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Keep open Iraq to the intl solidarity and compromise

Delegation of SCOSI to IraqA delegation of the Spanish Campaign against the Occupation of Iraq and for the Iraqi Sovereignty (SCOSI) travels to IraqSCOSI, Informative NoteIraqSolidaridad ( 18, 2005"The SCOSI wants to highlight, through this new initiative, the need and the solidarity compromise of the international movement against the war and the occupation to maintain open wide the communication channels with the Iraqi people and the political and social organizations who are demanding the immediate withdrawal of the occupation forces, the whole restitution of their sovereignty and the establishment of a democratic and non-sectarian system, which fully respects the political, social and economical rights of the Iraqi population."A delegation of the Spanish … [read more]

Yesterday against Nazi occupation, today against participation in the occupation of Iraq

Norwegian Free Iraq Committee9th of April 50 people gathered in Oslo to commemorate the two-yearanniversary of the seizure of Baghdad and the yearly anniversary ofthe Nazi occupation of Norway."What unites Iraq and WWII is the lies", said more than 90-year oldwar veteran Roald Halvorsen, who was a part of the communistresistance in Norway against the German occupation. The war heroaddressed the public in a strong speech, explaining how the bourgeoisand the reactionaries always will try to portray resistance againstfascism in lies, as happened in Norway as well as in Iraq today.Further the seminar was addressed by Jon Børge Hansen from The UnitedNations Association of Norway (UNA Norway) who explained why theresistance in Iraq is a legitimate resistance and how the securitycouncil is … [read more]

China to train collaborators for the US in Iraq

Sliding towards the acceptance of the status quo"Renmin Ribao", April 1, Iraqi diplomats arrive in Beijing for related trainingTwenty Iraqi diplomats will arrive at the Beijing Capital International Airport at noontime today, and will begin to receive a 30-day diplomatic courses training from tomorrow at China Foreign Affairs University.Iraqi ambassador to China said during an interview with the press that this is the first time postwar Iraq sent diplomats abroad for training.On December 14, 2004, Chinese Ambassador Yang Honglin to Iraq, and president of the Iraqi Foreign Affairs Institute signed on behalf of their respective governments the exchange of notes on China training diplomats for Iraq. According to the aforesaid … [read more]

Update on Repression in Andhra Pradesh

All Indian People´s Resistance ForumIn the ever increasing repression on people´s movements in Andhra Pradesh, there have been two disturbing developments in the last couple of days.The state police machinery began repression in the form of denial of permission to public meetings and unveiling of memorial statues, indiscriminate arrests, tortures, raids on villages and combings just after the first round of talks between the government and the CPI-Maoist and CPI (ML) Janashakti. The spate of encounter killings also started in January and within less than 90 days after the first "encounter" on January 6, the state police, particularly the infamous criminal force Grey Hounds, have killed more than 50 activists including a couple of persons working legally in public life.This growing … [read more]

Towards Building a Resistant Arab People`s Alliance

This is not a statement for collecting signatures. The target of this call is to mobilize Arab and international organizations and militants on the basis of clear and principled militancy, and to form a Resistant Arab People`s Alliance which will be launched after a conference dedicated to this purpose about 6 months from now, and gathers all organizations and individuals who agree on the fundamentals mentioned in the call to discuss mechanisms of action and coordination. This is a call for action on a clear and principled basis regarding Arab popular militancy locally and globally, especially after the infiltration of defeatist currents (through NGO frame works and foreign-funded organizations) that are falsely portraying themselves as "the people`s choice" and in reality, they are far … [read more]

"Resistance with uncovered face"

Sheikh Hassan Al Zargani, foreign affair office of Moqtada SadrQ: Can you give us an update on the situation in the south of Iraq and especially the current of Moqtada Sadr?Our movement started with the fall of the Saddam regime. We took over the responsibility for the medical, food and fuel supply as the Iraqi state was absent. The same applies for the security. We are organizing the people around the mosques guaranteeing security and ending plunder. We even are regulating the traffic.The Sadr movement looks back on a long tradition and is part of the conscience of the Iraqi people. It exists since the 70ies with the first Sadr and continued with the Second Sadr who was martyred in 1999. Now it is carried on under the leadership of Moqtada Sadr after the death of his father, his brother, … [read more]

USA: 40 years of prison for being defense lawyer of Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman

The case of Lynne Steward"I am here not because the government wanted to put me in jail for 40 years, but because I have fought for justice in the United States for 40 years." -Lynne StewartThe case of Lynne Stewart, a civil rights attorney in the U.S. convicted on four counts of aiding terrorists, is a clear attempt to link the American left wing with terrorism, while continuing to destroy civil liberties and criminalize dissent. Stewart was convicted of relaying a message from her jailed client Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, who is serving a life sentence on terror-related charges, to followers in Egypt through a press release read to Reuters. She faces 40 years in prison. Convicted with Stewart were her co-defendents Ahmed Abdel Sattar, a paralegal who is facing a life sentence, and … [read more]

New, brave Europe

Austrian citizen Sandra Bakutz remains in Turkish prison – EU adopts the Turkish junta´s democratic standards On February 10, 2005, Sandra Bakutz was arrested upon arrival on the Istanbul airport. She had flown to Turkey in order to observe a political mass trial of about 80 activists accused of being terrorists. Among those arrested on April 1, 2004, in a concerted operation with several European governments are artists, lawyers and journalists working for legal associations also according to Turkish law. The evidence produced even led the regime press to voice severe doubts (1).For several days the Turkish authorities did not give any explanation for the arrest. Only after repeated interventions of the Austrian diplomatic representation the accusation was revealed: "membership in … [read more]

Program of the oberserver delegation for Sandra Bakutz

29.03.05 12:00 : Lunch in the building of Temel Haklar dernegi (association for basic rights) Ankara 13:00-13:30: information about the trial of Sandra 15:00-18:00 Common meeting with KESK (trade-union), DISK (trade-union), TMOB(Chamber of the architects and engineers Turkey) ,TTB (Medical council Turkey), CHD (association of the contemporary judges) and Mazlum-Der (human right organization) 18:00: Genclik dernegi (Youth association). The youth will depict their obstacles in the fight for democracy, human rights and right of co-determination in the universities. Afterward littleness to eat and tea or coffee 19:00-20:00 Visit of the TAYAD families in Abdi-Ipekci parc 30.03.05 10:45 Trial of Sandra Bakutz Afterwards a press release in fromt of the court room. 12:30-13:30 There will … [read more]

March 19/20: despite crisis, consolidation of pro-resistance forces

The second anniversary of the Anglo-American aggression on Iraq saw once again an impressive international mobilisation for the withdrawal of the occupation troops from Iraq. See the list of places where protest actions took place below (1).Important to notice not only that despite the unavoidable reflux and outright political crisis the movement remains a substantial force; but also that it experienced a clear polarisation which is an expression of a certain maturation. For example in many places like in Rome, Italy, the political platform of the demonstration affirmed the legitimacy of the Iraqi resistance.On the other side the social-democratic character of the leaderships of the Social Forums becomes clearer and clearer. They insist on the reactionary formula "neither war nor terror" … [read more]

Hands off Hisbollah – the only guarantee for democracy!

On March 10 the European Parliament approved with a big majority a resolution declaring the popular and anti-imperialist Lebanese movement Hizbollah a "terrorist organization". They thus followed the US which has included Hizbollah already to their "black list". The declaration calls upon the European Council to take the necessary steps against this organization. This has been said only a few days after the giant demonstration organized by Hizbollah against the imperialist interference. Nearly 30% of the population took to the streets of Beirut which are according to the European parliament all terrorists.This resolution shows the recovered unity between the US and the European imperialists. As usually in the name of "democracy" they commonly call for the withdrawal of the Syrian troops … [read more]

Draft Programme and Prices

Solidarity Delegation to PalestineThe Solidarity Delegation will take place in the last two weeks of August 2005, i. e. August 14th to 28th. In the first week we have planned visits and meetings with representatives of political, cultural and social organisations of the Palestinian resistance movement as well as with anti-Zionist Jewish organisations; in the second week we´ve planned to work in a social structure for the Palestinian population.Draft Programme (subject to change):Bethlehem and settlements in the area:Tour of the city, surrounding settlements, refugee camp, the wall. Israel is building a ring of settlements around Jerusalem to systematically fracture Palestinian Territories and eventually incorporate them into the Jewish settlement areas. The Israeli settlement policy is … [read more]

Campaign to free Manal and her son Nour from Israeli prison

Addameer"We kiss each other with our fingers"(Majed, Prisoner Manal`s son)"When they attacked us with water hoses, I hid my baby in my bosom and ran to the safest place in the cell to protect him as much as I could".(Prisoner Manal Ghanim)Addameer Prisoners` Support and Human Rights AssociationCAMPAIGN TO FREE MANAL AND NOUR LAUNCHED TODAYRamallah - 21 March 2005. Addameer Prisoners Support and Human Rights Association (Addameer) today launched a campaign demanding that the Israeli government release Palestinian female prisoner Manal Naji Mahmoud Ghanim, 29 years old from Tulkarem, and her child Nour, 1 and a half years old, who have been imprisoned since 17 April 2003. Both Manal and Nour are being held in Telmond Prison. Manal, who suffers from Thalasemia, was arrested while she was … [read more]

أطروحة من أجل حركة جديدة لمناهضة الأمبريالية

  أطروحة من أجل حركة جديدة لمناهضة الأمبرياليةمن المنبر الاجتماعي إلى المنبر المناهض للإمبرياليةلا شك بأن حركة مناهضة العولمة قد لعبت دورا هاما Ù?ÙŠ العقد المتصرم كقوة معارضة للاحتكار الرأسمالي الذي تطور بعد … [read more]

Ù?ÙŠ الذكرى الخامسة لانطلاقة الانتÙ?اضة , لنبني تحالÙ?ا عØ

CampoÙ?ÙŠ الذكرى الخامسة لانطلاقة الانتÙ?اضة لنبني تحالÙ?ا عالميا لدعم المقاومة العراقية !نحن الموقعون أدناه، ندعو إلى مؤتمرعالمي لدعم المقاومة العراقية Ù?ÙŠ شهر أيلول (سبتمبر) Ù?ÙŠ الذكرى الخامسة لانطلاقة الانتÙ?اضة. … [read more]

Istanbul: Protest on the anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq

Ozgur DerThere has been a demonstration held by Ozgur-Der, in Taksim Square in Istanbul to mark the second anniversary of the US-led invasion of Iraq. Despite the cold weather, a crowd of several hundred of people gathered to protest the USA. The demonstration has begun with the speech of Hulya Sekerci, the chairwoman of Ozgur-Der. "The hatred against the USA is growing all around the world. Hundreds of thousands people in different countries have been taking to the streets to denounce the imperialist policies of the US government. The longer those policies continue, the more people will hate the USA in the world." said Hulya Sekerci. Abdurrahman Dilipak, the columnist, mentioned that no soldier want to go to Iraq to take part in the troops because they are afraid of dying in a war which … [read more]

Hunger strike and information weekend on behalf of Iñigo Makazaga and other Basque prisoners

Friday 18th - Sunday 20th MarchLondon… Please help us to publicise this protest and highlight these cases!!! Friday 18th to Sunday 20th March, Basques living in the UK have planned a protest to highlight the lack of justice for prisoners and for their country, and in solidarity with the only Basque held in a British prison, Iñigo Makazaga (HMP Belmarsh). The protesters will be doing a hunger strike in solidarity with Basque prisoners who are currently on their sixth protest. The weekend will also include talks on prisoners` resistance, Iñigo`s case, repression in the Basque Country and other relevant issues. The fact that this conference and protest are taking place on the same weekend of a national demo against the occupation of Iraq and when the use of … [read more]

Russian Day of the Anti-Globalist Resistance

24 March: comemorate Yugoslavia and IraqRussian anti-globalists are going to celebrate the Day of the Anti-globalist resistance on March 24. That date was the beginning of bombardments of Yougoslavia in 1999 - and at the same time the beginning of vehement protests all over the world. When anti-globalists were preparing to celebrate the Day for the first time the US and the UK troops attacked Iraq, so it was the day of protests. Now we are going to celebrate it for the third time. … This still is the day of solidarity of all forces that are struggling against the … new world order". We protest against aggressive politics of the Western countries, against the economic exploitation, against manpulation of conciousness in mass-media and advertising, agaist electronic total control. … [read more]

Védjük meg a palesztinokat és az ellenálláshoz való jogukat!

Felhà­vás a palesztinai szolidaritási delegácià³ra2000 szeptemberà©ben kitört a második Intifáda, egy új felkelà©s az izraeli megszállás ellen. Ariel Sharon, izraeli miniszterelnök közvetlen provokácià³i idà©ztà©k elൠaz esemà©nyt. A palesztin nà©p felkelà©se a elhallgatott osloi bà©keszerzàµdà©sek miatt robbant ki. Azà³ta a Palesztin helyzet súlyosbodott. Több ezren haltak à©s több tà­zezren sà©rültek meg. A mindennapi à©lethez hozzátartozik a tartà³s tilalom, a mentàµk feltartà³ztatása, a házak, iskolák, kà³rházak, termàµföldek lerombolása. Másrà©szràµl a palesztin ellenállás folyamatosan nyomást gyakorol az izraeli kormányra. Az eurà³pai közvà©lemà©ny và©lemà©nye folyamatosan változik a … [read more]

News about al-Kubaysi

by Pedro Rojo and Carlos VareaExcerpt from the the article:La familia de al-Kubaysi informa del lugar y condiciones de detencià³n del dirigente de la Alianza Patrià³tica Iraquà­. La cifra de iraquà­es presos por vinculacià³n con la resistencia aumenta tras las elecciones hasta casi 10.000Pedro Rojo y Carlos Varea, March 3rd, 2005(...)Last week the brother of Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi, Ibrahim, a doctor in the public hospital of Abu Ghraib, told the Campaign Against Occupation and for the Independence of Iraq (CEOSI) in the Spanish state, that the leader of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance had been able to send a letter to his family via the International Red Cross, in which he confirms that he is alive, but conditions in Camp Cropper are extremely poor concerning food and sanitation … [read more]

Keep open Iraq to the intl solidarity and compromise

Delegation of SCOSI to IraqA delegation of the Spanish Campaign against the Occupation of Iraq and for the Iraqi Sovereignty (SCOSI) travels to IraqSCOSI, Informative NoteIraqSolidaridad ( 18, 2005"The SCOSI wants to highlight, through this new initiative, the need and the solidarity compromise of the international movement against the war and the occupation to maintain open wide the communication channels with the Iraqi people and the political and social organizations who are demanding the immediate withdrawal of the occupation forces, the whole restitution of their sovereignty and the establishment of a democratic and non-sectarian system, which fully respects the political, social and economical rights of the Iraqi population."A delegation of the Spanish … [read more]

Yesterday against Nazi occupation, today against participation in the occupation of Iraq

Norwegian Free Iraq Committee9th of April 50 people gathered in Oslo to commemorate the two-yearanniversary of the seizure of Baghdad and the yearly anniversary ofthe Nazi occupation of Norway."What unites Iraq and WWII is the lies", said more than 90-year oldwar veteran Roald Halvorsen, who was a part of the communistresistance in Norway against the German occupation. The war heroaddressed the public in a strong speech, explaining how the bourgeoisand the reactionaries always will try to portray resistance againstfascism in lies, as happened in Norway as well as in Iraq today.Further the seminar was addressed by Jon Børge Hansen from The UnitedNations Association of Norway (UNA Norway) who explained why theresistance in Iraq is a legitimate resistance and how the securitycouncil is … [read more]

China to train collaborators for the US in Iraq

Sliding towards the acceptance of the status quo"Renmin Ribao", April 1, Iraqi diplomats arrive in Beijing for related trainingTwenty Iraqi diplomats will arrive at the Beijing Capital International Airport at noontime today, and will begin to receive a 30-day diplomatic courses training from tomorrow at China Foreign Affairs University.Iraqi ambassador to China said during an interview with the press that this is the first time postwar Iraq sent diplomats abroad for training.On December 14, 2004, Chinese Ambassador Yang Honglin to Iraq, and president of the Iraqi Foreign Affairs Institute signed on behalf of their respective governments the exchange of notes on China training diplomats for Iraq. According to the aforesaid … [read more]

Update on Repression in Andhra Pradesh

All Indian People´s Resistance ForumIn the ever increasing repression on people´s movements in Andhra Pradesh, there have been two disturbing developments in the last couple of days.The state police machinery began repression in the form of denial of permission to public meetings and unveiling of memorial statues, indiscriminate arrests, tortures, raids on villages and combings just after the first round of talks between the government and the CPI-Maoist and CPI (ML) Janashakti. The spate of encounter killings also started in January and within less than 90 days after the first "encounter" on January 6, the state police, particularly the infamous criminal force Grey Hounds, have killed more than 50 activists including a couple of persons working legally in public life.This growing … [read more]

Towards Building a Resistant Arab People`s Alliance

This is not a statement for collecting signatures. The target of this call is to mobilize Arab and international organizations and militants on the basis of clear and principled militancy, and to form a Resistant Arab People`s Alliance which will be launched after a conference dedicated to this purpose about 6 months from now, and gathers all organizations and individuals who agree on the fundamentals mentioned in the call to discuss mechanisms of action and coordination. This is a call for action on a clear and principled basis regarding Arab popular militancy locally and globally, especially after the infiltration of defeatist currents (through NGO frame works and foreign-funded organizations) that are falsely portraying themselves as "the people`s choice" and in reality, they are far … [read more]

"Resistance with uncovered face"

Sheikh Hassan Al Zargani, foreign affair office of Moqtada SadrQ: Can you give us an update on the situation in the south of Iraq and especially the current of Moqtada Sadr?Our movement started with the fall of the Saddam regime. We took over the responsibility for the medical, food and fuel supply as the Iraqi state was absent. The same applies for the security. We are organizing the people around the mosques guaranteeing security and ending plunder. We even are regulating the traffic.The Sadr movement looks back on a long tradition and is part of the conscience of the Iraqi people. It exists since the 70ies with the first Sadr and continued with the Second Sadr who was martyred in 1999. Now it is carried on under the leadership of Moqtada Sadr after the death of his father, his brother, … [read more]

USA: 40 years of prison for being defense lawyer of Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman

The case of Lynne Steward"I am here not because the government wanted to put me in jail for 40 years, but because I have fought for justice in the United States for 40 years." -Lynne StewartThe case of Lynne Stewart, a civil rights attorney in the U.S. convicted on four counts of aiding terrorists, is a clear attempt to link the American left wing with terrorism, while continuing to destroy civil liberties and criminalize dissent. Stewart was convicted of relaying a message from her jailed client Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, who is serving a life sentence on terror-related charges, to followers in Egypt through a press release read to Reuters. She faces 40 years in prison. Convicted with Stewart were her co-defendents Ahmed Abdel Sattar, a paralegal who is facing a life sentence, and … [read more]

New, brave Europe

Austrian citizen Sandra Bakutz remains in Turkish prison – EU adopts the Turkish junta´s democratic standards On February 10, 2005, Sandra Bakutz was arrested upon arrival on the Istanbul airport. She had flown to Turkey in order to observe a political mass trial of about 80 activists accused of being terrorists. Among those arrested on April 1, 2004, in a concerted operation with several European governments are artists, lawyers and journalists working for legal associations also according to Turkish law. The evidence produced even led the regime press to voice severe doubts (1).For several days the Turkish authorities did not give any explanation for the arrest. Only after repeated interventions of the Austrian diplomatic representation the accusation was revealed: "membership in … [read more]

Program of the oberserver delegation for Sandra Bakutz

29.03.05 12:00 : Lunch in the building of Temel Haklar dernegi (association for basic rights) Ankara 13:00-13:30: information about the trial of Sandra 15:00-18:00 Common meeting with KESK (trade-union), DISK (trade-union), TMOB(Chamber of the architects and engineers Turkey) ,TTB (Medical council Turkey), CHD (association of the contemporary judges) and Mazlum-Der (human right organization) 18:00: Genclik dernegi (Youth association). The youth will depict their obstacles in the fight for democracy, human rights and right of co-determination in the universities. Afterward littleness to eat and tea or coffee 19:00-20:00 Visit of the TAYAD families in Abdi-Ipekci parc 30.03.05 10:45 Trial of Sandra Bakutz Afterwards a press release in fromt of the court room. 12:30-13:30 There will … [read more]

March 19/20: despite crisis, consolidation of pro-resistance forces

The second anniversary of the Anglo-American aggression on Iraq saw once again an impressive international mobilisation for the withdrawal of the occupation troops from Iraq. See the list of places where protest actions took place below (1).Important to notice not only that despite the unavoidable reflux and outright political crisis the movement remains a substantial force; but also that it experienced a clear polarisation which is an expression of a certain maturation. For example in many places like in Rome, Italy, the political platform of the demonstration affirmed the legitimacy of the Iraqi resistance.On the other side the social-democratic character of the leaderships of the Social Forums becomes clearer and clearer. They insist on the reactionary formula "neither war nor terror" … [read more]

Hands off Hisbollah – the only guarantee for democracy!

On March 10 the European Parliament approved with a big majority a resolution declaring the popular and anti-imperialist Lebanese movement Hizbollah a "terrorist organization". They thus followed the US which has included Hizbollah already to their "black list". The declaration calls upon the European Council to take the necessary steps against this organization. This has been said only a few days after the giant demonstration organized by Hizbollah against the imperialist interference. Nearly 30% of the population took to the streets of Beirut which are according to the European parliament all terrorists.This resolution shows the recovered unity between the US and the European imperialists. As usually in the name of "democracy" they commonly call for the withdrawal of the Syrian troops … [read more]

Draft Programme and Prices

Solidarity Delegation to PalestineThe Solidarity Delegation will take place in the last two weeks of August 2005, i. e. August 14th to 28th. In the first week we have planned visits and meetings with representatives of political, cultural and social organisations of the Palestinian resistance movement as well as with anti-Zionist Jewish organisations; in the second week we´ve planned to work in a social structure for the Palestinian population.Draft Programme (subject to change):Bethlehem and settlements in the area:Tour of the city, surrounding settlements, refugee camp, the wall. Israel is building a ring of settlements around Jerusalem to systematically fracture Palestinian Territories and eventually incorporate them into the Jewish settlement areas. The Israeli settlement policy is … [read more]

Campaign to free Manal and her son Nour from Israeli prison

Addameer"We kiss each other with our fingers"(Majed, Prisoner Manal`s son)"When they attacked us with water hoses, I hid my baby in my bosom and ran to the safest place in the cell to protect him as much as I could".(Prisoner Manal Ghanim)Addameer Prisoners` Support and Human Rights AssociationCAMPAIGN TO FREE MANAL AND NOUR LAUNCHED TODAYRamallah - 21 March 2005. Addameer Prisoners Support and Human Rights Association (Addameer) today launched a campaign demanding that the Israeli government release Palestinian female prisoner Manal Naji Mahmoud Ghanim, 29 years old from Tulkarem, and her child Nour, 1 and a half years old, who have been imprisoned since 17 April 2003. Both Manal and Nour are being held in Telmond Prison. Manal, who suffers from Thalasemia, was arrested while she was … [read more]

أطروحة من أجل حركة جديدة لمناهضة الأمبريالية

  أطروحة من أجل حركة جديدة لمناهضة الأمبرياليةمن المنبر الاجتماعي إلى المنبر المناهض للإمبرياليةلا شك بأن حركة مناهضة العولمة قد لعبت دورا هاما Ù?ÙŠ العقد المتصرم كقوة معارضة للاحتكار الرأسمالي الذي تطور بعد … [read more]

Ù?ÙŠ الذكرى الخامسة لانطلاقة الانتÙ?اضة , لنبني تحالÙ?ا عØ

CampoÙ?ÙŠ الذكرى الخامسة لانطلاقة الانتÙ?اضة لنبني تحالÙ?ا عالميا لدعم المقاومة العراقية !نحن الموقعون أدناه، ندعو إلى مؤتمرعالمي لدعم المقاومة العراقية Ù?ÙŠ شهر أيلول (سبتمبر) Ù?ÙŠ الذكرى الخامسة لانطلاقة الانتÙ?اضة. … [read more]

Istanbul: Protest on the anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq

Ozgur DerThere has been a demonstration held by Ozgur-Der, in Taksim Square in Istanbul to mark the second anniversary of the US-led invasion of Iraq. Despite the cold weather, a crowd of several hundred of people gathered to protest the USA. The demonstration has begun with the speech of Hulya Sekerci, the chairwoman of Ozgur-Der. "The hatred against the USA is growing all around the world. Hundreds of thousands people in different countries have been taking to the streets to denounce the imperialist policies of the US government. The longer those policies continue, the more people will hate the USA in the world." said Hulya Sekerci. Abdurrahman Dilipak, the columnist, mentioned that no soldier want to go to Iraq to take part in the troops because they are afraid of dying in a war which … [read more]

Hunger strike and information weekend on behalf of Iñigo Makazaga and other Basque prisoners

Friday 18th - Sunday 20th MarchLondon… Please help us to publicise this protest and highlight these cases!!! Friday 18th to Sunday 20th March, Basques living in the UK have planned a protest to highlight the lack of justice for prisoners and for their country, and in solidarity with the only Basque held in a British prison, Iñigo Makazaga (HMP Belmarsh). The protesters will be doing a hunger strike in solidarity with Basque prisoners who are currently on their sixth protest. The weekend will also include talks on prisoners` resistance, Iñigo`s case, repression in the Basque Country and other relevant issues. The fact that this conference and protest are taking place on the same weekend of a national demo against the occupation of Iraq and when the use of … [read more]

Russian Day of the Anti-Globalist Resistance

24 March: comemorate Yugoslavia and IraqRussian anti-globalists are going to celebrate the Day of the Anti-globalist resistance on March 24. That date was the beginning of bombardments of Yougoslavia in 1999 - and at the same time the beginning of vehement protests all over the world. When anti-globalists were preparing to celebrate the Day for the first time the US and the UK troops attacked Iraq, so it was the day of protests. Now we are going to celebrate it for the third time. … This still is the day of solidarity of all forces that are struggling against the … new world order". We protest against aggressive politics of the Western countries, against the economic exploitation, against manpulation of conciousness in mass-media and advertising, agaist electronic total control. … [read more]

Védjük meg a palesztinokat és az ellenálláshoz való jogukat!

Felhà­vás a palesztinai szolidaritási delegácià³ra2000 szeptemberà©ben kitört a második Intifáda, egy új felkelà©s az izraeli megszállás ellen. Ariel Sharon, izraeli miniszterelnök közvetlen provokácià³i idà©ztà©k elൠaz esemà©nyt. A palesztin nà©p felkelà©se a elhallgatott osloi bà©keszerzàµdà©sek miatt robbant ki. Azà³ta a Palesztin helyzet súlyosbodott. Több ezren haltak à©s több tà­zezren sà©rültek meg. A mindennapi à©lethez hozzátartozik a tartà³s tilalom, a mentàµk feltartà³ztatása, a házak, iskolák, kà³rházak, termàµföldek lerombolása. Másrà©szràµl a palesztin ellenállás folyamatosan nyomást gyakorol az izraeli kormányra. Az eurà³pai közvà©lemà©ny và©lemà©nye folyamatosan változik a … [read more]

News about al-Kubaysi

by Pedro Rojo and Carlos VareaExcerpt from the the article:La familia de al-Kubaysi informa del lugar y condiciones de detencià³n del dirigente de la Alianza Patrià³tica Iraquà­. La cifra de iraquà­es presos por vinculacià³n con la resistencia aumenta tras las elecciones hasta casi 10.000Pedro Rojo y Carlos Varea, March 3rd, 2005(...)Last week the brother of Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi, Ibrahim, a doctor in the public hospital of Abu Ghraib, told the Campaign Against Occupation and for the Independence of Iraq (CEOSI) in the Spanish state, that the leader of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance had been able to send a letter to his family via the International Red Cross, in which he confirms that he is alive, but conditions in Camp Cropper are extremely poor concerning food and sanitation … [read more]