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An Appeal for Tsunami Relief Funds

All Indian People`s Resistance ForumAIPRF has been taking up relief work in Andhra Pradesh and Kerala for people affected in the Tsunami disaster that had struck South East Asia on 26th December, 2004. In India alone the casualties officially have crossed 15,000. Tsunami has caused a massive destruction of human life and sources of livelihood of millions of poor fisher folk and farmers on the coastal areas in three states.In Andhra Pradesh, hundreds of villages in Prakasam, Nellore and Godavari districts have been affected badly. Along the coastal line of Tamil Nadu and Kerala people were affected in a worst way. Unfortunately, our organisation is not in a position to work among the affected in Tamil Nadu where the devastation was the worst.It is impossible to fully restore the … [read more]

US military relief operations in Asia far worse than the tsunami

ILPS-Philippines ChapterJanuary 11, 2005The ILPS Philippines Chapter condemns the US for making political capital out of the catastrophic tsunami which engulfed a wide swath of Asia, including some parts of Africa, and killed 160,000 people.The ILPS Philippines Chapter denounces the crass opportunism expressed by US State Secretary Colin Powell when he said that the US military relief and aid that it is giving Aceh "should change the battered image of the US" around the globe after the its arrogant disregard of international public opinion against the invasion of Iraq. He likewise boasted that this aid is a manifestation of US "generosity" and "American values in action".Instead of sending skilled civilians, the US seized the opportunity to send an array of US warships, planes, … [read more]

Some thoughts and proposal about World Social Forums

Letter from Samir AminDear friends,On the eve of the fourth World Social Forum (Porto Alegre, January, 2005), I am calling your attention on some thoughts and proposals aimed at giving "the (alternative or anti globalization) movement" a greater actual impact.1. The "movement" already won a "moral" victory. "The world is not for sale". "Another world is possible" are not hollow slogans, but rather sound struggle watchwords that won over the sympathy of people´s opinion throughout the world.The "movement" in question is multifarious, and such specificity makes it strong, even though it makes it more difficult to focus on priority strategic goals. Winning important battles on specific issues, at national, regional and global levels, is the only way to make irreversible progress in the … [read more]

With the Resistance in Palestine and Iraq, Against Globalization, Imperialism and Zionism

3rd Cairo Conference, 24-27 March 2005International Campaign against US and Zionist OccupationAnnouncement and call for participationto all activists, popular committees, social movements, civil society organizations, research centers, trade unions, political groups and parties, and friends struggling against globalization, imperialism, Zionism and occupation, in Egypt, the Arab region and worldwide:The organizational committee (Egypt) for the 3rd Cairo Conference of the International Campaign against US and Zionist Occupation announces the beginning of the preparations for the conference, which will take place between the 24th and 27th of March 2005, under the slogan "With the resistance in Palestine and Iraq, and against globalization, imperialism and Zionism". The objective of the … [read more]

GAM of Aceh call for ceasefire

Islamic militants denounced as army sponsoredPRESS RELEASERegarding the Islamic Defenders Front and the Indonesia Mujahidin Council in Acheh The government of Acheh in exile, the PNA/ASNLF, deplores the arrival in Acheh of members of the thuggish so-called Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) and the terroristic Indonesia Mujahidin Council (MMI). The introduction of these organizations into Acheh at this most critical time squanders scarce resources by the Indonesian government which is better allocated to the victims of the recent tsunami. The FPI and MMI are not welcome in Acheh and have never been supported by the Achehnese people, nor has their presence been requested. The FPI has been involved in sectarian killings in Maluku and Central Sulawesi and illegal attacks against non-Muslims and … [read more]

Why Iraqis should boycott the election

by Prof. Mohammed Al-Obaidi*Forty-seven Iraqi political parties met on 17 November and made the decision to boycott the coming Iraq election. The People`s Struggle Movement (Al-Kifah al-Shabi), which I represent, was one of those groups.After carefully studying Iraq`s situation, considering the military occupation as well as economic and national interests, we felt there were enough reasons for any patriotic Iraqi to boycott the proposed January election. It is a violation of all international laws. International charters that regulate the relationship between occupiers and occupied do not give occupying authorities the mandate to instigate a change in the country`s social, economic and political structure. The planned election will change the political composition of Iraq to suit the … [read more]

Against the so called elections in Iraq

Greek Initiative for Solidarity to Iraqi ResistanceCall for Co-ordination Against the so called electionsAgainst the legalization of occupationSolidarity and support until the final victory of the Iraqi ResistanceThe operation "general elections" organized by American and British forces of occupation on Sunday 30 January in Iraq, using their puppet representative Alawi but mainly using barbarous means of extermination as we sow recently in Falutza is another attempt for legalization of the imperialist invasion and occupation of Iraq.At this critical moment, the anti-war movement in Europe and all over the world, which flooded in millions the planet demonstrating against the invasion must stand overtly beside the Iraqi resistance. All anti-war activists have to condemn the farce of … [read more]

Deviations in the Maoist Revolutionary Camp in India

by Harsh Thakor1. Introduction.Being a semi-colonial and semi-feudal Country feudalism is the principal contradiction in India which is not a neo-colony like Latin American Countries.In India we have plain areas,forests big cities and towns and though there is capitalist development ,especially after the globalisation era the mode of production is principally semi-feudal True India has characteristics different from China and a military line has to be developed unique to it´s own conditions.However conditions exist whereby the Thought of Mao Tse Tung can be applied taking into account the co-relation of forces between the rural areas and he towns and big cities.Here is an essay principally explaining the deviations within the Revolutionary Camp in India,explaining the left sectarian … [read more]

The Iraqi Resistance in Porto Alegre

Call to the anti-imperialist wing of the anti-globalisation movementDespite the fact that the leadership of the World Social Forum (WSF) failed to support the Iraqi resistance, their representatives together with activists of the solidarity movement will be present.We go to Brazil in order to address the consequent parts of the anti-globalisation movement demanding their active and decided support for the resistance of the Iraqi people against the Anglo-American invaders. The battle raging in Iraq is of utmost historic relevance not only because the legitimacy of the struggle for national self-determination against imperialist occupation. Actually in Iraq the very American Empire is at stake, for the war waged against the embargo-torn country is the empire`s inauguration. If the … [read more]

Disappeared – desaparecido

International appeal against the methods of extermination employed by the occupants in IraqThe Iraqi people is resisting the US-led occupation by all means. According to authoritative sources, like for example the medical review "The Lancet", more than 100.000 Iraqis have been killed since the beginning of the aggression. It is an announced blood bath, a massacre which recently climaxed in the extermination of Falluja, the martyr city, on which the US has inflicted a new Hiroshima.Despite this systematic terror of the occupation the Iraqi people does not give up its tenacious resistance. Sooner or later the occupants will be defeated and will have to leave. History will give reason to those who struggle for their own dignity, for their liberation. The Iraqi resistance is raising the … [read more]

Free Tali Fahima!

In Israeli prison for "assisting the enemy"On Sunday December 26, 2004, Tali Fahima was indicted in a Tel Aviv District Court on the following charges:"Assisting an enemy in wartime; passing information to the enemy and for the latter´s benefit, contact with a foreign agent, illegal handling of a weapon, supporting a terrorist organization, and violating a legal order."These menacing charges, which if "proven" can lead to a sentence of years in prison, are based on the suspicion that Tali translated and explained the contents of an IDF document to activists with the Al-Aqsa Martyrs´ Brigades in Jenin Refugee Camp. The document, left behind by the IDF after a military incursion into the camp, detailed an operation aimed at arresting and/or killing the "wanted" men named in it. "In light … [read more]

Tsunami: U.S. government failed to warn region

by International Action Center, U.S.Although the local governments had no real warning, the U.S. government did, and it failed to pass along the information. Within minutes of the massive 9.0 magnitude earthquake off the coast of Indonesia, U.S. scientists working with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) suspected that a deadly wave was spreading through the Indian Ocean. They did not call anyone in the governments in the area. Jeff LaDouce, an official in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, said that they e-mailed Indonesian officials, but said that he wasn´t aware what happened after they sent the e-mails.In this day of instant communications, controlled in a large part by the U.S., it is possible to communicate within minutes to every part of the … [read more]

Who is Abduljabbar Suleiman AlKubaysi?

by Nada Al-Rubaiee, Iraqi Patriotic AllianceAbduljabbar Suleiman AlKubaysi born in 1943 in AlKubays district in AlRumady province in Iraq. After finishing his secondary school and joining Ba´ath party (in 1960) AlKubaysi got a scholarship to study oil engineering in the American university in Beirut/ Lebanon. After finishing his study in Lebanon he went back to Iraq and started working in the southern and medium areas in oil-rich provinces. During that, he was getting higher positions in the Ba´ath party until the party was divided in 1966. AlKubaysi joined the left part of the Ba´ath, which was a reason to arrest him in 1970. In 1976 AlKubaysi left Iraq to Egypt and then to Syria where he took the responsibility of the National Leadership of the Ba´ath party (Iraq section) in … [read more]

Italy: Parliamentary Enquiry on whereabouts of Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi

We are herewith publishing a Parliamentary Enquiry to the Italian Ministry of External Affairs on the question of political prisoners in Iraq and Jabbar Al-Kubaysi in particular. The enquiry was presented by Mauro Bulgarelli, deputate of the "Verdi", Italy´s green party.Enquiry for written response 4-12112Presented by Mauro Bugarelli, Thusday, 17th of december 2004Parliamentary session no. 562To the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Given the following information:various international humanitarian organisations, including Amnesty International and the International Red Cross, have been denouncing for some time now, that in Iraq there are detained tens of thousands, often in inhuman conditions, often women or youth of very young age, under the accuse of being part of the Iraqi resistance; of … [read more]

What is it happening in the Basque Country?

by Iñaki Gil de San Vicente Practically since the beginning of the XXI century, just in the middle of PP´s repression against anything linked to the Basque Country, we began to notice the Basque pro-independence left ability to recuperate itself from closures, prohibitions, banning, police raids, razzes, the arrest of dozens of its members, tortures, imprisonments, and even deaths. Since then and with a mixture of erudite ignorance and uncertainty hidden behind the chauvinism and the spoilt high-handedness of those who from Madrid observes what is happening in "the provinces", the question of what is going on in "the north" goes from disdain to astonishment and from here to concern.The truth is, without going back much in time, that this question had already been faced by the Jacobins … [read more]

Pro-Iraqi resistance forces in Spain intervene for Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi

A delegation of the Spanish "State-wide campaign against the Occupation and for the Sovereignty of Iraq" (CEOSI) met on December 20, 2004 with Alberto Moreno Humet, sub-secretary of the Foreign ministry responsible for North Africa and the Middle East. The government was asked to take all necessary steps to inquire into the kidnapping of Abdeljabbar al-Kubaysi. The representatives of the authorities promised to do so.In autumn a similar intervention took place in France as well as in front of the European parliament.Full report in Spanish: … [read more]

Massacre of Falluja de-masks electoral farce

Interview with Sammi AlaaSammi Alaa, 38, is an Iraqi communist who had to fly from Iraq and took refuge in Denmark. Facing the support of the Iraqi Communist Party to the imperialist aggression on his country including the embargo and the wars, he broke with his party and joined the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance gathering different currents of the democratic and anti-imperialist opposition to Saddam. Recently he was on a two-week tour through Italy initiated by the Free Iraq Committees in support of the Iraqi resistance.Q: Will the massacre of Falluja serve the strategic plans of the US occupation r might it backfire?R: We have to take into consideration that the crimes committed by the US army in Falluja exceed all what we have seen so far. In fact they did not fight a battle to smash the … [read more]

Political trial against organiser of Berlin´s "Islamist Congress" dropped

Islamophobia and anti-Arab baiting reaches new heights in GermanyFadi Madi, the main promoter of the "Arab Islamic Conference in Berlin" banned on the 20th of September 2004, was illegally deported to Lebanon two days before. The authorities legitimised their move with the claim that Madi would be "close to an association violating the penal code" without further elaborating. They did not even mention which association they intended. On the contrary, the ministry of interior of the state of Berlin explicitly conceded that no evedidence could be provided for the alleged connection with such an organisation.Eventually the preliminary proceedings in the case of Fadi Madi were closed by November 24. Not even the belongings of Madi have been searched. All this makes clear that the ban of the … [read more]

Waiting for your "defensive memorandum"

Open letter to the DHKC on the Italian April 1 arrestsOn the occasion of the Berlin symposium on isolationDear comrades,we would like to write this open letter because a clarification is necessary.We think that "the first of April" was an attack that Turkey and Italy agreed upon against two important, coherent, constant, anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist political organizations. We know and support the struggle of Turkish people against the military oligarchy that governs in Turkey. We know that this oligarchy is strongly pro-imperialist and pro-USA.The Italian government is pro-imperialist and pro-US too and this government wanted to attack the political organization that has been struggling most strongly against the black list and has been supporting the Iraqi people´s resistance … [read more]

Fallujah, an American gulag

Extract from atimes.comAccording to the International Organization on Migration, at least 210,600 Fallujans - more than 35,000 families - have been turned into refugees. Now the doomed city - reduced to a pile of rubble, but still closed by the Americans, with the resistance controlling at least 60% of it - is about to be turned into a concentration camp. This Pentagon-sponsored initiative will see Fallujans herded to "citizen processing centers", subjected to DNA testing and retina scans, and forced to wear badges with their home addresses at all times. Cars will be banned from the city: after all, they are the suicide bombers` weapon of choice. Male Fallujah civilians will be regimented in "military-style battalions" and, depending "on their skills" will "be assigned jobs in … [read more]

An Appeal for Tsunami Relief Funds

All Indian People`s Resistance ForumAIPRF has been taking up relief work in Andhra Pradesh and Kerala for people affected in the Tsunami disaster that had struck South East Asia on 26th December, 2004. In India alone the casualties officially have crossed 15,000. Tsunami has caused a massive destruction of human life and sources of livelihood of millions of poor fisher folk and farmers on the coastal areas in three states.In Andhra Pradesh, hundreds of villages in Prakasam, Nellore and Godavari districts have been affected badly. Along the coastal line of Tamil Nadu and Kerala people were affected in a worst way. Unfortunately, our organisation is not in a position to work among the affected in Tamil Nadu where the devastation was the worst.It is impossible to fully restore the … [read more]

US military relief operations in Asia far worse than the tsunami

ILPS-Philippines ChapterJanuary 11, 2005The ILPS Philippines Chapter condemns the US for making political capital out of the catastrophic tsunami which engulfed a wide swath of Asia, including some parts of Africa, and killed 160,000 people.The ILPS Philippines Chapter denounces the crass opportunism expressed by US State Secretary Colin Powell when he said that the US military relief and aid that it is giving Aceh "should change the battered image of the US" around the globe after the its arrogant disregard of international public opinion against the invasion of Iraq. He likewise boasted that this aid is a manifestation of US "generosity" and "American values in action".Instead of sending skilled civilians, the US seized the opportunity to send an array of US warships, planes, … [read more]

Some thoughts and proposal about World Social Forums

Letter from Samir AminDear friends,On the eve of the fourth World Social Forum (Porto Alegre, January, 2005), I am calling your attention on some thoughts and proposals aimed at giving "the (alternative or anti globalization) movement" a greater actual impact.1. The "movement" already won a "moral" victory. "The world is not for sale". "Another world is possible" are not hollow slogans, but rather sound struggle watchwords that won over the sympathy of people´s opinion throughout the world.The "movement" in question is multifarious, and such specificity makes it strong, even though it makes it more difficult to focus on priority strategic goals. Winning important battles on specific issues, at national, regional and global levels, is the only way to make irreversible progress in the … [read more]

With the Resistance in Palestine and Iraq, Against Globalization, Imperialism and Zionism

3rd Cairo Conference, 24-27 March 2005International Campaign against US and Zionist OccupationAnnouncement and call for participationto all activists, popular committees, social movements, civil society organizations, research centers, trade unions, political groups and parties, and friends struggling against globalization, imperialism, Zionism and occupation, in Egypt, the Arab region and worldwide:The organizational committee (Egypt) for the 3rd Cairo Conference of the International Campaign against US and Zionist Occupation announces the beginning of the preparations for the conference, which will take place between the 24th and 27th of March 2005, under the slogan "With the resistance in Palestine and Iraq, and against globalization, imperialism and Zionism". The objective of the … [read more]

GAM of Aceh call for ceasefire

Islamic militants denounced as army sponsoredPRESS RELEASERegarding the Islamic Defenders Front and the Indonesia Mujahidin Council in Acheh The government of Acheh in exile, the PNA/ASNLF, deplores the arrival in Acheh of members of the thuggish so-called Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) and the terroristic Indonesia Mujahidin Council (MMI). The introduction of these organizations into Acheh at this most critical time squanders scarce resources by the Indonesian government which is better allocated to the victims of the recent tsunami. The FPI and MMI are not welcome in Acheh and have never been supported by the Achehnese people, nor has their presence been requested. The FPI has been involved in sectarian killings in Maluku and Central Sulawesi and illegal attacks against non-Muslims and … [read more]

Why Iraqis should boycott the election

by Prof. Mohammed Al-Obaidi*Forty-seven Iraqi political parties met on 17 November and made the decision to boycott the coming Iraq election. The People`s Struggle Movement (Al-Kifah al-Shabi), which I represent, was one of those groups.After carefully studying Iraq`s situation, considering the military occupation as well as economic and national interests, we felt there were enough reasons for any patriotic Iraqi to boycott the proposed January election. It is a violation of all international laws. International charters that regulate the relationship between occupiers and occupied do not give occupying authorities the mandate to instigate a change in the country`s social, economic and political structure. The planned election will change the political composition of Iraq to suit the … [read more]

Against the so called elections in Iraq

Greek Initiative for Solidarity to Iraqi ResistanceCall for Co-ordination Against the so called electionsAgainst the legalization of occupationSolidarity and support until the final victory of the Iraqi ResistanceThe operation "general elections" organized by American and British forces of occupation on Sunday 30 January in Iraq, using their puppet representative Alawi but mainly using barbarous means of extermination as we sow recently in Falutza is another attempt for legalization of the imperialist invasion and occupation of Iraq.At this critical moment, the anti-war movement in Europe and all over the world, which flooded in millions the planet demonstrating against the invasion must stand overtly beside the Iraqi resistance. All anti-war activists have to condemn the farce of … [read more]

Deviations in the Maoist Revolutionary Camp in India

by Harsh Thakor1. Introduction.Being a semi-colonial and semi-feudal Country feudalism is the principal contradiction in India which is not a neo-colony like Latin American Countries.In India we have plain areas,forests big cities and towns and though there is capitalist development ,especially after the globalisation era the mode of production is principally semi-feudal True India has characteristics different from China and a military line has to be developed unique to it´s own conditions.However conditions exist whereby the Thought of Mao Tse Tung can be applied taking into account the co-relation of forces between the rural areas and he towns and big cities.Here is an essay principally explaining the deviations within the Revolutionary Camp in India,explaining the left sectarian … [read more]

The Iraqi Resistance in Porto Alegre

Call to the anti-imperialist wing of the anti-globalisation movementDespite the fact that the leadership of the World Social Forum (WSF) failed to support the Iraqi resistance, their representatives together with activists of the solidarity movement will be present.We go to Brazil in order to address the consequent parts of the anti-globalisation movement demanding their active and decided support for the resistance of the Iraqi people against the Anglo-American invaders. The battle raging in Iraq is of utmost historic relevance not only because the legitimacy of the struggle for national self-determination against imperialist occupation. Actually in Iraq the very American Empire is at stake, for the war waged against the embargo-torn country is the empire`s inauguration. If the … [read more]

Disappeared – desaparecido

International appeal against the methods of extermination employed by the occupants in IraqThe Iraqi people is resisting the US-led occupation by all means. According to authoritative sources, like for example the medical review "The Lancet", more than 100.000 Iraqis have been killed since the beginning of the aggression. It is an announced blood bath, a massacre which recently climaxed in the extermination of Falluja, the martyr city, on which the US has inflicted a new Hiroshima.Despite this systematic terror of the occupation the Iraqi people does not give up its tenacious resistance. Sooner or later the occupants will be defeated and will have to leave. History will give reason to those who struggle for their own dignity, for their liberation. The Iraqi resistance is raising the … [read more]

Free Tali Fahima!

In Israeli prison for "assisting the enemy"On Sunday December 26, 2004, Tali Fahima was indicted in a Tel Aviv District Court on the following charges:"Assisting an enemy in wartime; passing information to the enemy and for the latter´s benefit, contact with a foreign agent, illegal handling of a weapon, supporting a terrorist organization, and violating a legal order."These menacing charges, which if "proven" can lead to a sentence of years in prison, are based on the suspicion that Tali translated and explained the contents of an IDF document to activists with the Al-Aqsa Martyrs´ Brigades in Jenin Refugee Camp. The document, left behind by the IDF after a military incursion into the camp, detailed an operation aimed at arresting and/or killing the "wanted" men named in it. "In light … [read more]

Tsunami: U.S. government failed to warn region

by International Action Center, U.S.Although the local governments had no real warning, the U.S. government did, and it failed to pass along the information. Within minutes of the massive 9.0 magnitude earthquake off the coast of Indonesia, U.S. scientists working with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) suspected that a deadly wave was spreading through the Indian Ocean. They did not call anyone in the governments in the area. Jeff LaDouce, an official in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, said that they e-mailed Indonesian officials, but said that he wasn´t aware what happened after they sent the e-mails.In this day of instant communications, controlled in a large part by the U.S., it is possible to communicate within minutes to every part of the … [read more]

Who is Abduljabbar Suleiman AlKubaysi?

by Nada Al-Rubaiee, Iraqi Patriotic AllianceAbduljabbar Suleiman AlKubaysi born in 1943 in AlKubays district in AlRumady province in Iraq. After finishing his secondary school and joining Ba´ath party (in 1960) AlKubaysi got a scholarship to study oil engineering in the American university in Beirut/ Lebanon. After finishing his study in Lebanon he went back to Iraq and started working in the southern and medium areas in oil-rich provinces. During that, he was getting higher positions in the Ba´ath party until the party was divided in 1966. AlKubaysi joined the left part of the Ba´ath, which was a reason to arrest him in 1970. In 1976 AlKubaysi left Iraq to Egypt and then to Syria where he took the responsibility of the National Leadership of the Ba´ath party (Iraq section) in … [read more]

Italy: Parliamentary Enquiry on whereabouts of Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi

We are herewith publishing a Parliamentary Enquiry to the Italian Ministry of External Affairs on the question of political prisoners in Iraq and Jabbar Al-Kubaysi in particular. The enquiry was presented by Mauro Bulgarelli, deputate of the "Verdi", Italy´s green party.Enquiry for written response 4-12112Presented by Mauro Bugarelli, Thusday, 17th of december 2004Parliamentary session no. 562To the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Given the following information:various international humanitarian organisations, including Amnesty International and the International Red Cross, have been denouncing for some time now, that in Iraq there are detained tens of thousands, often in inhuman conditions, often women or youth of very young age, under the accuse of being part of the Iraqi resistance; of … [read more]

What is it happening in the Basque Country?

by Iñaki Gil de San Vicente Practically since the beginning of the XXI century, just in the middle of PP´s repression against anything linked to the Basque Country, we began to notice the Basque pro-independence left ability to recuperate itself from closures, prohibitions, banning, police raids, razzes, the arrest of dozens of its members, tortures, imprisonments, and even deaths. Since then and with a mixture of erudite ignorance and uncertainty hidden behind the chauvinism and the spoilt high-handedness of those who from Madrid observes what is happening in "the provinces", the question of what is going on in "the north" goes from disdain to astonishment and from here to concern.The truth is, without going back much in time, that this question had already been faced by the Jacobins … [read more]

Pro-Iraqi resistance forces in Spain intervene for Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi

A delegation of the Spanish "State-wide campaign against the Occupation and for the Sovereignty of Iraq" (CEOSI) met on December 20, 2004 with Alberto Moreno Humet, sub-secretary of the Foreign ministry responsible for North Africa and the Middle East. The government was asked to take all necessary steps to inquire into the kidnapping of Abdeljabbar al-Kubaysi. The representatives of the authorities promised to do so.In autumn a similar intervention took place in France as well as in front of the European parliament.Full report in Spanish: … [read more]

Massacre of Falluja de-masks electoral farce

Interview with Sammi AlaaSammi Alaa, 38, is an Iraqi communist who had to fly from Iraq and took refuge in Denmark. Facing the support of the Iraqi Communist Party to the imperialist aggression on his country including the embargo and the wars, he broke with his party and joined the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance gathering different currents of the democratic and anti-imperialist opposition to Saddam. Recently he was on a two-week tour through Italy initiated by the Free Iraq Committees in support of the Iraqi resistance.Q: Will the massacre of Falluja serve the strategic plans of the US occupation r might it backfire?R: We have to take into consideration that the crimes committed by the US army in Falluja exceed all what we have seen so far. In fact they did not fight a battle to smash the … [read more]

Political trial against organiser of Berlin´s "Islamist Congress" dropped

Islamophobia and anti-Arab baiting reaches new heights in GermanyFadi Madi, the main promoter of the "Arab Islamic Conference in Berlin" banned on the 20th of September 2004, was illegally deported to Lebanon two days before. The authorities legitimised their move with the claim that Madi would be "close to an association violating the penal code" without further elaborating. They did not even mention which association they intended. On the contrary, the ministry of interior of the state of Berlin explicitly conceded that no evedidence could be provided for the alleged connection with such an organisation.Eventually the preliminary proceedings in the case of Fadi Madi were closed by November 24. Not even the belongings of Madi have been searched. All this makes clear that the ban of the … [read more]

Waiting for your "defensive memorandum"

Open letter to the DHKC on the Italian April 1 arrestsOn the occasion of the Berlin symposium on isolationDear comrades,we would like to write this open letter because a clarification is necessary.We think that "the first of April" was an attack that Turkey and Italy agreed upon against two important, coherent, constant, anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist political organizations. We know and support the struggle of Turkish people against the military oligarchy that governs in Turkey. We know that this oligarchy is strongly pro-imperialist and pro-USA.The Italian government is pro-imperialist and pro-US too and this government wanted to attack the political organization that has been struggling most strongly against the black list and has been supporting the Iraqi people´s resistance … [read more]

Fallujah, an American gulag

Extract from atimes.comAccording to the International Organization on Migration, at least 210,600 Fallujans - more than 35,000 families - have been turned into refugees. Now the doomed city - reduced to a pile of rubble, but still closed by the Americans, with the resistance controlling at least 60% of it - is about to be turned into a concentration camp. This Pentagon-sponsored initiative will see Fallujans herded to "citizen processing centers", subjected to DNA testing and retina scans, and forced to wear badges with their home addresses at all times. Cars will be banned from the city: after all, they are the suicide bombers` weapon of choice. Male Fallujah civilians will be regimented in "military-style battalions" and, depending "on their skills" will "be assigned jobs in … [read more]