the countryIn the recent Tragedy 76 garment workers dead body were found but reality more. In that factory NGWF had 39 members and associate workers on which 5 dead and 12 injured. From the beginning we are very much involve and active. In the first stage we had 2 urgent things : hand over the dead body to their families, take care about the treatment of the injured . We did it and doing according to our capacity. Second thing was spontaneous protest. In the mean time NGWF organized 2 press conferences along and jointly. 3 central demonstrations in capital city Dhaka. 2 demonstrations in SAVAR. 5 demonstrations in our garment industrial districts and areas.Day before yesterday NGWF took decision to stronger this protest, bring the protest in whole country ( … [read more]

Haiti: repression by US imposed regime

HAITIAN GRASSROOTS WOMAN ACTIVIST & LABOR LEADERS ARRESTED, HARASSED BY POLICE The situation in Haiti continues to be critical. Since the US backed coup of February 29, 2004 followed by the occupation of Haiti first by US Marines and then by UN forces, approximately 10,000 Haitians have been killed and over one thousand jailed. Grassroots leaders and other supporters of President Aristide are under constant threat. Your help is urgently needed to oppose the most recent arrest and harassment of grassroots labor leaders, an attack clearly aimed at undermining and silencing grassroots resistance to the occupation, attempting to halt the right to travel outside of Haiti, as well as stifling international solidarity. This harassment violates the protections of the right to organize workers … [read more]

Justice is not possible under the nose of Modi

An appeal to protect fundamental rights of POTA victims in GujaratCivil Liberties express its deep concern over the condition of POTA victims of gujrat, detained in Sabarmati jail Ahmadabad, though POTA review committee visited the Ahmadabad and conducted its review work, but this all process are not satisfactory, because the modi set to all measures to sabotage the hearings of PRC.The committee which is headed by Rtd justice sagar chand jain and with two other members conducted enquiry in such a manner that the Advocates and the accused did not present their cases properly , the Advocates/victims and the relatives are not satisfied with this proceedings. Civil liberties strongly feel that committee it self under the pressure of Modi´s crime branch officials. The crime branch of … [read more]

Oppose and Resist UPA Government´s Repression on People´s Movements

Fight Back Barbaric State Massacres of Revolutionaries in Andhra PradeshDear friends and comrades,Over the past one year, the Congress-led UPA Government at the Centre has been unleashing brutal repression on people´s movements all over India. As if to show its true face, on the eve of the completion of one year of the Manmohan-Sonia regime, a specially arranged Chief Ministers´ meet under the chairmanship of the Union Home Minister, Shivraj Patil held on 15th April 2005 declared that internal security of the country arising from the growth of Naxalite Movement is the main threat that the Government has to deal with. The proceedings of this high-level meet that was addressed by the so-called soft-spoken Prime Minister in the harshest of words, clearly indicates a major shift in policy … [read more]

Despite absolution, way back to Germany remains blocked

The case of Fadi Madi exemplifies Germany´s role on the side of the USHaving gone along completely with the wishes of the Zionist movement and U.S. imperialism, the German government refused to allow brother Fadi Madi back into Germany despite a decision by a German court absolving him of all charges brought against him by Zionists. His expulsion came on the heels of a German decision to prevent the First Arab Islamic Conference in Europe from taking place in Germany a few months ago due to Zionist pressure, especially from Simone Weisenthal Center and its allies. The Arab Islamic Conference was being organized primarily by Fadi Madi.The Anti-US and Israeli Globalization and Hegemony Movement insists thereof that it will continue its struggle in support of the steadfastedness of our … [read more]

Is there justice in Turkey? Imagine it for yourself!

Invitation to observe a trial by the "Platform against Isolation"On May 16 in Istanbul, a mass trial of the accused arrested in the April 1 operation will take place. On April 1, 2004, raids were carried out simultaneously in five countries. It was presented as an operation against the illegal DHKP-C. The operations in Holland, Belgium and Germany were based on a proposal by the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, a close friend of the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and were carried out as part of EU police cooperation. Around 100 persons were arrested in Turkey alone.On the pretext of storming terror cells of the DHKP-C, what actually happened were raids against democratic and legal institutions which had permission to exist from the Ministry of the Interior. … [read more]

Supporters of the Call for an Int´l Conference in Support of the Iraqi Resistance

As of 25 June 2005(sorted by area and alphabetically)IraqIraqi Flame (Wahaj el-Iraq), IraqIraqi Patriotic Alliance IPAPatriotic Democratic Communist Current, IraqPeople`s Struggle Movement (Al Kifah), IraqPro Iraqi and Arab solidarity associationsDanish Committee for a Free IraqFree Iraq Committee AustriaFree Iraq Committee GermanyFree Iraq Committee HungaryFree Iraq Committee ItalyFree Iraq Committee NorwayFrench Committee of the First Int´l Conference for the Support of the Resistance of the Iraqi PeopleGinette Hess Skandrani, President of the solidarity network with Palestinian People "La Pierre et L`Olivier", FranceGreek Initiative for Solidarity to Iraqi ResistanceIraq Committee Lund, SwedenIraq Committee Malmö, SwedenIraq Solidarity Stockholm, SwedenMohammed Belfilalya, … [read more]

Call for Int`l Conference in Support of Iraqi Resistance

Rome, 1-2 Octobre, 2005 Support the Iraqi Resistance! Towards the fifth anniversary of the Intifada: Build international support for the Iraqi Resistance! We, the undersigned, call for an international conference in support of the Iraqi Resistance on October 1/2, 2005, to coincide with the anniversary of the Intifada. The venue of the conference will be Italy as the popular opposition against war and occupation was paramount while the government continues to be one of the most important allies of the US providing some 3.000 occupation troops. Massive opposition was mounted against the war and occupation of Iraq. But for all those who opposed the war and occupation of Iraq it is now necessary to move on also with a clear support to the Iraqi resistance that is struggling to … [read more]

3 months prison for calling to boycott US products

Jordan: the case of Ali HattarOn Sunday, 24th of April, 2005, The Jordanian Court has sentenced the writer and engineer Ali Hattar for three months of Imprisonment on the basis of Article 191 of the Jordanian Criminal Law accusing him of reviling the Jordanian Government in a lecture he gave in public 4 months ago, asking people to Boycott the US products and listing the brutal history of the US policy towards the world. The Case of Mr. Hattar remains a part of a whole Arabic people´s resistance against Imperialism and its puppets in the Arab World area, at the same time the US administration and its allies allege the attempts of reforms and democracy. Nevertheless, Mr. Hattar´s case is still one of many cases that freedom fighters and patriotic people face for their freedom and the … [read more]

Peasant, workers´ and student revolt in Afghanistan against US occupation

Letter from Jalalabad communistsDeath with US GovernmentSince last week the political – security situation of Afghanistan goes towards disturbance, insecure which challenge the existence of specially US invader forces inside the country.Apparently the angry demo rise following the report of Newsweek magazine on 9 May which reports interrogatory of American authorities in Guantanamo against Koran in front of detainees where have been held about 520 inmates. But it is not the full story.It is clear that any riot and mass movement arise from series causes and ground, not as some thing incidental. Of course this is the nature of all dictator rulers to hide true and real roots and reasons of such anti rulers´ movements in the history.So the recent uprising of peasants, worker and wage … [read more]

Anti-globalists protested against Bush visit to Moscow

As President Bush arrived in Moscow on May 8, the antiglobalist resistance placed a banner with the slogan `Bush, go away` on the bridge near the USA embassy. The banner was soon taken away by police, as its activity was extraordinary during the celebration of the Victory Day.***An anonymous communist participants: In general the meeting was very sad, as I could watch a set of opportunists and reformists from the CPRF, who controlled the meeting. Today people were very much infuriated as they were allowed to hold only a meeting instead of the traditional rally because of the heads of states, who came to Moscow to celebrate the Great Victory. When about 20 thousand people came to the square, they revealed themselves surrounded by about the same amount of riot police and internal troops. It … [read more]

Communist movement still alive in Afghanistan

Left Radical of Afghanistan (LRA)On Occasion of May FirstWorkers International DayAfter respect to the valuable blood of Chicago workers, we would like to celebrate first May not by chanting emotional slogans, but would like to point at five important points for the awareness of Afghanistan workers. Because in this tertiary lack of political- class culture not only workers but most of Left intellectuals as well have vagueness regarding the tasks of working class, Marxist literatures, workers international solidarity, socialist scientific theory and ……1- Tasks of ProletariatsBefore explaining working class historical and revolutionary tasks, it is most worth of mentioning that: in the opinion of numbers of left intellectuals, "there is no originally working class in Afghanistan, … [read more]

Basque left shows strong vital sign

Anti-imperialist CampThe last years were characterised by an unprecedented wave of repression against the Basque independence movement on all levels. The Spanish government use the "anti-terror" hysteria instigated after September 11 to strike against any form of expression of Basque national aspirations. Batasuna, the party coalition of the Basque left gathering about 15-20% of the electorate was simply banned, silencing a significant part of the population. This incredible violation of the most elementary democratic rights passed without any questioning by the European Union although Batasuna continued to hold elected members of the European Parliament. This alone (not to mention the ban on news outlets and the rapid growth of the number of Basque political prisoners) displays the … [read more]

14 reasons for the communists and other revolutionaries to say no to the European constitution

Draft by the Communist Party of the Peoples of SpainThe communists signing below and coming from various countries and organizations, coincide in saying NO to the proposed EU Constitution text.Without engaging in a detailed analysis of the Treaty that fixes the EU Constitution - a text which is entirely at the service of the great capitalist groups and against the interests the worker in the EU - we shall summarize our reasons to REFUSE this Treaty:1) It consolidates a super-state which, by means of institutions such as its Presidency, its Foreign Affairs Ministry and its army, transfers the sovereignty from its member states (since their Constitutions are subordinated to the European one) and installs the role of the market economy as its fundamental law.2) It reinforces the … [read more]

Indian Government Supported by the Left Parties Steps up Repression

Defend the Popular and Revolutionary MovementIn the last decade India was largely ruled by the Hindu-chauvinist upper caste-class BJP coalition government which systematically aligned with the US and Israel. It did not only implement the notorious ultra-liberalist recipes demanded by the IMF and the WB which let the Indian and as well as Western business community rejoice faced with the huge fortunes they could make in a few years only. They also stood for Hindu upper caste chauvinism (Hindutva) unleashing ferocious repression against the lower castes and especially the Muslim community which have been collectively tapped to be terrorist – in line with the US crusade against Islam. The climax was the genocide of Gujarat in 2002 where thousands of Muslims were slaughtered by the Hindutva … [read more]

Pax Americana in Medio Oriente?

EditorialDie jüngsten Ereignisse im Nahen Osten, in Palästina, Libanon und Syrien scheinen eine lang gehegte Hoffnung der USA endlich wahr werden zu lassen: Nicht so sehr der Frieden, als vielmehr die Befriedung des Nahen Ostens – in einem US-amerikanischen Sinne – scheint in erreichbare Nähe gerückt zu sein. Mahmoud Abbas macht als Präsident der Palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde weder seiner politischen Vergangenheit als Mitglied der alten Kämpfergarde der Fatah noch seinem Titel Ehre. Nicht so sehr scheint er Präsident der Palästinenserinnen und Palästinenser zu sein, als vielmehr Statthalter von Sharons und Bushs Gnaden über die besetzen Gebiete. Was dort vonstatten geht, ist nicht mehr und nicht weniger als der Ausverkauf aller Rechte und Bestrebungen, für die das … [read more]

US declares Indian Naxalites terrorist!

Press Release of CPI (Maoist)Declaring CPI (Maoist) as …‘terrorist´ by the US imperialists is direct intervention in the internal affairs of India!Oppose the attempts by the Congress-led government at the Centre and in AP to proscribe the CPI (Maoist)!On 27th April, the world´s greatest terrorist and the No. 1 Enemy of the world people…—US imperialism…—under its gangster President George Bush Jr., has declared the newly-formed CPI (Maoist) Party in India and the ULFA as terrorist. This is not at all a surprise for anyone watching the strategy of the American imperialists particularly since the 1990s. In order to achieve undisputed Global hegemony and to plunder the resources of the Third World countries without any hindrance, the US imperialists have to first stamp out every … [read more]

CP of India (Maoist) condemns Indian arms supply to Nepal

Condemn the UPA government´s plans to supply arms to the reactionary, autocratic Gyanendra´s military regime in Nepal!Unite to fight the sinister designs of US imperialism and Indian expansionism to attack the revolutionary bases in Nepal!Communist Party of India (Maoist)The Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, after his meeting with the autocratic fascist monarch of Nepal, King Gyanendra, on 23rd April in Indonesia, declared that the Indian government would supply arms and other …‘aid´ to his barbaric medieval regime if the "Emergency" is lifted or relaxed. A clear understanding was arrived at in the meeting between these two that the King would turn …‘benevolent´ within a short time and permit some form of democracy in his country. The entire talk of restoration of … [read more]

Protest against NATO conference in Sweden

An international NATO conference with all its members and its partners will be held in the north of Sweden on May the 24-25. Among other participants we can see the USA foreign minister Condoleezza Rice and UKs Jack Straw.It will be held in the part of the country there we act and we and a big number of organisations in Sweden will cooperate to protest loudly against any participation of Sweden in this partnership. We are living in a democratic country and can´t accept an organisation that is oppressing such a big part of the world with its military force. We know that we have a world opinion backing us up and we will hand a list of opposing Swedish organisations as well as Swedish individuals to our minister of foreign affairs, who will be the host of this meeting.To strengthen our … [read more]

Out of the Empire! The Brigands´ Festival

14-17 July, 2005, Piombino, ItalyParco della PinetinaRiotorto di Piombino (LI), ItalyWhile protest seems to be withdrawing back into its shell, those wielding power and bursting with arrogance remain. The US imperialists, with the blessing of their European allies and the other capitalist powers, remain in Iraq although the popular Resistance is striking them hard. They remain in Afghanistan despite the fact that vast zones are under the control of the guerrilla. They keep besieging occupied Palestine, Cuba and Bolivarian Venezuela. They remain in Italy forcing us under their yoke through their military bases and their bipartisan puppet politicians. They intend to take steps against the Colombian revolution and any nation refusing to subordinate to them. They want to imprison us in their … [read more]

Bangladesh: poor working condition case the death of 76 garment workers

Protests spread throughout the countryIn the recent Tragedy 76 garment workers dead body were found but reality more. In that factory NGWF had 39 members and associate workers on which 5 dead and 12 injured. From the beginning we are very much involve and active. In the first stage we had 2 urgent things : hand over the dead body to their families, take care about the treatment of the injured . We did it and doing according to our capacity. Second thing was spontaneous protest. In the mean time NGWF organized 2 press conferences along and jointly. 3 central demonstrations in capital city Dhaka. 2 demonstrations in SAVAR. 5 demonstrations in our garment industrial districts and areas.Day before yesterday NGWF took decision to stronger this protest, bring the protest in whole country ( … [read more]

Haiti: repression by US imposed regime

HAITIAN GRASSROOTS WOMAN ACTIVIST & LABOR LEADERS ARRESTED, HARASSED BY POLICE The situation in Haiti continues to be critical. Since the US backed coup of February 29, 2004 followed by the occupation of Haiti first by US Marines and then by UN forces, approximately 10,000 Haitians have been killed and over one thousand jailed. Grassroots leaders and other supporters of President Aristide are under constant threat. Your help is urgently needed to oppose the most recent arrest and harassment of grassroots labor leaders, an attack clearly aimed at undermining and silencing grassroots resistance to the occupation, attempting to halt the right to travel outside of Haiti, as well as stifling international solidarity. This harassment violates the protections of the right to organize workers … [read more]

Justice is not possible under the nose of Modi

An appeal to protect fundamental rights of POTA victims in GujaratCivil Liberties express its deep concern over the condition of POTA victims of gujrat, detained in Sabarmati jail Ahmadabad, though POTA review committee visited the Ahmadabad and conducted its review work, but this all process are not satisfactory, because the modi set to all measures to sabotage the hearings of PRC.The committee which is headed by Rtd justice sagar chand jain and with two other members conducted enquiry in such a manner that the Advocates and the accused did not present their cases properly , the Advocates/victims and the relatives are not satisfied with this proceedings. Civil liberties strongly feel that committee it self under the pressure of Modi´s crime branch officials. The crime branch of … [read more]

Oppose and Resist UPA Government´s Repression on People´s Movements

Fight Back Barbaric State Massacres of Revolutionaries in Andhra PradeshDear friends and comrades,Over the past one year, the Congress-led UPA Government at the Centre has been unleashing brutal repression on people´s movements all over India. As if to show its true face, on the eve of the completion of one year of the Manmohan-Sonia regime, a specially arranged Chief Ministers´ meet under the chairmanship of the Union Home Minister, Shivraj Patil held on 15th April 2005 declared that internal security of the country arising from the growth of Naxalite Movement is the main threat that the Government has to deal with. The proceedings of this high-level meet that was addressed by the so-called soft-spoken Prime Minister in the harshest of words, clearly indicates a major shift in policy … [read more]

Despite absolution, way back to Germany remains blocked

The case of Fadi Madi exemplifies Germany´s role on the side of the USHaving gone along completely with the wishes of the Zionist movement and U.S. imperialism, the German government refused to allow brother Fadi Madi back into Germany despite a decision by a German court absolving him of all charges brought against him by Zionists. His expulsion came on the heels of a German decision to prevent the First Arab Islamic Conference in Europe from taking place in Germany a few months ago due to Zionist pressure, especially from Simone Weisenthal Center and its allies. The Arab Islamic Conference was being organized primarily by Fadi Madi.The Anti-US and Israeli Globalization and Hegemony Movement insists thereof that it will continue its struggle in support of the steadfastedness of our … [read more]

Is there justice in Turkey? Imagine it for yourself!

Invitation to observe a trial by the "Platform against Isolation"On May 16 in Istanbul, a mass trial of the accused arrested in the April 1 operation will take place. On April 1, 2004, raids were carried out simultaneously in five countries. It was presented as an operation against the illegal DHKP-C. The operations in Holland, Belgium and Germany were based on a proposal by the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, a close friend of the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and were carried out as part of EU police cooperation. Around 100 persons were arrested in Turkey alone.On the pretext of storming terror cells of the DHKP-C, what actually happened were raids against democratic and legal institutions which had permission to exist from the Ministry of the Interior. … [read more]