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"First national liberation, than democracy"

Interview with Sammi Alaa, Iraqi Patriotic Alliance, on the results of the WSF in porto Alegre and the need of an International Anti-imperialist ForumQ: Why did you come to the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre?We have been discussing with our colleagues of the Anti-imperialist Camp and the network of Free Iraq Committees in Europe whether it was worthwhile to attend. We eventually decided to form a common delegation "Support the Iraqi Resistance" unifying our efforts to address the anti-imperialist forces within the WSF´s participants. We did so because we do not agree to the official agenda of the WSF which is concentrated in the slogans "no to war, no to violence" and "another world is possible". This does not make any sense in the reality of the world today. Imperialism is waging an … [read more]

Pakistani protest against fake Iraqi elections

Pakistan Workers Peasants´ Party organized a procession rally in Charsadda against American designed pseudo elections. President of worker peasant party addressed thousand of workers and peasant´s . He said that so called election in Iraq is ill designed of imperialist forces. He said that Pakistan workers peasants´ party stands with peoples of Iraq and demands with drawl of American army. He stressed that the US and other imperialist forces stand quit Iraq and liberation of is the only solution for peace in Iraq. Thousand of workers, peasants and student were raising slogan in the favor of the struggle of Iraqi people the entire atmosphere was filled with slogan. LONG LIVE THE PEOPLES OF IRAQ LONGLIVE REVOLUTION … [read more]

Anti-globalist protest in Moscow for Iraqi Resistance

The All-Russian Anti-globalist Forum was held in Moscow on January 29. The participants represented the anti-globalist groups from many regions of Russia (Moscow and Moscow district, S-Petersburg, Voronezh, Novosibirsk, Chukotka and others), and from Kiev (Ukraine). Besides the parties and movements taking part in Anti-globalist resistance there were representatives of the Orthodox antiglobalist organisation and the leaders of the group Alternatives. The Anti-globalist Manifest was subscribed.The participants took part in the meeting against reforms in Russia and in the meeting against the agressive politics of the USA, supporting the Iraqi people, that was held on January 30 near the the ministery of Foreign Affairs. About 30 representatives of delegations from Moscow, Moscow district, … [read more]

Norwegian protest against Iraqi elections

Dear friends of the Free Iraqi comittees and initiatives in Europe,dear Iraqi comradesWe write to inform that we today (Jan 29) took action against the shamelections in Oslo, Norway. Although our action today is modest, webelieve these actions are still important to focus on the totallyincoherence between occupation and democracy in Iraq. Thus, we handout leaflets asking people to take a stand on wether they would havevoted in elections similar to the life of occupation under NaziGermany in the WWII, at a picket outside parliament.Lars … [read more]

Jordanian Govt attacks anti-Zionist anti-Occupation forces

by Dr. Hisham Bustani The Jordanian Government attacks the Union of Professional Associations (UPA) over its anti-Zionist anti-Occupation Positions A report by: Dr. Hisham Bustani - Member of the Liberties Committee and the anti-Normalization Committee of the UPA Amman, Friday January 28, 2005 The Union of Professional Associations (UPA) is a coordination body between 14 Jordanian professional associations, namely the associations of: Lawyers, Dentists, Physicians, Pharmacists, Engineers, Agricultural Engineers, Journalists, Geologists, Veterinarians, Nurses, Contractors, Artists, Writers and Accountants. Its membership exceeds 120,000 members. It is by far the largest civil society organization in Jordan, its leadership being elected by the General Assemblies every two or three years … [read more]

Iraqi Resistance demo challenges WSF in Porto Alegre

Sammi Alaa, Jawad al-Khalisi denouce elections, call for resistanceSome five hundred people took to the streets on January 30 in Porto Alegre, Brazil, under the central slogan "End the occupation, support the Iraqi Resistance". They followed the call of two dozen Brazilian and international organisations to protest the election farce taking place in Iraq on the same day with the only aim to give legitimacy to the illegitimate occupation. The demonstration was initiated by a delegation in support of the Iraqi resistance composed of Sammi Alaa (Iraqi Patriotic Alliance), Willi Langthaler (Anti-imperialist Camp) and Mariagrazia Ardizzone (Free Iraq Committees Italy).The main speakers were Alaa and Sheikh Jawad al-Khalisi, renown Muslim scholar and leader of a transconfesional multi-party … [read more]

Turkish protests against the fake Iraqi elections

US OCCUPATION CANNOT BE LEGITIMATED BY ELECTIONSIn Taksim Square, Istanbul, a group of Ozgur-Der (the Free Thought and Educational Rights Association) members have gathered to protest the elections in Iraq this weekend. Despite the heavy rain, a lot of people attended the demonstration in which Ozgur-Der has made a press release.In the press release, it has been stated that the elections which will be held on Sunday is a trick to deceive the public opinion all around the world because the occupation of the USA has still been continuing inIraq. Iraqi people have been struggling against the USA to defend their rights. No election has validity before the occupation ends. It is known that the candidates have been chosen by the USA government. It is clearthat all the candidates collaborating … [read more]

Stop the occupation, support the Iraqi resistance

Call for a demonstration in Porto Alegre, January 3011:00 - Concentraà§à£o no Gasà´metro, setor D Passeata na Avenida Beira Rio atà© o anfiteatro Pà´r do Sol.The occupation of Iraq is part of the imperialist war waged by the US and its allies in order to secure capitalist globalization and plunder. The US aggression, which started in 1991, embargo genocide and since 2003 more than 300.000 people killed, 100.000 political prisoners and the most barbaric forms of torture. The occupation did not only lead to the complete destruction of the Iraqi society and state, but also further increased social misery and starvation.The Iraqi people is raising a heroic resistance against the occupation defending the right of national liberation and self-determination. Resistance against foreign … [read more]

Press conference with Sammi Alaa in Porto Alegre

On the political prisoners and the resistance in IraqJanuary 27, 11 amCentro Cultural World Social ForumSala 209 (sala de coletivos)Sector D Sammi Alaa, represetative of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance (IPA), component of the Iraqi resistance, will address the question of the tens of thousands political and war prisoners unaccounted for by the US occupation force and its local puppets. As an emblematic case he will elaborate on the IPA`s president Abduljabber al-Kubaysi. Kubaysi, who is know for his engagement to form a broad political front of the all resistance forces, has been kidnapped by the US army in Baghdad on September 3, 2004. Since then there is no news about him as the occupation authorities refuse any comment. In fact Kubaysi has the status of a disappeared.Sammi Alaa will also … [read more]

Open letter to the World Social Forum

by Freedom Socialist Party, U.S. and AustraliaVictory to the Iraqi resistance against military and economic occupation The Freedom Socialist Party`s delegation to the World Social Forum unreservedly supports the call for an international conference in Europe to build support for the Iraqi people`s resistance to occupation. We are joined in this by a representative of Radical Women, our associate organization. In addition, we together urge the participants of the World Social Forum to endorse and help organize worldwide antiwar actions on March 19 and 20. The naked truth is that U.S. corporations and their arrogant servants in government are not bound by laws or decency to do anything that does not serve their interests. Entire cities in Iraq have been ravaged and hundreds of thousands of … [read more]

"We must stand on our own feet building a World Anti-imperialist Forum"

Interview with Darshan Pal, President of the All Indian People´s Resistance Forum and convenor of Mumbai Resistance 2004Q: Now is one year ago that Mumbai Resistance (MR) took place as an open anti-imperialist gathering in parallel to the World Social Forum (WSF). What are the results so far?A: For India MR was really the beginning of a process of a broad united front. Different organizations and forces are joining hands in a way which is unprecedented. So we were able continue the campaign against imperialist globalisation strongly affecting the Indian people. In last October we had a follow-up congress in Calcutta where a co-ordination committee was formed. But we keep the process open and want to reach out to other forces which still remain within the WSF.Regarding the international … [read more]

Porto Alegre: Demo against Occupation and in Support of the Iraqi Resistance

Iraqi Patriotic Alliance invites for preparatory meetingThe Iraqi Patriotic Alliance, component of the Iraqi Resistance, proposes to hold a demonstration against occupation and in support of the Iraqi Resistance here in Porto Alegre, Brazil. The protest action should take place on Sunday, 30th January, denouncing at also the faked elections in Iraq which only serve to legitimize the US puppet regime.We thus invite all anti-imperialist forces to participate in the preparatory meeting on the 27th of January, 2 pm, in the premises of the union SINDSERF-RS, Bento Martins, 24, 9th story close to the campus of the WSF (sector B) in order to commonly convoke the protest.Sammi Alaa, representative of the Iraqi Patriotic AllianceBrazilian mobile … [read more]

Open letter to World Social Forum on Occupation of Iraq

by Int`l Action Center, USAWe appeal to the participants in the World Social Forum to endorse worldwide actions on March 19-20 to immediately end the criminal occupation of Iraq, to express solidarity with the courageous Iraqi resistance that has derailed the U.S. Empire, and to join in spirit and in deed to create a forum at the WSF for those in solidarity with the resistance.ACTION: Should the WSF remain limited to talk of how to make "another world" possible? This undervalues the WSF´s potential. The Social Forums have already inspired action. The high point: the call out of Florence in November 2002 and its endorsement in January 2003 at the WSF in Porto Alegre. These led to millions taking the streets in January, February and March 2003. These actions built real solidarity between … [read more]

The Hague Proceedings against Slobodan Milosevic

Int`l Conference, The Hague, 26 Feb 205First AnnouncementI n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c eThe Hague Proceedings against Slobodan Milosevic:Emerging Issues in International LawThe Hague, 26 February 2005The idea of international law – in particular international criminal law – is undeniably appealing to jurists and non-lawyers alike, as generations have sought to establish a permanent criminal jurisdiction to prosecute war crimes in the wake of the Nuremberg and Tokyo trials. Beyond the prosecution of the crimes that are committed in war, however, the Nuremberg precedent clearly articulates that the supreme international crime is the instigation of a war of aggression. Indeed, the Nuremberg Tribunal held that:"War is essentially an evil thing. Its consequences are not … [read more]

Proposals for a new Anti-imperialism

From the Social Forum to an Anti-imperialist Forum
There is no doubt that the movement against globalisation has constituted for the last decade an opposition force to the mono-polar capitalist world which developed out of the bi-polar set-up of the Cold War period. However, faced with its incapacity to point out strategic parameters in order to turn into a force of resistance to concrete imperialism of Yankee domination, we find ourselves in front of two challenges.
Firstly we have to explain both the factors which allowed the temporary success of the anti-globalisation movement in unifying very diverse forces and its political failure to develop into an anti-imperialist resistance force. Secondly we have to outline the possibilities of going beyond the anti-globalisation movement towards a movement prepared to resist the central pillar of world capitalism in the next period, Yankee imperialism.Empire, globalisation and "trans-national" struggleEconomic globalisation and the global politico-military-cultural domination of the US are the two sides of the same medal. With the forced opening of the markets we are witnessing the transformation of the nation states – not only those of the oppressed countries but also of the European metropolises – … [read more]

Boycott the illegal Iraqi elections

Iraqi Patriotic AllianceIraqi Patriotic Alliance on the "election" Almost two years have now passed since the brutal imperialist war against Iraq was waged and the subsequent occupation of the country began. Both the administrations of Bush and Blair started this war by using the false pretexts that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction and had terrorist links with Al-Qaida. This aggression has resulted in hundred of thousands of martyrs and wounded civilians and the total destruction of the infrastructure. It has resulted in the demolishment of the old and new civilization of Iraq, where national museums were looted and destroyed; libraries were burned and scientific institutions destroyed. The thirteen years of sanctions and the more than one and a half million dead Iraqis were … [read more]

Preparatory meeting for int`l conference

Support to Iraqi ResistanceInvitation to a preparatory meeting to hold an international conferenceIn solidarity with Iraqi people´s resistance against imperialist occupation and plunderFebruary 13, 2005, Frankfurt, GermanyIn March 2003, the US and its imperialist allies under the pretext of "war against terror" and raising the bogus dangers of weapons of mass destruction, attacked and occupied Iraq. The attack against Iraq more than a policy of causing regime change was an attack against the people of Iraq and the region and was designed to advance US imperialist agenda in the Middle East.The ensuing rise in the resistance of the Iraqi people against occupation and rendering heavy blows against the forces of the US and its allies has severely hampered and blocked the advance of the US … [read more]

Defend the Palestinian people and its right to resist!

Solidarity delegation to PalestineIn September 2000, the second Intifada, a new uprising of the Palestinian people against the Israeli occupation, broke out. Its immediate cause had been a provocation by today´s Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. However, it was the Palestinian´s people anger over the undelivered promises of the Oslo peace treaty that exploded in this uprising. Since then, the situation in Palestine has been aggravating. Thousands have been killed, tens of thousands injured. Daily life means permanent curfews, closures and state of emergency, destruction of houses, schools and hospitals, land and plantations. On the other hand, the Palestinians´ ongoing resistance increasingly puts pressure on the Israeli government. In Europe, however, public opinion has been … [read more]

Jarrai-Haika-Segi Trial Dossier

THE JARRAI-HAIKA-SEGI TRIAL DOSSIER0. - INTRODUCTIONThe aim of this report is to explain the judicial attack on the Basque Pro-independence revolu-tionary youth organisations Haika and Segi. The judicial measures taken against Haika and Segi respond to specific political aims, therefore, we believe it is necessary to explain the politi-cal reasons impelling the Spanish and French states, as well as the details of the judicial proce-dure.1. - CASE 18/98Baltasar Garzà³n, judge of the 5th court of the National High Court (Audiencia Nacional) initiated the case 18/98. Later, judge Garzà³n started some other cases using the same arguments. So, nowadays the Audiencia Nacional has some cases connected: case 18/98, case Jarrai-Haika-Segi, case Pro-Amnesty Movement,...The theory of Garzà³n … [read more]

After the Tsunami: Stop the flow of the US Empire!

Lars Akerhaug, NorwayAt the same time as the tsunami has ravaged societies and whole nations, the imperialist powers are utilizing the situation to spread their arms over south and south-east Asia. Warmonger Colin Powel sees this situation as a moment to "win the Muslim world". As soon as possible the US empire marched its forces to be deployed in the Indian ocean, where it already has bases and troops to support despotic and cruel governments like the Indonesian terrorist regime and the Arroyo regime of the Philippines (responsible of numerous massacres on workers, peasants and political activists only the recent years).In Aceh the plans for US dominance comes in the shape of supporting a band of "Islamists", government bands sent to the province of Aceh to suppress its citizens.One of … [read more]

"First national liberation, than democracy"

Interview with Sammi Alaa, Iraqi Patriotic Alliance, on the results of the WSF in porto Alegre and the need of an International Anti-imperialist ForumQ: Why did you come to the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre?We have been discussing with our colleagues of the Anti-imperialist Camp and the network of Free Iraq Committees in Europe whether it was worthwhile to attend. We eventually decided to form a common delegation "Support the Iraqi Resistance" unifying our efforts to address the anti-imperialist forces within the WSF´s participants. We did so because we do not agree to the official agenda of the WSF which is concentrated in the slogans "no to war, no to violence" and "another world is possible". This does not make any sense in the reality of the world today. Imperialism is waging an … [read more]

Pakistani protest against fake Iraqi elections

Pakistan Workers Peasants´ Party organized a procession rally in Charsadda against American designed pseudo elections. President of worker peasant party addressed thousand of workers and peasant´s . He said that so called election in Iraq is ill designed of imperialist forces. He said that Pakistan workers peasants´ party stands with peoples of Iraq and demands with drawl of American army. He stressed that the US and other imperialist forces stand quit Iraq and liberation of is the only solution for peace in Iraq. Thousand of workers, peasants and student were raising slogan in the favor of the struggle of Iraqi people the entire atmosphere was filled with slogan. LONG LIVE THE PEOPLES OF IRAQ LONGLIVE REVOLUTION … [read more]

Anti-globalist protest in Moscow for Iraqi Resistance

The All-Russian Anti-globalist Forum was held in Moscow on January 29. The participants represented the anti-globalist groups from many regions of Russia (Moscow and Moscow district, S-Petersburg, Voronezh, Novosibirsk, Chukotka and others), and from Kiev (Ukraine). Besides the parties and movements taking part in Anti-globalist resistance there were representatives of the Orthodox antiglobalist organisation and the leaders of the group Alternatives. The Anti-globalist Manifest was subscribed.The participants took part in the meeting against reforms in Russia and in the meeting against the agressive politics of the USA, supporting the Iraqi people, that was held on January 30 near the the ministery of Foreign Affairs. About 30 representatives of delegations from Moscow, Moscow district, … [read more]

Norwegian protest against Iraqi elections

Dear friends of the Free Iraqi comittees and initiatives in Europe,dear Iraqi comradesWe write to inform that we today (Jan 29) took action against the shamelections in Oslo, Norway. Although our action today is modest, webelieve these actions are still important to focus on the totallyincoherence between occupation and democracy in Iraq. Thus, we handout leaflets asking people to take a stand on wether they would havevoted in elections similar to the life of occupation under NaziGermany in the WWII, at a picket outside parliament.Lars … [read more]

Jordanian Govt attacks anti-Zionist anti-Occupation forces

by Dr. Hisham Bustani The Jordanian Government attacks the Union of Professional Associations (UPA) over its anti-Zionist anti-Occupation Positions A report by: Dr. Hisham Bustani - Member of the Liberties Committee and the anti-Normalization Committee of the UPA Amman, Friday January 28, 2005 The Union of Professional Associations (UPA) is a coordination body between 14 Jordanian professional associations, namely the associations of: Lawyers, Dentists, Physicians, Pharmacists, Engineers, Agricultural Engineers, Journalists, Geologists, Veterinarians, Nurses, Contractors, Artists, Writers and Accountants. Its membership exceeds 120,000 members. It is by far the largest civil society organization in Jordan, its leadership being elected by the General Assemblies every two or three years … [read more]

Iraqi Resistance demo challenges WSF in Porto Alegre

Sammi Alaa, Jawad al-Khalisi denouce elections, call for resistanceSome five hundred people took to the streets on January 30 in Porto Alegre, Brazil, under the central slogan "End the occupation, support the Iraqi Resistance". They followed the call of two dozen Brazilian and international organisations to protest the election farce taking place in Iraq on the same day with the only aim to give legitimacy to the illegitimate occupation. The demonstration was initiated by a delegation in support of the Iraqi resistance composed of Sammi Alaa (Iraqi Patriotic Alliance), Willi Langthaler (Anti-imperialist Camp) and Mariagrazia Ardizzone (Free Iraq Committees Italy).The main speakers were Alaa and Sheikh Jawad al-Khalisi, renown Muslim scholar and leader of a transconfesional multi-party … [read more]

Turkish protests against the fake Iraqi elections

US OCCUPATION CANNOT BE LEGITIMATED BY ELECTIONSIn Taksim Square, Istanbul, a group of Ozgur-Der (the Free Thought and Educational Rights Association) members have gathered to protest the elections in Iraq this weekend. Despite the heavy rain, a lot of people attended the demonstration in which Ozgur-Der has made a press release.In the press release, it has been stated that the elections which will be held on Sunday is a trick to deceive the public opinion all around the world because the occupation of the USA has still been continuing inIraq. Iraqi people have been struggling against the USA to defend their rights. No election has validity before the occupation ends. It is known that the candidates have been chosen by the USA government. It is clearthat all the candidates collaborating … [read more]

Stop the occupation, support the Iraqi resistance

Call for a demonstration in Porto Alegre, January 3011:00 - Concentraà§à£o no Gasà´metro, setor D Passeata na Avenida Beira Rio atà© o anfiteatro Pà´r do Sol.The occupation of Iraq is part of the imperialist war waged by the US and its allies in order to secure capitalist globalization and plunder. The US aggression, which started in 1991, embargo genocide and since 2003 more than 300.000 people killed, 100.000 political prisoners and the most barbaric forms of torture. The occupation did not only lead to the complete destruction of the Iraqi society and state, but also further increased social misery and starvation.The Iraqi people is raising a heroic resistance against the occupation defending the right of national liberation and self-determination. Resistance against foreign … [read more]

Press conference with Sammi Alaa in Porto Alegre

On the political prisoners and the resistance in IraqJanuary 27, 11 amCentro Cultural World Social ForumSala 209 (sala de coletivos)Sector D Sammi Alaa, represetative of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance (IPA), component of the Iraqi resistance, will address the question of the tens of thousands political and war prisoners unaccounted for by the US occupation force and its local puppets. As an emblematic case he will elaborate on the IPA`s president Abduljabber al-Kubaysi. Kubaysi, who is know for his engagement to form a broad political front of the all resistance forces, has been kidnapped by the US army in Baghdad on September 3, 2004. Since then there is no news about him as the occupation authorities refuse any comment. In fact Kubaysi has the status of a disappeared.Sammi Alaa will also … [read more]

Open letter to the World Social Forum

by Freedom Socialist Party, U.S. and AustraliaVictory to the Iraqi resistance against military and economic occupation The Freedom Socialist Party`s delegation to the World Social Forum unreservedly supports the call for an international conference in Europe to build support for the Iraqi people`s resistance to occupation. We are joined in this by a representative of Radical Women, our associate organization. In addition, we together urge the participants of the World Social Forum to endorse and help organize worldwide antiwar actions on March 19 and 20. The naked truth is that U.S. corporations and their arrogant servants in government are not bound by laws or decency to do anything that does not serve their interests. Entire cities in Iraq have been ravaged and hundreds of thousands of … [read more]

"We must stand on our own feet building a World Anti-imperialist Forum"

Interview with Darshan Pal, President of the All Indian People´s Resistance Forum and convenor of Mumbai Resistance 2004Q: Now is one year ago that Mumbai Resistance (MR) took place as an open anti-imperialist gathering in parallel to the World Social Forum (WSF). What are the results so far?A: For India MR was really the beginning of a process of a broad united front. Different organizations and forces are joining hands in a way which is unprecedented. So we were able continue the campaign against imperialist globalisation strongly affecting the Indian people. In last October we had a follow-up congress in Calcutta where a co-ordination committee was formed. But we keep the process open and want to reach out to other forces which still remain within the WSF.Regarding the international … [read more]

Porto Alegre: Demo against Occupation and in Support of the Iraqi Resistance

Iraqi Patriotic Alliance invites for preparatory meetingThe Iraqi Patriotic Alliance, component of the Iraqi Resistance, proposes to hold a demonstration against occupation and in support of the Iraqi Resistance here in Porto Alegre, Brazil. The protest action should take place on Sunday, 30th January, denouncing at also the faked elections in Iraq which only serve to legitimize the US puppet regime.We thus invite all anti-imperialist forces to participate in the preparatory meeting on the 27th of January, 2 pm, in the premises of the union SINDSERF-RS, Bento Martins, 24, 9th story close to the campus of the WSF (sector B) in order to commonly convoke the protest.Sammi Alaa, representative of the Iraqi Patriotic AllianceBrazilian mobile … [read more]

Open letter to World Social Forum on Occupation of Iraq

by Int`l Action Center, USAWe appeal to the participants in the World Social Forum to endorse worldwide actions on March 19-20 to immediately end the criminal occupation of Iraq, to express solidarity with the courageous Iraqi resistance that has derailed the U.S. Empire, and to join in spirit and in deed to create a forum at the WSF for those in solidarity with the resistance.ACTION: Should the WSF remain limited to talk of how to make "another world" possible? This undervalues the WSF´s potential. The Social Forums have already inspired action. The high point: the call out of Florence in November 2002 and its endorsement in January 2003 at the WSF in Porto Alegre. These led to millions taking the streets in January, February and March 2003. These actions built real solidarity between … [read more]

The Hague Proceedings against Slobodan Milosevic

Int`l Conference, The Hague, 26 Feb 205First AnnouncementI n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c eThe Hague Proceedings against Slobodan Milosevic:Emerging Issues in International LawThe Hague, 26 February 2005The idea of international law – in particular international criminal law – is undeniably appealing to jurists and non-lawyers alike, as generations have sought to establish a permanent criminal jurisdiction to prosecute war crimes in the wake of the Nuremberg and Tokyo trials. Beyond the prosecution of the crimes that are committed in war, however, the Nuremberg precedent clearly articulates that the supreme international crime is the instigation of a war of aggression. Indeed, the Nuremberg Tribunal held that:"War is essentially an evil thing. Its consequences are not … [read more]

Proposals for a new Anti-imperialism

From the Social Forum to an Anti-imperialist Forum
There is no doubt that the movement against globalisation has constituted for the last decade an opposition force to the mono-polar capitalist world which developed out of the bi-polar set-up of the Cold War period. However, faced with its incapacity to point out strategic parameters in order to turn into a force of resistance to concrete imperialism of Yankee domination, we find ourselves in front of two challenges.
Firstly we have to explain both the factors which allowed the temporary success of the anti-globalisation movement in unifying very diverse forces and its political failure to develop into an anti-imperialist resistance force. Secondly we have to outline the possibilities of going beyond the anti-globalisation movement towards a movement prepared to resist the central pillar of world capitalism in the next period, Yankee imperialism.Empire, globalisation and "trans-national" struggleEconomic globalisation and the global politico-military-cultural domination of the US are the two sides of the same medal. With the forced opening of the markets we are witnessing the transformation of the nation states – not only those of the oppressed countries but also of the European metropolises – … [read more]

Boycott the illegal Iraqi elections

Iraqi Patriotic AllianceIraqi Patriotic Alliance on the "election" Almost two years have now passed since the brutal imperialist war against Iraq was waged and the subsequent occupation of the country began. Both the administrations of Bush and Blair started this war by using the false pretexts that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction and had terrorist links with Al-Qaida. This aggression has resulted in hundred of thousands of martyrs and wounded civilians and the total destruction of the infrastructure. It has resulted in the demolishment of the old and new civilization of Iraq, where national museums were looted and destroyed; libraries were burned and scientific institutions destroyed. The thirteen years of sanctions and the more than one and a half million dead Iraqis were … [read more]

Preparatory meeting for int`l conference

Support to Iraqi ResistanceInvitation to a preparatory meeting to hold an international conferenceIn solidarity with Iraqi people´s resistance against imperialist occupation and plunderFebruary 13, 2005, Frankfurt, GermanyIn March 2003, the US and its imperialist allies under the pretext of "war against terror" and raising the bogus dangers of weapons of mass destruction, attacked and occupied Iraq. The attack against Iraq more than a policy of causing regime change was an attack against the people of Iraq and the region and was designed to advance US imperialist agenda in the Middle East.The ensuing rise in the resistance of the Iraqi people against occupation and rendering heavy blows against the forces of the US and its allies has severely hampered and blocked the advance of the US … [read more]

Defend the Palestinian people and its right to resist!

Solidarity delegation to PalestineIn September 2000, the second Intifada, a new uprising of the Palestinian people against the Israeli occupation, broke out. Its immediate cause had been a provocation by today´s Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. However, it was the Palestinian´s people anger over the undelivered promises of the Oslo peace treaty that exploded in this uprising. Since then, the situation in Palestine has been aggravating. Thousands have been killed, tens of thousands injured. Daily life means permanent curfews, closures and state of emergency, destruction of houses, schools and hospitals, land and plantations. On the other hand, the Palestinians´ ongoing resistance increasingly puts pressure on the Israeli government. In Europe, however, public opinion has been … [read more]

Jarrai-Haika-Segi Trial Dossier

THE JARRAI-HAIKA-SEGI TRIAL DOSSIER0. - INTRODUCTIONThe aim of this report is to explain the judicial attack on the Basque Pro-independence revolu-tionary youth organisations Haika and Segi. The judicial measures taken against Haika and Segi respond to specific political aims, therefore, we believe it is necessary to explain the politi-cal reasons impelling the Spanish and French states, as well as the details of the judicial proce-dure.1. - CASE 18/98Baltasar Garzà³n, judge of the 5th court of the National High Court (Audiencia Nacional) initiated the case 18/98. Later, judge Garzà³n started some other cases using the same arguments. So, nowadays the Audiencia Nacional has some cases connected: case 18/98, case Jarrai-Haika-Segi, case Pro-Amnesty Movement,...The theory of Garzà³n … [read more]

After the Tsunami: Stop the flow of the US Empire!

Lars Akerhaug, NorwayAt the same time as the tsunami has ravaged societies and whole nations, the imperialist powers are utilizing the situation to spread their arms over south and south-east Asia. Warmonger Colin Powel sees this situation as a moment to "win the Muslim world". As soon as possible the US empire marched its forces to be deployed in the Indian ocean, where it already has bases and troops to support despotic and cruel governments like the Indonesian terrorist regime and the Arroyo regime of the Philippines (responsible of numerous massacres on workers, peasants and political activists only the recent years).In Aceh the plans for US dominance comes in the shape of supporting a band of "Islamists", government bands sent to the province of Aceh to suppress its citizens.One of … [read more]