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Free Sandra Bakutz!

Copenhagen: demonstration in front of the Turkish EmbassyDemonstration for Sandra Bakutz on March 9, 2005 It was a small but strong demonstration in front of the Turkish Embassy in a rich villa district north of Copenhagen. A banner in grey and red was carried saying Free Sandra – No to isolation and torture. Music by the political Turkish band Yorum was played during the whole demonstration, interrupted by the two speakers who spoke about the case of Sandra and cried FREE SANDRA FREE SANDRA - In the embassy on the other side of the street the personnel were listening through the open windows. There were two speeches who talked about the case of Sandra, the brutality of the Turkish police in Istanbul etc. The speaker from International Forum said among others: ……" Sandra is … [read more]

نداء شبه عاجل إلى المقاومة الوطنية العراقية

رسالة من اليسار ولجنة مناصرة العراق Ù?ÙŠ أوربا وإسكندناÙ?يانداء شبه عاجلإلى المقاومة الوطنية العراقيةإلى أحرار العراق ننقل إليكم أدناه، رسالة من اليسار ولجنة مناصرة العراق Ù?ÙŠ أوربا وإسكندناÙ?يا إخواننا الأبطال Ù?ÙŠ … [read more]

Greeting of Solidarity to the International Iraq Conference

by IAC, John Catalinotto11-03-2005The International Action Center in the USA would like to send a greeting of solidarity to the organizers of the International Iraq Conference – Occupation, Resistance, International Solidarity set for March 12, 2005, in Berlin. This perfectly legitimate conference has come under attack from a narrow array of pro-government forces in Germany that are attempting to vilify and attack the right of the Iraqi people to defend their country from an illegal war and illegitimate occupation.The United States government waged an aggressive war against Iraq, telling lie after lie and changing the story regularly in an attempt to justify the bombing and invasion and occupation of that sovereign. This is the crime. Without this occupation there would be no need for … [read more]

مؤتمر برلين يؤكد شرعية المقاومة: ضرب المدنيين صناعة أمÙ

السÙ?ير اللبنانية : : 2005-03-14 غسان أبو حمد انتهى ØŒ الذي انعقد Ù?ÙŠ برلين أمس الأول، بسلام برغم الأجواء المشحونة التي سبقت انعقاده، والمبارزات الكلامية التي هيمنت على أجوائه، خاصة بين العراقيين المؤيدين للاحتلال الأميركي … [read more]

نادي الراÙ?دين - كويظمحبيب! هكذا تحتضر الخنازير

د نوري المراديهكذا تحتضر الخنازير يوم التاسع من شباط الجاري وعلى موقع صوت كلاب العراق الذي يحرره مالك الحزين، نشر تصريح لمن أطلق على Ù†Ù?سه تسمية (نادي الراÙ?دين Ù?ÙŠ برلين) يعقب Ù?يه على مؤتمر العراق العالمي الذي سينعقد Ù?ÙŠ … [read more]

Appeal for delegation for the trial of Sandra Bakutz

Int`l Platform Against IsolationBrussels, March 8, 2005 Let us not abandon Sandra Bakutz! Let us support Sandra! Sandra Bakutz flew to Turkey on February 10, 2005 to observe a trial. It was no ordinary trial. Instead it was a trial known as the "April 1 Trial". At the request of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, a close friend of Turkey`s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, democratic institutions and the homes of progressive people were raided in Germany, Belgium and Holland. But the actual operation took place in Turkey and Italy. In the operation of April 1, 2004 in Turkey, over 100 persons were arrested. After the raid the police claimed to have seized diskettes but in reality they prepared these diskettes themselves. The state in Turkey arrested all those who fight for … [read more]

Istanbul: Women`s day celebration attacked by police

06.03.2005FASCIST STATE ATTACKED REVOLUTIONARY DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE WHO WERE CELEBRATING MARCH THE 8TH The fascist system´s representatives who always talk about democracy and human rights, attacked revolutionary democratic people that came together for celebrating March the 8th in Ístanbul. At 11 o´clock this morning, police forces attacked without any warning, with gas bombs in Sarachane Park in Istanbul. Many people including our comrades from New Democrat Youth and Partisan and a activist of ILPS were arrested, many others were injured. Later, at 12 o´clock, revolutionary democratic organizations met again in front of the University of Istanbul. For an hour the 8th of March was celebrated. At the end of the meeting, police again attacked people who were leaving the meeting, many … [read more]

Danish Demo for the release of Sandra Bakutz

Protest directed to Turkish and Austrian embassyDemonstration for Sandra Bakutz Wednesday March 9 at 4 pm by the Turkish and Austrian Embassy in CopenhagenThe coming Wednesday is organized a demonstration for the release of Sandra Bakutz in front of the Turkish and Austrian embassies. The demonstrationsays:RELEASE SANDRA BAKUTZNO TO ISOLATION AND TORTURE - FREE ALL POLITICAL PRISONERSArranged by the Comittee for the release of Sandra … [read more]

Indonesian military continues operations in Aceh

"Solidarity of People Movement for Aceh" asks for cease fireJoint Statement onThe Decision Made by the Government´s Coordination Meeting on Politics, Law, and Security to Continue the Joint Operation in AcehGovernment´s decision to continue the civil emergency status and the joint operation (security recovery operation) in Aceh is actually a part of civil emergency in Aceh. This was stated by the Coordinating Minister of Politics, Law, and Security – Widodo AS – after leaving from the coordination meeting on politics, law, and security.Whatever ground used by the government to extend the civil emergency and/or the joint operation of which the substance is but a military operation, is a form of dualism policy by the Indonesian government. Such dualism is more apparent after the … [read more]

Protest of Amnesty International banned in Manipur, India

Mobilisation against Armed Forces Special Powers Act continuesThe state police today foiled an initiative of Amnesty International India and the Imphal based People´s Right Organisation to hold a peaceful human-chain protest near the western gates of the Kangla against the continued imposition of the draconian Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 in the state.Around 150 students from schools located in the city area were dispersed at around 11.45 am today by the state police who refused permission to hold such demonstrations in the area which has been declared a hypersensitive security zone.In the meantime, Munindro Waikhom, member Amnesty International India and campaign in-charge for Manipur while speaking to the media appreciated the overall restraint shown by the police force in … [read more]

Statement of the Anti-Occupation Patriotic Forces

Iraq, February 15, 2005In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionateThe anti-occupation Iraqi patriotic forces met in Um al-Qura Mosque on February 15, 2005 to discuss the present situation and its implications on all levels. The participants discussed proposals aiming at restoring Iraq`s full independence, unity and sovereignty. The participant forces proclaim that they deal with the national reconciliation, which they were the first to call for since the beginning of the occupation, and with the writing of the constitution, on the basis of what follows:1) A clear, precise, public, and binding under international guarantees, timetable for the withdrawal of the occupation troops from Iraq in all their aspects and forms.2) Abolition of the principle of repartition according to … [read more]

Palestinian population exceeds Jewish population says U.S.

by Michael Brown, Ali Abunimah and Nigel ParryThe Electronic Intifada, 1 March 2005The population of Palestinians living in Israel, the Occupied Gaza Strip, Occupied East Jerusalem and rest of the Occupied West Bank combined now exceeds the number of Israeli Jews, a U.S. government report has revealed.The Palestinian population stands at over 5.3 million while the Jewish population stands at 5.2 million.The figures come from the U.S. State Department`s annual Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2004. The report provided population figures for each of these territorial units separately but failed to connect all the dots to arrive at the explosive new demographic reality that an Israeli Jewish minority now rules over a larger number of Palestinians living between the Mediterranean … [read more]

Official of Iraqi puppet regime admits use of WMD against Falluja

by People`s Struggle Movement, IraqA press conference was held by Dr. Khaled Al-Sheikhli, a representative of the Iraqi Ministry of Health, who was assigned to evaluate the health problem in Fallujah following the end of its assault by the American Army. Dr. Al-Sheikhli said that the result of the survey and research presented to the Ministry of Health confirmed that the American occupation forces had used internationally banned weapons like mustard and nerve gases among other kind of weapons during its assault on Fallujah.In the press conference held on Tuesday, March 1, 2005 at the Ministry of Health, Dr. Al-Sheikhli also mentioned that the final results drawn by the committee conducted that survey showed that the city is still under the influence of chemical substances and other agents … [read more]

Defend the Palestinian people and its right to resist!

Call for a solidarity delegation to PalestineIn September 2000, the second Intifada, a new uprising of the Palestinian people against the Israeli occupation, broke out. Its immediate cause had been a provocation by today´s Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. However, it was the Palestinian´s people anger over the undelivered promises of the Oslo peace treaty that exploded in this uprising. Since then, the situation in Palestine has been aggravating. Thousands have been killed, tens of thousands injured. Daily life means permanent curfews, closures and state of emergency, destruction of houses, schools and hospitals, land and plantations. On the other hand, the Palestinians´ ongoing resistance increasingly puts pressure on the Israeli government. In Europe, however, public opinion has … [read more]

Leading member of Abnaa elBalad sentenced to 10 years of Israeli prison

Comrade Hussam Kana`aneh, a CC member of Abnaa elBalad Movement was sentenced to ten years of imprisonment and four years of suspended prison termOn Tuesday 22.2.05, comrade Hussam Kana`aneh, member Abnaa elBalad Central Committee was sentenced in the Haifa District Court to ten years imprisonment and four additional years of suspended prison term, after he was accused of "security" charges among them "contact with a foreign agent", "supporting a terrorist organization" and "assisting the enemy during wartime".In the charge sheet it was claimed that he passed electric devices from Jordan to Jenin, after he was asked to do so by Ibrahim Ajwa, a Fatah (intifada) member. The devices, it was claimed, were then transferred to Annas Abed ElAziz, an activist of the PFLP. The prosecution … [read more]

الحكم بالسجن الÙ?علي لمدة عشر سنوات ونصÙ? السنة على الرÙ?Ù

حركة أبناء البلدالحكم بالسجن الÙ?علي لمدة عشر سنوات ونصÙ? السنة، وأربع سنوات مع وقÙ? التنÙ?يذ لمدة ثلاث سنوات، على الرÙ?يق حسام كناعنة،عضو اللجنة المركزية للحركة، حكمت المحكمة المركزية Ù?ÙŠ حيÙ?ا وبتركيبة 3 قضاة، يوم … [read more]

Aceh mellom tsunamien, indonesisk okkupasjon, islamisme og USAs stormaktpolitikk

av Lars Akerhaug, internasjonalt ansvarlig i Rød Valgallianse, NorgeOpprinnelig publisert i Røde FaneAceh var selve senteret for jordskjelvet som utløste tsunamien. Bølgene tok familier, hus og hele landsbyer. Men tv-kameraene og medias oppmerksomhet rettet seg mot de populà¦re turistomrà¥dene og den velkjente konflikten mellom Sri Lanka og den tamilske frigjøringsbevegelsen. Først etter noen dager nà¥dde nyhetene fram, folk tok innover seg hvilken katastrofe som hadde rammet Aceh-provinsen, nordvest pॠSumatra. For mange var det første gang de hørte om den historiske konflikten med røtter tilbake til antikoloniseringskampen mot den hollandske ekspansjonen inn i dagens Indonesia. Og nesten like raskt som rapportene om hvordan tsunamien hadde slà¥tt til mot … [read more]

Supporters of the Iraqi people´s liberation struggle to build an international network

Int´l conference in solidarity with the Iraqi Resistance scheduledRepresentatives of solidarity groups from Europe and the Middle East gathered on Sunday, February 13 in Frankfurt, Germany to discuss ways on how to step up the campaign in defence of the Iraqi people´s right to national self-determination and in support of the Iraqi Resistance. Supportive forces from Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Turkey, England, Greece, Austria, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, the Netherlands as well as from Iraq, Palestine and Lebanon were present. Another dozen groups who could not attend sent their message of support. The meeting has been jointly promoted by the "International League of People´s Struggle", the "First International Conference for the Support of the Resistance of the Iraqi People" and … [read more]

The Generals` Monopoly Bus Service Faces a Rough Route in Islamabad

by M T ButtISLAMABAD, February 7: Pakistani Army Generals think they are qualified to take over, monopolize and expand any business they think is lucrative in Pakistan, the land they think is their occupied territory. From breeding chicken to cooking cereals, manufacturing cement to fertilizer, running cargo services to passenger buses, banks and trading houses, the only business probably not yet touched by the Generals is trash removal. Pakistan`s military Incorporated is an open and unending saga, leaving everything to be desired in their real job – defending the country.This story is about the Generals` entry, monopolization and shameless perversion of passenger transport in Pakistan`s capital Islamabad. The story has been written by employees of the only bus service run by the … [read more]

Yugoslavia - Afghanistan - Iraq

by John Kelly, International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic (Irish Section)Supporting the International Conference "The Hague Proceedings against Slobodan Milosevic: Emerging Issues in International Law"We live in strange times. When fun is equated with destruction and murder. Consider if you will this comment summarising a personal military ethos and directed to us by former latrine orderly US Marine officer Lieutenant General James Mattis..."It´s fun to shoot some people. You go into Afghanistan, you´ve got guys who slap women around for five years because they don´t wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain´t got no manhood anyway, so it´s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them." It was this same Lieutenant General Mattis who dismissed photographic evidence of the slaughter … [read more]

Free Sandra Bakutz!

Copenhagen: demonstration in front of the Turkish EmbassyDemonstration for Sandra Bakutz on March 9, 2005 It was a small but strong demonstration in front of the Turkish Embassy in a rich villa district north of Copenhagen. A banner in grey and red was carried saying Free Sandra – No to isolation and torture. Music by the political Turkish band Yorum was played during the whole demonstration, interrupted by the two speakers who spoke about the case of Sandra and cried FREE SANDRA FREE SANDRA - In the embassy on the other side of the street the personnel were listening through the open windows. There were two speeches who talked about the case of Sandra, the brutality of the Turkish police in Istanbul etc. The speaker from International Forum said among others: ……" Sandra is … [read more]

نداء شبه عاجل إلى المقاومة الوطنية العراقية

رسالة من اليسار ولجنة مناصرة العراق Ù?ÙŠ أوربا وإسكندناÙ?يانداء شبه عاجلإلى المقاومة الوطنية العراقيةإلى أحرار العراق ننقل إليكم أدناه، رسالة من اليسار ولجنة مناصرة العراق Ù?ÙŠ أوربا وإسكندناÙ?يا إخواننا الأبطال Ù?ÙŠ … [read more]

Greeting of Solidarity to the International Iraq Conference

by IAC, John Catalinotto11-03-2005The International Action Center in the USA would like to send a greeting of solidarity to the organizers of the International Iraq Conference – Occupation, Resistance, International Solidarity set for March 12, 2005, in Berlin. This perfectly legitimate conference has come under attack from a narrow array of pro-government forces in Germany that are attempting to vilify and attack the right of the Iraqi people to defend their country from an illegal war and illegitimate occupation.The United States government waged an aggressive war against Iraq, telling lie after lie and changing the story regularly in an attempt to justify the bombing and invasion and occupation of that sovereign. This is the crime. Without this occupation there would be no need for … [read more]

مؤتمر برلين يؤكد شرعية المقاومة: ضرب المدنيين صناعة أمÙ

السÙ?ير اللبنانية : : 2005-03-14 غسان أبو حمد انتهى ØŒ الذي انعقد Ù?ÙŠ برلين أمس الأول، بسلام برغم الأجواء المشحونة التي سبقت انعقاده، والمبارزات الكلامية التي هيمنت على أجوائه، خاصة بين العراقيين المؤيدين للاحتلال الأميركي … [read more]

نادي الراÙ?دين - كويظمحبيب! هكذا تحتضر الخنازير

د نوري المراديهكذا تحتضر الخنازير يوم التاسع من شباط الجاري وعلى موقع صوت كلاب العراق الذي يحرره مالك الحزين، نشر تصريح لمن أطلق على Ù†Ù?سه تسمية (نادي الراÙ?دين Ù?ÙŠ برلين) يعقب Ù?يه على مؤتمر العراق العالمي الذي سينعقد Ù?ÙŠ … [read more]

Appeal for delegation for the trial of Sandra Bakutz

Int`l Platform Against IsolationBrussels, March 8, 2005 Let us not abandon Sandra Bakutz! Let us support Sandra! Sandra Bakutz flew to Turkey on February 10, 2005 to observe a trial. It was no ordinary trial. Instead it was a trial known as the "April 1 Trial". At the request of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, a close friend of Turkey`s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, democratic institutions and the homes of progressive people were raided in Germany, Belgium and Holland. But the actual operation took place in Turkey and Italy. In the operation of April 1, 2004 in Turkey, over 100 persons were arrested. After the raid the police claimed to have seized diskettes but in reality they prepared these diskettes themselves. The state in Turkey arrested all those who fight for … [read more]

Istanbul: Women`s day celebration attacked by police

06.03.2005FASCIST STATE ATTACKED REVOLUTIONARY DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE WHO WERE CELEBRATING MARCH THE 8TH The fascist system´s representatives who always talk about democracy and human rights, attacked revolutionary democratic people that came together for celebrating March the 8th in Ístanbul. At 11 o´clock this morning, police forces attacked without any warning, with gas bombs in Sarachane Park in Istanbul. Many people including our comrades from New Democrat Youth and Partisan and a activist of ILPS were arrested, many others were injured. Later, at 12 o´clock, revolutionary democratic organizations met again in front of the University of Istanbul. For an hour the 8th of March was celebrated. At the end of the meeting, police again attacked people who were leaving the meeting, many … [read more]

Danish Demo for the release of Sandra Bakutz

Protest directed to Turkish and Austrian embassyDemonstration for Sandra Bakutz Wednesday March 9 at 4 pm by the Turkish and Austrian Embassy in CopenhagenThe coming Wednesday is organized a demonstration for the release of Sandra Bakutz in front of the Turkish and Austrian embassies. The demonstrationsays:RELEASE SANDRA BAKUTZNO TO ISOLATION AND TORTURE - FREE ALL POLITICAL PRISONERSArranged by the Comittee for the release of Sandra … [read more]

Indonesian military continues operations in Aceh

"Solidarity of People Movement for Aceh" asks for cease fireJoint Statement onThe Decision Made by the Government´s Coordination Meeting on Politics, Law, and Security to Continue the Joint Operation in AcehGovernment´s decision to continue the civil emergency status and the joint operation (security recovery operation) in Aceh is actually a part of civil emergency in Aceh. This was stated by the Coordinating Minister of Politics, Law, and Security – Widodo AS – after leaving from the coordination meeting on politics, law, and security.Whatever ground used by the government to extend the civil emergency and/or the joint operation of which the substance is but a military operation, is a form of dualism policy by the Indonesian government. Such dualism is more apparent after the … [read more]

Protest of Amnesty International banned in Manipur, India

Mobilisation against Armed Forces Special Powers Act continuesThe state police today foiled an initiative of Amnesty International India and the Imphal based People´s Right Organisation to hold a peaceful human-chain protest near the western gates of the Kangla against the continued imposition of the draconian Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 in the state.Around 150 students from schools located in the city area were dispersed at around 11.45 am today by the state police who refused permission to hold such demonstrations in the area which has been declared a hypersensitive security zone.In the meantime, Munindro Waikhom, member Amnesty International India and campaign in-charge for Manipur while speaking to the media appreciated the overall restraint shown by the police force in … [read more]

Statement of the Anti-Occupation Patriotic Forces

Iraq, February 15, 2005In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionateThe anti-occupation Iraqi patriotic forces met in Um al-Qura Mosque on February 15, 2005 to discuss the present situation and its implications on all levels. The participants discussed proposals aiming at restoring Iraq`s full independence, unity and sovereignty. The participant forces proclaim that they deal with the national reconciliation, which they were the first to call for since the beginning of the occupation, and with the writing of the constitution, on the basis of what follows:1) A clear, precise, public, and binding under international guarantees, timetable for the withdrawal of the occupation troops from Iraq in all their aspects and forms.2) Abolition of the principle of repartition according to … [read more]

Palestinian population exceeds Jewish population says U.S.

by Michael Brown, Ali Abunimah and Nigel ParryThe Electronic Intifada, 1 March 2005The population of Palestinians living in Israel, the Occupied Gaza Strip, Occupied East Jerusalem and rest of the Occupied West Bank combined now exceeds the number of Israeli Jews, a U.S. government report has revealed.The Palestinian population stands at over 5.3 million while the Jewish population stands at 5.2 million.The figures come from the U.S. State Department`s annual Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2004. The report provided population figures for each of these territorial units separately but failed to connect all the dots to arrive at the explosive new demographic reality that an Israeli Jewish minority now rules over a larger number of Palestinians living between the Mediterranean … [read more]

Official of Iraqi puppet regime admits use of WMD against Falluja

by People`s Struggle Movement, IraqA press conference was held by Dr. Khaled Al-Sheikhli, a representative of the Iraqi Ministry of Health, who was assigned to evaluate the health problem in Fallujah following the end of its assault by the American Army. Dr. Al-Sheikhli said that the result of the survey and research presented to the Ministry of Health confirmed that the American occupation forces had used internationally banned weapons like mustard and nerve gases among other kind of weapons during its assault on Fallujah.In the press conference held on Tuesday, March 1, 2005 at the Ministry of Health, Dr. Al-Sheikhli also mentioned that the final results drawn by the committee conducted that survey showed that the city is still under the influence of chemical substances and other agents … [read more]

Defend the Palestinian people and its right to resist!

Call for a solidarity delegation to PalestineIn September 2000, the second Intifada, a new uprising of the Palestinian people against the Israeli occupation, broke out. Its immediate cause had been a provocation by today´s Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. However, it was the Palestinian´s people anger over the undelivered promises of the Oslo peace treaty that exploded in this uprising. Since then, the situation in Palestine has been aggravating. Thousands have been killed, tens of thousands injured. Daily life means permanent curfews, closures and state of emergency, destruction of houses, schools and hospitals, land and plantations. On the other hand, the Palestinians´ ongoing resistance increasingly puts pressure on the Israeli government. In Europe, however, public opinion has … [read more]

Leading member of Abnaa elBalad sentenced to 10 years of Israeli prison

Comrade Hussam Kana`aneh, a CC member of Abnaa elBalad Movement was sentenced to ten years of imprisonment and four years of suspended prison termOn Tuesday 22.2.05, comrade Hussam Kana`aneh, member Abnaa elBalad Central Committee was sentenced in the Haifa District Court to ten years imprisonment and four additional years of suspended prison term, after he was accused of "security" charges among them "contact with a foreign agent", "supporting a terrorist organization" and "assisting the enemy during wartime".In the charge sheet it was claimed that he passed electric devices from Jordan to Jenin, after he was asked to do so by Ibrahim Ajwa, a Fatah (intifada) member. The devices, it was claimed, were then transferred to Annas Abed ElAziz, an activist of the PFLP. The prosecution … [read more]

الحكم بالسجن الÙ?علي لمدة عشر سنوات ونصÙ? السنة على الرÙ?Ù

حركة أبناء البلدالحكم بالسجن الÙ?علي لمدة عشر سنوات ونصÙ? السنة، وأربع سنوات مع وقÙ? التنÙ?يذ لمدة ثلاث سنوات، على الرÙ?يق حسام كناعنة،عضو اللجنة المركزية للحركة، حكمت المحكمة المركزية Ù?ÙŠ حيÙ?ا وبتركيبة 3 قضاة، يوم … [read more]

Aceh mellom tsunamien, indonesisk okkupasjon, islamisme og USAs stormaktpolitikk

av Lars Akerhaug, internasjonalt ansvarlig i Rød Valgallianse, NorgeOpprinnelig publisert i Røde FaneAceh var selve senteret for jordskjelvet som utløste tsunamien. Bølgene tok familier, hus og hele landsbyer. Men tv-kameraene og medias oppmerksomhet rettet seg mot de populà¦re turistomrà¥dene og den velkjente konflikten mellom Sri Lanka og den tamilske frigjøringsbevegelsen. Først etter noen dager nà¥dde nyhetene fram, folk tok innover seg hvilken katastrofe som hadde rammet Aceh-provinsen, nordvest pॠSumatra. For mange var det første gang de hørte om den historiske konflikten med røtter tilbake til antikoloniseringskampen mot den hollandske ekspansjonen inn i dagens Indonesia. Og nesten like raskt som rapportene om hvordan tsunamien hadde slà¥tt til mot … [read more]

Supporters of the Iraqi people´s liberation struggle to build an international network

Int´l conference in solidarity with the Iraqi Resistance scheduledRepresentatives of solidarity groups from Europe and the Middle East gathered on Sunday, February 13 in Frankfurt, Germany to discuss ways on how to step up the campaign in defence of the Iraqi people´s right to national self-determination and in support of the Iraqi Resistance. Supportive forces from Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Turkey, England, Greece, Austria, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, the Netherlands as well as from Iraq, Palestine and Lebanon were present. Another dozen groups who could not attend sent their message of support. The meeting has been jointly promoted by the "International League of People´s Struggle", the "First International Conference for the Support of the Resistance of the Iraqi People" and … [read more]

The Generals` Monopoly Bus Service Faces a Rough Route in Islamabad

by M T ButtISLAMABAD, February 7: Pakistani Army Generals think they are qualified to take over, monopolize and expand any business they think is lucrative in Pakistan, the land they think is their occupied territory. From breeding chicken to cooking cereals, manufacturing cement to fertilizer, running cargo services to passenger buses, banks and trading houses, the only business probably not yet touched by the Generals is trash removal. Pakistan`s military Incorporated is an open and unending saga, leaving everything to be desired in their real job – defending the country.This story is about the Generals` entry, monopolization and shameless perversion of passenger transport in Pakistan`s capital Islamabad. The story has been written by employees of the only bus service run by the … [read more]

Yugoslavia - Afghanistan - Iraq

by John Kelly, International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic (Irish Section)Supporting the International Conference "The Hague Proceedings against Slobodan Milosevic: Emerging Issues in International Law"We live in strange times. When fun is equated with destruction and murder. Consider if you will this comment summarising a personal military ethos and directed to us by former latrine orderly US Marine officer Lieutenant General James Mattis..."It´s fun to shoot some people. You go into Afghanistan, you´ve got guys who slap women around for five years because they don´t wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain´t got no manhood anyway, so it´s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them." It was this same Lieutenant General Mattis who dismissed photographic evidence of the slaughter … [read more]